The Journey - "Detour" | Pastor John F. Hannah

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we ever the smokiness do got some roots that is still growing which means that possibility kids still arise out of what look like a devastated I want you to get your Bibles and I want you to go to the Book of Daniel and I want you to go to the fourth chapter I want to speak to you because in prayer the Lord began to say to me I need you to check out where you are life is a journey and it is important that you always know where you are right now in your journey please listen if you don't know where you are what does it mean that means that you are lost that means that you aren't lost whenever you set out to go somewhere if you get on the highway there are different signs that say different things for example you will run into a sign that says detour detour basically means basically we need to get you off the route that you thought that you were going we're gonna take you another route watch me but you will make it to your destination you might not go the exact way that you thought you were going to go but I can promise you that you will make it to your destination can I get everyone to open your mouths and say I will make it to my destination all right for those of us that drive or you travel there's an app that you can put on your phone it's called the Wiis now some of you all when I get done you're gonna want to download this because Waze is the hook up can we talk for a minute Waze will tell you everything that is going on around you as you drive listen to me if there is a car stalled ways were saying there is a car stalled ahead of you listen to me it'll even tell you if it's to your left or your right morning we'll listen to this if there is an accident waves will tell you there is an accident ahead of you come on here this is some of y'all that really break the law if there is a speed light waise is a snitch and it will tell you that there is a speedlight it gets better listen to me if the Popo is ahead of you this app will tell you that the popos those that give the tickets ahead of you it's me and you need to slow your behind down come over here it won't see it like that but you could you understand I'm saying it's so detailed that if there is roadkill for those the other just get your car wash then you don't want no blood on you but she it will tell you everything that is going on outside your vehicle but what it won't tell you is if something is wrong in your vehicle it'll give you everything going on around it but it never tells you if you're running out of gas if you're left light is out see we're so easy it's so easy to look at what's going on outside that is difficult to see what's going on inside when sometimes it is the inside that causes the detour can we talk for a minute today I want to show you a keen that was focused on the outside and he was not paying close attention what was going on on the inside his name is Nebuchadnezzar and if you have your Bibles I want you to see this in Daniel 4 in 4 and he is in a good place in 4 and 4 it says as he says I never kick Nizza was at home in my palace I was content and prosperous life is good but one day while he was lying in his tent he had a dream he had a dream of a huge tree and the tree was so huge that he hit this guy that everyone the Bible says around the earth could see that tree the branches went out the leaves are thick to the point that birds could fly in and create nests for them to rest in the fruit that was on the tree was good animals could come and find shade people could find shade in other words the tree was a blessing to anybody that came in contact with it but something happened that the tree had to be cut down I don't know where the branches are going the food is going the leaves are going and now the tree is now only a stump and the Bible says that King Nebuchadnezzar woke up and was troubled by the dream and called in everyone that he knew and said listen I need you to explain this string to me because sometimes God will speak to you through your dreams how many of us have ever been warm through a dream come on here let's talk for a minute no one could interpret the dream but then Daniel walked in and then you had the interpretation of the dream and if I said when Daniel got Fischer the interpretation he was little trouble and the king told him no no no don't be trouble speak truth how many of us are in this season of our life don't tell me no lie I need to know the truth about what's about to happen in my life don't fluff it up come straight for me and the Bible says listen to this the ten you looked at him I said Oh King you are that tree you Oh King are that tree please listen and unfortunately the way things are looking your kingdom is about to be cut and you are going to be off your throne and you're gonna have to listen to this you're going to go through a wild season here's the line that messed me up but it doesn't have to go like that if you make some necessary changes you can stop tragedy from coming in your direction we'll talk for a minute if there's somebody in the building God sent you to cut the enemy off of what he's planning now I want you to see where he lets him know it doesn't have to go like that watch the scripture you ready if you have your Bibles and once you go to the 27th verse he says this he says therefore o Cain he says be pleased to accept my advice here's the line I want you to get renounce your sin by doing what is right now what he doesn't tell of is what is his sin we are not giving privy yet to what his sin is but he says whatever it is I'm gonna need you to let it go because once what's me what you might be into could cost you your kingdom you work too hard to let some stupid throw you off now god I wish I was in the building with somebody who know that everything you have God gave it to you and it's not