Cheering for BAD THINGS to Happen *To All The Boys 3*

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What did we do to deserve this? I'm so happy!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Idea_Deep 📅︎︎ Feb 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello troublemakers and welcome into another very special movie commentary monday we have the conclusion of a trilogy a trilogy of true grade a trash this is to all the boys i've loved before three now i know that there are a number of people who just watch my videos regardless of whatever i put out they're like hey dylan you're watching a movie probably gonna roast it don't care what it is let's watch it together so as a courtesy to those people let's catch them up on what this series is about so this girl her name is oh god she's got a name 100 positive that she does have a name what it is not 100 sure anyway she has like a bunch of crushes on guys throughout her life so she writes them letters she writes them a letter but then like stores it in a little box and then one day her sister's like i'm gonna send these little letters out the boys all get the letters and they're all super interested in getting into a relationship with this girl now except the one guy who's gay so he's less interested let's go to netflix because i know this [ __ ] is going to be blasted on my homepage right always in forever remember when noah sentinel was like a big deal i don't mean to be an [ __ ] but like he was like in everything and people loved him he's like the perfect internet boyfriend but now everyone like kind of hates him [Music] awesomeness films is that a new studio cool oh god i could just see some 19 year old rich kid dad dad i need money for a movie studio it's my passion that and clothing lines you know the kids i'm talking about you know [Music] are they playing kpop no this isn't pop this is just just k oh no it's kpop korea is beyond anything i could have imagined but if she spends the next like hour 40 minutes of this hour and 55 minutes just hanging out in her home country having a good time reconnecting with the roots like i would love that so much the less noah the better how is kpop so catchy fingers crossed i get into stanford and we never have to be this far apart okay we need conflict in the third movie here they're gonna get into different colleges he's gonna get into stanford she's gonna get into like ucla oh big big conflict dog we can't be together we live like three hours away glad you guys are both going to stand for next year ah don't jinx it i haven't gotten in yet ah she hasn't gotten in yet damn how good am i look at my hands look at how good i am oh my goodness she's not gonna get in or it's gonna be like a big crisis and then she's gonna get in in the end by writing like some emotional essay about her mom dying or some [ __ ] watch it missy dumpling oh oh if any of you were on team noah centennial look at these messages and tell me that you weren't incorrect mr cupcake miss you dumpling get out of here you're not even cute you're just gross stanford tour was amazing i'm definitely going here regardless of whether or not you get in we have conflict out you know sometimes i read books that don't have pictures the lacrosse team is tough though i don't know if i'm going to be able to start in the fight is it his character that's depressed or does noah santino just really not give a [ __ ] i don't know if i'm gonna be able to start on the lacrosse team oh no you didn't get into stanford oh what are we gonna do i don't think we could be together oh wait we actually got in sweden it's just the whole film just nothing i guess i just wish that my mom was here to teach uh her mom she's gonna write an essay about her dead mom watch it watch it happen it's the perfect school for us he'll play lacrosse i'll study english lit we won't be one of those couples that breaks up because of college because we're definitely going to college together dog if i'm wrong about this take my ya license card away take it away i just have to get in first stop [ __ ] she got in [Music] ah you had me you misdirected me ah how did i let trash misdirect me at least i'm still right i was like oh no my ya card give it back you know your mother came here the summer after we started dating wrote a wish on one of these locks oh no that's your high school boyfriend you're gonna say forever and you're gonna connect it to your dead mom's like things she left behind for the love of her life oh that's risky you better make sure to hold on to that key so you can come back to korea after you break up with him you speak english so do you look how much you have in common oh that's smooth you speak my language we have so much in common we should probably just get together right now cue the sequel series what you going without they have a is this a bodyguard this is like a legit guy look at how he's dressed a hitman kill noah police not the actor not the actor i'm in the character yeah thank you i wish we had a meet-cute we don't have an anniversary and we can't remember how we met we were a terrible rom-com couple what a deafy downer i wish we had a memorable relationship kind of sucks that way down oh well you know what i'm looking forward to the most about college college chicks yeah what other schools are you waiting to hear from al jay berkeley and ucla berkeley and ucla he's gonna get into stanford she's gonna get into like ucla if she doesn't get in and goes to ucla i don't know what i'll do i better start doing shoulder exercises so i can pat myself on the back later get it loosened up lucas what's it gonna take for christopher to promise me ah 13 races wise here oh that's right he's in this too i always forget why does he just pop up in like every movie and he's in two