Time Changer | Full Movie | D. David Morin | Gavin MacLeod | Hal Linden | A Rich Christiano Film

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thomas Henry time to come in [Music] hold on there young man settle down I'm not wishing you any harm Roger where do you think you're going with those marbles wanted to play with them the marbles do not belong to you I need someone to play with young man it is wrong to steal items from other people like marbles Roger I'm sure that the children would be happy to share their marbles with you please return the marbles young man and you should apologize to mrs. Matthews and the children for this unjust act gentlemen as you all know our dr. Carlisle has authored a manuscript entitled the changing times his publisher has requested a statement by the seminary for the back cover of the book which they feel will aid in the books credibility and sales we have as you all know a strict policy any such endorsements by the board be unanimous now I regret to say that dr. Anderson is still recovering from his illness and will not be able to be with us unfortunately he is also informed me that as of two days ago he has yet still been unable to read the manuscript consequently his vote will be excused he did express deep disappointment and assured me that he would read it as soon as possible his Norris has helped them proving yes yes and his doctor says happily so he should be back teaching perhaps within the week did they ever find out what was wrong with the poor fellow not exactly no seems to have contracted some sort of infection that caused him to become delirious in a week Elle I have miss Norris he's certainly the most interesting professor to speak with amongst my peers thank you now gentlemen I suggest we all take a moment to express our opinion of the manuscript to dr. Carla you who have great courage Carlyle well if Daniel can face the Lions I am prepared to face this group insightful Russell excellent reading you have my endorsement very kind of you dr. Henry dr. Wiseman well despite several misspelled words and much bad grammar I have no objection Thank You dr. Wiseman the spelling we can correct but as for the bad grammar I'm afraid that now you were starting to encroach upon my style well we certainly would not want to encroach dr. Butler you have my a vote predicated on my receiving a complimentary copy I believe we can make those arrangements I to Russell found your work to be highly thought-provoking excellent scholarship good to be congratulated I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting gentlemen Loras what a surprise are you certain you're well enough to be oh yes thank you for your concern sir I came because I wanted to speak with Russell about his manuscript well yes we were just discussing it we all found it quite stimulating and certainly helpful to whomever might read it yes Russell's work shows great attention to detail and an impressive amount of research but I would like to speak to him privately pertaining to one matter certain you have difficulty with something doctor well there was just this one matter I'd like to clear up sir what do you not agree with Norris Russell please I would like you and I to discuss this privately first let us discuss it now we have no secrets here yes Norris I should like to hear your thoughts well I appreciate your interest gentlemen but I do not think this is the proper place for an open discussion no worry Norris I give you my permission Russell please I give you my permission if you wish one of the themes in dr. Carlisle's book is the encouragement to proclaim the moral standards taught by Jesus to all people and what is wrong with this premise and I am quoting from page 67 even if it is apart from his name and if people are rejecting the authority of Jesus Christ in their lives we must still teach the ways of Christ for the better interest of society the Lord's teachings are best for all the Lord's teachings are best for all you cannot be disagreeing with this statement Norris no what dr. Carlyle is implying is that we can put forth the standards of Christ apart from his name and I think this is deadly are you saying that it would be wrong to simply tell a boy not to steal if this is all the information we give the boy yes I believe it would be oh come now Norris without the authority of Christ mankind is merely left to compare ideas a morality becomes a matter of opinion one person says it is wrong to steal the next person says it is not no standard is set we need to tell this boy that the Lord Jesus Christ said not to steal well I agree this is best but we cannot always mention the name of Jesus it may not be received especially by those already offended by the church or brought up in another religion but Jesus is the authority behind his commands and people need to understand this fact if we remove his authority then we have no basis on which to command we understand what you're saying Norris but do you think you might have taken this thought to an extreme it is quoting a source without giving credit to the person who said it when we quote Shakespeare we always say Shakespeare said this it should be the same with the scripture observe the Old Testament is our example how often do we read when the prophets first say thus saith the Lord before they speak yes Norris however these moral standards taught universally would greatly benefit social behavior gentlemen gentlemen please hear me Satan is not against good morals he is opposed to Jesus Christ a man can have good morals his entire life yet you and I know he will go to hell when he dies it is Jesus Christ that everyone needs and that knows this more than all of us dr. Anderson Satan's goal is to remove the name of Christ from his commands and when we do this people are deceived into thinking that if they live a good life they will receive God's approval and attain heaven I think we can use morals to attract people to the Lord yes but the ultimate issue in Christianity is the authority of Christ and the devil is attacking this authority by convincing us to teach morals alone look at our families they are weakening records are showing that over 5% of marriages end in divorce and our young people are becoming more disrespectful now I believe that this is a direct result of eliminating the authority of Jesus Christ from his commands in the case of telling this boy not to steal if I cannot tell him that this command is from the Lord I would rather say nothing and let him steal and then perhaps someday he will sense his need for the Savior you could not possibly derived all of this from one statement Norris see whether the statement leads Russell I think you're taking it down your own path just nicely sir gentlemen dr. Anderson dr. Carlisle I strongly encourage you both to meet privately to resolve your differences and I pray you will allow the Lord to be your mediator when you are in agreement we will all reconvene until then let us commit this matter to prayer this meeting is adjourned you're gonna have a word with you very quite a few remember Russell I wanted to speak privately with you yes you did well looks as though you have your wish I would like you to come to my home tonight No thank you Norris there was something I must show you and what might this be your official written critique of my manuscript no nothing like that something you must see to believe I am surprised you will not endorse the book actually to be more accurate I am sure Russell I did say it was well researched but listen tell a boy not to steal is