worth losing it over something stupid touch your namesake catch yourself catch yourself now let's go let's look at this let's look at this he says here's the line I want you to get you ready here's a lot how much it again he says in your wickedness he says I'm an engineer announce your sin by doing what is right here's the line a mess me up and your wickedness it is by being kind to the oppressed what does it mean unfortunately sometimes the more that you're blessed you care less about the oppressed sometimes as a believer because you saved you can care less about the sinner and he says listen regardless of how high you go I need you to always look down which you could have been and then I need you to be kind and nice cuss me because it had it not been for the mercy and the grace of God you would be just like them how dare you look down at anybody how dare you think that you're better than anybody had it not been for God that's an even say catch yourself [Applause] he wants him now renounce the sin and be nice to people be considerate of people now watch me you can hear a warning you can hold it for a while but if some for some of us if tragedy doesn't hit immediately then you forget I pray over your memory y'all ain't saying that to me I pray that God constantly remind you of who you are I pray that God constantly remind you who you shall become everybody look you ready now watch how long it take before he go off verse twenty-nine twelve months later now you're gonna find out what your singing is as the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of babylon please monitor his attitude and his words and I need you all to please pay attention cuz as I look around the church and the body of Christ I'm seeing the spirit of King Nebuchadnezzar he says is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty that's too much of you and I didn't hear by god no we're up in man is there anybody in the building and no everything you have it is God that gave it to you if you graduated God did it if you got a job God did it if you got keys to a house God did it the outfit you got on God didn't the kids you have God didn't the business you have got didn't the fact that you in your right mind God did it I need you to testify to somebody right now I need you to monitor the win to testify because arrogant people have a hard time giving God credit you want to take credit for everything but for those of you that know that what everything you have every accomplishment that you've ever done nobody did it but God I need you to test if I'm real quick look at somebody say didn't nobody do it but God now watch me watch me arrogant people have a hard time giving God praise but a real person and realize that everything you got God gave it to you I don't care of you in a school auditorium I praise them if I'm in a in a theater I praise them on the count of three I want those of you that are grateful for what God has done for you to release appraised it is really one two three go [Applause] hey MA Simmi all know what you have you wouldn't even expecting it he exceeded your expectations Simeon the doctor told you that you would never have what you got but God shut the mouth of the enemy I just wish I had some phrases in the building look at me look at me if you got keys to a house you will you owe him a praise if you got any kind of job whatsoever watch me if you don't have a job buddy take care you're behind you still all got appraised if you got kids and they sent in the land of the living if you it if you're single and gone take care you you owe him [Applause] I need you to shut the mouth of the enemy to make you think that you all had in a bag of chips you better realize that if God backup offer you for one minute you'll lose your everlasting mind if you come on here money they gotta agree say did nobody do it but God everybody has a job say there's nobody everybody got promoted and say did nobody do it but God everybody got your own business you better say listen listen listen even I got kids say did nobody do it my god every man is sitting the land and delivers it in two but heaven is on to breathe the machine [Applause] no mention of God no mention of anybody else is all about him and what I'm realizing in the body of Christ will becoming so self-centered that everything has to revolve around you and if you don't get it your way then you don't participate Oh booth and the Bible says they ready so citizens it's all about you let me show you what you will become without me and the Bible says watch me now I got to give you a detour let me get you off the road for a minute let me get you off the road for a minute he says immediately what had been said about Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled he was driven from the people he ate grass like cattle his body was drenched with the dew of the heaven until his hair grew like feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird watch me which means that I'm about to I need you to get I need you to have a detour i'ma let you lose some stuff so that you can get your stuff together cuz there's no way that I can let you continue on to your destination without me getting glory so imma get you off you're keen to watch me now watch me three things are gonna happen number one I'm about to change your surrounding in other words you used to run with royal people but now you bout to hang with animals come on here come on here you are literally about to hang around wild people the crowd that you are about to attract is not does not go with your destiny which means that you're gonna be around people but you know you're not only gonna believe that you're around these kind of people come on here I need you to make sure that you monitor your crowd I'm looking at some of y'all you too old to be up in the club with your daughter's outfits on you taking pictures like this if you don't