The Key to the Anointing || Prophet Passion Java & Prophetess Lily Java

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[Music] hey [Music] how's everybody doing tonight are you doing good do you think it's fair for your husband just to put you on the spot after receiving the anointing do you think it's fair no it's fair because the husband is the head of the house okay put me back in my place anyways you all look amazing today so thank you for this opportunity to be able to see the view this way instead of turning my back on them appreciate you why you look good guys i'm your husband why do you look like me though i have to represent you who was who was dressed first today so you copied me yeah because i knew you were gonna sing like this i knew we were gonna sit like this instead of dressing up and he started just copying everything i'm doing i'm like what are you doing we look like final though it's like i added a little touch of red because the devil is about to die tonight come on somebody poverty is about to die tonight [Applause] [Music] somebody said amen amen so he said to tell you about my first encounter like with christ face to face or just yes there are two men there there are too many i'm trying to really take it back you said my first encounter i think the first thing god did for me was i remember making a prayer and i was in a place where i really wanted god to reveal himself to me and i couldn't speak i didn't know what to say so i wrote it in a letter yes so i can actually write a letter to god amazingly yes you can because he answered mine um i know some of you have a struggle just to be able to voice yourself to god or feel like you're in the lowest point of your life you don't know what to say and i was there to be honest with you and i decided to voice myself in a letter and i told god you know what i've seen the world and i've seen your house and i choose your home but there's something that's constantly pulling me to the world i don't know what that is i need you to reveal it to me because unless you do i'm going to keep going back because i really don't know what's pulling me and i remember writing and i said god if you reveal yourself to me and if you open my eyes i will serve you for the rest of my life and i remember making a covenant with god just right there without even knowing it or without having the knowledge what it means to give that promise to god and guess what he took those words and make it to life within three days amen three days it took god to really reveal himself to me um on the third day i remember getting myself ready i'm making sure for you because my testimony or my encounters a lot but i remember i used to hold my bible and go to sleep like a baby and i'm like speak to me lord i always say that and for the first time i heard his voice see a lot of people tell me that god spoke to me and i'm like how does he sound see is it coming from the outside on the inside or what does that sound and i never understood it i remember hearing his voice for the first time and it was do not fear for i am with you and it was so strong within i was like i know that's not me i know it's not me but i remember just saying whether it was me or god that's a good word i'll sleep with it and holding my bible and going to sleep and waking up at 3 20 and that was the day my whole life changed because god opened my eyes to the spiritual realm and i was able to see the spiritual condition i was in automatically i'm seeing spirits and the moment i'm seeing them the holy spirit is comforting me and revealing to me what i'm seeing where it comes from and how to deal with it and for me i don't have the background of the prophetic i don't have anybody to teach me or guide me through so guess what i was freaked out and the first wasn't that nightmare you know just with with fear and you know i'm shaking and guess what you would think my spirit came out to see it just the way you're sitting is the way i was seeing it so imagine the fear but i thank god from that day prophet every single day i would have an encounter in the spirit but the spirit of god was with me every day when i say every day every day revealing things to me and showing me how to cancel things how to detach myself from demonic things that i didn't even know i was attached to or i even allowed because of friends or even generational curses that was pulling me and holding me back and i started understanding why i couldn't move forward but that was the day god changed my life and i'm sitting here with you because of it thank you somebody saw that man amen so in other words we are saying in 1989 yes it was a typewriter in 1999 there was a big head on a computer and in 2019 there was an iphone or an ipad or something which means you wrote letters on a paper in that year meaning tonight someone can send a voice note on what's up to god and experience an angel [Applause] they are not here okay so where does the anointing come from because we say anointing anointing anointing but where does the anointing come from amen caleb is in the house caleb yes i actually love coming to church because of caleb because it makes me feel like there is someone actually listening and paying attention and responding amen amen if you don't know this is kingdom embassy guys we do shout and respond and we are free so if you if you like something receive it and take it with you um you said what where does the anointing come from for us to say we have the anointing amen i believe the anointing comes from the glory of god all right and what i mean by that i can explain it this way yeah the glory of god is like imagine having a bread on the table right here yeah and the bread it will always have like a crumb right there's always clumps on the table the leftovers so now the leftover crumbs is not the bread it's the crumbs it's the crust so the anointing is the leftover of the glory of god yeah yeah that's deep yes so when the glory of god comes down yes the left overs is there left over is the anointing so we are bragging saying we have the anointing well this it is the leftovers of god yes hey so you are saying leftovers they they can change somebody's life god's leftovers can change somebody's life the bible talks about a dog and when jesus said to the lady you're a dog he wasn't talking about a german shepherd he wasn't talking of chihuahua dog he was talking about a left dog the dog that sits on the master's level is the master's eating come on and the dog will pour the head down yes and every crumb that falls that dog will just holler come on meaning when praises go up yes and blessings come down so the