wrong if apart from the name of the Lord Russell there must be a connection between the Lord and his teachings we can never separate the two now I have invited you to my home to explain why I am saying this the others including the Dean have endorsed the book do you see yourself better than these fine men don't come now Russell why do you say such a thing and why must we discuss it at your home when I discuss the matter here and now no no this is not the place you must come to my home I will look for you this evening and if I shall not you must but Russell this endorsement will not only be helpful for your book but also beneficial to this seminary which needs continued exposure for the work being accomplished here yes but I do not think Norris will change his mind I would not give up so easily I encourage you to try to speak with Norris again or perhaps talk to the Dean to see if an exception can be made 15 would not wish to alienate anyone on the faculty staff nor infringe upon our friendship with Norris this is nothing personal against our good friend I just see this as a matter of standing up for something which you believe is important Norris will understand perhaps why would Norris wish to cause me this pain Norris is a wise and kind man he would never do anything with the intention of hurting you for some reason though he's trying to keep the seminary from endorsing the book you should go and speak with him you do remember he had taken ill the doctor said he'd become delirious Russell please go and speak with him you will feel better yes I believe his illness could be affecting his judgment [Music] the endorsement will also be beneficial for this seminary which needs continued exposure for the work being accomplished here this is my most diligent effort and an excellent effort it is as I have said III think it is extremely well written and the others did also if I may humbly say but I am not understanding dr. Anderson he has always supported my work in the past have you had the opportunity yet to meet with him to resolve this matter I spoke with him briefly yesterday in my classroom and he has asked for another meeting at his home and I do not foresee us coming to an agreement sir I see Sir I would like to ask for an exception to the unanimity rule by the board an exception yes why my receive the endorsement dr. I cannot change the policy such endorsements must be unanimous but it does seem a shame sir that because of one the work remains unpublished the work will not remain unpublished you may not receive the endorsement of the seminary but the work will not remain unpublished sir we both know it would greatly aid the work circulation and I would not wish to publish a book without the endorsement of my peers I appreciate your feelings sir perhaps norris's illness is still affecting his judgment dr. Carlyle well it is possible sir I'm afraid I can help you no further you did say so yourself sir thank you sir are you certain yes very certain it came to me last evening a 75% majority vote by the seminary Board of Directors can overrule any policy in place if we change the unanimous policy I would be certain to receive the seminary's endorsement I'm only pointing out a possibility yes and perhaps a solution but when this action appeared in Norris I am not intending to breach our friendship with Norris but I - in times past have questioned the unanimous policy in my mind it seems to me that we are not always going to see eye to eye on every last detail in our published works and it seems to me that we were not always going to see eye to eye and every last detail of our published works now as you know a 75% majority vote by the board can overrule any policy in place therefore I cannot personally see why dr. Anderson's disagreement should stand in the way of the seminary's endorsement no offense towards our mutual friend are you certain you wish to take this next step yes sir and I have counseled with another professor about the entire matter and who would this be I would rather not say sir well I shall endeavour to set up a meeting for the early part of next week thank you sir and I would strongly urge you to make one last effort to resolve your differences with dr. Anderson yes sir I will speak with him you look unhappy it appears the board will most likely change the policy yes but we may be too late the publisher is ready to take the book to printing and they're asking for the endorsement I may not be able to get the meeting assembled in time to get the statement I desire go and visit with Norris I'm sure the two of you can work this out no I do not think so Russell you promised a Dean I'm so glad you came Russell Norris my publisher is waiting to begin printing I'm sure you have a fine barn but we need to settle our misunderstanding quickly no what I want to tell you as well as show you must be kept secret no one must know do I have your word you have my word no one must know yes of course I'm sorry you never met my father Russell he was a godly man very committed to the Lord I'm familiar with John Anderson his articles on Science in the Bible or brilliant works but I came to you was also fascinated with inventing it was his hobby an inventor yes seems I've inherited his passion for it myself Horace please before my father went to be with the Lord he came upon an idea a theory something incredible he completed his project yet sadly died before he had a chance to test it why are you telling me this Russell the result of my father's work is this [Music] beautiful is it not what is this something incredible yes but what is it it is a singularity chrono displacement device I beg your pardon it's my father's technical term it is a transporter of sorts this machine can transport a person through time transport a person through time as in time travel this is impossible it is possible Russell my only regret is that my father never experienced time travel himself then how do you know it works I tested it you tested it you traveled through time yes I traveled over 100 years into the future over 100 years to the 20th another 21st century correct you this is an absurdity it is the truth for us so nowhere as time travel is impossible I'm afraid that your illness has affected your judgment more than I thought my friend time travel is possible what proof can you provide I tried to acquire some physical evidence but the machine will not allow me to bring anything back from the future and why not well I have reasons it was because the article would not yet exist it would be impossible for me to show you were coined from the 1950s before it was even minted of course it would not have been minted yet I see this is why I have arranged a journey for you a journey for me yes into the future oh come now Russell you must see where the teaching of good morals alone will lead you must see for yourself what happens when we remove the authority of Christ out of life you've gone way beyond reason here Norris this is all nonsense now you needn't worry about your wife or your classes when you leave tomorrow night you will return from the future just seconds after you had originally left it is impossible to travel through time and I shall not listen to these delusions any longer now if you'll excuse me please North Russell you must listen it's impossible to travel through time but it is possible good evening Norris Russell please [Music] good evening you must see for yourself what happens in the future and remember gentlemen science and scientific findings do not make the statements in the Bible true scripture