The Shape of Culture [THINK!] Dr. Cindy Trimm

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today i want to help you navigate the concept of culture the patterns of human activity that shape society it's all around you it cultivates you but what happens when you have broken culture that limits you that programs you to neglect the importance of developing critical thinking and educate you with lies you cannot succeed not without kingdom thinking and i'm happy to tell you what you were born into you don't have to die in kingdom culture gives you the agency to think critically and to shift your paradigm into a new realm in christ you'll learn how to avoid the pitfalls and the prevailing cultures and also the previous mindsets we're going to discuss why jesus taught in parables and how his parables restore your ability to ask the right questions and make the right decisions we'll discuss 12 most important questions you can ask as well as the 10 most important decisions you can make to strengthen your timing your talents to develop a new vision for your life and to give you agency over your future and your destiny from discovery to revelation to manifestation you will learn to prosper as you learn to think and act anew in the realm of greatness [Music] hey everyone i'm so happy to have you join us in our series um the whole series is focused on greatness but i wanted to start out with some very important conversations and dialogue because if i just go straight out of the gate and talk to you about greatness you might miss the force behind the greatness realm greatness is actually around that you live in and i wanted to make sure that you understand that we're not talking about just activities and actions and titles we're talking about the realm that you actually live in when you deal with a concept like influence influence or even wealth or even poverty these are all realms there are invisible dimensions that we live in and where do we live obviously we're not living in it physically but it's a mental state of being your your physiology is going to follow your psychology and so in order to really build the foundation um on the whole idea of greatness i thought that we would lay the foundation on just a concept that i'm calling a course in thinking a crash course in thinking um our scripture today is romans 12 1-2 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body is a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then it goes on that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god so that means that god's will is good god's will is acceptable and it's perfect and we want to be in god's perfect will there is a permissive will of god and a lot of times when we deal with our lives as christians we talk about knowing the will of god and being in the center of his will and that's what we want but there are things that god permits and the reason why he permits it is because he created us as a free moral agent and so we have agency and a part of that agency really is the ability to think in our first installment we learned that adam fell and began to think in an inferior paradigm his fallen state caused inferior thinking this is a scripture that says if you then be risen with christ seek those things which are above in an elevated place and not those things which are beneath to understand um how powerful the concept is when it comes to thinking i think because we do it naturally we don't have to be educated to think that something that we naturally do we can overlook the fact that is our thoughts that determine our destiny and if you can then bring about the discipline of your thinking you can bring uh your destiny back into uh an alignment that god originally planned and purpose for it so to understand what's in a person's mind if you have the mind of christ like the scripture says that we do have the mind of christ in order to determine how a person is thinking or what a person is thinking all you have to do is to look at the manifestations of thoughts nothing happens incidentally there's nothing in the universe that happens coincidentally and there has to be a cause for every effect every occurrence with every occurrence there has to be a cause and the cause for all of your accomplishments the cause for all of your suffering the cause for or for all human suffering is someone's thinking and your thinking then therefore determines what you speak how you act how you behave and the manifestations that happen in your life so to figure out what i'm thinking all you have to do is look at my actions look at my words my behavior my attitude as well as look at the manifestations and so if i i grew up in abject poverty and that was the mindset that i had i was shaped to believe that there would never be any money at the end of the month and even when i became very successful i still didn't have money at the end of the month to tell you the truth i didn't know where the money was going until i determined that there has to be more money than months and when i change my thoughts from more month than money to more money than month i noticed that there was always more money than month and i discovered that just because you're born into poverty it doesn't mean that you have to die there especially when you understand that after you become an adult then poverty is a mentality and we're going to talk to you a little bit about that whole idea of mentality so we began to teach you in the first installment we began to learn what why jesus spoke in parables adam fell he was the first adam and then jesus being the second adam came to seek and to save that which was laws and one of the things that was laws was us thinking like god acting like god being a problem solver bringing solutions to the world and once we found that out we found out that the reason why jesus taught him parables is because he wanted to take us into a place within ourselves that we cannot go by ourselves but there's a second reason which i want to present to you now and that second reason is that he taught parables because it aided the hearers the listeners those that understood in acquiring a paradigm shift and once you understand how paradigms are formed paradigms are shaped really by culture and an individual's paradigm is shaped