I Killed Jason | Minecraft Hardcore Survival | Episode 8

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oh my nightmares have come true not only have i lost the love of my horse lyla but i lost the love of my life bye jason i can't believe you exploded [Music] it's okay the second funeral in like not even 24 hours yeah we're still here for you you know um it's okay he was a great guy i want i wanted i wanted to show my appreciation you know you know i don't have a lot but i did find this a jail so i i brought you some potatoes i know how much you like them i brought flowers like a normal person but you know i don't have any power this bone reminds me of his bones because he was alive but now he's not alive no it won't end like this guys we're gonna bring him back whoa what we're going to bring him back from the dead okay so in order to bring jason back from the dead we first off need to pretend he's not dead we're going to get rid of this all right all right yeah yeah that's uh not dead not yeah okay his body isn't in there it's it's just pretend we were just pretending okay wait i wasn't even there no no where is he he's yeah where is he he went to the big server in the sky okay he he'll be back we just have to bring him back and we have to do something fantastic to bring him back so what we're going to do is we're going to need one of those but not just any one of those yeah no this in my hand yeah the baby the baby we're gonna need a baby but not just any baby we're gonna need the biggest baby of all so what we're gonna do is we're going to erect a giant statue here a giant baby we're also gonna clean that up we're gonna make a giant baby and try to summon jason back and see if maybe we can get him back into this because without jason what are these episodes what are what what are they even i don't know i'll be literally live without j you know what life is without jason what um safe because we're not getting grown fire arrows or um he's not throwing lava at us you just say exciting he did live quite the precarious life you know he absolutely did but you know that's why i love him so we're gonna bring him back and also if we don't bring him back i will go to your houses and burn them down in his stead okay oh okay all right we'll totally bring it back okay we're bringing it all right i am very good at convincing arguments so what we're gonna do is i know this was lilac's like you know tower of towerness but now this is going to be a symbol we're going to make the biggest baby totem of undying ever and hopefully that'll bring jason back okay all right cool perfect what do we need so we're gonna need to like make this area look nice again and what i think we're gonna do is we're gonna go get a bunch of the dirt so hold up how are we going to get enough gold to build a giant baby great question um you said you were free for a few hours right i mean define free okay we'll answer chris's question later i have 44 blocks of gold oh my god yeah that that should be a good chunk and i know jason has some down there like down in his mind so you know perfect yeah i don't have anything yet my town isn't exactly booming yet well you know what you'll get there and we're going to make this total undying so maybe maybe the gods the minecraft gods will bless us with the ability to bring some people back sometimes oh yeah that seems legit i'm not gonna question that yeah yeah that'd be great uh so we gotta clear this tower out do you want me to like build up there and start tearing it down or yeah go up there start tearing it down you people okay i'm gonna come up there and help you with that you you should come up here you can actually see my town from here you see oh oh yeah i can see your town yeah that little thing over there you know it's not much i hope to make it something nice eventually yeah no i it'll be nice as long as you live so tell me tell me the story what happened so basically jason killed my horse lilac like he he killed her like he like she exploded right so as revenge i wanted to you know kill him with tnt but make sure he was safe so he had a baby in his hand so we exploded him while he had the baby uh let's let's not take that out of context people we exploded he stood there he didn't blow up the first time and then i blew him up once because he let me and then he didn't have a baby and then he stood on top of tnt and he just kind of exploded because he said i dare you and i did it i regret you know killing that's a lot to process yeah so that's why we're building this giant baby so we can bring him back now i have a picture of a baby in that that here can you can you take that baby off and put the baby right here in this so that way i can see the baby me to drop my baby what if i get hurt and die you're not gonna die it's daytime there's no creepers out here yeah we won't kill you right just put the baby okay all right better get that back when we're done this is how we're gonna make the baby so i'm gonna do an outline of the baby just so we know what we're doing okay because this is this is going to be very important so we got to replace all of these with gold blocks as well as emerald blocks for the eyes that's going to be worth more than like my entire village has i know all right now that the beautiful frame is done this thing is huge oh my gosh do you know how long it took just to make this out of stone how are we going to do this with gold well it'll take forever montage probably but now that we've outlined the baby we now know how much gold we need and how many emeralds we're gonna need so let's start with the emeralds because the emeralds are probably gonna be probably the easiest thing that we're gonna be able to do educate me how are we going to get emeralds all right so follow me we're actually going to talk to some of the villagers also you should probably get your baby chris just saying i can have it back do you realize that you were up there without your baby first off we're going to need emerald so we're gonna talk to some of the villagers charles probably doesn't have anything but the other villagers may have emerald that we could trade so let's see oh just a simple farming man oh my god guys you can trade paper for one emerald we're gonna need wait what all right so i'm gonna get some paper mac you get you mac