is always true it never needs verification scientific support of the scripture only means that the science is true because we know that the scripture already is my advice to any scientist would be to make sure that his findings coincide with God's Word this is if he wants to be a good scientist tomorrow we shall speak on Jesus view of Scripture out of Matthew chapter 4 class dismissed amen Horace brings you here should be home resting I wanted to make sure you were coming by my home tonight everything is set you leave at eight o'clock eight o'clock yes well your journey my journey why do you persist you had me up half the night thinking on this absurdity necessary just still do not believe me do you honestly expect me to you I expect you to explore the possibility what possibility it is impossible to travel to travel through time and I will not be a part of any chest Russell we cannot continue our disagreement forever and you cannot continue this notion of time travel your journey will resolve all our differences Russell I am urging you come to my home tonight at eight o'clock I will not be coming you must lock gentleman dr. Carlisle I have just spoken with the other professors about the unanimous policy and they too are in agreement with us that it should be changed thank you but we may be too late oh they have just received a telegram from the publisher requesting the endorsement immediately as the book is ready to be taken to press however I heard from the Dean we may not be able to assemble a meeting for almost two weeks as one of the board members is away from the city I'm sorry to hear this yes this is a problem perhaps you could ask them to delay the printing until the meeting is assembled perhaps you could try at any rate you must try to speak with Norris again I'm afraid our friend Norris is not well and this will not end in my favor you must try Russell this may be your only remaining option I will speak with you later [Music] and you cannot continue this notion of time travel your journey will resolve all our differences Russell I am urging you to come to my home tonight [Music] I have arranged your journey said that you'll be arriving on a Saturday at noon and returning the following Wednesday evening at nine o'clock this will give you over four days in the future your entry point will be a remote alley in the city where I made my entry Norris you must be at that same point on Wednesday by 9 o'clock NORs please I have come to reason with this is a timing mechanism when it becomes 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday night it will activate the transporter and bring you back this is how I traveled alone dr. Anderson if you please I would not tell anyone you were from the past baloney caused difficulties and do not try to look up your own fate it is not for us to know not for us to know I insist you stop this nonsense right now and we sit down together and settle our differences Russell your journey into the future will settle all our differences here take this what is this coins coins yes you will need money for food and clothing and also for an inn in which to stay you can exchange those coins for modern currency when you arrive you will simply not believe the price of merchandise fortunately for you these coins are worth a lot of money where you're going is this sir this is a great opportunity for you you must see with your own eyes where the teaching of morals alone will lead no stay right there Horace in case you're wondering the machine works by stored rays and energy from the Sun bottled up and time released creates an electrical disturbance and acts as a transporter it has much more complex but we do not have time to discuss it now you have a journey to take Norris this silliness has gone far enough I wish I could go with you on your journey but I have yet to calculate a way to transport two travelers simultaneously but rest assured I will keep trying I'm about to leave yes my friend you are now observe one more piece of instruction while I was in the future I receive helpful information from a Christian woman who works as a librarian at the University Library her name is Michelle Bayne she knows who I am but not where I am from try to speak with her if you can't miss she'll name [Music] [Music] [Music] remember when Z tonight nine o'clock in the [Music] [Music] [Music] Norris Norris October 21st this cannot be [Music] [Music] [Music] so where did you get these old coins hey Kali gave them to me well they're beauties they are yeah they actually look like they're new yeah give me a second I'm afraid we can only give you this much for then mr. Carlisle Carlisle is this acceptable there must be some mistake this amount well yes very kind of you sir good well uh we'll just get the money for you and you can be on your way thank you sir and thank you for treating me in such a fair and Christian manner sure there you go mr. carlyle right this way Thank You Ricky sir key I trust you'll find these accommodations acceptable oh they're quite nice thank you very much keep in mind your television features a satellite hookup with over 150 channels for your viewing pleasure television plus you can receive over 100 radio stations through the TV all digital of course digital and we have an additional terminal right here next to the phone if you need to go online online of course you can also connect through the TV using this remote remote are you okay sir oh yes very well thank you well if there's nothing else I can do for you nothing else whatsoever you've been most helpful thank you so everything is satisfactory most satisfactory thank you because if there's anything you need oh I'm so sorry thank you so much for your hospitality sir you've been most kind thank you must have come in on a long trip huh one could say that suffering from a bit of jetlag I bet enjoy your stay jet lag [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me sir what is this device on your head this yes this is a radio man who have you been is someone communicating with you Shh bottom of the eighth two men on bottom of the eighth yeah the ball game baseball what do you need please allow me to introduce myself first I am Russell Carlisle and your name is Eddie Eddie Eddie Martinez pleasure meeting you mr. Martinez what do you need change change yeah for the machines no um actually I was hoping you could recommend a bible-believing Church nearby where one might attend a service tomorrow morning Church huh yes to attend a service tomorrow morning here you go let your fingers do the walking let your fingers do the walking I'm sorry I'm not familiar with this that's the yellow pages man everything you need from me to Z oh my may I ask were you attend church oh I ain't got no time to no church no time for God's people we all need accountability and encouragement from each other hey Eddie Martinez is a good guy you ask anybody yes this is important we should all strive to be good people towards our fellow man but if one separates oneself from a local fellowship of believers it makes it difficult to live for the Lord what are you man some kind of preacher no however I am a professor at a Bible Seminary perhaps the two of us could attend to service together Hey look I already told you I ain't got time for no church besides I got to work here tomorrow tomorrow on Sunday well there should be a day of rest where we enjoy fellowship with family friends and God's people Shh quite bases are loaded come on Gonzalez strike him out strike him out yes very nice to meet you as well Sam this is a