The KSI Show Was Bad?

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oh boy reddit is going to be fun today yo what's up it's your boy salad gwbt uh i'm filming this before the cyber sunday with logan paul comes out and uh yeah i've been looking on twitter it's been interesting you know obviously with the response it's been positive but it's also been negative so i'm here to i'm here to look at both sides um you know me i'm very real i can take criticism most of the time anyway and as you can see i've already clicked this because i i was just personally interested to see what you lot were saying about the album and yeah it was very interesting i think i don't know i still think it's too early to really decide uh what songs you like after two three days of listening to the album i'd say you gotta give it like a week at least before you just go okay this is what i think about the album everyone's kind of just rushing into the album saying it's trash or saying it's the best thing ever and it's like yo chill listen to it a few times there's no rush to get your opinion out just you know enjoy the album and then you can decide what you like and what you don't like so yeah a lot of the things in here i've just taken with a pinch of salt because yeah it's just early days should i do it by top no let's do it by hot it's a it's a current topic gonna break the internet jj after hearing the fans were disappointed with the ksi oh god man people actually hate it [ __ ] i'm really intrigued to why oh here we go why the ksi show was disappointing okay there it is second post people were told the show was going to be 90 minutes but ended up to be one hour okay well the show was about 70 minutes but yeah you know i put my hands up i [ __ ] up with the diamonds i'm sorry i'm sorry jj publicly said that the show would be one time only but he announced today that a better version of the show will be uploaded to youtube wait what what about the people who believed you and paid for the show why i didn't say this i didn't say this what's what maybe i wasn't clear on my tweet we're re-showing the show on tuesday and friday on moment house okay it's not gonna be on youtube we're taking down every youtube we upload every reupload we see we're taking it down obviously there's a lot okay it's very hard to try and combat it what we are doing and when did i say a better version of the show like what no okay this is this is bs cringe skits and nearly half the artists were lip syncing in the show well that's wrong all right so crin skits you know what i'll let you have some of that some maybe were a bit cringe i'll admit some were a little bit green but some were jokes i laughed out loud with you know some of them but yes there were some like bad moments or cringe moments i'll i'll give you that nearly half the artists were lip-syncing in the show no one was lip-syncing not that i know of anyway i wasn't i 100 was not lip-syncing i said every [ __ ] word yeah from my knowledge and you know from what i saw everyone was performing there was no lip syncing so i'm not gonna accept that the show was so over hyped by jj and ended up to be a mediocre virtual concert well it wasn't just a virtual concert you know there were skits in it there were funny moments etc yes there were music but it wasn't just music you know like compare it to jewel leapers or justin bieber's which were mainly just music you know i added extra to this show so i i don't know if i can accept that mediocre that's your opinion that's your opinion i thought it was dope i mean obviously i'm gonna [ __ ] say that but yeah yeah that's your entire to your opinion if you thought it was mediocre uh overhyped i mean that's just me promoting like with the album and the ksi show i'm going to hype up because i'm excited for it i think it's sick why wouldn't i overhype people tend to hype things up because they're excited for it i was excited for the ksi show to be released because i know i put a lot of time and effort into it especially to get all the musicians all the special guests you know the set and everything set up for this show i you know it was just like this cool thing for me to give to you so i mean to call it really okay it hurts but you know it it is what it is but yeah i'm sorry you thought it was arrived i was just excited for it why invite a fraud like danny balzerian if you said the ksi show is about your life why didn't you invite people like vidal to help you to be the person you are today okay you know what this is fair deji wasn't involved vidal wasn't involved gushing daniel wasn't involved twig wasn't involved uh only ogs will understand that no akin fenwa was involved i'm an ek you know there's a lot of people that weren't in the show that could have been in the show it's very hard to try and get that many people yeah i tried i tried to get as many people as possible damn [ __ ] was very random but he did help sponsor the show so so he technically had to be there but yeah you know what that's fair maybe i could have done better with um the people selection so yeah that's that uh what else let me call this jj coming back to his reddit after the kids show oh jesus we're not mad we're just disappointed okay uh so to recap the ksi show was really the ksi concert yes and no again i don't know if someone could show me a concert that has skits like i did in the ksi show then fine i'll shut up with you know about that with hidden fees it turned out to be a little over 18 pounds yeah i can't really say much about that i you know i'm sorry maybe it's pointless me uh