anointing is the leftover of the glory amen the anointing is the leftover of the glory amen what is the anointing because we what do we mean when we say the anointing that's a really good question i believe the anointing is the ability is the ability the ability so let me break it in three maybe i can help people understand a little better amen santel is in the house so the ability is one yeah and it can also come in focus the focus that's two three oil the oil so can i can i explain it a little better so i can break it down break it down so the ability now the anointing is the ability to right the ability to prophesy the ability to heal the sick so if we say you are anointed to prophesy yes we are saying we are given the ability ability so that's why a lot of people don't know that even if you're annoying somebody right now they don't know that they have the ability so what happens is ten years will pass by because they don't know that god also has given them the focus so now without focusing on the gift god has given you there's nothing that will manifest itself so a gift without the anointing won't manifest because the anointing is the forecast to that gift the focus to that gift so now what god does is it gives it to you in three yeah so it's deep yeah so it gives you the ability to prophesy to heal see it's not just in ministry so some of you are like hey i'm not called in ministry i'm called maybe to be a doctor he gives you the ability to be a doctor that means you have to go to school and focus and get your degree that means the power is there god you know the bible says god can go exceedingly abundantly he's able he has the ability the ability yes he is able to do exceedingly abundantly above above yes so now what god does is when you connect yourself with him or when you're being anointed so let's talk about the oil aspect of this so what the oil does is if prophet passion comes and puts oil on you see there are angels that moves around here right and you're not able to see them true so what those angels would do is recognize see angels work with code and principle they have to be able to see something on you to say you know what hold up now i can't pass this person because this person's been anointed or the the oil represents that anointing amen so they stop it's like the egyptians and the israelites what happens god tells moses go put what blood on every door now when the angel comes the death angel comes and be able to recognize it as a symbol so they will pass and nobody will die because the angels see the sign the angel will see the sign so now that oil is a sign on your forehead that tells them this person has been anointed or to be able to prophesy so what happens that angel will not pass you by it will stand next to you yeah and then help you operate in the gift that that's been released by the man of god [Applause] somebody saw that yeah when some anointed uh saw so was not a prophet there we go but he's been anointed with the prophetic anointing yes he did not prophesy until you met a campaign of prophets exactly and the angels of prophecy left to all the prophets to be with saul so that so can prophesy because he has been given the oil exactly okay now that's deep keep going keep going i'm enjoying you're enjoying eggman um thank you i would say it's really important to know um who to really connect to because you mentioned soul [Music] now he was called for a position that he has no idea about but being able to now look for a prophet now the funny thing is he's not even looking for him for this he's looking for this he's looking he's looking for a donkey and that's what god does sometimes he brings you here because you're looking to be fixed somehow yeah and you know you come to church as if it's witchcraft you're like i gotta do this for me do that for me you're coming here for healing yeah you're not coming here for god himself you're coming for deliverance your problems to be fixed for you jesus i remember meeting a lady yeah but i was doing one-on-one yeah i was sitting there and my spirit would not allow me to prophesy her yeah i told her everything about her yeah but the lord would not allow me to go forward and break it yeah because she came just for her problems to be fixed not because she wanted a relationship jesus so even though soul was blinded in that there was a grace of god that went before him because there was a request that was made and god said i was going to fulfill it yeah but when he now anointed him and directed him it put him in a position now that allowed him to sit in a chair to lead they're all israelites he has never seen a king before exactly he has never been a king exactly he has no experience yeah so now that oil gives them the ability because now he says i'm going to focus on being the king that i'm called to be because that's what i'm anointed so it gives him the ability now to rule even though he doesn't have the understanding that's why the spirit of god is there to give you the wisdom the counsel the guidance everything you need to be able to operate as a prophet as an evangelist whatever it is god has anointed you for the ability is there to do it but that's when you stop yourself or what you want to get fixed but focus on why god or what god wants you to do that gives you your own breakthrough jesus christ that gives you your breakthrough amen amen that's extra deep amen i'm enjoying and forgetting i'm sitting here i'm sorry go ahead so what takes one to receive the anointing because everybody wants the anointing everybody desire for the anointing even semi-day he wants the anointing so how does one come to a place of receiving the anointing um do i go straight to god and say god give me the new ending how does that work amen um you know god will never come down on earth and do anything for you directly that's why he has his prophets the bible says he will not do anything without revealing to his prophet yeah amen yeah yeah so huh somebody say something okay so he needs a man a man of god that he already see prophets are not anointed prophets are not anointed that's deep yes so they are chosen specifically to be in between god and us yes humans so you need someone in between that can hear the voice of god and bring direction to you yes that's right but if they're anointed if if someone is anointing them then they can't yeah so for you to receive the anointing you need to go to a prophet you need to go to a prophet that will hear from god and be able to anoint you and direct you to where you need to go just like what samuel did for saul amen so elijah and elijah elijah elijah needs elijah yes so you are saying