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good morning to you in jesus mighty name i acknowledge this privilege that you have given unto me and i do not take it for granted and also to preach before the people that preach to us it is a great great privilege you know for a long time i knew i had the calling of an apostle and i knew that the apostle is supposed to be able to flow in all the fivefold offices the most difficult office it was that was for me to flow in is the evangelical because i've been teaching for many years so i don't know how the evangelist does it so i watched your life i watched the life of evangelists son that would check and right hand banking in order for me to get the courage to be able to so i'm that's the reason why um i cannot stop honoring amen you know standing in an organized conference like this to preach is different from standing where you are waging war against demons and it's a different thing it's not the same thing and it took many years of observation to be able to stand in that capacity once again let us appreciate our murder father this morning we ask that you open your cancer to us and let your word drop upon our hearts like viable seeds that cannot die in jesus mighty name amen you may be seated in the house of god for a very long time when i stand on a crusade ground the anointing will leave me it happened for many years yes if i'm teaching like this the anointing comes strong but when i go outside it runs dry and every time i tried to connect i would just be confused so i stopped preaching i stopped accepting invitations to preach on crusades it meant that i didn't have the grace for it so i started watching people that were doing it effortlessly the kind of messages they preached outdoor the way they released the anointing and then when i learn a few things i take you to the place of prayer see a few things i take you to the place of prayer until i began to function but it took like um took like nine years of watching and praying before it was possible for me to function that way it's one of the strongest offices and unfortunately in our time public air crusading is becoming a thing of the past i pray that someone will catch a vision in this service this morning in the name of jesus turn your bible to the book of exodus chapter 33 i would like to see something quickly 33 we'll start with definition of thames definition of terminologies what exactly is the tabernacle of moses what is the tabernacle of david what is the function of the tabernacle of moses what is the function of the tabernacle of david why is it that the scripture says that the time will come when god will reconstruct the tabernacle of david that is falling in the book of exodus chapter 33 beginning from verse 7 we want to read and moses took the tabernacle and pitched it without the camp afar off from the camp and called it the tabernacle of the congregation please underline that before we proceed he called it the tabernacle of the congregation and it came to pass that when when one which saw the lord went out onto the tabernacle of the congregation which was without the camp and it came to pass when moses went out onto the tabernacle that all the people rose up and stood every man at his tenth door and looked after moses until he was gone into the tabernacle and it came to pass as moses entered into the tabernacle that the cloudy pillar descended and stood at the huh so that day what sorry what dress was that and stood at the door of the tabernacle and the lord talked with moses and all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle door and all the people rose up and worship every man in his tent door so verse 11 gives us an insight into the kind of relationship that god had with moses and the lord speak unto moses face to face as a man speak it unto his friend and he turned again into the camp but this his servant joshua the son of nun a young man departed not out of the tabernacle all right if you see the reading here you will see that the tabernacle of moses which was fondly called the tabernacle of the congregation was an infrastructure that was built up close to the camp it was designed to be a place of communion between god and man are you with me now the tabernacle was constructed with a technology in mind and the technology was a means by which the dimensions of god could be trapped into the earth right so that was what the tabernacle was about i like calling it a shrine because it's a technology that was used to trap the dimensions of a spirit being to a physical location and so if you wanted to interface with that spirit being you came into that physical location and you'll be able to interact with the spirit being this possibility was set up for every israelite but unfortunately it was only moses that was taking advantage of it when moses is about going into the tabernacle everybody knows the time he normally goes and they come out they stand at the tent door moses will pass go into the tabernacle and then the cloud will descend and all of them will be worshipping at their tenth dawn meanwhile that tabernacle was not raised for moses it was raised for the entire congregation see the one of the challenges we have in our time is that people leave the issue of interfacing with god to the pastor to the prophet to the evangelist to the apostle to the teacher and everyone comes to watch the apostle the evangelist born with fire the flames that we have contacted from the presence of god but it was supposed to be a cultural thing it was supposed to be part and parcel of the culture of the people of god right that's so the purpose of the tabernacle of moses is to create a possibility of intimacy with god that's why it was set up are you with me so because today we need to talk about intimacy with god i can't according to the arrangement that we studied about which is the arrangement of the mingled spirit it affords us a few privileges one of the privileges that he affords us is that it is therefore because of that arrangement easier for you to interface with god than it