The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 232 | Datakiss

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I think other people have to say no when asked if you were yeah that's true saying you humble means you far from humble and close and I figured out what it mean when dude say do it for the culture you know I'm trying to get paid do it for me the coach is you you are the culture you wanna do you yeah pay for the thing that I'm doing yeah no I'm not doing it for you sorry buddy welcome to the Joe Budden podcast episode 232 yes they've on to do I'm your humble and gracious host Joe button here with a few of my nearest and dearest friends Marla's here parks is here Rory is here Erikson is here save on the dew is here how's everybody feeling gentlemen what's going on how was your week it's Friday Saturday that's true Saturday 1:00 for Saturday morning we're recording this live right to your headphones yeah whenever you clicked it we started yeah yeah catch up good good good well you dressed like you need a fresh bowl of Campbell's or something that gets sick weather you know a little warm during the day and then 30 at night you won't catch me slippin how are you doing Joe finally someone asks I'm well parks thank you you're welcome I had a long day today and me two things at home sometimes nobody ever wants to get into what's really going on is there ain't nobody can't I be having mass you're going I don't tell nobody but then again when you ask someone how are you do like do you really want to know sometimes or is it just the small talk say good so we can move on with the conversation because I don't want to be we can just start talking well that's why like sometimes I don't want to ask Peabody doing like had nada suffice a little cap there's certain people you know that I know how's everything cuz you know they about to two hours a time I don't be caring how everything is with them I just acts random strangers how their relatives are like people walk up to me hey what's up how's your uncle just make it awkward I'm good fight now nobody knows what to say we just didn't looking at each other I'm funny like that too yeah when the last time you heard from rich and I ain't spoke to Richard you a social no one don't let them ask me how Richard thank you [ __ ] double yeah I'll give Ritchie a number like wait no no I was just trying to don't give rich my number and don't call him right now talk to me I'm beefing good thing you don't know the [ __ ] tip off and come back with the face huh and put the phone in your face yo guess who just asked about you guess who just say I didn't ask about him get your phone I wanna shout out to rich though yeah Cheryl to rich yes rich oh no no what would you gentlemen like to start with this week since you guys are so long-winded with your intros need in fives fives and we oh man wait a minute so uh shout out to the Spotify listenership shout out to our YouTube viewer ship shout out to everybody listening at home or at work the weed-heads wanted to shout out salute to y'all the yoga instructors and nurses wanted shout outs and the barbers wonder another shot I know and the nurses international well you know the harbor's wanted another shout out yeah stay-at-home mothers water shut up yeah the escorts wanted a shout out are all your barbers boxing experts I think basketball coaches yeah every barber in the world do isn't it actually know what my barbers is the complete opposite of all like the barber stereotypes let a fight becoming my barber will stop my whole haircut to box southpaw to show us how you could be Mayweather and what the strategy should be oh you got one of those bother that's not even southpaw he'll just show us what was now a ball could be with the lab don't shadowbox in the shop ya know my bob was he's a complete obviously he's like real cool and quiet di barbers know through the middle of when when shorty brings his son in yo does he like basketball taken in the park and show him some stuff I'm not I said you had a nasty boy creep on you Bob still decreased allow hit my bar was married kids like you know he he didn't on that type of time my Barbara Hannah's morning whole hands smell like whatever burrito he had the night before yo some alcohol on your hands didn't became fun like the barber [ __ ] some [ __ ] some up on your cut you try to explain it to him but he explain to you why it's not [ __ ] back no worry about it it's like it's getting warm out gorgeous or just blame it on your baldness like now yes [ __ ] going back there wasn't even me these bombers are nuts out here I love barbers oh man barbers are the greatest people our birds are so special to the neighborhood's man like we really did go under appreciate it they do though nah would you the barbers know everything that's going on in the neighborhood they try to intervene they try to you know I mean like keep the peace mmm all types of [ __ ] man they under appreciate it they still let people sell DVDs in Jersey City play a DVD that's how I sell a DVD now same place to play a CD I guess where that's exactly okay [ __ ] mom bought me like y'all next month I'm out for the month okay wait wait Oh mom did you mean you just wrote you a wall and sat down like hold it down [ __ ] is you doing he was like a like a backup Bob with it like I mean it's more he was like yo you need somebody because I could hit somebody for you like you know what dog enjoy a vacation okay yeah I think I said this on this podcast my barber it was 15 cash for like 10 years then he saw a facebook video that the Jews was moving into Jersey City check that person hey yo it's 20 now fam why Jews moving in it was 14 for like 10 years like you put a good two or three on top what are we talking about we can't talk about caste about some good let's talk about you wishing people happy birthdays I thought it was a great I thought I thought that's I think that's a great topic because there is birthday etiquette and there is hug etiquette and that's something you so much for listen to the kid let's stay on birthday etiquette though how long do you have to know somebody before you wish them happy birthday not long that's social media yeah sure yeah you see that you see the you know the post could mean yes right in that life you just I'm not a commenter every now and they don't do it well tell me who you say happy birthday to uh associates and friends just Michael said it then my girlfriend to once the heat on my fiance yeah well no I do the half birthday to know what day will say half birthday I don't know yo where I'm gotta leave when we record I don't know but this is not why were the kings of hey half birthday I thought I missed someone but say yo [ __ ] I have I have no idea whatever burpees what's a half birthday bottle oh halfway your birthday rim yeah celebrated being halfway to the bar we're done we're not we're gonna move on out you can you wish a stripper happy birthday yeah your favorite stripper does she know you know oh yeah if you're sure your favorite that's your favorite enemy she knows who you are that's your favorite ship you're not a favorite customer right okay it's a two-way street yeah all right well we're not trash so our favorite Cooper's know us I know ordered enough [ __ ] pineapple for you to [ __ ] remember my face got damnit know what you different though like why it's all by me first of all I'm engaged okay you are wait so why can't your friend - happy birthday you can't have to diffuse in my platform to make home good what if you get engaged you're stripping why we can't wish a stripper happy birthday no you can't wish a stripper hat if you know her personally like if you have no oh they know that you can't hop in the DM no come on or her birthday yes no yours tell you happy birthday says coming get you huh what if she says happy birthday to you you can't have you can't happen to Dan's buddy I got a pair back on Herbert the world is your oyster said another another year happy earth was yours get the [ __ ] out of work the world is your oyster and you are Burrell and it's in the request your Oh pearl and the whoa no no your dear just a stick you think I would ever say that I think so just said okay I'll take it you ain't freestyle that that's more that's more [ __ ] yeah no it's it's B it's what it B is just not it's not earth ball mulch either free happy C day well then why do you say I've never said that literally in my life I've seen you say that no way what about G day never have you ever had to reply to the happy C day from a gang member and it's like you not a gang member no thanks you gotta sound like a punk it's like y'all appreciate it thanks dude you have to add more CC response just to show like oh I got what you do that oh thanks for the see sometimes I have wondered like when that when they the gang dudes hit you with the see [ __ ] in place of whatever they're trying to spell mm-hmm sometimes I've contemplated like if I should spell things incorrectly what I'm gonna do so sometimes you gotta just cut the conversation short like you know what I'm exactly I ain't get this mess I just we just like throw up a fist bump emoji or so or the prey is praying oh my dams is full free hands yo come at land I'm just say if you need you don't want to get something to eat after prayers I will get nothing to eat after nothing pray yeah I'm just praying just friends I just I just got tired of the prayers I just thought uh double-tapping old she's only replies oh like you like like we just had a family member pass know I'm gonna have a heart yes have our no but you're double tapping for the heart how do you know how do you know how a girl feels about you based on hug because they are did are ways is body language like if a girl does the one above to show the one I think it's about the duration of the hug yeah because when you hug me hug hug hug in the kitchen over here Herbal Essence oh you creep get off of that young lady I love that guy - not the shampoo descents angel but after angel was not man you ever tried 90 million ways to get out of argument with your girl and end up arguing now you end up arguing yes exactly are you in the bargain there's no way out of argument when she's ready to argue yeah and you think I just think being quiet was like the way out no that makes it worse no it's like popping that trouble button my four spaces in right there I slipped Oporto you tried be quiet your girl commits huh something's off with the energy okay once you start talking they met they're like I I'll just be quiet then no honestly one that doesn't work below up come on we got it's weird in here now yeah don't [ __ ] it say it's weird in here like a lunatic with 46 hours when did that start though what girls start talking about the energies like when did when did the energy start erykah badu yeah erica was up there but late today super moons or some [ __ ] when the room was red or some [ __ ] that was it was the retrograde that they talk about right now I don't know yeah we are mercury oh yeah everybody relax everybody relax boom all new we've in retrograde what mood is it fam a black black no started lighting the stage [ __ ] it's like no you toxic rid of in the room no this uses recent though this this started maybe five years oh [ __ ] it had to be well janae janae is Erykah Badu to the bartender's that's all she is janae is Erykah Badu to the parts they gonna kick your ass yes janae go kick yours I like Bill burr didn't say that I'm shooting his free-throw percentage oh yes that was nuts they gonna [ __ ] you up but that's kind of true I'd be home no no it's a lot of truth to it it really is but I'm rolling with J night and I hate to say it you know who's up next scissor oh yeah we know that but it's different because I love janae and scissor but I just see it's the same way like how the bartender's ruin the white haraki's for the chicks that really like sneakers when they started wearing them it's the same way they ruined janae and scissor because we really be feeling them and we like the white hurrah cheese but now we can't wear them because that shalt uniform so that's yeah caption now like I can't use this as a caption is what the real chicks is thinking is everything okay is a lunatic all right cool bro all right cool just make it show me that was a low lot of angst the word angst come across that way angst angst that's that Irish it sounds like a beer I was talking over the weekend wonder why told me Irish people made bridges the back story was I walked in it was st. Patrick's Day yes it was Sunday night let's welcome it and I clearly everyone's talked about Irish people before I came in cuz it got quiet when I walked in you know and I was rocky or somebody and you know rocky be on her [ __ ] you know what like what Irish people ever even did mm-hmm Guinness Stout listen she's she stumped me with that one I had no idea what they did Guinness yeah yeah like bridges and then Rory said do y'all like bridges I love bridges yes yeah I would I never attributed bridges to Irish people that was them we build things hmm hard workers like they invented the bridge someone else did the architecture we just built a [ __ ] oh okay yeah oh yes every New York City owes a lot to