The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 248 | Keep It A Buck

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how many of us have enough attached [Music] [Laughter] microphone check one two what is this welcome to the Joe Budden podcast episode 248 I'm your humble and gracious host Joe button here with a few of my nearest and dearest friends Marla's here you [ __ ] be those sleepin looking at the TV oh my eyes you feel a little Bobby Brown today contract says you have to fix something over what's this number [Laughter] thanks to Chris Oh Wallace here parks is here Rory is here Erikson is here and save on is here the gang is all here gang hello gang what up boys parks make one makes one West Side gun record that came out today Parkes ANOVA is boxing over yeah goddamnit alright that as y'all how you hope is doing we're good I'm good I'm good I'm good alright alright awesome now we're not recording on our normal day and normally I wouldn't tell you guys that actually old upset shout out to our Spotify listenership hey shoutouts shoutouts our YouTube viewers [ __ ] alright shoutout to everybody listening at work or from at home shout out to everybody listening on your morning commute shout out to everybody just taking the time out to take this time out with us we appreciate you you could have been anywhere in the world but here we are alright molls ad-libs sound like it's [ __ ] sideburns 70s hey it's going on it's the same but can you no you cannot you right that's my boy okay feminism or would never call the woman females this would never I would never worry no she's a woman she's a female she's a goddess even though you can check that off on your SATs hold on Molly I'm all about it but you know only one gettin his [ __ ] awful up man oh is this your feminist bag Billy ocean that's a sick this Saturday god dammit three songs in six minutes we're body now throat it's on - when you good - all night oh whoa what's my Billy joint the benzene or it's a hard one you gotta be Kurama queen nights nights like know when you getting down all right so uh so listen now we're never courting on our on our normal day because Rory and mall they just do with the [ __ ] they want to do when you pop I'm here to kick the truth honey young black you how did I get involved with shorty want a while smoking cess drinking beer you are you trying to hear the jewels what the [ __ ] was that saying before you y'all cut me off well it's not the right day we're not recording on on Friday oh we're never courting on our on our usual day because Rory and Moll do what the [ __ ] they want to do when they are poppin and they are proper to have anything to do so that's one so malted small took his turn last week I think these [ __ ] when we didn't we recorded a Friday anyway so going away Rory going away great I'm going to where we're all going yeah but you're going first I know first but that's fine so there was a little bit of a discrepancy as to when we were going to record so you know what we picked the day we said all right we're gonna record that night and tonight is that night right but this morning I'll be honest I was a little confused I didn't know what to do I thought I was gonna have a powwow I thought I would hit parks hit mall not Rory this was very early in the morning cuz I wake up early right and I hit mall and I said are you up and when he got up he hit me back and I said maybe we should record at a different day because Callens album drops mmm tonight mm-hmm I I thought that was like a normal question I think that's a blockbuster kind of release and nip up sure closes we're gonna get to one I think we've been a lot of hype about the silence around it and ain't really [ __ ] else it's all the way verify something I'm sure we will be just because that's what we do for a living now I'll just talk well what you mean Safari referred to himself as Safari Luther King after protesting the protest of first so there's manages to talk about but continue to review calles album like six hours a day that's what I'm saying that's a window so I was like you want to say something about okay I'll go nuts it's it's coming out if you've heard if you're listening scenario one you guys are right Joe is wrong Joe is always wrong [Laughter] argument when you start now I'm wrong no you can't no you can't do it in the middle vault you can I do it but it's just me you know yeah you're right I'm wrong no but you if you say in a condescending way is when you really get the architects where it's lovely the place you did you got to do that because as a [ __ ] you can never look like you are hmm think about it yeah but I don't think you could say it though say what you're right I'm wrong like you can't say when not sarcastically you definitely could oh you said oh yeah you can't that's always good you write about what you want the ignition sometimes okay yeah sometimes you want the smoke yeah oh yeah if you want the smoke say that that's something that men be bullshitting about like no I just try to stay away from the arguments now sometimes we want to smoke made a good argument while speaking out so well you brought up Safari broke up with Erica that's unfortunate I keep in my head so look how life work both of you [ __ ] is ready to fight in the sand you told that man you was gonna put his face in the sand because he brought his girl out I was gonna say yeah I can just be friends now / oh now yeah it could be bad cool you could do a lunch yeah y'all gonna meet on Dyckman yeah I was little Dyke no right now - nice weather yeah that's true you can smell the hookah for me let's talk for real man you a single rory's on his way so when the [ __ ] we know this is to keep a bug podcast Sam already said when we move in LA um I can go yucky I can't tell three years ago my lease is done in September [ __ ] I didn't go they ready to kick me out now I'm not residing at least I'm waiting for the word I don't have a lease I'm just let y'all know like I don't have a lease my lease oh no and not have a lease I don't cuz I told him I told him I was I was moving and she was dig no they was cool it was like just give us three weeks notice yeah yeah playing I'll hit Zillow right now let me know bro let me know rowdy morning in LA is different more would love nothing more I'm waiting but here's the issue though if we do this like a plan - we do this podcast more you would not show up to one episode of just show up with a different basketball player every time just interview I just I'm telling you man he just came up from yeah we put the whole thing together like the microphones until a week apart and it's nice out and then we'll be finished pardon it's still nice out imagine we could just play you let's go to Malibu and just go eat right now there's a lot of traffic there though we done pardoned we got the rest of the night let's just go let's just go yo may twist tomorrow amber I'm trying to paint the picture I was one of those that really stood with the [ __ ] that I'm staying here forever anyway I don't think that we're born and put on this planet to stay in one place forever well you can travel with well that's how I got from Queens New Jersey no time I like living like sorry I don't think I don't think we supposed to live in one city fella I think that's correct that's actually crazy to live in one city foe there's so many beautiful cities and beautiful places I'd like that's a bit [ __ ] world's gonna be a panic when they blow this [ __ ] up what you mean blown out in the meteor strikes or some [ __ ] it's coming it's coming we ain't gonna be here but it's coming are they gonna run like rodents I don't know a media is not gonna hit Iowa yeah right in the middle of country that's we want to be as stupid as me I've thought about this before Tom ah you know if I go like 10 feet from here yeah medium will to a cigarette dirt will block everything where we started what would you what would you gentlemen like to discuss today Brett okay um well we now know why the single didn't come which we figured it was probably the case kallen put out a nice message about nipsey being on one of the records fine getting approval from his family and that was the lead record I believe yeah I mean from from what we saw we saw pictures of Shaun and nipsey so we figured maybe those were the first singles and then we saw the video set up nipsey so yeah I would like to think that was the first single and why he paused on that Joe do you have the message it was just posted everywhere it shouldn't take this long just posted on everyone's Instagram ha Thank You Parkes Vaughn's name is Nadia vollis same olz the parks been being pavan for real Khaled said recently I recently I embarked on a soul-searching journey down a road I never thought I would travel in a million years it began when a tragedy robbed the world of an enlightened soul a brother a father a partner and my friend Nipsey Hussle just days prior he shared his energy and positivity with me on a video set for a song called higher after much prayer reflection with and with the full blessing of the ash Kadam family I am sharing that moment with the world the very title of the song reminds us that vibrating on a higher level was the essence of nipsey soul it is in the spirit it is in this apartment it is in this spirit of moving forward of preserving his mission that I my co-writers producers and label partners are donating 100% of all our proceeds from higher to nipsey's children Imani and cross the marathon continues with love Khaled let's go nice message yeah a beautiful message a beautiful gesture yeah um a snippet was released I know we're joking about me and the camera down but a snippet was released of that song I don't know if you guys had heard a piece before but it sounded