there is no one that can just go straight to god everybody needs somebody everyone needs somebody you know what i love about jesus is being able to just see how he grew up and then to a point where he reached 30 and he needed to get baptized jesus being god jesus being god yes see the only way we can go forward in life or be successful in the things god has called is when you understand and papa talks about this all the time is when we understand the principle god has said on earth yeah and that is you need someone god has already has chosen to open doors for you and for me amen so even jesus had to go to john the baptist to receive and be filled by the spirit of god so that he can start his journey so jesus to say the spirit of the lord is upon him upon me he has anointed me for jesus to testify of the anointing upon him exactly he had to go to john and the john made the spirit of god to be upon jesus so everybody needs somebody everyone needs somebody so for those of you that think you can make it in life how long has it been since you've been stuck in the same situation so so let's talk about spiritual fathers let's talk about spiritual fathers because once you say uh i need somebody to receive the anointing i believe you don't go to everybody to receive the anointing but you go to somebody jesus did not go to 10 pastors until he reached john he knew where to sit under amen to receive from amen elisha went to elijah aron went to moses everybody was connected to somebody now let's talk about spiritual fathers how can i come to a place of knowing my spiritual father oh let me start by saying what is the spiritual fact because in the bible we don't have spiritual anything we just have spiritual fathers amen the fathers of faith some call them fathers of faith some call them spiritual fathers some call them mentors according to cultures but uh what is the spiritual father amen or who is a spiritual father i don't know you don't know um thank you i believe a spiritual father is someone that is there to be a covering to you yes there's a lot of things i believe i i faced spiritually um that if i didn't have a covering or if i didn't have somebody that can let me put this husband yes and in other words now my husband um there were things that would pass me that you would catch and be able to break from me so there are things already that god allows you to deal with because it comes in your level so what is your spiritual father that was much more husband speaking i'm jasmine spiritual husband amen so what a spiritual father would do is be able to fill in that gap for you that you can't feel or you what you can't see he covers that for you and protects you and also brings a direction in your life uh outside of just protection he guides you into places that you need to go and he becomes that voice um of god to you pretty much but the main question that people always have is that why is it in the entire bibles we don't have spiritual mothers but in these days we have mammalia as a spiritual man help us to understand your past to understand the meaning of not having spiritual mothers in the bible but only spiritual fathers well papa god changed in 2021 i'm kidding i'm kidding it's the same yesterday today and forever he just favored me um i'm kidding because i mean even throughout the bible i think uh you can see naomi to ruth being huh a father is a connection he's a source so with god is not with gender that he deals with or god does not look on the outside he does not look on the outside he doesn't deal with gender so i can see angie i can see ten yeah to god they're the same they're one they're one meaning not two of them are one or they can be one two yes but even individually there's a woman there's a man god is not looking at you and saying you're a man or you're so your spirit is not male or female there's no gender in the spirit god does not call your flesh he calls your spirit he calls your spirit so when so you can see naomi being a covering and a direction to ruth you can see katherine coleman huh so naomi was a spiritual father she's a spiritual father it's just because she's a woman we say she's a spiritual mother amen so you see that with catherine coleman right and benny hinn so she was able to cover him or he took impartation from her and he does what he he's doing what he's doing now because of that impartation he has taken so to answer your question it's so in other words you're saying the father is a source the father is the source the meaning of a father means a source so you can be a spiritual father correct so it's not about a female or a male thing it's about a source yes it's about your spirit being this source that caliph is receiving from 100 so that makes you a spiritual father yes that's deep that's deep somebody's out engaged yay are you guys getting something i wanna head i wanna add on that one because a mother is not the lady that gave birth to you to you this one is your mother amen but there's a difference between a mother and a woman a woman that gave birth to you might not be your mother because the term mother means a relationship with your child that you are raising so if a woman gives birth to a child and fails to raise her she remains a woman and not a mother but a barren lady that can take 10 kids and nurture them and raise them becomes a mother to them so when we celebrate mother's day we must not celebrate people that give back to us but we should celebrate people that are raised in the nature of us meaning to say what you are saying about a father the word abba father means source so when the bible says that devil is a father of lies the bible is not saying that therefore gave birth to a child called lie it's saying he is the source of lies so when we say spiritual father we are saying the source of my spiritual life so catherine kuhlman can be a source mama lily is not a spiritual mother she is a spiritual father so we have two fathers i'm joking i'm joking no so let's talk about outers before we begin before you get to all yesterday before you get to altars it's funny that you mentioned about uh the father and and us talking about the source because and like you said i was supposed to preach today um and my title for it was um my father's house my father's house yeah tell us a little bit about it you can preach the son sure yes but my father you know um one thing got us i'm sending you somewhere for fasting amen so she can be with god and grow and be better spiritually it's uh i was teaching today about fasting and i don't know how many people are watching and uh in two days we are starting 21 days of daniel fasting amen