scenes this man's like acting page must be three miles long because he's in everything but for like three lines finally she's not getting in she's not getting in if she gets in what is the next hour and a half oh come on rejected rejected no matter what happens it's gonna be fine it's not gonna be fine completely and totally yes you are ucla bound girl this is the climax of the series this is the third and final one the stakes are so low oh no we're not gonna go to distinct college our lives are over no they're not you'll just change your relationship a little bit and you'll be totally fine i hate everything and i know that it doesn't feel like it right now but this could be a really good thing for you well i'm not like you marco i don't want to be far away from my family [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh sh hashtag sanford why are you torturing yourself do hashtag ucla cause that'll be you once you get accepted there she goes to ucla guys i swear to god i'm gonna flip this [ __ ] table over wait wait her sister is apologizing for being like hey don't worry it's not the end of the world you'll get back up on your feet well i'm not like you marco i don't want to be far away from my family oh sorry for pep talking you i know you just want to be a little depressed ass [ __ ] i shouldn't have interfered of course wait wait who did she text that to uh he text she texted that's no i thought she texted that to her sister but no she texted like of course i got in first of all what a [ __ ] pretentious response did you get in of course you know my [ __ ] academic record what are you trying to say about my intelligence level if you and your dumb ass brain can get in you think i'm not going to get in brill peter hey hi yeah so what is what is [ __ ] happening she declined the call on him so he's next to her being like hey smooth and then a second version of her walks she declined talking to him why is he there talking to her that's already like a weird and then all of a sudden there's another don't let this be a full movie thing admit it right here i don't want the plot of this movie to be like oh i actually didn't get in i don't want to see it you think that we can get strawberry pancakes and uh just two forks you just want to eat two forks that's fine i'll eat the pancakes you can have the forks i didn't tell her to put whipped cream on it i'll be right back i'll be right back oh he's organizing something this isn't a whipped cream conversation unless it's like a sexual one he's like hey if the stamford thing doesn't work out with my girl maybe i could put whipped cream on you maybe maybe you can hold that whipped cream and i'll see you in the bathroom in 30 minutes i i don't know there's something there oh no okay that's what he was doing dumb as [ __ ] i have my hopes up what you're watching romeo and julia tragic romance before 8 a.m must be pretty serious she just didn't get into a college i can't believe this this whole book series got made into like films at all because the second one she spends like 60 of the book in an old folks home what why a readers want to read about old people none of them unless they're like dumbledore and now this third one's about like oh she just didn't get into the right college and there's no love triangle anymore so the thing that made it interesting in the first place is like out the door they did a love triangle the first one they did a love triangle the second one and now they're just like oh dad's getting married who cares raise your hand if you care let me just count how many of you zero yep i knew it uc berkeley just tweeted i hope she doesn't get in you got it i got it damn it and they're gonna drag this [ __ ] problem we're gonna be 30 miles apart our lives are over i swear to god this movie is going to suck so hard peel off this downstairs all your college portal logins keep it you're officially in charge of all my college acceptances cool are you sure you want her to be in charge of your college acceptance letters um oh they're going to new york on a senior trip she's going to fall in love with new york go to nyu are you ready to talk to kavinsky i'm gonna wait till i'm gonna get there so right now she got into berkeley but not stanford peter thinks that she got into stanford but she's gonna go to new york and once they land she's gonna tell him that she got into berkeley they're gonna be an hour apart but my feeling is that she's gonna call an audible and she's not gonna tell him once they land speaking of audibles let's talk about today's sponsor audible audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment at this point most people know what audible is they have thousands upon thousands of audio books and podcasts they even have to all the boys i've loved before so if you're super into laura jean and peter that would be a perfect first listen for you now if you're into a story with an actually good romance i would recommend legend that's my next lesson it's about two teenage prodigies one's a criminal and the other is working for the military it's a series that i read years ago and it's always been one of my favorites and i wanted to revisit it in a new way and that's what listening to the audiobook will allow me to do and better yet if you use my link which is dylan is in trouble or simply texting dylan is in trouble to 500-500 you'll get a free 30-day trial with full access to the audible plus catalog and on top of that a free audiobook so you can pick up legend for free if you use my code audible continues to be one of my favorite sponsorships so go to dylan is in trouble show them some love give them a chance and now let's finish off this to all the boys trilogy wait wait what does this thing say senior year of high schools takes center stage as