The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 724 | When The Dust Settles

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the thoughts views and opinions expressed by this podcast whose Willet it hosts areer entertainment purposes only I repeat it is not serious it is not real no one is exposing revealing indicting or telling you anything about themselves also we do not encourage you to try this at home we are trained professionals who do not have your best interest at heart or our own enjoy the show all right once again I'm here are you sure in another [ __ ] St I'm here no I'm here I ain't D I got on switch [ __ ] I'll turn it on I'm here for about 90 minutes to 2 hours feeling a little under the weather cuz I had to travel through these dirty ass [ __ ] airports I hate airports I want to stay home F [ __ ] is filthy and nasty F private I picked up a little cough fly private why would I do that you hate airports and you have to De with all people I'll stay home [ __ ] and you're rich I'll stay home I'm not it's relative that's true stop you playing I said that's true it's relative don't call me Rich what I'm supposed to call you are rich you're not supposed to call me nothing yeah you rich [ __ ] you know why you rich stop we start every P like this cuz of you I'm shut up we talking about airports you're rich and you took that to somebody being rich you know why he rich I flip is oh man I wish I could tell y'all yeah we can't tell y'all because we be going against the cold but is Ish is funding High Lifestyles yes what Madison I wish we could tell you Lon yo you that [ __ ] son and I for the yeah stupid I love you man those be the good talks why we can't never had a good talk he can't they use it against my son damn it in a cour of it's over by now whatever they is going to get from y'all The Jig Is up you crazy The Jig Is up [ __ ] I know you don't still got the jig up going [ __ ] still jiging what what for real oh she sleep that's I'm talking about the other way [ __ ] what you talking about n you getting off light you out your mind you getting off light you're wrong but it's cool I don't think so you I'm telling you something I don't believe it if you can tell me I'm rich I can tell you I don't believe it that's just you being Frugal that's that's that's fair I'm being Frugal okay yo you out of your mind yo dog this guy is on the duut case anyway what's going oh [ __ ] wait a minute now what what airline you flew uh Delta tomorrow actually today my child support is over oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh Victory lap Victory lap Victory lap yo this this know hey y know oh [ __ ] my baby 43 years old this [ __ ] know today happy birthdayy I am finished with that one yo this [ __ ] is a fool and the other one don't see like 12 years it's a snap away what 12 hey father's out there you can do it too you can do it too 2039 baby oh man you made co-parenting easy get that baby to phone early [ __ ] the literacy problems in America I'm joking I'm joking go ahead that was crazyhead I'm ignore I'm I'm in the corner for three sh bad yet you got it you got it how's your trip man please please did you go to delas no oh my headon talk here I ain't going nowhere where did he go I went absolutely nowhere I went to bed and woke up and went to work and then got on the plane okay how was the work was cool okay that's good was cool what all right man all right everybody else how was I feel good how how y'all I'm all right I'm all right you know little weather kind of got me [ __ ] up I thought we was there yeah we not that little 80° day the other day [ __ ] that with that heat you yesterday I went to the dentist okay okay finally and no I've been going to the dentist I'm about to get my teeth done but what you getting done going before that I was going you some chicklets listen no no no shut up I should I got to Dr Rubenstein watch your listen he just called me just now so something my this side of my jaw is swollen I got my jaw broke years ago into two places caught up to you finally I have no I have I have it's from getting your jaw broke that's why you had to go to get out of Brooklyn he broke my jaw Queens but I have it I have it in two places right two plac twice no once [ __ ] I was I was eating a hamburger and he snuck me from behind cracked my [ __ ] the burger was good I never forget it but [ __ ] gave you extra catch up and I end up and I end up interviewing listen and I end up interviewing the [ __ ] that broke my jaw 10 years later it's on my I end up in people was questioning that but anyway moving past that did you get your lick back I went to no he hip that [ __ ] out there breathing somewhere yeah he is he's alive that's what I'm saying I know I interviewed him I'm telling you yeah yeah salute that's peace listen so I went to the dentist yesterday and my this been swollen has been hurting me I'm not able to eat [ __ ] enough no disrespect P me sorry man so so I went to the dentist and apparently when I sleep I grind my teeth and they wanted me to get BOTOX and all this [ __ ] I'm like man I'm not doing that to relax the muscle I'm not doing none of that so they gave me a guard yeah he lying to us no I swear they gave me a guard to put here so when I sleep the back of my yeah whatever so he just called me I think it's something happening cuz he just called me say yo call me back so it must have saw something in the X-ray when you eat [ __ ] you don't think about going completely bald um why so I can put my head in it what cuz I'm I'm saying you eating [ __ ] eventually she'll rub your head and you got all the patches from like that old man [ __ ] I think figur that would be the one time where you say it's a good time to be B BD it's so crazy that you you know cracking jokes my sister is laughing I'm going get you hold the laugh in yes I do think about going bold but you know sometimes when you eat box you got to feel the patches you slide down how you do it how you I know you're fat ass ain't doing the slide down start from the top and go down you look that can slide you think I slide now I think you think I just I just thought all the box I think it won't be sexy I don't think nothing about that fly down is going to be attractive you think I you think I start off at the bottom I don't know what you do you stand up first and walk back in I stand up and walk back [ __ ] [ __ ] walk back in and lay down on the bottom of the bed right never [ __ ] oh man he listen [ __ ] said you do the caterpillar crawl oh last time you ate [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know yeah exactly it's your teeth yeah listen at the end of the day the bad box broke your jaw I promise y'all we St this part that's why you stressed this exactly why I came work good press three [ __ ] I'm cool press three [ __ ] be over there steaming taking it out of the microwave open [ __ ] no but yeah man n that [ __ ] use all his phone minutes yo he yo he got he don't never get no roll over me he using he try to get Fly and bring his laptop to work like that [ __ ] working [ __ ] sit down [ __ ] come to work bum ass compact he got yeah you got I'm surprised you don't got a Mac believe in Max I got a Mac I just I don't like him oh you just HQ [ __ ] HP look like got down what you got Windows 98 got Gateway G way oh man well welcome back man we happy that you came pause and we're happy that you're here oh thank you yes I wasn't missing this [ __ ] I'm yeah I'm trying to ride the High full performance last part yeah I got something to say about that uh I did some research and I I was exploring your patreon and you did extremely well extremely um better than I expected we no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we no this ain't French class my brother you we and I saw it I mean your [ __ ] was looking like YouTube comments I had to I had to zoom I had to screenshot it and then zoom in to see the number number of comments and you did well I want to give you a round of applause for a massive of 5 hours it's a strong Community Round of Applause to the community she strong Community right I would like to talk to you after the Pod before you leave about something about uh you know I think 6 months is up here ID like to have a conversation that [ __ ] was looking good what do you want to talk about uh just you know I think it's best that we take it off camera I I don't want to talk about anything on here you know you negotiate on camera no it's not no it's just about uh moving forward in the political field politics I would like to talk to them about politics that episode went out for free too it did uh after patreon that's what always happen of course but it was just special on this day but you know let's move on uh the prize pick thing also you know kind of bothered me I went home and I laid down on it too I'm done with you enough of you I done heard your jaw stories big stores let's see where am I at [Applause] here what is this 724 that's right [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] Dad's IC fish flip and mail uh welcome to episode 724 of the Joe Button podcast I'm your humble gracious grateful and highly favored host Joe Button here with a few of my nearest and dearest beside me it's big ma big ma Hy who big mail hoody who out thisit how you feeling M I'm feeling great good GL to be here twin twinning twinning today we twinning today that's what I thought when you walked in the door yeah no we are go us go us big flip in the building Queens what up what up yes we here we here we here is is huh hey Potter of the month insane how you doing man I'm great yourself good don't hate cuz my child support is up oh that's funny no no hate you talk I hear in your T you talking to me kind of funny cuz my child support up wow you pay more than me uh not in this one you're crazy not this one yes you do more than you absolutely no way okay what' you pay tell the world big ice in the building yep yep y Parks is here Cory is here unnamed person is here uh uh PO is here Ericson is here last but certainly not least All of You Beautiful People are here how's everybody doing how y'all feeling what's going on talk to me talk to me feeling great we're feeling good y'all look mellowed out y'all potted y' asses off the other day now you [ __ ] is in here tired man it's the weather though not for nothing it's it's this [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] kind of threw me off a little bit this morning yeah it'sing we feel great man we here we still glad to be here though yeah why you making a f we know you the rain man that's your bag sound like the [ __ ] baddies in Miami when it starts raining oh my God the rain my head look at the clouds then here go [ __ ] trying to get [ __ ] now it's going to pass it's going to pass 20 minutes let's take it in yeah yeah this is the best weather for that what's go on inside look look at Stella yeah look at Stella move tonight oh man let's go man nig's an idiot yo yo y'all go ahead what's up today's episode is brought to you by oh yeah this is episode 724 brought to you uh brought to you by prize pick go prize pick salute hoody ho salute tell my man sh all right what's popping I love this what we doing what we doing no it's funny you started with Alicia Keys I went and saw her Musical last week Hell's Kitchen oh nice it was it was excellent I would see that for sure it was excellent is she in it or she just preached it no no no no the lead uh the lead is basically a character she looks like Alicia did in her youth oh it's about her it's about her so it's basically her Youth and Hell's Kitchen oh you tried to go up there with the waitress outfit on still remember me not even a little with y'all don't do that to her she triying to go recreate the video no uh no it was really good it was really good if you're going you're going to really you're going to enjoy it she's got like it's like nominated for like 11 tonies or something wow it's excellent it's excellent I just say that new music or is it like using the old [ __ ] I don't think it's any new music it's all it's all the older stuff but I love the way that they did you know like you'd assume that her character would be singing Fallen um falling but it's her parents that sing it to each other like so that's just like one of the very interesting ways that they kind of like use her catalog and then they you know it's different Melodies and tones that they use for the same songs it's just dope stage Direction the production that sounds super fun it's a you you like it I know you don't like to go outside I know you like to just be inside like a [ __ ] hermit well there's one thing that could get me out it's Alicia ke's parents singing some my favorite Alicia ke song oh man that y I'm going go home today please go home [ __ ] I will go out for that no you won't it was good I didn't get a chance to say it because you know we were focusing on the beef all right beef cast is back yeah aftermath of the beef the aftermath when the dust settles for now yeah for now for now there's lots of rumors floating around that more shit's coming we'll see I don't think this stops no no I think they should but why as a fan you don't love this [ __ ] I do of course I do so why you wanted to stop I wanted to stop cuz I think it's going to spill over I would like so why would I want to keep that going I'm just about I'm just talking about the music is going to keep going ain't no bro lines was crossed a while ago honestly true not like this I kind of want to just hear like music from those guys wa like they delivered great music have the debate what do you mean I I think that I think that if it keeps going it gets dirtier and it gets muddier and I think once it gets muddier um people going to start saying [ __ ] and doing [ __ ] that's going to become violent I feel like it would be harder hard to get muddier I mean that's what I this [ __ ] is a dead beat dad and a [ __ ] colonizer and like so let me read said he was a wife beater that's a lot it's a lot worse that this can get let me read let me read what quest love had to say cuz it echoes your sentiment Quest love says nobody won the war this wasn't about SK Gil this was a wrestling match level mudslinging and Tak down by any means necessary true women and children and actual facts be damned same audience what and blood will soon put up rest in peace posts like they weren't a part of the problem hip hop is truly dead I agree I agree with that from go too like what what's going to happen is cuz people start uh equating it to Big and Pac so if you have enough smarts to equate it to Big and pck look at what happened right you what I'm saying like yo never have we seen a beef this big since J and not like yo dog these is some of these [ __ ] is affiliated with real gang members like this ain't no Studio Gangsta [ __ ] these is real [ __ ] that do real [ __ ] that got a lot of resources and a lot of um uh influence you know what I'm saying on both sides agre so now what happens if these [ __ ] see each other in the middle of La what Happ like this has the potential to go anywhere left or right and so I don't think that you know what I mean like cuz I I don't think they could compartmentalize and separate the two things I don't think it could just be a music beef I think it's a beef because we saying personal [ __ ] about [ __ ] you talking about [ __ ] wives you talking about [ __ ] kids that [ __ ] ain't rap agree where is Texas in relation to what you mean like how far no not how far New York this is the East Texas is consider where it's considered that's the South the South okay so it's South versus West you get T Texas what what you mean um affili he got more affiliations more than just that where he got more affiliations over here in the east coast I'm asking he has affiliation AFF it ain't just them without it's not going to be Canada beefing against the West bro it's just it don't it don't have to what it's just kind of saying is it ain't got to occur in Canada or the west or anywhere like people got people everywhere you got money when you when you compare it to pck and big that's what I'm referring to okay when you compare it to that both happened in the west coast it was a west east and west thing right if you looking at that this is a little bit different to me that's it now there are some [ __ ] out there that will jump out the window there are I mean Kendrick is out here in the East so there are some [ __ ] that may jump out the window but I don't I don't as of now a lot of things were said I don't see it going that far as of now pertaining to that I mean the [ __ ] that's happen in that Drake house I don't know where that's coming from I don't know if it's some I don't know where that doesn't make any that doesn't make any sense to me and that's the point things that don't make sense happen in beef Joe said some [ __ ] about Drake we had dumb [ __ ] at Joe house this wasn't nowhere near compared to that it's Doos out here that feel like they riding for their man that be crash dummies that do dumb [ __ ] yeah it's true okay it's a different era now too where everyone online presence people see [ __ ] like accessibility houses is all that [ __ ] like that [ __ ] Ain and everybody want to score points and make it look like they they put in some work or something for who they love like that's why them little [ __ ] were showing up at his house like yeah we riding for our guy Drake don't know you [ __ ] you don't know Drake what you say about that Joe I hate to be that guy again in here go ahead you know they calling me they say I got they say I'm biasing this mhm you are but if you're on a record if you're on a record saying your team ain't got no real Shooters [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] is soft y'all ain't going to do [ __ ] okay know where I'm at taunting taunting basically that's instigating it don't matter who get something done to