beautiful sanctuary very different from that to which I am a custom yeah she's a beaut only couple years old there's your first time here yes yes it is it's a good place you'll like it here we've got plenty of activities to keep us hopping activities oh there's always something going on like tomorrow night our Sunday school groups gonna go catch a movie a movie I'm sorry I'm not familiar with this Oh almost every Monday night it's bargain night half price you should come with us good good way to meet people since you're new and all yes that's very kind of you to include me thank you I would like to join your group great meet us outside the church entrance about 6:30 we'll take the church ban a van very well then like I was saying Tuesday night is Church white visitation visitation yeah every Tuesday night we go visit people who are interested in learning more about our church how many people been showing up but it's there for those who are dedicated I see then Wednesday night we have supper and prayer service foods not bad this week we have a business meeting to talk about the new building project hey Anne Friday nights I got Church bowling league so I keep busy yes very busy indeed well thank you you have been most kind no problem hope see you tomorrow yes I plan to [Music] the Word of God is our light our guide and our trusted friend the Bible says the Word of God is profitable for teaching doctrine correction and training in righteousness you can trust in this book with your heart with your mind and with your soul [Music] yes I believe I'd like to try a hot dog what do you want on it sorry I want everything on it is this customary what's that this will be fine thank you how about a soda soda something to drink tea [Music] lady [Music] young lady young lady you dastan my hot dog how would you do such a thing I was just playing around mister well I would be happy to purchase one for your very own if you were hungry and in need of food here take your dog this is not a proper thing you have done it is important that you respect your elders that we be kind to one another I said I was just playing around it's no big deal oh but it is a very important matter you do understand that stealing is a sin says who the Lord says [Music] hi how may I help you are you the proprietor of this establishment the proprietor you mean the owner no he's not here he's my father how may I help you I would like to comment in regards to those women garments on display over there well I don't think they look very good on you I beg your pardon just kidding just a joke mister I know I know you know your wife wouldn't look just great in that outfit over there and you want to see if I can work out a special deal I think we can work something out I am not wishing to purchase that garment sir huh I do not know how this will be taken by you but I am sure this manner of dress arouses sinful passions and the customers as they walk by sinful passions yes sinful passions are promiscuity especially in the younger males we must be careful as to the example we portray to our young people for the goodness of all society sir I appreciate you voicing your opinion and I'll be sure to let my father know and I want to thank you but to be honest this is the first complaint we've had like this our customers most of them don't seem to mind this sort of thing okay hello again hey preacher man got himself some new threads huh threads yeah you know clothes rags ropa oh yes and I see you still enjoy listening to this device oh yes I do especially when we win and we won yesterday listen I wanted to UM is it Edward huh oh no no no it's just just that he just like it sounds Eddie ready Eddie you know all right then Eddie I wanted to speak with you again about the importance of attending a local church oh I go to church yeah Christmas Easter yes but we need to attend church more than two times a year for spiritual growth oh well you know at least they never been to the slammer slammer yeah the big house Jail clink clink man I thought my English was bad but Eddie we need consistent Bible study and fellowship if we were to become mature spiritual men Shh yeah Jesse go inside that just hit a double with two men on we're up three to two Eddie I'm attempting to talk to you about your spiritual life look preacher man with all due respect I ain't no angel but I ain't never cheated or lied or shot anybody ask people see my penis it's a good guy yes these are all important virtues Eddie but there's important that we do more than just not offend each other yeah we got another run we're up for two - yeah you stick around preacher man your good luck [Music] one more piece of instruction while I was in the future I received helpful information from a Christian woman who works as a librarian at the University Library her name is Michelle Bayne she knows who I am but not where I am from try to speak with her if you can Michelle Bayne how is mr. Anderson I haven't seen him in quite some time very well thank you although I am curious as to how you met her a mutual friend oh well he came in here one day uh gosh maybe six months ago he was doing some research and I helped him find some reference materials we started talking very nice man he's the Bible professor but you know yes I too am a professor Norris and I are colleagues oh well how did his experiment turn out sorry it's experiment he said it was part of a science experiment and he couldn't tell me where he's from or what it was really doing here yes the experiment I'm afraid Norris is still making his observations and has not yet made public his findings ah well he was very interested in biblical matters I'm a Christian too and he had a lot of questions about the spiritual state of the times so I tried to fill him in best I could yes like Norris I too am interested in these matters for example yesterday I attended a worship service in the large Church on Main Street I'm familiar with it hopefully will not find this offensive but by my observation there seemed to be boredom with the whole service with praise hymns hearing of God's Word everything although I did find the teaching to be accurate well I I can understand your concern personally I think this is an extremely critical time for the church insofar as evaluating our priorities sorry to interrupt Michelle you have a call on line to the State Office thanks I'm sorry mr. Carlyle I'd love to chat with you more but I gotta take that call why don't you come back tomorrow 1 o'clock that's when I have lunch we'll have time thank you I look forward to it good um may I ask who is this my secretary thank you have a nice evening sir I'm pardon me my good man could you recommend a good place to get a meal a meal what are you looking for a burger John a burger is good one light up the street damn it you know you dare all the time yes I believe I would like to try it it's a 50s diner you know real throwback 50s diner you know from the fifties burger shakes fries that kind of thing I'm sorry I'm not familiar with this you never seen a 50s diner smell with you you've been living in 1890s or something doesn't matter of fact to be probably on baby Hey look I'll be off and about how about me sir you should not be talking to this woman in this manner what's your wife's a wife I'm not married anymore anymore is she deceased deceased you mean dead I wish she was I wouldn't be paying all his alimony we're divorced divorced oh I'm very sorry sorry I'm happy except for the alimony she was driving me crazy people don't understand what I went through with this woman I mean