through culturalization through education through socialization and relationship constellation those are the four things in order for you to have a paradigm shift that means that you have to change the source of education how how you're educated the source number two you have to change your culturalization number three you have to change of course your social constellation and four you have to do that consciously knowing that there's another force externally that is bent on controlling your life and that force is called culture now when we talk about culturalization you can't live in the world without living within a culture and as it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual when it comes to understanding the kingdom the kingdom has has a culture as well now culture is this force that will cause you to conform to prevailing expectations of you fully embracing the mores the traditions the social conditioning and the social social conditioning is so that they can control your destiny and whether it is implicit or explicit nonetheless that's what's happened that's what happens but salvation abstracts you from the prevailing culture and it brings you into the culture of the kingdom the culture of the of the kingdom of darkness is one of oppression it's one of fear it's one of propaganda the culture of the kingdom of heaven is one of freedom and liberty whom the sun sets free is free indeed so this is this abstraction process and we are usually controlled through propaganda deception and lies this is very important if you're taking notes write it down propaganda is a form of communication that creates a culture of con formation you're going to conform choose something and when you think of propaganda it's it's it's geared towards influencing the mindset the attitude of a population and uh concerning a specific cause or a specific position that you're in so you take things such as propaganda and conspiracy theories and you end up with a people that are is is being controlled just beneath their conscious level just believe that beneath the consciousness conscious level and this is what makes it so very powerful so a person is influenced and they don't even know why they're influenced and either they will use propaganda or they will use lying by omission so they're going to tell you enough truth and then they'll throw in some lies or propaganda just to twist your thinking so how did we in america start eating bacon and eggs how did we start eating bacon and eggs and hash browns and toast and tea for breakfast when breakfast used to be a little more humbler it started way back at the turn of the century sigmund freud had a nephew and his nephew became the father of pr and so all the firms would hire him to put a twist on their advertisement so that the um country would buy their weirs their goods their products and they would hire him and he would put this twist and before you know it we were eating we we weren't eating corn flakes anymore we weren't eating oatmeals anymore the typical breakfast was eggs bacon pancakes and whatever the american diet was because listen to this breakfast is the most important meal of the day and he twisted he he took this campaign and convinced all of america that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and now we say it to our children breakfast is the most important meal of the day not knowing that the word breakfast is break fast and you could break your fast nine o'clock in the morning ten o'clock in the morning eleven o'clock in the morning noon one o'clock in the afternoon two o'clock in the afternoon three o'clock it's you breaking a fast and when you break it typically you should be eating whole foods and live foods and not dead foods in order to kick start your enzyme in your stomach and we wonder why so many people have allergies and more and more kids are born with allergies to foods and food allergies and so on and so forth however i have a sneaky feeling and i believe that you will agree with me that it has to do with how we eat what we eat and this is why i say that the parables are important someone called them ponderables something that you ponder on because oftentimes it's not what you're eating it's what's eating you when jesus spoke there was so much propaganda and so much conspiracy theories that were floating around um that he wanted the disciples to learn how to think and he taught them um the parables so we don't have to become victims of propaganda and conspiracy theories when we learn how to think critically and it's like having the wool pulled over your eyes the thing about having the wall pulled over your eyes most people know that it is but because it's pulled over everyone's eyes we start doubting ourselves and there's always a spiritual feeling like something is wrong here and nine times out of ten it is it's it's just that there's enough arsenic mixed with your steak not enough for you to detect it but enough to destroy you so we want to make sure that you understand thou shalt know the truth and the truth shall set you free and so we don't want to be people of the lies jesus speaking in parables wanted them to begin to think for themselves culture culture actually comes from this letter word collier and it means something that surrounds you and it is a force that cultivates to cultivate means to to grow it means to rare and if you we're being reared to be being slaves to a system you're reared that way you're socialized that way you're educated that way uh when someone comes with a message of freedom and liberty it sounds too good to be true and so we would rather fight the truth especially if you've been told lies all your life the truth begins to look like a lie so generally speaking when we talk about culture jesus wanted to extrapolate the disciples and us from a culture that causes us to be non-thinkers and as a result of that we are not we we we'd lack agency to do anything about our lives when in fact god has made you an agent a free moral agent and his representative here on earth culture has to do with a pattern of human activities and and it's symbolic of this structure that controls everything today we're talking about um systemic systemic poverty and systemic miseducation and systemic prejudices and