laura jean returns from a family trip to korea and considers a college peter wow my mind was like let's just get through this sentence it's kind of like this movie it's just like hey let's just skip out on certain parts you literally just watched my brain turn into autopilot mode and autoviolet mode was like why is why why is wisconsin cheese you could have did anything most states don't get anything on the map that's cheese for wisconsin of all the things you can put on all the states you have to stereotype my state i can't believe we listen to eight hours of music we still don't find anything we can't pick the song maybe the song has because you know they're making a big thing about they need a song like a relationship defining song their song right i think maybe it's like a big romantic gesture he's gonna record a song noah would be the type of actor who would go up to the producers and be like hey i'm only gonna do the third one if it also helps launch my music career give me a scene where i can record a song and we put it in the movie he would be that type of actor i swear to god i didn't get it to stanford what if he just took the croissant in his hand it was like you [ __ ] and just just but it's fine because i got into berkeley and it's only an hour away and weekends together which he's like i don't i can't date a berkeley girl gross disgusting that's second rate i think i'm gonna slum it with that berkeley girl just transfer after your freshman year and you're an hour away so what we get to see each other every single weekend and then you transfer to stanford after your freshman year do you think we could make that work it's a hundred percent okay problems [ __ ] solved they set up a problem like really snowballed it to make it a big deal and they're just like oh here's a simple solution and she's like oh yeah can you guys get into some real conflict while you're in new york can you guys get stabbed maybe oh why don't you get stabbed in a new york alleyway preferably him stanford berkeley arrivals so that makes us like romeo and juliet college but like minus the poison and the murder stuff no bring that stuff in it's exciting with the poison in the murder this story basically just said we're just like romeo and juliet but without the compelling elements truth or dare dare i dare you to stab noah sentinel right now what we're talking about is college it's this place for people that actually have a future oh there's a future for people who peak in high school see this is what i want i need a rivalry i need villains give me a cat fight i won't say a bad word for 20 minutes [Music] who does this who holds their phone like that you deserve to be single for the way you hold your phone isn't this how people hold their [ __ ] phone more stability i totally get it i had someone i wanted to go to college with too uh what happened i visited nyu i felt like this was where i was supposed to be i think this is a misdirect i think she is going to go to berkeley in the end because it'd be weird to follow the same exact path of some random girl why like what was the reason for that you should have put your budget into [ __ ] paying noah centineo to give a [ __ ] oh no no he doesn't get to bail on us and i'll just have it be okay i think about my dad and i hate him it's just manufacturing drama at this point i couldn't care less his fictional father left his fictional ass i choose you peter kavinsky oh my god i'm gonna throw up i choose you too i wanna throw up i wanna skip so bad i've only ever skipped in one commentary before and that was cats the musical what is this oh yeah you've gone to nyu and you just decided not to tell me why is she pissed she gave off her codes to her sister and she's like you're in charge i leave all responsibility with you and now she's like why didn't you tell me what the heck i got in 10w what should i go and why are you asking me that this movie is about watching this girl deliberate to which school she wants to go to for two [ __ ] hours i can't believe i signed up for this and the worst part is it's half over there's still a half to go you know uh netflix has got this new feature where you can watch it let's just try it for just a minute i know the way you look anywhere if you do decide to go to nyu hey uh netflix just letting you know in the future if you want to um maybe make a two times feature five times feature maybe when the kissing booth three comes out that would be a perfect time listen laura jean you got to stay true to yourself you can't save this relationship by not growing oh dad's coming in with some generic why a dad advice you'd love to see it you got to check that box dad says nothing that's really that wise but because he's a dad and he says it in a soft voice you're supposed to pretend like oh yeah you really got me there i want to go 10 will you i mean it's your future right you got to do what's best for you what if the second movie guy goes to nyu and they connect that's what i need to see sunken exchanges so stop trying to control everything just because you're freaked out that you and peter are gonna break up why would you say that she's like do i have the right to spank these kids i know i'm only this that mom and they're kind of old but uh i got a mean wind-up that's a joke don't spank your kids unless they're acting up i'm kidding dear peter dear peter i tried to write you a love letter but the love wasn't there so here's a couple letters for you f you beats promo ah i hate beats promos i [ __ ] hate them i hate this movie for taking that beats money how do i tell him that i can go 3 000 miles away and still never let him go maybe that's not something you can say is she going to scrapbook their relationship and give it to him not going to lie it's kind of cute the winners