The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 229 | UH-TUH

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all right Pharrell knew got the best fries you said your weed was that it's a good point Walton see what is that what he's saying it's outside of Popeyes eating huh chicken in front there you go don't knock it though could've been a closest thing the vicinity Pappas has the best fries you know rappers just be wanting to rhyme [ __ ] was the easy joint you couldn't say uh Chili's and fries Applebee's and fries you could have said crown fried can I introduce the podcast they know who it is they know what they came to see right into a listen foil welcome Joe Budden parka save on ado episode 2 29 episode 2 that day I can't wait to get out there episode 229 of the Joe Budden podcast I'm your humble and gracious host Joe button here would a few of my nearest and dearest friends Mallis here parks is here Rory is here Erikson is here save on the dew is here gentlemen how is everyone feeling gang all right word check this out I don't want to go what count feelings let's just get into it I don't want to go I just want to say before you start I told y'all me today you tomorrow everybody laughed me out the building [Applause] now see you homies in a bowl okay right around now now listen first of all shout out to our Spotify listenership shout out to our YouTube viewers [ __ ] shout out to whoo damn somebody and over the restaurant workers ask for a shuttle specifically the show I want to give it to the chefs yeah all right shout out to the chefs there was some money else there was like an important and I don't remember now [ __ ] it was a good one too laughs like damn now y'all get that you don't need that love oh but shout out to everybody listening shout out to the hustlers the scammers shout out to the chefs the babysitter's shout out to the school kids shout out to the unemployed people shout out to the people with multiple families shout out to who else is out there the creators and the authors of court out to the people does just trying to figure it out oh my god there's a lot of y'all round of applause for the people just trying to figure it out actually no because a lot of these podcasts I'm a [ __ ] on people that are trying to figure it out but the positive people out there that are trying to figure it out because you could try to figure it out and just commit just nastiness out there so shout out there positive people trying to figure it out shout out to the hedge fund people the immature and mature audiences watching shout out to Captain Marvel just because okay anybody here see Captain Marvel no no we're not starting with Captain Marvel show last week we're gonna start with a humble apology because last week last week I seem to have unintentionally offended a few people I want to start with that's never my intention if you're a new listener here this is not a hateful podcast I'm not a hateful person I'm not in love love is in me I try to practice it I love love love love love love our people in the midst of a conversation about cultural appropriation somehow the exact opposite sentiment is what got out into some and and to some some people thought that I was saying just horrible things about Carnival horrible things about the costumes involved horrible things about the women that wear costumes to carnival what it means what it symbolizes let me start with that would never be the case that would just never never never never never be the case that couldn't be further from my views my thoughts my feelings and nor did I think anything I said last we sounded that way however there's some people in our audience that brought up some valid points and just just with the mere the mere the tone that was used mentioning carnival in the conversations that follow it being Freaknik I can understand rightfully so out some people are offended so I would like to apologize for that that it didn't sit well with my soul and my spirit I'm blaming the duck who's supposed to write this stuff down I'm joking I'm not blaming anybody that's not the hill that's not the hill to die on I happen to the benefit of the doubt what the hell did that doubt that died don't doubt he'll I want the benefit of the doubt to come back now well no that's never coming back yeah never but never stops it what's the opposite of the benefit cancel oh I'm getting the cancel with the doubt yeah but but see and that's why you know I try to reserve judgment sometimes because in cancellation of people or in making such bold accusatory statements or just tarnishing someone's reputation moral compass or character you better be for certain of what you're saying and some of the things that have just spread it's just it's just not true Maul came in telling me that his homegirl tried to buy a cruise and at the top it said Joe Budden hates Caribbean people thanks and uh did you did you still purchase I'm not sure we just [ __ ] up because I want to go on a cruise don't do that so I want it I want to start with an apology because there are a bunch of people during the rest of this podcast that are not going to receive an apology and we're gonna talk man [ __ ] about let me also start with telling the new listeners that it that this is not this is not a PC friendly environment this is a safe haven for men and some women this is supposed to be a safe space we're just kicking it with my own voice or a way for women to look into the safe spaces that men have yes yes like like like get some more information of how maybe we think when we're just around our friends and can speak freely hmm and my beef with that whole benefit of the doubt thing is is this most of you know because information information comes about so fast today so a lot of people just are not doing research I thought it was pretty easy to research and see the Joad innate Caribbean people my fiance's Caribbean no matter but you can't say that cousin you sound like I'm just talking about people I listen I'm apologizing to the people in our audience who were offended because you had valid points I'm not saying a [ __ ] peep listen I will not be held responsible for people that recognize this podcast getting popular and clout chasing I'm not gonna be held responsible for that that that's a totally different thing y'all let's taking like six seconds or some [ __ ] to push an agenda and weaponize emotion I'm not getting into that right now but nah I'm not apologizing to those those people that wasn't no okay we can get into that because you have people that may not be too familiar with this podcast or may just be familiar with the name Joe button and Caribbean people are extremely proud and I mean that in a really really admire belay I admire crowd they of course so when they just follow a page that's just about their culture and the headline says chicks are holes in their Caribbean outfits they're gonna jump on it yeah so I don't blame any of the people that were outraged at anchor I believe people that are pumping that narrative I blame when it was quite the opposite that the comment that was made was in taste of women that know nothing about this culture are putting on outfits just because they want to be promiscuous there's nothing to do with that tell me I'm lying cuz I know it's um I know some of them that's their they know nothing about it they think it's a dress-up thing which is where swear which y'all know I don't know man but you're you're 100% correct Rory I totally understand that and that's why you know I spent a large part of the weekend just laughing because y'all know how hard I try to be responsible with this platform yes I try even through the bad episodes like it's because Joe is trying to do the right thing so I get mad when other platforms are not mmm cuz then that just wouldn't happen and another [ __ ] that [ __ ] me up about that is most of the most of the headlines that I deem to be horrendous when I see them like on the flip side I totally understand why they're very believable for people because we're in this this microwave ever where you need everything rapidly information included most of the [ __ ] that a casual fan knows about Joe is coming from a mean some Instagram a [ __ ] a moment of me being a [ __ ] in an interview I didn't want to let everybody know I would not I would not be in the position that I'm in if I were the [ __ ] that y'all think I am from the main sections it's important it's important for me to say that because people are not doing research I like Ivy I was offended I was hurt that some people some people felt that some of the things that were being said could be true all its nastiness nastiness nasty not I gave myself to nasty war but we just need to do more research like we're gonna have some conversations later on this podcast and I'm gonna I'm gonna point out how how how behaviors are a consistent thing for some people when they feel a certain way like it's not it's not hard to identify is what I'm saying Ashley yeah I'm cool dad unless y'all have something no no but it was you know going back to what you said a lot of it cuz even when you know it was came at me a weeks ago saying they you know the dark and women thing doubt it I don't like dark and girls or whatever that stupid [ __ ] was they really we just in that era where it's easy for people to jump behind something because it's more followers than our leaders and people are just quick to follow follow follow and not know what they're following so if somebody says oh yeah this person how that people will just jump behind that and don't even know what they're like we're in a generation where you could literally lead people to nothing like that fire festival [ __ ] was literally just leading people to nothing it was an idea I think everybody assumes that when someone puts something up its researched and thought-out but that's my problem like we have to you just have to start thinking for yourself like whatever happened to just thinking for yourself being an individual and saying no something that doesn't look right that doesn't sound right well let me see well there there are a lot of people like that but then a lot of people subscribe to groupthink but but that's the problem because now you're putting we all have to be follows before we leaders you have to follow somebody before you lead so you you are responsible for the type of things that you follow like you're responsible for that like you can't follow and subscribe to [ __ ] and and and and dumb thinking and then when you start to follow [ __ ] and dumb thinking then say oh my bad I didn't mean no but that's what you were following that's the type of [ __ ] you subscribe you subscribe to these blogs that push [ __ ] agendas that want to just get clicks and comments to [ __ ] like that just to push some [ __ ] narratives about real people so you can't like you follow and [ __ ] and that's why I really didn't want to when they were killing me for that [ __ ] I didn't really want to go in because I knew it was it was it wasn't true and the people that know me they didn't even understand it was like people just definitely don't know who you are they would know that this is not none of the [ __ ] is true but I can't you can't speak to that because even if you do some people are still gonna say oh he's just trying to cover up he's full of [ __ ] so it's like you get caught in a space where you like what do I address it or do I not because it's like I know this is [ __ ] well that's why I see but that'd be my beef my beef and we never gonna spend a lot of time on this is we 18 minutes in this man [ __ ] to get to but like I'd be on feeling like yo they want me to not be black so bad but they want me to not be black and they want me to hate black women so bad like I keep saying that narrative attempt to get pushed on me and it just couldn't be further further from the truth trust me I know that's one of two it's like fam I'm probably one of the most unfiltered blunt and frank people that we have in this media landscape you know what you don't have to do no digging to find out how Joe feel at all and goddammit check this out if you cancel Joe newsflash got guess who's waiting in the race you [ __ ] guessed it moaka [ __ ] Mohawk is waiting right I will no longer refer to murder MOOC as murder or MOOC or Harlem or uptown or battle rapper or grow that all of that is is MOOCs splits the MOOC is MOOCs slave named MOOCs new battle European battle rapper name is mohawk it's fun it's Mohawk it can't can it be MOOC how can it be moving like that bron-bron asking a [ __ ] feel like push no hassle arias don't ask me that like that bron-bron and then give me a pet name like that bron-bron first of all don't don't square my name yes don't Joe Joey Joey Joey mouse mouse button player no way for it to sound cool no work you know many times I wasn't trying to play you when they doubled up your name roar roar yeah nobody was trying to yell roar oh I was not cool hit me with a few of my friends trotting sneak - Joe Joe out there and I don't if I don't stop I don't resist they weren't your friends no oh I offer no resistance I'm trying were you singing no damn when they call me that just feel like they're trying to summon my softer side they know I could be a dick so it's like come on Jojo the time that you know safe is okay that's comfortable we're coming with our feeling yeah leading with love I believe [Music] you can read none okay some read some headlines don't be this um that was the callback I'm so disappointed in my walk I am man you cancelled it's like all the great battles never happened they canceled on all the battles or less and be stuck with mohawk and biz you enough an inside joke what we're talking about is the interview that set the internet ablaze over the weekend yo Lux would have filled a with his third round oh good and goddamn happy a mohawk if Lux would have got his hands on this [ __ ] interview oh my god yeah we thought calico was served a nice third Lux is right right now yeah you gonna get after YouTube on a stripe on the arm I had a third round yeah for sure yeah yeah damn damn I'm gonna learn them you don't give us some knowledge um oh man listen I'm starting with this and this is gonna sound strange everybody don't need a podcast man I know I know I know I've said it before Chakradhar everybody don't need a platform disappoint it I know I know altered some plans everybody does not need a podcast especially Mohawk and the the pits can somebody tell me what the [ __ ] they were talking about up there you yeah you and sweats you trying to link and in exchange sweats he was trying to link and then exchange the sweats change this watched in link he was trying the new outfit for the link and then oh okay gosh you know bad I'd be if someone called me about returning some solids I didn't pretty man - oh so Ronnie Ronnie so basically Ronnie don't [ __ ] with you and kit don't [ __ ] with you I don't wait which part of the story are we delving into right this let's go because it's a quick you out and then we'll get y'all want some of me all right pause I wanna know why you were interrupting her date for some sweatpants okay I have told that story here before and part two to that question why did you try to pair that fit with the Miami LeBrons long story less long long story less long sitting in [ __ ] Johnny's house mm-hmm sitting at sitting at gun plays house mm gun play follows the kiss page they posted the little short sweatshirt set up gun play got a static well they got him with the sold out loud [ __ ] sold out [Laughter] come back don't play with the hum plays deadly the guy that enters all the Raffles let's be clear I would not tow my gum played a rapper no no our friend Johnny who's known as gun played for reasons we won't say because he's in a relationship right now but anyway gun played been dead weight before he got with her yeah he was fronting right gun play that gun jammed that clip was empty relax that's our guy we can make those jokes no no we know we know that we know he's that crazy not at all but yes continue he sold a sweat sold out Johnny sort of [ __ ] johnny sauter sweat sold out got super height because he didn't have him cuz he didn't have him and it was sold out showed me to [ __ ] his energy rubbed off on me somebody you go he was like I'm an influence at Joe I could get those now even influencer back then that's okay yeah you trick me it's okay man I've definitely seen you unpack some things on Instagram for and then at the brand listen parks I like my free [ __ ] yeah Fight Club still right now I need to go on beer yeah no no those are going I can promise you that they didn't email me and i didn't get my for whatever the split is that later like streaming up