systemic biases we're talking about things that are systemic and culture is the sticky glue that causes us and people to be stuck in a system so a lot of times we pray and pray and pray and fast and fast and fast but we don't know what that sticky glue is we read our word we read the bible but yet we are still stuck and we're stuck because culture provides that sticky glue that allows structures even though you may identify okay this is a structural issue and this is systemic it allows the system to work like a machine that even if you say we're going to destroy that machine you've got to be able to destroy the culture before you destroy the machine culture produces destinies basically it shapes your mind through traditions and values and religion and behaviors and mindsets and it does so through the perpetuation of ideas and philosophies it's interesting when we talk about social media and the travesty of social media is this that it is literally controlling people's destinies because people mindlessly allows themselves to think based on someone's opinion when we talk about social media i have so many people sending me social media news from facebook or from twitter you know one of the the social media avenues and they say did you hear about so-and-so and they're going to throw something up there's usually some scandal and i have to tell them do you realize that this is someone's opinion and it's a an opinion of a non-thinker there's nothing to substantiate anything that they're saying and you're allowing these people to drag your life around based on an opinion unfortunately we don't understand that because when you when you study culture it's it's about codifying and classifying and then communicating and it it communicates in a oftentimes nonverbal way how we should dress how we should drink how we should live how we communicate according to beliefs and languages and it communicates what we should believe what we shouldn't believe who we should listen to who we shouldn't listen to what we should worship who we should worship what what is considered moral what is considered ethical and then the thing about culture is it records our activities and it hands it to the next generation and we call that history and from there we studied the greats not knowing that we're studying their mindsets and then history repeats itself and history is repeating itself because there is a stutter on on critical thinking so we end up duplicating something from 10 years ago 15 years ago 20 years ago 100 years ago without any interruption and you can see it through art art is and art forms are one of the things that helps to perpetuate ideologies and philosophies and what we call an art form today for me it's garbage and what they're doing is forcing what they call art down our throat when we know that half of it is hideous when you can get performing artists literally doing actuated activities during prime time when children are up and call it artistic expression we have a problem in society and so morals and ethics are being forced down our throat and very few people are able to debate at the academic and scholastic level because we lack critical thinking and we lack the ability to separate our true ideas and opinions from everyone else's usually it's a duplication and a variation of something that someone told us very few people are going to take news and sit down and say this is propaganda this is conspiracy theory and i've seen it over and over and over i've seen it with governments i've seen it during political campaigns i've seen it in with news media everything is going to be slanted based on a specific perspective that the communicator wants you to have when it comes to the message of the kingdom you have to understand that jesus was communicating in such a way to restore our right to to ask questions you need to question your own thoughts question your own ideas you need to think about your thoughts and when we talk about you thinking about your thoughts and questioning your thoughts we call it philosopher philosophy so a philosopher is going to think about his thoughts and then he's going to test his thoughts and when you you have a philosopher that tests his thoughts we call it a debate now a lot of people don't understand debates debates doesn't mean that we agree with one another but we listen from a perspective with the intent of learning but some people are know-it-alls they just want to give their opinion but they're not prepared to listen to someone else's and therefore they weaken their position when we talk about culture there's all kinds of cultures so you just don't say culture is responsible for shaping the mindsets of people that's what you don't say what you say is we have sports culture we have a hip-hop culture we have a drug culture or an organizational culture there's not just one kind of culture but culture can be um used as a force for good just like it be can be used for force for evil take nelson mandela nelson mandela was challenged he would be the first man of color to run a country that awarded those that were non-white the position of being inferior and he exits after 27 years of being in prison and now his greatest challenge is to bring the sides together and how do you do that when it's systemic the same culture that shaped and molded the minds so that those that felt that they were superior had the right to control those that they thought was inferior and called it apartheid apart tied to separate and separated based on color of skin and they are not only separated you were denigrated and designated to an inferior part of your society this man decided since this force is so powerful and this force created at port tide i should be able to use the same force to destroy it and he did he used culture and he raised up a sports team the sports team initially was horrendous but this was one way that he galvanized the whole country around sports and he used culture the same culture that denigrated him was the same culture that awarded him a position has been as the head of the country and hence one of the most influential leaders world leaders this world has ever seen and he used the same culture so this is how powerful culture is culture that shapes your awareness to everything around