The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 239 | Wedding Cake and Chocolate Tye

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all y'all [ __ ] man definitely said [ __ ] before cuz he's too big microphone check one two what is this welcome to the Joe Budden podcast episode 238 239 speeding through aren't we episode 239 of the gel button podcast I'm your humble and gracious host Joe button few y'all [ __ ] ask me why when i'ma stop saying that I'm humble and gracious when I stop being humble and gracious and I am homily gracious oh no time so ah go ahead thank you to the right of me my favorite coal to the right what am I saying oh he woulda fuel my nearest and dearest friends Mallis here parks is here Rory is here Erikson is here and save on is here and I'm not certain that you guys are my friend still because you are my co-workers hmm what does that mean can't be friendly co-workers not while you're in a relationship no no cuz interesting you have to divvy up that time mm see sin think when I go do a podcast there's a trend of time no I am potting that's true and maybe on a hot Sunday or something I want to see my friends so you have to separate it sometimes interesting okay yeah yeah cuz she say yo you just saw them yeah yeah no so yeah um what's up [ __ ] is going on has anybody feeling good feeling great you're looking good I'm trying man you know I see you now must be nice purple off the plate that don't do that man no I mean you know nice little weekend I'll try to take the Amy off now caught up with mostly to Amy Amy may they put up on a little sleep you know that's what I do this couple playoff games okay go we go nice man weekend get'em it was a good weekend to be a man man we can't eat a man weekend Superbowl the playoffs March Madness by those are the only times we're like your girl understands yeah I figured out why D on this you gotta get out my faith for the next but they stay cool cuz we're in the House today cool knows and lately I know what had [ __ ] know but women women like that he's in the house [ __ ] for like maybe a week and then they get too comfortable now they want to know what you were doing in the house oh it's so great he's here but that doesn't last very long yeah now it's what you doing in the house yes you don't want to get out oh girl they get out is with them no like they want to get out with you exactly it's not like you go out by yourself and do man [ __ ] with your homies just like no let's go do something together I figured we go do brunch symbionts in utilizes the the man alone time now to creep out on her own and I don't really want that like that's the thing more you gotta be careful what you see every time thin leaves to go have fun cuz she go and have fun drinks with her friends whatever whatever they do up there I'll be thinking of their good good thing that she don't know just how much I enjoy when I'm just home and she's not like when you when you enjoy yourself I don't know the difference when you move in with your girl you don't get that alone time at home anymore ever you don't women don't understand how much you appreciate just like I I'm in my space by myself I know and sin got the nerve to look up at the TV when Lauren London it's all about you don't possess people you just experienced you want to give a little extra head nod in tier doing that well what's our favorite thing to do when you like finally got the house to yourself and how can I start a fight while we crying in the funeral wish our favorite thing to do when y'all like finally got the curb to yourself I like to put the AC on really low yeah yeah open the windows and the doors yeah girls behold the window and the a/c on is great don't understand some of the dumb things we do just to get it off yeah like just I feel good with the window open and the [ __ ] yeah baby I want to be cold girls hate being cold they do I don't think there's anything I do special when they leave now but beat off that's sick and I believe you okay the house are not big enough to get it off when she's there that's true so she kind of got away and I'll be right in the Attic with naked vibe hey what do you think I'm in kindergarten pull my pants down to my knees like oh that's why that's why okay where she got it but if we're having more transparency sometimes when you home alone dressed and you think to yourself cuz all men have thought it don't juggle all minute though she's got a free minute let me go beat my dick real quick when you try to pull the pants down to your knees and the jerk I'll start getting good your knees is like handcuffs but then you really feel stupid when midway in the jerk now you've taken your pants off calling your foot oh yeah so I don't like seeing things like that in the podcast because y'all don't come in here and be vulnerable about anything y'all sure y'all just laugh at my goofy day but a surger go in attica speaking the bat when you sneak in the bathroom on a late night and take your shirt off and try to leaning against a cold shower that's a terrible place to jerk off the bathroom ya know now when you're looking for efficiency sometimes when it's gonna go crazy and you can't clean it up you just stand up in jizz and a sink right [Music] [Laughter] [ __ ] beaten up in the kitchen yeah then what type of Marcia we not start with that conversation we have constant kings over anything the question was because y'all live with our girl so it was like when y'all get a long time in the house so yeah I dance I sit quietly in the couch and then jerk off this is where we record great miscount great no I know as well she did have another discuss but anyway this is the Wednesday night of Saturday so let's actually speak about constructive things we would you guys like to start I'll tell you where to start I thought I thought that we were gone April 26 honestly no no jokes no jokes aside I thought that I haven't been keeping up with the actual because we're yeah I know and yeah I assumed that we were gone oh yeah no I know the twenty six to eight would does seem like it's a big day and it seems like we would be gone yeah there's a lot of things going on that day Avengers has come well I bought the Avengers tickets that I thought I was gonna have to just not see right okay and then Hove announced or everybody affiliated with home announced that he would yeah yeah he would be doing he's reopening grand reopening of Webster Hall April 26th how long they been uh for a month some changes that's it we was just there for the closing with Rory we did I not feel it like a real mutt for being there for the closing of something and now for the opening I see why you're not a number one market so yeah so the grand reopening of Webster Hall iconic venue of dope venue East East Village New York City and Hove is doing the b-sides part two that's important because he did he's done joel has done a lot of [ __ ] he's done besides one yeah which I didn't make it to he's done yeah he's done a reasonable doubt 20 years something 15 years something he's done on it logged yeah yeah he's done limp Biskit or one of those Radiohead I don't know it's done a lot of [ __ ] and I've normally never wanted to go mmm ever wanted to go this one I wanted to go to yeah and I was really angry I was really upset like I felt the way about how upset I was at thinking we weren't gonna be around but now we're going well we're not going we're gonna be here as what I'm saying right yeah so I think I'm gonna go I think it'll be nice nope I mean come on yeah I'm definitely go already knew I sent that text you hit hope said yeah you are good you are getting better and I would like to go to this shop yes G you are getting better spec before yeah but I just want to let you know me I had vet I will everything yeah listen and I love your sorry first yeah think you're getting better bro cuz if I if I have to be totally honest that is the reason that I don't normally go to concerts the songs that the artist is gonna perform most the times it's not they're not gonna be the songs that I'm looking for their new album or whatever my favorite oh my even with these legacy acts like holes like his last b-side concert we did hit C that's where it gets tricky because somebody besides our hits to uh come and give me think there's been a murder back People's Court uh-oh here early this morning like that's a B side if I can play it I don't hear anything playing oh my god oh my goodness gracious oh my god I missed that sound me too see this is a b-side but for hold it's not a b-side this would be like a decide yes right yes was that even oh no no no yeah that wasn't no no what no now heap this was packaged with show me how to do this on a clue tape and then he decided to put show me how to do this on blueprint the first one but I think it was like a bonus thing I think no this wasn't lyrical exercise wasn't lyrically oh my god yeah she was on but that's the tough thing with artists like them yeah besides could have been the fourth single Jesus Joseph huh I said that's things with artists like hole where the fourth single is not a b-side what's a whole b-side today I wouldn't well like he did like politics as usual but the first one like records like that we're besides the evils in order yeah that was a hit besides if there's a such thing as a surprise sighs let you know that no but that's what I'm saying yeah but that's why actually does does b-side even exist today well the definition changed because I mean the b-side was the other side of the record right when uses when you sent the single right so if we're going off that definition it doesn't exist period mm-hmm is it the album cut is that a b-side now yeah it's not a single is just a better album cut was never on an album type thing I feel like the b-side would have to be on what do the kids call a b-side today I don't know page I have no idea or only made the sound Club you can have I don't know if y'all noticed you keep the sneak and all these records out there nobody's talking about him but he's sneaking them out here I'm just throwing it out there they know them I've heard coz of my old boozy point with having to pick a single and support it and move behind it and get people to move on it until sneaking records out I don't know that means but just throwing out there now what were we saying about a b-side do they exist yeah what's the definition of it's because I guess oszi that that's why I bring it up because when you just throw a record out and it don't move you get away with calling it a b-side right but that don't mean you thought it was a b-side no like we don't have actual maxi singles to determine what is a b-side right or cassette singles yeah and I guess that's why Ross was really good that he would put out the mixtape and whatever everyone gravitated toward that's the single nail we're gonna use that one for that mm-hmm and a lot of people end up doing the opposite put a bunch of [ __ ] out like nah that was just I was a loosey like nah Finn you put money behind that she didn't work yeah I guess I would need hold to say I don't need him say anything but if he said like I was doing an album cut show it would mean something different then I'm doing a b-side show and don't get it [ __ ] up I'm going yeah if we're here I'm there I think that's what besides are in that in that case if the Lord is the Lord beside no allure that was a single I think right I know from whole yeah yeah blackout that was a single no that was like the third or fourth no way a law was never sing on the Black Album correct me if I'm wrong I could be wrong I just assumed that that was cheap it was a hit b-side right yeah I don't think that was a single right well the abusive right would be a b-side visa yeah album cut what are the singles off that dirt off your shoulder no problems was it was definitely a single no album was being there as far as single yes a would probably be a b-side but that's no but it was all has to perform three records PSA is gonna be one of them right like no matter when you open you will you open your show to PSA tricky to because change clothes was the first single dirt off your shoulder 99 problems okay all right so then allure argue that that's top 10 a hose Cadillac absolutely that's my point to your by by definition holes where I'm from is a b-side yeah that is a night of [ __ ] bees I know that is a