them oh no no no no no wait wait wait wait if something happen to somebody us as hip hop guys we going to come in here crying and in tears it went too far that's a fact so I don't care what he's saying on the record okay slow down but go ahead Slow Down slow down I don't want anybody get hurt facts however your is on the news every morning and you're the biggest rap star that we have yeah I think it might be a little naive to think that nobody is just trying to come to your house to see what's going on that's what I'm saying outside of shooting but if shooting is now happening right after I say come on [ __ ] I came here and told [ __ ] suck my dick I had a fight the next day y'all said oh come on y'all gave me that whole spill so what is the difference exactly that's kind of what he saying he's saying don't escalate it like it don't have to keep going it was me that only going to get worse I see what you're saying which is why no I'm kind of with him which is why I think Drake should chill he not even in a head space to have just rap beef right now he not his life is not set up to solely focus on a rat beef that's why I said he was showing the inability to focus on one person that [ __ ] scatterbrain right now I believe him to be totally Shell Shocked by the turn of events uh by some of the people that are choosing the other side by the fans [ __ ] deserting yeah I think he got a lot going on mentally emotionally I think that he's focused enough as an artist to keep pushing forward but I do I mean but also that's I disagree with I mean well I don't know but I I think this is very Uncommon Ground for him in his career not only that all the way all the way across the board like I've been the the darling I've been the the fan favorite I've been I've always had the internet on my side I've been the one to have them making the memes and the jokes about you all of these things that I've done is now happening to me and like I I told y'all when we were recapping the beef I don't think he was prepared for this so now it's making you move in a way where you just off your game a little bit you're not as focused you're not as sharp as you normally are that may be true but this he's too he's too driven and ego uh uh egotistic to to not focus on moving forward but he's also really super introspective and if he doesn't feel like if that shooting at his house like that is a violation I would that would ter that would terrify anybody I don't care how much security you have how big your house is security got shot in the chest security got shot in the chest and it was a life-threatening injury so I don't's up to that man by the way exactly so I'm feeling like he might just want to try this there's been a seismic shift that he cannot control I feel like he's going to try to fall back decompress and decompress and really and take and take an overall assessment a real life assessment talking about rap I don't think he I think rap is like that six thing on his brain at this point yeah but it may be the [ __ ] around him because you that's a possibility you have to listen listen you have to put yourself if you're not from that or understand that it it's difficult to put yourself in the mind frame at 37 to to like have anything done outside or to prepare for that if you haven't prepared for it before if you don't understand the logistics of Street beef and [ __ ] coming to your crib it's not like 50 in him it's a different so so I I definitely agree that if that is the case the shell shock and he would have to go back into his cave and think about it because it's just you can't just hop in the beef like that or you can't just hop in the street [ __ ] it do work like that my only my only thing I don't like when people say oh y'all egg the be on and then scream rip etc etc I don't I just don't like that because we're going to say rip yes but I don't like when people use that examp any any beef at all that's the case any anything has potential to escalate if if two people are not levelheaded that can that can happen at any time you could just y'all could be on a record when EG get inflated [ __ ] can escalate so and competition beef all of that has been a part of hip-hop so I don't we've had a couple inst instances where [ __ ] lost their livas lost their lives and we had times where [ __ ] didn't lose their lives so I just don't like oh if you're a fan of this right here we're not rolling dice with [ __ ] Liv I'm not saying let me I wasn't saying we're rolling dice I'm just saying I don't like what people make it seem like yo if you and if you are a fan of or any or if you enjoy this record then you can't say rip I'm not asking for nobody to die [ __ ] can die not beefing but are you participating in the instigation that could lead to that you participa in the instigation yeah come on [ __ ] oh you got you're participating so when you when you participation you're a participant and then something happens like that it is hypocritical to say rest in peace no it's not it's not hypocritical to say rest in peace cuz I I don't want that to happen to you but it bro so you just you're hoping that they're mature you're hoping that they're mature enough to just keep it on wax and and it not spill over that's what you say you're just hoping that you you hope you hope that you don't want anybody out here killing each other part of rap is competition [ __ ] have been dissing each other since rap started [ __ ] have not been killing each other over disre [ __ ] got punch we he St just that [ __ ] kids and [ __ ] families and all that [ __ ] I said lines were crossed in this particular beef yes lines were already crossed that now makes this very muddy already so if it's already murky Muddy Waters and we see this is the thing too in Old rat beef some of the older rat beefs not all but in some of those rat beefs there wasn't necessarily Street [ __ ] with millions of dollars and tons and tons of resources that could reach anybody mhm woo that wasn't that nowadays these [ __ ] could get you killed but but hold on a lot of them older rap [ __ ] had some Street money behind them [ __ ] [ __ ] got punch back in the days [ __ ] got punched in the face over something little flip you talking about somebody getting punched in the face yeah I'm talking about a man that lives in a [ __ ] Castle in Canada and his security guard got shot in the chest in a couple days not saying that they were directly related cuz we don't know that but what I'm saying is the probability nowadays if you really want to reach out and touch somebody you can okay that's all I'm saying what does the punches lead to in in when with egos yeah all right you got it no no I'm just saying like I I don't I don't equate the two okay like you know what I'm saying I don't I don't equate the two I got you Kendrick Lamar's bat catalog was up 49% to 5062 million streams this weekend following beef I believe that Drake's back catalog was down 5% to 10.69 million streams that's not so bad via billboard I went to buy the uh all the records on iTunes yesterday and the first five records were all the Kendrick and Drake disses and the first five albums were all Mr morale was the top selling album yeah I went in iTunes I saw I saw somebody posted that um not like us was the number one song on Spotify in Canada as well as Apple so then I went to look a little further cuz you know Apple lets you break down by like cities globally so I was like let me just see what Toronto says right I pulled up the top 25 Toronto not like us was number one and I think Kendrick Kendrick had three of the top five spots for Toronto wow that was yeah if I'm Drake I'm gearing up for the not like us video to come and be the most Lit video in the world yeah that's going to be a long summer to not like us remix or remixes that are coming it's on the way you have to see it [ __ ] the like that remixes that might be on the way still like I have no idea if I'm Drake what's on the way one two back to the Shell Shock part of this if that was in this part uh you did you said at this point he don't even know who's against him honestly companywide no to personal company the whole [ __ ] I'm just saying yeah he has I have no idea who you might got 10 slaps with [ __ ] you might have been spent the night in the studio with really ain't [ __ ] with you at this particular Point well no that's the thing you got to regroup for real for real listen I I done went and didn't I done went and made some calls now I'm going to go try to get some tea I done w got on my ish messy boots no I want I want to try to get to the bottom of this [ __ ] and yeah to that point and back to just being toned deaf a little bit yeah that's what I learned Drake is just tone death he don't know like it's mad [ __ ] out there that he done did that hey I'll give you a verse give him the verse and then don't clear it or I'm stepping to you while you hot as Fish Grease and we do something and then you fall off a little bit and I don't clear it like there's a lot of stories of that out there so outside of these 20 people that are against him I think industrywide for the most part before this beef popped up was ready to get at him all over the industry just looking for this just happened to be the perfect time to do that and with that [ __ ] uh with what I think Metro was talking about if if I'm correct in in my research yeah that was just the final straw of oh you're inhumane outside of your industry Behavior outside of you [ __ ] the [ __ ] like whatever who cares but this part whatever that Metro [ __ ] is oh this just shows that you want some bad human [ __ ] and it's time to send the word around so I don't think he has no idea who's [ __ ] with him who's not [ __ ] with him I think he is in that house just gone like they pulled the rug from under him yeah know bet he should sit back chill rest his Spirit his mind get his soul right get his security right protect himself protect his house enough of this beef [ __ ] now enough of this beef [ __ ] when you get back when you come back around to it if you want to address it then fine address it then but for now so do you people should lay low I it's yeah for now everyone both sides I think can lay low you totally played it wrong you got off tour we thought that you were locking yourself in a studio and strapping up for war on some scary hour [ __ ] and that's just not what occurred that's not what occurred your your opponent had a little more time to be in the studio I think Drake might have slept at for some reason just a lot of sleeping on his part I think you overestimated his punch he thought what he had was enough and we'll get it done like I went back I keep listening to um Family Matters and when you get to the end like the way he's talking like you're dead you're done like he thought this was enough I I did what I set out to do which was pull a curtain back on who you really are M and that would get the people to to now look at you differently and they won't [ __ ] with you like that and I thought I was finished and I also in doing so addressed everybody else I killed all of y'all at one time uhhuh you know the I the the story he put up beforehand with the Denzel clip I'm going to kill all y'all my only my only regret is I only get to do it once like he he believed this is over now yeah and was wrong and wasn't prepared for it to go past this and then that's where all the miscalculations started time timing is everything no I think he was on miscalculation way before that yeah timing is everything just the wrong time wrong time and when when you like I agree with Joe when you realize that don't know who's [ __ ] with you and you know don't take account accountability you end up in situations like this period when you overplay your hand like it's just wrong time you know miscalculation there was so many people coming at him once he wants to focus on everyone because ego I'm a I'm a big artist I'm Drake [ __ ] I helped a lot of you [ __ ] and then it's just played it wrong so let me ask y a question I think the mudslinging on his part was also a bad calculation once he started mudslinging bringing families and [ __ ] into it he didn't know how that was going to bounce back it bounced back bad he warned you you didn't we we spoke on this but he warned you you didn't listen and you walked down that path and it got ugly for you question my question for y'all is this though with as fickle as hip-hop fans are in particular Drake take y'all advice and go lay low for give me a time how long are y'all saying the summer no a month oh okay you okay yeah a month and I think you should come back on some just hear some more hits yes I was going to say you take an extended break now hip hop will pass you by even for him can't even go to Turks no more what's extended that's what I was asking yall with the time when yall said he need to go sit down fox said a month I said 90 days I don't I don't think Hip-hop passes him buying four months five months I disagree um I think he his ability to make music would allow him to bounce back I've seen we've seen it we've seen it with super hot artists we seen the other way too with super hot artists we've seen when especially once the companies decide they done with you we seen it with artists we've seen it when J was Fish Grease and then somebody but what somebody tricked him off his game yes had him making records that's not really in his bag and then he went low and tried to come back and you know what happened nobody cared at that point we've seen it happened with well [ __ ] let's just go to Drake himself how long did he lay low after push yeah but not that long but the difference is the public didn't fully turn against you there was people that said he beat push even in then oh all he did was just expose some tea all you were just gossiping people didn't some people cared and other people this is totally different the entire everybody has basically outside of the core Drake stands have turned on industry cool yeah this is an industry cool this [ __ ] is strategically put together so you go sit too long and they go pumping up a couple number ones and all this other [ __ ] out bro they will turn the fans against you now you come try to drop again your [ __ ] is gonna be a dud then they're gonna start saying yo it's over for you I have a really good industry question shoot what happens if he really goes away let's say he take a two-year layoff does the industry suffer yeah hell yeah yeah so now if the industry suffers because he took a two-year layoff industrywide when you come back they going to push your [ __ ] not necessarily you take if the industry suffer in in that two years they can find a way to bounce back I mean they might suffer at first one thing we know about the music industry is they ain't going to lose at all they're not going to lose so they'll put they'll pump the next Drake up or they'll get the next person that's ready and have this person this our guy now we'll start we'll put somebody else in place if we need to that's easier said than us it's very way easier said than that that's yall sleeping on the industry why the industry been dead the last year he been active the last year I'm not even talking about to your argument I'm not talking about I'm saying if they have the ability to produce Superstars Superstars they do but not to that L but well look what happened though look what look what they're behind why now the industry's been down for two years right but they figured it out so that's what he's saying with the Superstar whatever they figured it out so that's what ice is saying going to figure it out regardless they'll start seeing this and say all right cool we got to move this around we got to do this here we got to make this make sense over here they not going to take the L the house ain't going to lose know and so and from a business perspective in my opinion when you start realizing yo I kind of need this [ __ ] I don't need him but he damn sure helps get your dumb ass back over here and let's get this money or worried on the street is that he can't leave for two years that's a possibility contractual that's a possibility which which means what that it behooves them to get your dumb ass back in the saddle and start making some hits or this could just be the powpow all right you you was getting you was getting getting a little too being a little too frisky all right let's show you what we could do that's true relax [ __ ] and knock you back down deid yeah remind you who you are mm you you you got a little grown hold on you you thought you ran [ __ ] around here now now you now you see don't make us have to tell you again fall in line it could be that I hope he's good that got to get annoying having just random people show up to your house every day get annoying [ __ ] annoying yeah with the news sh out there like you had kids come to your house you know what I'm saying they was tall kids though don't sleep no no I'm not I'm not saying that tall little 16y old had to sleep on them [ __ ] yo this [ __ ] got somebody got shot at his house [ __ ] he don't deserve that you get what I'm saying like that's a whole different ball game fam like you got kids yeah you know what I'm saying like that [ __ ] is different my [ __ ] like I I have a what what is the lesson here for him right is the lesson is it is he too old to change his ways is the lesson because you know is he too old to change his ways is a lesson like I need to move better than this to preserve or save any future relationships the lesson is ego a [ __ ] huh the lesson is ego is a [ __ ] no I think the lesson is no no I'm just asking because there a bunch of them yeah it's it's more than one lesson it's definitely ego a [ __ ] like Icarus and flying too close to the sun it's I was thinking the same thing as you about his age and having to Pivot you know what I'm saying because that's what he got called out done he got called