you it informs you how you should react to things um it requires uh the presence of a spiritual entity in order for it to be perpetuated and that spiritual entity is the human beings we know that we're physical but we're also spiritual and so you know as kingdom citizens we we come into a culture and we come into environments and arenas that are our counter culture when i talk about country culture the culture is counter or the opposite of the kingdom culture and we believe that the culture of the kingdom has to be superimposed over every other culture until the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of is christ and then we through a righteous setting not a religious but righteous means right standing we are able to create cultures of empowerment so that people find meaning hope dignity and purpose and not just for some of us for all of us culture is going to perpetuate the ideologies and the philosophies and the accepted norms for behaviors and attitudes now why is this important when you read the bible the nazi germans hitler just didn't use propaganda uh we didn't we just didn't see it in south africa and europe we didn't just see it through throughout the world uh uh ireland and where wherever else we see this level of propaganda using culture all the way during daniel's time because nebuchadnezzar said when you hear the sound of the zuckerberg when you hear it when you hear the music and when you hear the sound we want you to fall down and worship in other words we don't want you to think about it we are programming you to behave in such and such a matter because we are conditioning you to behave in that manner and this is what we call classical conditioning where people grow up their condition and so within the kingdom we have our culture the kingdom uh the the culture is about ideologies and philosophies and traditions and arts and technology and methodologies and language so in the kingdom of heaven here's our ideology now the just shall live by faith when it comes to traditions we have the feasts so we have all the feasts that we celebrate we have biblical appointed times these are our tradition when it comes to art we have singing and prophetic dancing and pantomime when it comes to technology we've got the anointing we've got the technology of faith we have the ministry of the fivefold ministry gifts we have methodologies we have diverse kinds of administration of the anointing and we have the language we have the language of the kingdom and what is the language of the kingdom the language of the kingdom is the language of faith so i could stay here all day just treating that and talking about culture as it relates to parables but the parables were there not only to take our sounds or allow the holy spirit to take us in into ourselves to a place that we could not go by ourselves but it's also secondarily there to extrapolate us from the prevailing culture number three the message of the kingdom especially as it relates to parables is there thirdly to help us to ask more intelligent questions now this is important because if you don't question what people are telling you if you don't question what you believe is the truth you might be put in bondage by a lie a propaganda or some conspiracy theory now albert einstein said something providing the solution is easy it's defining the problem that's difficult and how do you define a problem you got to ask questions and so the only way really to solve some problems that we have in the universe is to change the thinking that created it and if we if we are able to ask the right questions is the power of the the right question and the important things about li about living in life is never stop asking questions why because prosperity follows the right question so if you get the right question right prosperity is going to follow and here's the proof matthew 7 and 7 says ask and it shall be given you in other words it's just going to take the struggle out of life and living if you were in front of great people the the sign of your your desperation to grow your desperation to learn to increase is always hidden in the question and so sometimes you have to show up and you have to ask the right questions and don't think that you are know it all you've got to keep the sponginess of a child this the the intellectual sponginess they ask questions why why why why and we teach children to stop asking so much questions and as adults we don't ask enough questions so seek a accident shall be given you so the right questions are always clues to desires questions actually reveal the need to know and grow the moment you stop asking questions is the moment you stop growing number three questions birth open dialogues so you want to communicate with people why when you're in when you're with someone that knows more than you you've got to ask the answer ask the right questions because if you can extrapolate their wisdom from them and walk away from the table you will eventually know more than everybody around you but if you're constantly engaging and never asking questions then you will always be the one that is behind everyone else questions birth open dialogue open dialogue is a precursor to exposure of information the reward of information is discovery clarity and progress discovery clarity and progress are the precursors to revelation revelation is the precursor to application application is the precursor to manifestation so that means if you want to see things happening in your life it starts with a question secondly uh the nature of your question reveals your value reveals what you value the nature of your question reveals what you value i'm gonna say it again the nature of your question reveals what you value so if all you're asking is questions about when is the next movie coming that's what you value but if you can sit and have dialogues and you ask about investment you ask about education you ask about current affairs you ask about history you ask about success strategies that means that's what you value i've been around a lot of tables talking with a lot of people and i discovered a lot of people are uncomfortable with questions that you asked them and if you go deep and ask the person well why why do you think that because i just think it well