is for you to interface with a human being just like you are friends with your wife it is possible for you to be more friendly with god because of the infrastructure that has been built is an infrastructure of the mean good spirit so right within around and beyond your spirit is the presence of the holy ghost therefore makes it easier for you to connect with god than it is for you to connect with the physical person so the direct result of the arrangement of that which god has put in place in the new testament context is to afford us the first the first privilege that forced us the privilege of intimacy somebody said intimacy now let us study quickly because as you are praying as you are fasting as you are talking to god maybe you lock the door up and you are in the room i want to tell you how god will respond to you because whenever moses began to exercise himself in the tabernacle this is the account of the dimension of intimacy that he was able to secure before the presence of god verse number 11. so this is a scripture from whence we are going to take our bearing this morning and the lord speak unto moses face to face that's the first qualifier he spoke unto moses how faced and just in case we are confused about what face to face means he went further to give us explanation and he says as a man speaketh unto his friend it means that the kind of relationship that existed between moses and god was informal it was not formal you know my wife runs a small school somewhere in welfare quarters once in a while it's a great site to go and see how the teachers are trying to pass knowledge to the little children if you don't come like a friend you have missed it if you need to dance and do one funny thing that they can relate with when they are when they are sure that friendship is involved then learning can take place now so that is primary school education so this education that moses received here his primary school education is basic education basic should that come again because we are going far but this is the key the key the explanation of the nature of relationship that god and moses had first of all was not formal you see when we were in the university you know how lectures were the lecturer doesn't need to know you don't you don't need to know the lecturer in fact if you try to know him too much you can you can can resort to it can result in something terrible it's very formal but the example of what we have here is very very informal that means god can come and say i like your time i know most of us don't believe that the god of heaven has that time to appreciate your time i know that's not how we know god but that was the quality of relationship that moses had going with him and the lord when we become more intimate with god you'll find out that god is concerned about every aspect of your life you see what we have learned to do is to i know some of you like football champions league premier league right don't be quiet i know i know you like you see the problem is we like what we like but we don't like taking god into what we like take tell him see you this champions league talk to you see your relationship with god is too formal that's why that's why your heart is not adequately textured to be able to pick up frequencies and the lord speaks unto moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his own friend bring him into everything that you are doing let him have a the right of way to make his comments to tell you about his own observation to tell you about what he thinks about this thing you like he wants to be involved in every strand of your existence oh you are going to write an examination have you talked to him about it it's only when we want to marry then we say yes holy ghost come come now if you don't learn how to texture your heart towards his voice even when you want to get married it will be difficult for you to hear god because he comes as a friend right all right so this is primary school and part of what you will learn in primary school is abcd so let us speak to scriptures to show that what i'm trying to say has new testament representation and then we'll begin to try to navigate in that regard first corinthians of the two where we started the other day first corinthians chapter 2 beginning from verse 12 and verse number 13. now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god verse 13 is my emphasis is which things we speak these things that are freely given to us of god the bible says there are things that we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teach it but with which the holy ghost teaches it means they are words with which the holy spirit teaches and those words are different from the words by which man's wisdom is stopped you're not with me i'm trying to introduce you to spirit language in this you are not you are not with me i'm i'm checking you to know how far we can go in this journey you see there are things we have not received the spirit which is of this world but we have received a spirit which is of god so that we may know the things that are freely given to us of god you see it is possible for you not to know the things that are freely given to you of god and you can be looking for what is not lost see knowing what has been freely given to you is critical however your possibility of knowing is tied to the teaching of the holy spirit and the holy spirit doesn't teach using words through which the wisdom of man is communicated he uses words that the holy spirit himself communicates the next aspect of that verse is to give us an understanding of spirit words let's go back there verse 13 before this is a long journey it's a long time you know yesterday see now we can't finish our syllabus i was supposed to define what substance is what a spiritual substance is what a spiritual reality is what is a testimony because the bible says the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy and what is witness before we go to advanced studies this is a gateway to advanced spiritual studies because by the time you get to the book of revelation and