and chris you guys get carrots and clay okay i'll get carrots we're gonna need okay my mouth is bad but it looks like we're gonna need four to six blocks which means we need like 200 emeralds like my mouth is what i don't think so i don't know my mouth is bad that's a lot of emerald girl no i don't know what kind of time you think we have okay it's so to make an emerald block you need nine emeralds all right this is why ian had a hard time in the emerald secret i got an emerald [Laughter] this is all for jason okay we're trying to get him back i don't i don't feel bad about stealing the crops this time because it's not charles's farm oh so so suddenly we care about charles i've always scared about charles charles never cared about me i mean what does that say i don't know oh what is this i've got a poisonous potato yeah we don't want that one wait i wonder if he'll buy it if he's a sucker oh yeah he's like yeah you want this perfectly healthy potato guys guys definitely won't harm you i just got the first emerald block look at this look at this look at this guys oh i see it it's beautiful look whoa [Music] we need we need eight of those we need four of these because i'm gonna use the because so we need to make the eyes we need like nice eyes so i'm gonna make concrete to complement this does anyone have a hoe to fix this piece of grass i i have a hoe this is my diamond home my most expensive hoe please take care of it well i don't you give me your money you only need to hold the one spot oh okay i mean it's only one block so be careful holy mayhew chris there i'm done with it treat the whole with kindness everyone's coming together they want jason to live i know oh my god this is so beautiful he would be so proud of us if he was alive i'm just kidding he probably he would be really mad i can just hear him now he's like you used all of these resources just to bring me back so he can blow me up again we gotta get ready with our shields cause he'll probably kill us when he comes back yeah why i've done nothing i was i was not part of the thing that killed him so it's not my fault yeah but you smelled it so what whoever smelled it delta yes exactly i'm so confused we're going by those rules chris okay so i'm gonna go take out the baby's eyes all right it's gonna look really really cool you know out of context that sounds pretty awful you know what okay looking good looking good this right here so i've got to block the van world you want me to go ahead and put it in yeah pop it in pop it in it's teamwork yeah all right pop lock and drop it now mac go ahead and put the other emerald in the last emerald okay baby is coming along alright now i was thinking about the outside um and i think maybe we make the outside out of the strip log that we use for the sheep so if you sorry ladder i'm sorry i'm sorry to do this but i should have thought of this before we even started but what if we did something like this and then we okay see some gold together huh how do you do that oh you have to have a pickaxe right a pickaxe axe right click right right click [Music] right i'm learning so much about minecraft yeah you place i'll strip [Laughter] no i mean i'll strip the wood okay just regular oak trees uh yeah so there may be some in the in the wood box over there maybe wood box i spent some time organizing it so we bring jason back he's like you thought of me and organized this stuff yes i did i thought of you and we totally didn't spend all of his pumpkins to get some nope nope definitely didn't do that good i'm glad we did it because you would compete nice very nice it's all coming together now maggie said you had some gold so let's see what this looks like okay [Laughter] come on go ahead and place your gold down let's see what it looks like it's got to be a good altar like an altar of good oh oh honey you got it you got to cook this so i will help you cook it girl i didn't know okay here give me a second i will help you cook it we'll work on cooking that gold while that's cooking i'm going to go and see if i can find some from jason's old stack because maybe he's got a bunch of gold we can borrow that would be fantastic i love that we're using all of his resources what's more important his resources or his life okay all right i'm just thinking logically oh god fix this oh my god i remember when he used to yell at me for this oh god i'd cool you know yeah yeah mac mac since jess is away maybe like the two of us can sneak into their base what steal their stuff before jason gets back oh yeah i've totally done that a whole bunch still what steal some supplies what um so like at least once a day i check in their chest to see if they have any new items that like they probably won't miss or anything oh my god yeah you really need to get on that stealing game because they got a lot of stuff well hey i got like i got some of their food now i got some ladders uh so i'm well on my way you know jason i'm sorry we're stealing your gold all right i'm gonna head back up let's go back to the oh okay oh watch out watch out oh my god how did that get here do i hear explosions no you didn't hear anything we just won't tell jason about that you know we just we just wanted to yeah we definitely won't tell jason about that i gotta fix that because he'll definitely see that more of the mind shaft yeah just a little bit you know it it just happens it's okay how death happens i'm the only one who can die and be okay i mean we can always fix that too if you would like us to fix that no i'm saying you two need to be more careful oh okay i don't know how that happened yeah i don't know either all right let's go and see how much this makes jason again i am so sorry i'm using all the gold but gold you know he would he would want me to do this because yeah he wants his life back yeah now listen he can't remind gold if he's dead yeah gold is useless watch me do this i'm going to do something really smart because i'm smart oh yeah what are you doing over there making up some uh concrete yeah yeah you can make concrete here um you don't know you can make concrete no oh my god i don't know anything all right guys i believe this baby is done this looks like a really good baby all right no it does it's a pretty good baby you're not impressed the nose looks so bad we got to fix the nose it