there thousand dollars we're gonna sound for i got $10 yes i don't know what we're doing here but okay bomb i run right over to kif i go get all bunch of these [ __ ] ass sweats to walk ruffling it take him home thinking they might be fresh to death no take him back to johnny's mmm thinking it might be fresh death try them on I feel like I look like [ __ ] I say Johnny I feel like I look like [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean when you posted the flick though let's not leave out that's true big thing I walked out of Johnny's house I stood on the porch I said Johnny take a pic so I can see if I look thrashing that he took the pic I posted a pic everybody NSN yo go [ __ ] is dad back in the house folded everything up damn you do care mmm he reads the comments he checks the temperature he does now I do temp check all the time it's okay it's kinda like asking y'all keep it ro I look a little late trash all right now I'm taking this [ __ ] over I folded the [ __ ] up I went on some damn green tour which was gone and when I got back is there a higher Instagram page they'll grab that clip there's a lot of Ohioans that focus yeah well what's coming this yo I'm rocking with Josh down with y'all we had to have a all in conversation one day but let's move on they're all in scam we got all that mean that no [ __ ] all right so I walked back in Johnny I go in the tour going to tour come back fold all that [ __ ] up in the back I go to kiss I walk in kids it's about 8 o'clock at night I'm standing there with all this [ __ ] they just looking around like I'm invisible they don't even see me I'm just standing in the store with all this [ __ ] in my head so after about 10 minutes I stop some dude Spanish dude yo who can I talk to you about a hold up foot since I'll be right there whatever you just brush me to [ __ ] off like I won't even stand it so that's what angered me okay that's what angry naturally I can see that so the only time I've ever met Ronnie Feig hmm is would guess who you guessed it [ __ ] uh Bobby saw her face so what do I do you [ __ ] it you [ __ ] right I walk outside and who do I call you [ __ ] right brent Barry face I say Brent now treat me right in here and I'm about to kill when he's [ __ ] so you might want to call somebody and now then they hand me back and said what your water [ __ ] and I'm like okay I understand but I wasn't mad so I still got that [ __ ] somewhere mm-hmm and I would do that tomorrow I don't see why this person keep saying that story like it's so embarrassing me I'm not embarrassed at all by that story well well I think they laugh at the thought of returners some switch that you took a picture in oh that person has never attempted to return anything to Neiman Marcus or Bed Bath and I don't see a problem with that at all I don't see it I don't see it you worry good sound like some [ __ ] stains that tell me something is wrong when the [ __ ] store is searching through your Instagram and see what you wore [ __ ] take this [ __ ] dog hoodie short set back so when I start killing the sexy I don't tell the story because Ronnie feed hit me and I don't have any bad dealings with him mm-hmm like I've never had any horrible exchanges with him I've had an unpleasant time and kissed at one time and with brent Barry face I'm on the phone telling me I wore some [ __ ] so I can't return it but Ronnie fee he's done business a few people so when he reached out and said yo chill out don't know what happened I'll get the bottom of it I'll send a care package what I left him alone so I don't talk about no one I just personally don't shop at kiss mm-hmm because I'm customer service guy he's got you fair make sense did you leave a bad yelp review no okay but you got that way yet you would that's getting there I'm gonna buy me a sweat suit hit him with both colorways they call me in the water no part come into the lime green never go all a full-line colors were in accents of luggage the top Italian but I'm telling you when the spring come and the fashion bloggers try to tell you what's in I think colors was in that day but not the full time yeah but I don't know how to wear colors so I stick to all black beige or something contrasting on me or all okay wait I'm wrong for that no I've made the closet searching for the contrast what happened you said they go green pink pink and green they go together that's not a conscious experience what will happen to you my bottom line [ __ ] it will happen they will come for you I'm just telling you what what happened all right listen I'm not dying on the I hate Caribbean pill and I'm not dying on the cap alpha you're not gonna die in the pink and green no yeah let me let all-powerful yo let me let let me say this because and this is not no cocky arrogant [ __ ] but I do notice that since this podcast is becoming popular I see some of y'all that I won't say are trying to get us out of here but y'all clap when the attempts are going down let me be the first to tell you since the high emojis I know yeah oh you're monitoring the situation let me be the first to tell y'all I know the hills i'ma die on it ain't the pink and green hill we ain't black women no I think if somebody was on my diet let's not say them Hills everywhere no no no I'm that back the movies time I would come out my stuball sweats that's where we had the story how do we get this wet oh we all for this way gonna [ __ ] get the Mohawk goddamn it I don't even know [ __ ] sweats alright [Music] like that Bron Bron which Madonna old-school Madonna I [ __ ] how do y'all feel about about Mohawk I got to get right into it Mohawk I'm calling you mark you will no longer be referred to as Mook boy was I disappointed in you man what a golden opportunity to use your platform for just something of it in an attempt to get hot actually let me not start with mohawk let me not start with mohawk boy I love when you could tell the truth about people that is my favorite that is my favorite part of the year when some [ __ ] happened and you could be honest too someone gives you the green light oh oh it's such a relief Rory to just to just to just finally get some steam off of your chest that you can hold them inside I've been one a biz biz biz I'm gonna say some things man and no offense stuff with you ironically I met Johnny gunplay aka through bids listeners in fact you can't never get mad at [ __ ] like that sometimes some evil [ __ ] in your life is a conduit to a really really good friend and from Johnny I'm a tri guy who was a really really good friend so you can't be mad at that but [ __ ] okay I'll let me ask you guys this question how much did you expect from someone that wears open-toed team berlin's he does it he cuts off the Front's of his timberlands in the summertime and goes to events how much did we expect from that gentleman this is what I have to ask no that's not rule that really happened that was like his thing or last summer he where he would wait not only just Tim's he'd have the 40 blows on with the toes cut off so you could see his toes in the summer hose off 40 blows where was it where he was where the Hummer I'm just ass what you expect from that gentleman in this situation that's I don't understand what that what is that about and that's kind of my point when it comes to Bisbee is listen to this you have been a goof for a long time I'm talking at least at least six years now maybe seven but back then you was masquerading amongst real [ __ ] like bills and number that's when none of us on Twitter really knew each other mmm then we all met at least in New York we did spam how many people sometimes that's not really a joke and see nobody probably told you this but when [ __ ] met you [ __ ] kind of thought you was a goof know why you looked and sounded like a goof you behaved like a goof and then if we were wrong about you being a goof a lot of your actions following soon-to-come all confirm that you are goof like you started doing sketches you're from New York you man is IGZO York [ __ ] do sketches hmm you started camp hopping you would do it without anybody you would doing oh that's the worst you're gonna get a they don't have your email they didn't email you it was you and homeboy I won't say his name Joe is hopping around looking for something to do try to be booked and busy I hate when [ __ ] try to be booking busy you have to just be it I mean bring her up so biz started camp hoppin around he started doing sketches he started just looking real funny doing a whole bunch of attention fiend [ __ ] which said to me stay far away from this [ __ ] he is a goof smart so open toe Tim's don't shock me that's the least of what he's done I don't need to explain everything that's he done over the past however many years that has been looked insane to me this how could you sit there and allow that young white woman to say the things that she said and not take the time to call to call her on your platform over some of the egregious [ __ ] that she is said and done over the course of the years you allowed that that white girl white girl white girl you [ __ ] idiots don't even know who's white she's still getting off - uh I'm half Puerto Rico [ __ ] his brain Barry aloud to bridge Barry face allowed to still say it's not true you remember when all the white boys used to say they were Puerto Rican Eric carotene wait he was white this whole time I don't know and all yeah biz allowed that white woman to sit there and personally attack someone that I know for certain has has helped him or attempted to help him throughout his process when I find himself when she certainly didn't need to didn't benefit her at all and you don't even speak up when that white girl is attacking caring and that right there I'm so glad that that happened because that's when it's see fans for a few weeks and this and this podcast we've been trying to figure out the definition of industry and we have yet to come up with it but I ain't number one on the list of [ __ ] here in the industry I don't know it is but this helped me figure out what it is when your moves and your feelings and your actions waver only mostly contingent on the ups and downs of someone's success or their or their path or their trajectory industry today is industries good definition failure okay seasonal I'm glad we got some context of this no I was trying to find it all we know backbones I don't know if any of us are industry under that I was gonna say all of that oh you know well we're not we being we be being facetious we be taught we be talking about industry and behavior and just relating it to that took going out with rappers I don't think I would label that industry I don't know if I'm gonna give that I think opportunist but I think opportunist do just that yeah but you kind of live and die off would but you could be an opportunity to not be a shitty person that's true yes sure yes absolutely like I know a lot of people that don't really have business being in the rooms that they're in but they're just smart and me and I trying to get opportunities but it's not a bad way yeah but you can be in opportunities with integrity I feel like what this did was opportunist because you were sitting next to someone that's popular but you had no integrity because she was [ __ ] on someone that's helped you out when she didn't need to like she did it cuz yeah I'm gonna look out cuz she pays it forward right that's nasty yes Savon gonna cover okay get that next to you he's from your county and I [ __ ] with long I long I [ __ ] with y'all a long way man but come on wise biz the mayor of long I honestly so my Y Z the mayor of the county Nassau County now sees Nassau County's finest he's not the finest I know some [ __ ] from there some paint some Carolinas damn long sailing for chance to offer but hey but guess what that's cool huh mmm I'm engaged Rory's engaged parks is attempting to be engaged I will engage well please all right well yeah you won't get to mow Mohawk yeah I think come on get the Mohawk man I think business bids gonna do what there's gonna biz biz gonna businessman is that's that's what I've seen over the face let me tell you something it's real unattractive when men move like the Instagram honeys and what I mean is whatever it is that you want to do and whatever it is that you passionate about do it and then spend some time in it to give yourself a fair shot to see if it works or not you shouldn't be changing you shouldn't be click hopping and changing professions every other month and attempting to be friends with people that don't know you from a [ __ ] can of paint so you can get high and monetize something that's the game though its net it's a nasty game [ __ ] you are a nasty ass [ __ ] you are a nasty [ __ ] and stay away from me well that's the case because I meet [ __ ] and I don't I see what it isn't I get out you won't ever see me again a little time it's not a mistake this goofball [ __ ] and I'm really psycho so I have to stay away from goofballs it's dangerous for me mohawk some of that [ __ ] you said yeah ill I was very disappointed to know that Moore did not know the difference between ethnicity and nationality mm-hmm how could that be possible why is Mohawk telling me that this white girl can say [ __ ] yeah I didn't understand that why is he telling he telling me that the white girls of Puerto Rican he told that what he told her she was a Bordeaux Rican no he said no he said she went further one said she was black well no no no I'm white he said no no you black you could say [ __ ] what's he doing later he told her she was black yes listen man we in a weird air oh man I'm telling you [ __ ] just sit down and say whatever they want tell you in the world can hear it one click of a button but he's doubling down on this he did he's doubling down on them all yeah but you know you don't Melissa and say every we and Miggins just won't own up that yeah I was wrong a bugged out oh my bad that's right Mohawk is trying to get hot out here [ __ ] call us beta for a before we get into that how do you apologize to that you can you have to double down after you did everything that wanted I don't believe how you guys use so actively moving that I will apologize I say when you say such certain things on a public where everything is public now but when you say certain things and it's out in the world you have to with so much conviction right you have to take continuing a conversations to make what you said valid now he could have trying to find a way to make what he said that yeah performer hosted yeah but no but dead that's that's not what because it's like is that an apology though no so then why apologize but at least that make don't don't apologize unless you're gonna Polly but people don't make sense now isn't there's no cliques in making sense yeah people don't click on the [ __ ] that makes sense you know I'm saying that's fair so you gotta say [ __ ] when you say something like that on the forum and it's out there now and people like having a discussion you have to try to make a valid point behind what you just said and I think back to Joe's point people just not needing a podcast Moke clearly had no idea of that girl's history no and biz knew it and was just said like oh yeah and I went crazy that day on the timeline to do some research if you're gonna have a guest on your podcast that would be the smart thing into film check your man you know even a nigga's the shirt I would be cool what you sayin [ __ ] cuz I got white friends I got a bunch of white people don't like that people to be like oh you know I got white friends that I drew up then they don't even know they white like no I'm dead serious like they are not so much with us like they've not white like - like they say [ __ ] all day yo what up my [ __ ] y'all was good with me this is buggin like and and we don't have nothing to say about it so we have to run the tape doesn't complete you said before it no MOOC my walk all you got to do when you want to check the temperament of what you're saying is look to your left to your white hope calls and look at their face and just uncomfortable I grew up with a bunch of white people in Baden they they are adamant about never saying that word walk is a liar and we grew up in this Mohawk is lying Mohawk is from Harlem old Harlem not new Harlem and that is not what was happening in Harlem you are I'm from Harlem you are a liar you are lying MOA hmm no you were not in Harlem and it was a cool irregular occurrence for white people to run around saying [ __ ] you what street was that no Lennox no no no that was happen that wasn't so what the [ __ ] is Moe I'm talking about I'm only not calling him because I'm too responsible with my platform and I never knew that he was that ignorant in his