pretty crazy at least the hook and the beat like it was a Bop it didn't sound like one of the remember we made reference to the Wiz song it didn't sound like a sad Bop right you just kind of could tell that that's what it's about yeah because of John Legend's voice and nipsey in the circumstance and you know Cal is just gonna make everything sound fuller and bigger yeah what the original B probably well no you know you went back afterwards yeah but no I think it's great I also think Khalid doing all this like old street scene promo has been kind of cool yeah I would like to highlight that I don't I don't think that we should just gloss over that for a minute mm-hmm do y'all see Khalid I'm deke but y'all see some of the [ __ ] he's doing it's like a real mix of old traditions and new [ __ ] it's a mix of indie and major it's a mix of wow that guy's got the whole [ __ ] building behind him and wow that guy's got his own [ __ ] money like it's a mix of so much [ __ ] if you're really watching what he's doing am i speaking for no no that's part of that's part of you know Cal it comes from literally comes from DJing radio yeah the records right so he he knows the the the the bottom the the groundwork the footwork that goes into you know back when he was at radio stations really working you know people would come up there and try to give records played and so he knows that part of the game he had relationships with those people so now headed he's the artist he still implementing some of those old ways of getting the music to the people which is appreciated because it kind of shows that he's he still has that in him he hasn't gone at all the success and fame and forgot about that part but he's still out there his self he's still in the streets kissing babies you know hugging people taking pictures he's a piece of people never left the people never he's a piece of he's a people's person and I think that's why a lot of people have no problem when callicles and acts for something they make sure that it happens because he's one of those people that's just a likable guy that loves the culture that's from the culture that came up from literally the bottom and like really worked his way up to where he is today like really just a throwback type of person like he really is a part of this industry and has relationships with everybody made and you know you're not gonna find anybody that's gonna have anything negative to say about calorie like I've never met somebody that had anyone do any deserves success for sure yeah he's really DJ he's official always first what six albums were all indie I mean they're anyone yeah just I guess not the India stuff Indies but it's still indeed yeah yeah yeah so he understands like the promotion that's why I always laugh when that running joke not so much anymore but but earlier what does Khalid do exactly he's not producing the Reg like what does he do he does everything but rap on that record right he will pick every producer arranged that whole [ __ ] pick every artist market it didn't distribute it put that whole album artwork [ __ ] together then promoted himself like he does everything but rhyme honor we've got to get off the produce just cuz you make the beat he didn't produce the record it'll have to you know turn the producer term into just the beat maker right yeah but that yeah but the second y'all are right they should stop doing that in a second that they stopped doing that we can have the conversation now it's probably not too many producers right now period you know they not producing like I was saying I said I think on here a lot of engineers are people's producers really you know like coaching vocals yes again a rage in the beat a certain way that's producing some sounds here yeah right that's producer doing I think a lot of people just don't know what producer means right now like Quincy was last time you saw Quincy Jones such an instrument to 50s but yeah he was a established trumpet player musician well he is the he established musician yeah but that being said he was not making the beats on thriller no yeah but I mean I still think that kind of separate like the major ones like Pharrell is a producer yeah the full extent any makes beats it's possible to do both of course premier is one you know he produces records and he does everything mmm Timbo I think is really good at that I think that's kind of what hears a lot of co-producers no quietly is separated then I think they have a lot of coke beatnik dr. Dre yeah also has a lot of y'all named in like the the best of the best well know why we're saying that is because I think so the general public doesn't go as the producers so general public those are producers you can take DJ premier and put him in the studio with the hardest of the hardest rap group he will come out with the record he will you can take him and you can put him with the whitest of the pop stars he is gonna come out with a record yeah you can take him you can put him with the commercial act he is coming out with a record the same with everyone you guys named Kai Yates of drag race fans with the same with the dream the same wit like yeah like there's a bunch of these people what I'm saying is right this second I could argue that in in rap if there were more producers we see a whole lot more happening in terms of artists in the music that's being released it's not the same sounds over the same deets with the same flows and the same Cadence's there would be a producer to come say a uh let's try this right well you know not for nothing I think we should give some credit and I'm not knocking beat makers by the way you know please no I think some of these new kids that are rappers don't realize how much of a producer they are they find these beats on YouTube and turn these things into real number one songs yeah and that's not off that beat on YouTube that's them producing that record and adding in where the bridge should be adding where the hook should be we're gonna hum format times on this we're gonna throw in auto-tune on this one like right I think rappers now are more producers than they ever have been period that's true a lot of times ramen was like I know this times producer now let me just get with him right I think the rapper is a producer now more than they've ever been yeah that's fair yeah did you guys see the Timberland in fur oh I don't know what I saw like a two minute know what it was exactly so I feel bad for bringing up and not knowing what who put that thing together oh come on Rory be more informed was it was ramen or rapping over each other's bike beats assumption well they kept bringing up they was know each other no matter what they were doing we're gonna watch it together I'm gonna watch it Chad was there silently always somewhere silently back here we see Chad he didn't look like he wanted to be there knighted no well they're big each other up like y'all Pharrell did this this and Joe sitting there like I know Chad wants be like did the drums on that I'm sorry he did what so what were they what were they doing doing I don't know what the the whole beginning of the conversation was but the clip that I saw similar was bringing up his favorite Pharrell beats and then when he would stop Pharrell would start trying to mimic a Timbo bi but then you did this and they just went back and forth for like three minutes of just number one hit after number one hit each other's music beatboxing each other should flawlessly yeah Dickie yeah it's just a horrible name for compliments to [ __ ] iconic [ __ ] legend are you trying to find a clip oh yeah like Pharrell outside GTV full video am i watching it yeah I've never been there that's not that's not the street I hang out on yeah they can get rid of that anytime I see that it's like new sorry buddy although I will watch this but not right now well it just Samians by each other so they just had a conversation I'm assuming playing each other's records yeah this is just paying homage homage she'd yeah it was dick eating each other you really good Phil well I'm good today he was definitely Dicky [ __ ] say Dicky a hundred percent speaking of music and Dicky Ty and J Cole next week you guys hear the snippet without Keaton afterwards todd todd allen Jake oh yes single coming out next week I have the clip it's not a single or Jake hole single to us okay oh the suspense [Music] ties on the base right now in the video I want to hear it already I'm already locked there sorry my favorite record okay so that's what society based summon that's what we're Guinness about and toast he got the Alma to you tada tada Berg has been saying that for quite some time and berg says that about everybody that he works with but that this is now he was telling us about this is off that out yes wait a minute you mean to tell me this is the song that Merc was telling us who's gonna take over for the summertime no no that's not what [ __ ] up [ __ ] that's not what I was that's not what I was trying to say no choice Teddy played for us that night [ __ ] I was asking a question that's not what I was trying look how uncomfortable Joe gets if any compliments are happening that's not even what I was asked to solve that was my solo project that berg has told us is done and is amazing okay but not to say that I doubted I work yeah we do so I love love him I just didn't need ya where'd you say one day the oh yeah that's the track that was wonderful yeah off that happened it's coming at this wonderful you told us it was wonderful yeah he's wonderful he said v be wonderful now nobody has a word one floor tom a song secret [ __ ] on some one foot [ __ ] on every bit of music for three months but someone comment something for one minute I don't know nothing about that yeah cool film you know good then it