wallace will tell you more about that because i end up creating a group that i'll be teaching and praying for people for 21 good days money man so she's having a different fasting somewhere it's a wilderness fasting where you don't see people you are alone amen for quite often days so if she goes missing don't put flyers and say missing missing person reward two dollars um why you gotta put two dollars on my name i wanna say two million uh what was i saying now we were talking about my father's house and and um yes so it will be good for you to preach sunday before you you don't want me to reveal it okay get into the wilderness so you give us a glimp then sunday you can go deeper amen no i i was actually meditating on um the father's house and who the father is and a lot of us don't understand the father or the way of the father so what happens is because we don't know we come to church we practically live in church because we come here every week for how many years yet you don't know who he is or his ways and because you don't know his ways you actually have adapted or been adopted by another father the one that rules this earth and when you come to his house or your daily life actually only reflects not the father or the king of kings or the one the alpha and the omega and not his character or not his ways but you constantly manifest the way the one that rules this earth so what happens is to be continued i'll see you online clap your hands for jesus so that's what i was meditating on today actually and just wanted to take people in depth and really revealing to them who the father is and that's the only way you can really cast out anything that has to do with the other one i want us to talk about altars before we begin to anoint people amen i was going to prophesy but maybe prepare you may prophesy outers now that's a deep one what is an altar an altar is a place where the spiritual and the physical meets yes it's a place where the spiritual and the physical meets yes so what takes place on an altar what happens on an order um it's a place where you go and sacrifice papa a place where you go to sex sacrifice yes so does that mean everybody needs an oath of course of course so everyone needs an altar yes okay explain to us about your experience with your own altar um for me you know in the old testament uh people will put up an altar and build it right physically build it put a rock around it or however way they build it and they sacrifice what animals or what right different type of animals that the lord is requesting right but now are we still sacrificing animals all right thank you so you know now an altar is a person and i can take you back to job yeah um you know job goes through a lot he has his friends nagging him or questioning him and you see joe dealing with god and just phrasing the whole story it's pretty long and because job himself was an altar yeah the way god dealt with him was different than his friends jesus because he deals with him differently he blesses them double even though he questioned him so a person can be an oath 100 all right do you know why because he god shows up to the friends he said tells them if you don't go and sacrifice before job you will die before job before job because job is the altar joe was the altar he said go before him because i have steve kept going so there you see that there are people god has chosen already to represent him so you have to find them and go to them and to be able to break generational curses excuse me to sacrifice or break generational curses or whatever it is that is fighting you or limiting you or whatever direction god gives you he gives you a person a place that person is a place you know i was telling people last time i said this building is a place right yeah but this building by itself will not worship this building by itself will not preach yes or this building myself will not bring the presence or the glory of god that's why we are in it amen so people people are an altar god needs people to be in a place where people can come now and then be able to sacrifice so that there are things that there are so many things god revealed to me about my life just to make it personal with you guys that that was connected to me that without going into going to an altar and sacrificing and sowing and see there was a season even you prophesied me and you said uh lily you're about to get into a season where you would have to sow a lot of seeds and i'm like okay you know and right after you said that i went into a season for seven months and mind you i was pregnant for seven months there were things god would reveal to me and give me exact dive you know instruction to go and and sacrifice before god and there were things he was just breaking off and and allowing me to even move forward and in my rank because those things were holding me back so without me being obedient doing that there's a lot of promise that god has spoke over my life lily you're gonna be this lily you're gonna go there lily you're gonna unless i break those things that are holding me to get there guess what 20 years will pass by and you're going to say but god you promised me yeah yeah god i'm still waiting for those words to come to pass but there are spirits that are holding you each step of the way when you overcome one there's another one so now that that altar that you find speaks on your behalf because you're not in a level or in a place where you can go to god with that situation so there's someone that needs to be able to say a prophet a high priest that's able to say when you sacrifice i was telling people this for a long time it's my testimony for seven years but every seat people gave me i blessed somebody with it i never took it huh it's true right have i ever taken any seat only me i eat it you no because rightfully so rightfully so huh thank you for confirming that just to tell you the truth and the reason why and then it's not for you to appreciate me because there was a principle that i was practicing for myself there were many reasons that i had but they come a time now god i had an encounter with christ himself and he put me in a position where i say you i will not be able to break anything for you unless you sow a seed yeah and that seed i'm going to be able now to take it before god and speak and i gave this example the other day yeah i was doing one-on-one papa and i told i told the church this just to give you guys an example how an altar works okay a lady calls me and i promise her about her situation what she's going through uh the witchcraft that was done things that are holding her her daughter different situations