some of his beliefs mmm did you know that was a different just yeah and that's trying to get hot mohawk nobody you know what it is it's later on he went and said now are Kelly ain't do nothing I'm standing with him in this same in the same in the same file I have it you want it are Kelly yeah I support him pissing on a fourteen-year-old girl yes and here's my thing is my thing what he's got a thing with there's nothing with that look how long that was way long ago right I don't mean I don't mean [ __ ] are we gonna bother hash it because this is how they get you they don't touch you some [ __ ] that they feel like they should've got you want they make sure that this was all planned for when he got off what about being held as a prisoner we're not being told when you can eat and your hostage we could they said we couldn't go to the but we had the axe to go to the bathroom yeah [ __ ] oh girl imma keeping it being what y'all this is a really bad Joe Budden impression and I've been seeing that I've been seeing that a lot I've been monitoring people out there trying to be their best unfiltered selves and it's just not natural it's sounding really forced and bad and y'all just spewing opinions that you'd I can't believe I don't I don't think I hope mu comes off very intelligent when he raps was he drinking what are you drinking fam don't y'all make excuses I'm not I'm trying to figure this Noah there's no way to Sunday he stays with our Kelly and that was way in the past come on but yeah I want to see the whole so we don't get nothing out of context I want to see the whole thing I did you you can you can and I did and it's there that's crazy I just I'm trying to figure out how if you go through that whole iron Solomon battle and all the points that mu did a deep dive in because that she was five [ __ ] rounds there's a great point were [ __ ] that he dug into on that Solomon [ __ ] and he got killed for it cuz everyone said it was boring what have you listening with the [ __ ] he was saying [ __ ] knowledge that's not someone that's unintelligent that's an intelligent human being but then to come back on these thoughts isn't insane to me and that's why I'm telling you we got to start having conversations about some of this [ __ ] that people do out there when they're trying to get hot trying to get hot is dangerous that's a nasty nasty alley you know I've joked about this before in this podcast when I said uh you know the J the JV the JV thoughts like I feel for them because sometimes they try to jump to varsity too early and when they not ready for varsity there's like god damn you kind of [ __ ] everything up you got to stick with this whole [ __ ] now is option C got ride the way same here like trying to get hot is just you don't have to live like this Mohawk like we get it but with no more wasn't for him to try to get he's he's a known he's known he has a name yeah that that don't pay the bills on the first I mean [ __ ] you gotta try something else man trying to get high to office [ __ ] like that saying [ __ ] like that that will kill you before will help you that would disc it but what bill does more damage then it does go fun but why move don't know how it comes off and when I'm trying not to stay on this a lot but I still didn't get to uh brent Barry fish yet me maybe him being new to this form of expressing himself is is different Maina he may not know how to he's not come on because every better represent not that for he's not new to this he's not new Mook I'm not know he's not new to this he's not he didn't just start coming outside of course not he's had conversations with he would had a well-versed well-educated from all walks of life like he knows a lot so for him to sit these two different people that I'm looking at someone I've looked at for the past ten years saying some of the most intelligent battle raps I've ever seen and in a really clear way that's what I want to get it with like let's just use luxe as an example that [ __ ] may go over your head cuz there's a lot of words and he says things that maybe only he understands MOOC is really good at getting a point across and very few words very few people are hard or you can do that makes it auto that's a art to be able to do that this part don't need the deep dive this part don't we we understand it we understand so I'm trying to figure out seeing two completely different people well that's why I keep trying to get you to stop escaping the point I'm trying to stay on which is I can't think of another explanation outside of trying to get out just got so if you can the hell's media don't speak to in China check out Gretna sand his ability why we know him that person with that intellect to want to just go with that let me get hot this way tactic that's all I'm not telling you to battle serve that would have been a good one last year that's what I don't think any desk best I don't think that's the card anybody is dying for right this second no offense to either surf is my guy Mohawk I don't know what's up with him lately but that ain't goods my point is okay let's leave certain Goods on the list it ain't a long list mmm it ain't a long list and that podcast went away yeah so now you back with a bang I know we're just like to try to come back with a bang well you're wrong bang you got wrong horrible horrible bang and I'm just shocked that nobody there had the decency or had the decency to just call her to the carpet for some of the things that we've witnessed hmm it was the perfect chance to do it stop telling me about how bad you feel about about [ __ ] no [ __ ] your behavior your consistent behavior over this amount of years says this is you and you don't feel bad you don't feel bad and repeat behavior two months later sorry that's not how feeling bad works I have felt bad my whole life don't go like that you'll feel different two months later no that's not how that works it's [ __ ] up that I'm a veteran and feeling sad to get no credit for the sad bag the dude is on he was killing him with the drugs and the sadness and now look at the game hmm and I want to have you happy and sober stop you the reason why people be winning the Joe Budden podcast bingo game very early like some of them right now are saying Joe was gonna talk about his career last week bingo quick Rory said jay-z and Drake first five minutes speaking of I think words meet with no hope no speak about hope or dream no drink quite a bra right okay listen man I didn't know is he planning this stuff is he putting somebody to toss the red Mocho to keep the sex symbol stuff alive its alive why I didn't think of that during Rage bro that's getting thrown online I do know some chicks hey brah something hey brah so they are but if you have a nasty bras no I'm well I'm with the women that don't that don't like buying the bros be free well be free you know put a bra on have fun I like the little stretchy uh broad at the hospital give you when something's going on she's a pervert [ __ ] while we're on breasts I knew Victoria Secret was going out of business long ago long ago are they so Victoria's Secret is going out of business yes madam she's disclosed that bankrupt they're going out of business and all of the women all the woman of color or ecstatic about it mmm like we're very they're very happy about that because and I knew that because there was a part of my life where I was [ __ ] with a voluptuous woman mmm and voluptuous woman could never buy a bra from Victoria's Secret mm-hmm never like never went past deep because their image was any girl skinny white girl titties yeah yeah no that's the bank from now the word total market which brings us to jewels set more screens the mall nobody shoot [ __ ] I set the screen discriminate hmm it's very important Oh home off there's nothing to joke about here well it's plenty to joke about here I don't I don't want us the problem is these conversations are so multi-layered that sometimes the the the broader point gets lost I was real disappointed that that the young lady didn't take this time to take this time to address some of the behavior in the past ie the tweet about the t-shirt when she was [ __ ] the black dude but then she broke up with the black dude who makes clothes so then she tweeted a picture of the t-shirt that said hey can I wear this t-shirt which was probably meant to be a jab at the dude she broke up with but really insulted black woman black woman and black people black woman specifically but black people and then didn't seem to understand the outrage that was attached to it handled it very arrogantly then there were all of the tweets all of the tweets about black women hating you or despising you or not liking you because you take black dick okay and then it's all of the circles that you frequent from our natural resources from our our oil it's the career that you pursue is the image that you portray all while continuing to degrade disrespect and disregard black women and that's where the mishap is now you can easily get confused in this because there are many conversations to be had but with your history young lady you're not allowed to attack a caring civil a Scottie being a Joe button you could you not allow them you're not allowed to attack a Scotty beam who has dedicated her entire life to the betterment of black people but black women specifically you're not allowed to attack somebody that has that has made their made their way through the rigors of the entertainment business or merit fighting all of the things that come with being a woman and being a black woman in this industry you're just not the person allowed to do that am i off so far nope no you're not allowed you're not allowed to speak that way about a caring civil who has built her Empire and relationships from not the bottom from the bottom of the bottom who also has to fight against some of the stigmas some of the stereotypes that are attached to women trying to make their way and entertainment not just women black women specifically you don't get to speak down look down or think down on on nobody I just I just I'm confused as to where that entitlement comes from actually no I'm not no I'm not so I mean - is that it I don't know if that's a conversation at this particular podcast it should be that should be the conduit for you know it becomes a little chatty patty issue yeah no I'm not even saying I'm just I'm we're not the people to speak speak the woman's the woman plight yeah no no I don't we don't we can't speak to but I can certainly speak to appropriation fronting lying so you're perceived a certain way I could I could speak to people that aren't of this culture maybe feeling like they can they can degrade some people who are because they have [ __ ] some pretty powerful men and I said when I say that I'm not I'm not slut-shaming and I'm not escort shaming anybody that knows me knows I support that culture mmm I support people who support that culture ain't the first time some someone will will will hustle that way certainly won't be the last I'm not the monitor of anyone's vagina I'm get your money get your money sits do whatever you do whatever you have to do it only becomes offensive when when we look at it in totality and and your sheer naivete how you conveniently get amnesia and have zero idea as to why people feel the way that they feel about you I'm lost I'm lost and maybe some of that [ __ ] would ride print Barry face if your contributions were a bit greater they are not because I might tell me our contribution she brought the vibes that's what you do she's the curator of the visor time that was she a bream she just curated him yes she was a cubes together right yeah listen real [ __ ] have seen that madam game before did she invite the curator tail can we talk about that how come we can never talk about the madam game I mean you can't be mad at the Madam's I'm I'm mad but I mean can we acknowledge that their game is like this like definitely exist I think everybody knows that and that's why I was that's why I was angry when uh when Jason Williams face was saying was implying I said earlier and laughs so I don't know if that we didn't are was yellow Jace Williams from the Nets no now the Kings okay in under blondie yeah he was nice to Doug Christie he was nice yeah you know nice oh yeah that's why I got angry I don't like when women imply that you slept with them and you were never trying to sleep with them you never said never shot the shot never said LaHaye never flirted and never nothing like women women shouldn't be able to get that up Jill hey Jason William say that's just not true and the nerve of you to say that while I'm engaged is horrible anybody wants your white ass and I get that well I'm not saying that to be offensive what I'm saying is I was there for the white ass phenomenon it was way before her yeah oh yeah I was there I was there for the bisexual phenomena hmm it was way for her like I was there when I was there when the bartender chicks that had ass wouldn't got more ass none of her games are surprised to me hmm I've seen the [ __ ] powerful dick game and I've seen it I've seen it I've seen it pause I've seen it I've been outside [Laughter] and I'm not there man's that was sitting there going I'm saying I've seen all these games before I don't think that's fair fam nobody ever tried to sleep with you nobody ever text you none crazy nobody ever asked you out I'm sorry that I interrupted your movie date FY the movies is a really trashed date fYI fYI again you're not a gangster hold on let's not date Shane he can't get the movies off that's a horrible date when you're famous could dodge a couple picture chill chill doing that to chill with her yeah and if you go after ten half off apps come on you know all this [ __ ] on I've been on for 40 for a while see but that she let that she let you know that you trash she invited you to the movie and what did y'all see I both really want to see though it's cool but she's in his day I was in the movie would do joke hip blow me up so I had to get up walk outside I'm like [ __ ] you ain't no real [ __ ] listen what would you see that tells me the game that tells me the game Jones hello yeah what happened come on what's up that's what Joe would have did if you gotta get up to leave the theater was in a theater yes some [ __ ] you go to dinner into some [ __ ] when I'm rich [ __ ] I pick theater leaving it gotta be not leave it for me to return sweaty nasty she said you was blowing up he was trying to link the vibes the return vibes mmm we should have shot me a text and said hey I'm about that what you said never leave the theater to talk to me mmm-hmm I don't never want nothing especially about swept is that bad get out from the theater but I'm not embarrassed by that story cuz say that again I don't think I'll be embarrassed well why does she keep saying it like I should be embarrassed by the funny stories the whole is it but it's the whole it's the whole way funnier stories in it it's the whole stigma of you know being a rapper being a entertainer having money and you know all that you you shouldn't be returned on an entire return vacuums to Bed Bath & Beyond all of Brooklyn's here students are like yo never even cut on hey something with the power they Sydney about to try to plug it in watch me on Instagram say so your vacuum was gonna say you take a flick with it with the vacuum probably with the vacuum problem the vacuum no I probably didn't take a pic with the vacuum okay but I mean since we're spilling the beans and since you snitched on me and my sweatpants it's only right I mean now again I'm not monitoring what people do with themselves I just often wonder why certain questions are never answered ie who the [ __ ] was Terrence J in that car with during a crash nobody exactly Rory that's probably why we never heard of course they just assumed something it was a shadow it's tinted windows come on and now people spread lies and and he ran cuz Amy want to be caught by paparazzi with the tinted window show us yeah no you're right yeah why you got the low percentage tints yeah bad example bad example by me but all right back to uh back to shorty do up back to Jason Williams Casey Anthony face my berry face Bob sewer face Steve Nash face core now for whatever you want I don't know uh where do we start we never mentioned damn Brazilians name and let me just say this on scene of the gun so here's some screenshot Tex going around of some messy conversation with somebody DM me with a whole bunch of mess I don't protecting a bunch of messy [ __ ] so I was just like Oh word is crazy and then that was the end because some people are thinking that I was the author of the other tax and they're like yo you a little chatty patty fan I don't care what people