by popular vote are peter kavinsky and emily they voted for peter but not his girlfriend who everyone knows is his girlfriend that seems a little weird doesn't it conflict where is it here we go you seem to be in a mood what do you feel some type of way about i knew when i decided on nyu that the distance would be hard you haven't even left yet we haven't even left yet that's what i'm saying who's past curfew what about your dad just don't get caught okay well then don't park your car in the driveway park directly in the driveway but sneak up in yeah you really haven't thought this through i hope he catches you in the act right before penetration right the moment before you think you're gonna do it for the first time nope dad got you oh what are we doing here oh the scrapbook thing right i couldn't find the words to tell you what i wanted to in your yearbook so i thought i would show you a different way oh my god oh she didn't even scrapbook she just threw [ __ ] into a pile how low effort can you go i was expecting a grand gesture from a girl who loves grand gestures she's like i don't i don't have the words to express it so i'll just unpin all the things from my cork board and throw it in a box is that good enough for you all right a fair well bang is that what this is dad dad get in here he's about to penetrate quick get in here ah you sure are you sure no dad dad father papa you have no idea how much i've thought about this what's what's wrong it's not thinking about your dad ever since i told you about nyu you've been acting really distant you wanna have sex with me because you're feeling insecure i wanna be with you that's all i've ever wanted then why aren't you going to berkeley you're saying goodbye that's not true dad my boyfriend is breaking up with me dad get in here we could still make this work no i love you not enough apparently he shamed her ass this should have been the first half hour of the film right here oh awkward hey i'm gonna break up with you also do you want me to come to your father's wedding no thank you i think no i think that would be a no better better for my dad she really tried it what a cough out dad peter says congrats dad father father puppy noah says congrats on your wedding peter dumbass outfit khakis and a blue button down i wasn't leaving you i was leaving your [ __ ] [ __ ] of a mom i can't oh angry noah i'm supposed to take angry noah seriously okay yeah sure let's just get through this wedding yeah bust through it cross-fade through this [ __ ] if i can put it at 1.5 times baby get through the [ __ ] i don't care about at 50 extra speed oh we should slow it down because here comes [ __ ] peter i bet oh no peter peter come on bro i'm really sorry that peter didn't come tonight yeah what the [ __ ] pete you might have uh left something in the tent yeah okay peter's out [ __ ] back i knew it what is this dumb big gesture gonna be uh he wrote a letter back to her it was sixth grade assembly and your name was written on your backpack and glittery letter a loser principal cho called you up on stage to receive an attendance award like a loser would get your hair got caught in your chair yeah what a nerd don't show me clips of the first two movies because they had elements of fun in them you're like hey remember remember the good times when our movies were like at least watchable like guilty pleasures this is just it's making me feel guilty like i committed a crime and this is the punishment is watching this third [ __ ] film it's the price of success man i'm having more success on youtube and now netflix is like all right you watched our movies now you're popular now we're gonna [ __ ] torture you in return [ __ ] you netflix always and forever hi all right flash forward yeah you know one thing three thousand miles is good for writing love letters [ __ ] me there's gotta be a yeah there's definitely time for a five years later type of situation katie love joy katie if you love joy so much why did you write such a bummer of a script to watch someone had to say it they really didn't have a five years later thing all right film i don't even care that i was wrong the film of this quality i'm glad that none of the guesses i had were in it because if i guessed it and it was bad then the things that i think would be bad make sense see how i comfort myself on the bright side the series is over thank god if they had made a fourth one i wouldn't have watched it that's how bad this one was it's just it's so boring maybe i'm just not the target demo that's not true because i can get into that like garbage trashy oh we have to pretend to be in a relationship stuff i'm higher on love triangles than most people are most people think it's like a hokey tactic that most writers use just to build drama i'm here for it at least we powered through it we finished this good on us i want to give another big thank you to audible for sponsoring this video go to dylan is in trouble hook yourself up start listening to some audiobooks man i want to write my own why a fiction story it's going to be good i'm writing it currently and one day it's going to be on audible and i want to be able to say hey go sign up for audible and also get my audiobook you know it's like i'm double dipping it's like sponsorship but then also i'm promoting my own [ __ ] it's a dream baby just hoping to make it happen anyways i love you guys i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,688,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: to, all, the, boys, three, noah, centineo, loved, before, peter, laura, laura jean, lana, condor, always, and, forever, dylan, reaction, review, movie, trailer, ending
Id: xwlloWMsoNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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