out on trying to attach himself to you know the younger generation and stuff like that and how corny it was so it's like what's his pivot what's his he's got his sound but what how does he evolve I look at that a little bit different I look at that attaching himself to the younger generation different now that all this came out that's what I mean me too yeah I look you know now it's like you was forced to do that [ __ ] wasn't [ __ ] with you I look at it a little bit different yeah before was more like oh he's trying to attach and stay relevant but then when y started speaking and I'm looking at it how all the people that he [ __ ] with doesn't [ __ ] with him now I see you really had no choice but to you know be and shout out to the it wasn't nobody's first option to go hang out in Kentucky with Jack harlo that's why would you say that nobody's First Option that's wrong hey man let me head on to Derby I think a lot of [ __ ] be I think a lot of that [ __ ] be favor for a favor and shout out to Jack car but I'm just saying H Atlanta Magic City with future in them but a derby with Jack har yeah I'm go with Jack who the [ __ ] said that the Derby is lit but was nobody watching Drake see I'm too big of a drake fan i' be watching things if people ain't watching ain't nobody watch him and jack harlo up there during that [ __ ] a lot of money in that game in that race rather focus on that I'm a shut up cuz I like Jack anyway anyway what else we got oh we we well we got more rat beef sorry bit yeah thanks to you no thanks to free y' you somebody get hurt I did not start this m he did they keep saying that I started it it's game and Ross I did not start the be game was somewhere mind his business Heist came out and tweeted damn I wish game jumping is be so he can show youall what a real disc record sound like I said I wish somebody dis and not even two weeks later later we have a real disc record from game showing people what a disc record sounds like [ __ ] fire too but no what I think happened in this instance was still don't know what they beef about I'm going to tell you what I think so the Drake and Ross situation um you know when a Future album comes out they took it as a disc album and everybody featured on there is basically you're dissing Drake just by being associated with that album right that's when the fans go and look and realize oh [ __ ] Ross unfollowed Drake we don't know when that unfollow occurred that [ __ ] could have been months ago but people found out because they're looking from the album so now when Drake comes back and he's addressing everybody the 20 V1 [ __ ] you send some shots at Ross and you get in in in back and forth with Ross game has been basically on Instagram cryptically saying I stand with Drake so if I'm and and game is is a [ __ ] that can rap loves to dis and we'll just do it just because he's told us that his own his own out of his own mouth MH when tiger and Dirk were beefing hey Tiger's my man so I'm G to jump in this and get on Dirk ass just because I I can he's that type of person so now I see I see Drake getting this okay yo fallback you ain't I got him I'm going to jump out and jump on his ass just because I'm I'm cool with a couple of you [ __ ] so 20 20 versus one I might be cool with 15 of y'all [ __ ] so I can't shoot at the 15 but you right here I've been haded in for you Daddy I'm on your ass and that's what I think that's all want to hear some Miss record of course keep going well first of all what happened with Mr King Kong pause oh yeah he had to ask you we had to ask you here we have to ask you real quick banged it on him that's right better banging [ __ ] you want to hear that [ __ ] yep no I'll try another way to get to him I want to talk to King Kong talk to King Kong see what happened uh I don't like game going at Ross I know I'm a hypocrite cuz I like I like rap beef and I like him dissing [ __ ] but I just don't not right now it's it's a little uh not right now it's a little like the Kanye too soon yeah and not for nothing Ross like I liked the Ross diss track but have we gone back to it like not really I did did you okay cuz the talking I have I really a disc record to me like not fully the first the first verse is not a diss track but second verse and the talking at the end was hilarious to me but I like this because Styles make fights these are two dudes that can rap Will rap and are funny I think we've compared their discographies before on this broadcast I think we've made an imaginary verses probably preves probably about them too um um it's kind of too soon for me okay and and if the West is is doing this united front thing right now then don't go rep for the dude that the West is against right now no I do like games [ __ ] energy though but there's a way to do that whereas like cuz I'm still home team because I'm not saying nothing about dude over here no man I wanted I maybe wanted to hear gay on than not like us remix and this kind of takes that off the table I would say yeah but but if that's my man that's not an option he might not be on there I'm not I wouldn't do that anyway I'm not dissing him yeah yeah good boy beats hard yeah but everybody everybody on to not like us remix don't have to diss him I think you just hop on the remix I actually wouldn't mind if the remix wasn't a diss track cuz as much as I'd like it it's funny like I would actually kind of like to hear this song as a song If the remix is in fact happening we you know we're speculating but oh I Know Remix about Say remix got to happen a remix is coming but I wouldn't mind hearing that as a song you know what I'm saying like not necessarily tied to I I want him to one blood this [ __ ] oh God ice please I don't care just keep it going that that beat is that beat is that hard though that beat is that hard that [ __ ] was 30 minutes long no I'm talking about no no Junior Reed no no no no no no no y y y y'all Junior that's when you put it all together remember what he did he had like different versions of the remix Dro that's all I'm saying like we remember how Like A Millie where everybody just did a a version of that like when you got a hard beat like that I want to see Hip-Hop come on and jump on that beat and not for nothing they got a lot of enemies out there yeah here's a stupid here you go though I'm about to get you here's a stupid question me what I'm about to [ __ ] get you no you're not look what you saying and when somebody get their ass shot you going to be coming up here [ __ ] crying with them shades on oh what you saying now [ __ ] hypocrisy it's not hypocrisy I'm talking about saying just point out a hardbeat and I was dope what you did I said I know what you just did but um I just just know I Spott it um yeah I'm on I'm on your assas it's a dope beat with hip hop with dope beats a Milly um one blood Benjamin like you hear [ __ ] jump on the beat I'm just saying that there's a lot of people that would just jump on that beat just because oh okay I a't like that I'm not saying go diss him but that's incentive all right cool got you I'm g go jump on the beat now that's all you're right freeze salute though here more of this more of this diss track give it to me all right pause I love the beat flip yeah I love it absolutely love to be flip all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right thoughts fire see I like that I like that and it's not it's not as muds slingy trying to talk about your moms or your kids or you know your like it's it's rap yeah it's rap I'm saying your you know what you living is a facade who you are you know you're not who you claim to be just just rap yeah and it's clever and funny not to see yes you can do that I don't see anything wrong with that nothing wrong with that that's kind of what battling should be like let me just prove to you I'm better at rapping by rapping not I'm prove to you I'm better at rapping by digging up information about your wife like it's weird just rap yeah rest rest of the panel I think it was dope I think I think think it's dope um I'm going to see what Ross got to say I'm excited how long you think it's going to be before he responds well Ross already went on Instagram laughing um he put a video up eating a bowl of cereal he said he should have been eating y' must don't want to eat you [ __ ] are starving something like that La you and that's going to be a part of it we're both of them yeah I actually like Bross beef in general because he's going to be funny he's game is going to be funny they are going to be hilarious bro let's keep it a buck here we are dealing and I hope neither one of you gentlemen take it offensive you probably will we dealing with two amazing liars and they're funny and they're great at this [ __ ] yeah what who else could you want to go at each other on in in Hip Hop that's a good point that's a good point that's to entertained [ __ ] what that will will rap and Will rap well frequently pick good beats cuz music going be come on dog come on I see people I don't want to hear from gang well that's that's just y'all being fans of who you're a fan of and and we off him right now that's that that mentality I don't care about that if you're going to give me a good entertaining rap y wack it's it's Joe but I'm I'm on a how you feeling what up bro I'm I'm looking for King Kong man tell King Kong to call me me tell King Kong call my phone he got all these young whipper snappers asking me what he did to me these [ __ ] wasn't alive when me and him beef he done he done dragged it back up while I'm retired [ __ ] of it Joe that's the of bro man call King Kong man tell tell King Kong in my phone I want to have a word yeah tell I'm looking for oh [ __ ] that's it that's it hit me back all right one get the word out he look say say he was just texting me he ain't said nothing wrong I ain't mad at him but I got to ask him what he want me to tell these young kids is coming up to me he's with the shits I mean I felt like I said that before he did all that that's right why you put it in there [ __ ] it no listen hey young kids he's right he he's he's a tough out he's with the [ __ ] he's a tough out mm he's a tough out that [ __ ] now that I think about it that [ __ ] ruined a spade tournament I was having with that 600 bar [ __ ] button button whatever was happening butt I had to sit there at the spay table with the phone in my ear like this almost riged they might not have heard that [ __ ] that's my sleeper today go ahead I got you it's cool I'm barred up at all times you can play what you want I'm barred up at all time so like King Kong I'm going talk to King Kong later we'll see what's going on but uh as far as him and Ross I'm not oh I'm I'm conf I'm conflicted because I'm I'm trying to grow up and be mature like is like all the people the older people I'm around them [ __ ] is mature you and Quest love like when you quest love [ __ ] Larry all these older [ __ ] that like got money they like yo man it's not even worth it it's like it's going to just lead to the demise and the funerals and and yeah them [ __ ] is right but damn [ __ ] let's have a little bit of fun can can can you rap beef without it leading to that I would like for it if you just leave the the [ __ ] W KS really depend not none of the rap beefs that you want to see true none of the Rat beefs you want to see could really go down without like we could see let me think of two doof without no [ __ ] without no Street c without no Street [ __ ] no [ __ ] Ain't Got No weapons no knuckle game no fights no I truly believe I'm going keep it up I believe I believe game and Ross can do that without it getting nowhere I believe they can just they both they're both entertaining Ross doesn't like he take anything personal no if I'm agreeing with that it's only cuz I feel like Ross don't want to leave Miami and game don't want to leave La I mean that's part of it but I think they're both a little bit more mature G trying to go to booby trap game don't give a [ __ ] about booby trap true Ross don't give a [ __ ] about rosos I do also think that people that have certain um come from a certain lifestyle treat rat beef a little bit differently what do you mean people that have seen some things in their lives don't play with certain [ __ ] that got money ain't trying to lose it no is that what no I'm saying people that have seen some [ __ ] in their lives are not going to go out here and say yo your wife is [ __ ] your manager they've seen some [ __ ] like that happen and real things happen they know what come with saying certain [ __ ] I think that's part of the issue that we saw in the last couple beefs yeah I don't see their beef being like a battle of morality you know what I'm saying cuz that's what we just saw where you still ain't St to K Kar what the [ __ ] now you talk Elizabeth Elizabeth she said well I think the morality I'm just saying still out there breathing shut up I'm just not I'm just saying what it's not going to devolve into and writing books I don't think I think you wrong I think all of y'all are wrong I think that if Ross says the right [ __ ] and comes back with some fire [ __ ] I think this definitely turns left I'm still waiting for Ross to mix the last beat to for real and and game this beat don't sound like it's it's mixed the way I want to be you know hit BCE put SoundCloud and let's keep it pushing these [ __ ] have spoiled me with the good ass mixes yeah that ain't happening and I'm not bad no I'm not that [ __ ] Sound fire but that that beat Sound fire it beat that beat Sound fire even if it ain't mixed that [ __ ] Sound fire hey again two [ __ ] that have an excellent ear for beat and now I can't hear Ross and game collaborations no more did you think you were get in the next Ross and game collaboration I don't know but one day a little Ali buay part two might have came out don't hold your breath on that man man all right so now I don't get Ross in in game I don't get Ross and Drake I don't get Drake and none of Atlanta I don't get Drake and Gunner no more I listen to that gunar album that [ __ ] was hard a no Drake on there I can't get Drake and ti. I can't get Drake and I can't can dring nobody no more it's over and Jack har SE there you go I I think still cool in Atlanta for some of them [ __ ] I don't think the whole Atlanta has turned their back on you'll get Drake in 21 you absolutely will get it I think you'll get Drake and Future in the next year maybe I I don't see it I don't I don't see it I don't know cuz look like future standing next standing with his manro and T and yeets who else are these new [ __ ] four bats yeah four four bats for sure dra four bats four four bats oh I love the just just the irony in all of this not miss the No New Friends having to make new friends oh [ __ ] oh man this is awesome I love it make new friends so that's annoying fam you making new friends and then you hitting them slaps I think and these old no but these old [ __ ] that come back around too they don't got no slaps y you know I was just you know what I'm saying man you know what I mean like yo we old we got to get past the [ __ ] I thought you guys were just going to keep it you know what yo what message we send into the youth we can't come together and still do this man we need to do a double XL cover for Nostalgia hip hop joint concert man donate the money that's y spreading yall Drake narratives what you wait wait wait wait spreading y spreading Drake narratives you didn't just say that phrase did you yeah he did is it Groundhog Day [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he didn't do that no but he Bill Murray [ __ ] this guy yo you you good yeah yeah you the man what that is a drake narrative that hey all these [ __ ] need me for number ones can't nobody get a number one without me that's a drake narrative all of the people that spew that get that from Drake Well I mean when there's some facts behind it then yeah you can say that I've given you your number ones his stimulus package was work it worked and they went to go get it that pack was hitting that [ __ ] was Trump [ __ ] was circling the block with that pack Trump check heyo [ __ ] was outside like you got that you got that my 600 you got that the [ __ ] I got don't have to give it that's hilarious that's a fact we ain't about to downplay it now that you know the tide is yeah but I don't feel like arguing because it's going to make it seem like I'm a drake hater and I'm not okay when I was in here saying that I'mma Miss Ross and Drake you was the [ __ ] telling me Them [ __ ] Ain't worked together since 2016 2017 correct what number ones he had since 2016 2017 oh I don't know but I've enjoyed a lot of Ross music since then I I'm we said number ones in hits which ones did he have since 2016 and 2017 that was what the conversation was the Drake stimulus package got you to hits I'm telling you I don't think none of these men are doubling back to Drake to get a number one that's my point they not getting a number one and they're not going to get one exactly they're not trying to get one correct okay then we saying the same oh yeah yeah we good then but if they wanted one [ __ ] might have him still on speed down yeah I was just playing big dog yeah tell you a nothing wrong with that though if you're not chasing the number one you don't go to the number one hitmaker no please the number one hitmaker shut up [ __ ] I don't want to hear none of that [ __ ] [ __ ] Kendrick got the number one right now yeah that's see y'all [ __ ] got him into that mess so oh number one hit maker number one hit maker all right he was the number one hitmaker bro you didn't get him in anything and he still is clawed up heyo clawed up defensive wounds [ __ ] lot of defensive wounds I it's so bad osar Maya the company put out two hot dogs and said BBL Gizzy picture askam my Instagram yeah it's going to be a whole summer of that andzy be a long summer yo he got to change the tide