that's not a good answer for me because i can't do anything with that's how i think can you go a little deeper and maybe you cannot go a little deeper because it just might not be your opinion it may not be your conviction you may be duplicating something that you heard over and over again and absorbed it without thinking for yourself the quality of your question reveals character the tenacity of the question reveals desire your desire to know your desire to prosper your desire to succeed is always revealed by the nature and the content of your question you got to go deep go deep go deep one of the things i committed to committed myself to and that is never to be a know-it-all to constantly engage in um lifelong learning to learn to um find out where the information is and to always upgrade that information there are 12 questions the 12 most powerful questions anyone can ask and find an answer question number one where did i come from question number two what was i born into question number three who am i question number four why am i here question number five where should i be going question number six how am i going to get there question number seven what will i do when i get there question number eight how will i get it done when i get there question number nine when should i be doing it question number ten who should i be doing it with question number 11 with what should i be doing it and question number 12 how would the next generation know that i do it question number one where did i come from speaks about your heritage we came from god we didn't come from an orangutan and we're not talking about your physical country we're talking about where spiritually number two what was i born into that's your inheritance different from your heritage number three who am i that's your identity number four why am i here that's your purpose number five where should i be going that's your destiny number six how should i be going there that's your vision number seven what will i do when i get there that's your assignment for instance this is my assignment for today and i know what i have to do and it's hard work it's very hectic there's a lot of moving parts but i know my assignment for today and everybody around me knows this is my assignment the next thing number eight how will i get it done that strategy you see a lot of people have these big visions they know where they're going they show up they have no strategy attached to it i'm gonna uh float that as a balloon and come back in a minute when should i be doing it's timing everything is about timing when the time is right all the elements fall into place when i tell talk about timing i'm not just talking about the time on a clock or a time on your watch or a clock i'm not just talking about that but timing has to do with sequence sequencing sequence we got to do this first and this second and that third one of the most brilliant strategic minds that i have around me is this lady by the name of lisa johnson and she is a a woman of timing the timing we have to get this done when thursday timing now what is the sequence the sequence is we need this done first this done second this then the third so who's on first jeannine's on first who's on the second la quante is on second who's on third marvin's on third who's got the home run you dr trent but nothing's going to happen if janine doesn't do what she has to do and it's delivered and laquante is off or ebony is off or marvin is off or someone is off and someone has to manage all of that and when someone manages everything that i just said it's called project manager and unless you are handling your life as a project everything's a project from washing clothes when are you going to wash clothes you can't be all over the place with that do you wash it on a thursday do you wash it on a friday when you got to have a routine and rhythm in your life so timing is about what do you do when you do it it's about the day the date the time it's about that but it's also about rhythm and a lot of people get um thrown off the rhythm until they're not producing at the level of their uh potential it's it's usually some energy or someone's mindset that throws the rhythm off and if if you say for instance you have a business and all of your people are working together and working together as a team but if one person or two people believe that it don't take all of this you're gonna find out it's gonna throw the rhythm off it's gonna throw your timing off and you're not going to really understand why isn't it that you know we're doing all the right things but we're not getting the manifestation and that happens in with marriages that happens with children there's nothing like a two-year-old that get would throw you out of timing when they throw a temper tantrum and you're used to going out at a certain hour seven o'clock in the morning everybody's in the car you drop them off to school and a two-year-old is throwing a fit and they're kicking and they're screaming and they're hollering and then you go out to your car and your car had a car it has a car flat by time you you fix the car the baby's still screaming and you you get everyone to school and then you show up at jo at the job and nothing seems to go right that is because you you're out of your rhythm now someone broke your rhythm and when we talk about divine timetables and when we talk about when should i be doing it it's timing it's a timing issue when should i study it's a timing issue when should i work it's a timing issue do you not know that there are some people that are highly productive early in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon and after three o'clock in the afternoon pretty much it's a wrap there are other people who their rhythm they hit this stride starting from one o'clock in the afternoon to about two o'clock in the morning they have a stride so they're highly productive during that time and in between they are forcing themselves to get things done when it comes to timetables and when it comes to timing you've got to begin to ask god what is the best time for me to do x y and z my products my highest productivity time is between two in the afternoon and two in the morning that's high productivity so what i do is during the morning hours