hit guarantee to set any venue off wherever you are if people are 30 and up yeah mm-hmm like like lucky me would that be a beast I would be abuse uh yeah okay what about like never change the last one nothing on blueprint is a beat but he got a few albums like that I went back there like look at a few T's look at a few uh track listings right the dynasty album I could I could say every song is a hit like the b-sides to the b-side a lot of b-side hits mmm this can't be life yeah where have you been Sita can't be life to me I'll even listen hope you must love me is a hit yeah a catalogue they did a video for it it can't be a b-side they did a video no matter what like I'm picking this Jarosz here I'm going yeah I just have no idea what he thought like besides it sounds cooler than what he's got a little cut but as a rapper do you how do you approach your album like process do you say you hear beat you say okay I'm gonna make this Abby's out or do you just record and whatever support okay yeah I think he just recalled no but I think people have intentions to do album cuts oh absolutely yeah I think hope is one of the people think rappers today have intentions on doing album cuts I'm sorry wait I want to get into that um that's what I don't think hope is wanted I think hole might be one of the short list of people who early on in their album recording process was picturing venues and like now there's housing to do yeah yeah like even home approaches even encore which I do believe he made to be a b-side even a lure I do believe he made it to be a b-side they don't sound like besides sonically they sound large right when I was his approach I think in making fade to black in a movie you can see it I think he started thinking stadium in arena and like he needed his sound to be that well yeah actually pitched that to him in that way in the movie he was sitting there like this is the whole crowd at this point yeah doing over over you gonna come back out he's another one then Pharrell to would like this is Carlito's Way this is your ending paint the move paint a picture yeah so I guess yes at that point hope does that but the movie has to have ups and downs like it's not a peak every part of the movie like you need that outro yeah more [ __ ] that's not gonna sound like the whole core right so I guess y'all going I just wanted I'm just going we did listen let's talk about some drawing random questions out all day where do y'all ranked Virginia in God state contributions for producers I've had three no I wouldn't say three but they're not far line and production no period period I'm using yeah but when you talk about their producers you talk about a lot of music so Virginia has produced some insane producers absolutely but I think that New York a and Atlanta would probably be one two and three and I would put Houston in Virginia since I was a Houston is up there yeah that might be four for me what in VA New York LA Atlanta Virginia's right bonnet I think you so be next personally okay but Virginia would probably after that yeah I got the a pretty high I'm Houston and as far as producers go they're probably tough to yeah oh no Houston would be above we just talked contributions right well then yeah Virginia would be actually a little higher for me you take away Teddy Riley you take away mad [ __ ] take away 10 minute Pharrell you take away man music absolutely like generations and Teddy from here oh he doesn't he doesn't want my putting him in Virginia oh well he raised the together New Jack Swing is New York good alright I'm off on a tangent well we're talking about uh b-side stuff other artists that are similar to home in that degree where it's like alright we got to start talking about C D and E sides I think Drake and ei are definitely up there with you have hit records that are besides that are not singles you could play out at a show and at a party and they're gonna get a reaction the way a side would right Drake might be the king of that yeah his Lucy's hurt is Drake is certainly up there and I got a pretty high there too his album cuts do well absolutely so this conversation that you tent saying is only relegated to a few are four or five artists yeah yeah I think not to the party degree I think M is up there yeah from it with a would be side hits yeah nas if you remain I'm sure wait yeah I'm sure he is it with the right crowd I think nas has that with the right crowd yeah definitely I like this conversation because it seems like it's reserved for acts that are ten years minimum yeah I feel like we I want to say we can do it could be one I want to say what big but I feel like everything big did was a hit he's got a fight come he's got Alvin cuts but again you naming that debt that cloth though yeah right from that same thought process of making an album yeah like every big nut on both albums are his like you could play any song off life after death could a b-side become a hit today like the conversation we're having could some of the newer acts today start making b-sides that have the same impact as the regular time we're talking about I think that they I think they kind of that's how things go a little bit like I'm not sure that some of these younger the super young artists are trying to make hits they're just doing [ __ ] and putting it out see how it reacts and some of it becomes I don't think I don't think it's possible today because I don't think albums we let albums live long enough for b-side to become a hit that's true like our music comes out so fast now it's like you know saying hey but well yeah I'm comes out this Friday and then it's like two Fridays from now somebody else album is out that we really like and it's like we don't even really go back to your shed or we'll go back to our favorite joints off of it and that's it but we don't play the whole album and fall in love with the whole project let's keep this moving good template tell me what song what song I would likely leave here from him since we're going as uh as a B he has done yet yeah came in with a setlist for the first one I would like to hear the shot bring out sauce money and do the [ __ ] with the Fat Joe sample and reasonable doubt bring it on yeah bring it all be dope yeah I'll look see sauce won't get really in general sauce money set yeah yeah I would like regrets too I feel like that's an underrated record on reason without I will look assume and where's the hole I would love to see Reservoir Dogs yeah some of those guest joys yeah that's a piece out that's Reservoir Dogs is a piece I yeah yeah I fam if Reservoir Dogs goes off and Webster Hall and I don't even need the whole crew to be if the locks is there right there's no job I'm gonna throw my fedora Captain America steal my fedora I would like him to come out to dynasty intro okay I think that would be kind of do yeah Rory producing oranges in stores now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a week ago we dope yeah I don't know if I have but I feel like I am I the one say you must love me I would love see it hey Joe wanna cry yeah in Webster Hall okay soon you'll understand right after I am alright I have to go soon you'll understand right after that one Oh soon you'll understand damn Jane I feel like that darker place just call just like we don't speak a phone I'll be happy I don't know well they had a lot but I'm sure I'm sure I look forward to it either way damn yeah that's all I got any new hope besides everyone here already home for me are you home is great I love Spain I like thank you off that album Marcy me Marcy me finally more to me I want him I mean he sound like he was too hood happy on that [ __ ] like he stopped and gave us like a poem and ever since I was four years old I've been told no lucky me yeah way to adapt you look at what someone tweeted that was just gentrified where I'm from back when Britain was rich in animation was a mission okay god I gotta go I wouldn't mind he's still throwing too but we stuck them too much dick so let's all myself talk about a great show that's coming up no no no Sam I already had Joe Budden bingo talking talking my whole team isn't Coachella actually this beachside conversation got me to thinking about Coachella because if you had a hit b-side would you be brave enough to try it there [ __ ] the only set I really watched was childish gambino he did mostly besides enough that he has that many a sides I guess but yeah I'm sorry Coachella looks like [ __ ] to me it sounded me as if I wish to go and assume no see but that looks like a whole different monster like made in America is almost too big for me to try to move around and and try to get through to CX Coachella looks like the size of the country with the population of the country and then a bunch of random stages and people trying to get to those stages like I don't want to see childish gambino from two miles away like killing that it's kind of like Coachella is for the people that do two drugs that don't make you chill mushrooms are pretty good to do it festivals and they make you chill it doesn't look fun to spend your high grass don't look fun the crowd don't look fun I ain't seen a good hot dog deer and hey the food trucks don't look amazing I don't see it I don't I don't I'm so off for me and let's say anybody else I don't see why that would make me book a flight from my comfortable living room I think I'm right next year I think I'm gonna go next year I'll roll with you yeah well I don't think you'd enjoy it either I probably won't but I mean I'm gonna feel like if I wouldn't enjoy it nutty I would enjoy like I can just play DJ snake from the laptop and I could hit a cardi record like she just showed and then now I got this thing I'm doing well China to hate on things and I don't want to hate on Coachella I just would I just kidding I love live music but I love live music when I can see it and I feel like you're just so far away when you're trying to go from stage to stage that it's not worth the live music well part of the fun is sneaking towards a good seat and they have like super big jumbo truck seat in the grass that's a good stand I mean planning areas but but I will say it those big festivals were there's like a hundred thousand people in front of the stage go to take a piss is a nightmare I'm sure anyone sitting down it's probably sitting back to Coachella we've done masturbating we won't do pissing in the grass all right so you saw a childish gambino come on give up give us your thoughts broadcast started you told me it was the most amazing cinematography so it was and I thought to myself I'm done talking him you just said cinematography that's why it's important watching lives watch it that's it was phenomenal it looks like a DVD like it looked like the most well produced live DVD you've ever seen in your entire life but it was live streaming I don't know watch music that's what it is I think I don't care to watch music why like a view net an amazing performer or house can feel ill [ __ ] is why do you think was it that amazing performer wasn't me it's like more like I feel ignorant parks just suggested I go watch it and the first thing I thought to myself was I don't want to watch that [ __ ] mm-hmm like it washe could be absolutely right great scimitar just you just want you take your music there's no motive in my day where I'm gonna assert myself to watch music I guess what this is uh obviously a bad comparison cuz no one is like Prince but what do you like about Princeton's performance cuz I know you like to watch prints perform but one of those elements that you like off that Prince yeah that's kind of nice but like is it is it him with instruments is it what they're doing in the back with the visuals it's everything it's it's him everything that he does while performing his band it's the show Childish Gambino's band was tight I was gonna say obviously nothing's like Prince but there's a lot of performers that put a lot into their live show is really anything especially some of the big-budget ones like a childish out each other so yeah I'm sure he bodied it the only since I saw was him in Janelle Monae who also put a lot into her she was she's before a lot so who else performed that's why Ariana Grande performed and brought out like everybody Ariana who she brought up I know she brought out Nicki who else is she like NSYNC Backstreet Boys NSYNC yeah I can't even