yeah hits hits I I have not changed with what I said from the very beginning he needs a hit nothing for him to win it's nothing for him to win even if you go out and put up the most Stellar performance in the world all these [ __ ] still ain't [ __ ] with you and it still is affecting you so you are who you are you didn't have to engage in none of this [ __ ] you didn't have to go do it for the fans you didn't have to do it for your reputation or always being that guy to step up to the plate I appreciate that from him I do too cuz these [ __ ] won't do it fact but it comes a time where you have to no longer be that person this should be his last battle I agree it should be no more battles agre and that's going to hurt me cuz I love that [ __ ] but this this is it this is it yeah no I think I think you leave it alone after this agreed it's it's you see you see the risk isn't worth the reward at this point just go back to the lab crank out the hits man slaps that's it that's all you got to do yeah but fall Hits yeah hit Sumit September October November December hits probably around that Christmas oh my Christmas give us the record to bring the new year come on yeah yeah yeah for sure the ball drop joint you and Mariah get a Franks and outra AI yeah 2025 is your year y for real God Dam stupid that's a shame stop reading the news what I agree it's time for her it's time for my favorite part of the show prize Pi uh prize pick is the that little cute laugh ain't going to keep getting it done on Prospect time neither scream come on act like it's quy house again yeah come on that's come on get into it [ __ ] hater act like yeah act like Will Smith doing the prize pick look you ready to jump in no no no I was trying to think of who uh priz Pi is the number one daily fantasy sports app in all of the land super easy and simple to play all you have to do is look at two players look at their projected stat lines and pick more or less for your chance to win up to 25 times your money you could also turn $10 to $1,000 and went up to 100 times your money go Nick by the way if I didn't say that yeah yeah yeah our whole team is falling apart but we are two and0 well 2-1 by the time this comes out I'm forecasting a loss tonight two 2-1 for us whole team is going down but we ain't going to lose no [ __ ] Pacers the Pacers all right don't let that clip come back listen we going home in the next round to Boston like we are supposed to see how the talking arrogant dudo see see what happen you get to talking arrogant and underestimating your opponent pay to send your ass home for talking greasy but go ahead I'm super proud of my team and the Performing y home then what we down four starters don't matter they going to be they not like us they going to like y' [ __ ] right on that stage on the court watch the confetti going to be falling speaking of not like and they going to think they was [ __ ] y'all but speaking of not like us y'all teams is home right absolutely so M mute it up right now mute it up right now while a playoff a playoff conversation is happening that's peace we sent y home on your Merry way hopefully that Bell PA is doing a lot better for that's peace get him some help get him some good help uh listen uh good luck to all of y'all out there please don't forget to use the promo code jbp and we'll see yall on the next go round that's right all I almost cracked him last night I'm going to call let's see here let's see trip soon so you ended up with nothing NADA but I almost cracked him last night I'm going back to Nashville let me see what's going on man I don't care what you do I'm not gonna fight you Joe yo listen I'm not gonna fight you all right I'm listen but you play too much I'm I'm live on air can I and am I speaking to King Kong yeah man you know the Vib man you know the vi hey yo and on some real [ __ ] you me and you we had a time we we we we bumped head at a time in Hip Hop where it could have went you know where it could have went you know what I'm saying I had my [ __ ] you had your [ __ ] you was rapping like a [ __ ] I was rapping like a [ __ ] so when I said what I said it was to to make you use your platform to let [ __ ] know where we come from with this [ __ ] cuz [ __ ] always try to make it about my an yeah I'm an idiot I don't give a [ __ ] I say whatever it's all good I'm confid in it but when it come to the pen and bar for bar and rapping and beep [ __ ] like cut it the [ __ ] out [ __ ] I really really do this like so everybody knows that about you already and even before you did this I tell people on my platform game was a real headache to deal with any 6'4 and could record you and fight you at the same time I say all of that like nobody has this in question so why you why you outside like this because the thing is this man you got cuz you got that itch watching this I mean you know you know what it is you know what it is I ain't I ain't started my podcast yet Jo I'm still in thisit what hey you let you left your [ __ ] no no you seen these [ __ ] going back in fourth you got that little itch and just wanted to set it on whoever well wait now we got you here just [ __ ] know what it is with uh Kendrick [ __ ] know what it is with Drizzy it's all good we watching a [ __ ] amazing hip-hop battle [ __ ] one of the best ever if not the best just on what it did to the culture you know what I'm saying but like a [ __ ] sitting around just trolling like [ __ ] keep that same energy [ __ ] like [ __ ] want to rap you want to rap you want to troll [ __ ] let's do it [ __ ] like bumphead with a [ __ ] that really do this [ __ ] do you expect for Ross to reply to you bro he did reply with a [ __ ] cereal bowl [ __ ] I mean all right we we we definitely know we know you [ __ ] eating we get it we see you we know you eat but [ __ ] Louis Vuitton cereal BS and [ __ ] how how do I reply to that do I go in my crib and and post the Louis Vuitton boxing bag punching bag like [ __ ] is that what we doing do you think that he's gonna reply in like a verse or a song n if if if he um I don't think it's wise I think that he I think that he might and if he does he's done and if if all these fickle ass [ __ ] fans and [ __ ] this say I don't like game he's corny he's this and he's that [ __ ] we get it [ __ ] but can game rap and will [ __ ] rap against game will [ __ ] do that because the rap [ __ ] Ain't saying what the people in the comments are saying the rap [ __ ] know what I do they know what I do now I have to ask you what if he smoke you heyo what if he decid to go in the boo I'm just asking hey look look look ain't no ain't no [ __ ] pictures of kaso no infinity pools or no pinky ring from [ __ ] from the Mac movie and your verse going that's not going to win here it's not going to do it bro not a 57 chevel from the car show not a rare iguana in a [ __ ] uh in a koi pond that's not gonna do it here you got a rap all that luxury [ __ ] that ain't G that's not gonna do it here man game it's ice I just want to ask you one question since we have you live on air can you please confirm that I did not start this because they're blaming me for this for my tweet you got G no you defin you definitely started it that stupid ass tweet cuz ain't nobody wasn't even think about this [ __ ] here you come with that tweet he was already home somewhere with the itch I know that MC itch all right I I own it now all right listen I'm I'mma watch I'm a watch and listen yeah yeah me too if y'all gonna do it I'mma listen and you and and just man just know you know you know what I'm saying you know you know and that's all I'm going say man peace be peace be upon all my good Folks up there podcast I'm glad I'm glad we I'm glad we had our running when I was young and vibrant and and had some energy and youthfulness to do this [ __ ] I've never I've never told a [ __ ] in my life [ __ ] anything derogatory about your pen we didn't bumped heads on on on the mic we oh you banged it on him I did oh [ __ ] no now when I was getting praise let me call back get that praise back oh my phone they clip me nah son oh yeah the car Dro we bumped head we bumped head on the mic we bumped head in the streets you of all people even though you have elevated to a level of hip-hop greatness in journalism [ __ ] you know you know the Joe [ __ ] the Joe with the side way [ __ ] Yankee fitted he knows no I know I know listen I'm just old now I'm just old and watch now so I'm going watch yall from the sidelines I'mma watch y'all get it on [ __ ] got we gota we got to stop we got to stop even even using that type of verbiage when when describing [ __ ] that was [ __ ] that like was in Hip Hop when it was super [ __ ] great [ __ ] ain't nobody washed ain't nobody corny ain't nobody nothing and when [ __ ] say oh [ __ ] you too old [ __ ] that nigga's older than me and he rapping every [ __ ] day and is still rapping and still there's no age limit on this [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] always crying about quantity and real hip hop and real rap [ __ ] we [ __ ] let's ride he's got a the rest of the game follow Su I'm not mad at that Ain say nothing wrong I'm not mad at that let's rap let's rap [ __ ] don't don't don't hate game for no reason like [ __ ] hate me don't even know why [ __ ] you hate me because the [ __ ] on top of you in the comments said he ha me I don't I don't get this generation bro he's dead right he's right you got you got you got you got I'm sure you have music coming soon at some point [ __ ] what I got right now is what I got right now you know what I'm saying don't worry about no but the cereal bowl already squashed you [ __ ] he put out the cereal bowl you especially the way the [ __ ] was laughing with them pearly white horse teeth [ __ ] game it's been a pleasure having you I love you you're always welcome here and and do what you do I'll be watching [ __ ] love you yes sir hey right [ __ ] up for starting this [ __ ] all right that's a fact that's a fact one game all right I can't deny it no more yeah sorry sorry man when you talk to a [ __ ] and he say yo it's just in the spirit of good hip hop and and I just want people to rap like I don't want nothing more than for people to rap and for the young people to see that and follow suit we just rap rap could be entertaining got to respect that [ __ ] mhm got to especially when he puts his money where his mouth is if necess certain nothing to say about that I wouldn't want to be 40 something something rapping his game and he sound like he got too much energy yeah too much he sound like he next to the studio right now nope that's the problem no sir Bob bye [ __ ] like that right back in the studio wa what what you did yeah a [ __ ] that that'll drop his kid and just run to the studio you don't want no smoke with that [ __ ] you want the [ __ ] that's like no I'm going be with my kid today yeah yeah no let me get back to you uh all right what else Shaq dropped sh Shaq dropped a disc record oh [ __ ] it's this season Shaq dropped a disc record to Shannon let me see if I have it I've never heard it so we're going to hear this for the first time I love live reaction I hav't heard it either uh okay no not that oh man yo big Jersey watch all y'all watch your [ __ ] miles first too just in case I hope Shad wraps back okay okay Shaq hey Shaq hey sh hey sh okay skip okay skip man you're not allowed to do that i f i [ __ ] with sh sh man I like it you're not I don't want no smoke don't don't well while he look for it you want to give him hates every big man if you haven't noticed he does he doesn't like the big man rightfully so because that's his position he is in his mind he is the apex predator matter what no one says we don't care he don't care what you say he care you all the Championships and all that if we lace and we had to in our Prime had to play against each other our Prime he thinks he's the apex predator those Awards hurt all right dog I don't know what's going on here that's see that's why I don't play [ __ ] on air for the first time no he's about to come in yeah he heard his voice he was about to come in that was a little hookie has man doing something your whole demeanor is Faker than new raer be before you get Fly you rather tweet me I was in three different cars when you wasn't 3C all I see is dollar signs they come in in 3D make it hot Ain't No Way Around My de you are not in my spot you are like a peee got I'm calling me Rocky the way I re [Music] I let's go sh yo you cut him off yeah yo what you doing don't cut his wisdom like that no that was the end of the clip oh okay oh all right the end of the clip just a little preview let you know what's coming yeah okay uh and what's going on here uh Shaquille O'Neal told the Joker on Inside the NBA or inside NBA on TNT whatever it is uh congratulations for your MVP but I do feel like SGA should have won it he said you know you're my man so I keep it real with you we keep it real with each other I love you I love your brothers I love what you're doing but I feel like SJ should have want to MVP uh and then Shannon went on one of his platforms and replied I mean should I played all he said was no I'mma play it cuz he did say he said Shaq is was never top 10 in nothing oh [ __ ] wait what nothing sh about the comment oh no let me find never top 10 in what word Shaq was top 10 Shaq told Shannon he was never top 10 in and and and Shannon told him that he's not top 10 let me find the clear y'all go ahead yeah can I ask what might be a stupid question SGA help me sh uh sh yeah Shay Gil Chris Alexander young kid from plays for the Oklahoma I'm never professed that I was his greatest Shaq mhm but what I will responding I slip sh if you took what I said a resp n God damn it so so SGS another guy sh side with his athleticism yeah that was as dominant as him Shaq should have five MVPs he sees a guy like nicolei that's not as dominant as him and gets three and four years but see when you historically great they talk about you as great basketball player the goat and sha has never brought up and I think a part of him is enviously B when we talk about the greatest basketball players of all time as far as the goat conversation Shaq's name is never brought up in that yeah it's hard for me to put somebody in the goat conversation with one MVP regular season it's hard Gil so we going to take somebody with one regular season MVP and put him in front of people that got three they got four they got five if Shaq would have had if he had my work ethic he had at 40,000 points damn that's what he said Shaq replied sh like that [ __ ] he says you took me sticking up for uh SGA asking jealousy of Joker shows how smart you are and how you say anything to get clicks so here's some clickbate for you if you ain't ranked in the top 10 in your profession then don't speak on me don't forget I know what you did to get where you at me jealous sounds like you're jealous I know you're trying to stay relevant by gossiping on your podcast we don't believe you you need more people and in case you forgot four rings three finals MVPs top 50 and top 75 Google me and to be quite Frank all this new success you got you're still under me you don't know my work ethic but according but according to you I work but according I work less than you but I'm worth more than you make it make sense I love you too if you need any help making money it's better ways than gossiping I'm too old for this [ __ ] love always always the most dominant big man ever who never took it serious remember I don't know you and in the words of skip bis I'm better than you G14 classification I have it you don't not in my profession and your goat debate never wanted to be the goat I wanted to be who you should greet me as the most dominant ever # apex predator bars what do y'all think about what Shannon had to say about Shaq's place all time he right Shannon he's right unfortunately I mean Phil Phil Phil Jackson reiterated that in his book that basically if Shaq's work ethic was anywhere in the same realm as Kobe Bryant they would have had the best team and ever play basketball but he didn't work as hard because he's just physically dominant so sometimes you got it you kind of take it for granted whereas the dudes that don't have it they might be busting their ass to work hard um if I got four rings I don't really care about how many MVPs somebody got done shanon is saying though if he if he now he got four uhuh he would have more he would have 10 you get what I'm saying he would have 10 matter so so that that's the thing I feel like big men always kind of get the short end of the stick in in the league in terms of MVP type of conversations who's the greatest of all times conversations my thing is the first people we always go to is is guards and forwards back then no uh best in the league maybe back then but not goat conversations typically like Wilt should probably be wil and and Kareem should be in more goat conversations than they are do you think that that's just because of where we are in time they were for a long if you ask Joe's dad Joe's dad's going to put wil for sure Bill Russell and Kareem up there all the time I think the game has transcended the big dominant centers into guards and fancy and threes and [ __ ] like that but in Shaq's era he could have definitely won and I think that go conversation ain't start till Mike for a lot of folks so now it's that that's where it starts at for a lot of folks so they're going to say Mike and everything going forward they're gonna which was more guard friendly league yeah the big man wasn't really that person now the big man is but to to to your point and again I only go by from when I started watching ball the 0en Lakers is the greatest basketball team ever to me that's the greatest basketball team I've ever seen play ball the the 2001 Lakers so yeah he might have worked harder he could have achieved more but I think Shaq says I'm glad with my achievements