average people no just in New York bridges that's all I get sound like the Golden Gate I haven't been elsewhere he I just wonder if they did all the bridges no I'm not all New York though New York is big yeah for sure yeah he got her he got his [ __ ] off on us okay did we ever sell watch his mouth because black people invented the traffic light so we should watch him mouth where did he to like crashing a car and he told us that his free granddad or somebody didn't the first foot in the first why it's a Norton and Norton and then we was like hold up man will you get that [ __ ] streetlight from so yeah we uncovered that way before we leave hugs are more you wouldn't uh alright so you wouldn't wish it a stripper happy birthday not if I don't know her personally if you don't know her and have you ever hugged a chick with a hard-on no no never hugged a woman during a hard-on okay the woman that I didn't like didn't know like that that's a little woman that I was ready when you say like that you mean like oh man I already know yeah like a woman I already know like well define know we already had relations oh okay he would put his boat a runner yeah ass like to get to know each other yeah put put the woody on but let me show you what I'm thinking about right now that's if you have that type of relationship with it this is not just some random was this in public like it was against the wall and that's in your song came on yeah high school dance yeah for sure oh that wasn't [ __ ] that was bombing it means bro say you bombed a chick if you got if she grind a few high school dance and didn't dance with a boy high school dance I didn't send it opal oh wait this is actually a great time to talk about what homeboy said well hope I said um about now [ __ ] Cam Newton oh yeah give it to us he said that he's not [ __ ] for a month it makes his mind stronger i should be professor if that's it professor x bar now just think about it he's [ __ ] in two weeks yeah after class you want to come with the master all right come on 28 minutes I saw about some serious I don't know what serious happened and I do have serious stuff let's talk about is is Daniel Caesar which I don't know if we want to talk about that now somebody sent me an article that says that algorithm got a record deal recently I'd love to discuss it with Shaw wait what oh let's do it algorithm got a record deal isn't a record deal just a algorithm is that a chicken in the egg theory hmm what came first okay let's do it I will read it to you gentlemen huh an algorithm just signed a major label record deal in Dell an app that builds an app that builds music for your moods is now a member of Warner Music Group over the last few years and I'm reading this from it doesn't matter that's not gonna give them that I'm not a but a great article over the last few years the rise of AI and music technology has been heralded as a portent of the crack of doom with Spotify determining what we listen to based on algorithms and playlist placement guiding the creative process for artists the concern is tech will render true musician true musician musicianship obsolete well if that's the case then welcome to the end of the time blah blah Berlin based in Dell announced that it had become the first algorithm to sign with a major label in this case Warner Music Group the product uses various inputs whether heart rate time of day bless you and your bodies some word I can't say what's this word circadian sleep and your body's circadian rhythms to craft soundscapes out of stems with the intention of boosting your mood and hence focus and encourage relaxation or sleep where to get the stems while the endow app is currently available for ios and android as well as elects as well as an Alexa skill the AI is expected to release 20 albums before the end of the year with 5 already on streaming services way I'm confused though about I'm lost so be it sounds like it was like a Pandora thing I'm like well they didn't get a record deal it's just someone bought a Pandora esque service but they're releasing albums I thought they were just curating [ __ ] based on your circadian well let me continue the 5 currently released LPS fall into the sleep series with titles sleeps the seer night rainy night cloudy afternoons called library cloudy 900 soggy more yeah but I guess why this is interesting is how it's now in conjunction with a major with your secretary label and and I guess what a MEK major would be able to do with that type of technology and this is coming after after all of these reports and pictures are surfacing with a maybe y'all have seen them with the Atlantic roster with the little boost icon next to it that says you can boot press press this button to boost likes engagement extremes and something else saw that oh that looked a little Photoshop the way to rig it oh it looks photoshopped to me because they put Atlantic Records calm and like boost like put they put the list of their roster and you could just hit boost well we don't we don't even have to get into the authenticity of that because you're right it looked a little funny but we know that that's happening Oh whatever say that's why I don't think they were putting on their website of course that's happening well I don't think that that was I don't think it was from a website I think that was from someone's back-end that had access to more information hidden link yeah so they're not even trying too hard to [ __ ] no more like it's like almost like whatever now but why that still look photoshopped to me it was to clean and it looked user friendly it wouldn't that wouldn't have a privately wouldn't look like that it wouldn't make it user why all these already gets happening I just think that was Photoshop why all of this stuff is interesting to me and I'm not gonna spend much time here because I'm still in the process of trying to figure it out and that's probably I probably will be my lifelong mission it's trying to figure this out ah these articles are interesting to me you know you often hear me say how will we ever know what a stream is worth you know all of that [ __ ] did you used to UM you saying I don't think we'll ever know because we're not tech people that's that's what I'm that's what I'm coming to recently I don't think it's meant for us to know but I think what I think the future of music unfortunately like this article was stating is geared is geared for everybody in tech you're kind of gonna have to kind of understand that to understand the world especially the true value of a stream that that's that's what the tech people and the music people are fighting over they're the only people that know what the gold is worth so they fighting over how to divvy it up right so we don't understand tank how the [ __ ] are we gonna understand music in the next 15 years yeah well that's why I don't know if you noticed I just passed I saw all the label people when I'm there the week before mmm before is tech week the next of course is music week I didn't see one person there for the music week I'm saying late like label son right they wasn't there it was there the week before hey they got that photo you need it huh we don't care who's coming up next we don't care what artist is gonna be hot but but don't you think we can make him hot with a push of a button who would decide that though between the two of them because I suppose it's the labels money and it's detect people's process so who would decide what that's worth well it depends on the value of the tech company the tech company is like a up and company cut I'm up and coming company then they don't have a pot to piss in so the label well let's go I was doing there I was there goes for Apple music who's ever gathering all the data that had to do with streaming scorpion let's say right who's going in there and saying all right this was stream this many times in deciding how much that stream was worth I think the answer to that is detectable I think so too because I don't think the label side or the Apple side would know it's a language that I don't think a lot of people know how would a stream is worth alright that may be I think I think it comes down to and to be more of a conspiracy theorist the way a dollar is worth now there's not enough gold to go with how much money we have they're just printing money at this point it's not really worth anything I think it's the same thing I think you're making things up on a computer screen hmm no I think it's just science do it definitely soon of course there's a science to this same way we print money there's a science to it but there's not enough gold to match how much money we're printing there's a science to it well we're deciding what is the science and that's printing money because I don't know it I just think they print some [ __ ] on any tell us it's for something besides over exactly used to be tied to that now it's yeah yeah so that's what I think with the streaming dollar like yeah let's make it up we'll put a science to it obviously we'll put a formula but it doesn't really mean or have real value that you can touch nothing is tangible and and and you know what and another reason why this is not so off-base to me the labels have been signed in sign and trash humans based on algorithms for why they gotta be trash mints but they've kind of been doing that for since before streaming even way before streaming yeah tell me more I mean before algorithms were computer and technological base there was still signing people like TV stars and [ __ ] to record contracts and the [ __ ] comedians and all ten were just like yeah it didn't matter if they tell the same how's that algorithm basically I'm saying it got the numbers from the popularity the people yeah like all these people reach a million people on TV on CBS every day and their [ __ ] sitcom let's give a record ok but even all right I'm following you ok but there is even some science to that the people you were naming we're talented in some arena yeah ok that's the tricky new loophole to me is not about that to me it's that I think the real value lies within the data they collect the personal data that they can now use to sell products or sell to other companies to sell products which is why you're right Aurore was very clever said that it then we don't know what the nobody may know what the figure is because you don't know what the data from one user may bring you he might buy a Bentley and he's got a [ __ ] half a million dollar value and the other guy might that bought the same dollar single might buy nothing you know what I mean and I think that's where the the values secretly lies not in the actual value of the stream it's in the data they get from the streams the personal data mm-hmm because that's where all the value is to all this [ __ ] internet [ __ ] that's my Facebook and Instagram knowledge is free because they don't care cuz they're just collecting data yeah 100 a can sell Google everybody that's the value but now the music companies are getting in on the [ __ ] data [ __ ] but what did I want what did I want to do with our data outside of cellars Celestine wouldn't have to be deeper than that no they want to sell it they wanna market directly to us to our likes exactly and what it is that we they can find out exactly what we do day to day what we buy how we move and then pinpoint exactly what I'm trying to sell to that specific demographic oh yeah maximov problems we know he's gonna buy this if they know Parkes loves a specific keyboard they will give him every ad in every deal they can every promo code just to get him to buy more of that product yes oh the controlled environment we were in was not controlled enough yes right right they want more control prior to penny date I need to condense it and they don't they don't want to just use the shotgun Metheny more they want to know exactly what we like what we want what we listen to there's another kid before you're just going in buying [ __ ] with cash yeah and then it turned into credit card so you can get a little bit of data hmm and now it's all credit cards damn-near not all credit cards but if Apple pay considerably more credit cards purchases than cash based purchases in previous generations so it's super traceable if all the labels if all the labels show me a day we only talk about now man oh we're gonna get in my man Daniel Caesar you men this is all Dave Chappelle's fault it might be daniel was having a great quiet low under-the-radar career we know what Danny was doing it so he ended up in a room with John Mayor Dave Chappelle he was hurt by that comment yeah he's sitting there he stole Uzi and lunch in like a cafeteria what school he was at we never knew what Dame Caesar was doing like never was at his high school Shawn looks like you know what that gay comment I'm with yes Jules this is now how you get ahead of that thing no no he said he should definitely have some more friends in that room with him yeah no his friends was there weren't it all to him with the same haircut no you have some people wouldn't oh I thought he was on his little thing by self just talking and I had a couple kids oh yeah if you don't know it was game game game yeah his man was like in the frame like