dealing with her moods and her demands every day but the Lord hates divorce hey don't be dumping no guilt trip on me all right one out of two marriages get divorced these days it's not like I'm the only one besides it was her fault she was driving me crazy one out of two marriages ends in divorce this is 50% [Music] what do you have give me madam what do you have well then yes I would like this selection the number two please number two something to drink something to drink look you don't know how stirred my parents are seriously what is the worst thing that could happen well I come home with alcohol my breath my parents would kill me to stay at my house your parents won't say anything to you they'll be in bed way before we get home they'll never know don't worry it'll be fine are you sure yes I'm sure would you just trust me we're gonna have the best time okay Tommy's older brother telling the ladies excuse me but I could not help but overhear your conversation and I am shocked at what you were saying I could not believe you would want to deceive your parents in this manner and who are you mister and you're also speaking of consuming strong alcoholic drink which should be forbidden especially for your age right and so who do you think you are like our parents or something certainly not but I am someone who has a genuine concern for your welfare and I am your elder we should always conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity all right look you know what I am sick and tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do it's not like we're hurting anyone so why don't you just chill out perhaps you should be the party to chill out where's my tea [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop the movie you must stop this movie the man on the screen just bless him the name of the Lord there must be some mistake you must stop this movie this is an abomination thank you mr. carlyle are you all right I I still cannot comprehend how they could allow a player on the movie screen to blaspheme the name of the Lord it's not that big a deal Carlyle it's just a movie yes but to defame the name of our Lord it was a moral film the guy went back to his wife in the end yes but to speak so blatantly against the name of Jesus look buddy there's a lot worse movies we could have gone to see then perhaps it is better not to attend at all if this is the only selection this guy must be one of those legalists thinks all movies are sinful pardon me don't mind our husbands mr. Carlyle they think they're comedians yes they're only joking so where are you from I'm from here originally although I have been living away for quite some time now Oh whereabouts a place I do not think you were familiar with I will tell you this much it is in another time zone what brings you back here actually I am / taking in an experiment you're a scientist no no I'm a Bible professor by trade I teach science in the Bible and also a church history at the Grace Bible seminary Grace Bible seminary yes it's located on the corner of Spencer and downey streets Grace Bible seminary hmm I'm not familiar with it no you know Anne teaches science and chemistry at the high school yes I'd love to have you come talk to my class oh thank you but never for not oh you must the students would really enjoy it I'm only here for a few more days and I have no means of travel I'll be glad to pick you up and we can hear more about your experiment I best not oh the kids would love it yeah it'd be great for them to have somebody who's really in the field there's something strange about that guy what do you mean that's seminary you just talked about over on Spencer on Downey there's no seminary there it's an industrial park yeah that's right why would you say that I don't know like to find out what is a little experiment as though tell you what why don't you run him through the computer to Moore down at the station see what you find out just for fun [Music] [Music] I'm sharp hey I think I found something interesting on our new friend oh really I checked out that Grace Bible seminary where he said he worked oh yeah the one located in the middle of the industrial park yeah well it seems there used to be one in that exact location it moved across the state in 51 and there was a Russell Carlisle once employed there as a professor no kidding there's one catch though this Russell Carlisle has been dead since 36 1936 1936 what can't be the same guy this isn't making any sense I know what time is your wife picking up Carlisle to go to school today pick me up at 10:20 can you tell us a little more about the experiment you're working on well not as of yet for I am still making observations scientists are supposed to observe everything they can first then record their observations and then make public their findings you need some help man I'd be glad to skip school not at present but thank you kindly for your offer may I ask if you're familiar with the works of John Anderson John Anderson I don't believe I've heard of him he lived in the late 1800s brilliant mind probably some valuable information on the art of science and experimentation we'll have to locate his material yes please do his discoveries are fascinating the best part about mr. Anderson's work is how he relates everything to the Bible remember students if any scientific record contradicts the Scriptures it is a scientific finding that is an error the Scriptures are never wrong mr. Carlyle God's Holy Word is so trustworthy it is amazing how it is recorded scientific fact hundreds of years before science ever discovered them and has proven accurate 100% every time mr. Carlyle the Holy Scriptures students is always your most reliable science book mr. Carlyle yes mr. carlyle this is a public school you can't talk about religion in class I was not talking about religion I merely mentioned the accuracy of the Bible this school has rules no religious views expressed to the students no religion talk to the students No do you want me to lose my job lose your job of course not so be disastrous well okay then I'm sorry this has to end this way I'll just tell the students you had to leave thank you for coming Scott I travel light nothing in here either there's nothing in the drawers hey Rex Taylor this what the Bible note given to Russell in honor of his high school graduation love mother and father June 23rd 1865 1865 and I just simply mentioned the Bible I meant no harm by it and the teacher informed me that she could lose her job over the matter well our nation is no longer built on the biblical principles set forth by our forefathers we haven't been able to study the Bible in public school for years we've lost prayer in school since the Supreme Court decision in what 1962 children not allowed to pray in school oh and think of all well we're part of a society that for the most part lives without Christ and His Word and what's worse people are beginning to rely on their own goodness to achieve salvation as if they could earn their way to heaven when it's a free gift from God through Christ it's it's just a sign of the times this is wrong last evening something very shocking occurred I attended a movie with a group from the church and the person up on the screen blaspheme the name of the Lord unfortunately that happens all the time oh I know because I used to be in the film industry as a player up there on the screen as an actor no no I was a booking agent for a theatre chain I was making all kinds of money the whole package but I was miserable inside empty and then one day an old