I didn't want to be the go I am and he is the most dominant big man ever it it was it's not close well I think Jack would have had it we can't prove it so I I think I think he um it was just objetive I think it was objective I think he gave his opinion for sure and nowadays if you give your opinion sometimes you going to get you step out on the ledge get the backlash for it I don't think he was trying to be um personal I don't think he was trying to attack him what do you think about Shaq saying I know what you did to get where you are I believe that personally I don't know what he's referring to I think what I think he's referring to is a lot of the culture didn't come around to Shannon until he put the doag on and had the black and out hanging out his mouth and a Henny and all of that started some people can might call it cooning it up a little bit but that's where a lot of the culture started to attach to Shannon so if he's saying I know what you did to get where you are more sound sounds like and I don't agree with that okay I'm just I I that's when the Shannon that I saw that's when the talk started you don't agree with what that might be ice I think that um I think when Shannon and the skip really found a Groove I think that show was on fire I don't necessarily think that the um uncle Shay cuz that's when he started naming himself he had to doag talking about that yak and all of that I think that they're they're arguing and they're back and forth banter is what set that show off I don't think that him with the cigar and all of that like good old James like he used to be doing all of that stuff so people started to get into that more than him doing the Cory I don't think the only thing for me that L that gives some Credence to what ice is saying for me is that he hasn't done it since good point that's a good point Shannon responded the Shaq yes can you play that he did let's see uh oo everyone spam okay Shaq about the comments that I said last night Shaq said you took me sticking up foret as jealousy of Joker shows how smart you are and how you say anything to get clicked that's not what I did but anyway so here's the clickbait for you I just read that let's go in the top in your profession top 75 and to be quite Frank all this success you got still under me you don't oh he don't read the F okay never Che in the shack in the chat no he uh on IG I've never profess I'm I've never professed that I was his greatest sh but what I will say yes sir I got what I got because I work my ass off now Shaq has been the one that said that he didn't work as hard he didn't train as hard he didn't eat as well as he should have right right Shaq is the one that anytime someone wins an MVP he talks about how he should have been the MVP over Steve Nash now you guys have heard me speak glowingly I say Travis Kel is better tit than I was so was gr so was my guy uh what's his name uh the charg Antonio gzo big wins I'm cool I got no problem you know why I got no problem oo with giving people credit right because I got everything out of my god-given ability God gave me the ability to do what I could do but he gave me discipline he gave me dedication the way I trained the way I ate the way I slept so this was all I could get right I now I would have felt some type of way if I got these numbers and I have asked it but I never half asked it every I mean Kobe said Shaq should have won and they should have won right but he took but my thing is is that you can't and it say uh greatest characters it's Shaq I'm the greatest character no am I a top 100 player no am I the equivalent as a football player as Shaq W as a basketball player no but what I did do is that I maximize that and my question if Shaq and yeah because it's rough on the back my question is do you believe that you gave everything you possibly could in basketball did you train the way you should have did you making the same point but yeah yeah but if I'm if I'm if I'm satisfied with what I if I'm satisfied with what I got which is what Shaq said sounds like they both are yeah so how are you to now say well you should have did more to or you could have done more to get this that's not for you to say I'm satisfied I'm happy with what I got in life it's not like Shaq is walking around with a bunch of regrets saying like damn had I done this I could have got that no I got what I got three finals in I do say I got rings I do also think that uh journalistically um responding to someone's opinion as just hate is kind of simple and juvenile you know me if if any time someone has something negative to say about something or a different opinion on something that happened and you automatically just go to hate that is like a very simplistic mindset to me wait who you talking about in this instance I'm talking about uh Shannon saying that uh Shaq's comment on Joker winning the MVP this time was hey is a very yeah I agree with that that's a very simple minded way to respond and not to say that he's simple and it shifts the conversation from what Shaq was talking about which he's not alone in many people feel like uh sha should have won MVP yeah yeah versus Joker winning his third in four years maybe they feel like the Thunder should be happy with the coach of the year award I don't I don't I don't see that they were number one in the west with I think I want to say the youngest team in the league or if not one of the young team yeah was like there was some stat like this was the first time since I think the 60s or something that the player averaged what he averaged on the number one team and did not get the MVP yeah I think jerked them but I don't think they want to give the MVP to someone young or someone who they may view is having a breakout year now and two I think there's this agenda in the NBA to globalize things yes I agree with that true even though Shai where where's Shai from Canada yeah that one yeah lose that one yeah he's nice damn he's nice you say we lose that one he's going to lose oh yeah yeah absolutely we already Canada he was from we'll take we'll take that Ian team since 88 man we cool no not 88 yeah and Canadians getting smoked right now Canadians is getting smoked anyway right nowan soon as I leave I'm going to put some Canadian bacon up in in the [ __ ] frying pan I think everybody's issue with this came from the timing of even though Shaq said yo I love you I'm talking to you like you know I always give it up with you people's issue came with don't say that right now like he was just announced MVP this is congratulatory moment why you got to go and say yo you ain't really deserve that but when you when you got a relationship like that you I was glad he told him that to his face on TV where I could watch it yeah I was so glad he said that I understand I'm just saying that's where relation come from it's just you me and you can have that relationship if I bring that to you on a pod in front of everybody is a little different in your moment of celebra in your moment of Celebration and it can it's left up to interpretation like in a million different ways I would agree with you if Joker didn't have three already if this was his first time getting the MVP and he [ __ ] on I would be like all right that was a little foul but he's already won a bunch come on man that's not I don't think that super foul for Shaq to say this guy should have probably got the shot and I don't think it's hating I don't think because a lot of people are believe have a point I don't think it was I just think the timing of it is what made people really rub them the wrong way doing it on TV I guess in front of you know but yeah well snipp picking though they got he's got a job to do I think it's hard when you played the sport like Joe when if Joe critiques a rap album somebody can be like [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] I sold more copies than you you get what I'm saying so I think when you played a sport yeah but I smoke that [ __ ] boost who said that who said that mad people who said that about Godzilla mad people who said that about Godzilla God see you did somebody say something about Godzilla that's one of them [ __ ] Godzilla's tough he's a tough out [ __ ] walk apart one of these one of these days nah never mind nah one of these years I'm going to get one of you [ __ ] I don't know why kid cudy thought he could make that jump I want to know what I know that's random no cuz but he went got the X-ray and he put all the screws in his foot and he was like yeah I really [ __ ] my [ __ ] up and I relate to that cuz I [ __ ] my foot up but I'm watching his jump I'm thinking about my jump that jump was his jump was I I'm I'm I mean I'm familiar with early cutting music I was like what song it's a [ __ ] make make you do that what did he jump from yeah I don't know the stage but it was a shaky jump like he was shaky a little bit before the jump like he was about to trip and it seemed like to avoid tripping he was like [ __ ] it I'm about to jump anyway so let me just jump and not be up here looking stupid he jumped and the pressure when he landed immediately he couldn't get up fell down yeah that that that I don't wish that on nobody that [ __ ] hurts I know that [ __ ] hurt you you land on you landay on the wrong way yeah yeah the doctor whatever the foot doctor dude is when I broke my [ __ ] he told me I was lucky that how I landed because if you land and put on that all that pressure on your heel and then all of that breakup yeah pop pop out in kiles ruptured ailles woo that's what you jumped out the window you was talking about I didn't jump out the window jump the balcony yeah no the fence that's stet no I was fine man I was fine jumping over the balcony oh that was a smoke that sh with okay I'd have been fine in Star if I didn't have them [ __ ] uh SES on times was hard back then I had 900 P ofies every color way it's good sh broke ass [ __ ] how many you got now my bad let's PE you ain't saw soer I don't have no soer we know no we know we know not cuz I wouldn't wear them we know we know Joe downsizing mhm had to get rid of a lot of things and and acquir some new things philanthropy that's what it is philanthropy a giver yeah come on and an impath impath Godzilla Godzilla and an impath r in one you got it bro I hate all of y'all you got it dog none of y'all are my real friends oh man we hold you down where's the [ __ ] that I'm looking for I'm glad to Shaq just decided to make a rap song about it though Shaq just do whatever the [ __ ] he wants Shaq is chilling man Shaq is like he'll be on DJ don't hold no punches though no no don't hold no punches you say something he on your ass PA he don't play with him he G to let you know how you feel big Jersey [ __ ] bro I keep tell that's why I told y'all watch your mouths and don't get disrespectful up here I mean no I don't but it's okay new music new music new music what new music do we have we have Gunner we have Gunner I love it you got your favorites already yep cuz I I gave it about four listens okay I got about seven songs it's a it's a lengthy project I was shocked at so many songs how many songs is that uh 20 20 yeah but um it's smooth as [ __ ] bro it's smooth smooth smooth I I didn't give it to CEST that's the only thing I couldn't give it yet I was in the house listening to it in [ __ ] headphones but you you got a little bit in there Chief ke dropped as well I got my songs right now I got my songs that I love we're not rushing there yet I really don't know the name of the songs I love cuz when I play it I just let it rip when I got off the uh when I got off the plane in Queens I got in the car and I just let it play but I noticed that for me uh hey back in the a is one of my one of my joints um I'll tell you my favorite records on here go ahead please um back in the A on one tonight still Prevail uhoh shouldn't have said it shouldn't have said I was letting you get your favorites off but listen the whole second half of this [ __ ] is hard to me the first half is slapping too but the second half is smooth that's my vibe that's my vibe this Norman record is hard but it's not daytime podb yeah I didn't I didn't get that from the album it's it's this is really some Chill Vibes just some smooth ass album bro yeah smooth I love this album and I love this album so much that let me come in with a little bit of hate uh I think Atlanta is really kicking New York's ass right now with these projects like between Gunner between future both Futures between Killer Mike I'd like to see some of that from New York I'd like to see anybody from New York produce like a quality high quality project of 20 songs that we can enjoy we got we got one that was decent last night it's it might not it's not the same generation Ghost Face Ghost Face let's hear Ghost Face Drop initial thoughts like I didn't hear this yet this feels like the first album that he has but Parks keep it real some parks thought this feels like the first ghost face album in a long time where they were actually trying to make some [ __ ] that would go beyond Underground hip hop nerds oh that's good I I saw that when I saw the track list yeah he's got R record on here he's got uh Kanye record on here which I love I was going to play for a sleep but give a little bit of [Music] it there some [ __ ] on this album man it's an enjoyable [ __ ] album I like that I meant to tell him after the intro yeah if she don't take it when she's supposed to take it then it loses potent potency I heard after 72 hours what your man what your man Anthony Edward said send the video video send that vid s that vid mama that's why listen that's on us man you got to go to you got to go to CVS immediately you can't waste time you can't stall you can't you can't stall because if you stall that yall a tag team that stall time is on her if you stall she ain't about to rush and take it when you bring it in all right I'll get to it no no no no no no no no I got it here you go here go my [ __ ] do they do the uh instaart for Plan B yes I don't know about that how would you know sir don't no because my man told me he right right right my man told me he did Don't Clap Don't Clap my man told me he didn't no I didn't he my man told me he put me on that you still wrestling with Holly oh [ __ ] what do you mean wrestling with her what do you mean wrest you had picked up I picked up and SW around and said stop playing with me girl you know what I do something like that I didn't say no [ __ ] like that you did but yes you did come on girl don't pay no narrative I'm a married man I'll [ __ ] you up here niggaer you said yo don't play with me like that girl you know what I'm we were doing a reaction I did say you picked up off the ground on your shoulders I pied up yeah yeah wrestling Queen's flip style that's part of my that's part of my my bag but your hand you had to make sure she didn't fall so your hand was on her thigh here are you crazy watch your [ __ ] mouth it wasn't have some hey yo listen L won't leave me alone don't let me start S lonely L won't leave me alone stop why would lonely do for me all right I was wrong shout out to Hol yeah I mean you know yeah my man told me that though he was he was in the studio I got to clean it I want y' [ __ ] we was in the studio and he and he pulled it up on his joint my insta car don't got that [ __ ] [ __ ] I'll show you my insta car now stop playing with me [ __ ] wrong with y'all [ __ ] man that's a game that's a game changer though yeah he he showed me this make that lonely walk and make that awkward conversation with the lady behind the counter oh going up oh yeah have to give your but I think the person that's picking it up I don't think that you got to show your ID no I'm saying like you know it's like it's like a walk of shame damn near for you you don't I've never bought one of my walk a pride or that perspective I walk back to that little counter happy to the [ __ ] hey hey uh miss leslee beautiful day isn't it oh I'm feeling great myself I'll take three of those so Sunny going remain Sunny Joe yeah these hoes are trying to lose the first one y these are oh my God it flush down the toilet by mistake well here's the backup let move away from that toilet shorty don't look like she did last night no stay in the car I go get it I go get it no no no get you a water too yeah you what else you need got get put in some eggs like I used to do my dog fool I used to take some chicken and crunch up in Brooklyn dog food girl I want you got to be healthy here goes smoothie yeah oh my God yeah what that [ __ ] they be eating that healthy [ __ ] a Mediterranean bowl or some sh yeah all of that thatan hello I think they got to take it hold though for to have a you know I don't think you any pill is stronger when you I mean I heard bump it yeah Crush It smash it I heard the you just touch your what you going to bump the player be WR with you you got to force the play and B down M bro God oh no that's not that ship is sailed no no no need oh you heard that that's what they all say until they get pregnant at that age and then they say it's a miracle baby God God God put me in this pred man we I really we can see we can see now in the dark of her apartment with bad [ __ ] [ __ ] lit around her [ __ ] praying we can see you if you get pregnant right now it'll be a miracle girl you'll be happy godamn and I'm supporting you I'm supporting you I'm the uncle we going to all support me is we going to buy you gifts and we going to make sure you are she like God you shine the light on me God I survived everything and this is a message from you she she will come here I'm Baptist I'm Baptist I'll play this out for a second oh I love in the event that M got pregnant we got hold it down and she wanted to do that that thing that the strong women do where they work to like 7 months seven oh they work up to work up to a week before you let male work till 9 months yeah some girl some girl who was I