words so yeah if if you are unaware Daniel Caesar who put out an album that most of us like and this is why this hurts us yeah so like sing for real like we were looking forward to his new [ __ ] to Maya and I mean angle I do I'm still looking for these new [ __ ] I am I am I am Daniel Caesar went on Instagram live and set a whole bunch of stupid [ __ ] that I just won't repeat but boy the internet tore him up for it rightfully so he sounded like he was in defense of yes Jules but I wasn't certain and his point was solely focused on her hmm but he was saying what he was saying sounded a lot like you know the [ __ ] to Kanye was saying up at TMZ like he was saying why are why do black why black people only people that are allowed to give people attitude and when they return that energy it's Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron now that's not equality if you want love you have to lead with love and that type of [ __ ] right well you articulated that way better than he did he was just talking all right well I was laying in bed pause oh you go there sometimes laying in bed I was surfing surfing the channels it was 1:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. I couldn't sleep and I got a text from a number that I do not have saved those are always the best when you're laying in bed which is I didn't have on high alert I know nothing so I got this text from a numbered isn't that stored in my phone and it said brother good start listen I'll talk to my brothers that was a little off oh brother please just make sure you watch the entire clip before you flame me lol not the condensed version I know you got a job to do and I respect it to a point I suppose but it's love you hit you with a caveat that's then who is this Oh No so somehow I can guess who [Laughter] brother fans followed up some [ __ ] so it's Daniel [ __ ] Caesar he looks like he leads with the brother in the text it looks like his swag I laughed really hard to Daniel Cesar was texting me saying hey before you blame me just look at everything he said look at everything like there was more [ __ ] than make you better meal yeah so when I tell you all that whatever what's today Saturday that Thursday my entire Thursday morning I spent on the phone with Daniel Cesar just trying to understand just one I just wanted to gain understanding mm-hmm and I wasn't mad you know even when he even when he said this and said yo don't blame me I wasn't gonna flame him after I saw it mmm I just wanna know quickly to footnote this put Joe at number one on our list wasn't jeopardized you was gonna flame Daniel sees it so he text you brother and then got on the phone today he was like macho man brother no I didn't hear that was like a very peaceful brother no I was saying Daniel you stalking him on the phone you wasn't mad at him cuz I should know no we riding this joke at this point that's right with that brother like chill I got Rory and Maul mmm they imma hold you down parks he good any things to you you Gucci over here on our podcast got you worried about the other folks down the Dow got you okay and I thought y'all think I gave it up down there so the hell no you said down the dial down the down yeah what's the Dow the Dow Irish Spring Oh now you can deal with the three-in-one conditioner and soap Sam got me on that dead doctor of peppermint [ __ ] oh yeah that that's that good [ __ ] that [ __ ] it make you feel like a whole part skin came off you come out there oh now you're all set singling your whole body's breathing man your balls especially in the summertime yeah small look like in an Irish spring bag a little bit in evidence I use that by I use that by accident in one night use that by accident that was the only thing under the sink see the girl inside you're like [ __ ] it I don't know how I got that have no mo body wash Irish Spring definitely got me caught in the nineties trying to wash your balls a bit shooting guard the house terrible that's a terrible soap you could clean a whole jail cell with Irish Spring and [ __ ] won't bring that back we brought bridges you can say but you also brought our Irish Spring now that's called the appropriation that's a fact in the Verrazano in the Brooklyn Bridge when y'all build one going from Edgewater go pick up a hammer [Laughter] go get the Krazy Glue whatever else y'all use for the bridge crazy you driving on a bridge that was mavin crazy [ __ ] it something molls not driving anywhere I'm not do you have your license that's a good question real [ __ ] you got a name second name oh man how many licenses Abdul my I got seven in the tub that one didn't work officer yeah sorry for pulling you over Frank yeah you got the Frank one in the tub - sure sure anyways your man Daniel oh yeah howdy uh how'd he smooth it over he won you over you did easy when you're talking to like celebrities no I don't like her can we go back a couple weeks on some wheat we said regarding icky like we killed Nikki for her pudding dr. Yanna ion on every into everything she said any card he did it and everybody loved it we gotta talk about that we have to I didn't love either you didn't like cardis worse how close she killed her one for me I thought she killed it but I'm just saying people killed Nikki for doing it hers were a little extra you know what I do know what I will say about that since you want to that was a random rewind all is number two because Nikki definitely hit you know vo mall been pumping Majid Jordan Nikki all that [ __ ] I think it's a grep I never I live with no we're cool it's fun let's get back to the Daniel shoot the serious topic but wait we just don't want something the cardian the Nikki's yeah cuz we kill killing Nikki for that love him love yeah I'm killing her too long that's all well this is the difference this is the difference and and it's [ __ ] up because Nikki wouldn't I don't think Nikki would have ever even put herself in this type of position before but either she didn't know that card he was on that official remix I don't think she would ever touched it I don't think okay with their history knowing that cardi had that yeah I don't think she would have touched that at all so I think that's why cardies reception was different because she was twerking on the hooptie widow on the one that the hoop you know it was a lot too Nikki just rhymed on a beat and put it out know which but we killed Nikki for pudding I remember I never even heard Nikki's version so let me be clear even Oldham jokes I said I was reading that and when I read it I told you I've never heard that yeah and it was funny I think the official remix thing makes it a little different too there's an official remix versus just like a freestyle like if you're on the song that is doing that you do that yeah you know but we we killed Nikki we you could do it too but why can't we kill both of them we did like I wouldn't want to hear a wolf Rhys Alun [ __ ] 98 or whatever that was where they just ran bull the whole time I hate that bout Tiana song gave me to imagine the remodel parks I'm taking you back that car from you huh you will dance duo if it came out dog no no no I say if everyone hopped on whoa the way they did that dot Dianna [ __ ] there whoa we mix it it's been a Billy Bathgate tell him I miss him and I love him see I did not give him my number I miss him and I love him smooth um no Rory I'm not industry and I'm not I'm not not gonna kill him cuz he called me brother Joe brother I'm neck I wasn't gonna kill him because he was speaking on he was speaking on a lot of [ __ ] that I felt like a black man from Canada just can't speak to you give him the Canadian pass well how can he speak to how black men feel in America yeah that was that was my only thing and before I even get to my next point he's 23 I know the music sounds mature her her music sounds mature too let's not be fooled by somebody's this great mature sound of music somebody's thinking he's young he's 23 years old yeah but I can't see it I can't say that age plays a factor because Paco well that was my second point it was my second point my first point is he's a black man from cancer I wasn't gonna kill him I wanna kill him but what so when you explain that did he hold himself accountable for saying hey maybe I shouldn't speak on those things that I'm not part of well me no let me not say Paul no he did not say that just gave me Owen he gave me 95 different defenses okay and no I'm not gonna reveal we're gonna just say that Canada is [ __ ] racial bliss no I I can't speak to Kay I didn't saw a liar right I don't know about what's happening over there fair but no the house here is great you know that line just separates like all that [ __ ] the racism cuz I don't I don't think it's as bad because there's definitely a real stigma in America that's obviously been here for hundreds of years but I don't think Canada is just like everyone is just holding hands I know but it's okay to not know like it's okay to say I don't know like great we could think that but you haven't grown up there I haven't grown up there you know I did some show yeah talk to some chicks like I can't make you an expert I can't tell you what's going on over there and I don't understand why he thought he could tell us how we should feel so I got her I got her phone with this guy and I won't tell you about everything that we said but he sounded like you know he gave me he gave every reason in the world it sounded like he was sticking up for this this Jewish girl but he kept telling me that the conversation wasn't really about you well that's what I have to ask I don't see the two correlations with what he was saying on there he started with let's defend jewels and then got on a whole any was drawn engine and he was drunk see those are three things that I'm just not I'm not rolling you drunk you 23 you from over there what we doing man um but what do you say we're I'm sorry because I wanted to reply to what you said yeah cuz I didn't really understand logic or relationship yeah cuz his point was his point was love and let love I guess that was the yeah you smoked that pack he had a pack that was also once love so someone was he should just we should love he doesn't know her to have that pattern seeing and that's that's important too he didn't have very much information he don't [ __ ] with the Internet I guess maybe not okay so maybe that was the dark web and he didn't see that part but listen there's a bunch of nning of this fly which she already that may take her word at face value and you're not really looking at all these incidents in totality so I get it that's right but he was saying no it's not come out and say I should have shut the [ __ ] up about a bunch of information I didn't have well he did say that he said I just shut the [ __ ] up I make mistakes I'm not trying to get at that but I still hope people accountability I've said things I didn't mean or have enough information for but I'll say yo I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was talking about I shouldn't have said that cuz I didn't have the information he told don't just stay on the hill he said I bullied her that was that was point number one that we had to fight about because what the new [ __ ] call bullying and what we call bullying is different yeah he kept saying I called her Brent berry facing it that's bullying and I don't think that's bullying at all that's funny that's what I said that's bully the whole cyber bullying [ __ ] to me is like just weird well he was podcast bullying well then he went on to say he went on to say that if I have an issue with her I should have an issue with us with black men because we let her in I can't speak about I can't speak about that all this [ __ ] as if it's our resource and then not get hold ourselves accountable for letting people in who we feel degrade the culture or degrade black boys but I don't agree with that because hip-hop we let anybody into the hip-hop culture and it's just that now when you in the culture you should conduct yourself a certain way and then minute you don't it's like okay you're gonna hear but nothing I'm saying you gonna agree with okay and and be clear I don't think Joe speaks for every single black man you know I don't I don't I don't but then that's when it got it got nuts later on down the line but what else he was saying he was saying I should I should hold us accountable for letting her in he said I was bullying her he said that she didn't deserve all of the backlash that she was getting and he was confused about why I went on a 40 but if it's a culmination of things that that was just the last of the stress like he's not very in tune with what's going on yeah does he think that that was the only things that people were upset at Jule's for saying I told him I told him well I don't know more I can't I can't speak I'm gonna assume no I did okay and I thought that would change some things but he used the he then responded to that by saying Ah Joe I get it listen I too have been bitter when I wanted to sleep with someone who rejected me huh he was saying that he thought you were bitter towards Jules yes autopunch tear you right in his nose right in his snack bar no need it was very telling it was very