find out who ariana grande brought out but make sure you roll the AUSA brought out I'm Pete Davidson no she can't compete no more he's dating MGK now some sure she doesn't feel so we're a few weeks now you've been telling us to pee Dave's and it's [ __ ] to mine ass why is that a joke - I want to know why you'd laugh at Pete and MGK cuz I want to well they've been doing a press run together do they have enough together this is all know the one the white jersey journal they must we seen you talk [ __ ] every weakest friends and you won't let these two [ __ ] go press conference I want to [ __ ] on I like both of them then what are you implying that's a really good friends okay P Davison be by this girlfriend cher chicks I think it's that lacs no sherry it's the one dude this lucky enough to every time he breaks up with a model tomahto a day later it ages Maddux's I ain't well why we all know about anybody else doing it people do that just more quietly la is a [ __ ] freak show what I'm implying with this I'm not implying that MGK and Pete are [ __ ] I just think a lot of like Eyes Wide Shut parties happen out there and you know you would go know a fly-on-the-wall an Eyes Wide Shut party telling more about this they have some freak nasty parties out there we're men that are straight crossed some lines that they didn't think they'd cross and then then do press runs together - watch the party that idea is is dope but Sam don't tell me about idea I want to know if this is happening what a swingers club the same thing no no no no no no it's not it I see what parks are saying but it's not the seems like the same to you have you ever walked in a room in one of them LA parties and kind of wish you hadn't opened that door and immediately walked away well before you answer that have you ever think about have you ever walked in one um la parties and a dude just walked up to you and smacked yes it's a good shot but it wasn't no room around you know damn well I don't think it was smack good shot and we wasn't on the basketball court you become an MP why do black people only allow it on the court but why you touch my ass on the court because it's coming for me now we succumb to peer pressure we've seen a [ __ ] we knew that was killing people and yeah we're gonna like y'all don't do that no all they get all they give the box out guys after they win the game and you walk over there that's a lie yo gonna do it without you good hustle I was trying to get us into educated Coachella conversation and somehow that ended up and Pete Davidson going in Eyes Wide Shut party and suing us and it swelled one thing to do that is the song Firewatch ever did a bad bad thing did a bad bad thing your wife will pump some [ __ ] up maybe these guys are selling Brad and Angelina superhero myth was don't [ __ ] know come on everyday and shoot at each other so as they [ __ ] fell in love on a set making dinner hey how's the movies gonna be the one I'm gonna get to the set early and stay late can you can you guys can we have an educated coachella conversation somebody tell me who where the acts performing there well even though I would never go I still want us to talk to the audience about it okay well childish was the headliner on Friday Janelle Monae 1975 DJ snake Diplo Anderson swirl Biju's world he's on the second line I'm never seeing Jews were anywhere no Cuddy was there the second day yeah kosher pusher was there I think Sunday I care about Weezer yeah like Weezer Khalid bad bunny was in the building even talk about Khalid's album the drunk I know I haven't a chance to really sit with it yeah I mean I want to give an opinion J Balvin dude like a throwback reggaeton set I didn't see you but the way that parks came in and broke down childish gambino I was expecting Rory to come in here and give us some some Cudi info I felt like a really bad kid cudi supporter who doesn't necessarily look like kind of must be I'm here for some ariana grande Khalid her Playboy cardi blood-orange push it see Kate Renata I'm here for that I'm definitely all your sleepers Yeah right I wanted credit for some of this this Sunday LA no Kate Rinat hasn't really been doing it for me lately really disobey Allah while Isaac no phones no [ __ ] like that he's a great know great and great festival Marcus yes and that's why I don't like the new song today too but I haven't seen him perform too much for too much music next to me have fun anymore you got to look for stuff songs to match your lifestyle hmm I'm not fun you want plush I'm not fun yeah okay well yeah I think all these are still you could still stream them right you can yeah I'm gonna catch up on a couple that I missed I didn't see Anderson's shirt I'm never going to Coachella you know what I can see it being funny but unless you're too famous but if I lived in LA I don't even like how two famous [ __ ] move it coach a lot of famous people go there in the famous area by one I know oh my god that's a real that's why it's gonna be wet there is a famous area right has a famous area Coachella has a famous let me tell you being famous is the worst thing you could possibly do because they they make a famous area for you to go stand with dicks I've been seeing nav ever since y'all came on here and said who's nav like why isn't that why am I looking at nav and meek and puff no fire those that I don't want to see nav know we're near home and meek as they're dancing to things to music I don't know that's just me TMZ PI posted that one no so it worked hang out at the famous section Rory would be at the famous they fell in line where was famous media kickin it with dudes like number I have no famous numbers of my phone hey yes you do you're lying yeah you know more yeah I'm sick of all being famous even famous with a year and I'm sick of it all right talk about it now but you are know it do you we're famous hoodies no that's the thing you have means you know commend own abilities with some gold and bling on the side with a nice fine back to back to Coachella up parks I think part of the reason it Gambino cinematography was so great is because he's in television and movies probably so probably in general though but like you were sent Jamie Fox list yeah but like you were saying to have that have all the camera tricks and angles during a live stream right I don't think the average person knows just how difficult that is yeah very different lot lot of rehearsal a lot of blocking lot into that and even if you do all those things rehearsal and fly still it still might not look yeah in the spots at the exact time and having like the smoke come out of your mouth at the exact right time since one person for you to not normally work with to ruin your whole set up yeah got a trip or a camera to run out of batteries or you know any million of things that could happen Molly was saying you had a you had a problem with uh with his sauce up there when you wasn't really goofy hours but it's like you know his body just does weird things like that's why he's entertaining though a certain way and I'm like like when he was walking yeah it was like why you gotta walk like that cuz I'm in the room maybe that's part of like the art art [ __ ] that I don't know about I think it's like I think with him in general is like he's kind of regular Jewish pardon the fun but like he seems like a regular dude like he's not fit and he's still out there with his shirt off and rock star [ __ ] for sure I think once more talk about his movements but listen joes are not but let me respond them all listen it's a few of these acts that i don't know what their sexual preference is but they're incorporating some other movements in it like easy keep doing that that [ __ ] that shoulder that shoulder come on come on come on come on but it works he'd be killing it and the little shoulders whatever whatever yeah he rolls his eyes great I mean then I'll just get like a google enemies or character some [ __ ] commercial with out of that dance [ __ ] so hey listen it's it's working for him I'm just saying he does it to me I'm kind of just looking at him like why are you moving like whatever what I'm trying to understand is so what you're telling me is you and the Bronx chillin so I'm already laughing you and the Bronx chillin Brazell Doha D right hosted two four five bags no no cheese no tre bags Joe Donald Glover bus is a right from the Grand Concourse hot summer day takes his shirt off he's trying to get high shoulder shimmies right to your corner no I don't know what you told crackheads don't have shirts on in the summertime don't let Donald Glover come shoulder roll up to you shirtless with the linen pants on no he's always knew at you at Coachella Donald Glover talks on a thousand people says hey childish that's my issue there screaming you yelling Reformers so easy to win over a big festival creme Madison yelling anything I'm not yelling nothing at the concert concert behavior you don't know what kind of weed he smokes is the scary part listen you gotta be careful smoking the wrong strength yeah and like public places just a festive just grabbing on y'all are smoking the wrong wedding do some y'all shouldn't be some Johnny just over here some for 200 now my eye when you come up to you [ __ ] lie I really don't I don't I don't smoke with people like that I don't you're straight yeah I really I swear to God I don't like I always keep like my pre-rolls with me when I go to the clubs and [ __ ] like I don't drink so my thing in the club is the smoke but it's like I have what I packing my colds are stuff at home and I love that yeah like I don't because I don't even if I pass the cone around right I don't even want it back after that I'll just go post up in the club man next to the Defiant girl don't even talk just past the cones absolutely turn it to the rock star a lot of nice like this pause like it's amazing with how much you sound welcome it's amazing which I know I'm sparking [Laughter] allowed to turn it up no more just for weekend that's not right let's go see your family but I feel like but why why is that though honestly we got to get it today why can't why don't give a [ __ ] about their families not just for you you care about your family but it's like our angle I do is check the captions on mother's day by our mouths word be getting into the mom bag for real oh all right what do we tell my will you tell my uh the cardi Nicki beef is it happening is it happening get me out of Coachella talk a day and pay enough I don't give a [ __ ] about it so get me out of here or I think is having a Coachella but we'll go with it an interviewer asked cardi will she ever make up with Nicki Minaj and she had well a lack thereof something to say oh look it's like how you set that up killing the segways now if you don't get a Chloraseptic or something yeah I'm gonna growl [ __ ] her I want to hear her also are you so good for me to be able to go through whatever crazy offset you know that but they do form at home at Coachella tow car Nicki didn't yeah it's insane no guys they saw each other the famous like we wouldn't we have we would have known if they perform yeah they're probably the famous section because I'm nobody off Coachella came out with arm Ariana okay and I know we off that'd be sad [ __ ] but I would love to see Rick Ross to death yeah ooh Rick Ross might be the b-side King today yeah and that's on my Drake Drake is not included in that oh shoot oh well another yeah like the [ __ ] would be sides yeah well he's a album [ __ ] master he's got some boys album cuts are crazy is whole it's like that apiece on yeah a friendly beat dundun yeah that's like a nurse that is he smoked it so don't watch people use that say ho put that on the tracklist anyways so more what's up man yaar Nikki correspondent how did you feel about cardies laughs I don't know why that I don't know why the interviewer would ask that though like what I do it even acts that I think he's got to get to the t get to the tea party got mad [ __ ] you can talk to her like she tried she tried to make fun and light of it no she didn't no she she did because she could have stood damn late oh come on like don't she could have made it very uncomfortable like and really got at him no I was uncomfortable at his oak or whatever he did that sound like Oscar the Grouch and then he was like I love your laugh like who's this weirdo why