The Insanity of Steven Seagal

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The jogan Experience movies are different than music cuz some old music is dope as [ __ ] right like and then I guess some old movies are dope too hell yeah I got I got pretty into like uh some later more recent ER Steven Sagal stuff like five six years ago my friends and I would watch it cuz it was just so insanely bad and then and then Dan sent me uh he sent me a link to the come toown guys talking about these same films and it was like they summed it all up so perfectly but it was basically like you know uh one of the funny things is like he's so old and his special forces team that he assembles all has to be kind of his age which mean which means which means their Commander has to be like 80 you know my God so they show the commander with the white mustache old as [ __ ] that's hilarious Tom sigur had a whole bit about Seagal dude I heard a story about him from from someone who would know and they said that like this super agent like he was he was the the train personal trainer of this like super agent Michael hitz yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and that like that he had a bet with his with another agent that he can make anybody famous and they're like well how about your trainer like and uh I guess they asked him like he you know to learn a martial art or something no no no no that's that's not it no Steven Seagal is a legit aido specialist and that's like the art that's the art of like de de aring someone what is it was it was invented for Samurai to fight against someone with a sword right so it's all about like a redistribution of energy it's all about I commit to you and then you throw me to the ground the problem with that is if someone doesn't commit someone just [ __ ] grabs you and wrestles you like a division one wrestler against theoy has zero chance there's not a chance in hell you're going to stop Daniel Cormier from taking you down it is there's zero chance chv grabs you you're going for a ride 100% of the time that's the other [ __ ] awesome thing too the Seagal the old in the in the like later films where he doesn't even get up out of the chair he just does the [ __ ] throws people down yeah they come at him and he just Fu a hot dog so this is Seagal when he was younger this is Sagal was the first American to run a dojo in Japan now this is later this is actually later because he's already got wacky hair just his posture is so disrespectful well it's the whole idea behind him is that he was an American who spoke Japanese he was married to a Japanese woman he ran a dojo in in Tokyo or somewhere in Japan but it it's it was very unusual for an American to be running a dojo but I think it was because he married the woman it's ridiculous with the the the the stuff where he's like uh have you seen the clips of him in bellus eating the carrots and stuff he's eating carrots there's a good some yeah he's like hanging out with the president or dictator of bellarus but amazing Jamie find the older footage the older footage she eating carrots I'll watch this you know kind of look at the way he dresses on watch this thank you you so insane his hair is insane and of course someone edited that so he's like deep Thro in the carrot he's checks watch he makes a good like tit joke about the melons here in a second nice that's the weird thing about like old actors that like are kind of at the end of the journey and they start appearing in foreign countries and meeting people I want to meet Steven S bring him to me and then all a sudden he's a Russian citizen he's got a passport in Russia like no [ __ ] yeah yeah he's a Russian citizen right I knew Mr Putin's always been amazing to me he had there's a weird thing with this is so this is him when he was young so this is before the movie days this is him teaching aido this is cool this is much better right but it's also not real yeah like that [ __ ] doesn't work it's like if you learn IO you can do some of those things that was such [ __ ] he just threw the guy behind his back the clips from like the last couple years when he's doing it it they just it it looks you know Preposterous really it's a lot of preposterousness to iido because the people are playing along with it they're going along with it so that's real it's also you know it's just [ __ ] that that's kind of art is like it's not you don't really know how to fight this it's like learning a language but you only learn like conjunctions you only learn like NS and buts and the and you'll learn a couple of vowels so it's how we speak Spanish it's worse it's worse it's like it's you you just can't only do that if you want to learn how to do that for funsies yeah it's fun to do but don't think you this is going to really work there's [ __ ] that they didn't know they justu work for him well it would work if someone had of Sword the thing is like the the Japanese Samurai they knew how to fight and then that would be an art that they would train in just to learn how to disarm sword carrying weapon you know like some someone who's got something a spear some something that's going to get you you lost your sword in battle there has to be a strategy for that so the Japanese came up with Aikido there's this dude uh that makes these he makes these Di Ras like that are like insane detail and the whole time he's like telling a story and he's funny as hell I forget his name something fingers but he does one of Steven Seagal and it's like depicting the scene that apparently happened where Stephen Seagal had told some legendary martial art artist guy uh that he he couldn't be choked out Jean leel told the story on my podcast oh that's hilarious so he does these things and yeah right well apparently he he choked him out instantly and he [ __ ] his pants jeene told the story on podcast yeah but this is this guy's true story it's true story Jean's a he's a legend Jean Leal was uh he was a he was a judo champion and he was like one of the first guys to do mixed martial arts fights like he had a fight with a boxer like way way back in the day and just strangled this boxer put him sleep just but he made the boxer wear a ghee I think pretty sure and he wore a ghee too like some weird funky rules the boxer had the boxing gloves on he didn't he just beat the [ __ ] out of the dude but he was the guy that also trained Bruce Lee he taught Bruce Lee about grappling like Bruce Lee had you know he was doing these movies and it was a little unrealistic like some of the things and Gan Leal was like let me show you what I could do to you he just kind of grabs Bruce Lee [ __ ] hoist him over his head and he's like listen settle down like let's not pretend you're the baddest [ __ ] on Earth but does that [ __ ] look good in movies though that no well this is him fighting this boxer dude does it look like the boxer have gloves it doesn't does it yeah he does he's got small gloves so he's what he's got essentially on her bag gloves and Jean just threw them to the ground and [ __ ] him he just choked him to sleep wow but Jean's a gorilla I mean that that dude's a he's a tank of a man you know even as an old man man some dudes in his neighborhood were [ __ ] with someone's car and uh he said hey get the [ __ ] out of here and they were like [ __ ] you old man he's like okay beat the [ __ ] at the three of them I it was like at least two guys I don't remember the the entire story but some poor [ __ ] idiot W up messing with literally the wrong old man the one wrong old guy the [ __ ] I hope I didn't [ __ ] that story up but he's uh the guy that choked Seagal out so CH Seagal was like that couldn't be choked and his move was when you put the rear naked choke on he hits you in the balls and the idea that you're going to do that to Jean the Bell like you don't think he's been hitting the balls before getting hit in the balls sucks but it it's it doesn't like knock you out it just sucks like you can't makes your grip even harder around the neck and you also have like a 3 second window before it really sucks J you know like the delayed reaction getting kicked in the balls you know that's there's that weird moment where you get hit you're like oh no here it comes and by the time jeans already put you to sleep I never got fully kicked there never only like grazed have you ever kicked oh yeah I mean I've got three brothers so there's lot ball kicking
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 1,656,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: ETidvq99DME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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