telling that that's what made me say how old are you the fact that I'm the fact that you are suggesting that I went on this 45-minute rant because I wanted to be he said that based off that or he spoke to Jules personally well he speaks to Jules oh so then he probably has a mother another story well well that's what she's telling people that but now it makes more sense if you're talking to him it makes more since y-you know I kept saying why she keep highlighting the swiping up story mm-hmm but that's not what she was highlighting okay she was saying I'm on a date and homeboy blowing me up over some sweats but is it sweat is it the sweat so that that makes more said so and I asked my said Daniel you not tell him Oh cuz my whole point was you asked me why 145 minute rant and it's only because I stand with I stand with with black women that's the only reason I said I'm shocked that you don't stand with black woman the way you stand with this white woman I'm shocked that you don't understand me standing I don't understand what you not understand it was one of those types of conversations but he did tell me that he gets it I'm bitter I want to [ __ ] my fiancee was next to me it's like it was good it was all confusing he then went on to say he didn't burp parks and Rory into the mix okay and he kept trying to say well you do a podcast with not even parks you do a podcast with uh Rory because Rory not allowed to give his opinion on culture and because he's white mud I said of course word and it was opinion anybody can give their [ __ ] opinion however if we have a fight a fight with somebody black and call my [ __ ] guess what party's over hundred percent no more podcasts no more friendship and he said now you wouldn't do that to Russell [ __ ] you got me all the way [ __ ] up Daniel Caesar right now expect you to that would that would be the end of that but just just listen to the the very surface level points mmm that were coming from this 23 year old man make this type of dumb [ __ ] he's saying dumb [ __ ] I'm gonna hold it I'm not gonna hold it against him he ain't been over here - no he ain't he ain't done no research we were just all on state of culture earlier about how we be an era of people not doing research she's given your opinion with some [ __ ] that you didn't have research I'm not gonna kill him for it but you sounded nuts no I would kill for that [ __ ] sounds stupid bro you saw I'm with parks and crania we've this podcast has kind of been the joke that we don't research it but we're coming into a topic this important if you have this much of a stance on it no you have to do you have to have summary in this topic this ain't just like jokes about some [ __ ] you saw in shape via course this is a really specific topic you need to have a real understanding of what's going on to have that stance it sounds like a cornball to me sorry don't be sorry man standing you're standing at home boldness yeah [ __ ] I said listen bro I'm surprised you stayed on the folder with all that [ __ ] I like them I like the kid kid listen I've always loved his music I can make a case that this podcast broke him up I want you need to hear though it's tough for me to kill kids about certain things because none of them were dumber than me at 23 okay none of them so I don't think you were saying that type of [ __ ] though no you might have been doing well doing drugs and [ __ ] [ __ ] doing but that's kind of not you're responsible dumb [ __ ] though socially irresponsible don't [ __ ] it's a difference in my opinion I agree I think that some of the younger artists have a bigger responsibility than even they know okay um but you know I [ __ ] artists humans have a bigger responsibility than what they know you should know yes serious though like that's just plain stupid [ __ ] that he was talking and for him to say that though all those reasons that you just listed is more dumb [ __ ] but you okay but was a human not an artist but we should give him a chance to say it sober okay well is he someone on the phone with you yeah any Sam stupid but he was talking to me what Nona Park has it wasn't public it was like a confidential conversation that I well it's not like he doubled down doing it like yes he did but I mean he felt like he was better able to artsy no ofcourse that's what I'm open to inning and understanding this thing more but don't be so arrogant when someone's talking to you to try to give you that understanding giving you the time of day to say all right let me listen even though you said some dumb [ __ ] on that camera listen I'm hung up once you started telling me that Rory and Parks go home and [ __ ] say some other [ __ ] when away from us your day like a fight bro Joe you do a pocket they don't tell you how they feel they've got a family Missy you tell you telling me to park somewhere think I'm a [ __ ] and they won't say it because we do a podcast together I said look bro sigh alright man check this out I will get off the phone I gotta go now ok you going down that hill he can why I kept telling him Daniel this ain't the hill this is not the hill and that's when he say can't cancel us to cancel you I can't can't so manly I can't cancel anybody bro ok that's when I look at this arrogance saves my ears see that it makes me not want to listen even more to that arrogance like that's just straight-up arrogant it's believed I can say really fake don't think it's arrogant to tell me more this both you can't cancel me [ __ ] that I could say whatever I want even if it's detrimental to my community you can't cancel me that's the same thing why I hate it on the Kanye [ __ ] cuz Kanye was like nah cuz say where the [ __ ] I want even if it doesn't it means harming people to me that's really arrogant and misleading to these Kanye wrote the soundtracks to our [ __ ] lives for [ __ ] 15 years Daniel original flex is separate point is anyone saying I can't be cancelled and again I'm not part of canceled culture I think we jump on that too quick I agree you should be careful that's fine understand but to say I can say whatever the [ __ ] I want look you won't cancel me just arrogant that's pretentious that's nuts I disagree but I get what you say because what if that's just your uh what if that's just your mindset toward canceled culture what if it doesn't speak to how you feel about you but no because I'm not on the cancel culture side at all you want a cancel cancel culture yes I would love to cancel cancel culture we laughing but that's been a topic here well yeah I don't like who is but to take advantage of that and say harmful things just to say yo you won't cancel me and I'm not saying Daniels doing that but to say that is very arrogant well I asked I asked him if he [ __ ] that girl but only hear me yeah man what i'ma say about man now that was the thing yo I beat you didn't know that was the phone convo hey listen Japanese do still agree lucky I keep it a beep oh he stopped me in my tracks like at that point I wasn't even here and done he was saying because I said damn it 23 you know will he know about the legend of Jo me too like wait huh I'm not even used to [ __ ] saying something like that to me you said to me get that offer from your feelin so good friend yo know about me fam I looked at my fiance all this dumb [ __ ] sometimes you gotta listen to conversation like this out goddamn it I told you I wasn't gonna come in here and go on and I'm not because I don't care about that but I a get these jokes off man you made me go dig up the blonde album cuz he's blond I might add you dug up the gap in that was the other thing you know this [ __ ] rhetoric oh I'm small 20 points lawn naps on top of this [ __ ] backwood face don't do it he said he's not gonna listen to this week's podcast good-o this week's you guys awesome you guys great this week I'm good hey I'm not mad you skip this one yeah listen man you had us go dig up Bryson I tell you all the [ __ ] out of hit Jay holiday I hit all our you two [ __ ] around goddamn it we gotta fill the void tell them it's a slot open fam fam what you la la stay right here la out to paint huh Galan is gonna get him out to paint he can hit that high note there de souza can go go get him out the dog project coming with him didn't say drop it now got you iTunes on the one now unmixed oh this only means Daniel next album gotta be crazy now I don't doubt that it won't be it'll be made me listen to its catalog a little different all that we found love [ __ ] yeah catalog Concannon scale of one LP is that Atticus right there that's he told us that Freudian [ __ ] gonna sound a lot different if it's just talking to white woman I'll tell you that much Hey Cantwell your title that next project buddy let me think of some more be [ __ ] you almost made me dig up dig up yeah yeah gotta go summons R&B [ __ ] now cuz it ain't but so many dudes out there that you could like anyway it's like four or five none it's more now armies popping up there's a lot yeah I'm being hit by his lady's so [ __ ] exclusive anti risk a fight Tyrese Reese always gotta remember Tyrese guy hands where's row James yeah he's come here was row let's call was a [ __ ] like row take a long time man I hate these artistic dude yeah but row row [ __ ] hit different so heroes he got to take some time last year was is the EP wasn't no I was up I was sure the eldorado [ __ ] that was a long time ago though just a point I'll take three years to come on bro let's see the answers I am talked about more you don't even know that minding the number yeah wouldn't up every month ban buy a guitar or just don't have a phone period come on roll he got voicemail I don't know just always no voice that's gone just rings mom who has voice mother alright maverick your serial killer if you have the voice mail set up my should go baby I don't even have a fake voicemail see if you have a boy that sprint yeah no it's an extra pcs in a chicken bone there parks you excited at Levi's stock went up just cuz you men we not getting the cut it's [ __ ] up you [ __ ] up the bag jumps [ __ ] up the bag Joe all that free promo cuz of Joe keep grabbing all the blacks time to sell them some of the Blues maybe like a real real like black fish blue like a black is black like a like an ink blue bars no he's bold to go invest and Strauss no leave it at the stress do what else what else is there to discuss sick family was here talk about um you want to talk about uh let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see uh nobody I don't know whatever you but said let's talk about one side bouts Whaley your man's Whaley and the boat that all of us have been in dying dying to get your the love of your life back pulling all the tricks out of the bag yeah but them tricks was nasty don't ask no I don't know we got to go to court we got it got to take it to court got to hear what's going on as you guys know I've been the Swale II relationship correspondent for about two years now I've kept the public abreast on what sway Lee and his girlfriend we're doing all the ups and I was reporting every time that they were back together every time they broke up so you know this was some real troubling news he just hit home it did when TMZ reported because I really thought they was getting better was like every three weeks two months he magaz go wants him not to [ __ ] with a bunch of [ __ ] so story buddy Gucci did it got Mary [ __ ] name area mouth it does sound like a freestyled oh no no no no Gucci had young sway Lee there while he was doing his dirty work Gucci and sway Lee wasn't in the same rooms ever no but I did like when he got out of the bag I was rolling with him in the beginning like when you have to get your voice changed a little bit like I'm just trying to get us together that [ __ ] no he changed then he just start throwing people under the bus no I keep going back to check my voice is cracked in that moment like just trying to make it better for us but I didn't then get mad regular be like yo Joe be [ __ ] mad suede suede suede young suede just as mad at that [ __ ] Doritos commercials I up with the [ __ ] Doritos man you know used to [ __ ] wall a woman that's how we get out of in Doritos now that's your man it uh yes Kings way yes that's nasty don't do that don't even don't even give me the recorded [ __ ] you shouldn't be saying that behind closed doors oh that's foul don't bring another man into your is the same thing about D'Angelo Russell when the Lakers fans out that would want him back yeah coach it is so trash yeah baby no serve y'all [ __ ] asses the night and first of all your chicken supertrash if she fall for that some other rapper was [ __ ] [ __ ] lon like if she was like oh I didn't know chance was doing that come on Holmes way you don't trash your joint gotta be if she falling for that long dudes do [ __ ] like that though that's corny but I don't even care if you were scrambling [ __ ] I can't bring up other guys when you and wife he's going through it in and in comparison to but come any girl that that hears that and doesn't call their boyfriend a clown is also a clown that's true I was more so just admiring the beginning of the clip when you got into that bag you know I thought you would be the one holding