is he interviewing cardi but that's just me I don't care enough about Coachella so [ __ ] all of that they're not paying us to talk about it so it was more no I'm not ever gonna do it well if I live know I keep saying if I live out there I could see how it's a big event cuz I'm trying to beat some down afterward maybe before right what if I live that if I'm not me I'm sorry if I'm healthy I'm bringing all the drugs yeah I'm going straight to the grass I'm bringing a tent we could go to some of those little Air Wick candles in the tent oh if I read and do it would burn down the whole Coachella tent village this is one candle his leg literally literally let's talk about white people just talk about it I love till my wife Oh everyone seems upset at the Fox the Fox News lady because she was reporting she has she white people that she was reporting on nipsey's death it looked like there was a laugh involved I don't even say her name because listen I don't dignify she's like this I don't need I don't I don't dignify it I don't get angry over it like now that's a--fun well I'm not [ __ ] up my day in my household for this we really give the dumbest [ __ ] I wish we would stop that's how president yeah yeah we obviously do give the dumbest [ __ ] too much energy we say yeah and of course I appreciate everyone saying let's get her fired but why I don't think I would have even seen the clip had y'all not pumped the clip up right you chose my thing listen if you tell him if you add telling me if you saying let's get her fired is telling me that you'll really understand what's happening right and that Fox News doesn't give a [ __ ] about any of the people that were saying get her fired which says you really don't understand what's happening right Fox it's like me waking up and getting mad at what the Klan thinks right it's me altering my day over someone that I know doesn't like black people right good and that was my thing it's like I'm not surprised this doesn't surprise me yes it's [ __ ] up yes it's like she should be you know something she something should happen to her her job yes well she should get a raise that's how far operates yeah yeah I don't I don't think I don't think that white lady went on air not feeling Impa not empowered to do that not encouraged to do that fact that you know that was a conversation before they started famous so I mean again listen whatever happened that white lady cool I'm not getting my feelings in a bunch over the Fox News correspondent so there were no racists right doing racist who any and in their false reporting that Nipsey Hussle did the [ __ ] Donald Trump song played white we know Fox News is affiliation with Donald Trump so them laughing like like what are we doing play with what are we doing what are we talking about black people why are we invested why are we angry why are we watching fox news correspondents for Nipsey Hussle like yeah all right I'm not I'm not I speak myself I am that no I'm not even with you on that and we got a we just got a know what to get I let it go to have to let it go all energy is too strong we can't we can't move forward if we keep letting dumb [ __ ] pull us back to this place of like just being upset and outraged and it's like we already know what how they feel and how they think about us so it's like when it happens why do we act like we're surprised all of a sudden so I don't know just got a gift three minutes ago we can cut all this out so cut it this is in real time well we can cut it it was serious why I got me in trouble with Kevin Hart y'all you I don't think we said anything bad about Kevin Kevin Hart - we've come on cuz we have our audience that we have to talk to us oh you better listen make sure y'all tune in to Sirius XM I'm not [ __ ] gonna promo if you're gonna diss me on laughs ll ready over new all new episodes straight from the heart today at 4 p.m. 7 p.m. today the episode covers Tiger d-wade and Joe Budden and more it's a wild list do you advertise I just wanna smash yes this is like pick what doesn't belong Park laughs where you are when I begin Sudan damn but why can't more coming into God we don't know maybe he's big in you up true that could be he he did say I watched Joe Roman shoot he's only ever the positivity hmm I thought it was good and what you kept a few people throw at the camera oh I was trying to get at me on that jury that's it I don't watch your role in it like Charlemagne's it oh no what you said over there famous a sneak maybe dissing [ __ ] on platform the day and on it all hey got a nose beef friends Oh spank you like everyone call them now oh no Rory boy yeah spank famous yeah okay I should have no we'll get back that I don't give a [ __ ] and this me have a glass we've just him enough and that's my guy I thought we were just Kevin Hart is sensitive he is so everybody is sensitive I no way yes you are prove it most of your career has been proving that you're sensitive I'm a different type of sensitive it's silly not to what you're saying if someone says some [ __ ] about you I know you don't care you're applied to it just cuz we have a podcast but I know you don't care but if you got your de zaak Rafi yes you have some very sensitive moments within relationships so a sensitive Joe vulnerable your sense Joe is vulnerable and sensitive you are I don't see it that way you're sensitive but most rappers are though mall the that's where I'm getting confused sensitive my context of which you are using the word sensitive and the conversation we're having I don't see how it's applicable to me okay Joe Budden rappers have talked about Joe Budden since the beginning of time they've said horrible things yeah and you said it's not affected my soul at all no you've responded and even when rappers didn't say things about you you've responded you jumped out there and said things about rappers when they didn't say anything about you I don't think I'm sensitive okay Marilyn was Charles Manson doesn't think he's crazy either he said some same things so this Han but I mean that's neither here nor there but you know Kevin art is sensitive though I think he's shown that over the past couple of years be interesting be really more will be revealed to us I don't have serious turn yeah that Easter no specific instance the famous dudes clown chase yeah you you've killed Will Smith continuously get much more famous much most of it famous the Will Smith he got a stop just answer your question that is Lulu oh man I think how hard his friends whenever the industry friends he might have sent this man's over to handle the goons romance what y'all gonna do if Kevin Hart get at me laugh it's probably gonna make it a joke so burn slow my oh I figured my soul better go ahead right now cut Kevin ass up you better watch his [ __ ] mouth for Joe this is the energy I'm looking for always feel like my insensitive insensitivity helps me in these types of areas because you can be objective and there's not feelings in a sensitive guy has a the percentage is raised on him losing the exchange right that's very true cuz he's gonna just feel whatever like you got and you don't think straight when you're emotional that's kinda how I know he's a friend of show probably not know well you just tell you def like enemy when he was a friend of the show Amy's a furniture I like enemy Emma in V and Kev I think everyone tell keV sent us his number I'll tweet back y'all call in now do everything for Dulce right jump shot so there you go any beat the UConn women's team yo they trying to hang on Becky right oh yeah I didn't know she's a real like a that big of an important character in full house yes absolutely what it all Becky do to college admissions at USC okay it's a big deal if you're a tongueless sitcom star and can't just buy your weight your kids away to college I want to live in American College don't work at USC where does it work no that's the thing it's like they got they got caught doing some illegal [ __ ] trying to get their kids into is that even illegal it's illegal it's illegal but colleges are just see a private school yeah it is I believe they were trying to set Houston Community College I think I think everything would be just fine perfectly me on Henry Hudson over the weekend I'm never calling oh the Hudson River the Hudson River again I'm never calling the Henry Hudson Highway the Henry Hudson Highway Hudson County I'm not referring to Hudson County is Hudson County anything with the word Hudson in it Hudson news anything with the word Hudson in it a and if you're angry about it thank Henry Hudson well before we get into that I want to ask will you drive on the Henry Hudson when 87 is backed up and if you need a $6 SmartWater at the airport are you gonna go down some news no I'm on the West Side Highway really only and call that the Henry Hudson hmm no yeah you call it the Henry Hudson have to get to a certain point once you pass the bridge then the West know it yeah for sure you still probably put y'all's driving to go are y'all aware of the y'all know anything about Henry Hudson no but I saw anyone that is named by like famous [ __ ] or [ __ ] that's been around forever probably owned slaves or like probably did some wild [ __ ] to get his name well oh the weekend I learned somehow I learned a little bit about interview attend by mistake and [ __ ] that negativism all right but I'm not intelligent okay so I'm gonna give you the hood version this podcast is gonna give you the hood version of what I heard gotcha all right boom boom check it all right so so we came over here this is say yo what you mean I mean you know it means it's in the content I don't know so we don't know sometimes that [ __ ] don't be want no problems but he ain't even say all that Yeah right right after all right so boom what I'm hearing is okay what you what you hearing Henry Hudson back in 18 what every year this was back then Hudson River was a larger body of water right well whenever the photos was give a [ __ ] right now 1,600 1,600 some much larger body of water the Hudson River right so the the indigenous people that were heart farming back then I guess to to one of the methods of harvesting back then involved having to light [ __ ] on fire okay to do something to distill do that now well I'm never harvested a thing listen great-granddaddy I mean the Pigpen but that was about it so what I'm hearing is Henry Hudson was in his boat chillin seemed mad whatever whatever tribes were there and fire and thought that the the tribes were just burning [ __ ] up so Henry Hudson just came with the gang and killed all the tribes and that's about right what white piranha came to so Henry Hudson saved the day and now here we are with the Hudson River and there's the Brooks it is he found it he found it now let's listen how was the live back then he wasn't outside I don't believe I don't believe that story you'll think he found it no I don't think I'm wrong with you yeah I don't think he's seen them and thought oh [ __ ] fire let me save the land no he was cool he's gonna take the line' I'm not rolling so I am petitioning for us to remain nuts and River and the Henry Hudson Iowa mm-hmm we're gonna rename it and I don't name at the nip I don't know named after somebody but why him it's too many of these [ __ ] statues and [ __ ] just sitting around places that's a [ __ ] yeah that ain't about [ __ ] it's of murderers man could suck a dick rivers trash you got a nasty waterway yeah Hudson lucky for my grandfather you have to swim through the Henry Hudson at least now you could take a car over it for the bridge that's fast but listen if that name do you even have to be here to know that a guy named Henry Hudson you ran into like a Hudson Jennifer I've met some Washington's yeah I guess what star the Hudson's um Joey should like Troy Hudson the basketball player okay well I duties don't tell us when they [ __ ] those players we'll never know oh no no they trust me oh you know 12th man a different game you know what's get ready for the playoffs he could give her all his time yeah we going out sport tiger yes the ghosts of nip gave them gave them to us game gave him the strength goddamn it I don't know if you all watch the Masters I watched from maybe the watch to last a whole I had a little bit of background noise master's going on what's the last two days when I when you seen it was coming to that