singing to the choir right here oh the angry mob should i say there's no choir the logan paul boxing picture was just a scam to bring in more sales i mean i never said i was going to fight him i don't think it would have made sense for me to fight him especially after he just came off of uh fire in mayweather also i don't know if it was a scam i think scam is quite a harsh word to use i didn't actively say oh i'm boxing logan paul in the ksi show at the end of the day it was just a picture it wasn't like i was forcing you to click buy on the website it was pre-recorded it was performed live but it was not live i mean that is every live show i don't know how you thought i was going to do all of that with all those guests logan paul and everyone you know on a live show like that would have been well that's just impossible like i was posting pictures and videos of the show i don't know how you thought it could have been live it took me two days to do there was no way i was gonna do that in 17 minutes family i would have died it only lasted over an hour where's the promised one hour and 30 minutes well you know i've already addressed that on top of that plenty of people got to watch it for free because a lot and i mean a lot of the streams were online look i tried hard fam i took down so many but [ __ ] me man like there was this one guy who i think i'm getting his channel like banned or suspended or summoned youtube channel because he was relentlessly just streaming the show and i'm like what the [ __ ] is going on i was just thinking like why would this guy with over 120 000 subscribers throw it all away just to stream the show for free so yeah i took down a lot of streams i took down a lot of discord streams a lot of twitch streams a lot of youtube streams etc i took down a lot but but yeah [ __ ] man it's it's not easy it's not easy taking down uh illegal streams i guess that's why boxing promotions struggle with it same with football in general they struggle with it so i mean yeah i took down a lot but i think it was almost impossible to take down every single one if he was to advertise this differently i would have loved it because in general it was good case i performed really well and so did everyone else but it was just not what i paid money for i still support uksi but just do not like the approach you took for this um okay well yeah you know what maybe i could have approached it differently i'm trying to figure out how i could have approached it differently ultimately this was the first time of me doing or trying something like this and i'm not gonna get it right i'm not going to get it bang on 100 of the time i mean look at the first ever song i released i think we can all agree that it's not the best you know over time i got better and better and better so you know i'm going to use this as a learning curve i'm really intrigued to see how much you thought this show was actually worth put in the comments actually you know what no who's just gonna troll people gonna be like minus 10 pounds i owe you money for the show a shot of criticism for jj i had a couple of bones to pick we were told it was to be nine minutes but it was barely an hour i mean it was over now but again i've addressed this it's the key as i show and he said it would be about his story but it was just a concert i mean there were parts of my story you know with heskey et cetera but okay uh and finally shows the pick off case and logan in the ring that never ever happened so i'm feeling a bit misled by this for [ __ ] sake okay yeah fair fair ksi show described by jj okay how it actually works oh man great concert regular show the ksi show is gonna be great me okay just the people that pay are going to see it okay oh man it's going to be more than concerts it's not a lot of money for a 90 minute show logo versus ksi3 may have oh man guys come on oh right now i'm in a field day what the difference challenge i'm gonna shot the world 16 17 18 july these three days are gonna blow up the internet corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture they're the same okay guys come on yo [ __ ] it oh my dude jj you took an l but learned from this please everyone after the ksi show my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined [ __ ] hell all right well this has been eye-opening robbed harder than give versus holder what me paying 15 pounds to watch an over-hyped virtual concert with minimal skits and i think there's a lot of angry people now i think there is a lot of angry people and you know what i'm sorry not legit i'm sorry i thought you were sick but clearly a lot of you didn't oh my god i don't know i tried to make it a dope event a dope show for you and [ __ ] out maybe i failed oh [ __ ] because i show only time i'm ever posting but this needs to be said i feel really bad for saying this jj but the kids our show totally missed this wasn't worth the money and it did not live up to the hype damn uh i appreciate the amount of money you spend on this but that's about it that's it thank you for spending that money but you don't deserve to break even honestly logan's part was by far the best part of the show the skits were cringy even though i could enjoy the terrible acting but it just missed the mark altogether this was an l and i won't be paying for something like this again you finessed it [ __ ] house how many shots oh god okay i'm already dead [ __ ] jesus christ this is the good thing about me being able to directly speak to you guys because imagine i was another celebrity and i didn't have a reddit a lot of times these