down move to start with it is if it doesn't stay with that to this is even harder yeah word I'm video videotaped and it's on the Internet I just want to note that they will be back together because I've been following this petition hello you're you're invested on Monday do you think you got everything that they do then this one just happened to be there Jim and give a [ __ ] where they break up and then I read that clip and said me and my fiance staying together and trash lines he's way Lisa distal way begin his sick [ __ ] off you know the problem worse way to like the last album a really I mean yeah yeah so you can't get that line off in the last album I don't know we got to see how a chance album go that might help a strategy here like if chance [ __ ] don't hit mmm yo she stayed and she wasn't even that dope no [ __ ] before chance you drop how many people how many people y'all thinking gonna save from burning cars one enough possible he already got the one I already got one wait what is Eastern how many people need saving from burning car oh [ __ ] we're in the middle of Lent now so Easter gotta be some cheese did dad and Kodak strata saves am I gonna [ __ ] out here oh that one second I believe Kodak black was around when somebody was in need of help some white lady from a burning car Kodak in his homie a white lady I know she was scared she see Kodak running up to the car I don't know somehow on YouTube I found the backstory to that by the way of course you really YouTube let's hear it wait was it from Kat was it some guy sticky for yo so thank you for tuning in to my channel so this is right this is way subscribe now some story fingers and Kodak [ __ ] has been really crazy I just wanted to touch upon it that's what the page I got it for my [ __ ] long from the incredible YouTube source uncle uncle Nick sounds good but with Nick but Nick somehow got the scoop here and long long story less love em I was dying to know but how that happened little curiouser honestly like it wasn't time I was saying for the mic I want to know I [ __ ] long it's us Kodak Kodak black on tour tour bus we've been there we know how that goes somebody who knows somebody sticky is doing film and movies and all of that type [ __ ] so the bag that he had that he brought with him was full of cameras memory cards movie [ __ ] problem and in there was a prop gun hmm so okay so his man you know his man that knows kodak and stick all sticky over there so they come they gonna talk about some content [ __ ] like shooting movies doc you know some [ __ ] stick so some way on the tour bus you know how tour bus [ __ ] goes you got to play your music so Kodak said recording uncle Nick or Courtney whoever uncle Nick spoke to Kodak say I'm a play I'm gonna play my music don't say a word don't say whether you like it or dislike it this is vibe out okay I like that I thought that was cool yes cool I might want to say something though what if I like it then you didn't you could say that but you can only talk if you like my I hate when somebody no I just hate when somebody put an album on and like they looking for you to say something oh yeah looking for you to vibe or nod your head or like so the fact that he said yo how many just play play my music you don't have to say is good you have to say it's bad let's just chill I'll see I would rather you not an L set though if you want to do that just put the music on in the background and hope that I say yo not and you look and you look nuts no cuz if you put your album one in the background while I'm near to talk it's like me going up the DJ booth requesting thong so you can gauge from someone when you play your album with what they think of if we're just chillin in your games your [ __ ] wasn't home when I walked on the tour bus goddamn you better not walk over to the console and play your [ __ ] no I might play some [ __ ] with someone comes over and you play on the background and see if they say something that's actually I do that all the time I'm with my think that's a good litmus test for it's always to open up you want to see you some say yo with all right let's do it are you doing that to another artist that you don't really know you just playing your new heat maybe not I always go about what the situation was I don't think codex bus would be the one to do so the situation was sticky ain't really active necessary well parks and I'm only talking to parks because parks and I will be billing a bunch of torch together but parks and I have had these talks about the tour bus being the place to steal music from people especially people that play their new [ __ ] yeah that's why I keep talking now that's true about this so yeah you would play your [ __ ] for people no that's silly artists I feel you but sticky necessarily artists Abel stick he's not a threat in that environment a kiss music in fam if Co daddy you're not doing I did I just I totally disagree with it I totally hey you know one would believe fam codecov rip - you wrote it if I get on codex land tour bus and listen I've seen this happen for far worse songs by the way if I get on Kodak black bus and that hooked Izzy's [ __ ] come on no versus just the hook come on I don't have to be somebody to take that hook and give it to somebody or talk talk give the information over here I think when I was on everyday struggle that's exactly how join the Lukas said that him and Lodging beef started playing music on a tour bus his manager heard slated to that manager so that's all I'm saying and I'm with you I don't think stick we do that but sticky and it could happen subconsciously for it's worth so they put the music going and tell them don't say we're let's just vibe out the drinks is near the smoke is in the air and sticky is sticky so when he's playing the music stick he's giving input like old [ __ ] input trying yeah you should do this like yo it just don't sound right so he said he said he'd never hit him he never hit him but a scuffle did happen where the bag got loose so they did pick the bag up and the rest of that to the rest of that's true okay and stick he just got out of here but I don't think stick he was getting out of here because Kodak pointed a gun sticking due to gun fate it says prop gun right oh and then a funny missed Ola boys with his man that brought him okay and apparently that's a real [ __ ] you know I don't know but uh the funny part was after that sticky dude get the bag back he said by sending two actors to Kodak's tour bus order people to pretend to be police and and he ended up getting the bag [ __ ] with the movie dude stand by actors on call like to just go do [ __ ] film you should yeah okay you got a second young hungry kid has been DMS pause for a [ __ ] six months saying y'all need a roll I need a roll hey I got your roll anybody it back yeah you know Kodak together you know Kodak don't don't get lumped up what to say wonderful now that might be the wrong bus what we talked about before that code actually we kind of just led into that I thought we was on some important sweetly oh yes when the misadventures of sweetly yes Val you know I'm off that this that's foul but I could see a lot of people believer in that way behind the scenes like that that's what's nasty about some percent now keep them far away from me that's just crazy when you hear about that happening to you too we're like oh no it's happened to me absolutely sure happens me right now and dudes that do that just know shorty is telling the other guy yeah even if she loves you and all that other [ __ ] she's telling the other guy that's the thing man it's a lot of y'all that I won't call by name that I'm still kind of cool with I know what you said about me man I know you know because I've never expressed it just because I never sitting and about it I know she told me man yeah she was craving it's crazy all right we are back with more important [ __ ] up actually no no that's important she i got question for y'all randomly has nothing but I love random question has nothing to do with this how old were you when you realized it boxers were trash like 22 probably yeah I was in my late twenties I'm younger than y'all so we're still doing it briefs was poppin high school hello his foot you mean like my bad I'm slow today I thought you meant like boxers the sport no I mean I was young probably high school why are you trying to pump boxers up boxes are try boxes are like the word well the baggy Jean era they made a little bit more sense i thing he'll not if she's never made sense looking back when you hit him with the sag and with the sag and have a Calvin on it looking back that [ __ ] was never cool cuz your baggy jeans would be super baggy on the hips if you have boxer briefs off Maggie cheese snob but did it became sexy you'd be swimming in [ __ ] but then it became day boxers right now no you want pulled off the briefs and baggy leather pants pony is your first thing well you can get away with a lot of [ __ ] first thing you shouldn't be wearing them he was definitely saying differences in an abandoned house when it was raining in briefs this is like the 40 year old hos anthem still it still work this is killer Hodge on a Sunday I'm not gonna watch that's where they had Darwin time yes no you know it's Hodges Tosh is the grown in sexy once them remember growing sexy sexy is the worst party no one is grown sex is the worst party ever don't be grown or sexy at all grown as sexy just means washed and should be home sleep or funny [ __ ] groaning sexy was off because all the killers was thrown it be later you gotta wear shoes I know means that I shoot you with shoes on - just gonna get hard bottoms don't change nothing I don't change family that was one of the first places to get shot there were plenty of white parties for sure go go step on somebody white [ __ ] I triple dare you killing on me why you got linen on is killing me in my wall white that's when I'm at my most unkillable head on a swivel the hole you better get away from me I'm glad linen pants is not a thing anymore though pants is nasty I never knew this is a Content idea to watch hood [ __ ] walk in the all-white party like dressed like we need to do a style breakdown and the different types to give the name but a couple outfits yeah you right how did dudes freak - all white jewelry no that was a good accessory game yeah yeah I don't even see that's why I accent some shades yeah chase was definitely on this hunt as a broke dude and you don't learn this like in the beginning of your brokeness a nice hat nice white hat oh yeah as a broker certain places you can't go because they're gonna know you broke like if you broke it the all-white party some hound like type of way they gonna know it's not his wife it's not a design when the Chrysler pulls up to the bent Bentley is like the Haynes t to the designer White Sea is just a different color white it's a different texture that neck the collar look a little different it looks fun what's the next to something else see what you sweat but you see like your real nipple designer you can't see nothing but a wet mark you get sweaty in a Hanes white tee yeah the whole nipple is out the part that's a whole different I'm not going to back put some napkins on your nipples put some napkins on your nipples I was astonished when I learned that chicks could do that like that you got tape on both sides that's crazy I'm sorry glad Instagram wasn't around off to see what I had on it DMX is album release party and 9000 job unfits funded finest won't find that one they gonna find it I wanted to be a rapper so it made sense to go to oh you were on yet how'd you know it's dark and hell is hot he was the hottest rapper in the world and this was the this was there is a hardy to the party well everybody knew where the party was it was in the city okay so I didn't act was easy to find our part I didn't get in what still is easy I didn't but I don't I had the host in the address exactly I had on some black like kind of baggy church pants why were the ruffles in the quarter rows okay and on the top I hit him with the lime green mock neck muscle shirt with no muscles but I was much slimmer than this and some patent leather shoes what color shoes so okay black lime green Steven kill him like that you shall be a Mexican otherone so I put that on and man do go trucking our asses home over to the city and we stand across the street a party definitely has the picture 100% yay does dill I'm sure has a picture in the shoe box in this house maybe somewhere yo dill the deals Gang Gang Gang he'll never said it's Joseph it's mom he might be Joe Biden fence we go and I stand across the street and I'm looking at all the guys and the girls that are going to the party and that's when I knew that I was dressed wrong like I have no business here like everyone looks cool you guys are driving with horrible [ __ ] yeah mix albums party with a lime green muscle shirt though nothing about DMX Islam he was trying to give him R&B at the wrap party I was 17 exactly 17 was your club fit I was really dumb actually you know what I think Swiss might invited me to that part that's how I knew about that party Danny knew Swizz when you were 16 a Swiss was what 13 I told you Swiss