turn your behind around and get somewhere and sit down before you stumble over them heels that you can barely walk in ain't nobody saying nothing to me your crowd has change now you're drinking in your smoking Y which means that now your appetite has changed now you're eating grass like an ox come over here your crown has changed your appetite exchange you don't hold it for the word of God you don't hold it for the presence of God you don't hold it for the things of God you more hungry for money power in position mmm come over here which means that your appetite has change your your surroundings have changed watch me your your appetite is saying this is dicta me and then your appearance is changed he said watch me at one minute you eating grass like an ox another minute your hair is growing like an eagle and another minute your nails are growing like a bird we don't know if you are ox and eagle or bird which means that you walk in with a different look every two months one minute you think you somebody you think you Beyonce in the next minute your Tina Turner we don't know who you are one minute you think you're jay-z the next minute you James Brown God will confused about what you honey Chitina genève say sometimes I'm confused sometimes I'm confused I'm confused watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me if you really study this if you really study this if you really study this if you really study this he has literally lost his mind and I'm amazed at people who are crazy and don't know they crazy come on we all talk per minute you are literally running wild you are literally running wild you are literally running wow you are literally running Wow watch me can you imagine what the community was saying can you imagine if they open the window and they saw King Nebuchadnezzar running around with wild animals can you believe how crazy this thing is right now look at me that's the same thing they saying about you behind your back watch me but I wish you had a real friend that can meet you out in the yard I tell you you know you're crazy don't you but at the same time that they tell you that you're crazy I need them to remind you who you shouted [Applause] the Lord sent something you all in this building it lets you know that your detour is almost over you about to get right back on track I need you to I'm gonna show you something but before I show it to you I want you to just touch your neighbor say everything you need is still in you come on here why are you running around looking for somebody to bring you out Lana's already put your answer in you come over here why you looking for somebody lay hands on you you still got a you still got power down in your spirit come over here come on here I come again see every negative word that makes you feel less than and I decree and I declare that you bought the matter or wings as an eagle you got to take off this is about to be you I told you this is the year of the open door and God told me to tell some of your your detour is over it's about to go down in you touch a name so your house is about to fall in line you'll find answers how about to fall in line you got to get you back you got to get your smile back you better get you come on here and there where say you got to get your joy back you want to get your prayer life back you want to get your praise rang you got to get you come on Tess her name say you got it you got it [Applause] come on somebody need to be reminded that is still in them ready now watch me he has to run around for seven years seven years is a long time to be crazy Avella give me why do you think that it has to take him seven years I believe unfortunately unfortunately based upon how high you were it takes you a while but humble yourself and to admit that you off because you're so used to seeing people singing your praises it's hard for you to admit that you off your square I don't know about you but I don't have seven years to admit I'm crazy the sooner I admit I get out of here I wish I had I need you to make sure you ain't sitting next to off just to say you know you need God right you okay now here's the line you ready here's the line that mess me up if you go to the 26 verse here's the line atmosphere we gonna cut the tree now but there's a command the command is to leave the stop of the tree now when you leave the stroke the stone that means is roots basically being questioning people don't come back and all they gonna see is a snob look at me look at me they go see what used to be high but not even see a scar but wherever the snow is you got some roots that is still growing which means that possibility can still arise out of what look like a devastated God some of y'all shoulda gave God praise they eat it destroy you all the way but you're still growing even indocin lip your hands for like ten seconds and worship God he said the stump is there the roof it in and it routes me look at me opportunity can steal presented itself if I look it ain't over in look nice a lot you look back oh but it does not yet appear who you shall become my god Lord some of y'all still looking like God not gonna do it for you but the Lord sent me in the middle to let you know he still got time to do it for you and wants me and if you follow what I'm about to tell you you'll let her go be greater what you lost cannot be compared to what's about to happen I just wish you had somebody that can speak life to you right now do me a favor touch your neighbor say your teacher is about to be over your detour is about to be over you are literally about to take off eyes have not seen in ears have not heard what's about to happen for you teens about to [Applause] okay all right side of the chains nobody came to get him out nobody came to get him out how does it change but he running around being Wow enough is enough never settle for living in crazy never settle from living in