girlfriend of mine came by the office and we were talking and and I told her how I felt and she told me that she felt the same way before she became a Christian that she accepted Christ in her life and committed to follow him and she was so happy oh she also said that that her life had real meaning now that she had Christ at the center of it there was something about her something I wanted the peace the joy so I started reading the Bible again I could remember some of the Bible stories from when I was a kitten in Sunday school and I always believed in God but I didn't have a clue who Jesus Christ was hard that he had died for my sins it's a it's a good thing God is patient I finally asked Jesus into my heart and I never looked back and then I met a godly man and married him and came to work at this library 18 years ago my husband and I never could have our own children but this work here has been a real ministry for me it's given me so many opportunities to talk to people about Christ Bravo mrs. Bain oh wow well I say all of that because when it comes to the film industry I've been there and I know how powerful and influential it is to society I believe that secular entertainment is one of the biggest tools that Satan uses to mislead people he HIDA sensitizes us through it murder violence sexual immorality you name it sin has slowly but surely become acceptable to us because we see it all the time so it it's no longer shocking to us but why would these things ever allow it well frankly I think that Satan's smarter than we give him credit for and he's very deceptive when the movie industry started back in the 30s it was moralistic for the most part there was a censor board that regulated what couldn't could not be shown on the screen and movie makers were very careful about what they were portraying and that's when the people didn't realize that the devil won his greatest victory his greatest victory how so because he got the name and the person of Jesus Christ out of the movies I mean the morals were there for a while but the Lord himself was not and as people became more liberated with their views there seemed to be less and less conviction because there was no absolute authority and that is why people can curse the name of the Lord and they don't even think about it but how can these movie makers so Mock the Lord do they not understand that he is the one who created them and gives them their every breath mr. carlyle it says in the Bible that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom if people don't hold reverence for the Lord what can we expect [Music] [Music] excuse me sir is this where we meet for the visitations this is the place the visitations where we speak with people interested in knowing more about the church and our Lord that's right this is it excuse me okay people were about to get started we have several names here tonight excuse me these are the volunteers yeah actually this is a pretty good turnout you're welcome to join us thank you okay people we have several names so let's pass the Mehran and see if there's anybody you know where is everyone this is Tom no later than you yeah I get overtime I hear you what's up I don't know Carlisle published some religious books of seminary endorsed did one called science in the Bible interpretation of Scripture the changing times a couple of others there's also an article that talked about some of his colleagues from the seminary dr. Wiseman dr. Anderson dr. Henry way way to dr. Anderson yeah my wife told me Carlisle asked her if she'd ever read the writings of a guy named Anderson published in the late 18-hundreds I think this guy might have taken on the identity of this professor Carlyle what's his agenda Rex I mean why is he only here for a couple more days and where's he going I don't know I could pull him in for some questioning no you know what I just came up with something okay it says on this visitation card that this family is real interested and enjoying the church so this one should be easy just let me do all the talking shall we you pray first before we had to her no no need to I'm here already prayed back to the church right and Bobby rain and duck Justin and the church does lots of walking around physical activities you can't shake you know what they say the body is the temple of the Lord right we've got church volleyball teams basketball teams and softball - some of the guys want to start a church golf league in the summer you'd like that oh and we have great programs for the kids twice a year big trips like the Six Flags major league ball game excuse me William William please turn the television down right now thank you like I said we've got great programs for the kids twice a year we have big trips like the Six Flags major league ball two years ago our high school group went William I said now now on Wednesday nights while the adults meet in the worship center we have the kids getting together sort of like a kids club you know they play games they sing songs there's lots of snacks or in freshman's for them with kids their own age their own hello William oh my oh my my why what is this couple doing I cannot fathom that this young married couple would kiss in front of a child what is becoming of them Mary come on mister get out of the way everything all right Carlisle [Music] [Music] Lord forgive me I was wrong I was wrong sorry I'm late what's up I just ran into Carlisle just now about an hour ago downtown really i trailed him for a while he never saw me Jane do you see anything unusual no not really he just went in and out of a bunch of stores do you buy anything yeah bought a book at a Christian bookstore but I didn't get a good look at it do you seem talk to anybody approach anybody no nobody in particular I tell you what though this guy acts like he's never seen anything before he takes the longest time looking at the simplest things I can't figure out what he's up to did you set it up with Pastor Burton yes he will be speaking at the service tonight good maybe we'll get some more insight as to what's going on you know what Rex I think it's time we had a little talk with dr. Carla before the service hello again I'm here to see mrs. Bain I'm sorry mr. Carlyle she unexpectedly had to go to the state office this morning he's actually won't be back until Friday oh I see but she wanted me to tell you that she enjoyed meeting you and to give her best to Norris and to have a safe journey and then she has in brackets wherever that may be she said you would understand yes I do please give us his bein my kindest regards and tell her that I enjoyed meeting with her as well and that it has been most educational she will know what I mean I'll tell her thank you a good day learn about the past what is this uh it's our microfiche computer program micro fish microfiche it's a specially programmed computer where we've scanned in all the old newspaper articles in the city's history it's a great way for people to discover the past why certainly would be would it be too much to ask for someone to assist me in its usage perhaps no no no I'll get Greg to help you okay here it is Grace Bible seminary is this what you want yes this is it all right so you scroll down through the articles like this this is amazing have you not ever seen one of these before I mean it works just like a computer just like a computer of course right it's faculty click stop that's dr. Nora Sanderson I know him well what do you mean you know him I mean it says right here this guy was born in 1819 that means he'd be dead I mean I knew of him