point where holy [ __ ] Tiger might win this [ __ ] right that's when I was like no but see that that's just the thing the Masters is all right yeah like that's what I'm saying the crowd that comes not knowing anything about it like me really like the Tiger fans when you actually watch it and you're trying to learn about it and you understand what's going on - it isn't it's like it's just some heart it's a boring watch a little bit until you get into it only reason why I didn't watch more of it is because it was the playoffs this weekend so I was switching between a game and trying to keep the way that I didn't watch day one but they were saying how tiger it looks good tiger looks good tiger looks good and then what's that that the day before the last day one of them other dudes I don't know anyone's name so if you're looking for like educated synopsis of the Masters PGA is thinking leave you can leave there's a Rory somewhere in there right there is a Rory anytime he he trends on Twitter I got a bunch of tweets but somebody else was supposed to win somebody was gonna leave for man long like up three shots like yes this was supposed to be a wreck yeah but I'm watching and Tiger looks slim oh look like a younger yeah yeah yeah he was his walk was different he looked injury free he looked stress-free from [ __ ] that was leaving voicemails no it's Tiger Woods they gonna tell your wife what was going on he looked like all of that was alleviated from him look like he was wearing the Nike [ __ ] just to show them that I was gonna win again one he just looked stress-free yeah and the dude that they told me was gonna win who was up all his shots he started breaking down he started you start doing watch yeah but that's why the Masters was fun to me because I guess in one other sport can you really pinpoint someone unraveling that way encapsulated nat football nat basketball and that baseball is such a slow game homeboy was there plus it's like a very individual game like it's you versus you how about say maybe tennis tennis yes yes tennis but even then still like just you shoot the break the cameras right on their face like you're watching a human lose their mind but wow they're trying to get a little as ball and hole it's a 300 yes weirdest sport on earth it really is and I put myself in dude shoes I'm in the lead at whatever hole I'm first going to tee and I got to worry about Tiger Woods behind keep checking the water on Kobe and there's no running out the clock in golf like if I'm up like I can't take a knee you gotta worry I still gotta go when I was watching them golf and things like they get up there they get about family they get about two swings off of it or half that of like that I go live I would give them about 20 of those practice I wouldn't just be rushed into the season your golf is humbling man yeah that's a hard that [ __ ] is the most humbling experience ever yeah you're not gonna go cuz you think like I can hit this ball right here and no let your inner wolf huh I'm not good at miniature this is hard and don't let you go to the driving range like before we'll go out with everyone humbly be killing that [ __ ] oh for know about I'm about to kill this [ __ ] okay get right to that first hole I should go all the way left it's humbling it's all the way at the 18th hole first hole that's what we watch golf and you you see these like these golfers doing that [ __ ] you like yo that's crazy because if you ever actually tried to hit a golf ball it's difficult as hell that [ __ ] is crazy like just think Golf is a sport all right I used to think the dad was actually a tough question cuz I didn't know she'd about golf well I think at the highest level at Tigers level and everyone that was on that tour yeah those are athletes you don't have to be an athlete to play it well they also have to walk no you don't have anything I would injure myself doing that don't think I could walk into the whole thing it was a big thing with the dude that was yeah I think you have to walk all that mileage that's a lot why I can't walk up Steinway I'm super happy for oh boy man I'm so so so at fit for him to be ranked up what was he ranked look at his Louis I think it was a thousand and some a few years ago was 700 in something and this is his first major in 11 years yeah I'm I'll be honest not with y'all but with everyone on TV I'm kind of sick of this dis phone yes Tiger Woods love and the greatest comeback I swear to God a year ago when he got that DUI and the years before that when he had the [ __ ] with his wife he was a disgrace to golf even people that like are reputable people on ESPN as how his dick now he was just a disgrace to the game you Tiger should never be let at a country he's embarrassing the game now all of a sudden this is the grace code I've ever seen in my life he is the epitome of golf like that's when they thought that up the torch would be handed down a Rory tackle whatever his name is was Rory McIlroy I gave him the torch and learned it even [ __ ] like alcohol and business [Applause] practice you go to the thing and get drunk that's the game smoked cigars if I let the golfer you see some chicks on it up wherever we practice that idea rappers bring chicks to the studio to the putting green havin chicks caddy for you a golf tournament like a PGA tournament no no my hometown yeah just starts on 414 m county that is considered the hose hole we were at the PGA Tour nobody hos alright anything with there's money here but wait a b2 I'm telling you someone at some of the white girls did they got a big to doing it better than somebody sisters man what are you doing the white girls go to the [ __ ] horse races Oakland Queens any time I dated Italian chicks you went up there of course invited me to invite you someplace you just feel totally uncultured Belmont that's all fab at Belmont I was like I I see what's going on here the tides are turning in New York I'm a bit 50 confuse go and watched bindi at the Belmont you go to go mozzie fab you finish City overlay your family yeah we at the wrong Bell take me to another bill was being young sure this Tiger Beat homeboy time way time with Rory on his point cuz I don't think the white people want Tiger to really be jack [ __ ] they never did know yeah I don't think that you know day love and then when he got that DUI that he wasn't drinking and that was my also my favorite thing of him getting a DUI and wasn't drinking alcohol mmm-hmm date threw him in the dirt through that whole [ __ ] like it's over for Tigers they wanted to pee roses asked don't even put him in the Hall of Fame because he drove when he took a pill by accident it was murder in Tiger Woods that's how it is but you know what I mean he did look like [ __ ] for a long time multiple back surgeries was [ __ ] up outside am looking like [ __ ] and facing person and facing personal battles he had a lot of injuries so what I'm saying is I'm not gonna I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say bad things about anybody who had bad things to say about tiger at that Junction when you when when you only have what your eyes are seeing but what I will say is even when that was happening I was confused by it because in these types of creative circumstances or athletic circumstances both same [ __ ] to me when you're going through personal drama and when you're injured how can your performance speak to what your mind actually knows about what you're doing right so when you rent Tiger Woods 789 or a thousand and 119 it's because of what we're seeing mm-hmm but if we're going off what we've seen we know he has the knowledge to do what it takes absolutely to be number one physically he's just not performing yes there's capabilities yeah yeah but that's I mean every I think but to me that's what makes an athlete great like you you you you hit rock bottom and then you come back out of that and you show people like I can start from scratch again and still end up on top I wish that that same luxury were afforded to artists who were either injured battling a health issue or personal demons or personal situations how can you be expected to perform at the best of your ability at your craft if those things are happening you can't I don't think you should be assessed the same way no you should rappers and artists and entertainers that's where that's why we're all the bottom of the barrel because there are no exceptions made for us but the thing is trash output is trash output we don't care about we don't know about or really care about what's happening personally for you but you know what I think that is true though because a lot of artists they draw they draw inspiration from being mentally out of it or you know going through dark times so then fans start saying well this artist gave us some of their greatest material when they were in this dark place like so there is no excuse for it where as an athlete you know it you have to physically perform and I guess as an artist you do too if you're doing performing shows and [ __ ] like that but just for music I think fans are a little spoiled because some of our greatest artists have given us some of their greatest work when they were still depressed and when they were in the darkest periods of their life so I think fans are just like there's no excuse like if you're [ __ ] up right about it you know I mean if you're going through some [ __ ] write about it and I think to that point music is way more personalized than I think with sports the way people attach themselves to certain artists like they really live and breathe everything that that person is saying I totally in that degree I feel like sports Mike sports yeah not athletes about any team that you don't really care about [ __ ] is gonna hit you with death threats like they're invested I do you think they internalize in a personal way with Tiger Woods when he started to fall off like you think people would have really [ __ ] with their personal life like everything Tiger does I'm at the edge of my seat I live and die off that I think they do that with artists I think Tigers are so invested in what the person is saying I think once Tiger moves on there's another golfer right there to watch the sport no way no I think that in the case of what you just said Tiger is huge enough to have Tiger mania so if Tiger ain't really performing I'm sure it is like millions of people somewhere who wouldn't normally be tuned into golf oh hell yeah yeah you know they're invested in him and that investment translates to a whole demo who wouldn't normally watch golf watching golf like Tiger was in the running still not not even second or in the lead but when he was doing good hmm [ __ ] ran to the TV yeah [ __ ] turned the TV on we turned from a basketball game and watched golf yeah well now I think it's a different point of what I'm saying with internalizing with a specific person the way you do with an artist like I think of course there's like Cleveland Browns fans that hate the franchise and live and die by the Cleveland Browns but they've had seven different quarterbacks they just move on like with athletes I think it's different you're not living in that you're not so invested with that person the way you are with a musician because they speak to you differently I don't know you do Kobe hold onto it I just don't think it's with a degree I think there's specific athletes obviously with any I think worries right just not in the case of tiger in the superstar athletes like LeBrons hive if you will is as rabid as any musicians hive yeah but the NBA see my brain tells me that the NBA before the the torch carrier goes out the NBA does an amazing job of finding a new one and that's been for the past 30 years yeah so that they're branded Levana LeBron don't look great right now but before this season started giannis MVP talk was started and I was looking at that mm-hmm really my [ __ ] all y'all now just on them I wouldn't be surprised if the Bucks went to the finals just if I was only basing it off what I heard about the Bucs before the season started like that's not a sport thing that's a league decision to me yeah there's to be a face of the league has to carry it this year but for the fan that's not really MBA fan I think about yeah I think Tigers I agree with Rory I just think Tiger is too big for that to be to apply here but now with a casual fan of