Minecraft But Everyone Has A Boyfriend

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crafting in Minecraft so mommy until he arrived it's minecraft but everyone has a boyfriend he'll defend you from the wither and lava can you make him fall for you crafting bench would I get frozen bench we're about to find out what would happen if everyone had a boyfriend in Minecraft we finally made it to boyfriend George as' I'm gonna go I'm gonna go ask him out okay well okay just get right into it okay - island fair enough hey here's a steak do you want that sir oh my god you're so beautiful oh my goodness look at your boyfriend it's all dark and handsome yeah oh look at he just can't keep his eyes off me or stay above ground ya ask you to be my god okay so we don't need these guys alright cuz they're probably hungry they just been wandering around here come on follow me err what did you what is your name what is name his name is Franklin Franklin Oh Franklin it's nice to meet you well this is Aaron Franklin Aaron Aaron Franklin let's let's go over here let's go get some food right inside of this house right you must be starving Vegas honky being outside all day come on I know the hunks are just having a hard time what is going on up a kawaii Shawn I think you know this go take a look I'm really curious is what's going on that's an evil laugh do you hear that Gretchen what are you doing I'm planning to take over the entire world boyfriend island what a strange place to start that is really weird be home made me a boyfriend oh my god are a few of them at least Wow she's got she collected so many oh my god where did you get all those boyfriends from no no question you could possibly ever have them frankly no frankly my one friend you say can I have now I'm going to steal your boyfriend don't you ship us yeah what's going what's going on with this what are you what's going on I'm going to make this better ha please you aren't worth my time she's not he's not going to leave her yeah I live in the Royal yeah Franklin's not ready yeah no one's gonna leave for that our boyfriends are completely lower right Aaron I met Franklin minutes ago and I know that he will never leave myself never leave my side that may be true but they won't be able to resist my boyfriend D loyal inator hi friends and loyal Nader in my car I'm glad we didn't really ask where's your boyfriend you Louie Eliminator oh no don't look for your eyes Franklin this baby here makes so every boyfriend is hypnotized and leaves their lover and they serve a serve an M in my army is what she said oh no question come back you watch it no you can't do this it's wrong look I understand you wanting to have your own anime boy harem more than the next 13 year old all right but you've gone too far by stealing boyfriends Franklin is still here he is still there yamir playfully yeah I'm practically her husband the bonds are too strong oh my god no no magic I have other boyfriends I need some effort she needs I only need six to take over the world I am going to the mountain to sacrifice them to the lava that flows with g-g fuel oh Jesus great because they're gamers not sponsored yeah this is not sponsored let's make sure that be it's never space gospel but once I do this sacrifice will destroy the entire world oh don't worry we'll get them back okay alright something must be wrong it's kauai chant is it like that alright come on okay let's go she's over there gotta go haha what they sacrifice all these boyfriends nothing can stop me well not if we have anything to do about it yeah you can get Franklin back and then also all those other boyfriends at some points their respective owners - yeah partners partners don't worry about it right well you have to catch me first let's go boys I was just getting away oh yeah she's fast I mean I mean yeah that was pretty no I mean that's that's better than I can use yeah exactly all right all right come on we gotta go get them no she moves so fast yeah no that was all right so sorry right hardcore so guys the striker we're trying to get her boyfriend's back it's okay well you're my boyfriend of yours your mind oil right Aaron that's right whoo all right I think we catch up to her you guys okay hi Manny okay oh man this bar yeah this'll be much more three four five six seven eight all right just like her there was secret dungeon what's going on with this I don't know you gotta go save them come on ninja mess yes you got that is pretty fast but we gotta get through this faster for frankly you gonna do this or do this it'll be fine okay all right he's doing parkour here the evil bats do nothing in Minecraft do we do anything in Minecraft no yes we do we make the world better all right all right come on guys we gotta find quite chin Oh No she's taking all the fish in the sea we've got to stop her does this some sexy fish oh my god they very much are no aha they will all soon be my own no oh no she is actually fishing oh we got to get them okay Oh Joe where oh my God look at that guy he said oh no bro I'm not ready for a girlfriend and this wanna say Xbox I don't want to play emotions bag don't worry we will save you all from unwanted commitment you have to save them right fish them out yeah I'll work it out I'm getting I'm getting blue a headphones here first come on Oh God oh gosh East oh my god don't you dare do that free later come on boyfriend that's okay you don't have to come in yet person oh wait what happened you shot a quick oh did you shoot at Aaron of course yes keep going keep going we gave you so much in keep her distracted boyfriends you don't need to do this are we going fishing we got to we got to okay let's go wait come on I will make the ultimate sacrifice beautiful yeah over here yeah you watchin there will be no commitment today three merit no Franklin is here come on we gotta go find her let's go be founder what what's going on here quite quite saying it's over you have nowhere to she has a lot of places to run yeah you're not supposed to leave me behind Oh oh there are yeah apparently the boyfriends aren't staying very loyal today well well looks like we caught up yes we did we absolutely caught up quite yet your reign of terror is over no no I need to get over there but oh gee uh keep getting - oh no teleported alright now just try to get your boyfriend back oh my god worried about you are you okay he's reunited Franklin I have one trick up my sleeve a teleporting potion that will take us off directly where I need to go up the volcano what you had that for to start with why don't you do that this entire time where the boyfriends were Franklin no I I don't know I don't know but no wait a minute heliport it what's that what is it did you leave behind it's the boyfriend deal oil inator he said go in she teleported exactly oh my god okay we have a chance here don't we we just gotta get we gotta get there before they sacrifice we might be able to use the get sir come on what so we made it to the booking she is she's got them all oh my gosh what are you Vince Wednesday tells all the boyfriends in I will obtain their powers and control everything Kawai char no stop or I'll use this haha the boyfriend's at Franklin have returned I'm so glad I'm so glad you're back Franklin knew my plan ruined what's gotten into you Kauai Chan tell me you turned them against me you did that yourself you will not take them from me your anger and your lust for power have already done that you have allowed this device to twist your mind and now you've become the very thing you saw you wouldn't destroy that is ships you have destroyed them between all of these men in their lovers no you're right you know now that we got all the boyfriends back and it seems like they're okay like we don't have to hurt her don't get hurt or anything like that seems like she learned a lesson no it isn't over we must send her back from whence she came well you know what what does franklin think hey Franklin what do you what do you think about this I mean you're the one who frankly frankly you are you you're the one who captures here what do you think about this online video game oh no no no guys she's got to go yeah I forgive it Wilson everyone knows you can't pause online game that's your mom yeah exactly mom shot her you shot her hye-jin no everyone knows the kids swim in lava this isn't the end show back you know show people what makes you so sure I just know Wow let's go best boyfriend ever guys [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,170,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but, minecraft but aphmau, minecraft but challenges, minecraft, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, minecraft but you have a girlfriend, garroth, minecraft girlfriend tournament, minecraft girlfriend challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mods, no swears minecraft, minecraft but everyone has a boyfriend, minecraft boyfriends, how to get a boyfriend in minecraft, minecraft boyfriend mod, aphmau aaron
Id: ynFA2qGKnto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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