Pastor John Hannah - Prayer For Singles

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let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go we are and we are live and today we are praying for our singers come on hear them if you are on Facebook share me if you are on periscope share me Instagram Church come on in yea my third church my new church is the new is the YouTube Church alright if you know how to share me share me come on if you're single give you a single send this to one of your single friends and tell them that we are about to cover their year for my single people for my single people come on in gather yourselves if you know how to share me share me if you know how to share me so we have covered the women we have covered the men we have covered the Mary today we are going to cover the singles and then tomorrow I need everybody to log in at nine o'clock because we are going to cover your house for those we are then log on to your phone but through your iPad I need you to be prepared to walk through your house because we are literally what to walk through every room of your house and me I'm going to pray alright we are going to cover your house all right let me give my singles your scripture all right if my singles this is your future you ready um Isaiah 40 and 31 please follow my instructions as the Lord has told me to have you to put your name in the scripture listen to this I'll put my name there I see comments I'm a new church my youtube Church all right so let's go so this is your scripture Isaiah 40 and 31 this is how you're gonna print it up but but job then wait upon the Lord shall renew history John shall mount up on wings as Eagles jump shall run and not be weary and jump shall walk and not faint my god I need my singles to begin to put your first name on the screen my intercessors will go back through this and literally begin to call your name to all of my singles I need you to share this I need you to put this put your first name on there so those of you are there watching on periscope for those who have been watching on Facebook and Instagram I'm gonna need you to do me a favor I'm gonna need you to go to youtube and I need you to subscribe to my page under John at Hannah ministries alright so this is are you gonna write out on Isaiah 40 and 31 I'm a calling your name but Natasha then wait upon the Lord shall renew her strength Natasha shall mount up on wings as Eagles Natasha shall run and not be weary and Natasha shall walk and not faint I leave you out when we've done you have learned to put that in there all right so we're going to begin to pray and we're going to start off with words of adoration I need you to put your word of adoration on the screen what does adoration we don't ask for anything we just begin to blow God up we begin to adore him what do we do we Moo God before we ask for anything so that we honor you you are God you are mighty God you are our God we are your people and we are the ones that give you glory you said Abby hold their peace we are the ones that never hold our peace but we are the ones that shot from the mountaintop that you are the only true Living God you are a loving God a kind dog a merciful God a gracious guy a giving God you are a patient God and for that we give you glory you are our Savior our deliverer a provider a healer you are our make our way mica you are our everything and what do we do people come home we open our mouths and we give you glory we sound the alarm that there is nobody like you you are our Creator hallelujah you're the author and the finisher of our faith you're the God that delivered us out of the hands of the enemy and we give you glory you delivered us other hand of Pharaoh you delivered us out of Egypt you delivered us from the things that were blocking us like the Red Sea and you run us over it's a 20/20 you are our God and for that we say hallelujah we say glory we call you wonderful we call you mighty we could we say you are majestic we say you are sorry you reign on the throne yes the earth is the Lord's the earth is yours the earth is yours it is not the president it is not the government it is not the governor it is not the master earth is the Lord's and we open our mouths and we shout to the God of gods you are God so tonight God we come and we come on behalf of those that are single we come on behalf of those that have never been married we come on the air of those who have gone through a divorce we come on behalf of those who are widowed we come on behalf of those who literally don't have a spouse in God we come to you tonight and we only intercede for them we're not interceding for anybody else or tonight we are literally interceding for singles hallelujah and tonight God as we prayed for singles we accident that you begin to release life on singles we call them out of the mode of surviving and we call them into the new realm called living I ask God that you begin to call them out of their dead places their dry places they're stuck places we rolled the stone out of the way the things that have been blocking some of them and we call our singles to live a single sane anointed prosperous anointed anointed because why God they have to be anointed in this day and time to live single save and successful I X God that you release the oil that goes with this lifestyle come on here you go as I pray God I ask that you got sharpen them in this single life got the devil goes to and fro