when when between eight o'clock or nine o'clock whenever i start my day between those hours between eight and nine i get the other little busy work done i uh do calling i i catch up with phone calls whoever left me messages i catch up with emails that's when i kind of set up a lot of my meetings because now i don't have to use so much of my mind but at two o'clock i want to be left alone why are you calling me because that's my most productive time two o'clock in the afternoon two o'clock in the two o'clock in the morning most productive time and i have a i get this high during that time now that i'm married guess what i had to change my rhythm up ever so slightly because my husband is the opposite my husband is a morning person and at night he's winding down at night he's like listen i never seen anybody like you the whole world is winding down and you're winding up i'm getting stuff done i can get stuff done in an hour uh in the afternoon what i can't get done in the morning now when it comes to you performing and producing and progressing you've got to know when is the right time for do for you to do things are you a morning person are you a night person those of us that are business owners we we don't work nine to five we work nine to faint and we have to have productivity the whole time because you're dealing with a lot of different people and a lot of different styles but you find your key moments and that's when you can produce like that timing timing is about rhythm it's about sequence it's about a calendar it's about the a clock on the wall and you have to set yourself up especially if you have i have a lot of con um conflicting priorities a lot of conflicting priorities and everything is needed yesterday everything and so being able to work with divine timing the timing of the lord and keeping that mindset you've got to ask the right questions who should you be doing with if this is about relationships what you should be doing and and how you're going to get it done that's your resources and how would the next generation know that you did it and that's your legacy but in addition to that when it comes to jesus and him talking about the whole idea of of um mindsets he said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand there's something else the fourth reason why he taught parables is to help in our decision-making abilities so when it comes to decision making there are 10 most important decisions you will ever have to make and these 10 most important decisions is going to impact your future it'll impact your destiny number one who will you serve that's very important you've got to make that decision number two how you will live number three what are your non-negotiables or your core values where are you going to go number three you gotta add answer make these decisions you gotta make a decision about what you're gonna focus on your core values you gotta make a decision what you feed on you gotta make a decision decision about what you do with your time what you do with your talent what you do with your life experience what you do with your education what you do with your resources what you do with your life your gifts your relationships and opportunity and potential and i think i'm going to give that to you one more time so it's not just the questions you're going to ask it's the decisions that you have to make so you're moving from critical thinking into decision making the 10 most important decisions you will ever make that will impact your destiny and impact your future is who you're going to serve number two how you're going to live how are you going to live for the rest of your life number three what are your core values or your non-negotiables number four where you will go where am i going to go in life number five you got to make a decision about your life strategies christianity is my life strategy full stop so i everything in the bible is what i applied to my life and i made that decision a long time ago another important decision that you have to make is about your relationships who surrounds you who's in your inner circle you have 12 bands in your relationship one of the greatest mistakes that i made is to bring everybody into my inner circle that's the greatest mistake that i made and so now i've learned to place people where they belong in my relationship my relationship um bands and to keep them there and that's important one of the things that i always practice and this is my non-negotiable i never make personal friends with my colleagues never my colleagues are my colleagues and i go home i have a family and i have personal friends so my colleagues remain my colleagues and i follow the protocol for colleagues so there's a protocol for every relationship that you have listen to me carefully there are rules there are roles and there are boundaries there are rules there are roles and there are boundaries and you stick to that the greatest mistake i have ever made in my life is to bring everybody into uh my inner circle and that inner circle is a trust circle these are the people and we're not talking about trusting with information these are the people that you trust with your dreams you trust with your vision these are the people that that become destiny helpers not destiny fighters destiny helpers and it simply means that some of your siblings should not be in that trust circle i love you but you don't have capacity for where i am right now some of you have family members in your businesses and they should not be in business because if they cannot take care of their five dollars they cannot help you to bring a roi on your 50 or your 50 000 if they have never been in business one of the things that i practice um i tell you is to keep family with family and never bring business home so i never talk about business my family did not know anything about what i was doing they had to read it on the internet i never take business home and in that way i keep everything clean when i go home with the family if i drag someone home and uh they're not looking at them cross-eyed you need to keep your family out of your marriage and i know that you understand this but you and your husband have a uh a fight or you and your wife have a fight and you go home and you tell your mother