god uses sign language in the book of revelation he said the book of the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto john to show his servants the things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it that what signifies sign language unto john by his engine sign language that's advanced studies okay okay do you still remember when a hand appeared and began to write on the wall many many tequila which language is that have you what okay now please we can't do the advanced studies today but let us begin with basic studies basic in this basic study that we want to start our entry point is in the book of first corinthians 2 verse 13. i'd like you to also understand it very well before we begin the journey of basic studies of spiritual language spiritual language okay let's get that scripture back again he said which things we speak not in wars which man's wisdom teach it but which the holy ghost teach it then he is explaining the words that the holy ghost uses to teach he says when the holy ghost is teaching he compares spiritual things with spiritual what kind of communication is that the words that the holy ghost uses to teach it manifests when there are comparisons all right second scripture to establish this point will be john chapter 6 these are direct words from the mouth of jesus john chapter 6. verse 63 john chapter 6 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth please underline quickness quickness for instance how many of you like me desire to have a stronger prayer life the technology about praying talking to god is tied to yes you can put your hand down it's time to quickening quickening we need to know what quickening is why do i say so um someone can help me open your bible to the book of psalms 80 18. technical man if you go make sure you come back to john chapter 6 psalms 80 psalms 18 18. are you there ah this is my tactical man all right see he says so will not we go back from d that means even if you delay we are made up of our mind we don't have any other solution apart from you if you are not this dogged you can't find the best of god there is a doggedness that is required for you to enter into the economy of god's grace the psalmist says well we have gone round and even if it's as though the utah will not depart from thee what is the prayer here is a quicken us and we shall call upon thy name it means that if you are not quickened prayer will be punishment in order for you to talk to god effectively in such a way that god will hear you the holy spirit has a role to play he quickens you in fact there are some dimensions of quickening that you need to see a vision there are dimensions of quickening you need to hear the voice of god there are dimensions of quickening you need to receive wisdom from god and the bible says that in the godhead there is division of label because it is the responsibility exclusive responsibility of the spirit to quicken it is the spirit that quicken it so how do you pray the easiest way to achieve quickening is to begin to speak in tongues and that's why speaking in tongues is the only gift of the spirit that you can operate at will at will first corinthians chapter 14 the bible says i will pray in the spirit i will pray in my understanding also it means that you can speak in tongues and we that's the only gift that god makes available that is possible for you to exploit possible for you to explore at will so you are speaking in tongues waiting for the holy ghost to quicken you and notice that the moment you get quickened your your utterance will change one of the evidences of inner quickening is that your utterances will change there is a level to which you will go you enter into a certain energy level as you begin to drive in that spiritual protocol that it will be customary for you to see visions so what we are talking about here is that what you can access in your intimacy with god is dependent on your status of quickening meanwhile it is not you that quickens yourself it is the holy ghost that quickens so you need to be very dogged because the holy spirit is a king spirit it's not the spirit you send around the holy spirit will only do what he wants to do when he wants to do it and the way he wants to do it so that is the reason why it is spiritually healthy for you to learn how to wait on god waiting on god means you acknowledge that he will only come out when he wants to come out do you understand he will only do he will speak to you when he wants to not when you want to do you still remember the last time you cried and said god and he didn't answer you because you can't he's a king may the lord give you understanding he's a king he won't come out until he wants to come out and if he comes out it's an act of mercy so you need to worship him for it when the holy ghost wants you to hear him what he does is that he quickens you because on the energy level that you are now you can't hear him so he comes to you and quickens you that is because you are quickened that you saw that dream if you are not quick and even though there is transmission you will not have the capacity to catch that frequency how many of you still have a transistor already due we should have it those days fm what's what's the frequency of our ifm station 19. 