who people [ __ ] I don't I didn't see any I have to be very very clear some of y'all kids today do a really poor job and not giving a [ __ ] I'm great at it I don't care I don't give people [ __ ] that's day business that's days [ __ ] whatever gets you off yummy bronc Matt listen I don't know mm-hmm and I'm not mad at the hustle of taking all your famous friends names writing them on a paper and then getting some venture capitalists or some company to give you money to go throw a party so you can curate the vibes it's like a fire fire and I'm not mad with you and a bunch of other girls running around the country just carpet-munching I'm not mad at any of it I was gonna stop that's probably one of the least matters no why you should never talk about me and my fiance uh brent Barry face because no woman no I'm kind of familiar with what the women do that a picture with damn Brazilian so what do they do Joe not important okay but I am familiar with that crowd and what some of the women do to hang out with Dan Brazilian homegirl used to hang out with damn Brazilian got a whole bunch of money who knows who did what with it but I mean ever hear it mentioned too much but since you want to bring up sweat pants and you bring up Dan I think that that's important to mention we never really got clarity on what happened with her in shape oh uh from Jersey they shake a-shake fired homegirl and we have not seen a picture of her by the Deaf GM building since it's been no more or linea [ __ ] hmm there's been no more it's been no more it's just been no more of that all of that and that's why I was saying telling you earlier more a lot of this [ __ ] is just cap it's optical illusions it's just a front oh it's a front for business for us the world we live here but listen man just just hold just hold we don't need a front for hoenn you'll need the dumb job I'm not and you don't need to take a big bite by Island Records especially in this era like I guess in the back you're gonna put the facade on back in the day nobody cares now man you probably get more respect if you just out here keep it alive I'm on record saying a million times just won't be a hole just be a hoe and I'm not saying it's about her because I don't know this man I'm saying it's about her pulling peace holy ages holy peace and shut the [ __ ] up stop talking about people that have made their careers from the ground up not soliciting sex just stop it it's nothing just wrong when hoeing in peace when the [ __ ] sex tape came out with some of the worst voices in the mold we've ever heard enough [ __ ] light and I'm not shaming your voce no no I'm not I was already noise disagree I was on record saying it was corny whoever leaked that no that's understand that's super cool not leaking she was going that was calling it was also corny is her running Twitter saying yo I'm so glad that Kanye stood with me in this time of turmoil and gave me the words and encouragement that I needed in this dark and depressing time I was really losing my way it's not true I didn't so [ __ ] lives more cat that's what I'm saying to you more it's all cat why are you not running in the internet telling about the other conversation that was had when your ass took to Twitter and started running Kanye's name through your [ __ ] mouth check this out women that move like you wives don't like it yeah we see you I didn't see you at pushes wedding I would see you at 2 Chainz wedding this pictures published all over the net I was looking a Sunday service coming I don't I don't see why are you allowed to make a name off of another [ __ ] genius stop it cuz you curate a vibe it's a lot of that going on oh we know that a lot of curation I'm not mad at that but you certainly not gonna can't speak down down look down and speak and speak down on ours absolutely because you take black and because you take black white and all types that no no it's not okay nobody mentions David Beckham's name ever hmm we talk at soccer he's a great-looking guy that's true who's your best dressed at the Oscars couple years ago if I recall correctly I don't know we we just went but it's a weird space right now I'm rolling with the team right yeah it's I want sweat just it's less you know I'm standing by with the sight that the psychological correlation is when you take powerful dick however that makes you feel that that entitlement or that privilege that it provides just folks like choose me it's like pick me privilege yeah hmm that don't give you the right to speak to ours in a certain light they shouldn't be connected okay you can [ __ ] whoever you [ __ ] get all the money that you get from it and do whatever you did show hustle baby get it we are employed we certainly ain't shaming here hmm but that entitlement is gonna get you out out cast it as it already has it's a fam check this out hey keep my husband name the [ __ ] out your mouth you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] and I never want to see you say that [ __ ] again say it again and watch what happened wait hey guess what ain't seen it since I might not have seen her at an NBA game since that blister record came out a few of us here a few of us here are married or close to married we're doing it I bring it up to say married [ __ ] or [ __ ] close to married or [ __ ] that's in relationships ran like they married know how women feel about the harlots harlot so Jezebel I love the harlot I love that name that's a great name harlot sound pretty beautiful and sometimes it's pretty very pretty um what I'm saying is I don't think I don't and I have no facts here I have no facts I don't think the dad was the first wife to tell you about yourself I haven't seen you at a heat game since you're from Florida was a hot ticket for a wise weird then you went down to Haiti that was a whole big a whole big thing you went down to Haiti took a picture with some under underprivileged kids who were going through some things you went right to the gram Twitter with that one know how you responded the same boy you become the victim quickly that's a style yeah but it should stop now it should stop that that we should be able to see that and the day time would have without a flashlight no cuz my issue here is she's continues to play the victim with the same behavior all the time why is she still exist in the space more that's what straight a [ __ ] fraud you're taking pictures with kids trying to act like [ __ ] even in that interview she said I spend most of my time around Haitians [ __ ] where where way come on we're such a forgiving people we are enough such an accepting people no no no no I'm not rolling in Africa trip there was Africa trips but with the West yeah she went to Africa with the West okay she went to West Africa she wouldn't that was bad joke himself that was a me Joe yeah it was yeah sorry about fitting from the lines I'm a big for if don't worry takes it Iraq yeah of course Iraq I give it to them wait that's these fans think that low percentage joke narrative that y'all have is gonna make me stop no you just get started [ __ ] junior Smith give me the ball I'm drunk drops it all this progress No welcome to the Joe Budden's podcast episode 229 if you're just now joining us we are tearing Bobby's or face a whole new [ __ ] for continuance and and blatant disrespect toward people of our culture and people who just have some type of merit and move with some type of moral compass in character that's what we're doing right now and we're not going to do this much longer could we hour and a half in this other should I want to get to I want to talk about this Jay Pritchett where did I leave off with a home home girl I did a whole pie and no jewels jewels Eamonn not one jewel in the pocket get in here Joe so I try I just hope that this is the last time that we need to it's not the last time no I can't wait to [ __ ] Africa with the West but it wasn't really with the West it was with home boy that she was [ __ ] and they [ __ ] tried to run her out of [ __ ] Africa and then hard they tried to kidnap her and then home where the higher security in Africa and then we never saw a location from Africa again we never saw that again I remember this stuff you want to talk about some [ __ ] sweatpants I never wear them since we were starting [Laughter] this can be the last time we talk about it just everyone stop inviting her to your podcasts to your events to your employee [ __ ] 1099s it's mad easy just stop she was an Africa repping for a whole day and a half couldn't stop taking a picture boy that's just cease quick yeah fun it's been very serious I do not condone that hmm I do not condone that but that just speaks to something that we've been saying this podcast a long time and this new Internet era [ __ ] don't really pay to mind to the future or the repercussions or to two actions bear and results like this don't you think this is how you're doing and that's the problem all right [ __ ] y'all know what time it is insiders we don't know hey some [ __ ] sweatpants with the [ __ ] hoodie to match you still got you got the nurse somewhere somewhere is mad [ __ ] in the depths of that house that I just don't know exists there's somewhere in there I don't really have no more to say about homegirl I was just really i want the message to be clear that this is not about you [ __ ] men yeah this is not about this is not about you scamming this is not about you losing relationships with with your artists or other artists that you'd be out here acting like you all good with this is solely about our oil your place what you do with it and how you think look and speak to people of this culture you Arnett you that you want look down you look you to look up giraffe necks long like you not even to be inserted in some of these conversations with some of the creative people that you saw that you so frequently want to [ __ ] speak about it's nasty it's disgusting it is unattractive boy [ __ ] love white ass I would love to know what you a mohawk did that night I said yo no Bo I hit him with something like that Buccola so you want to hop out on my 3rd 3rd round tap dancing that he was doing that type of that type of yes Massa [ __ ] that that mohawk was in there doing I can no longer vouch for some of his beliefs no I can understand it what do you want me to do now I can understand it there hey somebody else you know slow rolling loud when they was about to beat your [ __ ] ass to a pulp and rest in peace [ __ ] xxxx xxxx 10c on had to loan you some security like why we don't talk about that you want some [ __ ] sweat [ __ ] don't mention me in my fiancée anymore please I beg of you please don't mention please don't mention Scotty beam please don't mention Caron see it's hard enough for women in this industry without women like you who don't really support women of color in this industry period period god damn it toss your ass up in the locker room [Music] think we need something some gap bad stuff in the locker room when your goal is to get tossed up in a lock for a [ __ ] is a liar Jesus and say you ain't and say you a have surgery got swear to god I'll find that doctor I'll find that doctor stop it I know what you said to save on it so I can be hurt [Laughter] save all trying to keep his Miami card good look I'm going back I need to vibes save on hey save on a company address like a mannequin since he been in my and I that's what a load that's what a little cutter you do to you put a little prime 112 but you a little trim a little trim you start walking different yeah funny [ __ ] is now you got the gym teacher swag going that's on purpose like that the mr. Cooper [ __ ] facility mr. Cooper comfort is key comfort comfort is key yes true comfort you trying to go to the rubbin thug you got your comfort outfit yeah you definitely want to be comfortable you think Rex Horsea would Oh New England Patriots down to the Sox yes he actually my taking it to the swishy pants if you got on sweats you put my breakers after you get him a song breaking points you go to get the tug massage somebody oil is too long so if you put one Briggs when I just sticks to you like so crafty walked out at a laundry ball in a windbreaker it's not coming out lube is not coming off of you that's true your balls be mad squishy for like four days not my dick man so friend that Lube don't come over nothing is like silky all right yeah I get I'm Sookie nugget I understand I understand thank you thank you thank you what are we talking about or for that don't mention who I think we don't we know what he's getting into his whole low trainer bag you know when dudes need the rebrand and he's gotta be gotta be Shorty's trainer he's dressing comfortable to show he's comfortable in himself he know he has the big ropes you know like they working at a dock of course with the big tire on that little mini football field in the gym muscle come on new trainers yeah hell yeah you know what that [ __ ] did time for toned up for the summer yeah well save on you might not be able to tell my body that you are offering training seminars just in case what buddy case you need to break out some Yogesh you play just in case you feel like doing it way to keep a yoke where do you keep the yoga mat and your oh [ __ ] okay come to the microphone different type of [ __ ] my pay please different type of [ __ ] keep the yoga mat never know when yoga yoga Yoga Yoga this week you know may want what up don't care you of why are you carrying over your mad positions you could do with the yoga mat like yoga but you're alone so why do you have that in your book bag just in case position it's just good you know my ex yog thought I had the gym swag on so other people might think that to see no [ __ ] yoga mat have your book bag and it worked good chick don't ever call hug in Oh God portable your portable Yahoo yo you do portable yoga at that you could just pull out when you pull out the hot rocks afterwards to wait the hot rocks out the back you've got the overnight bag in the trunk so do save on newly out the religious I mean seems like damn I feel man stressing my bag let me get to the car right my rocks to heat up the oils a new pool of microwave on his boot bag I don't where you live at and now I need to know where you coming from down here what y'all think is the bigger hustle right now I'm the trainer hustle which I just seen a video of a do training a chicken a gym and that was nuts and it was it was nuts and his nuts Warner that one's kind of been going on for a minute though which is which is the older hustle I've been going on since mandeecees beat up homeboy in the gym with that [ __ ] over the hole while it was on shredded his body goes on the greater the cheese gravy flat on the treadmill with Chi Minh B's gotta walk down yeah let him know I never pictured this fight going like that no was this a case of mendeecees having his cake and eating it too he had his cake because when he wasn't with Yandy was he with Erica putting something over America would he be back with Yandy because if both women carried to term the pregnancies would have some overlap with all my just now now we gotta get traders we gotta get into the training bag the motivational bag and the mental health bag mmm that's the three hustlers in 12 BAM I went off that ledge what's that man the new mental health at one in pre-production the mental health bag is up there with the motivation when you're subscribing to something you typically believe in which you see that it's hot so you're just going with it cuz you know that's what everyone will get on they retweet game like you put it's the same thing with the motivational tweets like a flute yeah like you're not really right you're not well-read in any of this like you you don't have a degree you never studied this you know nothing about it you never went through any of this but you lie yo I see that you going through something right now you may have depression diagnosed everybody I'll shoot Joe some Bailey Joe's that's been his bag since [ __ ] 1992 I'm saying since the last three years everyone's kind of really been getting into it especially these past two years mmm 20 18 and 20 if you wanted a 29 so you just late now with this [ __ ] and before people get sensitive I'm well aware that people go through mental health right majority of people it's a very big thing to see what did I say that one clip don't isolate that have we having a big talk I'm saying people worry umpires got us holding on people are noticing that people are being more vocal about their mental health which is amazing but that's what con artists do they see when people are being vulnerable and more vocal about their [ __ ] so I let me get into this bag now that's what y'all want mm-hmm and it's something that