Pure Thief Build | Baldur's Gate 3 Rogue Guide | Level 1-12 & Combat Tutorial

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okay the fief is another subass of the Rogue and if you've been watching this channel long enough you'll know I love the Rogue class so Thief is super straightforward just like the Rogue is so as always we're going to do level by level and a Combat tutorial as well as a breakdown of some of the items I think you need so we begin with Rogue and we get to assign our ability points now obviously Dex is going to be our main one we want that as high as possible but there are a few other options so decks and Constitution are probably the two you wouldd like to focus on so my opinion this would be my breakdown I'd have eight in strength dexterity and Constitution being 16 a piece 10 intelligence 10 wisdom and 14 Charisma just because if you want this to be your main character then Charisma is the one to take so you can talk you way out some situations if your Thief is going to be one of your companions then put it into a into either intelligence or wisdom depending on which one you want to have the higher saving through in for your skill proficiencies take whatever you like and the same for your expertise okay Rogue level two we have access to our cunning actions and these are amazing it means we get to use our bonus action to dash disengage or hide saving our main attack or our main action I say for a sneak attack or a normal attack Sonic akin to this we get to Rogue level three three and this is where we get our specialization and of course we're taking the thief and what is amazing about the thief we have fast hands which means we gain two bonus actions so with this build we are going to have the ability to sneak attack attack off hand and use another bonus action to Dash or disengage whatever you feel like we also have Second Story work which means we gain resistance to Falling damage okay it's time for rogue level four and we are going to go into dual wielder you can use two weapon fighting even if your weapons aren't light gain a plus one to armor class while wielding a med weapon in each hand Rogue level five and this is where we unlock uncanny Dodge use your lightning quick reflexes to protect yourself when an attack hits you you only take half the usual damage and as I said the Rogue is very easy to level up literally at level six all we gain is a health increase now expertise again take whatever you feel like and at Rogue level seven we unlock evasion your agility lets you dodge out the way of certain spells when a spell effect would doal half damage on a successful dexterity saving throw it deals no damage if you succeed and only half damage if you fail really good stuff Rogue level eight we now have access to another feat very simply we're going to take our dexterity up to 18 now Rogue level 9 we get another fif feature we have Supreme sneak as an action we can blend into into the environment so completely that you become invisible now this will end if you attack cast a spell take an action take damage that sort of thing but in and out of combat this can be amazing and Rogue level 10 we now have another feat and we're going to bump our ASI and our decks all the way up to 20 Rogue level 11 we get the amazing reliable Talent when you make an ability check with a skill you're proficient with the lowest you can roll on the die is 10 which is insane such a great skill for a rogue and finally level 12 we get one more feat and for this we're going to take alert you're going plus five bones to initiative and you can't be surprised really top stuff okay so that was our build level 1 to 12 let's go over some items now this is my preferred items for this build as you can see we have an armor class of 20 so let's go over what we have only in my opinion some of these are key and those will be the ones I show off are the bits of armor you can pick and choose based on what you like so first up the deoration cloak when you poison a foe hit yourself for one D4 hit points and this works because you can see here the amount of different floss and poisons we have amazing way to throw this up with a bonus action and then you still have your action and your second bonus action to do some damage I really like the evasive shoes a plus one acrobatics but more importantly a plus one to Armor class the stalker gloves so you get another plus one bonus to initiative and you can see our initiative is plus 12 which is great it's such a good thing cuz again you roll a die and basically anything above I'd say a five and you're probably going to be at the front of the turn order but more importantly your sneak attacks do an additional one to four Force damage and because you're going to try to sneak attack as many times as possible this is just extra damage per turn really top stuff I like the crusher ring this gives you plus three movement speed which might not sound like a lot but this is really good for getting your Rogue into the fight attacking and then if you choose to you could disengage and get your Rogue out of the fight when it comes to weapons first up I love the ambusher so gain a plus one to initiative rolles hence why initiative is so high but in combat you do an additional 1 to six necrotic damage against creatures that have haven't taken a turn yet so throw this up if you use this and you are at the very start of the turn order again that's extra damage per turn just for having this sword I like to couple this with the sword of Life stealing so on a critical hit the target takes an extra 10 necrotic damage so we have that symbiotic between the necrotic damage from ambusher and the necrotic damage from The Sword of Life stealing you also gain 10 temporary hit points whenever you land a critical hit with this weapon and then for a bow I love pairing it with dark fire short bow basically it will give you haste which means you would get two main attacks every round again it would be concentration so bear that in mind if you take damage and lose concentration haste will go but if you can maintain it really powerful way of Just Landing so many hits a turn and