96.5 now wait wait we have okay that means we have two such stations here 95.0 and 96.5 now you might have a radio that is functional but it may not be tuned and because it's not tuned you will not get what is happening in 96.5 it is the holy ghost that has the responsibility to tune you your receptacle needs tuning for you to be able to pick from god's frequency and it is a spirit that can do that you cannot do the fact that you are even called as a prophet doesn't give you any advantage it doesn't give you any advantage but if you know you have a prophetic calling then you must become an intercessor that is that is compulsory you will find out that because a prophet won't give you doesn't give you any advantage from an average believer to hear god so you must be an intercessor first and foremost you must learn how to pray when others are not praying which is praying in the night which is not convenient for your flesh and you do it until your flesh gives you permission i say carigo yes he says so shall we not depart from thee quicken us and we shall call upon thy name so in the scripture where we read the bible says it is the spirit that does what that quickly the flesh profits nothing then the words that i speak they are spirit now you for you to even hear the words you must be quickened in the first place because the words are spirit so we came this morning to study words that are spirit those are the words that form the alphabet of this communication that the spirit uses to teach exactly oh my i say exactly okay so we will start let me see how many alphabets i have here then one two three four five six seven i will give you i found seven alphabets i'll give you three you study four i had to study the matthew mark luke and john to find the alphabet the whole of matthew mark luke and john because i was i was trying to study it in the life of jesus so let's go words that are spirits and words that carry life okay let's do acts chapter 17. acts chapter 17. beginning from verse 13 and i want to show you my approach i have an approach that i want us to use in understanding this language unfortunately the only way i could find to teach what i want to teach now is using the linguistic that's the only way i could please don't be don't be discouraged but i'll be quoting greek a lot of greek this morning um acts chapter 17 verse 13 but when the jews of thessalonica had knowledge that the word of god was preached of paul at the rear they came theater also instead of the people and then immediately the brethren sent us away sent away paul to go as it were to the sea but silas and timothy's about destiny and they conducted paul that are conducted for brought him unto athens and receiving a commandment unto silas and timothy's for to come to him with all speed their departed verse number 16 which is my emphasis is a now while paul waited for them at athens his spirit was there that's communication you know i said it is the spirit that quickens this has nothing to do with your willingness it has nothing to do with the condition you find yourself this is an a um a a mutually exclusive event that is propelled by the spirit of god so while he was waiting for timothy and for silence in attendance his spirit was there the word stayed there state in greek is um should i spare you those complicated words and just tell you the meaning okay this one is parrok zunu don't worry about it don't worry about it parrok zuno means that there is a sense of trouble how many of you in this hall this morning if danger is coming you can know it's part of the language the ability to decode danger he was waiting for his brethren and he was in a casual condition and then suddenly the holy ghost within him was there and this man was able to perceive what the holy spirit was signifying to him within his spirit man okay let me give you another scripture that has the same word maybe to give you deeper insight first corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 you find it there in first corinthians chapter 13 verse 5. he said verse 4 says charity suffered long and is kind charity envy not charity vounted not itself is not puffed up dot not behave itself unseemly secret not her own is not easily provoke the word provoked there is the same word we are talking about the spirit was provoked what provoked him go back to acts there was something on ground in that place that provoked it now while paul waited for them at athens his spirit was provoked in him when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry the attendance he was waiting for it wasn't the mission field because of the security intelligence that was received how that his life might be in danger they ferried him out of that province and the waiting place was attacked he sent a signal to his disciples to meet him quickly he was just passing time and when he looked upon the land what happened the holy ghost within him was provoked what was the object of the provocation the whole land was given to idolatry now what this man is experiencing is what god is feeling about a matter so that means it is discerning the heart of god why is it possible for him to descend the heart of god because of the arrangement the economy of the mingled spirit the spirit of god is mingled with your own human spirit so it is possible for you to design what is in the bibles of god the whole land was given to idolatry and the spirit of god within him was what when last did you enter into a territory and because of some of the things you saw he generated a button that led you into two weeks of praying and fasting it was not you that had a problem it was the holy ghost that had a problem with the environment and you felt what he was feeling and because of that you responded with prayer you know i told you the arrangement that god had when he wanted to create man was that he will wear man like a garment he will wear your spirit and then it will be him that is moving through you not you moving through yourself that's what the testimony of the christian life is in the book of galatians chapter 2 verse 20. it is no longer i that leave it the one driving me the one propelling me is christ that is blood messiah within me and this was the spirit of god that was in paul registering his displeasure about the state of idolatry that has covered the entire landscape of the city of athens so the question is when last did you feel what god was feeling maybe about a circumstance maybe about a situation and it was not you being concerned it was the holy ghost you were doing well taking coffee and the holy spirit in you awoke if that has never happened to you before it means that in your alphabet your spiritual alphabet there is no a if you remove a from adama what will remain does he still have meaning in a dormer so a lot of people cannot decode god when he's moving because they don't have the alphabet e can't