that she was experiencing i tell her this and right before i'm about to pray the lord tells me unless she sows a seed you he said you're wasting your time that's what he told me because the demons will leave because i have the authority to speak to that demon but they will come back in her after after you're done amen they will leave but find a way to enter into her why because there was something that was attached to her that wasn't going to let her go why because they're saying there's a seed there's an altar that is speaking for me or giving me the right to stand with this lady or be in her house i have the rights so even though you're a prophet or a prophetess it doesn't matter i'm gonna leave because yes you have the authority for you know but whatever that is in her house or whatever the altar that was made unless it's broken is going to attract me back and give me the right to stand in the house so we prayed for 30 minutes guess what nothing happened and i said well lady unless you so see there's nothing i can do for you she said i believe you prophetess i was so and then i booked back again she came back the next saturday is over the phone mind you she's on my list she's the first person i i call and i see that she sold her seat and specifically to say she actually gave a thousand five hundred i didn't tell her how much to sew all right because if the lord doesn't give me the amount i won't say it so i said whatever the lord leads you she sows it i said it takes innocence to save five thousand only innocent you say five thousand but but guess what i'm telling you the truth and i'm and i say before my father yeah and i said father as your high priest because now he has given me that some people don't know you're a high priest in this they don't but they will know if they don't know in case you didn't know they will not now you know i said as your high priest as your prophetess i come to you with this seat i promise you she manifested i didn't say how are you how was your day i'm about to pray for you honey i didn't ask her for her problems are you still facing them no no no i knew now that i have full access over whatever she was going through because now i can go to my father say listen there's an altar and they did something there and they sacrificed now this lady is sacrificing not not under any other power but under the power of the horde under the power of jesus christ himself by the blood of jesus my god i said like few words demon manifested she's puking and puking over the phone gets delivered i speak now i'm speaking out over kids and everything people get delivered guess what i say have a blessed day and hang up the phone because it's a done deal yeah it's a done deal a lot of the times do you know why ministers fight with demons because they don't have this knowledge you know they make all this the whole year the one demon is screaming screaming what you don't know is that demon has an attachment or a connection or an altar that was made that's allowing them to say i'm not going anywhere i have full rights to be here who are you to speak to me and then you go home and say i was embarrassed today i don't have the anointing or i don't have the power to cast out this demon give them a testimony of that person houston takes oh that was bad ruthie was there it was bad did rude run away that day no she was actually commanding the demon to come she has the one alcohol monday i remember ruthie this this this this beautiful girl actually she was so beautiful and she was beautiful and one of the pastors even wanted it and the movie ached as my son who was the wolf every man wanted her in the church mind you okay everyone was like looking at each other saying who's gonna get this one then papa is ministering i was it was powerful powerful presence was too much and she manifested a demon so let me tell the story though i'm excited so so papa's going around and laying hands on everybody and the moment he touched her head ah the demons going crazy so we had uh pastor was there he brings out and papa understood what it was and what he was dealing with so he left it there and then he was doing his own thing and i love how you cast out demons because you're just so chill um but this pastor is always true always chill because that's the thing about the prophetic it gives you an insight and an understanding of what's going on so you don't just deal with things just lightly you know so this professor is saying come out come out come out and and the demon's saying i'm i'm her spiritual husband i've been married to her for 10 years or 15 years or so i'm not we have kids together yeah we have kids together then makes her run out and that's when ruth comes in and says come on in the name of jesus and the demon comes and she's like and listen to me and listen the lady with the demon ran away from the church and ruth commanded come back in the name of jesus so the the demon possessed one star coming back and when the demon came back says i did it i did it the pastor of this woman where she goes to where she goes to she's not from our church she she comes from a different church her pastor gets called and he comes now he comes can i demonstrate yeah it was deep i'm sorry it was really deep i i we tell you this not for anything else i hope he's not watching okay it's for you to learn and i remember the pastor saying fire fire and the the and the demon going fire fire fire we're all in the back going what's happening why is the demon responding like that and response to him saying you belong to me your wife belongs to me if you try to take my wife i'm going to come and take your wife he said he put his jacket on and i he walked straight out because he disappeared and he never killed we one thing i want you to take from that is for you individually you don't have to be a minister is for you to be in the right place with god at all times at all times two for you to understand the importance of the prophetic because what i loved about him because i went and asked him i said why are you not dealing with this demon he said because he said there are things one that need to be that need to break two there was you said she needed counseling for her to also ha to renew her mind to detach from this spirit because she's been with the spirit for a very long time so there are things that you need to know or you need you need to be able to be taught or have access to information now that allows you to expand your soul so your spirit can detach himself from any other spirit that is trying to possess it or hold it or limit you from fully being blessed or fully prospering in every area god