talking to the other day where she was like if she was like uh what did she say something about uh uh I'm pregnant there only but much I could do like [ __ ] Serena won the Grand Slam Rihanna performed as a Super Bowl way up there beyon did Coachella pregnant they changing the rules don't try to hit me with all that pregnant [ __ ] but anyway do y'all think y'all be able to deal with pregnant Mel coming in work till she eight months no put me on record no she she scream on us enough regular what I've seen Mel get up and run off crying regularly I'm c big dog pregnant you think i' be super emotional yes a question would what do she mean would be what what's the jbp um maternity leave like oh all the time you need until until your God your family and your body see fit for you to come back to work andate responsible answer right there that boy good Le that boy good paid Lea is your a lawyer I mean hey heyy want to talk about I oh man yo oh God sh face man he got a great project for eight months for eight months what paid leave damn damn don't do that don't do that [ __ ] [ __ ] friend how much you need no you idiot month and a half they need like month and a half and a half is six weeks now you know you get a month and a half from me good after they have after they have the baby they need like a month or six months man after the baby yeah what country you talking about America [ __ ] guess it varies that's why we told you get off them rocks over there in Italy [ __ ] come back home [ __ ] or whatever you was at you know in other countries they have paternity leave where y'all get paid leave here too yeah they do here they they do here it depends on your company mad on your company my man just came back from that [ __ ] man not this one for sure I already see is depend on I hear you niggaer not this one not today it have not a what take that [ __ ] to Switzerland Ireland whatever country they be not at all guess who won't be what get snipped I'm good since you talking like that get never know what I'm going do I 65 ice know me this [ __ ] still oh so you ain't get enough this [ __ ] still on having kids you can tell you up you up 65 still children dog freeze them Robert daero you can freeze them and still alucino I might want to be in heat looking at the camera tell the camera in case any baby moms is out there looking I don't have that I got two baby moms I'm good man 65 might be different though two two one seven I never ask flip ask flip what nothing nothing I have one I have a wife [ __ ] with three children from that same lady y going stop playing same same woman we glad we glad we missing one today my queen and she let you do the wrestling part oh your dude dude what wrestling P the wrestling P you're doing that's not a wrestling p no oh you just wrestle at the par she she Ain see it yet but when she hit oh when she want to give her a sneak PE she hit I'm going have to violate you yo next week can we pod honestly she didn't see it yet next week that's happened no please all right can we turn the honesty meter up a little bit next week yes up at least 20% I'mma cook this nigga's muffin when the honesty need to go why because I talk about hey y listen I can't can I be honest with you too no cuz you not I gave you I gave you Grace I gave you Grace you can't give me Grace I'm the man Joe I gave you Grace take take it away you don't want me to take it away yes I do take it away no no take no no come on let's fire at each other right now stop let's go those times you was coming a come on let's go flip don't do it I'm mature don't fall for the Trap what's up it's a trap a setup flip it's a setup hit the the no no no it's not [ __ ] I'm the Trap Master [ __ ] the ramifications yeah sorry see I don't want to jump up like that listen no listen here's the truth I'm a married man um and I'm appreciative because I'm able to do my content looking at that camera right there what the [ __ ] you laughing at doing you doing it right no no I'm appre because my my wife supports me in my content so I feel like if I was a white man like how Stern and doing it you wouldn't be so judge judgmental you know there's a lot of men in this type of field that do the same thing I do so it's just fun it's respect my wife has not seen that yet as a reaction oh no I know but I'm how hard were you smiling in the video I I didn't even think you was going to work today wait till yall see that video can I put that video right here during this part during this part of the show what why have y'all all right let me ask y'all have y'all seen it i't seen like to at this I could only imagine Howard Stern picking up this badass bad what all statto above all right hold up I got the video here I got a C and then we can move on show show it show it to them cuz I don't want to hijack I don't want to hijack the Airways but yeah look at your man oh actually no give it to can I play it well y got to talk though all right I'll just keep talking you can play give it to him to play no it's fine let them go ahead that's not bad right it's not that bad thank you it's not the worst right no it ain't that bad I thought your pickup was like this listen the fans can't see it I thought I'm sure you put put it in there we'll talk we'll talk put it in there [ __ ] I'm going fry you up next week [ __ ] those couple of weeks you was coming to here I'm fry you up [ __ ] I know I studied you oh next week we going to talk I studied you [ __ ] and I gave you Grace I want so once you open once you open I want your grace [ __ ] open the door open any door regarding my family my wife so go ahead open the door do it now ahead I did I just said something about your family and your sumo wrestler [ __ ] what about it yeah [ __ ] what family [ __ ] you going through [ __ ] tell me huh when you [ __ ] coming in here like you [ __ ] lost a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] gave you Grace [ __ ] allowed you to be in here were you old [ __ ] about exactly she know she know she's a woman I I see where he's going with she know don't say nothing we say don't say nothing trap me up where's it going I'll fry you up too that's why I'm staying silent sorry I don't want to do it come let's we already cuz your Fri us is worth it's going to it's going to be worse I'm letting you get get off get off get Just sh off no uh what else we got what else is important stupid what else is important or unimportant uh did I'm not touching this Preddy good [ __ ] yo um back was still a new music y'all see me drop the uh new video no no all right so said a new video that's what I saw no I heard I heard you I don't think any man has listened to the song Heard not even trying to be funny don't take it the wrong way you know connecting I had the TV on you know I got the Apple TV [ __ ] so I go to this I see the video I was like oh went grab the headset put the headset on cuz I could really watch the video hold up you said you put the headset on so you can really watch it yeah I need to see the video the big screen got big 150 in got you and I a want to turn it up loud because you know my my baby was sleep right there so I kept the volume down low so I didn't really hear the song it's an amazing you wouldd appreciate it it's a lot of anime uh references and stuff what's the name of it boa you know she's doing everything snake [ __ ] anybody got a clip of the video yeah yeah no of the song of the song I think both Hancock is from One Piece if there's a snake lady well she's been playing on um snake themes with all of her songs so but it could be a double anandra all right sounds hard sounds hard sound like she shooting a little bit and it looks good she looks good in the video oh she looks great in the video it's a really nice video nice um visuals what do you think about the song oh yeah the V oh the song um yeah like I said sound like she's shooting and in line going on everywhere so yeah get her [ __ ] off too she Sho I don't know who she's shooting at I'm not doing that because you know how certain fan bases get you start naming uhuh nope don't want to instigate no at all I'll instigate with the men I'm not touching that um sounds cool sounds cool it's her flow it's her sounds like her pocket what she normally does I mean it's not I'm not sitting here like I want to go hear this out anywhere I it doesn't give me I need to hear it outside VI unless they got a screen up and they showing videos then they could play it so it's a really good video it's a great video music videos are back though they seem like all the popping artists today are scared to leave their pocket and do something new just try something different just experiment I'm not just talking about me I'm talking about gunst you saying artist yeah what people do oh go ahead cuz [ __ ] start criticizing them the second it don't work it's it's the wor you made the worst decision ever so it's like yo dog why you doing and get back over here but it has to not work for you to figure out other things that work that's true or if it ain't broke don't fix it if this is working for me and for what I'm doing for what my fans want me to do then yeah I'm just going to stay here maybe if they get tired of it I might go pivot to something else but if my fans are still supporting me and I keep giving them this right here keep giving it to him not for nothing to the last Megan project if we're talking about her specifically the one that is love she kind I feel like she did step out a little bit and it wasn't ased as I just think that um me I'm not a creative but I think that as a creative and you can speak to this yo you ain't never like try to push yourself you know what I'm saying to do something different like you can appreciate the Beyonce [ __ ] with her trying to do other things even the Drake album that he did that wasn't well received with the [ __ ] SRO pay like yeah like but I think that as an artist you should try to push your boundaries or not have any boundaries and and and push the envelope you know you know you know what happens a lot like you use Joe as an example Joe made the album um album uh no love loss that was even though it had your typical Joe records on it it was a lot that was outside of what Joe normally does they kick my ass for that album exactly kick tore his ass up Paul I mean I sold some records but yeah they kick my ass and that is trying something different here it's like yo this is not what we became a fan of you for it's almost like you you're not being true to yourself you're selling out I hate that phrase but you're selling out by trying to gain a bigger reach or I'm just growing up and a multifaceted and that might be me and this might be me I don't just you know what I'm saying I just I think you damned if you do and damned if you don't and a lot of that because then the other knock is like you said oh you won't try nothing else you won't go experiment you won't try to grow you won't try to do this the second you do it oh we want you to stay the second you do it and it Blow now they going to label you po yo he doing bubble gum [ __ ] for the others he you know what I'm saying so as an artist I'm sure it's kind of tough to try and venture out and do some new [ __ ] what you think M the the key is to find a balance what you think about that I was well I mean when you said that artists were could be considered pop like I can't I'm not [ __ ] doing this with you guys what who you I'm like you and you I didn't do nothing you and you this is what you guys always do you always look over at him to see what yes all of you to see what the reaction is supposed to be yes it happens all the [ __ ] time it happens all the [ __ ] time I don't see a reaction body slam right quick hit her with the Holly struck [ __ ] yo y got to be thinking about that y [ __ ] hey she was wearing real short shorts too like where'd you grab her to body slam her a woman ask y AB abort abort yo I'm not a Bor I grab with my shoulders where'd you grab her on her body her arm lift it and like this yeah okay hands in my pockets the whole time [ __ ] but you know what though man you know we do we this we filmed before so it's did you body s mail was that no I did not body s mail no M had the shorts on yeah uh no oh she had shorts on her in her in her uh oh it's getting creepy listen I really did want to know what your thought about the topic before you start shooting at all us no we were trying to include you I was trying to isolate you so we could just hear that's all I wasn't trying to be funny I feel like with with artists who kind of like find the pocket and are making a significant amount of money off on it they don't want to deviate from that the risk does not you know the risk is too is bigger than the reward you know what I mean there's just too many variables so and this Meg's bag is is this and she does it extraordinarily well this video is amazing I like the song video okay I I love the song I think like I said you just got to find some level of balance like manage you you can make those attempts to try something different while not isolating your fan base so give them what they want and then maybe sprinkle in three joints on yeah that's all joint I think people have the problem when you isolate the fan base where you totally go over here to chase that and then the people who held you down and got you up to this point is standing there like Yo Dogs what the [ __ ] is this we don't [ __ ] with that true like you got to still feed us we was here since day W don't just say [ __ ] them because now I'm trying to go chase something different keep you keep that core fan fed because when that don't work who you going to rely on to keep you going them same core fans true story that makes sense Mel tell us about what happened with shaie O'Neal okay so sh shaie Henderson I'm sorry right exactly so she's been remarried to a pastor the last name is Henderson so that's what she goes by now but her book is called undefeated changing the rules and winning on my own terms and uh she talks a lot about her marriage to Shaq and the title the clickbait title that's going around is say is basically she says she never loved him but that's not what she said it's just like it's paraphrasing what she said so everybody's processing it as that's what she said that she never loved him during the whole course of the marriage and that's not really what she said I thought it was she said she was never what's the qu you got the really in love with him or something like that yeah so the exact quote was um I enjoyed those sweet early years being a mother and raising my children my days were always busy with uh kids and family and every now and then I got to travel or enjoy a little bit of the NBA high life but invisibly my marriage was beginning to crumble and so when I read this I was like she's remarried and she's writing this book in hindsight so her perspective on what she feels like love is has just evolved it's changed she was really really young when they got married they had six kids together and I just think that you know it was a it was widely known that he was cheating on her he admitted it as such so I think that that's really what she was trying to say was her I knowing what love is to her now in hindsight she's saying that it wasn't it wasn't the same as what she's feeling like right right now that's just what I took from it it's it's a little bit but it was a little bit more yes she said I don't know if I was in love with him or if I was just in love with the man that I had children with and then was saying how she did love the the fact that she was an NBA wife the exact quote is looking back I don't know that I was ever really in love with him but I was in love with the idea of being married to the man I had a family with I was in love with the idea of building a life together I truly did enjoy spending time with him NBA road trips gave us a chance to gave me a chance to be with my husband and experience the NBA life for a little while I think everybody's kind of focusing on that whole NBA wife thing I don't think that well a lot comment wise that's what a lot of people seem to be focusing on like oh that's only it's the lifestyle that she wanted it's a great lifestyle who wouldn't actually want it you know what I'm saying like a lot of people are penalizing her for actually telling the truth about the fact that yeah it's a good [ __ ] life being married to one of the biggest NBA players players in the entire world it's that's that's a good life but she also had six kids with this man so to think that she didn't have love for him is kind of ridiculous to me not necessarily but or four kids I'm sorry yeah what what I saw was and um the point that you made like you could think you're in love with somebody you know what I'm saying like if you have a relationship in your 20s you might think like yo I'm madly in love with this person as you get older and you start to see what love can be you can now in in in sight look back and say yo that wasn't love at all that might have been infatuation that might have been something else but this particular person that I'm with now I'm madly head over Hills in love with them right that's possible what I've read was people saying that it was in poor taste for her to say it publicly not necessarily um taking into consideration how it would make him feel or look to the public because he is such a big public figure it could be taken as disrespectful to him and then I've read that did you hear his response I did yeah but he's a classy dude that was he wasn't going to respond uh not going to shoot tackless anyway um I think that I think that um and then I also read like yo he raised your kid that you might have had that she came into the relationship with a child theyed and they were saying like yo he raised your kid he treated him like his own child like he deserves a little bit more respect than that I'm not saying that that's just what some of the