course that goes if we want to go with music you always just move on to the next person that has the big hit but I think certain people that are music fans get more invested with the artists because the artist is speaking quote-unquote specifically to them I think with athletics it's not really the case you could grow up Eagles fan and love that franchise but you're gonna go through a bunch of different quarterbacks running backs wide receivers like you're not invested in the athletes the way you are you are with rappers or musicians it's just different except really like the rapper now you don't really know the label here label heavy not these fans not now but once upon a time Sheryl sign that's true yeah but Def Jam and we're all over the place here but Def Jam did a tremendous job of marketing themselves the way that they did yeah like they were the only they were like one of the first labels to market the label yeah and yeah the artists on the label would use that loved hip-hop I all work signed to Def Jam yeah why would I now want to be LLL run DMC Beastie Boys uh yeah yeah um do you think he passes Jack come on let's hear from our ivory kings my ivory kings be angry no no I'll be cheering him on and at my age morale is not that I was ever really a golf fanatic but I could not come Khan the tiger of gold I'm not gonna give you what Phil Phil well shout the tiger man I'm extremely happy for him boy what boy I cried I cry only one I'm telling you I cry over everything and I thought about you that's still [ __ ] death yeah yeah I mean I'm not I'm not crying over Tiger wouldn't uh happy serious yeah a lot of happy tears oh I would like to meet the man that you're gonna be in ten years because in nine ten years ago no no ten years from now because yeah I get out of that sounds nuts but when they were showing him going from hugging his dad to the first one to hugging his kid in the wind now I cry I got kids but yeah baby that's that's what I'm saying so I'm saying damn years have happy tears ten years when you have some kids all of that like [ __ ] that involved is gonna be while you'll be feeling [ __ ] now I'm sneaking wiping the tears Johnny watch it again oh my god I'm like now I feel you my G sure wasn't a wedding is so great wow that looks like a calming support over everything now but it's cool having a baby I'm dying for one of y'all to have kids you're like [ __ ] sure absolutely I'm ready for 3x the sins ready she's acting like she ready and it's scary because it's looking like lately she got this mom thing down to a tee so now it's looking like o training excuses what is giving you too much trouble no no I don't think y'all are vulnerable so I gotta coming in overseer but you don't know when I can share that right I know you don't want to hear what you are the only one to be able to share I want to hear what Parks is the only one the hazy movement no tears no haze tears you don't know is like what the feds got to drop different type of pressure difference ears defense ears and hit elevator door open up 4:00 in the morning we know from Vodafone 11 haze I know Cory would live but [ __ ] sell you some chocolate you had a fight crazy crazy to redo a chocolate first we name of it yes Maui wowie that was one of them that was like the oldest out first to me was it one of the most popular names yeah the first popular name really ha tasting that was the only variation everything used to be a good weed or regular weed somebody out there could do it man come on chocolate come on you smoked it now you wouldn't work No hell no you got they got you high back then don't get you I now need not none of that we know ya know that [ __ ] is nothing now you you'll get mad you'll get a headache smoking real chocolate that's exactly how I got the dust it wasn't have weed oh it wasn't a fair one a bleed-out yeah it was chocolate I haze I don't think it was haze really haze game hydro hydro was what came up to your block and told you I had hydro II was no weed involved at all [ __ ] tree the wet I'm talking about who's better not smoke with me no it's a building don't only make it inside the building I knew the homeless [ __ ] in amicus Joe Larry what's your door you break it outside you try to catch the contact homeless [ __ ] [ __ ] clean they're starting to fire the winter my dumb ass over there Widow the warm enough I'm playing Larry said that Jill you have a home yo it would heat the Joe Budden by hoping y'all know I don't I trust not though this pack so fast 100 maximal [ __ ] Oh white boys just had kind bud that was our [ __ ] alright so y'all don't want the crummy zorda chocolate it's a crummy I don't want nothin it's gonna take you to the next level you might not come back next - Sierra there's a lot of people that make it that's what I'm saying fam nah nah doesn't does took a lot of people tell them to sit right here with a little bit exotic weed and I'm chillin man that's it we pop-ups down the Budweiser we don't domestic wheat give me the Jersey heyo its rise a lot of them not all of them Oh what else what else is happening what else is happening man I thought it was someone wanted to ask you off that [ __ ] conversation we get on chocolate I'm haze wrong to you it's always me it's always me go all of us loved rows it's kind of my point about this park let's see what else we did Fox Fox News white lady we did Tiger we did come on to something come on Shawn once again shut us up it feels like every week Shawn is shutting us out more and more which Shawn Big Sean just a lot of Sean's there is but they actually call themselves showing last okay all right well janae shi nae came back and shut down all the rumors from the Joe Budden podcast mm-hmm about the status of their relationship does this fall in our segment are we rating this is our segment see the music we're back we have yet another one and another one a two-parter for you on this fine afternoon of people trying to get their old work back I don't think yep and I am going to read our first entry is from Queen ie Coe and after the service she was numbing feeling low mushy she wanted her texts and hit up all Big Sean well it's the gram not a text she texts them - of course she texts me honestly this on Instagram and don't send a text this is not mushy enough music these drum - - heart Jenaya echo [Laughter] Generico hit big jump well actually Big Sean made a post he said we still feel your energy Thank You nipsey rest in peace - King nipsey by the way great free stuff arms and janae responded and said you are so special to me to the world I'm on board right now while we're both still on this planet I just want to say I love you beyond measure you can't even though I get big mad and you trigger the [ __ ] out of me you make me feel and I appreciate that hmm cuz I thought I was dead inside hmm gotta bring in the field that I'm a bored and childish [ __ ] childish oh you wouldn't mature he wasn't mature enough oh boy that's insensitive jokes into there my ego has no say when it comes to you and my heart has been broken a thousand times just to expand it always finds room for you the good and the bad I love you from this life to the next and all the other lives we've known each other before imma always talk my [ __ ] but I'm always have your back she's gone forever listen this one this one almost doesn't count because we know Janae's is the queen of this to begin with like I have a early score of a 9.3 out the gate geneious told us to at least 15 exes before show I mean you say your heart has been broken a thousand times only to reap only to expand you gotta tear the muscle to make it oh my god I see what she did there she'd be at a gym you start talking about good in the bed and then just say I'm just happy I felt them because I thought I was dead inside so she made it she made her feel nothing for you that point for what you say much oh my although higher than 0.7 my ego has no so this is like work for when it comes to you or some [ __ ] let me tell you all them we're gonna hear from her ego on it album listen if the ego don't have no say in real life you go on soundcloud or this album we're gonna hear from that ego then that's what I think Rory gives this a nine point three on this one zero nine point four and it gets your old work back meter nine point seven I'm giving a solid nine I'm with you guys on this this this one you gotta give a high ranking to because when you let your ex know that you don't want to be with them but you stick and still beat whenever they want that's high up there yeah and then janae got pretty way to worry it's a very beautiful way to to quit that Center still come through this one in the bud yeah yo is yours King oh nice little come through sex I have a little bonus around if you want to move on well now yeah I didn't give I give a rating I'm gonna janay I'm just high she has pretty feet she doesn't pretty feet I was gonna take some points away for a lack of originality cuz I feel like she said this to somebody before variation so that means you had good practice and your speech that will work I'm not mad I know about that that's why I can't fall no practice I can't fault the coin I don't recycle the feelings yeah yeah I can't fault the Queen they'll be googling people's feet no I've seen her feet you had a foot job do you know that there's a real market for foot yeah I know it's there I just don't see how the dexterity the foot lends itself to grips with the foot yeah I'm gonna call them cool on a foot job I think I'm calling the foot jobs I mean you just wouldn't be comfortable for me right yeah it's not comfortable for me I'm cool don't put your feet on my dick please I know some chicks they used to get money up no listen I'm talking about Oh 9.9 I'll given I give a 19-9 flat not flat okay give it I'll give her a 9 flat round of applause for Queen the Queen whisperer I didn't even reread that ya know proofreading no changing out sent ya everyone things you should I called him right after shear - laughs readin that dog did feel bad about anything I've ever reported about Big Show Anjaneya cold like I support both of them mmm they're friends of the show I'm glad I support them cuz how can I not support them I'm fans of both of the music I so I got to stop hating them together as a collective that's true Joe Hayes everybody and loves everybody the same time yeah yeah exactly hate and love can exist absolutely yeah challenge a man cogent a alright who else we got in our in our there's just a quick bonus round I want to say this I wouldn't do this one as a sole second bonus bonus track you know skip through the outro and then oh wow there was another song hmm that's what this one is uh why offend Lucci I will say I'm not too familiar with his music I know he ends up on the shade room a lot mm-hmm where I see his name a lot probably makes good music I know a lot of people like him so that's not a discredit to him it's to discredit for me just for not knowing okay all right so he on his IG story that's that's big here this wasn't an actual post in America and he seems to have a lot of stories at the time just just try to just anymore why offend Lucci says can someone tell my girl I'm sorry and I'm looking for her listen to different rankings for this one okay my first ranking is a - based on what what are you were you judging because if this is if this is effort if this is just off the head like you came up with this I'm giving you a - for mad reasons but this doesn't sound like that to me I think someone goes short this sounds like since I'm your ex is telling you to let the public know you want her again and if it's that then I raised this from a 2 to a 7 because this is out of his control and he's doing what his ex-partner what he believes she wants to be done hmm so I raised its core then but if it's him like on just on the strength like his ain't even thinking about him somewhere like can't say you'll tell her I'm looking for her you know you can't you can't do that like useful like that's move enough for you to be able to hit her nah but you got to see the reason why that's kind of like don't get the fans to do the dirty words no I kind of get it is because I'm not hitting her for his girl his girl still follows him maybe no way well she still follows him then you either she probably follows the yeah if you follow me - just [ __ ] save yourself now