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[Music] okay I kind of want to run to you but okay that big things moving now what is that always coming straight for me oh no no no it's a car no or retiro we look so small my heart was in my mouth for a second then this absolute massive carnivore just came sprinting towards me then he just stopped Oh what is that in that Bell it was did you know I heard something I'm next to what might be an alle saw and a Spinosaurus or a Sukkah - I can't really I think he's a spy no I can see the sale [Music] I'm literally within throwing distance of them as well they are huge can you broadcast let me try and get to you instead you're not on a mountain are you no well I mean like try try and step you should hear these noises you can do these noises are you guys that is so much more terrified of what we heard before I broke my leg again I really like half a foot at most I'm I'm just gonna come and try so we've got through being tiny and insignificant to finding a wrap to pack to then being eaten by said Raptor pack once they turn into something else and then going into something much more Dominus much more of a tyrant I guess like t-rex and a Nakano and then breaking our legs every five seconds we have a lot to learn in this that's really close to as soon as that noise went off I just I flicked my mouse [Music] I flicked my mouse around to try and see where he was coming from there's a really weird noise that just came from the front of me as well oh yeah that's right you can sneak his well bail by pressing C so they don't know you stumping away and you can also spring with sneak oh he's very big and very close what like that bellow you just heard mm-hmm yeah I think they're all on your side I don't think there's any my side I'm not seeing anything the bad news is though we've got to go through them to get sure there's something else over there I can't tell if it's another body help it's someone waiting crowd around who buy this body oh I think it's a car no okay I'm pretty sure that if oh wait a second I could hear something yep I can I can see a couple of condos there's like a giant one running after me I am so dead there's a wreck sneaking over ere try I think he's going for that car no that's the least inconspicuous dinosaur on in this game and he is sneaking yeah that car nose I think that car nose making a broadcast noise and he's drawn in that Rex I'm actually gonna I'm gonna get to see this go down he's so good are you okay he's still chasing me keep running I believe now now they're saying stay or you know just that battle that's so cool I think he gave up he gave up on that car no see the thing is is well weren't when wick grown up we're really fat all this to Rex's did you see what the guys say to me no I don't trust that oh please tell me you did not see me done please tell me you did not see me I'm so close to that Rex I've got a feeling this Rex to see where I have bad bail if if I have to run I'm coming to you and bring him to T Rex's so be ready fact what we see that chase she was it a car no I was there Rex I think it was a car no okay right well that's good because then one second are you on the other side of an element no no no I'm on the other side of heat of your Mountain but I cannot broadcast if you only knew what was in front of me right now and I can see like loose enough that I can see you think oh yeah that's right yeah yeah I'm just on the other side of that mountain but I can't get round to you because of these two rexes I mean drew me to broadcast no no no no no way no way you you'll be on the menu like so fast [Music] what's your progression like at the moment mine's at zero point nine two two three three okay I think if you see that one point zero I think that's when you kind of move up to what was that there is a Rex just standing over this carcass I don't know where this Rex's gun that was in front of me then I was over there okay I think we like really close food you know actually here we are I'm literally just round the other side of this but okay there's a car know that dude that's so much over here this so puts so many big predators with teeth I've not seen a single herbivore yet I don't think anyone would have chosen I don't know maybe huh I seen your tear [Music] [Music] [Applause] you know that feeling you get when you're watching like a horror movie or something and then mouth your mouth dries up and you have to constantly keep swallowing I've got that right now cuz I don't I don't want to die being so close what's that that's so close to be as well I have no idea what's making that noise you should be pretty close to be becoming pretty big really be pretty well hidden Oh can't see is the shrub there's a herbivore there's a trait so people do play as them then oh that must be water down there this is the lonely trike just looking around I'm gonna slowly keep trying to make my way to you but the chances of surviving this Bella slim we're not gonna sleep [Music] you know what I'm just gonna try and get T a kiss don't break your leg I'm eating I'm getting such a tiny amount around they don't want you are you over a second Mountain that's a herbivore did I take that I'm so close to that one point zero mark but I have no idea what it means you should be really close to it now zero point nine six seven yes aim if you come to me there's a body who you can eat from but there is carnivore slowly trying to sneak toward me not very stealthily I've just heard really loud foot stomps there's a lot more of like just random bodies I will give you the next thing huh yes you look like you're right