Daniel 10 Explained Verse by Verse, Spiritual Warfare and the Prince of Persia

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[Music] welcome to angels in the Glen in today's lesson we're gonna see an explanation of the Cod zone now the cod zone remember is a vision that Daniel sees in Chapter eight he actually sees two visions we talked about the fact that Daniel sees the Mauri and the Cod zone they're both related to one another and Daniel understands the Maori from chapter 9 now Gabriel comes back in chapter 10 and says now Daniel I'm gonna explain the Kahn's own to you because it pertains to the time of the end after we go through that explanation of the Cod zone we're gonna talk about Michael the Archangel and then we'll also talk about chiasm and if you've never heard about chiasm z-- we want to show you some incredible discoveries in the Bible about chiasm and then it will just encourage you in your walk as you read and study the Bible let's open up in prayer father God we know that some of these passages are difficult to understand and we just ask that your Holy Spirit would aluminous and lead us closer to Christ in Jesus name Amen let's start in Daniel chapter 10 verse 1 in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel whose name was Bethel Shazzer and the message was true and one of great conflict but he understood the message and had an understanding of the vision now the first thing I want to point out in this verse is it's the third year of Cyrus a good question is what year is that now it's the year of 536 to 535 BC and that's very significant here because we're entering into the last portion of the last chapters of Daniel in chapters 10 11 and 12 are a unit you'll see that as we go through this but it's 536 - 535 BC why is that significant because Israel was taken captive more specifically Judah was taken captive in 605 BC when King Nebuchadnezzar came and besieged it now 605 BC now it's 535 BC that's the 70th year why is that significant because that's the amount of time that Jeremiah the Prophet would say God was going to take God's people could take his people captive for 70 years so now the 70 years are complete that's something to think about the captivity is ending because it started in 605 BC and we'll also see the Centurion actually records this as the first year of Cyrus because it's his first year of single rule as the Persian king notice another thing in this verse right here it says Daniel who was named betcha Caesar and the message was true and one of great conflict but he understood the message and had an understanding of the vision that word vision right there that you see on the screen it means Mari so Gabriel explained the Mari to him in chapter 9 and now in chapter 10 verse 1 we see Daniel understands the moiré in fact let's just make sure we're very clear on this let's go back to the Mari real quick on the screen you see Daniel 9 23 to 27 in verse 23 you see Gabriel speaking to Daniel at the beginning of your supplication the command was issued and I have come to tell you for your highly esteemed so give heed to the message and gain understanding of the vision right there that word vision that's Mari and the next words after that seventy weeks so we know the Mari is 70 weeks and the next four verses explain the Mari that was all covered in chapter nine in chapter 10 we see chapter 10 verse 1 Daniel now had an understanding of the vision that's Mari so right there Daniel understands what the mari is he understands the significance he understands that Jerusalem is going to be rebuilt he understands the Messiah is gonna come Messiah is gonna be cut off and have nothing stopped the sacrifice and green offering and desolations now it says it was one of great conflict you might say well why is there such a conflict about this well there's a significance to this conflict and you're going to see in a few verses the conflict of angelic forces again demonic forces now it's a great conflict because of this reason the vision of the Mari of the 70 weeks is from the issue of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there would be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks we covered that last time so that means that Jerusalem is going to be rebuilt not only the temple but the entire structure of Jerusalem magistrates and judges and from that it says also the Messiah would come now think about this if Jerusalem's not restored then the Messiah can't come if the society doesn't come then the Messiah can't put a stop to sacrifice some grain offering and and pay for the sins of the world and this is a struggle here so there are angelic forces moving upon the kings of these regions here right now to prevent Israel Judah I should say to go back to that Lane their land and restore Jerusalem that's why it's a great conflict take a look at verse 2 in those days I Daniel had been mourning for in three entire weeks I did not eat any tasty food nor did meat or wine enter my mouth nor did I use any ointment at all until the entire three weeks were completed on the 24th day of the first month while I was by the Bank of the Great River that is the Tigris hold right there look at Daniel Daniel is in his elderly age right now he is in his mid to upper 80s he's fasting for how long heat I did not eat any tasty food nor did anything in 424 for three weeks okay this is the prophet of God being very sincere he's praying he's fasting he's searching for the Lord and here's the interesting thing about what Daniels doing is there is no sacrificial service there are no feast systems