brilliant Bible scholar that he is wise okay you can search for your names and subjects by typing it in here hit the return key and it does the rest for you type in any name right I think I have it thank you so much for your assistance all right look you need more help you just ask I'll be around thank you [Music] no it's not for us to know Oh mr. Carla do you mind if I have a word with you how may I assist you gentlemen well we found out about that little experiment you're working on is this so yeah see Rex here does all the background checks for the city police yes and I did some checking up on you yeah I asked what you gentlemen have against me as I firmly believe you truly do not know why I am here well maybe you could enlighten us I'm afraid detective if I were to enlighten you you would never believe me oh come on Carla once you tell us what the big secret is I am not at liberty to disclose my purpose for being here but I assure you it is altogether harmless and perfectly legal we're gonna find out what's going on you know that don't you you'll excuse me gentlemen hey Carla this is date June 23rd 1865 mean anything to you Oh what about the names of dr. Wiseman dr. Henry dr. Anderson those guys friends of yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you please be seated I want to thank you for coming to our Wednesday night service it's great to see all of you as you know we will be voting on some important decisions regarding our building program tonight but before we do so I first would like to introduce a special visitor with us this evening this gentleman is a seminary professor and is visiting us from afar so I asked him to share a few words with us this evening afterwards we will continue with our business at hand so will you please welcome dr. Russell Carla Thank You pastor and good evening I must admit I was very surprised when Pastor asked me to speak with you I am not quite sure why I in particular was chosen for the occasion but I will see this as an opportunity from our Lord to share with you some matters that have been pressing on my heart friends I have been away for quite some time a very long time it would be truthful to say that I have been living as if in another culture a culture much simpler than the one I have been observing here this is not to say we do not have problems where I have come from we do we know that all people are born with a sinful nature and that all of us like sheep have gone astray from the Lord our God amen however let me say that the lifestyle I have been observing here these past few days has been at the very least startling in the third chapter of Paul's second letter to Timothy Paul warns us about the last days and verses one through five the scriptures say that in the last days men will be selfish proud without natural affection for one another unthankful unholy lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God the list goes on from what I have seen the state that this society is now in reminds me of the days of Noah just prior to entering the ark and of Vlad and Sodom and Gomorrha sin appears to be as blatant and as open now as it was then surely these must be the last days if Paul is referring to and the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is imminent please do not misunderstand me friends I am NOT setting myself on a higher moral position than anyone else here tonight I too have failed my lord in many ways in fact I feel partly to blame in these last few days I have come to realize how wrong I was in thinking that we could reform society through the teachings of the Lord without the Lord of the teachings the Lord God who created all things appears to have been eliminated from your schools your government businesses attacked in the arts and in your entertainment and through these amazing inventions of the radio television and the movies the devil has mightily planted sinful thoughts and ideas and alternatives and the minds of the people so much so that Jesus Christ and what he did what he stands for and who he is has been lost my friends I urge you this evening as I have personally done this past week to first reconsider your own relationship with God through Christ please be abundantly clear that you have truly submitted yourself to Jesus and received him into your life as your personal Lord and Savior we know that Jesus will not save any man he cannot command and if you were playing a game of pretend with the Lord tonight if you know deep in your heart you have never truly submitted to him or if you're unsure of your standing with Christ now is the time to make yourself right with God by calling out to Christ Jesus died for our sins and to save our souls from the eternal suffering that is to come one final judgment will come upon mankind and all those who do not come under the covering of Christ and of the Christians present here this evening let us take this time to renew our purpose and commitment to be a people who shall live for Christ and to tell others of his enduring act of love I apologize for speaking so soberly this evening but these are the things that are in my heart and I'm afraid will remain with me for a long long time the truth is is that all of us will live forever and we will either spend eternity in the presence of our Lord or in a place of darkness the Bible calls the lake of fire if you have not please give your life to Jesus Christ right now your eternity will depend on it I've said enough pastor well thank you dr. Carlisle I am sure that we will take what you said to heart all right then as the men prepare to pass out the voting materials why don't we all stand together and sing another hymn how about Amazing Grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I am leaving you now Eddie okay pretty J you take care I would like to leave this fine suit with you that's really nice of you but I don't think it's gonna fit me you're a big hombre I know Eddie I was hoping someone else might have some use for it oh oh yeah yeah Eddie you'll find somebody who can use it I also brought you this a Bible huh yes God's Holy Word that's all right preacher hey will you look at this it's in Spanish please read it Eddie Wow yeah I'll read it yeah I have your word Eddie if Eddie Martinez tell yous gonna do something he's gonna do something now I'm gonna read this I believe you Eddie may the Lord speak to you yeah preacher you're good egg bank O'Neal's and either something that must tell you Jesus is coming back soon to set up his earthly kingdom the requirement though to enter this kingdom is that we must be absolutely perfect and without sin well that leaves me out of that party no one is without sin Eddy not one all of us face eternal judgment and separation from God this is why we must receive Jesus Christ into our life as Lord he's the only one who lived a perfect life and thus became the substitute for our sins for me - yes for you - he rose from the dead proving he was God and he wants to save us from the penalty of our sins and give us eternal life but we must first individually receive him Eddy this is what it means to believe in Jesus you know no one never quite explained it to me like that before God wants us to be reconciled to himself so much so that He gave His only Son to die for us it is all in this book Eddy I pray that you will consider what I'm saying yeah good night honey hey preacher hey listen I gotta confess to you something you know earlier when I gave you my word that I was gonna read this book well I was lying but that was before now I give you my word from my heart