but that's but see that's that's a young boy way of doing it well that's what I'm oh well I can't jung-woo [ __ ] yeah that's the young boy we're doing now but even with you I have a low just of the strength you can always find your girl knockers you can always find you find your girl you can find your girl that was for her way to ease notes for her friends to the fun yeah that was a 6'5 that was for her girlfriends I still follow him and aides together Tom like oh he's looking for you you know how that friends you would never do that look at this a [ __ ] mouth for that then some girls some girls will but some girls would be like yo he think about you like whatever whatever you know that is six-five I'll give it a six time I'll go seven I'm going on I'm going three point six damn I'll get a young boys no love huh three six sorry buddy I don't make the rules it's okay you said you had to break ins though yeah both of them I said two and then what was the other one say that first one was a two in the next one oh seven gotcha yes okay um what else what else what else Jim Jones is starting an artist consulting firm where I'm assuming artists both young and old can hit Jim for advice and it'll give it to you well not necessarily hit him I don't know I don't know yeah yeah yeah I don't know the infrastructure but I'm assuming y'all not getting Jim's phone but I think this is great I think school I mean Jim Jim's one of those artists that's probably done more in the scope of everything he's directed he did his own marketing [ __ ] he's executive producer albums he put out albums on his own merch like I can see why Jim doing a consulting thing for artists would make sense because he's done so many things in hip-hop plus the different levels like indie and major label and aza he's touched on that [ __ ] Jim is Indy hope like to me like the way I would never count hold out talent aside just because of his a hustler [ __ ] Jim it's the same thing with Jim Jim is far too much of a hustler for me to count out anything that he does the weather man [ __ ] included yeah like he's done too many different things in in a long time for me to doubt it yeah I'd like to know who else is involved and not only that he we think about it Jim has seen and learned from a lot of [ __ ] in this industry oh yeah you know I mean like he has been through a lot he's witnessed a lot business-wise um major money Andy money he's had artists he's had merge she's had liquor touring he's has to get money from execs they enough will never gave it to him street life to music life like different things yeah Jimmy has definitely hustled some labels out of a lot of money but that's me knows how to move with that [ __ ] but that's just the thing I think that there's such a bevy of information that would come from some of the artists that I don't think young people would necessarily think would come from the artist yeah like what couldn't you talk to Jim about he's been in a group right it's been solo he's beefed with his group mates he's squashed it with his group mate like I don't know too many conversations in hip-hop that he can that you can't talk to Gemma back let's rock he's dealt with reality TV he's dealt with the whole shift of era where artists now have to be in front of the camera more than they've ever had to be yeah I think it's great good for Jim yes yeah I'm happy family shout out shout out the gym and the way he get knowing Jim the way he'll give you the information is fine that's what I want to see you're like there's another play here for that company he better be and if I know Jim he's think he's already thought about that but absolutely like seeing Jim consult somebody i watch I'll tune it absolutely I would tune it watch you know I will watch it too damn what else is happening what else is happening the MJ doc got pulled I think yeah that's true yeah in the Oprah interviews yeah a lot of people are chef Edward Reed acne retracting I think they'll be retracting word on where the Oprah interview from right because I read dad but then I read that they weren't uh I don't know maybe that's I read that it was listen a lot of people are you know things are coming out about the doc and Matt Tojo them little [ __ ] of liars yeah listen man you know how it is you sit somewhere with nobody just somebody just letting you talk and nobody's challenging you on that like come on I can't feel it today like I said there was no journalistic integrity in those it's like a confessional yeah but just them and there but yeah like I might come on no I'm not I'm not subscribing today yep me neither I need a little more than that to stop off the wall but I don't have a man that story is gonna come out they're gonna find all types of holes and loopholes and little [ __ ] getting paid and man forgot I'm jammin I think you said the opposite but I'll let the loser know I said I believed one of them okay so you know that's horrible [Music] yeah nah she's dead yeah that's all right wait ain't listening don't do it I always listen to this anyway I've never been either tell where you get a load of this I'm jamming hey hey you got your desk to step to step through the Hey [Applause] [Music] well that's it it could be doing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right now now cut it off we have association choreography yeah what kid what kids are doing that all right they pulled it they pulled the dog I'm just saying it so y'all know what else is happening they don't want to talk about our chard than being a snitch they said everybody knew that already yeah that's better well why didn't out a combo because it was what I think it was not it was not a man to Whitely told me that somebody tell me that that was a combo you tell me that that was a combo it was recently maybe a year ago who had the comic more than a year ago I want all them tapes leaked I know but I'm knowing really YouTube days but I know when you saying but I never saw people have the talk is what I'm saying oh no people not nowhere where we can watch the talk happen no hey where's that talking locally people yeah when this [ __ ] came out all about the conversation yeah okay I got it sure it must be for a reason I won't doesn't mean I think it's kind of one of those things with like oh okay yeah I'd never shocked me like Oh Sharpton snitches okay like right problems a civilian one Sharpton for the street code well no I mean he snitched because he was doing some drug deal [ __ ] and got caught so he snitched so I love he's really a civilian in that that situation was accosted Sharpton was moving bricks I'm joking I'm joking I don't know anything about what I was doing he taking selfies all right so we have to talk about how you think of Game of Thrones from here that parks did a horrible job of talking about last week I didn't they did no I stand by what I said well I think it's a great show all right a problem we need to hear from like one of the devoted Gotti's I mean I've been watching this in season one never saying no no what's it got Ian a game of throne II so they they took daddy's name in a game of throne EU jabroni a game of throwing horse we're in that game of throne ease and Kmart parks binge-watched and caught up so he don't feel like the second sign so I've watched it real time and then I watched it all again barcode try and clean it up cuz the guys on your ass i watch the Gottis oil all week so tell me why if you're just perfect what do you mean why were they on your ass if you're perfect because they didn't agree with my assessment that it's not the best written show of all time oh that's not a throne ii is the most epic show of all time probably kind of feel like that was a good like to try to get our podcast and for thrones i think is in here too oh no mark tonight he's gonna win I'm Jon Snow yeah you're Joe Joe snow alright just know I'll take no listen I was gonna I was gonna watch the premiere winter is here let's get back to our own I don't know nothing about it you're not Authority so did you watch it no you should well I wanted to watch I wanted to watch this season just just to see what's going on oh well I'd I'm Nick is that there you couldn't get on social media without seeing something I'm inclined to look at the 21 shows that the was it direct I guess the writer one of the writers said one must watch episodes yeah probably mind doing that I think I'm gonna do that I wouldn't mind doing that I'm not watching the whole pack laughs every season there's only ten episodes right yeah last one seven in this one six so you good so then let me out how do you feel is the finale then it's six episodes I was following a show for this long I feel slow it's to sixth season that a bunch of 80 minute episodes so this should be like regular seasons content worth but unless episodes and I'm not mad as long as it's you know continues to be good I'll be honest I would be upset if my favorite show and wanted shows I thought what the greatest shows of all time was just going away I don't know if I would choose this yeah I don't know if I were champion it the way I'm watching all of the throne he's champion iboga you know I can't comment on it cuz III don't know it last season was like 25 episodes they split that oh [ __ ] yes yeah because there's only ten I think they kind of did this last one six six episode yeah but the season before was seven so I think they kind of split the less it's all over minutes yes I'm sure a lot of shows do that just by reading what I think I don't know none but some I fell in love with their uncle their own oh yeah and sounds about medieval yeah there's a couple cases of incest from that show it's pretty good that was a thing back then that yeah yeah yeah incest and you know oh yes i Ronald tried to free kit with the 6a and 6b their way to fame but even then they did nine and nine though mmm no nine and twelve so I think this summer I'm gonna watch a game of Thrones i'ma catch up it's worth watching I'm gonna watch it's too much it's too much to watch these 21 and go get into the season oh my god I saw that up insecure won't be returning to 20/20 that hurt yet someday that's a long break I will say no I think she's doing so much other [ __ ] that's what I'm saying I'm kind of happy that ISA can get some time to do other things rather than insecure that's true but the mizzen only 30 minute episodes yes it's like eight yes first season yeah he's something like that yeah yeah that's 200 it's a risky move yeah it's a risky move it is to go away and and for this look that long looks like then come back good did you watch the Oh a undead flicks when it was okay watch they brought it back but that shows like three years ago so it's like damn what the [ __ ] is happening and then it's like kind of sci-fi and weird so it's even harder to catch up I definitely didn't watched it when they brought it back it just came back we need to get a petition going to bring back how to make it and I'm pretty good I'm telling [ __ ] that was an amazing show well show how to make it in America was way before its time yeah that was the only thing that [ __ ] that up yeah I don't know that show Kid Cudi and I was gonna say don't don't watch it cuz you're just gonna get mad cuz you're gonna get into it and then it's just gonna rain like two seasons in America is one of the best shows that how are they making it t-shirts local hustle it was like New Yorkers like it was a real New York yeah show very like they were hustling they were trying to you know I'm saying make some money that was starting a t-shirt line and you know the nightlife and just like one of the boys was uh was a weed dealer but he was a dog Cuddy he was a we deal and a dog walker like there was hustling in New York like trying to make it yeah but it's such a New York show that I think when it came out the rest of the country didn't really get it yeah probably so on trying to make it to authentic with new living in New York right on right yes but where you couldn't really relate but it's such a worthless such a dope show yeah this you gotta watch each other your link I think I think that's some about people to bring him back New York Undercover like look I don't think it's all tourism and Yoba oh I think they just bring the show back I don't know how I feel about that I don't like what shows - yeah I've never been a fan of that and even if