established right now there's no temple you can't hold and and celebrate those feasts without the temple so Daniel in a sense is doing all he can do it's a form of worship to recognize as the true God this is how he's expressing his worship while he's in captivity you see the great river Tigris I mean it was the great river Euphrates when Babylon was in power but now power has shifted to the medo-persian Empire and now Tigris is recognized as the Great River let's see what Daniel sees in Daniel 10 verse five I lifted up my eyes and behold there was a certain man dressed in linen I should say the original Hebrew says lo behold one man dressed in linen whose waist was girded with the belt of gold of F as his body was also like barrel his face of the appearance of lightening his eyes were like flaming torches his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze and the sound of his words like the sound of a tumult now I Daniel alone saw the vision while the men who were with me did not see the vision nevertheless a great dread fell on them and they ran away to hide themselves so I was left alone and saw this great vision yet no strength was left in me for my natural color turn to a deathly pallor and I retain no strength but I heard the sound of his words and as soon as I heard the sound of his words I fell into a deep sleep on my face with my face to the ground now you see I've highlighted the word vision three times there in blue you would say does that mean Maori clothes it's almost on the screen you see it's not moire eh it's Mara okay the vowel pointing was different but you see that it's still pointing towards this man dressed in linen now who is this man you probably can take a guess you probably be right but I want you to see this in a slightly different perspective on a screen I've highlighted certain key aspects of this man in linen and I want you to take a look at right here he's girded with the belt of gold of a fez his face has the appearance of lightening his eyes were like flaming torches feet like the gleam of polished bronze sound of tumult like the sound of a sound of his words like of a tumult and you see in verse eight no strength that was left in me natural color turned to a deathly pallor and Daniel falls on a deep sleep on his face with my face to the ground now I want to tell you this there's one other person in the Bible that experience is the same thing that Daniel experiences that's amazing exact same thing that Daniel experiences and I want to tell you it was John the Revelator John the Revelator experienced the same thing in Revelation chapter 1 take a close look and let's compare those key characteristics in Daniel 10 with what John Daniel experiences with what John experiences in Revelation 1 verse 13 pick it up right there and in the middle of the lampstands I saw one like a son of man clothed in a robe reaching to the feet and girded across his chest with the golden sash same thing with Daniel sees his head and his hair were white like white wool like snow his eyes were like a flame of fire Daniel sees eyes like flaming torches verse 15 his feet were like burnished bronze when it was made to glow in the furnace ha feet like gleam of polished bronze just like Daniel sees and his voice was like the sound of many waters Daniel hears a sound of a tunnel in his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth came a two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in its strength just like Daniel saw his face of the appearance of lightning look what happens to John when he sees it when I saw him I fell at his feet like a dead man and he placed his right hand on me saying do not be afraid I am the first in the last and the living one I was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore and I have the keys of death and of Hades Wow beautiful passage here there's no mistaking it the pre-incarnate christ is standing before daniel lo behold one man this is what Daniel sees the vision of the morrow everyone Ran's away no one sees it but Daniel remember how long they were in captivity 70 years remember Jeremiah prophesied we covered before but Jeremiah prophesized that the 70 years would be the time of captivity I want to go back to Jeremiah 29 I want you to see something here there's a very specific phrase I want you to see in Jeremiah 29 verse 10 for zest thus says the Lord when 70 years have been completed for Babylon I will visit you you see that phrase right there I will visit you okay the Lord's gonna visit them and fulfill my good word toward you to bring you back to this place for I know the plans that I have for you I just want you to focus on this when what what has to be complete before the Lord visits it says it right there on the screen when 70 years have been complete well we've established this is the third year of Cyrus this is the year 536 to 535 the seventy years are complete and who has visited Daniel Jesus Christ Himself visits Daniel according to the words of Jeremiah God says I'm gonna do it when the seven years of complete I'm gonna visit you and now the mighty man man in linen visits Daniel very powerful let's keep moving along verse 10 then behold a hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees he said to me Oh Daniel man of high esteem understand the words that I'm about to tell you and stand upright for I have now been sent to you and when he had spoken this word to me I stood up trembling then he said to me do not be afraid Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God your words were heard now let me stop right there I think