was trying to put me in a group would [ __ ] drag on and cast it and all these [ __ ] the original snow has this the original 18 the original triangle offense that was the Bermuda Triangle drag on Joe Budden who Cassidy if they was pumping up how nice drag was telemeters that track was like for me I know what the name nice [ __ ] Joe definitely tried to shoot down my idea when you fake retired at BB King's to do a reunion of triangle offense mmm that was a good idea that you said nah [ __ ] that well I'm not in control of fab and Kane no but you ain't even gonna try you know ten with the truth now the troops right to it I thought it was a great idea for his retirement but sometimes you have great creative ideas that when you actually think about what it takes to execute a meal that would be a body but no what is there to talk about that we have to talk about that I missed I don't want to get into cliff Dixon just yet but we can get into it because not much it's not much else that we need to get into uh yeah so let's say rest in peace and isn't really not much to get into here outside of rest and peace prayers and condolences to Cliff Dixon and the family loved ones of cliff Dixon real unfortunate young man gunned down in Atlanta right before he was set to enter his birthday party got there and started texting people who were waiting for him that he was there in the parking lot I can't imagine having people waiting for me at my birthday party table section in a club and me not making it inside like really really really really horrible story um from what I read shooter was on foot did what he did and escaped on foot from what I read it was one cop car out there maybe unmarked says that he gave chase I never liked when it says gave chase that means you're probably not catching him you know it doesn't doesn't make it sound like you're confident in your ability to catch him but it says that he went after him guy got away and it says that Cliff Dixon was treated at some Medical Center nearby where he was pronounced dead Russian piece yeah yeah man rest in peace man cliff real cool do man it's just unfortunate to get that news this week but again man we got to tell each other we love each other while we here have fun which Cliff definitely did I mean if you know him he was always a happy outgoing outspoken good time I didn't know him I've never met him but clearly loved by many you know a very popular guy seen him around real difficult to not see him around a few online you know it's just sad it's just sad you know my humanity is such that you know I'm saddened by horrible events that happened to people I never met yeah it's like I would just hate to imagine me or or anybody in that in that predicament man so I'll leave it there are rest in peace - cliff Dixon again prayers to his family his loved ones um and more will be revealed I'm assuming hopefully they catch the gentleman net that did this don't kill me on my birthday got you yeah you Mic Check 1 2 1 2 you were saying something in the water yeah I was clowning about the festival he announced his friends that's always a [ __ ] scam it always sounds like someone in friends you never know where they're gonna bring no Pharrell said not I'll tell you who my friends are and we and this was coming off him adding Teddy Teddy Riley to the joint like this was last week oh that would have been my finale that would have been my final friend yeah Pharrell and friends right below the line including Diddy Missy Elliott uh sure Gwen Stefani and Snoop Dogg light some light it's my Monday friends that's a crazy five years yeah yeah man well going coming to do that's it no no I'm grown [ __ ] up I mean I'm just trying to provide content okay I know what you're going to do bananas that's happening and then get out its Avenue yeah see I don't want to see that I don't give a [ __ ] what's going on a South Beach with spring rate he wasn't dead when Gwen was rocking that was a different South Beach yeah it was yeah man good old days the dreamville joint is is dope as well and I want that to be overshadowed because their lineup is amazing I just wish I would festival with me more but I'm down to go to festivals Roy get some mushrooms and a drink [ __ ] it's a April 6th EEB is probably to kill me because we're supposed to wait till Monday but we'll be doing the pre-party April 5th there why you gave that away so early come on those are bull roars [Music] [Laughter] man well man you head into the locker room buddy control will be a rally for for the pre-party for dreamville fest Rolly Rolly Rolly FEMA been at this festival do people sleep in tents or not no I don't think there's any tents I think it's just though that that was the first goal better have him Adam tonight coming out there vain a fiery 1000 fest lineup is kind of crazy scissor Big Sean Cole 21 savage black Nellie nothing's gonna Taylor Taylor boss Jay ID Rhapsody cause Sabha earth gang re Lennox o Mendez that's a line up that's a fire we gonna be doubled up with a latina by the airport yeah Birkenstocks estancia lead the Birkenstocks at home knocks out at a festival there's nothing like a really stupid question it was cold name on here yeah he's that the big headliner bold yes I would hope he's in bold on the dream festival yell and Cole gonna be there too Nicole is just the type rap superstar that would be there that's who wouldn't even put his [ __ ] on there it would just be there hanging y'all catch the stream or that do fire beating that's it Burke's on I didn't think that the other day when uh whatever whenever he did that article and he was like yo I'm getting sick and all that um first rapper to go and plan I'm gonna feed you I might put a feature I was like Cole you know jadi is not gonna count you can't put one of your artists on an insulated that was the feature no that's the move if my is them yeah and I could see I'm doing that just from how hurt he sounded that it took hold so long to put him on his out yes early early early early was been way back way back that's before it was right on blueprint three but got signed two days before uh that what happened I remember a bunch of stories about how Cole had to fight to even get on blueprint three no no they were yeah that was before I was in person yeah but that was a quick what a way to be ushered in and then J got on which I wasn't a fan of miss a nice watch but he got on that on his cold force a lot of people didn't like that record I like that right I do like that working for coal out of hopes category respect for more and Rory are you I try not to bring up the whack hole [ __ ] no it was his whack for coal to pick that line to be his first big single missed a nice watch no I wasn't his first big workout was the big joint from that okay so another another Rockefeller weird there's a weird choices those are two bad records the sample mr. nice buggin people like workout people liked it people whatever you know I like workout the Chinese notes I know it's a sample from a saying I like weird girl the co-worker right it was better than the Connie record that he say and call on the low kind of introduce Bernie split that's another conversation Cole did not introduce Bernie's negative Schilling it's all about the world theater at West for Freud by the basketball court was right Bob are asking for pineapple juice it's just a weird record to sample for Jay cool in my personal opinion well I'm uh that mean but mister loose we must we much did we if we buy strippers birthday gifts and bring it to their job in the bag in the bag yes you should you should what if we're sleeping with her that's different no you don't have to bring that to the strip club you can save it to when you sleep with her that's a dangerous game when you sleep and we'll distribute and then go the DES strip club oh man Melanie I could write a book I can write a book on some of the horror stories taking place when you think you're going to see your girl and don't know that anybody else is going to say you could kill Charlemagne with a different type of anxiety book talks after why are you insane me already knew some Brooklyn standing at my ball fan yeah you're gonna [ __ ] her bag up Jojo sitting there with the Lululemon bag glad somebody's picking it up since you got ejected thank you I think we've covered everything though yeah I think that's about it hey mom what's up wait hold on I want to talk about save on having six interns on his podcast and I don't have one can you explain to us why you need six interns for your podcast and why you stopped interning here and why the six interns can't intern for you here Oh what type of secrets you know about us that we don't know know the ends of Gemini oh oh so this is your performance at work with help [Laughter] shame on Caesar just doubling down Instagram knows nothing really to say about Instagram I was just confiding in my brother's before the podcast telling these guys that I think that Instagram has been long enough that they should come up with some new configurations like sometimes sometimes you want to like a pic a few times like they should by now have a multi like like when she giving it up like that I need for my friends or just like I [ __ ] with it button no no I don't heart it but I [ __ ] yeah you know the bar that you could swipe with the heart is hearts and then her picture just says you know 4.7 hearts or it just averages out like you know mean something like that yeah five hearts like instead of just one you know me I like that I did that I [ __ ] with it but sometimes I don't like the pic but I mean I [ __ ] with you so I'm just go ahead and put it dear yeah I was uh I was a big yeah we need more options that would be better in my household to like I like the setup of the shot like I'm into photography like I'm not talking about ya ass I'm talking about like very funny like the gaffer with the lighting like I want to like the gaffer brings up a good a good point cuz like sometimes I like a pic from like a chick that's like an artist to something but it's my she's in a bikini like now I love the bikini artsy chicks that's what I'm saying like you're gonna knock me now cuz all of the artsy chick photos in bikinis like I got a like one I'm here sure gotta like art to let her know I buck with it and we need I appreciate that button hmm you did it yeah yeah you did that button you did that I said that we should have uh you annoying button like you [ __ ] just get out of here some of y'all think y'all be killing it when you're not you know one more of these and I'm gonna following yes some of y'all have no idea how annoying y'all are and we can't tell you yeah we can't I think it should be here think of the mute button then I feel like the bag idea and you yell stop you annoying and didn't want to screenshot that and put it out yeah now my girl think I was trying to [ __ ] cuz I called you annoying that was flirting is definitely a flirt well for the woman side only two women that's you know that they see things through their eyes not from our eyes if a man or a woman saying yo you're annoying you're definitely never hittin it ever you know yeah cuz you always supposed to pull that out that you already hit anyway yeah like you can't be trying to beat tomorrow you would know it man let me move up the [ __ ] free-throw ladder balls out the game looks alright let me tell my [ __ ] now Oh Instagram and chicks we're all gonna get in trouble except apart cookie records in front of girl and me I'm saying content Kings yeah how long your girls I'll let you get that line off you right no you're right you got it you got it cuz you keep going to different addresses after every podcast you got no address rotation restaurants I heard you calling me I yell what's the latest I get a table I heard you let's say we know what that is yomo when he gonna miss devenir bag like when you try to be Japanese yeah but that didn't how many seats right a lady serves like five of us hmm your fifth-wheel no homies check hand grabbed it right up knobby didn't even put 20% just wrote down what you felt with appropriate definitely grab the weight just real close gave the crowd say yo just swipe this right now everyone look for the check now ready got it guys here's the car that is my [ __ ] it's a Power Move what card you think more game with some Sun gas card swipe that a couple time let me know what time the train get on the news day of the day and this is irrelevant to everything but on the news the other day they said that New York City loses upwards of 200 million dollars every year and people skipping the toll something like yeah [ __ ] you MC then they show the video of exactly how many people skip the toll for many New Yorkers is nothing don't let one dude open the emergency door we also 90 us going through I feel bad for the city like damn token nah [ __ ] that I've been taking the PATH lately and I don't understand how it's right there is that much better than the MTA it's like over here because it serves three places yes three stops whatever that [ __ ] works all the time it's relatively clean you'll see some fights on there but don't live in Jersey for ten years this mall Smallville's are right there's the path speaking of trains