decoding what they make out of what they receive doesn't make sense because of our alphabets are missing the first thing that god does is that it gives you access to be able to discern what he feels that's the first alphabet you feeling what god feels about a matter feeling what god feels many times when you are maybe in a crusade and you want to minister then the lord now brings one compassion that is how he feels about them and many more times compassion was the trigger to the hidden anointing on the life of jesus because he had the capacity to feel what his father felt about the congregation they were like sheep without shepherd instantly the healing anointing is triggered there are many things that will not be triggered in your life except you feel what god feels oh you want to bring deliverance to your family and you have not felt what he feels about your family wait first wait in prayer until you feel what god is feeling about your family then you will have the the accurate compartment to represent him in the matter his spirit was what stayed down within him number two number two is in the book of mark chapter 1 verse 9 2 12 mark chapter 1 verse 9 to 12. and it came to pass in those days that jesus came from nazareth of galilee and was baptized of john in jordan and straightway coming out of the water he saw the heavens open and the spirit like a dove descending upon him and there came a voice from heaven saying thou art my beloved son in whom i am well pleased and immediately the spirit drive it as i said this that's this that's b this alphabet b the spirit drivet now you will expect because what took place there is an accreditation service the moment jesus was coming out of the water the alignment of heaven was affected the holy spirit descended from heaven and alighted upon human remains it was a public accreditation exercise and god spoke from heaven this is my beloved that's a mighty moment for jesus and instantly after that moment you will expect god to allow jesus give a speech make a speech you know i've been i've been around for a long time and uh my identity has not been disclosed i was wondering why the father kept important issues like this secret but well today is a great moment there was no speech the moment the holy ghost came upon him then the spirit of god began to drive him to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil that's be the word drive it in that scripture is called a value which is e k b a double l o ekbalu means to compare in fact this is where we get our driving force from because maybe you drove here in a toyota matrix cool it's not very important what is important is what is driving you you drove something here but we need to find out what is driving you because after jesus got that accreditation then ekbalu took place there was a compelling force that was driving him away into the wilderness if you don't know your driving force you will not know when to take your journey you will not know when to sit you not know when to stand you will not know when to walk away and you will not know when to run oh how many of you still remember joseph when potiphar's wife was making advances ekbalu there was something that was stayed within him so much so that he forgot his today even though you will know that that will be used as an evidence against you but because of the power of what was driving the man that logic did not count so please ask your neighbour for me what is driving you is not as important as what you drive a friend of mine went to preach somewhere and he came down a bike when he appeared on the bank they just called him outside and said this is not how they come here this is not how they come then they put him in a vehicle in a rolls-royce and went back to where he came from and then see because if you come no no no no this what you drive mata say you know they were concerned about what he drove they were not concerned about what was driving ekpalu the moment he was announced then the government of god kicked him and said your next point of call is the wilderness and you are going to meet with satan and the holy spirit did not counsel him how to prepare for the meeting it was he himself that choose fasting as a preparation do you understand that the purpose of going to the wilderness was not to not too fast it was to encounter satan oh you are now with me okay you see this car we called me this bench this car right before an engine carries the brand the brand bends it must run 1 000 hours on the bench they will keep topping the engine oil and topping fuel if you can't run for 1000 hours on the bench it is not bent it doesn't qualify for beds have you realized that bands they don't tumble do you know why the weight of the car is is even that's why the axle goes to the back and the axle is very thick so that they can equalize the weight of the engine that's why it has that balance have you ever seen ben's body rusting there are ten thousand ten thousand welding points in events and each one is treated all these things i told you is a company test but the one that happened to jesus was not compensated was not internal test it was an outsourced test let him go and be tested by the devil not the company you are now with me that is an eh okay after ben finishes to make the car then they take you to sahara desert that's outside test most of your tests have been inside and you do so over it most of your tests are seen within the family the witchcraft there you could couldn't survive inside but the test that we're talking about here is for jesus to go outside and be tested by another strange kingdom so that means that in your training in god god himself will create avenues for you to be tested i know you don't like my gospel but it's true it's never sweet but it is true i went somewhere they were so excited to invite me then we now started nobody said amen again i say meanwhile this is the gospel god has given me i don't have any other one my own is not sweet he's strong god will create avenues to test you it was god that that advertised job to satan i said you've