sounds like I'm chatty patty yeah chicken meat about their what happened yeah well what happened no you kind of are a chatty buddy no I want to know about the secret baby okay maybe the baby was not a secret mom i'ma tell you Trey was not hiding a child no it was not hiding a child Rory do you think he did like remix emotionless and then try to sing that I wasn't hiding my kid from the world I was hiding my world from the kid mmm world they've remixed each other's records you know there were the rest of the world give a [ __ ] the world um yeah Trey Songz had a baby he announced it none of us knew anything about anything I guess that's the way it should be Congrats yeah that's wonderful applause let me at the end and hit something here we go congratulations to him we don't know who the who the mom is you nosy [ __ ] it's not mean toppy I'm sorry who reported is that a person well it's her her nickname I was on her birthday no okay this is amol baby she was Swiss I don't know no cuz they were started it was it was old report saying that it was a plan starting to meet mean toppy okay it means that supported something person mean topics came out no she said she was familiar with the word yes she's uh she's great so they hold true the funny [ __ ] and that's why I don't like reserved mall because one day when he ready to take this podcast to the next level oh look see look look I'm fast just try to sit overt while your [ __ ] talking about you took over the show last week now you like we know one day when he's ready which one is when wall is ready to take the show to the next level you gonna talk about him and somebody's somebody's own time when porn stars that he knows so well that he's hung out with it's 7:00 a.m. so you know you know means aathi know you know top e moppy oh no I'm inside you took a porn star through to the diner get a little big or something that sounds great bagel come on when tonight I've ever taken a porn star to [ __ ] out here [ __ ] I have it you know something I don't know I never took a porno I'm not saying I wouldn't I just said I never hell I didn't know what Joe was talking about I just never have nothing I wouldn't but I never have I never went to dinner with a point saw all right yeah unless you know something I don't know no okay you're doing her wrong toppy papi Mel I don't this I don't know her man or star dinner is a wild it's a wild a precious huh remember we ended up with a porn star dinner in Boston yeah the porn star how do you end up in those ways we can't tell you it's the same way that we always ended up with a porn star right right next to me wait what did she ordered you guys the calamari saw us beer with a lot a lot she couldn't get one for one person to be [ __ ] under the table it's ordered like I'm never this put the bill dude if you got a chick here that you're [ __ ] oh yeah you're paying that especially she's a poor sir yeah pick up the whole bill that was the funniest dinner I've ever sat in my entire lives done know that the funny is after dinner to keep keeping the real park ass is here like that you burn this [ __ ] group she wanted a whole [ __ ] [ __ ] man a whole table think they got any we think that's our girl Marinette we think that our girl sensitive so now after dinner you are walking [Laughter] cuz I definitely pay for the calamari [Laughter] martinis yeah now what now don't do that not if I fell asleep scape the word calamari give me my 47 dollars that was a phony cuz it was like a really ritzy Boston like it was like a nice yeah it was hilarious yeah it was one of them times where rappers are trying to look fancy so you go to like a nice it was like a nice spot in Boston where you know black people always got to you know be on your P's and Q's out their best mate don't worry sweater yeah oh you won't good sweater up not in the sweater days either word the wife beater dings oh using a fancy fancy that night okay and went home empty-handed okay [Music] they put all the lates coming soon crabs in a barrel yeah man [ __ ] hope try to tell you crabs don't belong in the barrel ain't never told you know every single time why does he do that a at the shows at the slaughterhouse shows he used to do that I was acapella yeah but he used to like on the ball in the end of the bar he used to drag the word nice to be [Laughter] talked about because it's Saturday night be myself guys it is a safe space Oh what else we got come on who got shot they tried to shoot it at yo Gotti's tour bus or car they said tour bus then I watched the video was a car some of the tour car tour car yeah no I don't think that was with that guy he's the red Jeep you tomorrow a lot of people got shot at in the past two days yeah you know Lucci got shot at thank God everyone is okay is this still maybe the main thing no I don't think this is in Miami you can't shoot no it's not that they can't shoot then listen it's been a bullet barrage for the past seven most yeah I mean but thank God thank God yeah well thank God thinking well whatever car I started up the old busted everybody's safe let would make it stop go home now they sprayed up Rango and I was that [ __ ] was sprayed up on every single angle I don't know how they survived that [ __ ] I don't know if I seen that truck that you talked about the one I saw I think it was like a red Jeep I was just like damn I I just understand like whit what all this [ __ ] is coming from like weird I'm not accepting it from you who keeps telling me that I'm supposed to know who has all these situations and two weeks in a row now I keep saying I don't know but I'm just saying I don't I didn't know about that a lot of these rappers had like real issues in the streets like this howdy I didn't know that well that's what I've been saying this yeah I don't know that this is nice going she was telling me that I that I'm supposed to know and that the people didn't know it's supposed to know I'm like I had no idea people are getting shot at left and right sure whoa boos you can't even park somewhere well I know I know I know uh I know Yo Gotti has over the years he's had a lot of issues and you know street dealers and [ __ ] like that that was going on I'm not sure any of us related but um these other dudes I know nothing about these beefs that they got yeah me personally I mean I don't I'm not the guy that's following peace either but I definitely didn't know about a lot of that [ __ ] that was no no we're like Rory said glad everybody is all right for thankfully no one was was killed to my knowledge and hopefully we can keep that energy going out there yeah but I told you that's not how I know that's what summer isn't that much this is what happens in the summertime to me it's not someone's home let's get nice a good once you get that nice little Nahum or 70 degrees know what time it's like that in Miami all the time I don't know if you know that all right it's certain places where it's nice all you fellows in these places are getting shot up all year that's okay most great strike against la Miami for the move guys I'm still I'm still down from LA Miami I don't know if I could move to Miami to be honest and yeah how about to say I don't know about must go to it lit I like it Lana I wouldn't be Madeline at all Oh vivacious magenta grand in there you were gonna do much trouble in Atlanta no New York say I don't know why you keep saying it guys yall just look like three [ __ ] that'd be up to no good together nah that's money I've never seen by Charles rooks yeah but knocking I could move to LA no I don't think so I was just sensing by the silence that there was a backstory but never no no okay okay I don't know if I could live in Atlanta go I like I like Atlanta but I don't know if I could live in Atlanta you would get in more trouble in Atlanta than Los Angeles yes Wow because in LA it's Seoul's everything is so spread out and it's a lot of traffic so you really don't Atlanta - nah but Atlanta's different Atlanta's traffic is not like LA traffic LA traffic you won't lead a house so the beef would like Atlanta guys calling traffic in everything it's beef oh yeah but weasel my beef oh I tell you that's a tell your you want beef no I'm some about the women so many women there's so many women in Atlanta that you can just you know LA it's got a couple - no LA has a bottom oh well write out the geography go to Houston I'm with that I get settled in Texas no yeah I meet in the middle no no thank you photos are you guys gonna tune into Kanye and Letterman sometimes you have to let things you know play out to some you know parks at wall shouldn't talk to hate each other yeah man which thing about Dallas Atlanta oh no he said I have to become like what is it oh my god any day Rory save us from this I want to see something's gonna happen man about the fight the funny thing is the funny thing is once Rory a box thought if you go say it to me talk big aside one day think of your load play you let these [ __ ] taller Parkson I don't hate each other nor do me more exactly anyway he was Kanye West unless I'm watching it well let him put out his whole low super trailer for his second season look I mean Kanye was the highlight thereafter boy this after he skipped Joe Rogan went right to Letterman what happened with that did he put out a super trailer yeah it's got Tiffany Haddish I think Ellen's on the for an interview but his series on Netflix is okay he's battling with Elliot Joe and Charlamagne let him in might be winning it cuz he's only been talking for like forty years plus all right about what about what at [ __ ] she's got a late night when was the last time you were at work in that white bag when was the last time you heard Letterman get in depth in an interview like his point is to be late night puffy oh this is some [ __ ] we