commenters were saying and so I think people could look at it like yo you you didn't necessarily have to speak your truth you could have just let it rock out well when it comes to for his sake well when it comes to books and you're like you know you're you're putting out a book and you're trying to you know get the best deal from one of the publishing houses they're going to tell you you are going to have to SP Sal we need some salacious [ __ ] you were married to Shaq during like the you know the biggest moment in his career you had six of his kids it was rumored that he was or sorry four kids um but they had six kids collectively got him and you know so and it was his infidelity was like you know just it was a prevalent rumor or consistent rumor so speak to that and so in this book I feel like people can look at it in poor taste or this is just her truth this is just her truth and when it comes to the blogs they're going to pull the most salacious Parts out and they're going to add to exactly I got it exactly so what quick man what was his response how did he respond to he said um I wouldn't have been in love with me either to paraphrase it she's she's not wrong I wouldn't I I was hard to love or I wasn't I would have been I wouldn't have been in love with me either something fly taking it off of her throwing it back on him yeah cuz when she talks about their relationship she talks about the fact that he really was never there you know in order to spend any time with them she had to go on the road but that's what she says she was just like he really was never there like you know there was the chefs buying the groceries and whatever and you know her being a mom tending to the kids making sure that everybody's doing their activities in their school etc etc but he was really never there and she also went out U went out of her way to say he always had an excuse for something like for everything you know what I'm saying an excuse for every single rumor an excuse for every single notion that he was cheating on her she was just like I just I could never get to the bottom of [ __ ] you know so it was like that's what made the relationship start to crumble I get it yeah I me want to ask you something cuz you said earlier a lot of times people will think they're in love or what they thought was love and then get somewhere new and say oh this is love and I really wasn't in love before right it's possible that this new idea of Love is really another level of infatuation that is just different from what you're used to you're not you wasn't in love here either of course I mean confusing you just it's possible whatever whatever I just went through it just not that bad so oh wait damn this person didn't really love me this one does it's possible okay but that but that but in that moment you might still be looking at that as Love Like Your perception of what your what you perceive love to be in that moment could be that you get what I'm saying like I I so I'm not mad at her comment again I just think that if you um you got to kind of be considerate of how it make him look being the the the the figure that and the cat you know the bread the bread winner yeah the huge figure that I have I have a question um a lot of times people women um when they're with a figure like that or somebody that's bringing in money and working hard when they're in it they're in it right and then I mean all these problems come up but a lot of times people put their feelings to the side because of the bigger picture but then now when things start to trickle down that's when all these feelings come out so stop pointing at me why you [ __ ] why you did that for real now you see [ __ ] went to the window it's the truth it's the truth [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] that's it y' [ __ ] Ain't married y'all [ __ ] ain't married back there and all that [ __ ] all that [ __ ] y' [ __ ] not married when a [ __ ] out here put in on work and put the work first to provide for their family you have to speak to it and you have to give credit to the women for sitting there and putting up with it to sometimes we do wish that you would Express in the moment how you feel so we could work on it at the time but a lot of women no disrespect put their feelings aside for the bigger picture Rita Marley and Bob Marley like these things that you hear about when you're messing with somebody who's bringing it in they a big figure KET and Martin Luther King exactly you know what I'm saying so how do we know that the women aren't expressing it and it's just falling on deaf ears just said Mel every time something is expressed there's an excuse for it exactly like you know old quote he SM because a person with a lot of money ain't got a lot of time so it's like if you want if you want the time I could be here with you all day and we be broke or I have to get out and go get it and keep getting it and I don't have as much time to spend with you everybody isn't good on the balance and a lot of times men commit to the hustle commit to the gig commit to getting the to the bag before they commit to anything else I'm going to share something I find myself sometimes cting a limbo right but then that's why I come up here and I make sure I try to show the appreciation because once that once it becomes hard for me I don't think that I think that I won't think I'll be coming to work or be able to work with a clear mind cuz the home is good my home is good it's an understanding that's why when you crack jokes and [ __ ] or people go on the internet I'm extremely defensive because like okay hold up like she allows this cuz she could just easily turn the switch on like all right [ __ ] no I'm I'm not with none of I'm not with none of that [ __ ] you got to make a decision and that pressure is not on me so I get I get very sensitive when it comes to and [ __ ] Co to her too like she said yo I I rather you tell me what's going on on the podcast before my friends come to me and tell me and I have to tell her and when this [ __ ] psycho nutcase he says things out of nowhere it's like sometimes I be want [ __ ] to fly under the radar cuz I don't want to explain no [ __ ] that's crazy oh I'mma kill you next week so next week let me get my notes together can we put the can we put the screen on let me tell y'all boy y'all lucky I'm under the weather but this is exactly why I came to work shut the [ __ ] up me and Harrison back there falling asleep with all this family [ __ ] I thought we had a good gender War coming up I thought he was about to dog pal Mel for a little bit but somebody ran I don't know who ran but all of that educational Channel 13 [ __ ] y'all just started doing not on this show y'all go home home y'all go home and do that on your shows you and T on your own time the [ __ ] is they going to tap dance on your thank you oh I wasn't doing it I saw the conversation I saw your angle never they were never ever ever you out your [ __ ] mind I saw it that is not how two of them that's not how our contract talk look I'm looking at Cory Cory over like you know what you're supposed to do in that moment you know what you pay you know how you get paid the big bucks yo I need everybody here to play their part man come on everybody got a rooll and a job to do is you can't do that again when I throw the topic out there for us to [ __ ] totally demoralize and demean ma listen I I and flip no listen [ __ ] shoot the ball [ __ ] I flip run Lan going for the three throw that [ __ ] off the backboard for I I'm not on the court I'm good niggaer you crazy I'm not on the court neig y it was three or four of them conversations three or four easy too right there by the right there by the I don't know way happen I went your job that's your job went in the back [ __ ] I am on the I'm on every blog in theica fck y'all will go y'all know where to shut the [ __ ] up the window say hey we don't care we don't care he had the door open yo listen all right rule of thumb moving forward cuz I seem like a bad guy right now and they might kill me but if y'all keep this in mind this proba to do great if at any point it seems too positive stop it why y'all don't know that by now y'all don't know we do we're just trying to save you from yourself no no no how do you think I got this far okay all right destruction I got you self-destruction got you self destruction well krs1 we out here trying to some [ __ ] [ __ ] car one got smoked on self-destruction [ __ ] Oh I thought you going to say Smoked by Nelly um no you said I would not say that okay just ask um you said you on every blog in America right that's true listen to your man go ahead look I didn't hear this I'm going start cracking you too I'mma let you know cuz you be shooting a little low key low key I just was going to ask going to start smoking your boots don't smoke my boots I don't even have boots on Tobias har I know what it's just viral again I know that Viral I didn't hear yall yeah but I saw uh I asking what you thought about Royce comments uh what I thought about Roy's comments um I'm sorry can I ask for some backstory cuz I don't know what it was please she setting this [ __ ] up you setting me up she ain't Hur yeah you oh and I'mma start setting you smooth back I'm letting everybody know I walk away from it everything [ __ ] going to start throwing at me I'mma start picking up the furniture throwing it right back at y'all with no regard reactions with no regard I'm dead ass the furniture at a [ __ ] what the chair the table what we thought th a TV at you crazy yeah worky commented on this yeah man say I mean pry rest in peace I gathered that Roy had said something about ish but like in respon what did he say he said something like um I'm I'm pouting like he said it's just the guy that when all the homies is going out to drink he not drinking talk about I got to be to work in the morning I mean and he was talking about I guess uh when y'all jumped up and started dancing and I was just sitting here the funny part is the funny part is for people that don't watch the show that's who I am like you can't dance yeah there you go I got two left my mom's said that that might be my mom get mad when the internet talk bad about you that's my people no that's my people's me and my dad be like let that [ __ ] Rock that's my peop my thing is this yo um people going to be who they going to be you get what I'm saying and people going think how they going to think [ __ ] I'm a Shepherd I ain't a sheep so I'm not following just because popular opinion is one thing I'm going to say what I really feel about something I you just get in and get along yeah three bags full so what I'm saying and and and that's my my stance to man dance with us [ __ ] bro dance with us [ __ ] [ __ ] all that you talking about just bust a little move with us okay it's not me bro yo you know what's funny you got too much [ __ ] in your life to to even say that you bust a little move I've seen you busting moves I bust a few move what up yo dog anyway you finish busting moves yo listen if somebody tries to coer you and doing something that you coer you been talking to your lawyer again talking what type of words you using with me [ __ ] go go ahead somebody could be like Joe let's go do XYZ you like no that's not what I want that's not who I am is not what I want to do that's not what I said I said bet I'm the getaway driver [ __ ] out of here hey hey y'all no I'm I'm the getaway driver I'm going to be right here in this car goad break a leg anyway it's cool my thing is to that um it people posting pictures of my face every [ __ ] week po takes pictures of us while we're just sitting here idle that's my face all the time it's no different face that I got on when post and I literally got pictures every single week with the same face I'm lying so people be making something out of nothing and it it's cool I I take it for what it is it's for the show but don't start don't start saying no personal [ __ ] that's like that's how that's how I look at it like we could laugh and we could joke we could Kik all day but if you start attacking me personally then I'mma start shooting back oh no he no he and he came under when he seen I think he saw what the response started to be cuz I didn't see it at first yeah I was on the phone with Cory till like [ __ ] 10:30 11:00 last night I ain't see it at first and then talk to you stupid yo Cory in it no when I got home [ __ ] just to Cory this [ __ ] will talk on that phone yo hang up the phone Doo assy conducting business [ __ ] you talking about shut up only funny part is he was like y you sound sleet yo this the he started going anyway right but no so I ain't see it at first but then when I finally got to it Ro had went under it and said no that's my man you know I love themom bust a little move with us man you can dance with us if Mel got up and did that [ __ ] hunting Housewives dance she did what you a see male moves y did anybody see male moves why are you turning the [ __ ] guns on me is that your only dance is that your only Dan I'm saying why y'all playing wild like that if he can't he won't dance with us cuz he can't dance he ain't a dancer he tried to do the lightskinn shy brother [ __ ] that's his bag but if Mel could get up and and do the little [ __ ] whatever that Country Ass shck the hop turn the Bunny Hop if M can get up and do the hipop the I'm broke my really I'm play you you I'm chilling you lost a lot of moves from since that mystical video D my hip don't work the same sh sh show me what you're working with oh man [ __ ] I bust a little move on the couch hit him with his little [ __ ] you can bust a little move [ __ ] stop you too grumpy in your old age I'm not grumpy at all you appear grumpy you are facing grp that record really don't like if you hear that that record don't La I don't like that mve that song that's the funny part like I love like that right love like that like that is east coast I love like that I like Euphoria I said Euphoria was a eight and a half La that makes my [ __ ] I said Euphoria was a eight and a half them other songs if they don't resonate with me that don't make me be bi we ain't talking about that no more me and ice is cracking the cold here we with you yes when people are looking at is they not thinking that he never been La they they're not yeah doing that it made a lot of sense but if you've been there and felt littleit before and you've seen an emo got to go to the Bay too it's a little B you can't appreciate all you can't appreciate all of these different regions without touching the region that's true that's what it is if I never went to New Orleans I wouldn't appreciate what they do out there same with all these I I my whole family live in DC when I get to DC you go go I crack on go go if y'all get that [ __ ] out of here and they all get mad at me and they all laugh at me but look oh you don't turn up with the gooing no I can get that I get that I'll turn up at they go crazy they do they do that's why you turn up to I don't like the music but if you heard a fire GoGo record did you read it like you've never heard one you got read the lyrics you got to read the goo mus go go genius go Genie go go Gen gen yo N I don't like Go Go music but and I crack on my whole family I laugh I joke I kick it with them they laugh with back get that hip-hop [ __ ] out of here but I'm I'm not that's not what I'm doing but I'll go to the Goos and watch you know so if you I'm just stuck so if you heard a goo song that was I've never heard A Go Go song that I really liked and I've been I'm 48 [ __ ] I've been in DC culture for 48 years so why you jump on hey what about DJ class was that consider the go go uh yeah I got Diamond my got patr in my cup you want to come and get it that's not go not goo that's not goo oh wa W this a it's a goo song do this a go go song but enhanced cuz the go go song be like the live Congos and all that other [ __ ] that is made in the studio somewhere that [ __ ] is amazing that's not a traditional Go Go song neither like give doing the butt um shake your thing [ __ ] like that was our goo song pepp you don't like doing the we losing all our old right now doing but all right all right sit on the couch you ain't got to dance any uh what else what else what else what else our shie Henderson topic [ __ ] just fell to the ground who is that who Mama yeah yeah say that Mom stop don't do that just you get me in trouble and I'm cool with shie so I don't want she's fly sh's home she's Super Fly Super Fly shows all the love in the world when I say I don't want to beef but yeah Henderson on there yeah it's Henderson you going to respect that of course that's it M name y'all be trying to get me to say bad stuff about people I see in the street we be trying to get you to say yeah no we do not yes you do no we you you don't try to get us to say bad stuff I see uh Karen stens all the time why do you keep why is that the one cuz that's my people you try to give me beef with yo this guy is this guy is a [ __ ] what else what else what else is up here y um wait wait no no hold up hold up hold up hold up yeah that kitlin Clark [ __ ] the reporter [ __ ] let his horny get out wait what happened oh no we got to get to that y'all don't know Kaitlyn Kaitlyn Clark went to do a post game interview okay right uh in Indiana mhm keep I'm find the clip too keep going oh [ __ ] oh just by default on your joint word by default n that's my [ __ ] um let me try to find a clip so Caitlyn Clark went to do an interview after one of the pream okay here we go quick let me do this you like you like that talk about when she does the heart thing during the game you're here I like you're here I do that at my family after every game so okay well start doing it to me and we'll be get along just fine so question is hey I'm going [ __ ] that back for you one time hey hey hey you like you like that they got you like that I like that you're here I