been walking up and down to and through the eighth did you by any means tumble on my servant you notice that the devil didn't need to go back to 35 to give an update about job status he started because he was there oh you don't understand okay okay when god was teaching joshua priesthood after moses died because he overmourned moses who can be like moses if your mentor was mercy somebody had parted sea no his debt is a loss what are you coming to do a man that when he begins to move the pillar of cloud from heaven will come and announce that movement so the man now dies what are you what are you coming to do how will you start how will you lead the prayer because moses was the epitome of the prophet of israel that is the old mark and in the fullness of his ministry after interfacing with god moses his face glowed just let's leave him let's leave him i've been studying that man to find out a lot of things now joshua i wanted so joshua didn't stop moaning god had to confront him and say joshua moses my servant he's not your servant my own servant he's dead stand up now and then i could imagine joshua saying what of the road what of the road he said the road is also dead he died with him so you now rise up go beyond this jordan and started giving him instructions and said wherever the soul of your feet shall tread upon i'll give you as a position you know that kind of walking that that kind of walking that that a priest uses to take over territory in hebrew it's called halaq halaq so the secret that god gave joshua was not a road was halaq the territorial work of a priest that was his own secret when god asked satan where have you been it's a long time i have not seen you he said i have been harassing that same kind of work that god thought taught joshua to walk have been hallaching up and down and to and through the earth that halaq is the kind of walk a priest walks when he takes over territory are you still with me so he was telling god that i took over the entire act the only place i could not take was where jew was and why was it that satan could not take the place because job had a head he said are you not the one we tested the material we could not break it so we knew that you were the source of that material so how can you say the battle is not fair now the context is not fair you came and put war how can we test him how will you be tough allow us let's play this game i say you say job is your man command that thing make a torture so satan didn't need to access a secret fire to say okay with spectacle you say you know he gave the details should i tell you something he visited your compound too yeah he visited your company he visited your compound so god's okay and you know that god did not give you a prior notice before he set him up he was not informed before time so he didn't know the context where to put the suffering is it because of his own personal sin or the sin of his children or it was in that scripture that spiritual covering was defined three chocolate he said thou has built a hedge around him that's the first hedge and around his house as a second hedge hustle and around all that he has that's the what third age so a true spiritual covering covers you covers your household and covers that you have is that correct so when the satan challenged how many of the hedges did god remove he removed the one over the things he had so satan could touch it he removed the one over his household so satan could touch his household but he didn't remove the one over why why who knows what is because it is god that regulates temptation is the regulator of temptation and the bible says that he will not tempt us it will not allow us to be tempted much more than we can handle so he knows the specifications of job and he knows that job cannot can do much more than he allowed so these things are saying satan satan said satan has a regulator so satan the moment they removed the one of his property his livestock they died then i don't have time to show you the symptoms of of of what brought satan in one of the cases it was a wind a wild wind that's the prince of the power of the air he can use wind he can use water he can use anything that is in the natural to walk against you but what was driving job was deep seated in the midst of the external controversies this man still kept faith with god it means the work of god in the heart of that man was deep that means satan can take every other thing but that your conviction is something he doesn't have the ability to reach and if you keep faith with god in the midst of the storm god will still tell another story through your life it will be satan himself that will acknowledge that he attempted you and he could not prevail over you so the argument was now settled that whereas the hedge was taken the man himself was fortified within because he had a different driving force we know what you drive but we don't know what drives you that's number two you know we have cake cutting and i like this aspect of the celebration so we'll stop at number three you see are you with me if you are going to become a man that has spiritual mastery you must know you must be a good student of the move of god in your own personal life don't don't be careless about it you remember elijah when he went when he wanted to pray for rain and he would go and pray for one unit of prayer and he will call himself and go and check the sky because the effect of what i'm doing is going to appear on the canvas of the sky and then when he went for seven units and sent to someone to check the sky he said i see a cloud that is in the likeness of a man's hand see that cloud was so insignificant but the meaning of the cloud when the prophet brought interpretation was that i hear the sound of an abundance of rain now something very little can appear in your spirit but the meaning of it is an abundance that's why you don't joke with spiritual science it might be so small but that is god telling you that debt has entered the compound and you know why why is informing you now it means you can do something about