talked about in the greenroom let's go with our scripted [ __ ] back and forth very surfaced like I don't need Letterman with a beard to sit onstage and ask jay-z so tell me what Brooklyn was like like I don't need that understand no I don't think Letterman is this guy and it's no knock he's a [ __ ] icon he changed late-night see but you don't think he's this guy he's jumping offense only interview them about their movie what does anybody interview [ __ ] about I did Larry Larry King does way more in-depth interviews like he sat with people and dug into they [ __ ] like someone that's sitting there with a scripted [ __ ] like alright well tell us when spider-man comes out CNN as Allah put in scripted joke here like I don't know what CNN is different then he's doing the pull-up this is new there wasn't anything that was in it so what would he have won it letting me know okay I thought he [ __ ] the Howard Stern interview up that's all I thought the J interview could have been a lot better good that was full of a lot of information that we had already gotten from every other J in if I honestly haven't seen a lot of good Howard interviews personally I think I thought I thought all the way today I think Seinfeld got more out of them in comedians getting cars than coffee that little show cuz it's only 20 minutes so they I think he's got more out of them than a sit-down with David Letterman Roy bags a good point and here's the thing you can go back go back to what I said about the Letterman Jay [ __ ] when it came out on this podcast I said I'm not mad at it because his audience knows nothing about Jay Z oh now if you're gonna go with everybody I'm not rolling with these surface ass interviews cuz he does it with people from his walk of life to not just people from hip-hop well wait a second Rory I think I just uncovered it you guys I think I uncovered where Rory's all of Rory spices coming from let's hear it no let him in any boys mom is cool Whittle car Seinfeld Lakes Carla structure if you get into it let them in like each other because I like Letterman better than Leno I know they have beef forever be for life well I'll take Letterman over Leno any day but no that's just my [ __ ] like I don't need him to try to fake it in depth like that's not what you come from you're an icon you did you changed everything with late-night TV you did an amazing show there I'm not taking any of that away from you this is just not you Lane I don't need it from you just cuz you grew a beard I do think you have a nice beard you thinking to do a Topsail if you think that Paul should be there playing the keyboard spice it up there you go okay are you gonna watch the Letterman Kanye interview of course I'm watching all the night I will say that I'm gonna watch it too I think you almost have to watch anytime Kanye's not true don't and don't miss you the platform I think any time Kanye sits down has a conversation with somebody now I think you would almost have to watch it okay but tonight because it's almost like you you almost waitin to see the crazy or wow he's gonna see out his mouth okay but do you think this is by chance that he skipped over Joe Rogan who would give him a real objective interview or Letterman to me no we would have [ __ ] tweet out do it no no [ __ ] Joe Rogan no [ __ ] you'll take the [ __ ] interview dance thank you for that breaking news anybody okay but I was like take a Joe Rogan Kanye interview uh yeah they would talk about weird [ __ ] like lasers and guns and all types of [ __ ] that I really don't know can keep people honest to a degree and has been very objective and asked real questions way more than letter in his scripted interviews his whole career so yeah I think I think Rogan for a reason and now you're going to safe letterman to do your day yeah cuz I don't even think it's because of safe I think that he would challenge him I think that oh and by the way without weirdo talk over each other he without weird him he without weird thought him yeah yeah I don't know that either Joe Rogan brings up like the most random like Frank flamethrower [ __ ] laser or surveillance [ __ ] way people that saying I hate Kanye West if I was on his team I would skip the Brogan interview too and go with Letterman so I'm not hating I I get it I would go with the safer bet - okay I would like to see Kanye Rogen oh listen as much as I'm talking yeah I would have looked at that yeah I'm not so excited to go look at Kanye and Letterman to be honest with you definitely much is gonna say I made and I know but that's just not I'm more interested in a Letterman and Alan I'd like to see how that looks yeah so you'd rather see him sit down people from his walk of life and career um I think Ellen and Kanye going to interviews today with two different agendas and they received differently I think Kanye much like we've seen from him in the past and recent whatever would be more in explanation mode damage control mode get a head of something mo - where's Ellen I think you might actually just get a genuine conversation today yes Dave is a good general conversationalist that's what I was gonna get looking for that in that interview style from him which that's why that's why I know Rory's point cuz watching it from an interview standpoint it's like this is pretty well they're giving you what they plan to give you it's already been booked in production see what I like about that which could be good what's happened you're not getting that Rogen cuz if Kanye goes nuts rogas not editing anything there's no pre-production like it's going out right and I'm done looking for people to go nuts and like yeah that's not the award no no no I feel you want to cut you a pause I don't think car is on that gold knows he's got more Wow but I don't think Kanye's on that anymore but I do think that if you sit Kayne down with somebody that he might be more comfortable to open up to I think that that leaves room for Kanye to get comfortable and say some just off the walls the thing that I do like about what Dave Letterman does with people like hope in potentially with Kanye is although he does ask surface questions that are quote unquote safe sometimes you get to more interesting answers with a safer question you don't say it lets them kind of open up and tell you a little bit more something very simple about their life that you maybe didn't really think about you don't want to hear about what he's a technical [ __ ] with music or whatever you're gonna ask like so how's life with your wife and he'll say some [ __ ] like to both ear points he's a great conversationalist he's he's one of the best to do that when you sit with a celebrity David Letterman's also one so they feel comfortable in that degree and I'm not trying to get I don't want kinda nice beard it's great beer I don't want Kanye to flip out that's not what I'm looking for similar to the interview we did with Charlemagne like I just like to hear from him right like in a candid way not in something that's a whole production where we your whole team is talk to Letterman's team and we're gonna break right here this this is the question that's coming now Kanye are you ready lights like I don't need that from him I don't want to see anyone flip out I just want honesty that's it from his interviews that they're SuperDuper produced Letterman yeah I think they're well done but I don't oh D you know I don't think it's that either I don't think it's too much talk to his publicist and don't act this and I don't think it's too much of that I think it's a lot of that maybe with the late-night show maybe but I don't think what this is no yeah I never got to evolve it you know y'all make the we know we make the joke about everybody rushing it to talk to people and you know that would leave me leave me to wondering are we oversaturated with interviews but what I think about all the different content houses and different ways to distribute and the different people involved in the ownership of these interviews we're gonna get see a lot more we're gonna see a lot more that yeah like this is probably just the beginning of that face agree agree but we're different people when we talk to different people in life like you a lot gets pulled out of you when you sit with different types of people even in your own circle different friends you behave differently not a funny ways that's just the type of vibe you have with certain people so I'm not mad at a lot of people trying to do interviews I think you get different shipping on that I'm gonna get mad when this should get oversaturated we'd start having to do don't talk at all they can't talk trying to talk that already exists the same way there's a million podcast right we're here the dope [ __ ] stays there of course you're gonna have that influx of everything because people just ride waves but it'll we'll see what's worth clicking what's worth not clicking yeah I'm just tired of seeing they can sit down and talk what other news I get it but it's like come on fam some yeah I don't even know how to have an interesting conversation in real life let alone with cameras and lights in your face like come on I cut it up but again I do hate to see a lot of [ __ ] we an oversaturated like I hate that yeah just like when everybody went to rap I hated that like that was just like like the most grungy [ __ ] to me that everybody was trying to sell happen yeah but it's not it's not it's not the reason why you don't really think about it like that anymore is because it's kind of like you can control what you hear now I feel like it's lower bail no I know it's still happening it is slow down what I like a rat like you seven years ago do you like this genre every week there's like 500 rappers that you never heard that pop up on the new releases