like that you're here I do that at my family after every game you can't say that though why can't you you're professional my [ __ ] you interviewing her sometimes you have to talk your horny yeah you got you got catch on the side and say that disagree saying why you can't say that you can't say that you're the they banned him from ever talking to her in person again he can't do no live interview again yeah they put him on AM radio somewh the climate we in today it even about the climate it's about who he said that to [ __ ] the climate fam he can't do that that's crazy you can't say to Caitlyn Clark if you do this to me then we'll be just fine fine and I'm a reporter too after you say I want you to do this to me all the time he yeah yeah and and he said we'll be fine if you do it to me no you can't say your fellas man you got to contain the hor sneak the hor you can't let the horny just sneak out like that for real that horny just ran right out the door that was crazy he try to hide the horny or nothing tell you that girl 22 the reverse groupy is about to be on her ass is they're already there they know how much money she make isn't she 22 years old 21 years old she's young home boy could have been 25 the reporter dude he didn't sound 25 he sound a he didn't sound 25 he sound a little older that [ __ ] sound like he sound like the [ __ ] that's going to be on Indiana AM radio for the rest of his life as a matter of fact there's a picture of him and he ain't 25 he ain't even 35 he ain't even 45 he look old you they no righte like Raisin in the Sun he might be 25 son white people age like might be that look like a white 25 right there uh while we're on letting the horny out oh man unfortunately Parks I got a clip here of your arch nemesis oh man oh man at the Met Galla that brother smooth dressed as the best dressed thing in the world smooth as ever to this young reporter this is Jeff Goldblum Jeff Goldblum look at Park stuttering now death see what my [ __ ] Jeff had to say this young lady I if you don't talk to me I might lose my job if what if I don't talk to you I might lose my job Jeff can't have that can't have that what's your whole name tell me your whole name say it again nice to see you nice to meet you what's your full name uh Jeffrey Lynn goldl Lyn do you feel beautiful you look beautiful oh she was on him coming for you that's High Praise indeed oh this [ __ ] let's see the fit let's see the f look he gave him a little SP he gave him a little you are my Sleeping Beauty Parks you don't get espir could say that but my man say y I want the heart five she grabbing up on him exting look excited to be you know digesting my pre-show meal and you know seeing all my friends and it's like a matina too isn't it a matina in what sense cuz you're going to go to sleep at like 6:00 in the morning aren't you because what you're going to go to sleep at like 6 in the morning me yeah are you going to go to Every Afterparty and stay up all night hey do you have a kind of a grill what what have you done to your teeth that's spectacular thank you my mom calls in my little braces isn't she nice she's nice and you're nice look at that let me see your nail dunks dunzo you better when got married to you [ __ ] love you I I tried to tell you about y laugh all what did you try to tell them they left the street I tried to tell you oh wait Mel wasn't here Mel don't know the story about why he's your ARS Nemesis oh cuz he was [ __ ] out all my women I believe that Jeff is his eskimo brother he couldn't escape it and anytime Jeff came in the room Parks had a long night yeah he's smooth and nowed I'm watching this I see why did you see that was a master class no he was smooth yeah I mean it was right by the rim don't matter you still got no and and his his he got some whip with him n he smoth some of themes mad yeah she was on him yeah yeah he knew that I over none your little mixers could do nothing you and them crates get the [ __ ] out of here big see if you can master that [ __ ] I just thought that was funny that was all shorty don't go got to go work in Indiana she clearly was throwing it at him oh uh to esparanza Demona yeah she was throwing it at him Antoine what I don't know if you could say that her name no get her name right man man you get it right she had about 77 letters talking about but she was throwing it you got slute yeah it was it was a it was a mutual thing there shorty ain't sound like she was Caitlin Clark when he said that sound like she was giving no rhythm back oh yeah no she was touching his arm and everything M she started melling him oh [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] [ __ ] don't touch me [ __ ] Tex lady she start melling that [ __ ] yo mhm you don't hear I do who that that's my favorite song Kendrick on the Black Panther joint my favorite all the stars that that song is Amazing the internet was saying it's funny how Drake congratulated him for getting the number one with Dam and then Kendrick said [ __ ] your congratulations on the Black Panther soundtrack and so when I listen to it now it is everything that he said in all his dises let me play it again really is that [ __ ] sounds so much more fire as Dr this it really do I ain't that changed my whole perception of that record do that record was fire already but now that whole soundtrack was fire that that's my favorite song that I might start a dis folder in my phone if they getting active like that I might have to bring it back find all the little going to find all the subs I got a playlist of I'mma tell you how many songs is on here right now cuz I I told y'all put all of their little disc records that Dro together but then there's another one of all the little subs and there 40 songs going all the way back to control everything every little sub that they got I didn't have all the Stu I didn't even catch that one right uh what do y'all think of ice spice over Shawn Paul if you wasn't sick you'd be going crazy in here right now if she going to keep making poop references I'm here is that a show record yeah it's a flip to what's song I didn't hear any song yeah I a't give me the light [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that that's a flip I'd have to find the original record I didn't buy the record the clip is floating around saying ice Spice samples Sean Paul give me the light do you like it or no no it sound like all songs no it sound like all her other songs well it's back to me saying artists in a comfortable pocket and not leaveing and and again and I said yeah I said if broke don't break it I'm she still working she she said she she sound good on the Fisher the Fisher remix when she did that she sounded much you know clear righto okay yeah that's peace I'm next week I'm going to come here and do my bird dance to that [ __ ] I'm tell oh no we know that [ __ ] I like all them little bird I know we know if you wasn't sick you'll be here going crazy right now it's true feathers all the way out listen I did my real hip-hop Kendrick Drake rap beef hey 50 I did that already get back to now it's time to get back and it's summer right here too yeah the [ __ ] hello spread your wings and fly uh I don't have nothing else I need that I need to anybody see the Tom Brady roast I know three hours but did you catch any of it not yet II around I skipped a couple of them but I fell asleep four times cuz every time I started back over that [ __ ] is three hours bro that [ __ ] is comedic genius the stuff that I saw some of that [ __ ] is very funny even though some of that [ __ ] is a little too raw there's a lot of Aaron Hernandez a lot of Aaron Hernandez jokes jokes a lot of sex jokes about [ __ ] wives [ __ ] like that I already checked some [ __ ] over his Robert Craft joke yeah but but it ain't look like a I couldn't even tell I thought that was might have been part of like playing into didn't look as aggressive if people made it see I don't think that was part of it I I'll reserve my thoughts until I see it it ain't it was play got up there it was playful don't say that [ __ ] no more like that it wasn't like a a play you know what I'm saying did you say that to anybody else no but that was the only like blatant Robert CRA got a hand job joke and he did an interview after that and said you know him and Tom they cool Robert Craft loved it he even told him he went up there he was up there yeah bill belich went up there saw I didn't know cuz I didn't know he was there there was Ed surprised R burgundy and then brought Bill Bella check out that was fire but dog I was dying just from um my man Jeff Ross came out with the OJ Jersey on with the gloves on said I'm straight from hell and all the old Patriots was there he's like yo Patriots Aaron Hernandez told me tell y High I said oh [ __ ] oh yeah Aaron Hernandez girlfriend or ex-wife or white whatever didn't she didn't appreciate on that Jazelle didn't appreciate jelle didn't either oh no Kevin Hart was wow the jelle sh was r that girl nck Glazer was very funny white girl and Sam J Sam J was funny too Sam J was hilarious no that girl she was funny she was funny as hell she was probably the funniest one too I know her name she was funny as [ __ ] they they tore Kim Kardashian ass up I love that Kim K joke they they she smoked that joke the one about uh uh my family's had enough of Defending um ex- football players yeah she smoked that joke I a see it she was pretty good Kim K yeah she was short B she was real short very short Kevin Hart had me dying Kevin har was amazing hosted it with he kep's name like yo Tom why the [ __ ] would you agree to this yo we going to [ __ ] you up all night like you stupid [ __ ] why would you do this like he was funny [ __ ] he was good at that he was great he was very good at that great it was funny um I'm going watch the rest shorty was the funniest that I saw I didn't watch it in entire too long but she was the best I ain't even know her name she's funny I'm about to go look at some she's she's got I feel like she has like a couple of netx special now I'm about I'm going go watch him another one that was hilarious to me was Drew bledo was really good great was funny and people kind of you know for years have been saying you felt this way so he really got his [ __ ] played was like a couple things that U you know I wonder how that [ __ ] worked oh yeah yeah I'm pretty sure they had writers couple things he was like you know I'm I'm number one two things you'll never experience being a number one draft pick and I just celebrated 28 years of marriage with my wife like oh they was they was firing they was gone yo Wasing the positions with the the the Jiu-Jitsu trainer like they they wasn't it was no hoes bar in that [ __ ] like somebody go to get some feel they fried him up I loved it they fried him up yo they fried everybody yeah you really nervous cuz your kids at home with they dad like I was like that's what you doing coming from Tom yeah coming from T [ __ ] was nuts but it was fly I'm going watch the whole thing I'll watch it I'll watch it all probably this weekend did youall see the cat William special that came on night before keep falling asleep on that [ __ ] I got to try it again yeah I fell asleep too I put it on the plane coming back from Nashville I was not in the greatest of head spaces actually why cuz you know Netflix did both of those live yeah oh yeah yeah it was Saturday night whatever day that was and then um the following night the Sunday night was the Tom Brady roast was those were both live so I watched the Cat Williams [ __ ] live and I saw the internet tearing it up that [ __ ] was funny to me about to I wasn't mad at his jokes like he he don't try to offend he just tries to be funny it started a little slow again I fell asleep on it it wasn't uh like Snap slap knee funny like that would have you engage cuz I wouldn't have fell asleep it was it was parts that it would low you down and then he'll hit you but anyway you know what I'm saying like and it's different than Dave Chappelle cuz Dave Chappelle will tell a story and it'll be kind of like low and then it'll be bow it was it was a little different it wasn't as funny as I've seen him be in the past it was all right it wasn't I enjoyed I did I enjoyed it did anybody see the uh black uh black Twitter Hulu do yet or no not yet no Jinx I'm rushing to go watch that uh yeah it's only three episodes yeah I'm qu up he had some Riders boy [ __ ] with that much money yeah yeah yeah he had a lot of money well think personality too they all talked about that a lot like he was and even watching it like watching his little [ __ ] jail shits you're like oh I can see how yeah you kind of root for him even though you shouldn't like it's [ __ ] up he charismatic he's very charismatic very weird charismatic though like quirky charismatic but you could see how you be like oh [ __ ] did you watch the original Jinx oh my God I keep hearing about it I didn't watch it though I watched it even he was rich yeah he's D family they own half of New York real estate you did say up you got just got a TVV in Li room what the [ __ ] you said that I said what no I'm just not in the murder death kill docks that's going to [ __ ] up my whole life you got the new TV in the living room it's not like seral in the living room the bedroom TV still killed three people all right only three you know only three [ __ ] it this guy is cooking I'm say what did he say he said his friend said the I don't really have like a moral thing against somebody murdering people or some [ __ ] I was like this is some other [ __ ] the crazy [ __ ] that was honest yeah that was really honest that was really really honest to his man to say that yeah the crazy [ __ ] he red him out so I mean how he made friends with one of the jurors after his trial after he was found not guilty well the juror went out of his way to [ __ ] become his friends yeah and help him Escape try to help him escape and clean up that money talks daddy in Houston listen if I'm trial face for murder facing the rest of my life in prison and one of the jurors hold it down getting me out [ __ ] I'm taking them to for coffee too we going out no I'm going to buy him a coffee plant in Colombia you [ __ ] you talking about that going to be the new W good [ __ ] looking crazy but he looked he looked out for some of his peoples though he did he looked C he looked out for his mans that was loyal to him to end up flipping but he looked out for him so you're a murderer apologist me no I'm not a murderer murderer apologist no make it clear no I'm not you got to clear it up video is a big broadcast are you ready ready to go next week next week fire it up I want you at your best fire it up but don't cry at your best you are love yeah this [ __ ] sound like Kevin at the Kevin Hart at the [ __ ] roast he's like look I got fully loaded Clips I'm telling you [ __ ] when you say something about me I'm shooting mhm and he did and did and he shot he did I'll give you two warning shots just to show you and hit Chelsea and uh Kim if I wasn't ready to go home I would ask yall about Gary Owens and his kids tell me ice was talking about that was not me didn't watch it oh yeah that was Cory talking about it earlier we didn't watch it great sleeper sleep speaking of people when they kids you see uh Detroit canceled the Brian mcnight show where they made him cancel the show cuz they was so much so up in arms about all the kids [ __ ] making so much noise like they ended up can he had a tickets went up he had a show I think it was next month and Detroit was loud and then they ended up saying you know what we not even going to do this so they canceled the show just dead beat claims all of that somebody was like yo if you bring your you bring your original kids then we'll come to the show that's [ __ ] I should be able to go see a Brian Mite show and all the slaps just cuz he [ __ ] abandoned his kids with that got to do with the SL cross your mind [ __ ] okay wrong button King Kong one wrong button let's Soo the day holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] a lot more gentle we go I just pressed the wrong button I pressed the wrong button that was great holy [ __ ] listen man we love you guys we love y'all oh man that was excellent yo oh my Lord yo [ __ ] like that used to fly in 04 right on the track oh God first word on the track yo man keep us in your prayers the Lord knows we need to be there until the next time we bid you would do farewell AA Vista arvo remember life is a series of moments and moments pass so let's make this one last as if it's all we have lastly the baddies are insecure the stagnant women want to travel the closed-minded women want you to teach them things grab you a Tylenol you might need it any weekend plans weekend plans for anybody outside what are yall doing outside sheing baby free I be in New York actually when uh credential R oh yeah cass's doing that [ __ ] right yeah Saturday you need the yeah give me a give me a give me a pass if y'all could reach out to the people you know what I mean 65 who's all on it TC Boys to Men Bobby Brown uh red and meth that sounds lit sounds like a Time sold out I'm not sure all to answer your question Mel I'm taking my family out to dinner Sunday tonight I'm out side with my oldest for his birthday we running around somewhere nice I'm going light you up next week I'm on your ass [ __ ] you been watching me too much y'all hold it down man Peace Love health wealth and prosperity happy Mother's Day to mother happy Mother's Day to the mom out [Laughter] indeed jbp where would you be without the jbp no Buton [Music]
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 587,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden, joe budden 2024
Id: nPcIaYpmrS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 36sec (9156 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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