you tell your sister you tell your brother guess what you guys kiss and make up and now your whole family is angry so when it comes to the whole idea of relationships you got to make decisions about each one of them and place everyone in their band there's a saying that you should keep keep keep these two people close to you your friends and enemies keep your friends close and your enemies closer but to be quite frank sometimes it's hard to to to decide who is who but when it comes to relationships you've got to have a vision for your life so that when people come into your life you're able to identify okay this person can go here this person can go here and this is what i need from them but this is also what i'm giving to them so it's a it's it's a push-pull it's a giving and it's a receiving that goes with that now your core values you you've got to make decisions about your core values you're not negotiable with your feed on would you feed on intellectually what you feed on spiritually what you feed on nutritionally and and what you do what you do with your time and these are all decision making a lot of people don't sit and if people call them can i talk to you their their calendars are so clean they say yes yes yes yes yes and someone wrote a book the year of yes i say this should be a year of no you should be focusing on your dreams and visions and saying no to the wrong people so you can say yes to the right people when they come you've got to be able to make decisions what do you do with your time concerning what what you do with your time what you do with your talents your education your resources your gifts your talents and every opportunity fifthly jesus taught to help them to change their perspective to use uh the kingdom as their lands and so most of us were socialized and educated with the dominant culture and that becomes the lens through which we view our lives and we re view the world but perspective is everything i heard this story is a kind of cute story but its perspective so this very wealthy man wanted to teach his son the value of being wealthy so he decided to take it take him to one of his friends that lived way out in the country and his friend was not wealthy at all so he allowed his son to stay there for two weeks and um when he brought his son home he said what did you learn he said daddy i learned how poor we really are we have a swimming pool but they have the ocean we have a fenced yard but they have farm yards and and as far as i can see they they uh can run but i have to stay in my little um arena and he said we have a garden with lantern but they have the stars at night we have a patio that reaches to the front yard but they have the whole horizon we have a small piece of land but they have fields that go beyond our sights we have servants but they serve one another we buy our food but they grow theirs we have walls around our property to protect us but they have friends to protect them and the father was speechless and here the father was a multi-millionaire he was taking his son to teach him the value of what they had but he learned from his son because he learned that it's just perspective i think when jesus taught his disciples he was teaching them the purity of living in the kingdom unless we become like children we've got to be able to change our perspectives sixthly sixthly he taught him to get rid of their limiting belief one of the things that carter g woodson said and i quote if you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action when you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do if you can make a man feel that he is inferior you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status for he will seek it himself if you make a man think that he is justly an outcast you do not have to order him to the back door he will go without being told and if there is no back door he will demand by nature that one will be given and that is the miseducation of the negro a lot of us have limiting beliefs it started out when we were young it was formed by the culture that we grew up in and slowly we began to stop raising our expectations because we knew that something could not be done because that's what people made us believe we did not understand how to take money and see money as seed and always plant it so that you can get an roi there's so many lids and limitations that was placed upon our lives but when jesus taught he taught in such a way that it put enough tension on their thought that it would it became a splinter in their mind something that irked them and they would come back and they would ask questions the purpose of the parables was to enlarge their intellectual capacity jesus said foxes have holes the birds of the ear have nests but the son of man had not where to lay his head when we talk about thinking it takes me all the way back to the parables of christ why parables when there were so much many more available means of communication they were not just parables they were honorable and they were designed to allow the holy spirit to take you into yourself to a place where you could not go by yourself and that place was that level of potential that potential for you to be an ambassador for you to bring heaven here on earth for you to be a problem solver a gap filler a history maker the parables were not just cute little stories they were stories that build enough tension so that you could have a crest course in thinking god bless you thanks for joining us today don't forget to tune in next week for part 2 of think for a change you're going to be blessed we pray that god spoke to you through this message and that you are able to take it and apply it in your life please go ahead and comment in the chat and let us know what god spoke to you in your heart and what you took away from the message you know how i love to do life with you subscribe to the channel hit that bell stay up to date with the 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Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 26,087
Rating: 4.95086 out of 5
Id: ZBiGdsRKvxk
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Length: 58min 49sec (3529 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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