genre but hit that saying but now you can't but you can roll sure huh can you imagine the old era where everyone wrapped and streaming existed and you could upload it yourself so it would be Jesus but because we control what we hear in and what we listen to now I think that kind of saves us from hearing a lot of [ __ ] because once we like a record we put it in our phone and make a little playlist like we don't ever have to hear anything outside of our players if we don't want to I listen to five new hours a week download their album listen to it delete it you're better than us no there's still a lot of new rappers you cracked the code yeah no I didn't have fun torturing myself that's kind of Memaw and porks were talking in the kitchen before that's a weird segue but it works we were talk about the dudes that that like date a lot like you'll be only like four dates a week and how on earth do you try to get to know four people in one week yes good to know all these rappers that's a lot for me in a year to try to get to know for new people yeah serial daters aren't saying yeah but it's rude oh I know some news that are out on a date all the time that's good like be the most exhausting [ __ ] in the world to try to get to know and let someone get to know you expensive to four times a week it's tiring and it's expensive did it that [ __ ] adds up just in New York City even if even if you did even if you did like two dates a week but consistently yeah a lot that [ __ ] add up yeah and not just financially is just a lot yeah the time commitment in driving or getting a boob er or whatever alone and the cost of ubers alone adds up I'm talking about capacity in my taxing just texting on the soul cuz cuz even the spirit even the most reasonable people in 2019 still want some type of text conversation during the day even if it's not crazy we know we both busy the reasonable people right you still gotta text them mmm and then you try to do that with two different people a week on top of your family your friends and whatever you do for money do your girlfriend and if you got a girl any day in these huncles that sounds horrible exactly yes that's nasty yes exhausting okay imagine I'd like to interview a serial dater that's gonna be my my tongue could be your cut a piece I would love to talk to someone that dates that that many times a week I think Ted Bundy was a serial dater he's did some other things serial - yes I still gotta watch that - the Bundy movie you see it no keep going sweet you'll like it that's product that's probably Zac Efron's best movie I'm not really hip with his whole decide along with you I don't know I'm just saying that right bill first of all neighbors too no I'm just saying like that's that I think this is gonna be the movie that puts him in a different category in Hollywood I think this role is gonna do I don't know bad grandpa like was really you would pry it back Robert De Niro wasn't it yeah but nothing I think this is the one for Zac Efron though I think this changes his career serious [ __ ] ya know I filled you say yeah because he's been getting that you know his the handsome little bubblegum [ __ ] yeah he's been getting a lot of that [ __ ] but this is like showing that he can really like get into a character and really act like he did a great job with that you know I see what you're saying you know man you like it if you like it is pretty easy yeah your type of [ __ ] it's decent no let's go back to Todd Alice on for a minute because we kind of breezed over it part of me yeah we've been on here for a while saying that Todd needs that album more earlier you were saying that Berg said this would be that album and from the sound of that snippet that sounds like my favorite song from how am I having hurt do we think this is going to be that album for ty if so what will have happened different because we all like this last album what we'll have going on to make people receive it different is it gonna sound different it's gonna be delivered different I think maybe he said this was the first single so that makes me believe that we are gonna hear some more [ __ ] soon yeah I think the only difference that I would think this album would be is uh more features from the bigger artists because I was gonna say him coming out with a coal feature from the rip yeah it's different and he said Todd dollar has new Kendra goes less oh well I'm not telling the album just I'm on the knowledge because it's normally an LA dude or just an LA Bop right it's never like but tom has dope bodies of work like his beach house series his first album like he puts out his album with uh with Jeremiah like he puts out dope music that's not the thing I think when artist has to break into that next level as he has to start making records with those artists that are already there and once you make those records with artists that already at that next level that now puts you in that room in that conversation like okay he did songs with these dudes and delivered like the records were crazy and I think that that's what this album I'm guessing that that's what this album is gonna be Fattah but now he becomes the regular name in the room with all of the big artists see I feel like he's had records with big names oh yeah I was gonna say like maybe this would be more personal but his first table was pretty personal so I hope that maybe it's just delivered better by whoever's releasing the album to us that will deliver him to the next tier except his music is always good he's great a one features in the past he's a great production been great songs yeah I think ty has heard that [ __ ] that everyone has said wise to keep giving everyone all the dope [ __ ] and being the best feature on every record and then kind of neglecting even though we love the beach house [ __ ] I love free TC was one of my favorite albums that year you're diggin of course which I always I think I think he's heard just wonderful I think that he's heard that that old news always wanna dig deep no just trying to see how progressive you are I think he's heard that for from from all social media [ __ ] of ty keeps given always [ __ ] away like we need that one ty album so I think he's actually be really particular with his features I don't think I think with free TC and his other albums beach house he kind of runs free with features it'll be random where I'll put like a huge artist and then a not so huge artist on the same song I think he's gonna be real particular I think this is gonna be his more album album than he's ever done rather than just running rampant in the studio and just throwing people on [ __ ] [ __ ] all that man when he's single [ __ ] music I'm outta here time down top down in the wind that's what what is do okay Tomasz muffins we had day 70 I like ray did not like this energy this is what I liked like this unlike this energy time rolling loud rumor to be headed to NYC won't be any Governors Island mayor's island on island I won't be another to Island I'll be rolling any loud no everyone check to make sure you should as I I feel like they heard this podcast and said you know you'll pull up yeah get out here keep that [ __ ] right in Miami all right take your job and I go come out after Rory sounds like a great [Music] amount so for this next to you might know Lana did know it was going you you have no thoughts on on Tasha I'm anxious I'm anxious it disappoints me that ty is one of those people that takes so much time between albums but he does so many features works on so many people she does so many roughs that probably are never released he does he works hard so it's tough for me to criticize him for that I just want to hear the project and I hope it's his best and most cohesive body of work and we're the safe ones but you know I'm looking forward to it I hope it's this best body of work I hope there's good producers and producers on it nothing nothing about what I'm saying is new I said this before here I've what I'm gonna pick the tight Opik to go on the ledge we're gonna do there you know he need to give us some real vocals yeah buzzing ad heat the end he does that word yeah I'm just I'm wrong only because like I said Berg hit us and gave us all that extra so it's like I well let's see but if that's the lead single then okay I understand why eat sexist a energy burger awesome yeah seeing you out on the blog that's a speed that's funny don't call my speed is you know Johnny said he asked me about my speed all right let's see what else is important in the universe nothing did y'all see did y'all see ghosts ghosts reply about their Beyonce kiss no no dress so I saw the title I didn't click it though he addressed it so clicked it [Laughter] and the opinions formulated into joke come from everybody not from the comedian right then it can go to a place where you can not necessarily be of offense let's keep it real basically bro [ __ ] become corny yeah I don't want to hear you leave that to Kevin who's a friend of mine let him talk about me hug and Beyonce anybody else talking about it who's not of comedic value because that's their actual gift right Richard Pryor was a comedic genius so unless you flip it with a very creative reality and and I get to meet you in the flesh say that [ __ ] to my face come to Bill relax there between the random tweets get you another of you stop right there what does he get like a good point wait so did someone say sir no I need context Logue played again who was the non comedian that said something that he approached the unions formulated into Joey appeal for everybody to joke not from the comedian right and again go to a place where you can not necessarily feel the words let's keep it real with you right then it's gonna become corny yeah I don't want to hear you and our [ __ ] you leave that to Kevin who's a friend of mine everyone let him talk about me hug and Beyonce anybody else talking about it is not immediate value cuz that's their actual gift don't Richard Pryor was a comedic genius you know unless you flip it you never saw a very creative reality and I beat you in the flesh say that [ __ ] to my face and when I see you it's good this is the finished Luc yeah you've seen what happened to came in I get it he receives and you know I could find parking anywhere he received some heat from home over that people over what the internet was saying yeah cuz when he randomly through Richard prize negative Jeremiah was a bullfrog [ __ ] you talking about Richard Pryor was a comedic dude okay what do you think the other point it was brutal with that he didn't prove anything with that he was saying in that well you don't think he was saying unless you have a gift to be able to flip a situation into something else then mind your business okay so why why is his rant okay unless you gonna say when you see me well what's his real name I don't want to call him my Mario Mario Mario with that [ __ ] well he seems so serious about this so why is this but in his defense he does always seem serious but why maybe see these ghosts but he are you serious no that's from what from what he shows I miss this I could see him reacting with some with some anger and some heat a little bit of spite it's it was a moment the Internet have fun with it's okay like you given all that is like people was really like Charlie Rich prior to you worry MoBay I'm not Richard Pryor well I'm a little confused why this is okay you're garbage but when great when Ray J when Ray J gets up there and says fab is not a comedian and it's okay when Kevin Hart does it cuz he a comedian we all got a had the exact same thing we killed him wasn't Richard Pryor when they just tell their publicist yo dollars right now if you're gonna say that about any article then yeah we all know I'm just saying I don't know what this bootie bugs me I don't know I think we're not here so I would assume that he made all I know is we had more people eating right here could beat me if he hit me over the head with a scooty buy yeah you don't sleep yeah guarantee that [ __ ] has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth what if I got a scoot e bike to whoever get hit first with the school you back over the head losers very simple we gonna make that that's you're gonna crack your [ __ ] head opening I love very good I would never fight them a little school you buddy I want a scoop I don't even know what find them she's dying to know what more food is more you nobody will ever tell me I'd be asking them strong I don't spend my money but I do as [ __ ] graph it's how you ask the rest of us coming sweater yeah excuse me just a rated [ __ ] yeah yeah you know movin upon maybe seeing them never mind you never surprising it yeah you gotta be surprised to know what I spend my money you tell us I don't spend money I don't I don't do [ __ ] I really don't do [ __ ] that was it that's all I said I want to take a vacation I don't do nothing you wanna take a vacation while you're a chiming on it or a little guys trip cause he doesn't want to take a vacation with that no no that we can at that at that time I'm already booked in June that week that we just decided after oh don't worry I don't think that should happen at all not so sure I got [ __ ] up some [ __ ] I got to do that week oh let's see let's congratulate B died on his MTV gig round of applause to him round of applause a job you got how do you know that I don't even know that no you st. great job get a quality job betta great job B dot yes we don't know if it's a great job yeah great yeah good job for being a part of such a storied brand that we all know and love hopefully you are able to go come on give me a Z could be a VJ definitely doing nice I saw him in little nas X serving it up don't ever say serving it up another little nas X interview when you meet them you say you don't need damn first first rap radar break up and every day I wake up somebody got a problem with oh it's over for rap radar there but I don't want to seem like he's a VJ VJ for MTV no I'm just I don't think people anything at that point like was that good you get the logo or Rory this cup is going down buddy the cup is going down oh this [ __ ] Fred and the lug the holeshot chugalug Chuck really I heard chuckle oh oh chug chug chug you know like you saved more from Nate but it's cool no I wasn't I just don't know that people are watching MTV for videos anymore well I'm sure it's for the Internet I'm sure always everybody even that I don't think nobody's tell y'all [ __ ] hate on everybody but I just be trying to understand what these companies have like hey were you darlings did that dad that may be true but I just don't understand like what these companies see these [ __ ] know what they what did they planted like nobody I don't think people are watching MTV cooking on MTV for videos I don't know they played videos that's why I don't think that's what his job is that I think he's just interviewing artists with him - yeah sure the same take back ya know I was right I was a belong in the ocean oh [ __ ] right I was looking for information or something they don't know about to be talking grass on the corner gig man yeah most importantly and I'm still rollin with rap radars breaking up cuz now they interviewing different people with this conflict of interest mmm I'm rolling on that theory listen that's the first time listen I'm even able to get break up and be cool with you that's the first time I'm able to hear break up a beautiful move it seven yeah most seven days Chris Rock is revamping saw yes Chris Chris Rock the comedian and yes so is he in it I don't know me he should be he should be the dude he's he saw what Jordan Peele did and said nah yeah here are needles unless he's in the move I don't understand I just [ __ ] just be out here doing [ __ ] hey what the [ __ ] is going on I didn't know sorry sometimes repo you wanted to hate on what's you know what she was going oh no oh no this redo I love saw okay all nine of them I thought it was a severely underrated I thought that people didn't pay enough attention to the actual psychological clown here we go involved in saw and I was sad to see it go away so if Chris Rock is gonna bring back I'm cool I agree what y'all Jordan Peele it didn't go away how many souls are there it's like what was this or no it's like a now now miss or eight cuz homeboy Shawn ever one died but he had a mentor and huh oh yeah the chick like his daughter or something all right no okay jigsaw so don't go away listen either way I'm gonna watch whatever Chris Rock is doing I'd like to see his interpretation of it I'd like to see if it's different at all I miss all here I saw you oh I guess you seesaw huh your seesaw enough I know enough enough we should have waited for cabbage on the dropouts we're what else we got uh what else we got about our Chris rocking arm and his saw a remake I'm gonna see it I don't care if y'all laugh at me no I'm see - I'll see ya I think we're seesaw okay yeah yes Oh seesaw yes seesaw we're going to seesaw seesaw nein Lionsgate was like a meticulous run the scripting we loved it and here we are that was a press release oh he wrote it mmm okay Chris Rock wrote didn't him so that was the press release house could be hilarious I don't see a funny song so try to say funny song I'm he saw and this is the actual quote Chris Rock is teaming with Lionsgate and twisted pictures for a fresh reimagining on the next Saw movie it's gonna be funny I don't like when they could say reimagine I don't know a movie when Chris Rock came to us and described in chilling detail his fantastic vision first of all I want saw to be fantastic or chill is fantastic and I don't want to have a very imagined and a spin off of the world of the notorious jigsaw killer we were all in yeah gonna see so you still in first of all this is funny said Lionsgate motion picture group chairman Joe Drake that's his real name's name is Joe Drake that's Joe that's Joe on yeah Wednesday's congratulations what else what else do you guys have for me I don't I definitely not want to go see a funny so that's all I'm saying if it's not scary and [ __ ] suspense for what if the alternate universe of jigsaw is hilarious knows no parks no Aladdin's coming out you're gonna see that no you just don't want to see would do good uber put quiet mode finally on this [ __ ] will send me that's actually oh right a driver can't talk he had a drive we gotta shut the [ __ ] up yeah but but I thought that was a little offensive that it's like only on the black and what's the other expensive other ex that's wild that I have to pay extra for someone not to talk to me like no one finds that odd that they just put it with those that is on testing just a beta version beta so we're gonna do we got a broker usually they do it with the broke people and then bring it to the rich mother who works [ __ ] know they talk me know how that's just so stupid like as a over driver if I'm going to pick up a passenger and it says that they had the thing or where I can't talk to them like I don't know if I'm take like that to me that's just like what do you mean I can't talk to this person that's in my car like that that's just the weirdest [ __ ] in the world I mean it's a natural thing that talk to somebody we're getting in strangers cars once we're 20 so weak for three years you have come in here and said you hate the uber driver and why do they keep talking I've never said they should shut that well I've never said especially the girl never said stop mind on me I've never said why is the girl now that I [Music] know I