but I'm gonna read this book god Bless You Eddie [Music] Hennessey's and MPCP on okay all yours [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on Norris hurry call up and I hurry to go somewhere gentlemen do not come any closer you must leave here immediately there's not much time not much time for what I'm afraid I'm not allowed to explain but you must leave immediately we've had enough you little secrets Carlisle I want the truth and I want it now gentlemen I highly advise you to leave this area at once I'm taking you downtown for some questioning unless you tell us what's going on right now I appreciate your concern gentlemen but you must understand I have not hurt anyone nor do I intend to now please for your own safety we're not leaving Carlisle but there is not much time you keep saying that not much time for what for Jesus Jesus is coming Jesus is coming yes yes I believe Jesus is coming in and it's any moment now don't you think you're taking this a little too far look that's enough Carla you're coming downtown no you see gentlemen I'm a messenger sent from the Lord a messenger from the Lord yes and I've been sent to warn you that Jesus is coming look Carlisle don't make us use force [Music] gentleman as I have said Jesus is coming look [Music] it's I think we just missed the rapture [Music] you've only gone for a few moments yes the future My heavens where does one begin it is incredible but sin abounds the Lord has not feared morals have replaced Christ and with liberal teachings the families are in disarray no authority no respect the world is without Jesus well the church seems to be filled with professing Christians who do not follow the Lord they claim to believe yes it appeared to be this way I was wrong in my thinking very wrong Norris to separate the authority of Jesus from his teachings is indeed deadly as I just witnessed the end result yes it would lead many astray I'm so sorry I doubted you my friend it took great courage to do what you did and I am forever grateful remember Russell I had the advantage I had already seen the future this machine is truly amazing we have been given a great privilege we must use it for good yes indeed well I have some crucial rewriting to do sir I noticed they had Norris I believe I was witnessing the last days did you ever see how far this machine would send someone into the future I figured traveling into the future over 100 years would be about as much change as we could endure but to directly answer your question no no I have not [Music] oh excuse my tardiness gentlemen well thank you dr. Carlisle it's nice of you to join us dr. Butler yes we were beginning to wonder dr. Wiseman and my sincerest apologies Dean dr. Carlisle gentlemen I have asked for another meeting as I would like you to please read through the revisions I have made to the manuscript I've already informed the publisher that these changes were necessary and I look forward to meeting with you that's your earliest convenience dr. Carla I allow these revisions a result of your conversations with dr. Anderson this is the result of the Lord opening my eyes a little more to his glorious truth there very well then we have all review the changes and call another meeting thank you sir and good day gentlemen good day good day dr. Carlisle I notice you've changed the title of your book to time change yes sir I believe that times must change or time as we know it will end good day gentlemen [Music] Roger yes please come here for a moment I have a small gift for you gift for me yes please come [Music] so you are your very own marbles to play with thank you sir we should also be properly introduced I know your name is Roger my name is mr. carlyle nice to meet you mr. carlyle pleasure is mine there's something else I wanted to say to you Roger last week when I scolded you about stealing the marbles I told you that stealing is wrong and it is if I neglected to tell you the person who said that stealing is wrong Jesus commands us not to steal from each other do you know who Jesus is not exactly no one has ever explained to you about Jesus and what he did no sir well then I have some very exciting news for you Roger Jesus is our God he's the one who has created us and gives us life and our every breath he came to this earth almost 1,900 years ago for a very specific task he wants to enable us to live forever with him in heaven [Music] Norris I believe I was witnessing the last days did you ever see how far this machine would send someone into the future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gentlemen gentlemen please hear me Satan is not against good morals he is opposed to Jesus Christ a man can have good morals his entire life Jen you and I know he will go to hell when he dies [Music] I think we can use morals to attract people to the Lord yes but the ultimate issue in Christianity is the authority of Christ and the devil is attacking this authority by convincing us to teach morals alone look at our families they are weakening records are showing that over 5% of marriages end in divorce and our young people are becoming more disrespectful now I believe that this is a direct result of eliminating the authority of Jesus Christ from his commands doctor I cannot change the policy such endorsements must be unanimous this is why I have arranged the journey for you and journey for me yes into the future [Music] no time for God's people we all need accountability and encouragement from each other hey Eddie Martinez is a good guy you ask anybody yes this is important we should all strive to be good people towards our fellow man but if one separates oneself from a local fellowship of believers it makes it difficult to live for the Lord you do understand that stealing is a sin there was something about her something I wanted the peace the joy [Music] the man on the screen just blasted in the name of the Lord it's not that big a deal Carlyle is just a movie ain't no angel but I ain't never cheated or live or shot anybody ask people free Martinez it's a good guy I am sick and tired of people telling me what I can and cannot do it's not like we're hurting anyone so why don't you just chill out this is a public school you can't talk about religion in class no religion talk to the students do I lose my job in these last few days I have come to realize how wrong I was in thinking that we could reform society through the teachings of the Lord without the Lord of the teachings it says in the Bible that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom if people don't hold reverence for the Lord what can we expect Satan's goal is to remove the name of Christ from his commands and when we do this people are deceived into thinking that if they live a good life they will receive God's approval and attain heaven the truth is is that all of us will live forever and we will either spend eternity in the presence of our Lord or in a place of darkness the Bible calls the lake of fire if you have not please give your life to Jesus Christ right now your eternity will depend on it you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 483,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Time Changer Full Movie, Rich Christiano, Gavin MacLeod, Hal Linden, Jennifer O'Neill, Paul Rodriguez, D. David Morin, Christian Movies, Time Changer Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, Time Changer - Full Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 55sec (5875 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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