The King of the Dead | Baldur's Gate 3 Paladin Wizard Necromancer Multiclass Build Guide

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let's pop these guys up and there you go we instantly have our Undead Army beginning to build here okay you know how this goes this is our King of the Dead build so we're going to do level by level and a Combat tutorial and some items so let's begin we're going to start with our Paladin because we want the proficiencies in armors and weapons now this will make more sense as the build goes on but this is how we are starting for your oath honestly ly ideally you would like to be an oath breaker however I'm in act three so it's not really doable without the game bugging so I'm going to pick over devotion but it's not really essential it's just to me oathbreaker fits the theme a little better for your stats I would have something like this I would have 16 in strength 12 in decks 14 in Constitution 16 in intelligence and then the rest can be at eight and if your skill proficiencies take what whatever you fancy there's no real right or wrong answer here okay level two We Begin our crossover into Wizards now for your spells you really want to take things that fit the theme so we're going to take bone chill going to take poison spray and we're going to take acid Splash and this build is really going to rely on acid poison necromancy that sort of thing okay for the six spells you can select at level one I would take Shield because I think this is one of the best spells in the game I'll take rare sickness to fit the necromancy poison thing we have going false life because it's another necromancy spell Thunder Wave because it's one of the my favorite spells in the entire game magic Missile just because of how like Reliant you can be on it it's it never misses if you need to just chip away a few enemies it's a great spell and long Strider okay level three we stick with wizard because this allows us to go to the necromancy school now Savant which is learning necromancy spells now will only cost 25 gold instead of 50 and that is the key thing about using a wizard is that you can learn spells from the Scrolls you have and we get Grim Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you gain hit points equal to twice the spell slot of level used Thrice if it's a necromancy spell so basically every time we kill someone with a necromancy spell we'll gain life back really good way to keep healing yourself and just keep buffing yourself back up to top for your next two spells again take anything you want to hear I would personally take color spray and I'll take feather fall okay we are level four overall and now we're still sticking with wizard because we want to get this build online as soon as possible and unfortunately that doesn't really happen until we're around level seven I think it's wizard level six that comes online so just got to keep chugging along but we do now have access to our level two spells and we are going to begin with meths acid Arrow to once again tap back into the acid aspect of it and we'll be taking hold person um hold person is a phenomenal spell if you can keep people still and just smack them with critical hits you are going to do so much damage off the bat okay level five we stick with wizard so we're now a wizard level four and this gives us our first feat and we have access to one more spell from this I would take rare of frost I know it's not like necromancy or poison but cold and death kind of go together that's the theme Here your other option would be something like daylight or lie in Mage hand really take whatever you want but I will take Ray Frost and we have access to two more spells so we're going to take Misty step because Misty step is amazing it's a bonus action lets you teleport and it's so good for getting you out of danger or putting you up close in person with enemies that wouldn't expect you to be there the option is going to be blur because blur is amazing if you can keep concentration it just gives disadvantage on attacks against you so good especially with a high AC okay so for our feet we're going to do an ASI and we're going to bump our intelligence up to 18 okay we're now wizard level five level six overall and you might be thinking we're going to take animate dead we're not you can do if you want to get the build online a little bit earlier for me there's no real point because we'll be getting animate dead at the next level anyway so it's just really one level of still plugging along with what you have so I would personally take haste because haste is amazing and a little out of the box but there is stinking Cloud because it just stops everyone from doing everything we however are going to take vampiric touch Taps into the necromancy theme of the build again and touch an enemy to siphon their life force every game half as many hit points it is concentration but if you can put on the heaviest armor you can because of our Paladin proficiencies and just stand there and tank things you can really just siphon life off of enemies as much as you need to okay we are now a wizard level six level seven overall and this is where we get our animate Dead create a Undead servant from a corpse this is amazing this really allows us to build up our army of characters and for this for your next two spells I would take Grant flight just cuz it could help you