dysfunction never settle thinking that you always have to be without I wish I can get somebody in this building never settle the same would be depressed for the rest of my life god I wish I could get somebody in this building to open your mouth come on what am i doing I'm trying to change your confession I need you to open your mouth and say enough is enough this time my turn come on let me hit it come out of your mouth my turn hey boss opposite our CC cheeky Buddha never saw hi-yah glory glory glory glory I need you I'm about to fight some warfare that I'm feeling in the building if somebody got they phone in their hand now can you check over see they on Facebook Instagram if they don't social media can you say can you shut that down for one minute cuz imma need I'm I need appraiser next to me in a few more minutes I'm watching something on the whole ego selling me you ain't taking no notes come over here you my warfare in the smearing Ram right now I'm not just fight busts in the building I'm on the Westside fight now I'm on 87th Street fight I need prayer warriors in the building I need you [Applause] come on come on let's go Matt touch your neighbor tell him your turn hey ba ba ba-ba SATA who totally be under the messiah now that you have no distractions now that you focus on what god is readiness [Applause] it's getting ready to happen he's getting ready to happen [Applause] you're out days are about to be over it's getting ready to happen now is the appointed time [Applause] now watch me change is only watch me the only way that this thing is gonna flip is that you gonna have to make some changes I'm gonna say this again the only way that this thing is no flip is that you gonna have to make some changes stop looking at everybody else you gonna have to make the necessary changes you gonna have to make the necessary changes you gonna have to work on your schedule you gonna have to change your attitude you gonna have to change what you man didn't come out of your mouth you gonna have to change the way you treat them inside worried about how they treat you y'all ain't up to me now she does it's easy to look on the outside but it's hard to see us that's what he says ready he says at the end at the end of that time for somebody that is listening to me right now the Lord told me to tell you that you are at the end of that time it is over your detour is about to be wrapped so of course it is when you gets it in what do you need to do nobody says he says it's the end of the time I know kanizsa raise my eyes sward heaven Hill burns I got focused I stopped looking at where I was I started looking at where I had fallen but I look to the hills from with cometh my help some of y'all you been looking at the problem but not looking at the problem song you've been looking at everybody but I need you to look to the Creator the one that is able to do [Applause] said not only did I change my focus I look come on bring it up he says I he says I raised my eyes with heaven and when I looked up here's my life doggone it I got my mind back cuz watch me I can't get you on the road until you get your mind back I would not put you on the road and you still crazy but the only way that you're gonna get your mind back as I need you to look to God he said when I look to heaven I got my mind back he said when I got my sanity back he said he said my sanity was restored he said then when I got my mind back watch me some people appraise a god but you're crazy I need you to get your mind back and then I need you to praise God that you got the right 9 lets me don't praise them for money thank God that you got the right 9 to deal with money y'all they saying that to me I stopped let's go I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry come on Abbi finish treatment they know that time I raised my eyes I got my focus I changed my focus I'm gonna change my focus I got my sanity I get my mind back and then when I change I change my focus I get my mind back then I changed what was coming out of my mouth see previous you heard about me me me me me he's uh uh uh you're not gonna hear me coming out of my mouth then I praise the Most High don't go that I just praise Him I honored him I just honor him I glorify Him who lives forever and there's some of you all in this building I just need your praise to reflect where you're going come on here can I get connect I don't want to be your cheerleader I just want to be your reminder that you're about to get off this detour and everything that God promised you is about to come in your direction if you know that I am talking to you can I get you to stance on your feet for one minute if you're in this building if you're on the west side of you at the theater I need you to get up get on your feet right now watch me watch me ready so much so much watch me watch me once you make your changes you get your mind back once you get your mind back then your words change then once all that falls in place watch what happens next for somebody what have I told you that everything is a hold waiting on you to either get your mom waiting on you to make the changes that need to be made if I look at me all it is is some simple changes that have to be made if you keep doing what you've been doing that you gonna keep getting the same results but if you just make some simple changes like he looked to heaven and then he changed his confession then his mind came back then he started giving God praise watch what happens just from that question we ever look at me your restoration is really simple man wants you to do ten jumping jacks roll over five times gosh they basically give me glory and I will overturn overturn you gotta get this you gotta get this cuz I looked at heaven I got my mind back inside giving our praise and when I start giving God praise what's this at the same time that I was giving my mind back I was also giving back my