you're extremely just very vulnerable about the [ __ ] y'all be careful out there I meant to help [ __ ] kill your ass I mean no no I'm not I'm not talking about the people that have mental oder protons I'm talking about the people that are taking advantage of them by trying to act like they're confiding like yo now I know how you feel here's give me a couple of dollars and I'll uh I help you out I'll get you no no no no I filled your cell you know it's the same people they did on their low college run with the motivational speaker [ __ ] like come on man you in there for a couple you in there for a couple dollars you you Google some quotes Oh like fire like I'm not rolling which I'll share a little Snapple fact I love your Snapple face Joe I recently learned what Gary Vee is charging for a meet-and-greet he books ticket did I booked the ticket yeah no no that would be wealth it's that much it's a lot more than ours does he do so it's an extra digit or two but I went on that ledge with I'm like between 10 and 20 hustle to so this isn't like a Ledge um I've been vocal about the churches do it too that's true slow down don't talk over me him say when you say a dope line you have to leave a pause afterwards so the fans could know it no he he breathed heavy somebody's winning bingo I'm not so my big show on this box.we was another thing that was a bored never coming off Gary Vee yeah he's getting the bag barely 10 to 20 K but this is fully good one-on-one consultation now like a at a show I don't care what you say I agree to me 10 to 20 K what does he do for a meet-and-greet now I have never seen one picture of anyone at a meet and greet with Gary Vee but I'm sure people going and every time and I like Gary Vee so let me let me start there I like Gary Vee but every time I see a clip of Gary Vee to me but I think I'm a genius he should be saying some realest [ __ ] I was when you get up and start your day listen eggs second make you feel better because and if you don't have the eggs you won't be ready to go to work and do the best of your opinon if you do then of course you're gonna fail but failing doesn't mean failing failing just means keeping keeping on keep it strong in your passion and continuing and then you'll make it like me yeah Gary Vee says just do think no Polian dynamite the karate instructor he getting that [ __ ] off though he got a nice off I could get that off I'm telling you I could Gary Vee is gonna know who got it well before him would I keep seeing the shreds guy hey this red guy all I kept saying was well what a nice computer he is [ __ ] was floating from the sky like damn man I might believe this red guy yes Mac got you shreds guy was mad motivational and had girls helping him out she didn't raise you man hey get your [ __ ] off I just think you really got some people's emotions I'm gonna get a Jose thing okay that's how you do my man - but then Houston got all [ __ ] up you wouldn't open up the big yo dad showed everything when that flood happened when I talked about him and his ice ax you're getting out of my jerk yeah no I can't come here and when you couldn't let that I let him in four days later bring them through the basement yeah let him sleep in the water give a few blanket no the news went up there to sit to the glass doors you can see the whole [ __ ] you know it's crazy flooding in here no no it's not I can see the floor you have no socks on in shorts you chilling but you still can't come in here yeah all those used to be my god so I put him in a verse neighbor mmm yeah that's why I gotta watch you put a verse Joe that's not that's true that's true that could be a motivational scammer see I was given the motivation out on the strength you got charge yeah it's [ __ ] up Gary Vee who wants to talk about Jay Prince I'm scared no rockin especially cuz we just sold out our Houston show it might check hey shout out to us with sound on our Houston show and we plan on being near and executing so don't use that word oh the plain old respect in the city and give him back as much as we can yo I am so great to sit there Rory's hometown showed out pulled up yeah yo go Rory listen man I told you see you look out for me ya know it's true Michael I'm surprised Atlanta sold out already I'm surprised that that much that might be the setup that I was the money bought two front rows somebody bought the first two rows yeah QC that's crazy QC definitely I don't know I don't know how you talked about Atlanta yeah everybody from Atlanta the way Chicago is acting right now is how Atlanta without you right it's how Atlanta was acting forever and we ain't been there in forever yeah you right so yeah I couldn't manage it we barely did it later on tours musically yeah very very very rarely so so get this diz no Joe but chilled in Atlanta mom said music no yeah I was gonna get it to the next topic that's not the market like we know that talk about that later okay did somebody die Odell went to the Browns oh [ __ ] stupid move click the article yo the Browns are [ __ ] what do we get what do we get you know they kind of next rose how great will stack great move y'all gonna regret that it's a great browser for two years I'm it's no to browse definitely Mart but you're the brother of stacked I [ __ ] with Baker okay well while we're at breaking news Eminem and WWE reach a deal for our parents and a full soundtrack on applause an apparent so at would like WWE Monday Night Raw or in a soundtrack here I could see it see it was a chair yeah that makes sense overture I'm gonna Joe in the ring just y'all sure wrestle no so he go may like the inch the entrance music follow wrestlers like they come out to like one of his records seems to be the case I said you want to talk about Jay press these [ __ ] brought up seven other time tell me about some wrestling soundtrack is coming we said thank you to you soon thank you for the support absolutely crazy looking forward to gray City Leno I was talking about the J Prince no no call out he says one of the most important cities means in the world know in the world yeah I agree actually as a matter of fact of leader rap a lot one of the best labels Walter legends connected there is a way to respectfully just have this combo let's talk about it let's let's discuss it because just because it's a good topic why be in all my TJ is his name correct you know young people forgive me I don't really cannot keep up with whatever y'all are doing is they're like more of the ybm there's mad why be yeah I feel like I've seen a lot with that again again I'm not super in touch oh I do part of the genre boy not I have no idea I have seen that before so I wasn't sure if that was the thing I do I do I do like what um I do like Jay Prince's stance on what he what he was trying to do as far as being a elder statesman of the culture and just coming out and saying something and seeing a problem almost something that could turn into a really a big problem and trying to step in and intervene and and help out and know and just have conversation a rectifier problem I just don't think that it should have been done that way one online online ya know and that's where a lot of the conversation is coming from because he can absolutely get anyone's number behind the scenes and have conversations yeah yeah but but if so if he but I'm saying if he went about it that way don't I give him the benefit of the doubt and saying okay there's something else that he was trying to get across since he didn't go about it behind the scenes yeah like if he felt like there was some some young cloud chasing kids that were attempting to air quotes muddy the waters and caused a divide and just cloud chase for no apparent reason I guess maybe he intended to kind of send that send that alert through through through the internet like I didn't take it as J Prince don't know how to move a lot of people a lot of a lot of the young people a lot of the young people maybe are not so aware of J Prince or maybe don't know how well-respected he is not only in Houston but just period they were saying no [ __ ] that like just um oh yeah I don't but you can't you don't were saying why you why are you doing this on the Internet that's what the conversation I kept seeing was hey why is someone as prominent as J Prince and it's feared and as well respected as a prince doing this online and I wasn't trying to answer that question because I'm [ __ ] but and but also I'm still on benefit of the doubt mmm like I don't take that as debt as J Prince is not aware or don't know how to move on line or the time to change or ease at times I don't take it as none of that it could have been a lot of things he he probably tried to reach reach out to certain people and couldn't really maybe couldn't give it to I don't see it once J Prince calls and it's a word to get back to you later J Prince wants to talk to you so I don't see that um this event took place online so maybe he wanted to show that he was doing something to rectify the situation online maybe he needed to let it be known that he was invested in this why being Almighty J kid because again I don't know much about you see something I didn't know that I've seen some people saying they felt like he was uh witches I didn't understand they're saying isn't this snitching what he's doing and I didn't understand that when I've seen some comments it was like yo but he's saying uh somebody's name and saying they did this and they plan to do this no it's not zero cooperation on either side to the police oh wow think he leaked that video I think that video was quick to throw that word out there not know anything's cool they think straight and there's exactly what I would imagine you to say when you're back by the people you're back by but I do I again I like the fact that again an elder statesman stepped in to some younger situation and say yo we're not doing this what we trying to do in hip-hop right now is we're trying to change this look that we have in this in this reputation that we have of being this type of culture more like I stated earlier it's cap a lot of this [ __ ] with homegirl with dues that's just trying to rob you and buck fit to your face and take your chain to make a name for there yeah new crew like everybody knows like every again man it goes back to what I said everybody feels like that they have to perform they're on stage soon is it's an argument and you look over your shoulder and people got their phones out you feel like it's time to perform that's the world we live in because I'm not gonna get knocked out in the Bronx and [ __ ] in London laughing at me about it and that's how [ __ ] is moving out here like I'm not getting knocked out for the world to laugh at me so I'm taking it to maximum violence I'm gonna cut you I'm gonna stab you I'm gonna shoot you I'm gonna make sure I have the upper hand so that when the world sees this I don't look like a clown or I don't look stupid I don't like a punk and that's what it is like these everybody wants to perform everybody feels like the lights cameras in action is it's time to go and that's the that's the bigger problem because people are living to live up to this facade on social media and that's the that's the part that nobody wants to talk about in a dress and that's really what all this [ __ ] is about is people wanting to perform y'all jump or some kid and we're calling it that happens I'm we grew up in the hood you can people get jumped [ __ ] happens when whatever fun whatever the reason is I'm not used to it happening for no reason and I again I don't know the situation I don't know why it happened well no it's it's the reason it's what mall is saying to to get on the internet and show that you have this certain Sam you're right so he didn't have any problem with these I don't know I don't even know where this came from now if this is just some random [ __ ] taking us phrasing said his word saying that he's done some research on the kids and this is what they aren't that along with what it looked like in that video we didn't see a video of how it started all we know is we don't even know [ __ ] we don't we all know [ __ ] all we know is that that kid ended up in the hospital with a buck-50 on his face they look like it required at least 400 stitches at least we saw a video of him getting kicked in the face we know his chain got taken is his money the belongings that taken and and now that the culprits on internet saying that we're gonna give the chain to blac chyna cheap the insurance is in her name we are gonna give the chain back so this isn't a beef that was going on I don't know I don't know I don't know but I certainly pray for that kid when I saw him in the hospital that way cuz I just don't feel anybody deserve that and that was one of the moments that I was extremely grateful to be 38 years old washed in the house corny you know like but again I just feel bad because I mean you know this error I don't think that you know the younger generation they don't understand the power that they have and the access that they have you know I'm saying like literally we in the era where y'all can do anything like anything these isn't and you can reach anybody you can you know put your just self out to the world at a click of a button so it's like we need to focus that energy into doing something positive or something that you know could change your life and help your family and help you get out of your situation that you may be in because you literally have the world in your hands now like literally have the world in your hands you can put out your art and whatever it is you're trying to do it the click of a button and people all across the world can see it so we just got it I mean people just got to direct the energy into something something positive man like that's all this [ __ ] really comes down to like just do some positive [ __ ] do some dope [ __ ] some fly [ __ ] and put it out to the world and somebody gonna see you when somebody gonna blow your listen I want to get down with that how can I become a part of that movement how can we do something together and that will change your entire world and I think you know I mean like people again people don't know they're talented until somebody points that out to them i yo you got something you need to direct your energy this way doe you directing the wrong way and that's you know that's just a bigger problem like we got to reach back and just you know saying like talk to the younger generation like yo y'all do this don't do that we did that what I'm saying like what do I think of my son and most other gentleman's name hocus-pocus already Sophia what did you what do you guys think of their their responses I understood it I understand I understand what he coming from you know me coming from um again I feel like a lot of this is conversation that should have been had in private though you know I mean like it's because again it could be taking the wrong way when it's put on public forum like this yeah and it gets it gets lost and we don Tex and wait let me say we don't know that Evan had an absolutely absolutely then he took it upon himself to bring that to the positive like to the public with the people that he was unified with right so we don't know well that's true because I was looking at the list of names wondering how he came up with that particular group yeah outside of the Bronx obviously the Bronx presentation but just okay why don't do some more people yeah I don't know I don't know and pry some people that are closer in the current moment to what's really going on in the Bronx mm-hmm rather than just the name yeah but I guess the name draws the attention and I'm not sure if that was his goal with that post would to be draw the attention I whoa I'm gonna continue to pray for our homeboy because he looked [ __ ] up yeah for sure he looked [ __ ] up and it's to my understanding a lot of kids really [ __ ] with him he's super talented kid with a bright future that crew is dope a cruise don't ya just listen let's just pray for but all of the youth man and you know again cuz we do you had a certain age you're trying to find yourself and figure out what it is you want to do with your life and we've all been there we come from the hood we were with that age before we know how it is running around but this era man you cannot let this ever slip through your hands because you literally have access to the world like you can do anything so like don't let this arrow fly by and you look back when you 3040 years old like damn I missed that right like take advantage of this [ __ ] now it's funny you said that I want to read I saw some tweets from Letty that they were so powerful and so on par with what we preach on this podcast that I just wanted to share