FINDING OUT what KSI thinks of my BEARD

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uh everyone tells me to react to this it's quite long it's like 20 minutes but ksi's released a video so we're reacting to it there we go uh it's called i can't show this for some reason i think he can because he is the painting in the back yep there's already a picture of me and jojo cool all right he talks about your beard in this one that's why everyone told me to react to it the other day all right here we go oh yes another video yes yes well the last video did pretty well yeah 7.4 million views anyway welcome ladies and gentlemen to hurrah this is the video where i look at reddit and i sweet let's go monkeys what wait sorry video this is the video where i look at reddit and i this week let's go editing mistake monkeys mugged logan paul and stole prime this is like the best advertisement ever okay i'm saying this oh my god this gives gorilla marketing a whole new meaning that's a good comment that's a good card oh my god that's amazing i mean that's the [ __ ] you can't even make up like that just happens how does logan get into these situations right i'm here just giving casual racism on myself let's go ow uh what am i missing right now what's up what's happening it's bananas it out they cut out parts yeah i don't know what's going on was edited okay i don't know what's going on but here we go would you be jealous if one day i turned up with an actual beard oh yeah no i'd be pissed two years later yeah bro like he fab it took him what a month or two to get this this has been four plus years my [ __ ] yes four years and my mind waited two months every time he's always shaving like yeah bro you know i don't need this beard and bro i complimented him once i was like hey yo your brain looks nice you know kept ever since no no no no no no no no no no no hang on i got hang on he is not he is not taking this as his he's i did not do this because he said it all right i decided like i didn't shave for like four days um and someone said like someone was like oh what's the what's the longest you've ever gone without shaving i was like oh probably this like four days and it was a bit like a little bit out if you know what i mean and then i decided i was going home we had like a long break from simon for me i was like i'm not filming any cyber videos for like 20 days something like that so i was like you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna just not shave for 20 days came back jj walks in and he literally looks at me he literally looks at me and he's like oh what yeah when did you get a bit i was like i just didn't i didn't shave for like christmas basically he was like oh yeah it looks good he said that but that was after i already had something on my face you know what i'm saying although i can't grow it fully like it doesn't grow past this i want to grow it like i want it to be at least i want it to be a little bit more give it time it will well that's the hope two months brother shut up shut up oh [ __ ] say mom dad why why'd you give me [ __ ] jeans uh dudes though it's actually looking all right it's actually starting to look all right this [ __ ] just refuses bro i do everything i'm using the derma roller i'm using the cream everything i ain't gonna has anyone use the derma ruler and if so does it work no waste of time see the jj's kind of just grows here just just grows like this like his doesn't grow like here jay this one is like a heat map what natural chin strap do plastic surgery i i i ain't me okay the only thing i've ever done is my teeth and because they were looking mad and still you can still kind of see the gap but besides i ain't doing any lips i'm doing any like mad right anything to my lips i got sexy lips big black sexual lips uh i ain't gonna do a knife to my ears my nose is i it's you know what's he saying it doesn't need to be insane it's i i'm happy with how i look okay i have no one said anything who cares who the [ __ ] cares man no one said anything why do you start getting what i think when he's saying teeth though he's talking about he's just talking about braces which i've like is mad in it that braces is effectively like braces is effectively the same as like plastic surgery just on your teeth or would you glass like veneers as plastic surgery on your teeth i mean i had braces veneers is the same i'd say veneers is the same because they get rid of your actual teeth yeah true oh so thank you so much for the gifted sub veneers is like plastic surgery fair enough well we were arsenal oh no yeah he was we were all like oh you not be a six shot right you get some prime and you know he knows what's coming already and you're like yo you want some prime chuck it down to him and stuff like that i thought that would be a really sick thing the kid would be the first first person in uk with it or ever apart from people jj knows he starts filming sees the kid directly below he's like yo and the kid's like get his eyes you want some pride okay all right let's just do it read his belt i didn't show it it was [ __ ] jokes though hey jd i am a 15 year old it was funny as hell it was funny as hell yeah freezies laugh muslin david 10 months someone showed it though someone showed it i don't know where it was it was it was somewhere on the internet but i don't know where can you show the video i mean there's not much to the video except what we've said what's this i did this it took around 10 hours to make and it would be a cool decoration for your new house but why do i look so clapped but why do i look so ugly man i can't put that in my house oh i feel so bad hey yo beerus looks sick and i look sick in the bottom left maybe because you can't see me and you're obviously in the middle of me performing