and and more reminded me of this video that's going around the internet that I have not seen I have not seen it man we need to catch this [ __ ] I haven't seen it because like I tell you guys all the time just certain things on the Internet I won't consume it'll get me angry it'll have me feeling some other type of way so I didn't watch it and I felt like that actually about this video that I ended up clicking on it that white dude that was beating up on the bartender or some [ __ ] y'all saw that no I didn't see that boom but they caught him they caught him but he hit her a bunch like hard hits they caught him and I was mad that I saw that so I definitely wasn't clicking on some dude doing whatever he did to a senior citizen on a train yeah he's senior citizen yeah this dude I listen maze he's kicking a elderly woman who seemed like she was homeless like she was living on the train and you know I'm just - dude it was it was God's record and it's just like [ __ ] like that makes you want to just like just find people that that are responsible for this type of [ __ ] and beating the [ __ ] out of them like I really was hoping it really like somebody just run down on his dude and [ __ ] him up but so in the video had never said why this was occurring no no yeah they don't get that [ __ ] away from me no he just said well start at and walked off the train what oh yeah so that's what I'm saying so is this in New York yeah the videos going viral somebody knows is do just if y'all want to film something film beating the [ __ ] out of the street street justice yes film film beating the [ __ ] out of this dude when y'all catch them they made that go viral yeah make that go fire or I asked for him cuz that could be your mother your grandmother your aren't like come on man like that's it I don't care what that lady said or whatever like it's nothing you don't you don't kick and in an elderly woman like that you don't do that like that's just anybody yeah especially that that's that's crazy so if you if y'all notice dude man somebody found him and y'all record whooping his ass that's what y'all record yeah I was very feet going to ground yeah your feet come off that you're doing something different kicking a homeless elderly woman like what the [ __ ] was he homeless he I mean he I don't think so I don't think he was almost like he didn't look homeless I mean he didn't look like he was the Flies and we still gonna beat up [ __ ] him [ __ ] beat the [ __ ] out of that [ __ ] yeah well [ __ ] ain't in there to find some people now so it was funny so they gonna find it yes one thing's for sure two things were certain they definitely all find them they're gonna find him that video I'll watch and speaking of speaking of videos we were talking we were talking a little while ago about what's homeboy named skinny from the nine yeah yeah and that video that's going around on him getting duffed out I'm saying he was asked to do was asking him for a picture and then just started swinging oh sorry that's super corny [ __ ] corny [ __ ] it's a lot of super corny suck a new [ __ ] [ __ ] going on today man another reason I just won't leave the house unique it's crazy so I don't think there's anything tough about you having your man sit there with a camera ready and then you just go try to sneak somebody yeah this corny trying to go viral it doesn't tell you everybody's chasing stupidity that's what it is everybody well as a as an entertainer or as a retired entertainer those are the people I'm like super on guard for the people that approach you with their phone out ready to record or write yeah I've seen that movie before I've been in that movie before [ __ ] up for the fan that really just wants a picture but these are the times we live in it so now you wanted a picture with skinny from the nine I don't know much about skinny from the night I don't even like this kid but you wanted a picture you went over there in front of like he was gonna picture you ducked out skinny from the nine you didn't knock him out he didn't fall he stumbled back gasps himself grabbed you y'all wrestled you couldn't put skinny from the nine on the ground you're skinny now you're tusslin with skinny from the nine and when you get up off a skinny from the nine you'll even finish the job now you dip now you run out you cloud chasing [ __ ] yeah I hate it it's nasty I wish I wish tail I wish you would do that to somebody where it would go differently boy up one time I just want to see that happen you run up camera cloud time and it's the boot the beat down to the beats nasty beats right like I enjoyed that [ __ ] Adam 22 and I'm nigga's putting the beats on homeboy two ran in there with that with that fake gun yeah yeah that was great and I'm glad you showed it to us let let us see you got a show you got to show people the yin-yang equal balance if we're gonna see them coming in with this fake [ __ ] trying all this super [ __ ] you gonna see him on the ground with Timbaland marks all in his [ __ ] face turning red yeah it's still a job yeah yeah I did too dad Adam 22 [ __ ] dawg whoever that was was the corney's person ever yo you ready to die like fail I knew something was all [ __ ] was so corn he came and he said that [ __ ] right and I'm thought it was a joke because that's how much while she goes on over there he thought it was a joke when he realized he wasn't joking he got up off cam and started touch them with the naked eye you know gunshot I'm like come on man were like what are you what are you doing yeah what are you doing why are you running in anywhere with a fake gun or a gun that you're not prepared to you why do you have a gun Adam 22 because he cuz they know that they film right there who is a bigger dude I let me say I'll take that back because Adam 22 was like six four mm-hmm so well no that's not the point the point was he knows they film right there he's watched that show he knows I could skate in right there get right on camera with a gun and it didn't go the way he thought it was even though I know Adam hates me I thought he hated you I would not hate me it's what a back and forth oh I remember yeah that was fun it was fun I thought he handled that great listen man well my name um my question now is uh cuz you're right alright that's a fan knew that he was recording and all that that's all why they're doing that a lot what from what I saw Adam had said our door locked won't let that fan right in our green room defend himself this was my guy um no I Adam had said that I guess the dude that's usually there with Dena mean that holds that [ __ ] down I food it just came so I think he went to grab that and the kid came in right at that moment because I was taking food out the bag yeah big yeah that mistake is made often actually when you when when you see mrs. muscle things when you're you're when you send your muscle to do something that your muscles shouldn't be doing because you think in that split-second it won't happen no I'm serious yeah and that's it take a fight starts in a millisecond and it lasts for ten seconds in their fights no less long that's right yeah yeah I don't like to date did - you did ask any from the knocking I really don't like that kid I don't like at all I don't know me neither okay same just corny though like she was [ __ ] is corny man that's just the bottom line it's a lot of corn balls are you when do y'all think this that when do y'all think the whole cloud chasing go viral error will either progress or come to its end when they start showing the results of running up on the wrong person looking for clout you see enough dudes trying to run up for cloud getting knocked out or get seriously hurt that should that should have calm down there might be some sort of legislation at some point - I mean will it though III would think it has to come near the same way to change the same way they changed the 6:9 was facing life that didn't change it so coming I would say a lot of six nines he comes from the the trolling cloud video era he was running down on random people nor was he wit people that were trolling yeah no no he was he was from that era he has to prove that no he doesn't well no cuz you tell me more if you weren't telling before he started telling he was trying to say hey we was trolling I just met them and I don't think that defense was going well so he said all right give me a pin put a beat on Bert no but I'm wit Parks I would think that on a free world is so [ __ ] dated but yeah legislation needs to pass you can't just be free to do whatever you want to do with your phone we was talking last week about that Conor McGregor's [ __ ] and how we support that yeah I'm not mad at Conor McGregor grabbing somebody's phone smashing it down and go sit in the [ __ ] or for somebody camera somebody's face because a lot of time and we've had this talk here but a lot of times some people that do that are looking for the [ __ ] right they're looking for the bull [ __ ] [ __ ] but just a few seconds ago I've seen up OK clip I seen Freddie Fetty WAP went to some Spring Break [ __ ] was supposed to perform perform but I guess the crowd didn't like it said so as he's walking out leaving now now people are coming out they taping what they phones out someone yo [ __ ] you [ __ ] like I just performed here right like y'all paid me clearly clearly clearly somebody here was a fence like don't give me all the [ __ ] fatty because now I'm gonna turn around and do what right and you can't it's like you had a disadvantage because if Fetty now does something he's getting sued I shoot you sorry yeah that's why again that's what that's why I love Steven Jackson saying yo I enjoy punching that fan in the face [Laughter] every day we never get a dude yeah he's good but he's cut from that type I'm not can't wait to do a pull-up [ __ ] Steve Jackson so much [ __ ] I want to talk to him about yeah about that like just any time you can talk to somebody just gonna keep it being yeah it's like yeah I welcome it I welcome that oh did you hear uh I forgot what interview was with him listen you're already at 95% Rory dope when they got back to the locker room Ron Artest say yo you think you'll get in trouble we'll be lucky if we're still employed you talk about getting in trouble at least at least we had to worry about right now what was the wilder story to you uh Ron Artest uh Steve Jackson amounts to palace or Gilbert Arenas in the homeboy with the guns in the locker room Mouse in the past what we watched it mouse at the palace was crazy like Gilbert and they was playing poker playing cards no no it he owed he over I'm a card game yeah but it was like you not much from a card game with your teammate in a locker room no no and then I need that right now you got y'all little me you know keep spending money and you owe me money we know that you make a lot of money al so why are you gonna shoot me a final cuz you're not giving me my manager down I have $100 yes why I stay home it was over honey no I'm sure it was a couple it was a couple thousand I probably let it go if I make a million I know but I think I think his teammate showed up with a gun first and then Google's having a party what's another one I [ __ ] we want one day I want to come in here and just run down a list of NBA players to see if y'all think that they're better than Gilbert Arenas you know how much of Cuba would average right now I named you right now today these rules today you know a lot yeah a lot I loved I loved what James is doing and people are going crazy but I think Gilbert Arenas could easily be doing that too and right now and in biet hell yeah in his prime like he was that great of a scorer like I know that this sounds enough to say I am not ready to say to James Harden is better and get whatever eNOS on that no I might I might be what your net might be what you want now has he been better longer pause yes James James has been James is better than Coburn's Oh Gilbert yeah come on I'm not saying to you come on I don't know man killer was ever MVP candidate he was MVP go barriness you gotta envy being like oh seven or some [ __ ] no no he didn't Gilbert Arenas definitely got an MVP no chair no West mmm let me Google this [ __ ] nowhere I know ba I'll never hold so no disrespect to go round like a table I know but all star game something oh seven he got there was an MVP probably all-star yeah yeah all-star game a few great Allah is not League MVP Nia no yeah I'm not taking anything away from him by saying that Harden is better he's a who's a great player Barnes multiple MVP candidate you don't say they've already arrived for being a candidate but that also you also got a look at you know who Gilbert was you know who was in their prime with him yeah Lee a younger LeBron he still had Kobe he still had like well I got direct [ __ ] LeBron Westbrook yeah but the rules are different now it's less a lot of [ __ ] that spoke to basketball players I just think that I just know from looking at Gilbert's game and looking at James James is offensive machine yes I mean but Gilbert I think Gilbert might have had just he was a more exciting player to watch because James does the follow [ __ ] outside of the show James it's a lot of free throws yeah