next the herbivores just attack me for no reason I mean you are a carnival yeah but I'm a friendly carnivore I'm a vegetarian carnivore is this right for the picker mm-hmm I'll give me all that food can i crowd wanna meet please give come on come on keep eating keep eating keep you gonna keep spamming ye oh yeah it really doesn't give you a lot of food is it's just like right so at least we can come back here if warts are in this direction there is their round round to the left is where I saw all the all the rector's and stuff but that's where the trike was so I don't know if they want to stay clear of that why is that over there you see this thing the way I'm facing as you see look an empty field there's light breeze that is it might be yeah I think it might be just like no oh just like sling on the floor an old carcass or something yeah yeah oh there's there's another like castle over that way that's where that noise is coming from careful hey about this there's something making the noise of this area Oh growth growth don't you press escape oh dude I'm a big dinosaur now all this something off in the distance press escape and press growth there you go oh damn oh there's another car no here isn't the car yeah all right all right there's two of us that looks bigger I think that is bigger but numbers yep okay I think he's friendly I guarantee if he would have seen as juveniles then it would be game over oh yeah he doesn't want to take the risk because he I don't think he wants he's like oh it is a carcass look oh dude this is so cool we survived we survived from being babies keeping other is surely we should be a lot faster now yeah we are a lot faster that wasn't like a lot louder he helped that's true he's cool that we've got like our own little pack so we don't get picked on like that just then yeah the water is that way you see where the kind of side of that mountain kills round in fact less his head there is two of us like you said the only thing we really got to watch out for is oh there's another kind of over that is that kind of why is it running that's what it's making me nervous [Music] in a way or you could strengthen numbers I mean if we had in those people make like a super PAC anything I'll have to get a few people in like you've got the game and just make yes a gigantic pack of like carnivores and stuff I mean we could do it on like all as herbivores what was this game mode card it's called survival wasn't it oh yeah oh they I think that's an S that's a Rex nest oh I'll explain sushi let me go bail there is one danger close to us Oh see how close is yeah I don't see what's making that I'm guessing that is a wreck look there's just a lonely trike that's the one I saw before maybe's thank you [Music] that's a really good I really want to know how the nesting works that others in love the Rex coming in just a family of them that baby Rex making that noise maybe in what happens like if two players have a baby is it like a art I have no idea I think so like AI something or if you just happened to be some like new joining player we're definitely find out there's another Rex like parallel to us on the other side of us either [Music] and apparently there's one to the right of us basically we're in Rex Rex Valley right now we actually know one underwater home there's so many of them yep again this this might be their territory you never know like what's that over there is that another one down the other side yes do you think an adult Rex it'd be scared of two adult car nose I think we all can master no no by meanie like if we hold out till Oh gross who's now an adult can Oh Oh down Oh still I think can keep going yep it was even my teenage cars I don't think the car know goes much bigger than it I know it was a pretty big carnival but I don't think it was much bigger than this oh there's a registered agent he's down there and the always something actually for us there's two of us so it might is it just walking straight towards us oh yes he is are you staying still I'm not interested a trooper I think he's looking at you Bell if he tries attacking out I'll help and see where he is he's literally got his right come to me come to me keep crawling to me keep crawling to me yeah I love how just a second ago we were talking about what do you think do you think it and I don't see rekted be scared of Tucanos and then oh you passed me there okay would you mean we were yeah that's what I've said like I was saying I know they're both it was just headed the bush hey better safe than sorry I'm a little bit scared that that Rex might try and ambush one of us I'm gonna need to get a water reduce yeah I'm thinking do we just yeah you know what come this way come this way but I'm almost growing again we're fast we're fast we can are you breaking your leg no okay nope grab a quick drink while we're here grab some meat also see but that's that's the best the Rex's and if he sees us near that it might be game over oh I'm such a cool coloration look at me yeah cuz you're the bloke oh are you the female in this one oh nice okay see I want to know how to nest I think I'm ready for that now back you're going for it I'm gonna do the same is eat just eat quick I expecting it to just like wrote down something yeah I just just to have four steps and I'm looking all behind as I'm seen it's not a good time when you see another car no behind us that's just lying on the floor to discontent but wait I'm pretty sure we're adults if not close to right about now because we're pretty big take another quick drink again it's delightful right I don't want to outstay our welcome that's what I'm