sometimes we underestimate the power of prayer you see this your words were heard from the first day from the first day when we pray we are reaching angelic we are reaching the God is hearing our prayers and look back on the screen I want you to focus it on this verse it says do not be afraid Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart staining this and humbling yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come in response to your words I mean can you imagine this Daniel the first day he starts to pray he's pleading he understands the Maori he understands that Jerusalem needs to be restored for the Messiah to come and so he's praying and as soon as he makes this prayer it hits the Lord God Almighty in heaven and God says to Gabriel go and Gabriel goes as fast as he can from the time those words are heard by God and God commands Gabriel to go Gabriel goes back to the scripture verses I have come in response to your words verse 13 but the Prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for 21 days then behold Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me for I had been left there with the kings of Persia now I have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision pertains to days yet future Daniel is praying daniel is fasting he's being very careful what he eats that's why appetite is so important I can't underscore this enough back in the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve failed in their appetite they made a broad choice Noah made a wrong choice he drank of the vineyard and got drunk Esau made a wrong choice he sells his birth rate for what he was hungry Daniel his friends they say no we're not going to defile her selves with the Kings choice food and what did God do He blessed them he gave them wisdom they were ten times smarter than any rule any any any ruler and he Chaldean any magician conjurer anyone they were ten times smarter because they refused to defile themselves what happened at Belshazzar Belshazzar was in a drunken feast he didn't control his appetite and so in end times that we covered appetite is gonna be important we have to be very careful what we eat we have to spend time in prayer and fasting with the Lord and this is what happens Daniels prayers heard and Gabriel comes because he's now going to give him an answer and I just want to underscore one other thing about the scripture verse this is a great conflict this is a great conflict because you see the angelic forces here what's right there on the screen take a look back on the screen it says but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days you see there are Angelika forces around us even right now there's a great conflict going on in these with these angelic forces and here we see an example of the the king of Persia did not want the Prince of the kingdom of Persia this is the angelic realm did not want Gabriel to reach Daniel he was withstanding him alright because there was being an explanation of the khan's own and also there's a conflict over the Jewish people in terms of their ability to go back do you see how it says in verse 14 now I have come to give you an understanding what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision pertains to days yet future now I've highlighted that in red this is because Gabriel's come back to explain the khan's own he said he was gonna come back to him and now he's come back to him and this is the cod zone these angelic forces are real here's a couple of scripture verses to consider exodus 12 verse 23 back to the Passover for the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians and when he sees the blood and the lentil and the doorpost the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses see this is an example of this is the natural world these angelic forces can interact with the natural world we even see this when David sins in 2nd Samuel 24 so the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel from the morning until the appointed time and 70,000 men of the people from Dan to Beersheba died when the angels stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it the Lord relented from the calamity and said to the angel who destroyed the people it is enough relax your hand here we see an example of angelic forces in fact but angels rejoice when people make morally good choices in Luke 15 verse 10 in the same way I tell you there is joy in the presence of angels of God over one sinner who repents these angelic beings are far more powerful than even Superman if we can we know Superman's a fictitious character but if you can imagine something like that way powerful more smarter faster I mean these are holy beings there's also fallen beings equally strong in this conflict I just want to underscore this there's a real conflict going on go to Daniel 8 verse 22 the broken horn in the four horns that arose in its place represent four kingdoms which will arise from his nation although not with his power you see that although not with his power that's pointing to there are power forces angelic forces demonic forces behind the powers of world government you know we think politics and world governments is is all happening because one candidate or one party or one group of people have a say over the matter because they're powerful because they have money because they have influence hardly there are demonic forces behind these world Kingdom powers make no mistake of it even in verse 23 in the latter period of their role when the transgressors have run their course a king will arise insolent and skilled in his