but bro like i don't know is that just how i look maybe i'll just clap but i just need to accept that that's how i look i'll i'll thumbs up this is probably i mean i mean i mean i see it though like it it's sick but you know like it's a sick drawing but like there's there's aaron the guy who drew it made a tick-tock oh no i would you know what let's just it's better than i could do we'll leave it at that yeah look how have some of this have some i haven't said that in a while let me see what the comments are saying only 15 good [ __ ] job looks amazing oh don't make me but i know he's 15. oh no what have i done this oh i'm sorry you see this is the problem we've been too honest [ __ ] well imagine i'm there like all right maybe another one and then i might consider but well why am i being a [ __ ] look okay i've acknowledged it it i think it's you've done very well everything looks great it's just my face it's so stupid i'm sorry i'm sorry oh [ __ ] i'm moving on i'm sorry oh [ __ ] i don't hate me don't hate me 15 year old please [Music] i know how he feels bro it's it's a sick drawing but it's just like the i face jj's face you know like you can see the difference right you can see the difference between his face and the the picture like be honest yeah so if there was things it's not that bad still okay but if there was a picture of you drawn that that was that different like from what you look like to that i think you would say the same thing it's a very good it's very drawing well you piece of [ __ ] look as you oh no there's nothing there no no mo [ __ ] you now you see look now i'm staying in shock i'm staying in shock i'm staying in shot oh here we go i thought that was at least a picture frame nothing nothing nothing nothing no you [ __ ] i thought it was a picture frame that he had edited on oh my god i thought he had edited mud that i thought it was a picture frame that he had put that picture on not he had actually put a whole oh my god yeah there's nothing here there's nothing [ __ ] you [ __ ] you moe i mean they're still there the way pulled out prime i'm dead oh wait what what do you call a black abortion no old ksi oh god obviously this is a joke obviously this oh no why are you reacting dante call a black abortion clinic [Music] yo i wonder i wonder what this comment section looks like bro you guys are rooting for this yes [ __ ] wow wow oh my god surprise i'm getting thirsty out here [ __ ] she runs downstairs [ __ ] me man grabs a prime you know [ __ ] i'm so cast with this world what the [ __ ] is going on people are coming to my house wanting to try my drink wanted to try my liquids you not are drinking my liquid why do you made it that weird why did he make that weird why did he just make that so weird why has he said you're drinking my liquids bro i mean i'm still gonna drink it but it's not his liquids okay everyone's very confused now ah i produced this and you're downing it all down your throat i'm let you bust it in all of your phones i'm kidding that's what i don't [ __ ] with this yeah you see the difference between ksi and logan paul logan is out here getting these amazing things happening where like you know it's getting stolen by a monkey he's throwing someone off a helicopter while they're drinking it jj is telling people that they're drinking his [ __ ] that's the difference in their promotion oh chill i need to chill butter my liquids in your throat okay let's uh let's calm down what are you gonna do when your weird uncle spots you at the family gathering oh for god's sake nice oh my god it actually works thanks j.j me realizing that i don't have to pay 100 pounds for therapy because i can just watch jj's [Laughter] videos well i'm glad i could make make your day i need therapy [ __ ] help four months yes i know i love when these cities and having a great time but jesus [ __ ] i got problems but i know i know i'm good i think for me and like everyone else everyone has you know goes through [ __ ] but it's always good to work on your mental health just like physical health yeah it's just good to keep a clear head a lot of [ __ ] is going on uh and i do a lot and um before i thought i could just deal with it myself i've realized i can't so yeah it's good to have a helping hand and now i just feel great look at me i'm posting i'm posting more videos it's great i recommend therapy for everyone all right hydration flavor ideas let's see them it's like a size piece right okay i thought these are gonna be legit i didn't i thought they were gonna be legit actually i mean when i talk about my fluids or my liquids i wasn't saying my actual liquids like the thing is someone would drink this man someone in this oh 100 yeah where's the picture frame gone about them being like yeah i tried ksi's piss and it was wow that's amazing you didn't know bro i i can see it ksi's shot shot why is it slightly red not even my [ __ ] shot so it's the fart and the [ __ ] tilly juice why is it pink okay now look at it we don't even need we don't even need to look at that bro wow it's been three years today bro still figuring out what's this petition for ksi to be awkward in public again the thing is it's impossible for me to it is true people expect it when i did this no one really knew who i was now i walked down the street and everyone's like here's like it's like here inside are you doing this world video is this for youtube so it just defeats the point if i'm there trying to be awkward they're like oh you're just trying to be organ aren't you hahaha i watched that video years ago it was great also can we have a selfie so it's just it's not gonna work i have to legit like change my whole appearance yes and i still haven't looked like it will happen i will do it at one point maybe after tour [ __ ] it yes