it what if you don't understand the communication and you say god you didn't tell us he told you but there was no being you have favorite so when you spared the thing you had no meaning in your language are you there okay so you must know your driving force you must be able to feel what is in the belly of god sense what is on the heart of god you must also be able to know what is your driving force okay john chapter 11. john chapter 11. john chapter 11. okay let me do a good long reading here first i'll begin from verse 19 but i'm going to verse 33 and many of the jews came to martin mary to comfort them concerning their brother then mata as soon as she heard that jesus was coming went and met him but mary sat still in the house then said matter unto jesus lord if thou had been here my brother had not died but i know that even now whatsoever thou shalt will ask of god god will give it thee jesus said unto her thy brother shall rise again matter said unto him i know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day and jesus said unto her i am she thought that resurrection is a is an event she never knew that resurrection is a person so jesus now said i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live yes and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believers doubt this she said unto him yeah lord i believe that thou art the christ the son of god we should come into the world and when she had so said she went away and called mary a sister strict secretly saying the master has come and called for thee as soon as he she heard that she arose quickly and came unto him now jesus was not yet come into the town but was in the place where mata met him the jews then which were with her in the house and comforted her when when they saw married that she arose up history and went out followed her saying she got onto the grave to whip there then when mary was calm where jesus was and saw him she fell down at his feet saying unto him lord if thou has been here my brother had not died when jesus therefore saw the whipping and the jews also whipping which came to her he groaned in the spirit and was troubled this groaning is not is in this world when jesus saw mary was with me he saw that the jews that came to console her they could not hold their weapon something struck him on the inside and the bible reveals that he groomed he groomed in the spirit [Music] now this the word is so long so i won't i won't pronounce it but the meaning of the word is to charge strictly i would have taken you to a few scriptures where that word was used but the meaning of that word is that the holy ghost in him was releasing grace for him to take authority over the situation there are times when the holy spirit inside of your heart rises and gives you the authority gives you the capacity to take authority the moment he saw they are whipping he saw mary crying lying on the ground there the holy spirit went to walk and the impertation of the authority that was needed to raise lazarus from the dead was triggered now so my question to you is do you know when god is giving you grace to take authority they say somebody has died and you came there to console them the person just died oh sorry but in the midst of your attempting to say sorry something else was straight up inside something else was released and the purpose for that release was so that you could take charge so that you could strictly charge so that you could take authority if you move according to the quickening of the spirit he will raise that soul from the dead but many times god moved in our hearts we were responsible for disconnecting the execute many times because we never understood the language with which he was using to communicate grace was released it was on the strength of that impartation that jesus said wrote this too you know when he commanded that the stone be ruled some people brought cancer to him that he's been there for four days at this time the body is tinkered but you see that council did not stop the authority that was rising in his spirit every time when god pours out the grace for you to take authority there will be a logic a logic in the environment that has been designed to ensure that you don't move in the authority of the holy ghost there is a logic there is a logic there is a logic there is a logic but you need to conquer that logic in order for you to take control at this time he's tinkered we didn't stop what jesus was doing the authority to do it has been poured into his spirit and as long as he uses that authority god will be under pressure to confirm his wars the reason why science and not as many as they used to be is because we don't know this alphabet when the holy spirit wants to use you to take authority what did jesus say lazarus comfort that's all and the spirit of god went to work what happened what we are not aware of is that what happened to lazarus was was actually similar to what happened when god created adam he brought adam from the dust because this man was going back to dusk the encounter that happened to that man in the grave converted dust back to flesh because at that time decomposition has started taking place that does it reverse the protocol of the delay and you know the instruction was lazarus comfort not lazarus rise up so the same power that reversed the decomposition brought him he didn't work out the power brought him out the power he brought him up because the grace to exercise authority was released we're going to pray today and we're going to exercise authority this morning hallelujah if you know when god is prompting you to exercise authority people will think you are not a normal man meanwhile he's not speaking that frequency that's all that's your part of the job and you believe it enough to give the holy ghost the opportunity [Music] okay before we pray i think we need to do some practice on that matter let's do a practical quickly oh you see at this time he stinks just before the faith finished to couple itself that cancer came at this time at this time it's thinking and jesus didn't answer