majesty and my splendor making my kingdom shine which means that what I lost I got it back with some bling its shine so people could see it do me a favor touch to people around say just make the necessary changes just make the necessary changes just make the necessary changes and you're gonna get your kingdom back you're gonna get your business back you gonna get everything that you lost you gonna get your smile back you're gonna get your personality back but I'm gonna need you to make whatever necessary changes you got to make I need you to make whatever necessary changes you gotta make I need you to make whatever necessary change he said what stirring his his aligned I want you to get ready you ready and all the leaders in important people came looking for me which means that your name start being brought up y'all not hearing me you have to kiss her nobody behind you just had to get your mind back you ain't have to run up behind nobody you just had to get your praise back in police what if I told you that your name won't be released until you release your praise first of all I want you to release your name first first of all y'all hear me clearly I need you to release your name and if I be a man of God but restoration is coming in your house if I be a man of God your business is about to rebound if I be a man of God your anointing is about to increase if I be amend of God what she lost cannot be compared to what you have coming in your direction on the count of three I need everybody that is in this building everybody on that Westside and everybody on that if the theater I need you to scream your name as I watch me with it let this don't make sense some things and spirits and they don't make no sense he got to me watch me but I need you to release your name something on the frustrated because you've been feeling stuck but I say moisture release your name I'm about there and I'm about to release your blessing one two three Jordanna Brook coos baby she gonna look totally beyond that of us are you worried I'm done I'm I seek here on the double side say your name one more time one two three shorthand up here now my shot now that your name has been release now I need a praise to come out of you wait wait wait wait wait wait bring this kicks it back up here let me read it oh my god oh my god he says he said he said I will he says I was re-established mmm touching everything you about to be re-established hmm come on either to come out of your mouth come over here somebody thought that it was over for you but the Lord said no nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope I'm about your teacher is about to be over and I'm literally about to reiax come on here and when I say you I'm even talking about your house I'm talking about your children and everything their concern of you that's the names that you are about to be me establish under those that's what I'd ever tried to kill some of y'all when you was in a wild place cuz he knew that once you got your mind back think of my line you ready not only are you going to be reestablished when you make the necessary changes he says I was realist as king in my kingdom and became greater previously you were good previously some of y'all were great but now you about to be oh if they hated you when you were good what they gonna do with you when you become for every neighbor buddy here this squeeze their hand say make the change make the change some of y'all I'm gonna need you to get your drive back how many do not to sleep all day come on squeeze a hand say make the change I come against the sprit of procrastination I need you to plan your day squeeze that hand say make the change make the change some of y'all I need you to get your prayer life back I'm gonna need you to I'm gonna do to get your travail back some of y'all you've got just a little bit too comfortable I'm gonna need you to get back in and get back on your posts some of y'all I'm gonna need you back on the alter something I'm gonna lead you back in prayer some of y'all that may need you back serving the way you used to serve go out because your Wow season is about to be over come on here touching he was saying re-established Itamar Thunder Oh Sookie hey my shot come on I need you to release this on the hand that you hold it when I say greater I mean I want everything every area that you lacked in to be increased if your joy is low I needed to be greater if your hope is low I needed to be greater come on here if your patience is low I need it to be greater come over here come on y'all come over here if your tolerance is low I need you to just go to greater I need just hold that hand for one minute let me print so God I pray for these individuals that are listening right now and I pray God that you would tell us what we need to change God give us the ability not to keep looking on the outside looking for what the what the road kill is a accidents or blaming what's going on on the outside but allow us to see on the inside what needs to be corrected God deal with us individually and if any of us are too slow to know what needs to be fixed can you please send somebody who can analyze our situation and give us clarity on what needs to be done but I speak right now God the changes beginning to happen even now I pray God that my priests change I pray God that my prayer life change I pray God that my persistence changer I break down to my consistency even get stronger hallelujah I pray that my faithfulness get back on track but not whatever area that need to be changed I pray that you give us the ability to do it and with that being said I pray for a reestablishing anointing I pray for a greater anointing to be released so everybody that is in this building and listening right now hold that hand is a greater hey my shot come on we almost done I'm gonna let you leave in a few minutes but something is about to turn for