maneuver yourself around the battlefield a bit better and I would take stinking Cloud okay now that we are level eight overall we're going to dip back into Paladin cuz we want our smites finally and we are going to take great weapon fighting we roll one or two on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon that D is rerolled once so we're going to take this and for a spell I would take any sort of smite you can searing Smite thunderus Smite or Ral Smite I'm going to take Thundurus but really just take away you want now you could take your Paladin all the way to level five and get extra attack if you want to we're going to be a bit more spell casty base though so we're going to stick back with the wizard so wizard level seven this gives us access to level four spells and we are going to take flight to begin with this is an 8 to 64 damage spell which is insane we're also going to take edvards black tentacles another one of my favorite spells and in my opinion this is a phenomenal spell to use in conjunction with a king of the Dead by just spawning these tentacles out the ground to just attract and hold on to people so so good okay wizard level eight we have access to our next feat we also get two more spells now you have again options of what you would like to do in my opinion I think fantasmal killer haunt a creature with his worst nightmares it takes 4 to 40 psychic damage I would take this cuz that seems very King of the Dead like and I would take Glyph of warding and we're going to grab the ASI Improvement and we're going to bump our intelligence up once again wizard level 9 now our health isn't going to be the most amazing please bear that in mind with this build but we are going to have some amazing spells like Cloud kill CL a large Cloud then flicks 5 to 40 poison damage this is an amazing spell and once again another one of my favorite spells in the game we're also going to take a hold monster this is basically hold person but on steroids and finally wizard level 10 this gives us in nude to undeath you have seeped yourself completely in death but your resistance to necrotic damage and moreover your hit point maximum cannot be reduced phenomenal we get one more spell so let's just take light and we have access to two more spells and really at this point take whatever you want I would try not to take things like counter spell and leave this for other players but really from here you could take whatever you fancy okay so that is our King of the Dead build done level by level let's now look at some gear so for weapons I would take anything really that is a two-handed weapon until you get to the sword of chaos the reason we are picking this not only is 8 to 21 damage overall it has an extra one for necrotic damage which just sits the theme and it looks awesome it also has chaos so on a hit we regain one to six hit points and it really just helps continuously keep us buffed up because we only have 80 hit points overall for armors again I would put on the heaviest armors you can to really boost your AC things like the flawed and the normal hell dusk armor are amazing but they're a bit more fire themed I like the Reapers Embrace I think it looks amazing and for the stat bonuses you get so magical plate all incoming damage is reduced by two when activated with Reaper rigidity you cannot be moved against your will which is phenomenal which means we can't be thunder waved or shoved but mostly we get howl of the dead and howl of the Dead allows us to do a bone chilling how that will numb all nearby creatures for three rounds very very powerful now with our other equipment we can there's sort of two root we can do we can either really buff our magic abilities or we can really buff our hitting to counteract the fact we only have two Paladin levels so I'm going to give you a few options the setup I will be using is the flesh melter cloak so this will do 1 to four acid damage whenever um a creature hits Us in melee we're going to pair this with evasive shoes there are other shoes you can use but I think the evasive shoes are really good here cuz it's just a plus one acrobatics and a plus one armor Closs to us boost the armor Closs up gloves the incor gloves so when the weor deals acid damage and remember a lot of our spells are acid damage we inflict noxus fumes on the Target and noxus fumes any person within a 3 m radius will take 1 to four damage phenomenal so if you can hit acid on a group of enemies like an acid Splash you're going to put this noxus fumes on all of them and that's really just going to spread around the whole area we ing this with the cotic band so your weapon attacks also deal two damage so that's necrotic and acid damage on our weapon now really fits the theme in my opinion as well as the killer sweetheart when you kill a creature your next attack role will be a critical hit if you can kill something with your sword then do this you're going to and pair it with a Smite you're going to do an insane amount of damage but again as I said there are other routes you can go down for example you could go with the cloak of displacement which will basically give disadvantage on attack rolls against the wearer really good for tanking yourself up if you stick with the poison theme when you poison a foe you heal yourself with 1 D4 hit points with the deoration cloak for gloves there is the black guards