have a thing about women I'm not comfortable with me driving me like I just it's just weird to me sorry I don't like women driving me that's weird because this is from like a gentleman joke series I just feel weird when a woman comes and picks me up in rooms lighting yeah you can't hold the door for her yeah like if I like a woman guy I had luggage one time she hopped out in like was trying to pick the host like yo like I got the luggage am will do it yeah I just don't like like I don't know just for weird family small still with us yeah y'all just trying to make jokes no no no this mall would say that she can also carry the big bag it doesn't matter pick up my luggage yeah I'm not letting a woman pick up my luggage some other team all beat me in pink I'm not lettin ya not today you gotta fight you gotta catch me next week dirty that sweatshirt this is I don't know why I keep saying it's a lavender you take that off and put that right to the cleaners on this Airport swag is crazy this nuts we go to the kiosk check inbound set yes yeah at the gate yeah okay lane that's right yeah boy at all on the plane already all them cables way they got stop me every single time good wrap every case I would stop you too if I saw your ticket and saw you only had cables in your back to go to Denver with chaos cables you know it's cold up where your drawers what are you gonna do after you shower [Laughter] hey alright what are you wearing the next day about the nighttime what's the nighttime yeah what you're giving them at night grilling parts so yeah we are in Chicago tonight that's gonna be a whole lot of fun yeah really look forward to getting out there and engaging with you guys love Chicago oh yeah me too and I really need a deep-dish deep-dish none for you guys don't dick eat and tomorrow we are in Detroit that should be a lot of fun as well I'm gonna get that pizza of the first beginning oh my god yeah we thought my New York and Chicago whatever Peter that is Jets Jets in Michigan that's what we do it the the Sweetwater Wings in Detroit are really good too okay you get that we'll bring the pizza cool sounds like a party trying to go out and Detroit no nope wasn't watching Game of Thrones buddy first of all I saw what our management did and put us two hours outside of Detroit yeah wait we staying by the University of Michigan or some [ __ ] Jesus keep it's great over there no you'll like it um no I didn't I didn't plan on going out don't try to get us to help you find cash doll no no I stand with you how's my head Oh to see if she was in town have a come out before sleeper yeah that would be dope thought about it within what happened what happened to the door I just didn't I don't have no way I'm not gonna DM cash though 20:19 people even text were people that have my jock and guilty to come in contact with her without DM Oh cuz you went tune with the streets mmm oh yeah just hit the streets that's all just a couple phone calls are bad I'm not gonna be the damn guy well you do both David dmn hit the streets not gentlemanly then you've done when you hittin the streets you can jump back in the DM and hit unsent the streets got there quicker what about what you hit a city like I saw that oh yeah you guys you got just like you got a blocker now take a step further guy I've got a block you can't tell me you've just seen to unsend unsend don't make me feel secure like especially cuz they could see when you unsend something other kid yeah wait so what's the point on sending along if they can't see them Joe yeah this is getting that listen they they trying to clean it up can't creep no more they seen all that activity how many times you watch the first of all that's my personal data right now wait am I'm with him on that that is that is our personal decimation don't don't tell me how much I've been watching you oh wait see we've left we laughed earlier so ain't really get to it but uh speaking of personal data I only was bringing this up because Erica supposedly went in safari phone and he was texting Nikki like you know I love you was good no that's not what he brilliant no no don't tell me that from her say that one what's up Erica went and safaris phone allegedly allegedly I don't want to be a chatty patty allegedly but don't you say allegedly it's okay no but I'm gonna do man I'm about to be a chatty panic okay she wouldn't his phone and he was in it he had a lot going on he was texting Nikki bug I love you he renamed it you should be able to text you acts that you love her when you engaged no [ __ ] no no don't trying to give me single like you so fun ya know if you are engaged oh yeah exes that you love know a if you love ya hu should be able to tell you actually do love it well if you love you probably shouldn't be engaged to the woman that why why women have us trained to think like this I know it's wrong but I can't say I agree is wrong so if my [ __ ] ex say Alyssa okay so it's always this simple would you be upset if you went in her phone and she was texting first well I'm never going in a chick phone I ain't gonna be upset over nothing cuz I don't know what the [ __ ] you doing in there know what I'm saying if you do go into chicks phone I deny she's texting her ex that she loves him would you be no do you love him no what you would be upset about that now you telling me what I would be you would be upset about that I hate when em all tells me would you walk past me you a man I'm a man texting another dude I love you you that's a human thing no sign of insecurity okay it's no I'm not saying you can't you add some with that person you love them yeah but you can see but you're still communicating that to that person that's what a problem comes in it well somebody in that communicator but you can't out of respect for your new relations what Josiah sounds really good on paper right now you can't because you as a man as a man you would be upset about that I wouldn't know if you saw you if your girl was texting her ex I love you communicating having lunch with people you would be mad about mall mall you being an extremist and I didn't say all that I'm not saying I'm saying L by men but huh I didn't say having ongoing conversations where you just steady divulging your [ __ ] expressing your love I didn't say going Alan did that's expressing your love telling them you love them no I didn't say none of what you just said you took it to an extreme I said you can tell your ex or whoever the [ __ ] you used to do with that you love them if you love them and it shouldn't be a slight toward anybody else that's what you're saying it should make it not a continued behavior it's not personal to nobody else what the [ __ ] mean loving one person got to do with somebody else why are you business no but you can't but you got you have to understand how a woman would be upset as I do that you and the man would be upset as well but I would argue it every time I would argue it every time I'm not never gonna beat a [ __ ] here to now tell you how to maneuver or who to feel something for in hooda no no you don't look like the know you know you don't never do that but I'm just saying if you if you was to go to your girl's phone and see her telling her it's worth it that she loves him you would be you would feel sorry about I guess it would depend on the context you know it doesn't it doesn't matter it does matter if it may tell it if you haven't you ever like suicidal or some [ __ ] or they just lost their mom or something and you're just like oh I feel some type of way when and I've said this before twin chicks don't talk to the ex when you don't have nothing positive to say about your ex no not having nothing positive to say and talking to your ex or two different things yeah only there's nothing wrong with loving yax communicating with this person still and expressing that to that person that could be a problem and that can cause problems in your new relationship that's all I'm saying that's what I'm not saying you can't you gotta stop loving somebody know some sometimes you sometimes you'll see your ex or you'll have a text conversation or phone conversation with your ex maybe once in a year maybe once in a year and a half and maybe it's a pleasant conversation and maybe that Pleasant congregation ends with you know I love you I love you to the end you're going about your business I'm what all I'm saying is I don't think the data Xchange should be taken person to by anybody know now that exchange not the concept yeah all the context is very context in that yeah do you write about that no there's nothing wrong with that I'm saying if it's just a Thursday night and you go to a pharmacy like y'all love you don't say you see that yeah that's like wait wait you mean like Game of Thrones no [ __ ] you but on the flip side of that it's a fairy if you're engaged if you're engaged and again engagement today is is different because people just move different today but if you engage for better or for worse that's what you're preparing for so don't tell me that now you bring it up because you want somebody phone and they said I love you to somebody mm-hmm well that's that's a whole what were you willing to tolerate that's a whole deep conversation for better or for worse I just think our entire generation doesn't take the wedding vows seriously at all our generation doesn't take well I don't think they listen during that then we don't even take relationship seriously well I think a lot of people today have a hard time dealing with things and I hate to be that guy but maybe because of social media mm-hmm I think a lot of people have a hard time getting in touch with their feelings getting such their emotions actually sitting with it handling it in a healthy progressive way I think a lot of people today just suppress [ __ ] or just run to their phone to preoccupy themselves so that they can escape from whatever's going on and it's not the healthiest way to live people put their business publicly in on social media platforms too much and now you're allowing other people that don't have your best interest that don't know you you're allowing them to voice opinions on your relationships and say things and you're reading these things and you're giving it energy or responding it's like why are you even bringing these people into your relationship like that that's that's the problem I think that people want to show and share their relationships with people that don't ultimately care a term like that yeah and if you don't do so there must be something wrong with your relationship what you mean if you don't share that's what I'll be laughing yeah feel like one girls tell me oh how come we'll be hiding her know about him I just like to keep my personal life to me personally like like no knowledge is in stores now that part yeah so I mean I don't again if you texting your ex I love you in context understand but it can cause problems in your relationship I can see how that will cause a problem have you all seen know the trailer for the new black mirror no I saw like a I don't know if it's a trailer I saw something in live a picture where the dude was like a broken glass or something yeah I think that's the picture for the super trailer it's a super truck it's a super trailer well I think I don't know I just like the term super troll even if the trailer is not super it's super trailer just means a longer trailer no it was pretty sure we're going to show you more of the best parts of that Bandersnatch yeah yeah now did another DEATH past we can be honest about that wasn't what the [ __ ] that was a waste of a Saturday morning yeah yeah choose-your-own-adventure get so hype about having options shiro no more and she wasn't greatest oh but this does look good I think three stories technologies taking over you know the whole gambit by now sorry oh yeah that's support so I saw okay so I saw three stories I don't know how that breaks down episodically okay but it's three stories not sure that they're telling oh it looks good so check it out that's all I got there that's not a ad I promise we wouldn't even know what black mirror if it wasn't a door not that you didn't even know the ad is in the mirror look in the mirror to see what we trying to sell you selects was hard to tell it's a two-way mirror I want you see out and be black if you want to be black in this marriage I just want to go home and be black in the mirror that's all holdin a poem I take I get excited about naps now was with anybody hi when they found out what black merriment hi I'm not high right now so what does it mean your phone is is a mirrors of black mirror it's the screen wait the screen is kind of like a mirror in this black look at that one do you see it right and you're not high yet but when you get home from the bathroom appreciate that I pad your laptop like I turn it off all right so Khalid released his tracklist finally right before we end thank God Mall it's saved the day break it down Joe deep down I don't have a deep dive let's see I lost it here we go all right holy mountain that sounds like it's fire yeah check out the whole holy mountain at the started album is there let's see who's on that Buju sizzler Lovato and shake and it might be cool we're trying to see how shake fits into that yeah dancehall Records she's dope so maybe tonight we're digging wish wish Khalid featuring Cardian 21-7 jealous featuring Chris Brown Lil Wayne big show mmm I could see some just jealous Meg yeah first of all lil wayne loved rapping about this [ __ ] Chris Brown a Big Show and Big Show and they gonna kill that verse they think all of us is Josie no just us featuring scissor that should be nice I think that's the only one without another feature just us well I'm single damn oh let's get that one yeah let's get that regular we can't be just a fuss I'm alone now you and me and Brooklyn up you stay a featuring meek mill Balvin little JB's some Jeremiah Jeremiah sneak on to something they call the reference hooks sometimes they just keep yeah yeah celebrate Callie featuring Travis Scott and post Malone that sounds like I might want to celebrate something to that Travis Scott and post those are the two celebrating [ __ ] higher Callie featuring nipsey and John alright we know what that's about won't take my soul Calla featuring hace lo creo come on I mean come on about not taking a soul take an Ozzy's soul oh oh let's see here weather the storm Khaled featuring Meek Mill a little baby that should be good crimes good with those guys yeah big boy talk featuring Jeezy and Rick Ross two guys that we want to hear big boy talk from freaking you feature in little Wayne and gonna that's gonna be a skip for me top off featuring khaled jay-z future and B wasn't that one I don't care how many dropped off they have no brainer can we've heard that one Callie just another chance and wave oh that's a no-brainer just skip from me thank you featuring Khalid big Sean I hate when they just thank people in this song skip for me Holy Grail the dick what holy ground Khalid featuring Buju Banton again yeah I want to hear that yeah let's have fun so by the time this every soul comes I heard out what do you think is gonna be the best won't break it off the South doesn't Selah no how does he look or maybe the Dipsy records it actually higher yeah wasn't what to was what your favorite song is already alright well let me try to do something nice thing I'm gonna go with I'm a pig this is a record track for just us just us it's just uh I'm gonna go with jealous no it's dated I just feel like when they when they whatever song they think is that that [ __ ] they put it at four okay well no I mean putting scissor dolo they put that for a reason yeah it didn't need another feature it looks brolic I feel like scissors been in the studio working on our own [ __ ] perfect opportunity to use Khalid [ __ ] as a springboard for your own I think scissors gonna steal the show I'm gonna go with big boy took Paul G zeroes I'm a big dumb one I feel like they uh they always wonder those records together oh okay oh it's more of a roast beat than it cheesy but I can't wait to you and ice argue about that record he texts me about two years and I was like yo right no you did this exactly got it I'm glad Ross's own here I want to hear that yeah I'm gonna go with that one so actually when she was only more mm-hmm yeah but I want to hear him one Wayne is on that I think the most that everyone right - I think it's three Buju so - whose use on 2-inch right row Kayla knows how to put records together man I was looking shortest record yeah that this looks a little shorter does that tell me that is about average I'm sure his like 20 joint 27:27 is some [ __ ] but him condensing it this way I don't know if it maybe tells me that he's a bit more confident in some of these records major key at 14 grateful a million three so that's not that's not an average between the two of those average yeah so average Caledonia okay all right we'll see how it sounds man yeah and none left to do well but listening to music they the people know how it sound at this point but we have to see how yeah I think that sound good yeah you know if you don't I'll be the first one to come in here and tell you yeah right I mean you're right I'm not you got mad Patty's and y'all y'all on rock nation not me he's my patient your [ __ ] burrito Mountain yellow rock well you want epic and you epic too so I'm not on Epic nobody would even make that case did I'm whatever you want everything I'm not on every label so Cali put out a bunch of og post real quick obviously tracklist which we talked about but he put out the schedule for the actual videos again you know this already because this comes out Saturday but midnight higher may seventeenth he's putting out four videos one on May 18th then to one May 20th okay I think that's kind of different he gave us the wrong show yeah different innovative yeah I like it yeah that's pretty cool yeah I mean you had to imagine though which we talked about him doing so much pre album didn't know he was gonna OD posted yeah yeah that's great yeah I like that strategy I think that's really dope draw this Drago Salman tired of albums just coming and going after a week got everybody would do that all day were labs been that much money shoes videos that's a lot of videos probably all these are part of that video roll out for sure hell yeah good film good film go cow it man yeah anything else we forgot no cuz nothing really a penis [ __ ] week everybody enjoy your weekends man don't stress too much focus on the good things beautiful weather outside do you ready listen man what's my little poem that I like to say Oh life is a series of moments and moments passed so let's make this one last as if it's all that we have please keep us in your prayers lord knows we need to be there until next time I bid you adieu peace adios arrivederci hasta LaVista deuces one yo hit me later y'all me call you back this mother lion notice the label calling I got him off the phone with yo does the label call it a black ball and he was dropped from the label poor feet man alright till next time one
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 400,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2019, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, 248, episode 248, keep it a buck, dj khaled, david letterman, ty dolla sign
Id: f2C95PYWyF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 39sec (6159 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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