them and she starts by saying I've done a lot in radio the past 10 years most of it goes uncredited to me or unknown by me it belongs to the brands and companies I gave my all to can't be mad it's the way of the game and if we're being honest one we all have lost that intellectual property is real and if you don't value yours or consider what you create an asset worth owning it will be owned by who you work for because they see it they may not they might not tell you [ __ ] why would they instead you're lucky if you get a check that can pay your rent we think time's the biggest thing we get paid for but your check is also what you agree that you work what you were what but your check is also what you agree that your work your thoughts ideas creations energy is worth that's what you're exchanging the pay they pay you to own these works ideas etc but when your time's up what is yours I can complain about the frustration but that isn't progressive progress is what you do once you know what you're once you know that you're giving up more than you've been led to believe don't be mad seek to own things your things that isn't something you can't do she went on she wouldn't want to say in fact you already own so much you just give up ownership you just give up ownership of most of it often unknowingly stupid is knowing and still giving that stuff up don't be stupid being owner I'm sharing that because I just thought it might be helpful to some people out there during your creative process it couldn't be any more true between that between what Russ said last week right the second if you don't have the information it's because you're not trying to get it and you're maybe just getting all of your info from one minute clips or Mima [ __ ] or Instagram or IG TV or Facebook live or other reputable publications today in this day and age there is ZERO excuse to be uninformed so hopefully that helps creators out there again you are only as good as your business some Smallman some all said led me to that I don't want y'all think I'm one weird segue man today no no I get it and again now you're just the youth man in the hood man like listen this is the error this is the error where we could do whatever the [ __ ] we want like we can be successful we can have businesses we can be entrepreneurs like I was I remember when I was 17 I didn't know nobody my age that had a clothing line right or like they had a hat line that was making [ __ ] like that wasn't something that you saw this generation now you can do all of that you know I'm saying like you can have you can have a business when you're 16 17 younger than that and profit a lot from it just by putting it online because the world can buy it now yeah and what she's saying is because yes you can do all of those things but none of it matters if your desperation just leads you to sign somewhere when you own none of it right where you're not a a part of any of it where they can repurpose your creation however they like for the rest of eternity that's more what I get from what you're saying and from my conflict situation I totally understand listen and and I get it part a large part of our success I don't know whether y'all know it and that is stubbornness right yeah is is because we our background is in music I'm Oliver so we kind of built a little differently and it gives you this exterior and it gives you some things to say man [ __ ] that not all right no and and then the no gives us some information and we go about some things differently some people out there to have amazing content amazing concepts amazing ideas and when you sign your name on the line you're left with nothing and you won't know until six or seven years later I repeat that story a lot here because the messaging wasn't there when I was coming up so yeah will you try to just be consistent in that and also be careful because they can sneak it in you don't say you might be signing some [ __ ] that you don't even know your son too well they're taking your likeness and that was and that's the important part to note parks a good attorney a good attorney that the the industry starter-kit the good attorney good manager please don't be afraid to ask your attorney questions attorneys talk in attorney language yes and we don't know what any of it means they're there to protect us feel free to ask your attorney what certain lines in that contract means mean because certain companies are putting the line in there to be blurry for sure us the point of it yeah to leave certain things for interpretation that they can argue later yeah when they have the leverage yeah no I need all the for me all the clarity in the world I won't say what contract when I was working on one Sam I tried to sneak something in there hey we can fire you whenever you want huh right whenever we want no you can't what does that mean right that means I just come to work one day and you don't like how some [ __ ] was operate and then you just fire me ya know puts add language yeah did I break the law did I was it a hate crime like did I offend something like what is it you can't just say we get to just just get to do with the [ __ ] one you just can't do it and I will encourage if you are younger and a creative and you are in school take some type of business law classes some type of law classes to get some basic knowledge of legalese and contract [ __ ] because the more you know the more you can protect yourself and if your parents are rich there's a little actress actor and actress scam going on where they're just paying some of the Ivy League colleges to let your dumb ass in oh I'm stupid so and everyone would money and I really but that's neither there got it outside of the lawyer thing I know I know we talked about um a lot of the lawyers [ __ ] in the past and it's just been something that that I've just gotten into and I'm late even at 28 years old to this party I wish I would have done this when I was 20 years old circumcised no Irish Catholic I've been circumcised that's weird that that's where you were going though and pause a financial adviser or someone that is from the world of finance I'm learning so much [ __ ] about running an LLC outside of my personal taxes expenses things you can write off especially with creatives all the things that you do every day and the supplies you buy and the travel you do and the people you meet with like all of these things are a write-off and you don't have to have an LLC to do these things granted I encourage everyone when they get a little bit of money or even saved so you don't have to save all the receipts just use an art no that's why I'm getting it it's not those days Hey go log right into your online banking you could get all that [ __ ] off I encourage you to get an LLC but even if you don't you're just independent vendor though you can write all that [ __ ] off because I know that struggle of not of going 1099s and not w-2s you oh [ __ ] especially around this time as much as that lawyer is important though you got to sit with somebody that fully understood cuz they're not gonna teach you that [ __ ] in school no sit with somebody man every last thing that you do surrounded your career can be written off and you can and I hope the ironmouth IRS does not look more into my [ __ ] because I'm saying this you cannot morally try to give [ __ ] off your ship what a live podcast okay I'll put it this way yes that's an expense yeah we're doing this podcast we have an image to uphold that's exactly what the fuss we're trying to return some sweats so the government yes the government the government sweats yeah hell yeah 50% off my teeny [ __ ] if I go have dinner with someone I'm trying to like get in bed with not in that actual story as like no Rory you got a 800 credit score you use bender no no I just know I'm just getting into that now cuz my my credit isn't horrible it's not as great as I want and I'm learning from this person how [ __ ] up my [ __ ] was from 18 where your credit is not immaculate no oh another rash black king my king Rory the black king so we put that pumpkin spice beijing's you know now I'm gonna kill that yeah well you ain't why well I mean I've been googling Amazon what's up what's up with the pumpkin spice vision oh and Amazon music come oh oh I'm Jeff this conversation is a good segue into the Spotify of suing artists don't want to pay you whatever I read that all you're all in my mentions about saying how do you feel yeah how do you feel well parts tell us DeAngelo now that you ask hey that's not no allege that's even sadder I never addressed this because I figured everybody would know I feel like am I ever with the jerking of writers or creators am I am I ever with a creator getting less than what they should know no but somebody some of these fights are a bit more complicated than my paygrade and I think this is one of them when I read that I was extremely great I was extremely grateful that today I could be an ally in that fight like it's like when you walk in a Roman and and there's some beef dear but but you know the [ __ ] in there so it's like you can you can you can help out here like it's different that's how I view this like I've read the [ __ ] about Spotify you gherkin writers or whatever I was glad to actually be in the building to be able to have some of these conversations to get a better understanding to say hey why is this happening why are these reports coming out what can we do to change this what can we do to fix this that type of [ __ ] and that's all I'm really privy to say right now but I think anybody who has followed me knows that I'm not sitting idly while writers are getting suit yeah is there anything that you have react react marks I don't have much of a reaction 1 reaction that I've seen is that people are saying well Apple music isn't suing so they're great but no Apple music takes 30% of everything so of course they're not on top of discipline to take the extremes you don't say raping but that's what I mean by research is very important you know headlines don't tell the full story and I don't want to say that and stand like I'm taping for Spotify because that's not my goal here if you're robbing artists my stance is the same no matter what if you are lying on men my stance is the same I say that because we was talking about that off she was Tom I really like Mike my that's that's where I like like my stance don't change on situations only the only two people change I'm still furious Tuesday that the people that structured the original Apple contracts with iTunes didn't negotiate that better the music industry saved [ __ ] Apple who is the biggest corporation in the world and we pay 30% of our [ __ ] - [ __ ] Apple that's [ __ ] crazy welcome to the world that's great mean I think a lot of that went hand-in-hand though what should we use excels streaming help save music sales for sure but so this is like a support it's been apart so partnerships why why why label zone they have stock in all this stream issues they are best friends yeah it sounds like you should be best friends but it doesn't where where's that Apple 30% is made up somewhere with the labels like to the only person is getting [ __ ] out of it as the artist right they're making up for it in some other way you get that 30 you get that other sugar all the artists are getting [ __ ] now day and since the beginning of time however whenever the labels and the tech companies are done fighting I don't think the orders are gonna get [ __ ] at all I just think that they have to get done with the fight like ya'll said they're besties seemingly it appears that way but just like in any other game well monopolies in particular could you make deals with people you're besties while you try to figure out a way to [ __ ] the person right so that's what's going on on between them and once they figure it out the artists will be well compensated I don't I don't think that people are gonna figure it out and all this money is gonna come available and an artist is still gonna get you know I do not believe that if it happens you would have to show it to the trend is going towards more power to the artists yes it is you'll see because they [ __ ] it's a fight and you something you start to see some some some [ __ ] swing towards the favorite artist check this out check this out though and it's gonna sound it's gonna sound Republican E but it's not I'm not fighting for all artists we mean my fight is not for all artists some artists have zero problem relinquishing rights some people have no problem playing a game some people have no problem with the current funneling of money or the head of instruction I mean I say but I'm not fighting for them not know but you have to Joe because I wanna [ __ ] I don't because listen we tell you why because sometimes those artists just don't know they don't know I will say they don't know that they're relinquish in such and it's like you still have to fight for the the artists that know and say they listen we you're doing that I know why you're doing that because I once did that I didn't know I'll say this let me fight this for you I'm not mad at you I can't blame you for that and that fight is is way too big for you to start picking and choosing on certain artists you either gotta go fight is too big let me both of them I totally disagree with that I think this is to our earlier conversation about about cancel culture and doing research and knowing knowing who people are listen today ain't enough time to do a whole bunch of digging to see who knows what who stands for what and who's willing to do what and that's why I said you can't think about that let's just have to fight for the artists you can't think about the ones that don't know well no no yes more yes okay I understand what you're saying mm-hmm the fight is an all-inclusive fight for all artists right I don't expect very many artists to stand on that same ledge than I'm oh just stand on the same low we know that yeah well that we know this [ __ ] I just read from Letty even the [ __ ] that Russell was saying two weeks ago like and that's my point like hey you don't have to figure out if Jo hate black people you don't have to figure out if Jo hate Caribbean people place it ain't hard to tell right now said that here it ain't hard to tell who's willing to stand for certain [ __ ] man who listen you saw 2 Chainz face when I said uh hey what about a raps right top no we can we get money I don't knock him I don't knock him but when it's time to stand up for some [ __ ] he's not my first call okay there's also artists that benefit from that major label system where you only get 15% like it's not necessarily everybody that that is a shitty deal for there's some people that don't necessarily have the tools or the desire to do the work to earn a bigger chunk yeah you know what I'm saying there's some people that this is this very simple way of saying it there's some people that are label created absolutely and in that case how hard am I gonna fight for you but again that's what I'm saying the fact that the fight just has to be so then I ask how does one go about doing that cuz I can see just fight because the fight is so big and it's up against something that's been in place for so long mm-hmm how do you pick and choose like okay that's a plant that's built simply in that structure how do you do that how you pick and choose which part is that you will fight like that goes small and kind of it's a as most things ours right in the middle you fight for all these and some people are gonna say I don't really get for example if chains is cool with what he's going through you still have to fight for all the artists to get that to change can't just be like yo I'm with tip and we're gonna do it for our deal with that's the point but that's the point that I was saying them all no I get nothing your first hole don't necessarily have to fight for them because if that's they stance I'm not knocking you mmm like I'm not making you fight the good fight right I'm telling you how I'm giving it up in the foreseeable future this I am NOT I am NOT acceptable to the way that the funds are doled out I am not acceptable to the rapper being at the bottom of the totem pole the same way I'm not acceptable to black men and gays and black women being at the bottom of the totem pole I'm not with the bottom and I don't but I specially not in [ __ ] music but I don't believe that though see that's what I'm saying if you don't believe what that we're at the bottom of the totem pole oh no oh oh that's a fact I think that's not even me guessing no I think I think the thing is we just don't know our power we're saying the same thing we're saying the same thing what we're saying is every single individual act entity in