seeking whom he may devour and God your hand is on many of their lives like your hand was on the life of Joseph that your word says that wherever they put him huh the Lord was with him so that I act that you release the spirit of the gift of discernment on every single that is listening that is watching this prayer God I need the journalist to be killed you know that I'm I see I need that discernment subpoena that I need some of them not to be tricked again I need some of them done to be able to spot the wolves that are in sheep clothing I need some of them not to be swayed by words I need some of them not to be swayed about what they're looking at come on here but I pray God that there deserve it come on those of you that know you need discernment I need you to be in the tech for this free give me discernment I accept that you give them discernment for that they don't have anyone to run things much as far as a spouse so that they have to be wise in their decisions so I come against any trickery that the enemy is attempting to get them to go in the opposite direction I call discernment on the single mother I called discernment on the single father I called the Sermon on the widow who now has to handle business by themselves I can't stop that you release discernment oh singles right now I pray God that we come against the spirit of anxiety Iran that a messiah I call your heart to stop all this mushy I called the spirit of anxiety anxiety to be off of you I called the spirit of calmness to be on singles I act up that you give them patience to wait on you come on singles we come against a rush we come against an anxious spirit your word says be anxious for nothing I ask God that you calm our singles right now he might and out about see as you spoke to the storm and said peace be still I sweep to my singles right now and I say peace be still you gotta act that you were given the ability to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord so God I ask God for patients to be released on every single to wait on you hey come over here to wait on you God I cover their hearts let's go that I pray for those that have not been handle right I pray for those that have not been treated right in previous relationships so I ex Donna for those whose hearts have been crushed that you'd begin to put the pieces back together again I act on that you put joy back in their hearts peace back in their hearts love back in their heart got there's someone that is listening right now whose world has been rocked due to who they trusted their hearts with and I ex-con that you begin to remove the pain not my son not many of us have not been sensitive to how they feel but you are allowing me all my shop to feel their hearts God I can't live like this so I ask you God to begin to move the pain come on it has to be better God beginning remove the hurt come on remove the hurt God remove the pain out of the heart right now and God gives them the ability to cast their cares on you God begin to perform surgery on their heart right now I come against the feeling that you are crazy I come against the feeling that you are not worthy it's okay to want to be loved it's okay to what to be in a relationship it's okay to not want to be by yourself I feel them but I feel this spirits have been crushed in their hearts are bleeding and I ask God that this be the year that you begin to heal their hearts those of you that know that I am in a CD for you I need you to lay your hands on your chest I see your tears and I ask that God right now begin to heal your heart even that I must say shake the blow see even about Sonia Londono see Sunday so to be shaking my mama mama-mama sia pure by their hearts God it's the hurt of the pain out they admit they're wrong they admit their sin now let the healing process begin right now in the name of Jesus God I cancelled every word curse that has been spoken over every single that is listening to this prayer right now we call those worse to come down right now we come against every negative word that you're pass both over you we come again every negative word that has been spoken against you and God I replace those words over every single that is listening to me right now and I replace that word with bless I replace that word with favored I replace that word with anointed I replace that word with with would be peaceful other place that word with being called I cancel every negative word and I sent it back to where it came from and I decree and I declare that they shall walk under the word of the Lord in the name of Jesus I come against generational curses god I come against generational curses and I decree and I declare that we will not be like our past we will not be like our family I call you out of poverty you will not be broke I call you out of sickness you would not die from what your family died from I call you to walk in the newness of life I call you not to wait on anybody to help you walk but you don't want this thing out as a single individual Hamas idea his strength is made perfect in your weakness so with that being said I pray for trip to come right now of those that are tired of those that are frustrated or those that are angry or those that are disappointed I called the strength of God I told you to begin to walk in the newness of life I called you not to wait on anybody to live but I decree and I declare that you will begin to live now I called the earth to yield hey ba shy what