pretty sure we did like as soon as we decided to take their snap it's okay if they do if you didn't see well I mean we could always that you almost ready to grow again I wouldn't yeah like I thought I would imagine this is as big as a car no gets that's a wrecks you see over there I see nothing oh there's just a wrecks in the water looking at us is that Rex I think it is it's a much cooler color than us that's it that's not fully grown Rex we could take that do you want to take it I mean if it comes across to our side yeah 100% there's some food here Belle if you need something why are you pressing there for our 3 3 cos oh thanks really aggressive the girl way yeah that might actually you might be right there that might be a full-grown Rex can you see this food here beneath me no okay I don't think I can eat it either you want to go around to that wreck see if we can scare it off away from that food why not see if you can get a bite of this boat I don't know all right this one here on I try nope come on Eva I want to know where that Rex went he went back up the river no no no you're not the one that we scared of the other one the one that I saw first like before oh wait yes there's a herbivore over to the right over there stay well but stay low you see it just on the hill there he's just going over the hill now he's on the spine of that hill [Music] is that you yeah [Music] okay I'm really close to this herbivore oh it's only other side just freeze the seconds coming towards us let me also ambush him have you if you can Oh Belle he has no idea what's about to happen I think he wised up right you ready mm-hmm go [Music] we go first kill down oh it's just rolling along oh is it for you it's here for me no dude the body's like here I can't even I can't lead to either well we just killed that guy for nothing I hope I'm not breaking it cuz I know certain servers have rules and stuff but oh there's a Rex over there I think we should part ourself to the fact that the ultimate battle Bell and you think sure why not a full-grown Rex let's go he's over the other side I think he's looking after that juvenile over there yeah yes he's he's protecting the baby Oishi and then the carnal family move in on their territory and swipe everything underneath probably the I mean maybe that was one of them like touching oh wait wait there's a juvenile right next to his hair I didn't even see that I was looking at the ad all across the way and trying to what get behind me so they can try now okay it definitely saw me then don't don't attack it yet Bell to see what happens Mama's coming in Mama's coming in behind you [Music] just hold your ground come closer to me so if we charges he doesn't pick one of us up there is another wreck to your left [Music] it's really cool though isn't it don't you even try it mama I think I think what what the adults doing is staying with the baby until it recharges stem in case it needs to run [Music] okay that was terrified I'm not gonna lie I was holding my nerve to the last second weight came to a but hey just just move in with me Belle move in with me just just walk don't run oh there's another t-rex behind those one second what are you doing is that car no I think the race is gonna keep the baby Connor unless they're being super friendly it's not I'm not gonna let that wreck see that baby car no we're even are they the - what the Rex's are has a caramel HP it was behind you second ago it might be hiding in these bushes I don't think it was a baby though it's pretty big oh there's the baby won't Oh Tula yeah we got some friends we got one behind you to be friendly or the way there we go okay got a little car no family bell there is a wreck coming towards us briefs on the other side this may feel like suddenly adopted okay that Rex is in the water can you see it mm-hmm that's not erect actually I think that's in a low they'll come and help the babies I'm trying to hold my nerve Val I'm risk trying hello today you try anything I do my legs are broken so I can't actually do anything it's alright sorry have you seen the baby why you still really staying in between my feet does growling at him oh you are bleeding go down go down go down so you don't lose bleed I was gonna say where's that other car no oh that oh here we go he's gonna try something she practiced yell for help okay that's it that's that's a big rex well this came over by the time I stood up I'm trying to kill it I'm extinct - it got me - I got a few good bytes in a bit though that was really good that was really cool I had like everything in it we had like being I need to I need to back out this a second going from juvenile and then like what was it move a look into it I get I guess it'd be like adolescent and stuff and then going into full-blown adults pretty much adopted like five or the Karno is are four of the car hose and then protecting them from an attack from I guess like super predator sized carnivores that was really cool really really [Music] you
Channel: Fooster
Views: 82,640
Rating: 4.9155922 out of 5
Keywords: the isle, the isle gameplay, the isle gameplay 1080p, the isle carno, the isle modded server, the isle carno vs trex, the isle trex, the isle baby dino, the isle nesting, the isle role play, the isle rex, the isle lets play, lets play, the Isle how to find food, the isle how to find water, the isle humans, the isle carnivore, the isle herbivore, the isle dinosaurs, the isle update, the isle getting started, the isle allosaurus, fooster, thefoosterchannel
Id: GSnyLWyYf9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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