gauntlets and this allows you to cast inflict wounds however we could just pair this or sorry we could learn inflict wounds from a scroll cuz that's the benefit of being a wizard so this might not be something you really want to focus on too much the gloves of the growling Underdog these are some of my favorite gloves in the game and basically you have advantage of melee attack roles while surrounded by two or more foes I like these gloves but I do think inflicting noxious fumes on an enemy is a little better the legacy of Masters gain a plus two bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons again really good but I think noxious fumes and having the AOE is just a little bit better for this build now obviously there are going to be other equipments out there you could put the the helmet banon for example and that would really boost your AC as well there's multiple options but that's just a few of the ones I'm doing in this video to just show how you can really boost up your uh damage and really just continuously play into this necrotic death theme so we're going to go find some combat and I'm going to show you this build in action okay so before we start the combat please note that the necromancy of tbook now this is a quest that you start in act one and you finish in act three is key to this build because it gives us 20 temporary hit points but more importantly it allows us to cast dense maab so this allows us to create four thrs to fight alongside us so let's pop these guys up and there you go we instantly have our Undead Army beginning to build here and these guys last until long rest and you can recast them every long rest and and because we are a necromancer from here we can also animate dead so there are some corpses on the floor so let's get these guys going so anime dead we're going to do this we are going to get what do we fancy let's take some zombies and we're going to upit to level four take one here and one here and now we have seven people on our team which is insane I guess just going to hit them to pick the fight there we go pick to fight the consequences are hard okay now we have our army and what I have done is so they're trying to heit us we're going to do Shield we're going to play this whole fight out because we don't have any of our other companions it just our character and our Undead Army and we're going to see how they fare against this group of mercenaries there's a little mixture in this which is why I really like doing this fight because there's a mixture of ranged people there's a barbarian there's a wizard it really just helps you figure out just how good a build is with a different party comp as you can see we are taking no damage so because we used our main attack unfortunately we are going to Misty step and we're going to get out of the fight and come up here just like that this allows us to only take out this person but now we could do a cloud kill down here for example and it's time for our thrs to do their [Music] thing and as you can see they manag to paralyze enemies which causes Critical Hits and we are just wiping the floor with some of these people they basically have their own version of hold monster [Music] now that is the Barbarian so he is going to hurt a little bit and of course the invisibility and now it's time for the rest of our Undead Army now these ones that we summoned we can actually control so we're going to come in here and we're going to finish the job and because our animated dead killed them we have now summoned a new animated dead and the same thing applies to this one if we can make our way over which sadly it doesn't look like we can so instead Let's help our King up here and see if we can get another thr another newborn zombie and our army is just building and building more critical hits and we have such a high AC that not much has hitting us unfortunately they'd hit us with a critical and snaring strike which isn't ideal okay so what we're going to do from here is we are going to test out one of my favorite spells when I can find it cloud kill this is phenomenal we're going to do it at level six and we're going to pop it on top of our little Undead Army just like [Music] [Applause] that now unfortunately they do suffer from this but you can just see the bulk damage we are doing although did we actually p on the floor I don't think we did I think we might have missed interesting and as you'll notice the zombies are actually rather strong they're not super weak and we have so many first level spell slots available for shield it's unbelievable how much damage we can just tank and absorb and once again our army of zombies can come in here and start claing wet people especially the squishy people like the wizard that can't really defend themselves more choring attacks and so far we've not lost a single Minion in this fight now unfortunately we did just lose Cloud kill because our concentration got stopped but that's okay okay as we're Paladin we still have our option to Divine Smite so and we can do this up to any level so let's just do a third level come in here and there you go so we still have that ability and because we hit them with a de smip and we hit them with necrotic damage we reheal for some of that and as I said before we do have how of the Dead thanks to our armor so if we were to do this they did save but that is another option you can