but killed what man he just he was a baller let's get off of this for a second because I would hate for this podcast and without mall at least giving me his thoughts on this this Kaepernick report that came out about the I feel like settlement I've been robbed like 10 million dollars it's true come on man it's true come on Colin you got it it's confused me yes like like whistle is this something else we don't know about happening wouldn't happen to be wouldn't they have to be it would have to be and I know that I know that this news didn't get leaked from his in I'm I'm just I'm I'm assuming him they have upheld that part of the contract where there was a closet yet talk so now I'm even more mad because it's like they [ __ ] it on you and then told us mm-hmm when they won is that they wasn't gonna do that yeah I'm disappointed was it turn each or 10 split I wouldn't care that's not a that's not I don't I don't even care not for the money he's lost you know now the money I'm gonna fight yeah not for the fire that wasn't attempt and again no no I'm gonna say it man that wasn't that wasn't the exchange for that that's what I'm saying the Houston that for as long as he went it has to be something else tone how do we know is then I mean it's being reported by credible sources Forbes so I mean I'm just I'm disappointed I'm disappointed too because I definitely like was gotta know how I was behind Colin I stopped watching NFL because of of his stance and you can't say no to ten mil see again that's and I'm let me I'm not judging him everybody is not built for the no game and I'm not calling him that because he threw his career or stepped away his bill for the no game then some things don't make sense here and that's why I'm saying to be happy because if he was built for the no game on the Neal and you was built to take all the repercussions that came with it then why the yes at the end so I'm saying has to be something else coming I'm just saying that only logic what if it's not then that's just like what if we just and that's that's the end of it just took that and that was the end of it and all us and all the black people was like you know at the time it was reporter like get paid get paid that's one we didn't know like I thought he was he got eighty yeah fifty something like that it's like up rock out ten yeah we fam you you were gonna give us you were the link you were the link for us to see just how complicit the NFL was in some of this [ __ ] answer the evidence that we think you had for the collusion and you ten million is pockets yeah there's a bigger play here I have to I just don't yeah I'm sorry she don't add up well he'll never come and refute it disagree something in the contract that says he can't say yeah we'll see by the actions this type of this type of info Ange is leaked when this come out somebody wanted it to be out yeah somebody wanted us to know they wanted to wave this in front of the rest one way embarrass him that's why I was asking where it was from cuz I can see the NFL putting out two million to the world and he has a contract where says he can't even speak about it right my question to y'all's the NFL loves some just leaking to somebody else but and did he get money from home do you think it did it did he got a Nike deal or some [ __ ] cap bigger than I do yes he made a lot of money you've got a hundred million dollars I think Denis after this [ __ ] guaranteed so I'm sure he knows it's not an authority I'm saying when you get a vongole we don't have to guess Google Google whatever there are that large cap contract was I would just I would assume him to have made enough money to be able to say no to ten million yeah and if it was ten million it got you to yes what were you saying what were they offering you before I was like spinning your [ __ ] face yeah go away for to [ __ ] don't make sense okay that tells me I'm sorry that's liquid though well meanie boss I sit down with agents and trainer no I'm just saying that's what he really got not the contract [ __ ] where you know guaranteed listen don't give me up here sounded like I would advise everyone in the audience to walk away from ten million dollars that's not what I'm saying in his instance the fight was a little bigger than that that's all that's why I'm not buying it more will be revealed hopefully hopefully hopefully I was 43 in seconds hen while we on football you know here's my old Dell here's my old Dell aftermath thought that no one asked me for I don't think this is gonna go as great as everyone thinks for the Giants no the Giants ass we talked about we talked about I think there's a lot of psychological damage done the Odell that is not being spoken to I think him finding out that he was traded while he was in Paris to a team that gave him so all that money not even a year ago to it he probably thought he would never leave I don't know I could see that being damaging checker so I could see it being difficult to express how damaging it is when the entire world is rooting for you and cheering you on and singing your praises but when that dies down you're left with you and that last little message about him going dark did you read that did you see I won on it soon he said I'm step I'm stepping away I'm taking some time for me oh yeah that was all in con I've been [ __ ] up I was all in the contract listen listen man you give me a hundred million dollars was about 80 guaranteed and then his contract wasn't that lucrative it was very lucrative it wasn't 20 million years I'm you can google it so I'm gonna have to discuss it okay see that much guarantee he's the highest-paid waters here in the game okay how much guarantee 40 or 30 right six is sexy all right so and then you say then a year later you say yo ship you're out but you're gonna go hang out with your best friend from college and playing a [ __ ] promising as team I'll see you later man I don't give a [ __ ] I don't think my emotions will be all right oh [ __ ] I think he's having to leave New York what I don't think he's happy to leave New York I don't think that his mental elf is as great as you saying yours would be and I don't think that he's so excited about going to that town today as team where the ball has to be spread around like that I don't and we will see will see we will see but I I just wanted to go to big markets don't play either this way we share fantasy draft' you pick Odell where he'll be one of the first receivers I take didn't answer my question but that answered my question no well no because I'm always picking running backs first okay well consensus is Odell's normally a first-round pick yeah I know but I'm just all about the general in general do you think most people have him as a first round pick still borderline for a second yeah nothing's which is not where he was he's got that 12 pick and you going back first and stud receiver stud yeah I predict I predict a tough time Frode l know you're the same way Jarvis you say better dancer and more the quarterback have I seen Baker dance every week on it man Oh follow the guys I don't I should just do all I did throwing some Baker I mean as he danced in Jake's house not yet there you go all right we get out of here is there anything else that we meet again I feel like we got everything yeah I think we're cool I didn't even plan on recording this long ago Saturday Saturday yeah actually you know um who said that Rory upon all these ships have been slow for the past yeah so much just no music for because everybody's gearing up for summer when I tried to come have that large discussion here y'all know I agree whose comment who's come in I just didn't expect such a spring drought yeah lot of y'all gonna be tight a lot of y'all gonna be tight in the face I promise you all they're gonna be tight in the faith when they drop I just I just need every cross out man that's that's all I'm honestly I'm not waiting for nothing else I saw heavy rock your Instagram yeah yeah I'm starting to get concerned about it though no I mean great things about it I just want to hear it I just want to hear it he's the really great thing they all great Ross I want to hear that's what I'm saying I want to hear before that [ __ ] book with the Beijing beard on the cover i'ma read that book too it's not we better in Gucci book it was a good boy Gucci got a good book I ain't just saying that cuz we got muscles now I'm a repo school I would imagine Rob Ross book to be good I want to read all that I need to know the sex Travis son all that don't let him get into dinner Beyonce's to go in the back let me peppers all flats you know how you giving that that's how we rose beginning his girls let me pet was all flat do it all flat and I kind of like the chicks I like the drums it says something when a girl likes two drums yeah you guessed it constant Kings right here premium content nice atopic girls I like the drums over the flats absolutely absolutely no topic you go ahead I'm gonna smoke I like the West Indian joints to get into the bone marrow Oh [ __ ] patootie you met on for them oh yeah I just started these Saturday podcasts I never know how we're gonna push through and then I love it yeah and we're done and it was an amazing time with my friends Oh again I want to say rest in peace - cliff Dixon remember life is short and cherishable so please cherish every moment every second happy belated - premiere happy belated to pray and preach here's the birthday with another legend I thought that was from much professor what was happening that day I did love Prem's caption of qiba nyan bringing the cake and said I really wanted to Stevie Wonder version previous buddies do go pre that's what bro Sam's birthday - so [Applause] get out - Sam why is preman large professor Bowen on this thing that's that's that's weird a sick you guys are great like y'all should be separated that's it we got everything we got everything out the way yo if you're adding me about the pump it up remix called swipe it up that you're seeing everybody simmer down that was a one-time thing didn't the spot if I was running with it did I anything they were well there was one I text me and say yo that [ __ ] better not see the light of day said we approve everything and then I saw us saying swipe it up you got a problem swipe it over wipe it up locker room until the next time keep us in your prayers lord knows we need to be there till the next time we bid you adieu adios arrivederci deuces peace goddamn it and since Parks's sleeper got me in a vibe I'm ending with the outro I'll see you laters on Wednesday one get the [ __ ] out this is definitely one Leslie for him abso-fucking-lutely as soon as mine went off I'm like why didn't played it hard as that don't ever talks about ever in history and one of the hardest beats ever yeah this beat is [ __ ] I rapped over this beat yeah but this drop held true to drop sound like a true horror [ __ ] soundtrack doesn't solely came back did this [ __ ] [ __ ] out of you said Chris Paul Prince whoa that's crazy legendary [Music] this is nuts yeah put a mask on these are still nuts what a [ __ ] is a rabbit to redo some [ __ ] a rat would smoke this flip what ask the thing I'm a true believer there's some of these new kids that would smoke the [ __ ] they do it I got a handful of [ __ ] samples if someone there's there's a couple that are like how's Noah touch this yet they don't know it fan there's there's southerner so right in front of your face I'm like goes crazy no flip this is that a position they I think that might be a position on selling the sample or for fitness or pointing or producer in the direction would you would have a nose not digging through crazy what's that people samples definitely giving samples back when they were nice and there's a lot of producers not for nothing especially in the early days a pop that the engineer was actually doing the beat but they were just providing saying that's a whole different conversation deeper darker career link that's another content idea let's talk to the ANR's today what are y'all doing is that is that the end of the job Sycamore is that more is definitely a inaudible yeah sure fab upliftment into new dudes albums who is a Nahar this [ __ ] right but them yeah the artist o lovers o G and RCA to me is that even though that's not as title she's a [ __ ] to me that Joe Mike Mike child to Mike man Mike is a good guy Michael's good I wish I spoke to more often me too I do I just well but I like a bunch of pics well that's why I like them you need a guy that's going Wow burn try to redo this one you think you nice not all that RB [ __ ] everything [Music]
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 442,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2019, #rageandthemachine, rage and the machine, mood muzik, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Love and Hiphop, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, araab muzik, araabmuzik, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, 232, episode 232, datakiss, daniel ceasar, swae lee, daniel caesar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 30sec (8310 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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