it'll be in it in some capacity to Ray and Malik Yoba couldn't catch nobody thirty years ago on a daily give me a shout them with you Oh what else is happening guys caught up in the act just getting kind of real no I told you I got I got to catch that I haven't told you it's about to get real yeah really rail you scared a little bit okay Gipsy's mom I'm scared I'm caught up I'm caught up on that show at that show comes on Wednesday right mhm I wish they'd stop doing that [ __ ] if I'm watching a streaming service this should just be almost gives me all the show yeah they're tear yeah they exist young for that why am i waiting I have Hulu here I'm pretty I'm for that yeah that's that's really really ass it really I don't I don't know who I need to call it I wonder I wonder if that changes anything no but they have to give as far as money going as advertisers commercials right no oh wait Hulu yeah as the wallpaper day I paid the premium [ __ ] okay we got Spotify there oh yeah use Coachella no you go watch now right now throw nice all the throwing these are available best podcast I would just ruin the only tracking system we have promo code Joe next week this one's over 20 minutes don't know before I'm joking is there anything else we need to cover before I get out of here we're on the road this week let's true ah we are on the road this week and road again ah Denver get ready definitely ready Denver's ready get it ready Timbers ah you know you write about who probably got to tell Dallas in Houston they probably are unfit Dallas and Houston no no no we know those cities are just cool so we don't know what type of time we'll have there um so get ready man hope they let some walkins in that day so it look like a good crowd some seed fillers Houston show is gonna yeah I mean we never end you know you know I would never frequent those cities alright no so we don't really know what it's like out there exactly Rory and Austin for what it's worth I mean all I know is South by out here I don't know that these surrounding cities are popping I think she knows they make tito's out there and also I love you do like a little tasting vodka tasting but I mean I'll go yes I'll be supportive won't be anything else to do engage some Houston Raph tease we are the Joey's after the rest no no Joey just Joe having a good time in the corner supporting my friend mm-hmm appreciate that care that that's all that's all man Joey Joey would be yeah we gotta bring that back breaking up without your girl for like a couple days girls don't like Danny that's it and so now ain't no break no convenient weekend's for you Vietnam yeah [ __ ] somehow I think they got hip to what it means mmm that's what's not to clear your mind it's not to get your thoughts together clear thoughts cuz you come back into thoughts still be all over the place like many thinking about nothing but working and home that's it like providing make them that this is we just want to provide for y'all and y'all want to make it tough I'll never get that but I'm still gonna give me in trouble uh alright sleepers this is that all you have from Game of Thrones and childish gambino parks belly that's all I got that's all you got from all your [ __ ] business ventures huh you ain't saying [ __ ] you won't let me check your [ __ ] phone rolodex these guys are great oh hey Ola I was just warming up for raft ease I'm yeah that's what you're doing that the rest bring it back the Houston raft these gonna go a little different in LA wrap them we have actual couch listen I'll let y'all know offer well then what Sam's not and then we know off air like oh my phone I'm like no that the Houston were whispering because Sam is in the other room having fiancee Palooza in there so Houston load different cuz la was on that LH energy actually in Houston okay so it's gonna be Taylor has a different times they go home somebody even if they mad they find enough for you to do it anyway yeah I'll take that's some ignorant [ __ ] define how I have you put some decisions to make like you know you know she a little bit [Music] that's how you give me the trouble I'm leaving okay I said come on all right sleepers anything we're forgetting out there no please you know we're going on slow news week man next week we had the top 50 and number 14 just when you thought kool Moe Dee was out of here nope they made it skate with this one no one was thinking about wild wild west at this time what 29th Street Broadway all right uh sleeper that was definitely the move 20 nights I don't know what he was saying some [ __ ] that was a 100% 2ll got over what is it gonna be Mathis Novell man you can't let him go just tape in CIS como did it Ace Ventura he's in the movie worse wasn't me oh no I was uh was um I [ __ ] up it was uh Dan Marino and kuhmo D for now it wasn't comedy it was funky cold Medina man Hotel Motel oh wow come on come on I should be what's up its own alone look right there Joe snow just snow it was killing and I would have paid more attention until I opened my four and still phone and saw a graph shopping and I used to do as a store she has his phone I'm mad at you graph shopping it is and she could take your phone yes but I just asked it looking balls phone he told me I couldn't you know nothing like I you should [ __ ] to stock of pictures you shut up the last few years I'm not off of that all right this is good cotton kings back next week to see what comes in at number six you never know what album I might crack 50 you gotta keep tuning in never know really brought the funk to the East Coast with this one ready to die number four boys really switched up the landscape when Russ annum came through with this heat rock I will tell y'all and not to get on jay-z's dick again but one of the great things about this be sideshow no Millie rockin no uh well what else do they do the little [ __ ] rodeo this [ __ ] boy none of the [ __ ] Millie rocks it was a little kid I don't [ __ ] gonna get shot feet Millie Rocklin can I live it off Christelle thank you come on let's do it yeah I want to see a goat Chris be giving them a celebrity Milly Rock now like y'all really feel like do killing it change I'll show you although something slow yeah number two spot chowder Chris low-key gotta learn a dance move with some alright so this was a wonderful podcast by wonderful I mean we'll be back with the top 50 albums next time you hear from us and that's it man anybody got any announcements anything anyone shout out don't forget to use the promo code joe that's jo e not joe snow like more would have you believe Denver Austin Dallas who said I'm not sure what sold out at this point but there's tickets left pull up I was I was 6 for 8 on my playoff picks I did I picked OKC and I picked Toronto those were the two losses as far as the first games I forgot that playoff Kyle Lowry would be activated you score a whole zero [ __ ] point and I had no idea that Paul George was suffering from a shoulder injury even though I don't believe it and I'm not rolling with that I have a whole nother theory the shoulder injury may be a reason for you not like your normal self but Dame Lillard was cooking yo ass from the opening tip that 40 foot 3 that was on you actually most of the 40 foot threes were on you so if you're injured why is the [ __ ] coached Billy Donovan who was great at Florida and trash in the NBA not switching Paul George off of the best scorer on the other team add to that the conspiracy theories of Portland being the strip club capital add to that playoff P who he dubbed himself he gave himself that name you remember playoff P you remember the Jodeci Pacers picture and add to that that he used to date Doc Rivers his daughter who is now dating Seth Curry who was sitting with the Curry's cheering on her new man and new child's father new fiance I don't know what they are but all of those I would see reasons to play bad hmm if I'm war George Leszek ah my thing is they I think they didn't game playing for Canada to have a big game like that so I think that was ultimately the difference and he did score one of the biggest buckets towards into the game but I think okay CoV I don't think they want it yeah anything one that serious I picked him to win it but it doesn't look good yeah I'm sick well Portland did was protect home court oh you got the magic I was not in see that happening y'all laughed me out the room when I told y'all that Damon Jones did pick the magic to win that series he factored in Kyle Lowry playoff Lowry but again it was still a close game don't have them win in the series but I mean it's a whole bunch of mercenaries in Toronto none of those people are want to stay there right well I don't know that the only one a kid possibly that's not in contract if she is quiet oh yeah they just got him like Microsoft and he wanted to stay I wouldn't be shocked but Chuck has been there like the NBA now yeah if if the team can give you big money then yeah actually a lot of I think they still win the day it was a close game Kawhi shot a award at the end tie it James Harden's not the MVP I know I said that last week but I just want to say it again not to hate on him but James Harden put his team when his back by scoring and scoring no he in bunches trouble dough now I'm coming out this season oh the seasonal this season he averaged do you ever see a lot of sister [ __ ] oh yeah it was the thing or not well he did what he had to do to get his team near he scored and facilitated none of that shocked me I knew James Harden could score and facilitate and the second best player on the Rockets is Chris Paul and a third is who capela or Eric Gordon uh salsa but it's a good team I don't I don't know much about Brockton who they keep saying is the second best player on the Bucks and that's telling and he'd been injured for a little while and the Bucks 161 games if we asked anybody before the season starts if they do that we're all saying no yeah and when you have a jump shot like James Harden a little easier to get busy today for Yanis to do what he's doing and we know he can't shoot mm-hmm very different from watching Ben Simmons not to [ __ ] on Ben Simmons but knowing somebody can't shoot and they still do whatever they want on a basketball court right all seven assists I'm rolling said no I'm rolling I'm rolling we honest man I hope he gets in and open up who won last year who want every P last year James James right you don't need another one I mean no no no he'll need some great numbers you know award is they say it's a regular season award but it's really this regular season and last regular season and not I think it's the regular season in the first round even though they say is picked before the playoffs stop at honorable Jay I think James won last year based off him being in the running to win it the two years prior to they owed him yeah they like oh you I mean he had a great year though 36 and seven is crazy I mean either way okay be honest that thing man give you honest that thing that's still rusty I already know y'all you feel like we have the worst boar steaks in the world so I'm gonna show them best best player in the best team in the league best record apply yeah I don't want them to move the goalposts because it's Yanis in Milwaukee where it's normally best player best team don't start changing [ __ ] rockets are four seed right James farm was great the Rockets are for C um all right that's it if we forgot anything save on anything we missed nobody why you're enjoying your dinner no just pull your son and you check right we ran out rice no rice no I feel you on stamp listen until the next time I bid you adieu little up but look I don't even know what I'm saying I'm bid you adieu Lord nobody to be there in your prayers lord knows we need to be there until the next time farewell arrivederci goodbye I bid you adieu adios till next time peace deuces and my favorite you guessed it one
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 408,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2019, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, episode 239, wedding cake and chocolate, jay-z b-side concert, webster hall, coachella, henry hudson, tiger woods
Id: NM_2bQm4PZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 33sec (7773 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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