this bit producer whatever you are you are your own brand hmm you are your own fortune 500 company mm-hmm you are your own business some of you don't know that about yourselves other people may know it about you before you do mm-hmm so I think I think that's what that's what you saying you saying we have to know our worth as creators and brands and businesses and all that and and and and what I'm saying is as a brand and as a business as a boss you're doling out all the Pawnee you are the one responsible for every other department being paid every other resource that you need more than likely will be paid before you because you are the business you are the brand so me for instance guess when we've had a conversation here sometimes guess what ain't gonna get paid before me [ __ ] W me go get paid before me the lawyer you're gonna get paid before me the booking agent is gonna get paid before me the publicist is gonna get paid before me it's man [ __ ] that's getting paid before Joe know what Joe is getting what's left and guess what I'm a boss I'm a boss so that's how it's supposed to go I wonder why everybody's running around telling me I'm a boss no you're not it's not even fun there's nothing fun about it so that's that's what I was saying yes we should all know our worth as a brand but we should also know we've taken the last of it we've taken the last of it so it's to your benefit to [ __ ] do multiples it's to your benefit to [ __ ] inflate them it's to all of it is to your benefit right if you know your worth yeah and also sometimes I see people arguing about the finances of the music business and how underpaid the artists are but that kind of goes back to being the boss I don't know why so many people think that like 15 to 20 percent of the total product is such a shitty number I'll tell you why they think it's cheating number they don't understand that so many people have to get paid out I'm not mad man you don't say like that's that's not a terrible no when you get to the tens yes that's terrible but there's a lot of people that go into making your project you know it's the same people in the same breasts they producers aren't respected engineers are respected managers are respected well that they that's how that all works you can't have both everyone needs to get paid fairly I agree I agree that's you know so that means that the depay gets divvied up when it gets like I said when it gets below 20 15% that gets a little scary but we're off on a tangent but that's fun that was a great that was great tangent know what kind of cohesive today okay better been in last few um here's something that has nothing to do with anything that I normally would not report on this morning or maybe not this morning yesterday morning Howard Stern announced he was uh releasing a book it's really great cover for the book it's his first book in 25 years all of that is awesome super happy for him he then followed that announcement with he might have a podcast coming to promote his book oh yeah that's disgusting if Howard Stern thought the podcast it'll probably be super successful but Howard Stern has [ __ ] on podcast since the beginning of podcast which is funny because his show is a balk well I mean listen they [ __ ] it on hip-hop when the culture first oh I know everything in the world is influenced by it I would love to ask Howard Stern why he was [ __ ] on podcast and now here they don't know it's the same way it's easy to [ __ ] on what you don't understand it's the way radio [ __ ] it on mp3 and the internet like it's it's the way that the label [ __ ] on the blog's like its use you're so high up you don't understand you're too high yeah you don't you don't be in the mud with anyone you don't know what's actually happening with the people that really consume the product that you want because you've been making so much money for so long right which is such a [ __ ] horrible way to be successful hmm like you should never get to the top and realize all right I was on the new way the way right we're doing podcasting now mm-hmm we're doing I were pretty successful at it no we're doing we would be extremely arrogant I think with some of the best we would be extremely arrogant to think if there's another way for us to do this in a different Lane if we like nah we killing up here I'm not paying attention to nobody below us that may have a new way of doing things yeah we know that's that's some arrogant [ __ ] we know a mohawk is doing no that's still a weird podcast we don't know what I'm saying just a new way of thinking when you get that successful for some weird reason they stay so high and away from ground level on where things are actually produced that it's it's insane to me well that's why all the super successful people I know in this industry that's like a little older like they keep the young people around right they employ a lot of young people because yeah that's where the fresh ideas the net you know you know young people are are in tune with the world mmm they are and I'll put it in we've had very choice words myself included about Lyor Cohen on this podcast the few times I've been around Lee or when I was working for keV he would ask every single person that was in their early 20s in that office they could have been a janitor cleaning up tell me what's going on what do you like it's true what's going on with your life history so tell me what you're into where from what did they like over there like that's that's where he was always at well you did and again that goes back to his intentions are not what I'm arguing about under saying that's move like as a as a small business yeah that's how you do you need to know what's going on what are you liking what the answer was coming but again that goes goes back to my point of saying people don't understand how much we dictate what goes on and that's why I say we don't know our power yeah because brands directly look to us to how how they're gonna market what are they gonna sell what are they gonna push because we dictate was dope we dictate what's the fresh was flat like we dictate to the world the hip-hop culture dictates to the world was fun was cool so of course they have to look at us they have to look to us to know what's coming what suppose in the future was was down the line so that we soon as we recognize that and we we come together as a collective and say listen we really run all of this [ __ ] let's stop fighting each other like why are we fighting each other like we let's come together let's dictate where this [ __ ] goes where we want it to go or else listen we doing this [ __ ] on our own we don't need nobody else but I understand that's way easier said than done that's almost an impossible thing to happen to get everybody on one page but we need to know our power and we need to know that we dictate everything that's going on I honestly hip-hop culture dictates the world and how the world moves on out of world functions we we we elected the first black president in this country I like if that's not showing you we can literally do anything when we come together I don't know what what else will mm-hmm yeah it's our oil man that also that's a great point more because that ties into exactly what Joe was saying with Howard [ __ ] that's just gonna be man successful Howard Stern's podcast with the money he has behind him and the influence it's gonna do great [ __ ] Howard Stern with a microphone using a bunch of money behind it but that's my [ __ ] all that legend [ __ ] that's my issue with [ __ ] these legends that is my [ __ ] issue with these legends yes you are a legend yes what you have done is never been done before however you are on your way to retirement let's call a spade a spade hmm Howard Stern was on his way to retirement actually that that's what a book signifies most the time when you're when you're that age when you haven't released one in 25 years it means hey I'm out here [ __ ] these [ __ ] here's my book and this soul so now I'm assuming because this is not fact-based so now I'm looking at it like you're preparing for retirement you've got a book coming and now you've got a podcast coming because you think that's retirement move no no no no and then subconsciously my Will Smith beef no you're a [ __ ] legend go legend somewhere don't come over here because now you see content taken off and now us [ __ ] got a deal with legendary heirs will and content world why cuz the movies then working the [ __ ] out of it hmm that's a personal joke thing that is a personal Joe thing but it should be because I'm a concert creator so it's my job to check the landscape and see what's going on I don't think it's fair that some [ __ ] that have nothing are gonna be forced to have to pot against Howard Stern who just rolled out of bed one day and say you know what I've been talking a lot of [ __ ] about podcast I think it's small and insignificant however somebody might same line recently that thing I was making a joke when Scott was doing his version of the pull-up but that was initially my point that we didn't really get into I was like I Steve Stoute is now gonna be a content creator and do the same interview thing that everyone else that built this is gonna go but no but here's but see I'm missing it though I don't I don't mind that I'm not mad at out doing it no I [ __ ] that I'm not mad at anybody doing it because I'm always gonna be the one to say you know listen everybody can try everybody try it or do I picked up and bring something up at the end of the day the cool and dope [ __ ] will always outlast everything else it's a fact you can be a legend like Howard Stern legendary start your podcast but if it's not don't ya he's gonna get down here and realize the money isn't the [ __ ] but also nine figures he's used to getting over there and be like why am i doing okay but that 2 Chainz interview for example I reread for that to keep being an example but it's fine no not yours this time go back to stop [ __ ] gotta gotta go the people that are still super guest based and great at being guest based just off your influence relationships and money change is gonna go to you before it may go to someone that's more important honestly right now to what's going on in the content game that's nothing to take away from what Steve Stoute has done within us his legacy overall we I'm not trippin on so that's that's that's not scared at all it's just 42 listen listen cool let's change run to stout right but if you if you're if people the people know that your [ __ ] is the dope cool [ __ ] hey like oh you went over there you were supposed to go do that I totally I totally agree with you so I don't give a [ __ ] let's just call it camera it's just ball corny so that everybody get a camera in the mic and try to [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] yeah I'm with you manage I don't care but because no matter when you when you when you're groping yes she does doping you see this fly yes she does this is old hat for people gonna still come to you bro they don't still come here it don't matter so try listen I'm going to get a Pro Tools does that mean you gonna be dope listen how would start trial session is over radio my point is a bit different when someone is leveraging their money and legacy to then hop into a game to take an opportunity away from someone that's better at it like the DJ culture for the past decade I'm the same [ __ ] it's a residency in Las Vegas might be nice with the selection but he might not be and that's why Cole wouldn't astride my point is you're trying it shouldn't be a multi-million dollar residency in Las Vegas that was taken away from somebody and Hilton again I mean let me just say I'm with you I'm not mad at him trying it's just corny that's all I'm saying party that type of name entering this space does nothing but help real [ __ ] like me I'm only mad at the way he has spoken about podcasting in the past changes mud that's it I'm not mad at that either because you know once I change my mind you know he said it he said it when he announced he was starting a podcast exactly sure he said it we know what that is welcome to the party no I'm with Joe and my point was never to I know the Doshi gonna stay there never worried about what someone gets that type of [ __ ] I just think it's corny like when you come in this late in to be like alright oh that's the way they go home but if it says don't go home won't it be dope from home try it try it oh hey have a blast what's up y'all want to talk about how they can say go for we get out of here man Jose Canseco just snitch him because he fini still oh hey Ross called dead [ __ ] years ago and he act like we're also never said that I see at least he stick into what he's Canadian that made him videos a day I respect his consistent consistent snitch on Bronx's finest I mean you know he's snitching because he finished that rock yeah but that's what your don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm just getting from the blob just I'm just Jenny Jenny from the block it's a fact used to have a little now I got a lot pick those were the boss let me tell y'all some Jennifer Lopez has been pumping up that blog talk that is the block roll out remember she told us you the sixth ring she was I know but it was that but it was the album cover she looked great okay look great on I can't be honest it I've been on the six she looked great on that plan iconic never see no that's like when holding them to the Train don't want to be honest a show one day with the security what happened when he was going well you always going a couple stops you and hold no stops you should get on a train the people a couple stops that's definitely a more IP be traffic best way to be traffic okay let's take the train six dollars over from where they was that on the end that was like I wasn't nothing whole day was Hayden I was it was big him that was a one mr. Roger he guess he just niche him because he finished man yeah oh they catch it out man Diego cut it out somebody else next can't wait for Erin judge to get a wife he won't tell you what he's doing here like Fayette fan don't don't say he's got a follow-up book for sure kidding me you sort of check he got yeah you can't wait hey y'all keep doing your thing I'm telling everybody's business day let me hit the round of applause for chances when I'm shots of chance that's great congrats and Shannon Wright independent chance I don't think he owned the venue that he no daddy do the wedding it no I think that was independent an unnamed making no wedding Joe she ain't gonna be in trouble two people that's really don't extremely happy for him super super proud of him came right back off it sabbatical learning more about the Bible and got married mmm shout down man yes great sure what else happened what else happened Captain Marvel nobody saw it right broke a whole bunch of records but y'all fakes are y'all to see it yep okay just watch the UH you're talking about the serial movie oh yeah I know you guys me and parks are white so we listen to serial podcast NPR [ __ ] that's our swag no no no if you got a hamster Puerto Rican in you for you which it makes you black y'all a black okay see see if mohawk did it Jules won't do that so I'll have to Jules did that so if I want to go do that if she was trying to I'm not black I'm not Spanish I can't say [ __ ] just move chill you gonna get yourself gender she was trying to tell him he's like no no dammit we anyways did you guys know about the case that anon was just I came from inside say to you they go on cereal like 2014 which pop they hold podcasting office about guy that allegedly well I guess not allegedly convicted of murdering his girlfriend they were seniors in high school Syrio brought up a whole bunch of holes in the case bunch of evidence that was nuts this is now post the 2016 trial he got a retrial it's a documentary now on HBO oh this is my used to be alright yeah get out of town but the the podcast [ __ ] was really big insane downloads or something crazy 750 million down yes yes same the podcast episodes but still and they were looking yeah it was a thing she has two other seasons after now one about the army dude that got captured third one is is is not great I'm sorry [ __ ] what you um but the first one first check out this document or whatever is on HBO right now maze checking a hell yeah okay well thank you thank you for that Rory we're talking to them or you okay we're 7 PR big by Rory just thoughts on the lows of the case his name you really gotten deaf it was like the paragraph I've been invested since 2014 to say oh this is like near and dear no I was appalling she was like 10 hours were at the potty I was googling [ __ ] on Baltimore County calm like