has called you to somebody say amen [Applause] so amen somebody has no money to sacrifice but they are really going through family cases the grand grandmother wasn't married the grandmother wasn't married the mother is not married his sisters ain't married she's not married okay but she got no money to sacrifice on the old what she should do amen that's a good question because you can't come with two dollars to prophet passion say break the case that's all i have i was in barbados one day and an old lady came and said i got a sacrificial sea she called me son i have a gray seed son bling she took a feather says my green green mother gave my grandmother this feather grandmother gave my mother this faith and my mother gave me this faith i was supposed to give it to my child but i'm sacrificing i said what am i gonna do with that so what should one do if they don't have them seed that's a really question i i think if it's okay i can use an example of pastor wallace what he's doing you know when somebody i can see him he's working at the back right now yes i know a lot of people think only you know if i have money i can break it if not i'm just going to sit down and wait but there are people like pastor wallace uh apostle bonnie or prophetess anu people that have left that sacrificed themselves that have left everything and said i'm going to serve god now while i'm serving because i am the sacrifice god is going they always stress saying i don't have any money to give but they don't understand that they are the sacrifice themselves hey and i just watched them and laughs when they say that you you then you see pastor wallace running around taking care of the things of god not taking care of me not taking your papa jesus the things of god hey because he understands the way of god not the work papa not the work he understands the ways of god the not the works of god when you understand the ways of god he understands that now i'm going to give myself as a sacrifice and serve god with everything that i have while i do that there are things now that are going to be detached from me automatically why because you are deep i should marry you again amen amen so there are people that don't have a sacrifice right but they themselves are the sacrifices so it's not about like god looks at what you have and he says i want that if it's a car if it's a house if it's you see we're not we're this is not an ordinary church i'm sorry if you thought it was in uk hello hello why because what this is a prophetic church that means it hears from god yeah yeah and understands the way of god yeah that means we're not put in a box preach it we're not operating by the works because you will always fail in that but the way of god so in other words the works of god are in his ways in his ways so if you want his wakes don't look for wakes yes look for yours his ways will bring someone like pastor wallace yeah to a place where god can now build him without him even knowing it he's breaking so many generational curses he doesn't even know it sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't even know what's happening that's deep clap your hands for jesus lord jesus you are deep yes so you don't need to look for the wakes of god by the ways of god the ways of god and and and we did a prophetic school who was here for the prophetic school amen it was amazing and i remember like on thursday i mean friday i taught about one ways you know we did seven classes we had service until yesterday right we finished oh then after the class we connected the conference yes so the conference was monday choose the winners so we did ten sets this day we've been doing it back to this is service number 11 since last week yes back to back back clap your hands for jesus see now the anointing gives you the ability the focus now and he's able to do 10 services most of you will not be able to do that i can do 10 in one day i know i can't even do that you know i have a physical ability upon my life she knows better than you you're too much amen you marry the crazy guy i didn't marry a crazy guy god making me nervous it's hot [Music] oh it's not easy to be married to a prophet oh especially this one i thank god i'm not you because i had to be dealing with this in short yes the last question what is the best way since we are talking about the ways of god not his works what is the best way to be anointed or to be the greatest anointed person on earth what should i do to have more anointing in my life yes can you answer that not because i can't i just i know it's your moment to be deep you know when you flow in this revelation you sound sexy to me so i'm actually enjoying more than everybody yeah my husband he told me what is the greatest stop we're already married what is the greatest way for somebody to be anointed you spoke about the glory and the anointing is the residue of the glory amen what is the greatest way one can come to a place of receiving that anointing um i want to be anointed far better than passions are better than noel jones what god has taught me i can only speak from my experience is truly serving yeah it's it's really serving and i think you can testify to that is to be connected to that is it's through saving i would say serving and i will leave it there who is the men that have saved more than everyone in this house more than everyone jesus me it's it's apostle innocent what prophet says better than all the people sitting there i would say the same man who is the greatest in serving is the greatest in prophecy amen which tells people the shortcut to the prophetic is to save a man who is prophetic amen the bible says hero hey you see the one that is greater in prophecy giving but you are still sitting there these people are not ready for the prophetic they are not ready for the prophetic what was i saying oh even the wife they are matching god bless what was i saying prophetic i was saying something how much you love me the offering disturbed me now i love you more uh what did i say what does it say the greatest thing caleb the bible talks about the the least among you is the greatest i forgot what i wanted to say amen but i will let me say something different there are types of the anointing there is the anointing in form of fire bless you there is the anointing in form of electricity there is the anointing in form of wind there is the anointing in form of water they are types of the anointing just like the word of god if you look in the realms of the spirit the word is in many forms when the bible says out of his mouth came out double edged his words it doesn't mean that from the mouth of jesus there