celebrities would just ignore it and move on and dive into their money whereas i'm actively taking in the criticism and the elves i know the [ __ ] and uh i guess trying to make the best out of it well [ __ ] it oh man i mean from the sounds of it it sounds like no one enjoyed it [ __ ] now bro i spent all that money all that time effort for nothing [ __ ] i wonder how many times he's going to see something like this on his reddit video probably address it once and have the rest of the post cut out of the video well i mean i've addressed it the whole video the whole video i am still so much pain okay so i really finessed everyone with this pic of him and logan paul legit i mean i i don't know what to say i'm sorry i i i [ __ ] man i really thought i did something man i really thought i did something with this show but [ __ ] bro and i was gassed this morning man i was like yo i oh it is what it is look i'll take the l and i'll learn from it man gonna be honest i expected a show not a concert thought i was watching you hosting children in need oh my god 15 pounds for my stream that couldn't even handle 1080p on that site i mean i was watching it in 1080. okay but anyway and it ended 30 minutes earlier then it says for the event disappointed um okay all right they really just scrolled through the reddit and made it a show love my [ __ ] letter the american dad writers after putting in the sixth fat neat joke of the night i have achieved god this is funny this this this this got me no this is actually funny [Laughter] jesus christ i'm getting a roasting today i am getting burned at the stake i'm getting stoned right now the one time i didn't illegally stream it to help support someone that helped me get through a lot of stuff in my life just to realize he over hyped it and didn't explain what it was properly i expected better sketches considering they were done by the american dead writers the concert would have been okay if i knew i was paying to watch a concert for [ __ ] sake [ __ ] now i'm sorry bro bro but i know in my eyes i i saw it as a show yes maybe maybe what maybe there was too much music and maybe not enough skits wow oh man bro worst thing is ksi will never see this because it won't get the upvotes it needs well i see it all i've seen it all i've seen everything i mean at least give me props for not shying away from this i could have easily just waited a week i imagine this would have been old news but here i am you know listening to it head-on taking it all in and yeah it's it's a lot it's it's a lot you know it it makes me sad it it actually makes me sad because maybe this is what it's like to uh lose a boxing match or some [ __ ] like [ __ ] you put all this time and effort and money into this thing and then you lose and yeah it sucks man spot on only reddit can stop his ego before he joins the dark side the dark side but yeah look guys i don't want you to feel bad all right don't feel bad this is your opinion this is how you feel it's okay this is what i want with the reddit i want it to be fair you know with the album i want you to be fair with you know the show with the ksi show i want you to be fair with anything that i do i want you to be fair because that's the best way to be be truthful we're being real and it's good they were having an honest conversation and [ __ ] yeah i took an l i've taken an l with the ksi show and uh you know for those of you that felt scammed or were angry i i'm sorry i'm i am genuinely sorry because i really thought i did something i really thought i did something but yeah [ __ ] i missed ah mad yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] oh man well yes but for the wrong reasons bro when you lot watch the ksi show next saturday you're all gonna lose your head read it for the pop off so hard top 10 tweets before disaster uh reddit read gonna be awkward honestly don't think he will do a reddit video until i i'm really confused as to why you thought i would just avoid all of this i you know i actually came already to see how gassed everyone was like if i if i've taken an hour i've taken it out i have to accept it and uh i can only do better that's just it i'm not gonna just go into a ball and cry forever like you know for the future if i do something like this again i know how to improve it and yeah just make you proud we are not mad we are just disappointed expectation uh reality i didn't even pay for it and i want my money back [ __ ] oh god it's just four choice of words jj you why are you vegetarian no i love on me no i love on me i don't get it oh oh okay oh sorry i'm just so demoralized and broken but i i don't find things funny anymore well i'm laughing at my my own pain and suffering so i guess that's a plus [ __ ] you know all right well that was today's reddit video [ __ ] [ __ ] hell uh i don't really know what else to say yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry uh i i pissed so many people off um for those of you that paid for it and were disappointed i'm sorry for those of you that illegally watched it and were disappointed uh i'm sorry [ __ ] you but i'm sorry now this is a depressing reddit [ __ ] hell uh [ __ ] oh well maybe i could have done better with the with the whole like script part i don't know um maybe i could have done less music yeah i don't know oh i don't know i don't know
Channel: JJ Olatunji
Views: 6,811,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ksi, ksiolajidebt, ksiolajidebthd
Id: xh1mM4hE0q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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