belongs to you ah I called the blessings to come upon you now i decree Anandi Claire that you would buy your properties that you have multiple pieces of property and I decree another class that you would have your automobile and you won't have to sleep with anybody to get it an agreement on the care that you would go on vacations and you would travel the world and then the earth will begin to heal everything that belongs to you homicide I called you to walk in wholeness hallelujah I'm calling you to work in wholeness I call you to behold I call you not just to be healed but I call you to be whole I called for that to be get to complete you and you're not looking somebody to complete you but I need you to know that God is filling in the missing pieces give you God now here are singles are living on this earth rest in this flesh and your word is so true that no good thing dwell in our flesh so with that being said I actually got every single present their bodies as a living sacrifice I ask God that you would give every single the ability to resist the devil something I would like you to I don't know I pray God they maybe get to resist the devil that they begin to resist the devil that they begin to resist the devil resist the devil and he shall flee resist the devil and he shall flee I pray God that when it comes to temptation the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life the same way that Jesus the tests in the wilderness I asked are that you would give them the same ability to come out of this testing season with five colors ha they think we'll be able to stand against the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life I pray God in the area that they are tempted in by even X dot for the areas that they are weak in come on garlic Graham I pray God because we want to be honest in our prayers I start the areas that they are we in that they be strong in the areas that they feel like they have to give in to that you now begin to raise them up and mature them that they don't have to keep doing what they've been doing I pray from a surety to come on the singles right now I thought that they learn from their mistakes come on here learn from their mistake and what tempted them and where they fail in nineteen that pass in 2020 come over here I come against the lie of the enemy let's cancel some things I come against this rear loneliness mmm I come against the sprit of loneliness and I pray that God give you a village I pray that God give you a circle I pray that God give you some it's put the right people around you I asked the doctor round you in a village I pray that you find your community and I ask that you not feel this demonic force of loneliness that devil is a liar lo I am with you always hallelujah I cancelled the lie of the enemy everyone that has been feeling lonely I need you to begin to replace your confession and begin to speak the word can you just begin to say hello he is with me always he would never leave me he will never forsake me he is with me always you ready so now that I also come against a spirit of suicide I cancel this feeling this lie of the devil that they are depressed I cancel what even the doctor said when it comes to you saying that you are depressed I replace it by saying you are the happiest individual I've ever seen in my life in your depressed days I offer hallelujah your depressed days over X that God put the right people around you that can feel when you're going down and they won't let you stay now but they'll come and pull you out of the pit that you found yourself in with that being said god I cancel the thoughts of suicide mm-hmm yeah let's go here I come against the thought of you taking pills I come against the thought of you driving off the expressway and I decree that you shall not die but you are about to live depression and suicide would not be your story come on here depression and suicide will not be your story I'm gonna pray a special prayer for single parents god I ask that you release wisdom of single parents right now and patients to raise their children come on I pray God that you release wisdom and patience to raise their children come on I ask God that you meet the need for it to be paid for food to be purchased for the tuition to be paid all of their needs are met in the name of Jesus God you are the provider of every single person that is listening to this prayer right now god I come against that feeling of them feeling that they need somebody else they got a job but God they look to the heels for with cometh their help and their help is coming from you so with that being saved god I pray for every single that you have put a gift in that you haven't put talents in and I ask God that they'll gift begin begin to make room for them for God some of them have not been watering or feeding their gift but I ask that their gift start kicking again come over here I pray that the gift that is in you with you up I pray that the gift that is in you be anointed come on here and the less ha ha the next time the opportunity is presented to you ah that shall come forth in full force that is that it remained that is mentioned in this prayer that we release it in the spirit realm and I ask that they may be brother y'all increment come over here and God would that name is caught I ask that they walk in with confidence not let every single be strong and courageous ah this ain't this ain't arrogance this is strong and courageous