that's an idea that you would see on like um in february so yeah jimmy kimmel or jimmy fallon i don't know what those shows one of those shows you know i feel like i should do it for something seven eight saving a price sometime this year just a reminder that this egg you know what i mean like that's one of those that's one of those uh one of those things like who was it who did it drake did it drake did it on one of those before he literally stood next to someone like what do you think of drake oh do you like drake's music what's your favorite drake song and stuff like that and he'd just be he'd literally start taking a wig off and everything and the guy didn't even realize who he was 50 cent did it too either 50 cent no 50 cent did the one where he was hiding descended it where he was hiding and they were like oh what do you think of 50 cent and then he came out and stood next to them right i've done that at some point as well yeah hey what's this assist one direction did it too they did yeah being able to spell but all right what what exists enjoy this one kissing test yeah i'm interested to see this as well because i am a man oh my god i've totally tried just wipe this for my memory what i mean let me let me get some god i wasn't even a virgin i was that bro i was actually doing all right this is fresh looking plump just about oh yeah i asked for consent so it's 2022 friendly yeah right now let's do it oh [ __ ] you're a passionate kisser it's horrible dizzy they've got eight months oh my god oh that's a good post that's a joke they're in short supply at this point that's a joke is too high and the supply is too low i mean it's living out in england and i'm the only dealer and i'm running out the only team jj gets i see some violated movies okay they're always good yo i love marvel too we've got metal guy web boy and the incredible bulk people absolutely love the incredible bulk it's got ksi oh great okay nice nice that was such a long pause man no i ain't even [ __ ] man but i want this [ __ ] saying man i'm just okay right now i'm just okay why am i even like why do i get so like so angry so quick his heart bigger than his forehead what's this oh rob i might have filmed it what i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah this is nice oh bro he was so sad when he started crying [Music] thank you so much [Music] right now i don't know what to say from reddit and uh then obviously um a few people messaged me and then i was like okay let's try and get this all sorted and yeah he still has my number like um so i saw them out with simon clothing and stuff yeah man it's um that was really wholesome logan's part of the fam now the thing is i find it so good right it always goes from like a really wholesome post and now it'll just be like uh how how'd it feel with this like just be a random post but two years ago today i made my pro debut and dropped this guy this little guy ksi have been running since running to the bank running cool uh running straight to the bank hashtag train five you know what you got right because logan just cares about the bag even he'll throw his own brother under the bus for the bag probably excellent for the five minutes i mean logan's been part of this part of the family wow thank you exxon for a while now but it's just so funny simon with my parents walk in oh god there you go hey bro what are you doing nothing just chilling watching right here i could do me watching my hero wait what the [ __ ] what you watching bro [Laughter] i've seen i've seen memes of this before where it's like uh sidemen when i watch on my own you know it'll be like some random thing like you know me playing a game and then it'll be the next one and it'll be a clip of me like sucking my own toe or some [ __ ] like that normally look that's normal [Music] oh [Music] oh that's funny a bit of a contrast between the two you know what i ain't even gonna die if i say anything it just looks wasn't it uh jazz statement of prime be showering and logan just be like what the [ __ ] is going on all right bro we're going to run this place out of business do you want to hydrate stop yelling at the patrons hey i see you right just ignore the laughter what do you think even though you've got a prime stop why is this a thing this is not going to happen why is this the thing oh jj be moving mind i knew this clip would happen this is what is this clip on videos on the videos you keep doing that i'll do this i should just did what terry did man in my head it felt like it was gonna work faster and then it just didn't and oh that's so weird anyway mo doesn't give a [ __ ] jj don't put that in the video mo i won't jj oh oops thank me later [ __ ] you well [ __ ] you oh burn this that's that's horrible dislike i don't know i'm removing it i don't know three types of ksi listeners while driving on the road ear rape warning great i was this loud turned it down [Music] you know what i don't even i don't even want to look at this my mind's holding a cucumber i don't wanna you love it moving very sus he's he's ready he's goated calm drinks and for short drinks shot like come prime shut up now his reddit is going now you got a guy with a cucumber i don't know what about doing i'm out y'all just been your boy okay to the s that i i will see you guys in a bit take care peace yeah that's that's a dub dub video his videos are so good like the video itself is good the reddit kind of fell off compared to before um i don't know see i still think that was amazing but i still think that was really good
Channel: MiniminterClips
Views: 947,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, miniminterclips, simon, sidemen, mm7
Id: S3cWQl7pO9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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