you you better hear me you got to be back in the seat you supposed to be in you got to live in peace like you supposed to live in peace you might to be the head and not the tail you better be the lender and not the power I serve a darkness about to get your credit line in order I serve a darkness come on release that word again say react stablished come on release his word my last I'll tell you say great up squeeze it again as headwaiter let that hand go and release the best race you have right I need you to break down my something great is coming your way Oh hold Danny hold hold oh oh I I hate to tell you this but I just heard unacceptable based upon how I am about to reestablish you and based upon how I am about to do greater for you there's a certain level of praise that I need to see coming from you watch me and I need your faith to be attached to your praise I need you to know that I am NOT a man that I would lie to you if I said it it shall happen on the count of three examine your praise and go for broke one two three go [Music] okay okay your house is coming in last your business is coming in line give it to get your man back you have to get it back never forget your merits back okay halleluyah halleluyah your tour many days are over your man days are over you're angry days are over you're depressed days up restoration look good on you you got it you get it you get it you get the steel set pick up the business experience you get the history you get the charm you get the anointing you get the patience you'll step back this joker than you realize I wish you had a cheerleader next to you look at your neighbour 10 of you deserve every lesson that's about to overtake you you see rejoice with them you deserve ranch every blessed that's about to overtake you I'm so glad your phone about the ring I'm so glad they must have done looking for you I'm so glad you're cops is about to be big [Music] you deserve everything [Music] I come against guilt shame and condemnation I need you to turn to tell somebody you deserve another chance [Music] you deserve to see the restoration look like they caused you to kill yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] the worst thing is look at somebody said to be like no no no don't you say no let us say here about the rich family shoot that let's say is about to be greater and I came to let you know you deserve everything you got coming because you made the necessary changes I feel something that's building I feel something that's building come on the view at the t-80 of you on the west side I need you to lift your hands like you just get re-established I need you to lift your hands like your next blessing is gonna be greater I need you to open your mouth like your crazy days are over [Music] I need it appraised [Applause] after what [Music] [Applause] get you see days are over negative ones that was bumping over you I come against your second thoughts and I decree it on expect that you will be expanded even in your thinking hello I can't play in this real the anointing is too strong hey my daughter my son yeah come on y'all I need a profits out real quick touch somebody say your turn your exit your entry Hey [Music] come out we go boom but I just [Music] [Applause] show me Athena refined the new river [Music] you deserve it you deserve the promotion you deserve the elevation you deserve to get the loan to start your business you deserve the Hounsou about ticket I can the let's say you worthy of an imitation they'll release the Braves right there [Music] [Music] [Music] dudas [Music] get mad about pink in your life leave it away [Music] hey come on we gotta get out of here we got those tournaments furnish the brain right there [Applause] if as long as you get Vivian and you're not a will be traitor [Music] stop there do we got [Applause] [Music] you slip your hands and worship God for what's coming I need you to worship God like you're confused days are over I need you to worship God like you're crazy days are over I need you to worship God like he gave you time to get you together I need you to worship God that you gonna make the changes that need to be made I need you to worship God that he's about to make up for lost time you better hear me you better hear me you better hit me you better hit me okay you are in this building you are in one of those theaters and you are oh my god only worse I came to get you out of your crazy state he sent me for you he drove you up in here to let you know that you have another chance everyone stand there's someone in this building to change its commitment change would be salvation change will be accepting the Lord as a personal Savior change will be I'm already saved but I know this this is supposed to be my church change is saying yes to the Lord and if you in this building and you know that I am talking to you I need you to get out of your seat if you are on that Westside I got some people standing at the front if you a net t8 I got some people stand at the front I need you to get out of your seat and come towards us right now who am I waiting on who did God send me in this build get out of your seat and come towards me right now walk this way walk this way walk this way come take my hand I got you just thing right there come out of your seat come out of your seat and you walk this way give you on that Westside get out of your seat if you are in one of those theatres get out of your seat almost how he must love you he said I'll lead the 99 just to come after you and God is chasing you because you have what you need still in you and he's about the resurrection roots
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 2,861
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: #johnhannah, #pastorhannah, #detour, #journey
Id: uOPI79rsq_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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