come over here come over here this ain't arrogance this is strong and courageous cover for the holding us ah I say to you like you said to Joshua be strong and courageous because you are about to conquer the land so I ask God that the spirit of Joshua be on this generation put a sign anointing on it not about shot let every single have a fight in them done come on here y'all I pray God that you were given the ability to fight through every obstacle that they can get what you have already promised them and for that I give you glory for the top but she run that a Vasa I feel the anointing y'all I'm swayed with it I feel a fight coming I never once I tell my singles to fight fight the good fight hideous of faith come over here come over here what he has promised you is still in place and I actually he give you your second win that in this year in this decade so that you could fight to finish the fight and that you can get the thing that God has promised you and it shall come to pass my last friend already so now God hold up now I pray that the financial blessings overtake these singers that I pray that a real financial breakthrough come to those that have been taking care of your house that have been serving in ministry that have been moving the cross they have committed themselves to serving you they have done what the Mary couldn't do they have been where the Mary couldn't be God I am asking as your word says that she would open up the floodgates he Masha come here and pour out blessings on these singles I called for them to be blessed financially god I need them to buy profits I need them to get promotions I mean bonuses released inal evil not to want for anything I'm for the walk on water net I ask God that the singles be the top titles and givers in the house cuz who would expect that cuz it's only one check but it is perfect for miracle so I pray that my singles won't for not come on singles come over here come on singles come over here but that means say it I need some doors to open with that being said I need some opportunities to be presented with that being said I need some favor to be released in the name of Jesus I need every single on here to type in the screen I'm the top giver I need you to type on that screen on the top giver the blessings of the Lord be upon you the blessings of the Lord be upon you on the top but it's only you is only God on the top in what is your scripture singles Isaiah 40 and 31 you are going to put your name let me give you an example if he wrong cuz on here Fe this is that you gonna type in in Isaiah 40 and 31 but fe then wait upon the Lord shall renew her strength if he shall mount up with wings as Eagles if he shall run and not be weary and every shall walk and nothing oh that is your confession of this year put your name in there and let that be the confession of every single person that is on this prevalent top y'all better get up my god tomorrow we'll be back nine o'clock I'm the top giver singles you're 2020 is covered you're 2020 is covered Lily wheeler you're the top giver come on here come on here kill you're the top Gipper come over here come on Eddie you're the top Gipper Wow alright tomorrow go home for your house we're gonna walk through your house we've got to cover your living room your dining room your kitchen in every bedroom and every bathroom for those younger you have teenagers are really okay it sounds about to close up but someone told me to cover something give me one minute ready you ready so dad I come against substance I come against the spirit of alcohol I come against drugs and some of them I'm using but the enemy is presenting to fill a void it's an escape from their reality I ask God there right now that you begin to remove the taste of alcohol out of their mouths I ask God that you begin to remove the desire to smoke or to drink it is a way of escaping ex-con if they live a sober life so that they can hear you give them clarity in what is next so we come against substance of any form and you will be sober in Jesus name Amen all right listen I can't answer all of your inboxes and we always get this so if you want to do it it is up to you if you don't want to do it that you don't do it but those of you better single especially those the others say units up yep I want you to see tonight how do you so we only so to the cash how do you do it it's the money son Lord case can you put on screen somebody put on screen for me Johanna I love you it's the money son everything is lowercase Holy John hol YJ o hn it you want to so I want you to so to my single speaker so five ten twenty I feel the need to quit a bigger push on y'all I feel the need to be a bigger person yeah cuz you spindle he totally lied you go to the single go to the widow but I commanded her to take care of you my god alright for those of you are like and so five to so ten so twenty cash app it's the money son holy John everything is lowercase I love you guys and we'll be back tomorrow and then we won't be back until Monday cuz we go eat hallelujah we've been fast that we gonna eat ferry and Sunday but don't you say yeah I love you guys I love you more than I can ever ever express it saloon okay our YouTube our first since the news Church how the second
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 6,816
Rating: 4.9783001 out of 5
Id: srt_0VAaGm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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