smack try the how of the Dead from the armor and just really maximize your um turn like usage and really maximize how much you can get in in one round and this is what makes this Army so good is that they just swarm the enemies so this is a bare heart Barbarian so this takes half damage and we are just wiping the floor with it it's not even close this thing might take out one of our little army now as you can see there but we still have a huge amount of enemies to deal with INB and as you can see from the noxious fumes unfortunately he did die and now they're going to start chasing down the next enemy which means we can stay up here continue smacking this one and staring strike is such an annoying ability in these fights ginormous Miss we don't mind that because we can come up here and we will showcase what I'm talking about with the noxious fumes so if we come here and we do a mous acid Arrow to make sure we hit there we go if we examine him conditions acid so Armor class is reduced by two which is really helpful for us because he's now easier to hit and our ghouls are going to continue to hunt down the rest of the enemies this will probably be the wizard who stayed where he was he did not he moved behind but that's okay cuz we can once again hunt him down like like that and if you can save your spell slots you can really just keep Reviving your Undead Army as much as you need to just please bear in mind they will take damage often but once again they are so good for building your army for surrounding enemies and crowding them and they're so easy keep Reviving but we still have that Paladin ability of hitting hard because we are a frontliner as well as an Army Builder so for example if we were to come in here and just smack we would miss apparently so let's do something fun and let's just shove him off give him the nine damage now we just have to wait for them to all respawn and do their thing we will Dash with R1 to bring him down into the fight cuz don't forget we have the ability to Misty step with our Paladin [Music] and we got so many level one spells we can continuously just Shield up and as you can see we've not even dipped below 80 yet because we have the ability to continuously heal every time we hit something so once again less myy step we're going to do at the lowest level possible to get into the fight so let's come down here and once again we will come in here and we will just do some more spells so let's do blight this time at level four to show this off there you go and now we have executioner so let's make our way over here find a way forward and our next hit will now be a [Music] critical and we can still Shield up now unfortunately we can't reach the destination because this one's in the way so let's come up here and we're going to continuously smack into this one and we're doing so much damage cuz it's not armored and as you can see we finally took some damage but we can come up here mistake we're going to executioner thanks to the killer sweetheart and as you see we melted him and we've healed back up to full HP so it is now just a lovely wizard up here to go who is really struggling to do any damage to us so let's see if we can get the kill shot now very very close let's see if we can finish it off with this one here and there you go we have another newborn zombie is blood and because we still have our spell slots available we can run up here we can come back here to animate dead let's get some flying ghouls this time there must be more enemies or somewhere okay let's move over a little bit cuzz they're here so animate dead grab our flying ghouls one here we'll turn this lovely chap into a ghl and there you go we now have two more and this will work as much as we need it to it's unfortunately lagging because we've raised people we've got some dying but we can just do this as much as we want to and as you can see we took out our whole army with just our one character come back in here we'll raise another skeleton or not cuz he can't be resurrected can the guy up here be resurrected it looks like it so grab a skeleton no target cannot be reanimated I wonder why well anyway as you can see that is how the build works you just continuously heit heal yourself up you continuously do poison narcotic damage and you grab constant minions and the minions can summon more minions and if you pair this in an actual Squad so if we brought in Shadow heart J here and Ms that you can see around the corner we would have had no trouble doing that fight at all we probably have had most of our army still and we'd be moving on to our next fight if you have enjoyed please drop the episode like helps me amazingly if you're new and not subscribed but you'd like to that' also be amazing and hopefully I'll see you in the next one bye [Music] guys
Channel: NewDengs
Views: 4,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, death knight build, bg3 death knight build, bg3 necromancer build, baldurs gate 3 necromancer, paladin wizard multiclass bg3, army of undead bg3, infinite spells bg3, baldurs gate 3 necromancer death knight build, baldurs gate 3 necromancer paladin build, necromancer paladin build, bg3 necromancer paladin build, paladin necromancer, paladin necromancer build, paladin necromancer guide
Id: nHgrrSp_l4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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