How Do I Know if I'm Called into Ministry?

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are you called the ministry I know that you want to serve God and you also want to make an impact maybe you've dreamed about preaching to thousands or being a missionary on a foreign country maybe you are asked to be a leader in your youth group and it feels really really good but does that mean that you were called how can we know today I want to talk to you about a call to ministry our church has a theological statement that reads we believe in a divinely called and scripturally ordained ministry the first part of that statement tells us that ministers need to be called by God only God can call someone to ministry you can't call yourself your parents can't call you not even your church only God can call the second part of that statement tells us that every Minister needs have a scriptural ordination that's the process of preparation and also verification see it's true that only God can call but it's also true that God that God's call has to be evident by others and verified by the church the Bible teaches us that every Christian is called to serve the Lord whether they are a preacher of some other job but that's the general call but the Bible also teaches that God has a special call for some people to devote themselves to leadership and to service there is a distinction between everyone's a minister and I'm called to be a minister it's a frequent theme through Scripture Paul routinely describes himself as called to be an apostle or separated to the gospel of God our New Testament would be much shorter if we just erased all the examples of people who left their fishing boats or other jobs because they felt that call to devote themselves to spiritual leadership and service but how do you know if you are called there are five seas I want you to remember the first one that God has to communicate it to you God speaks to us through many ways in prayer and dreams through feelings and you know other things you know some people experience a ministry call very suddenly and obviously some people sense it gradually over time but God speaks to us in different ways but it doesn't matter whether your calling is a common or unique what matters is that you know it was God the second thing you're calling needs to have is it needs to be confirmed by others probably by your parents or by your pastor and by other leaders if God really has call of you then others will probably see it too but you need to be patient when you talk with them about it at first they may not see it right away but give them time and they will the third thing is that you need to pass the character test ministers lived through a higher standard it's true with any type of leadership but especially for the church leaders that doesn't mean that they are perfect but ministers need to have better character than the average person fourth is compassion ministers is a people job you have to love people some people are easier to love than others some can be demanding and ungrateful and annoying and hard to love but we are called to love everyone ministers need to have durable love for people if you don't love people you won't be you won't last long in ministry fifth you need to be competent in ministry skills there's lots of different types of ministries that require different skills but most ministers require a minimal ability to public speak counselling with people and you know other leadership organizational stuff you may not have these abilities right now which is okay these are things that can be learned and developed but eventually you will need them you need to know that them that ministry is a journey with uncertain destination most ministers don't know know at the start where God will ultimately take them many ministers start out of doing a type of ministry and later transition to another type of latest ministry and that's okay because God leads us step-by-step as we grow and we develop just know that God has called you to do what you need to do now but it may not be the ultimate destination later at this point you may not be certain about your call and that's okay it's okay to explore your calling God will give you green lights and red lights if you if you start to get off track and so if you think that you might be called this is what you should probably do the first thing is you should pray and ask God to communicate it to you you should talk to your parents and your pastor and ask for confirmation you should think about that about your character and ask yourself do I have the character that is needed of a minister forth I think you need to think about your relationships and ask yourself am i compassionate do I love people enough to devote myself to the industry and fifth evaluate your abilities and by competent in ministry skills can I learn the skills that I need where I lack in a future lesson we'll be talking about scriptural ordination process as it relates to your ultimate validate our validation of your calling but right now I just challenge you to go through those five seas and really ask yourself God make your calling evident in my life
Channel: Cultivate the Call
Views: 45,976
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: K29ta7czvcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2015
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