it's a rolled stone [Music] and he spoke to the dead and the bible the commentary was said and he that was dead came forth so if you're a man of faith death may not be the end if only there is one among us that has the grace that states of authority manifest in his life it means that matter has not yet ended now if you are here today let's see let me check it first to know if there's somebody like that here okay if you are here in this congregation this morning i want to do practical but i need someone in a certain colony one of your ears hears better than the other one one of your ears hears better than the other one stand up on your feet maybe maybe one is blocked maybe one doesn't hear at all [Music] stand up on your feet [Music] we have one two three okay mummy your own sit down you you do yours please now which ear in your own case which ear both of you this is my friend and you didn't tell me okay take your hand cover the ear that cannot hear [Music] okay you two you know the reason why i'm doing this is because that grace that stays authority it just came on me so i want to show you the practical most of the time when they are hearing challenges it has to do with a spirit of deafness most of the time so i want to pray for them father we give you glory we give you praise we thank you this morning and this morning lord i take authority over every deafening spirit [Music] deafness spirits be bound in the name of jesus and i command you come out of the ears this morning in the name of jesus that's enough look at me those of you standing look at remove that hand then use the other one to block the one that i can hear block it very well if you are sitting close to them run it a test on their ears for me if they can hear if you can hear raise your hand up speak to the ear speak into the ear that previously had a challenge help me quickly okay so this one can hear this workout here wait wait wait wait you see you got it wrong it has nothing to do with me it's just that i sensed it the difference between a spiritual man and a normal person is that spiritual things are spiritually discerned it's not about the power that is making her yes he comes here okay you come you come here come [Music] so two of you can hear you can hear sit down can we give glory to god for [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] the ability to sense that god wants you to take authority is critical that's how the miracle hand of god is extended and it can happen at the airport it can happen during your lecture you may be lecturing lecturing and then you sense you send something yes you there are clinical ways of doing it that nobody will know you can call the person aside and make the decree quietly it's not about the shout it's not the shout it's about knowing that there's such a stirring and aligning with it with a charge [Music] that's all and then that which was shot see walking in the power of god is no rocket science you will be amazed if all of us go out now to pray for the sick pray for some of you that have never seen healing before can even pray for a mad person and the person but if you want to see those results consistently then you must know when god is pouring out the grace for you to take authority exactly all right let's try again let's try again let's try first of all i want us to pray for these ones right now ask god open those ears open those ears open the ears [Music] open the ears open the ears [Music] [Music] [Music] all right in the name of jesus so do again block it block it very well block it very well lord i bind every deafening spirit deafening spirits be bound come out of the ears here i speak to you here in the name of jesus i bind every deafness spirit deafness spirits be bound and come out of the ears i speak to you here here in the name of jesus don't remove it yet listen one thing you must know about the healing anointing or and all of that you are not the one that heals it's god all right it's god that heals there is a deaf man that they brought for me to pray for i prayed for him nothing happened maybe god was setting that i would take the glory so he didn't and then when the man went home the ear started hearing so that i would not take the glory you can't you can't decide how the thing should happen okay so it's good it's good to be humble [Music] when doing such things god will do it the way that will give him the glory okay you can remove block this one let's test again which usher help me test so he can he can hear okay you cannot hear okay sit down all right okay mom i came to confirm the spiritual sensitivity and also an answer to a specific prayer that i had prayed last night into this morning you may have observed that i wasn't here yesterday it's because there's this big boy in this right here peak that gave me even fever and when it happens like that it affects the hair until the boil is over and i kept making a decree that that last time would be the last time and i told the holy spirit please remember this case today so is this i mean when he mentioned here probably i couldn't but raise my hand because the pain has been unimaginable and with that last night i couldn't put my head on one side if i put it i'll have to remove it to the other side nobody knows my family members are not aware because it's something that [Music] i knew that the holy spirit would handle it was this morning i came i told my dog told my daughter she said mommy after the program this morning i will write some drugs for you to go and take and hear jesus himself mentioned the case by himself and has taken it over completely [Applause] the air is healed it's open it's clear and everything is gone thank you jesus just wave your hands and turn the lord for remembering this person
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 47,269
Rating: 4.935185 out of 5
Keywords: How, Sustain, Intimacy, God, Arome, Osayi
Id: pAdOCgev-eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 23sec (4763 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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