are swedes it means out of his mouth the words were coming out the bible says the word of god is like a double edge this word that pierces with both sides cutting and dividing the bone in the marrow the bible also says in the book of jeremiah isn't it my word like a hammer that breaks every rock into pieces the bible also says that my word is like rain it will not go big void without fulfilling what it came for meaning the word is in different forms that's true when you saw a seed to a man of god he cannot release a word like a double-edged sword he releases a word like a rain so that that rain will rain on your seed for you to have a harvest that's true i mean that's good when you kneel down for a prayer what is your going through a warfare he doesn't release the word in form of rain he releases a word in form of his word when you say i saw an angel with a swedish or flames of fire it doesn't mean that that angel is cutting when there was a war in heaven archangel michael against lucifer they were not cutting themselves with swords but the bible says we overcame the devil by the word of our testimony they spoke words but when you see that better use his words so coming back to the anointing the anointing that comes in form of water it is the anointing to teach you when you receive that anointing you don't fall down you don't even feel it you don't even shake or vibrate or do anything that you see people doing that's why when we are ministering and about anoint people here some people fall some people run some people will shake some people will fall because the anointings are coming in different levels to different people depending on your level are you guys getting it if i receive the anointing in in apostle innocent i will not fall down if i receive the anointing in team i will not fall down but if one last receive my anointing he falls down because the anointing i carry came to me by reason of what i went through there is the prize of the anointing that's really good we had to have sleepless nights without food as payment of the anointing we had to be persecuted as payment of the anointing we gave our houses as payment of the anointing we suffered before his name sec as payment to the anointing you don't need to suffer the way we suffered you just needed the anointing we received and that anointing becomes too much in your life that you can't contain it that's how you fall down there you go when you come up you come up a different person tonight the anointing you're about to receive it will make you skip stages the disciples of jesus never fasted 40 days a night because jesus fasted on their behalf and he gave them the anointing i feel like prophecy oh sorry me i talk too much i'm noisy i wish i can be like him yes what are if you don't mind because i know you talked about the elements and different ways that how the anointing operates through us and i know a lot of people don't really focus on these things or or even teaches them but are you able to meaning sorry the lady going out is she leaving or what because okay when she comes back because the lord ministered to me that they will be the first one to anoint to be a lady sitting on the fourth rail so when i got here i saw you on the fourth round i knew i am supposed to know interface amen amen sorry you are saying something i talk too much no i was saying what are the meanings of the type of the anointing what are the meanings of the types of the anointing [Music] the anointing in form of water is the anointing written in first john chapter three come on in chapter two that the anointing you have received shall teach you all things you need no one else to teach you that anointing comes in form of water its meaning is to teach you it is for you right then there is an anointing in form of fire it's an anointing for ministry it's an anointing for your calling for your gift for your assignment when you receive it even if you don't want to preach you have no choice you will preach jeremiah did not want to prophesy and the anointing of form of fire came up on him and he says i wanted to see it i wanted to relax but it was just like fire shut up in my bones can i say it like opposite innocent lift up your leg and say fire it was like fire all over him he he couldn't mean contain it he couldn't sit it was banning him i remember when i was in assemblies of god in my church growing up and god spoke to me and he said go in front of the church and prophesy the last week the previous week the pastor taught us the protocol of prophecy that you can't prophesy if i'm the one ministering god does not speak to anyone in the church he speaks to me and god spoke to me says get up go and prophesy now and i couldn't and god spoke to me says now get up and prophesy i had to obey and fear my pastor more than fearing god he was a strange radical you know those ones that when you look at the face you get scared when you look at this face you think this man is anointed when he walks in church he's so humble his head is down and type of pasta so i sit and i begin to bind myself i am gonna do that god spoke to me i jammed from the bench if you ask anyone who was there i jumped as if something was wrong with me i ran to the outer saying that says the lord i began to prophesy and the first person to fall down was my pastor the elders of the church fell down the people that told us not to prophesy in church they received power that day the service was supposed to minister to finish maybe in one hour we went for seven hours people wouldn't leave the building people were under the anointing people were speaking in terms i did not hold myself i wanted to behave but the anointing took over me this is an anointing in form of fire when the day of pentecost was fully come they were gathered in one place with one accord and suddenly they heard the sound of a rushing mighty wind and when they looked they saw clothing tongues ears of fire and it set upon them and the next thing is that this peter stood and began to preach he entered into his assignment by reason of the anointing of fire chapter three the next verse he healed someone from the gate of beautiful because the anointing of fire puts you into your assignment the anointing in form of wind is the anointing that grows your fame come on write this down guys i always tell people my reputation precedes me wherever i go people already talk about the gaffer they talk about um they talk about prophet passion they talk about these the fbi prophets why because the anointing in form of wind it gives noise to your assignment it gives noise to your name you you become louder everybody will know about