alright what's up with Adnan over here over here or is vested yes I'm looking Rory's invested the whites got tied up by that thing it was rough man nuts it was really rough white people love impure yes a special type of white person that loves them pure yeah and they all they all think he's innocent cuz that's how fake progressive white and PR crowd is for sure I'm sitting over here like nah he did that [ __ ] TVs yes similar to NPR yes four-wheel drive knows my shoot yours not cultured enough to know NPR I tell you every time parks are already getting a white boy bag together lads he's got to shut up a little bit let them have it it's a fact 100 episodes yeah this year this would be a [ __ ] though time to get my juice back I feel you rock him you gotta smash loads before you go back home that's not what he said time to build my juice Becker you've been their fan it's not the juiciest time I build my juice back up that's that's what happened with my dudes good build up suckers get smacked up that's crazy chicken flip you know right low your girl see what I know what you left she's monitoring the juice if nobody knows that out they I don't know if this is offensive that's true I don't know what I'm not a coming for you if you got too much juice in you you might go out in the streets angry and then you might be threatening this somebody I don't know what's going on yeah what else is extremely important to talk about Russell Westbrook versus fan and Utah let me get straight to the point Russell Westbrook is probably my favorite NBA player for every reason not related to NBA games as nothing to do is game nothing to do with the average and triple devils that stuff and whatever you want to call it y'all fashion III really thank you get it I could never be as cool as Russell Westbrook like our confession time I can't be the only one neck you hit him to return some sweats - I can't we need to bring the drum roll back that's cool I got the laughs oh I got you Rory thanks man got you right now buddy okay that time 233 now oh yeah he was taking it right to the rack you little line that one the sweatpants joke lay a little tense about it I get it Russell Westbrook is my favorite player for all the reasons not related to basketball Oh in confession time every time I see him one of those a little knife you windbreakers I see how did you get it off how does he do it why can't I get it off someday bro then I see that other NBA players do to win burger see then I've seen Nike start advertising to win Ferguson like [ __ ] I can't look cool in it get it Oh y'all gonna try it are y'all gonna try this summer but that should do be looking cool when the cool dudes right I'm not wearing a windbreaker we're good yeah mom I want to do the surgery I want to Brie Sergio to China got a drip yeah oh the only dough Sergio to Cheney joints where you gonna find that a surgeon Sergio yes so Joe mmm text him right away yeah seen that too Russell Westbrook got into an altercation with a fan at the Jazz game the jazz guide the fan did an interview saying he has no idea why Russell Westbrook wildau Russell Westbrook said the DES fan along with his wife was a viewing very racial statements racist statements from the stands being What did he say get on your knees like you used to or like you're used to either way I understand the race racism in that yeah I can understand why Russell Westbrook flipped out he'd better be glad he didn't say to run our tests and listen this Utah man hate to be that guy but you know you know something you know something is up when the people on the Jazz start saying uh what's that fellowship say I stand with a Russell they be wounded the game sometimes like we know well Donovan Mitchell came on the system to saying some man and and I like I like that they're tackling this and and opening up the conversation that we had because come on man we don't have to be in Utah to be wiling at Utah score Utah yeah black people Utah no you I was leading up to it out like it was nothing [Laughter] [Music] yeah well we're a because we're getting out of here soon yes Roots Picnic I see you don't worry laptops I'll just say we are at the roots picnic you will see us along with our girls to close the home to get that one off Billy oh right down the Turnpike Joe start booking their tickets pretoria chill my fiance said hey a little tighter find out this picnic and all this other stuff fun on the Internet so then she called and keep and said hey send me all of his dates and let's just start acting like this is a real family and that's kind of why when you share a manager then I can't really get that oh yeah send her all the day that'll solve it family regular family guy no but I know but what I've learned is what I've learned over the weekend is that the girlfriends have been be fiance's have been communicating mmm significantly son been talking to Sam Sam been talking to sin it's gonna be a fun tour they're not gonna tell us the cities that are being I don't know if you know they're having lunch I think on Tuesday yeah yeah you know all the lines I don't know tickets down like a big Joker yeah Sena say I might take a little good Adam send them to the vineyard it's [ __ ] up did you want to make your fiance skedaddle but you know the game I just know we're taking them to a picnic we live together I'm trying to go to the picnic spin spin every day together yeah but then you spin all the time because because in our brain that's what we're thinking like fam I be home and we live together but then that's when they pull out I just want to spend some time with you and that home outside of the house they put all types of reverb on that one I want to spend time outside the house say that before you moved in well why do I'll never tell if they want to spend time with us outside Al's before you move in could we go comedy that's it what yeah La Marina movie like post more than anybody man you know that mo now understand when you had to be quiet to other topics I said I hated Dawson if they would have seen some of my pictures on Eastern Parkway in my bandana I only didn't post it I'm sure it's a London he's gonna post it somehow he found my shoebox with all my secret pictures in my [ __ ] and it's going up I felt so bad when he put up that video of me bawling with the kids that was hilarious the kids gotta get it sometime set the tone exactly engine failure earlier don't tell or drop step it went [ __ ] was clowning me because I drop step and didn't use the backboard that was nasty don't do it it was more nastiness it's just that you a guard why are you drop step I'm not a guard against 3/4 so no guard against them no no you're right so the drop step made sense right there you right my bad I didn't think about it like that ok he's playing playing to his opponent she makes me do I have a guard game wall that's what that's what I'm saying alright now [ __ ] you I got it you got the Charles Oakley game bro because I'm I want [ __ ] to own I don't feel like people should talk bad about me and my basketball game and all of this [ __ ] that I can beat one on one are you calling someone to verify your basketball who we talk to in pre-pro yeah I'm gonna call you at this time this is not a part of pre-production this will end up being our longest podcast ever by mistake of course buck don't answer when I need them because I'm tired of mall first of all what could actually play ball but that's why I was gonna so I'm tired of mall who does know a little bit about about my game he gets on his [ __ ] podcast and acts like I'm the most whirly no I can't laugh at the clip yeah [ __ ] you now of course Tahoe [ __ ] is giving back to community man I'm gonna get buck on his podcast we're gonna answer to some [ __ ] all right John Mayer Rory take it home so apparently John Mayer has a show that's also on Instagram live that had Dave Chappelle and Daniel Caesar on it at the same time I think they was recapping in the green room I couldn't really figure out what was going on there but they get on there you know because I was working on the top four I think the ties were I went wrong I think John Mayer was trying to get like in his recap bag or something and he had Chappelle with him so they were sitting on the couch I think trying to get like our podcast vibes off real quick he did that and then uh he was in a sober bag so he was like go tell me what you think of Daniel Cesar on this fake recap that's supposed to look like we're chilling hmm yeah I think he's gay Daniel Cesar happened to be sitting behind the camera right blending in camouflage and and and felt somewhat of a way about that comment and then John Mayer was like yo no he didn't mean it like that and she brought the care said nah you gay drunken that yeah is amazing and she'd get a special every single day I would watch it yeah oh she's speaking of special dog Kevin Hart says his his first Netflix special is releasing next month April early I feel like I've seen Kevin Hart on Netflix in a stand-up I've seen I think his stand-ups are on Netflix but they were not NetFlow exclusives on Netflix yeah there's a difference all right well you know Kevin Hart get a lot of catch a lot of heat for some of these stand-ups okay I thought you might like things he was saying in Arabic just watch it little rebrand I'm little roll out those the print I'm not threatening you man Odell is that here wait we finished with Kevin R I didn't want to end on such a horrible knowing what was wrong what are they saying I was like he's not funny all right yeah no I was gonna like soften it a little bit like he should take his time with the content and this one I don't I don't think I think he can ill afford to have those rumors linger that anything about this is not not funny yeah that's all especially after this is big after that Oscar [ __ ] like I think yeah he has a big opportunity to do his windows yes oh no no I didn't say it's a storm isn't standup maybe his window of convincing people that he is actually funny stand up for stand up funny is a difference between being funny or moving funny character actor right from being the same that window read that his earlier stuff was good but he was a good stand-up at one point I was I've never seen a Kevin Hart what he was doing the the soul playing nonsense he was actually a great stand-up at Showtime was hilarious to me yeah it was to me it was I had a bun watching so play so well he was a great stand-up during that time what is that strictly a stand-up I guess I'm only speaking about timing I feel like Chris Rock drop specials at amazing times so I think for keV I think this is a really great time to do it if he goes about it the right way and again who the [ __ ] am I to tell Kevin Hart how to watch it that was in the volume game so he and that's why I thought it's difficult to judge him because he is in the volume game and he's made all of our incomes 50 times over more than that's why we have a podcast because we have opinions on dudes richer than us never looked at it like that oh yeah imagine if you just couldn't have an opinion on people richer than you I will sell your pot about hey you didn't give your input on whether you thought Daniel Caesar was gay or not like Dave Chappelle you just reported what he said but what do you think about it I know I do not think Daniel Caesar is gay I wouldn't know that there's anything wrong with that he's except my downfall he's sang about women precision don't worry about it bucks kind of looked at me like that great podcast thank you guys for joining us really Odell though oh we didn't talk about oh I'm so glad adele is going and that's what I got you know Cleveland's 1/3 I am super so a go have a blast out there in Cleveland we all will witness Tristan gold you know him and Jarvis Jarvis gonna be [ __ ] acting a fool God thought Jarvis didn't produce last year he's gonna ball out yeah I know is if you pick him first round I'm like I would receiver first does this refer for alignment getting rid of the number one receiver obviously you don't particularly care about your passing game at this point I don't think that the Giants would have ever offered Odell that contract had they known what house a mom was gonna produce yeah so they paid them they found out house a qualm was gonna produce the immediately immediately look like they were building behind him now and moving behind him yeah and I think Odell I think Odell sort of writing on the wall yeah I think he saw it there's just nothing else for him to beef about when you when you command that type of a large contract that they gave him also when you're that far from winning and you have that large of a contract on a receiver with a quarterback that you don't know if you'll be here the next day or two it's no point in having Odell there especially what he's exhibited on the sidelines I'm not talking about all the passion and [ __ ] that white people try to make us deem threatening for exhibiting I'm not talking about that I'm talking about if I got a guy like say Quon who just seems like such a high character guy the last thing I want to do is put him around the diva wide receiver receiver who's making a hundred million dollars and has all the influence in the world in its locker room that's how I took it when they let Landon leave who had a lot of influence in the locker room outside of their rebuilding and and trying to restructure that cap because they were way over they got rid of all the guys they gave a lot of money to Olivier Vernon who Olivia Vernon who I of Landon Collins who I love but I understand and now Odelle who generational talent but I certainly do understand getting him off of the team I don't care if they lose next year I don't care I don't care tank for Zion tank design I don't care if they lose shoutout to O'Dell with a nice run the bolt picture got a lot of likes on no trey songz is gonna be sad what's Drake gonna drink I'm being cleveland that's closer to might have been a move yeah yeah sure flight ah I see what they did yeah yeah I can't wait to see is Cleveland haircut they were land you're gonna be going crazy you keep saying that they play ball together College I'm aware yeah you can see all the footage of them catching [ __ ] footballs diving all over the place that's great yeah they can be nice I'd like to see it they're gonna be I would like to see the the Baker Mayfield Odell Beckham fight it's happening baby we're havin I don't know birds of a feather things I think Giants fans are gonna look back on this you'll regret it but we'll see I think I think odo is just one of those superstar players that super talented by I think it was a smart move any passing game in New York or any future in the next few years boring but I don't put a lot on my running back because when the bags get hurt they I just I don't know that one they're good if I'm Odell I'm not staying though wide receivers get hurt why not why wouldn't you stay in New York whose throw me the the football I mean I think that they're gonna bring somebody in the pocket of draft I was yeah I think they're gonna draft and then I I'm gonna rely on a rookie quarterback you just put it over here just business just throw it over this way I'll get it that's how I'm thinking if I'm Odell but I don't know New York always makes dumb decisions old New York teams that's true that's that's fair well cuz in New York coming family this is [ __ ] aggressively Yankees try to make smart decisions they just overpay for their decisions you see what a raw dude I mean lock that thing down that's kind of New Yorkers in general we overpay for everything take that yes sir take that Marc Anthony take that Ben I forgot been dubbed it right before the wedding we never got that story hmm like two days before the wedding wasn't it really yeah yeah yeah we never got it listen man I hope you guys enjoyed this this podcast as much as we enjoyed giving it and providing it we will talk to you guys this Saturday until then please keep us in your prayers Lord knows we need to be there and until next time we bid you adieu peace sayonara arrivederci adios deuces one
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 598,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2019, #rageandthemachine, rage and the machine, mood muzik, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Love and Hiphop, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, araab muzik, araabmuzik, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, episode 229, uh-tuh, 229, murda mook, yesjulz, odell beckham jr, odell beckham jr.
Id: Cz1uInkV78o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 22sec (9922 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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