you get resistance to Fire and Cal damage really good stuff those are the items I think that are best when it comes to armors there are multiple armors you can wear I'm just wearing basic normal half plate just to show what a good AC will do but there's other armors you can pair this with that will give you other Buffs extra Health that sort of thing choose an armor you like the best that looks the best what however you want to do it but those weapons in my opinion are the ones to choose for this build so we're going to go find some combat okay we are now in the fight and for some reason we have no clothes on but that's okay so we're going to start with our sneak attack this is the basic rogue thing and there you go now we still have two bonus actions so with our off hand we can come in here and stab now again we could use our off hand to once again stab or we could disengage for example and run out of danger Way Forward and this basically gives you a lot of Battlefield versatility it means you can get in and attack and run away it means we could have done a sneak attack on this gentleman disengaged run over here and stab this one lots of options like that it really the two bonus AC might not sound like a lot but coupled with a rogue and it really can be a way benefit and it really can make this so much better the other way you could do this is instead of taking the alert feet you could take mobile which means you wouldn't even need to use a bonus action to disengage you could just attack and because of the mobile ability to be able to run away after attacking you could literally attack run away attack someone else run away and attack someone else if you could really really good versatile options so just B mind you could take a buff to your initiative or you could take mobile which will really allow you to dance around the battlefield with all your attacks now unfortunately we are in sned but don't forget we have our bonus options or sorry our bonus actions so we can come into our character sheet and with a bonus action we have the ability to choose some poisons so let's say we want to take let's do a carab bastin's gift we would use that as a bonus action and now we still have one bonus action left and one main action we could then haste up if we were to choose to small things like that and don't forget sneak attack works when you have a bow now unfortunately because we are in tangle we can't do it but we still can hit with a ranged attack so can't hit that one we'll just take a shot here and there you go 10 damage with the dark fire short bow now remember the best way to get sneak attack or I say the best the easiest way to get sneak attack is to have an enemy or sorry an ally adjacent to the enemy so let's drop Jiro there as you can see they actually used disengage okay so as I was saying the easiest way to get sneak attack is to have an enemy adjacent so if we were to go here we could do our sneak attack ranged and here you go big old sneak attack because we have an enemy adjacent to an ally what we could also do is on our next round haste up and then we have more actions so to speak but for now let us close the distance so use one of our bonus actions to come up here and because of the versatility of the Rogue and the thief we still have the ability to then stab with our off hand again okay and as state before let's haste up okay we are now hasted so let's come to the edge here and we'll use our second action to do a sneak attack and there you go we killed him now we have a plethora of bonus actions so there's the first there's the second and now on our next turn we will have two actions and two bonus actions which is four attacks in the round it and as you you can see we made the successful concentration saving throw hence while we buffed our con I think we have given offense and we will come up here and we will start attacking so that is one action and one bonus action and because of haste we can do it again and there you go four attacks really really top stuff a nice way of dealing extra damage per round and if we could have had a sneak attack there this enemy would have gone down for sure and don't forget we have Supreme sneak so just to show off how this is before we finish we have turned invisible and now what this means is because the enemy cannot see us we have access to a sneak attack because we have advantage and there you go the easiest way to finish that fight and again that ability Works in and out of combat so just bear that in mind really good way of no only can you use it during the fight you could haste up and then hit that move you could also save it for out of combat and remember we also have resistance to full damage so if we were to jump down here we only took seven damage instead of the 14 it stated so that is the pure Thief build really really fun build really good DPS build especially paired with these two weapons in my opinion and a really nice way of being able to maneuver around the battlefield disappear dance around and deal damage to multiple enemies or really Target one solo enemy and take them them down before moving on to the next if you have enjoyed please drop the episode like helps me amazingly if you're new and not subscribed you'd like to that would also be amazing let me know in the comments what you would change about this build what items you would change what you would do differently and hopefully I'll see all you guys in the next video bye [Music] guys [Music] he
Channel: NewDengs
Views: 1,284
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 rogue class guide, baldurs gate 3 rogue guide, baldurs gate 3 rogue, baldurs gate 3 rogue build, baldurs gate 3 rogue class, baldur's gate 3 rogue, baldur's gate 3 rogue build, baldurs gate 3 rogue build guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build, baldur's gate 3 rogue guide, bg3 rogue guide, baldurs gate 3 thief, rogue class baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 astarion, bg3 thief rogue build reddit, bg3 thief rogue guide reddit
Id: sBye-HCamWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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