needs a nose job emergency nice job be right back also mac did you see what i did this should do it this should make it look better because that knows look when jason comes back he will not let me live down that nose and those eyebrows okay so i'm really eyebrows are okay from afar they look really bad it looks like our babies making really big guys so watch you can do this this this this whoa this is that is that sand or what are you doing that way so you can make concrete out of gravel and sand with the dye and then once you do that then you can break it from the bottom like you can stack it all the way up break it from the bottom and then it'll just uh it'll fall out it's pretty cool all right now i think the baby looks good enough look at that yeah hang on hang on we gotta get that scaffolding out of the way here yeah there we go there we go max she took all your scaffolding i know oh here take your scaffolding take his cap yeah thank you all right now we need the last part okay the the summoning area okay oh okay okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this a part where we put like his remains here reanimated somewhat maybe okay now this may cost an arm and a leg uh and a soul just so you guys know so you have the baby i don't have a baby so i'm not my soul your soul probably i'd rather not use my baby well i don't have a baby so okay all right it took this entire time but i think we're ready i think we're ready to do this here i have a stand and a book we're going to use charles's good old-fashioned pumpkin pie to summon jason back from the dead okay you can do that that seems good look look i don't make the rules i just do them okay all right it's just minecraft yeah let's see if this works okay okay okay i'm ready all right here we go all right the mighty baby is going to bring back jason it demands a sacrifice and by sacrifice i don't mean that we're going to sacrifice any of you guys no no i thought we were sacrificing our labor building this giant thing uh sort of sort of but we're going to make a little pool of healing you know healing all the wounds and cleansing all of the uh bad blood so when jason comes back he's not a vengeful spirit he's a happy spirit he'll be so happy that we brought him back hopefully he's gonna be happy that uh he doesn't look at his inventory and see all the gold we took from him to bring him back he was just gonna say he would definitely be vengeful if that were the case he look he is not going to notice guys okay he will not notice anything that we can pick because we took like no we didn't we took nothing okay before he comes back i need you guys to say something nice about him chris go first oh uh uh jason jason is a uh i consider him to be a fellow buff boy like me mac what uh um it's kind of hard for me to come up with something nice to say so i will say that he was a good shot he was a very good shot at um hurting us okay all right and my nice thing to say was he was good at getting diamonds and stuff you know i like the stuff that he got he got good stuff all right anyway what we have to do is put this in the sword of him it's his essence and charles's famous pumpkin pie and now i will read the sacred text and he'll come back [Laughter] oh my god what's that what what language is that book in oh my god what's happening happening oh my god wait golden baby it's okay keep reading keep reading voldemort said that so i figured it was careful okay one second guys once i gotta take this i'm here oh my god was that what who's calling me that was he's back oh my god wait wait wait wait wait i picked something up i picked something up ah yes i have my good trusty sword that's right i never really died i just took a nap and you know what happened is you exploded me so now you need to die and i don't know why you're here but you need to die and you especially i didn't do anything i was oh rude listen i had no part in that i'm going back to my village hey what book is this this is the wrong book okay i just signed the pillagers i'm taking this book evidence wait a minute evidence on my murder get out of here no no no no no no no no get out of here i paint okay more pumpkin pie okay more pumpkin pie look i have some in my hand okay is it charles pumpkin it is charles's world famous show me pumpkin pie look at that look at that see are you calm now okay good good good you know because if it was normal pumpkin pie i would have to kill you but i'm gonna kill you i also have a baby for you i'm very glad that you brought me back okay i'm very glad thank you so much but now you have to die no look at that giant baby look at the giant baby baby giant baby okay just for you that's for you okay what does it do for me it brought you back from the dead it gave you another chance at minecraft life minecraft life [Laughter] okay jason you're back and now we can live happily ever after again with this baby and all your friends i got yeah we're here for you man yeah he look he's so happy he's speechless i oh my god guys we've done such a great job okay guys so you guys were great you are great too what are you doing oh a book do not read hey if you find this book it means i'm gonna kill you oh no no no i bought you back from the dead no jason i brought you back from the head you are alive oh my god oh okay fine you know what i've i've heard enough people you know i'm ready to turn a new leaf okay the tnt that you set off that murdered me has shown me that i could be a better person and you know it's i'm glad to see that you guys took all of my stuff all of my stuff no we we we are so glad you took all of my stuff no we didn't want to go oh oh really where did you find this diamond armor uh the mines and we mined we mined it look yeah we might find we mine for dates oh where did you see all this gold see how this gold no [Music] yeah we walked in we said oh man oh my [Music] god tomorrow forever
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,055,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, game, gameplay, minecraft, funny, kids, 2019, new, minecraft mod, minecraft gameplay, minecraft playthrough, minecraft roleplay, minecraft video game, yt:quality=high, 1.14.2, playthrough
Id: -LiNi4x_kug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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