treat verse 24 his power will be mighty but not by his own power any world Kingdom system government that thinks its ruling because it it has its own power wrong that's not what the Bible teaches let's keep moving along watch what happens when Gabriel continues to speak in verse 15 when he had spoken to me according to these words I turned my face toward the ground and became speechless and behold one who resembled a human being was touching my lips then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who was standing before me O Lord as a result of the vision that's Maura as a result of seeing the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ anguish has come upon me and I have returned maintain no strength for how can such a servant of my lord talk with such as my lord as for me there remains just now no strength in me nor has any breath been left in me he sees this incredible presence of angelic beings and Christ himself he's been fasting he sees this he's not a strength verse 18 then this one with human appearance touched me again and strengthened me that's some serious power how that works I don't know this is the spiritual realm touches Daniel strengthens him verse 19 he said o man of high esteem do not be afraid peace be with you take courage and be courageous well that's very encouraging to me now as soon as he spoke to me I receive strength and said may my lord speak for you have strengthened me then he said do you understand why I came to you do you understand why I came to you if Daniels been fasting he's been praying Gabriel comes to do you understand why I came to you but I shall now return to fight against the Prince of Persia so I am going forth and behold the Prince of Greece is about to come number transition we go from Babylon to Persia now Greece is about to come verse 21 however I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against these forces except Michael your Prince Mike your prince came to rescue and allow Gabriel to reach Daniel there's three scriptures I want to underscore in chapter 10 because I want to make sure you understand this Daniel 10 11 and 12 are considered one unit and Gabriel's come to explain the cons owed to Daniel see verse 10 and 11 again then behold a hand touched me and sent me trembling on my hands and knees he said to me Oh Daniel man of high esteem understand the words that I'm about to tell you understand the words I'm about to tell you in verse 14 now we have come to give you an understanding of what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision that is the konso it pertains to days yet future verse 21 however I will tell you what is described in the writing of truth there you have it Gabriel's saying Daniel understand my words I'm about to tell you about the Cod's own latter days and it's also I'm gonna tell you what's inscribed in the writing of truth there's no mistaking it Gabriel has come back to given an explanation of the Cod's own I remember the Cod's own is the Lark longest time period in the Bible 2300 evenings and morning's on the screen you see the relationship you see the Maori of the mighty man we we establish that that's the cross of Christ then we see the concert it goes to the time of the end vision of evening morning's 2300 evenings and morning's goes all the way from 457 BC to 1844 ad and remember first chapter 9 verse 25 so you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince right seven weeks sixty-two weeks that decree would continue on because it would fly not only to literal physical Jerusalem and its restoration but also to heavenly Jerusalem because there was an attack on it and we know that the attack on the screen you see it was because of the work of the little horn that time times and half a time the church state system that's why an attack on God's people is an attack on the heavenly sanctuary is an attack on Christ himself and now the sanctuary needs to be cleansed it needs to be stored to its rightful place God is rebuilding his church and so what Gabriel's saying to Daniel now I'm gonna explain to what will happen to your people at the latter days at the end of the 2300 evenings and morning's and it's going to explain the details of the Qods own so that's the setup right there the Khans own begins in chapter 11 verse 1 that's what we're gonna cover next time that's all we're gonna do right now let's close in prayer father God thank you for your word and I thank you that you're giving us insight and understand into how to unpack these prophetic materials I pray that you'd be with everyone that hears the sound of my voice and comfort them and encourages to pray as a church and to humble ourselves Lord that we would seek you and find you and that you would visit us in Jesus name Amen you can download the study guides click on the link below and print them out write on them share them with others teach it yourself we'll see you next time
Channel: Angels in the Glen
Views: 19,205
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Keywords: Angels in the Glen, Daniel 10 explained verse by verse, daniel chapter 10 meaning, bible prophecy, daniel 10 spiritual warfare, who is the prince of persia in daniel chapter 10, who is the prince of persia in the book of daniel, Daniel 10 explained, Daniel chapter 10 explained, mareh chazown, mareh kazon, understanding daniel's visions, daniel chapter 10 explanation, end time prophecy, end times, book of daniel explained, Book of Daniel explained verse by verse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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