you that's true that's why the bible says when they had noise it was of a rushing mighty wind the bible talks about elijah when the anointing was coming upon him before god spoke to him the bible says there was earthquake there was the fire god was in there and there was the wind then he heard the sound or the he had this more still voice of god these were levels of the anointing that was preparing him for the work that god was giving him so there are pastors that are powerful there are people here that are too gifted but nobody knows them because they lick the anointing in form of wind tim can you with the sick apostle can raise the dead yes but nobody knows them i was praying one-on-one with the guys from new york city and i said i have my son that came to america three weeks ago do you know him they said we don't apostate innocent we don't why when wind anointing comes upon you son ching chong in china people will know you without a poster that's true the bible says when jesus was coming down from the mountain his family has grown all over israel all the israelites knew jesus but this is before jesus opened blind eyes this is before jesus changed water into one without any miracle his name was known the anointing in form of wind cab rosh cabbage i pray god will give that anointing to your business to your ministry to your gifting to your colleagues amen in jesus name amen it is the anointing of home of him i talk too much amen i may god bless you then there is an anointing in form of electricity this one is dangerous if you open your plaque if you go home and you open your blood there are three cords in africa as usual yellow green and brown if you touch the one that is brown wallis is connected to electricity you feel nothing if you touch the second one it's hot you feel heat but if you touch the third one you call your mama mother i won't continue but you will scream have you ever been electrified you understand what i'm talking about that's the third anointing this is the anointing you were talking about the residue from the glory of god in the mount sinai when people cry they want to see god we want to see god we want to see god we want to see god you know what the bible says when god was coming down only his glory descending before he himself touched the mount sinai everybody ran away and said moses now go talk to your own god deal with god and we'll hear from you because the glory now when it comes down it comes with thunder with enlightening with glory that glory now the first you experience from it it electrifies your body that's when you see people shaking under the anointing that's when you see people vibrating caleb is in the house that's when you you you you can't contain it i remember in 2003 elijah and moses visited me physically i'm not on closing your eyes and you see two men in a visa no i'm talking of a dropping note and i said come in and they moved into the room when they moved into the room no one told me this is moses no one told me this is elijah automatically my noah told me this is elijah moses a hand was placed on my heart lights came out in seven directions in seven different colors for my body i saw light spreading all over zimbabwe all over africa all over the world and the word was given to me you are a prophet of prophets in zimbabwe and all nations under the heaven you shall prophesy a great destiny was given to me for three days i would not come out from my bed i was under electricity i would feel electricity on my lips on my teeth all over me on my ears going down to the source of my feet coming up i was under the electricity of god i remember a lady called pressures now married to apostle trevor sumbai she touched the door that same day to open the handle she was pushed under the anointing of god not millions i'm in bed she's trying to get in the room by touching the handle she was pushed by the power of god that anointing is a dangerous anointing that is a level that when you reach the bible says touch not this anointed one you understand when the ark of covenant was being built it was first level of the anointing that thieves touched it the builders were not holy but they were building it they were touching it everybody touched when they finished it everybody looked nothing happened but when god came down with his glory to sit on the messy city the workplace received the shakkaina glory which introduced this dead dimension of the anointing the electricity anointing one day they are carrying the ark and they're moving and somebody sniffed as he fell someone said the ark is falling down let me go and help he's helping he is not a thief he is actually a man of god by just detaching an anointed act of covenant yes he died he died by looking inside you that even a priest who was not in the right standing with god by entering you will die if this is a level that apostle innocent gave a testimony of what happened in zambia i mean zimbabwe there's an attack that came to him witches got that against him and he is sleeping there then a witch entered into the room yes as the witch is speaking words against him and telling me you can't do this you can't break this out or you can't disturb us we've been doing this for years i picked it while i was in zimbabwe i spoke to israel we were calling him he didn't peak the following day we flew to zambia and i anointed him he was as if he died the neighbors came he was screaming as if he's dying have you ever seen a god that's being slaughtered he was crying far better than that neighbors came asking if there was a thinner or something happened but he was under the anointing of god from that day his life changed his life has not been the same because i introduced him into a level of the anointing of god amen there is an anointing that is coming upon somebody tonight oh cabranda the thieves that have been stealing from your business if they steal after tonight it will not go away with them amen the witches that have been coming to your house to bewitch you to bewitch your marriage to be with your children to touch your neighbors a neighbor i'm blessed if you bless me god will bless you but if you kiss me watch out watch out watch out watch out something is about to break open in this place there is an anointing that's about to move here right now tonight are you ready for the anointing of the living god
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 6,302
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Id: OdIUaytXF24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 54sec (4434 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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