"Diddy Will Take The Fall" - Jesse Watters' SHOCKING Claims Diddy Is An FBI Informant

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Diddy yeah it's a lot of crazy things that's going on with this story Diddy right I mean a lot of people are calling the the the Epstein of the music the Hollywood world the you know bu what do you call it the entertainment world I read this story and and I want to kind of get your thoughts on this here so here's a story Shand deol's former bodyguard claims music mogul had tapes of politicians and princes out there and we'll play this clip in a minute Jean deal who was present the night before notorious Bachi biggy was fatally shot in 19 97 made The Sensational comments during an interview with art of dialogue YouTube channel and here's what he had to say go forward Rob after finding out he was recording everything but not only celebrities not only celebrities I don't think it's only celebrities going to be shook he had politicians in there he had princes in there uhoh he also had a couple of preachers in there oh damn is he talking about who I think he's talking about oh you think is he Hallelujah Cat Williams commented on that Williams definitely brought him up on a preacher yeah you know what preacher that is I don't okay may well you don't know the preacher that was seen with diddy at one of the parties that Cat Williams says I don't care whether you're TD Jake or Diddy oh yeah he was the truth coming out 2024 listen again this is allegedly that's what he's saying your thoughts on this story here so it wasn't just this guy that was saying it Lil Rod the former producer filed the lawsuit and he said every room in Diddy's Mansions were wired with cameras and he had some of the footage he had some of the pictures and he displayed those in the lawsuit that came out and this was used for blackmail material they'd bring in these people a lot of these people were also aspiring young artists in the music industry and then these parties were sponsored by mtown records CEO Universal records CEO this goes all the way to the top and so you get these people in compromising situations the drinks were laced the videotapes were hot and then at the end of the day you wake up the next morning what did I do and then they have compromising material on you and then they can guide your career they could kill your career but they got you and it wasn't just people in the music business as you said there were athletes there were celebrities there were politicians people from the royal and we were also told by the former bodyguard that Diddy was an FBI informant so he was a snitch and was feeding information to the feds and we don't know what that means we haven't been able to confirm it but even little Rod said it's not just like Epstein it could be worse than Jeffrey Epstein now let me ask you this when you're when you're seeing something like that do you think um you know how somebody is making money for you you can't lose them because they're still making money for you right so uh uh for example like an athlete LeBron James he's still getting a lot of endorsements he's still making a lot of money you got to make sure you protect that asset because that guy's making you a lot of money a I think the number one person right now that you have to protecting music is Taylor Swift you have to protect her it's a big insurance policy she's young she's going to be around for a long time to come the concerts the money-making the $5 billion the tours all that stuff nothing can go wrong with her because if God forbid something happen you're making money off you don't take Taylor to a diddy party you don't go anywhere near a freak off party that's right so here's where I'm going with this do you think Diddy's at a phase that how do you make money off Diddy today because what's Diddy doing today he's not performing so is it more that you protect Diddy because the people that he knows that he can destroy their lives that you kind of like have to keep him quiet or do you have to find a way to eliminate him kind of like they try to eliminate this guy named Jeffrey I don't know if he was being eliminated by the FBI or even by the universal records Executives what happened was Cassie filed this lawsuit he settled in about 48 Hours very fast so then everybody goes oh what did he did he settling yeah so everybody starts filing and so Lil Rod files some real graphic nasty stuff we're talking miners sex trafficking ecstasy and the alcohol and then all hell blows loose and that's when the feds come in and raid and they go right to the camera system and pull all the servers out and they I believe arrested the drug mule and so they're closing in they're going to build a case and look is this something that's coming down at the highest level I have no idea but I know Diddy's life is about to blow up and there's really no way to get out of this and I want to say this and Vin I want to go to you because Ashton Kutcher is seen as he prepares to be subpoena on Diddy's case that's one next one Shan Diddy comes Cassie that he paid off I think 30 million bucks whatever the number is cooperating with Federal investigations Adit the sex trafficking probe that's bad that's very bad right so next one Shand DEC still continues Carefree in Miami this is a story from yesterday y Lifestyle by smoking and drinking after Federal AIDS okay raids Shand did's youngest son Christian King 25 is now sued so it's like it's if it's it isn't one thing it's another thing conly popping up V but just from my point of view though he's in Miami he's riding bikes he's taking photos he seems as if he doesn't have a care in the world to me somebody from the outside looking in it seems like they were like Hey listen especially with the Cassie thing that thing blew the top off of everything we have to go in there you don't be there we're going to make the the play we're going to grab all the footage and everything I think people are going to fall nothing is going to happen to him he's he's going to be protected but they've been using Diddy for how long Jesse from from the politicians from Max Waters so back in 2004 he launched voters die y so he was for carry then he was for Obama then it was for Hillary and then he's for Biden so he has been the community organizer for the Democratic Party in the streets for about 20 years he's a valuable asset big time Big Time and and they gave like he started Revolt through uh Maxine Max gave him a cut in order for that merger to go through she said my guy has to get a piece of the pie so so if you think about it he's obviously in with these higher up politicians you're in there recording all these people and having all this dirt like they say with uh with epin was working for Mad God knows who he was working for who knows who did he was like he's not recording all these people all these princes just to have like footage for when he's older to show to his kids this is a this is a coordinated thing and I think the Cassie thing blew the top off and now they're like we have to go in and make sure nothing is incriminating for us or else he does right because when they went in and raided Epstein's Mansions we never saw any of that footage one only galain Maxwell went down they never got anybody else and he had tapes in little St James he had tapes in the Upper East Side he had tapes in New Mexico in Palm Beach we never heard anything else about that exactly Jesse you said something a little bit earlier that I was like whoa cuz he's been called the black Epstein yeah you said earlier that this could even be worse than Epstein how do you feel about that like that's a pretty shocking State that's what Lil rod alleges in the lawsuit well you've covered this how do you stand up I don't know if he's talking about the violence towards women yeah or the age towards or the age factor of the minors or the drug Factor Epstein there was not a lot of drugs this case has drugs yeah this case has lots of Narcotics if you read the filings we're talking meth cocaine uh PCP uh ecstasy the stuff in the drink that make you pass out so you don't remember whatever ru yeah everybody was getting roofy and apparently everybody there were even there was even conversations of I just saw another video where uh Diddy is giving a drink to Justin Bieber and I dude we keep seeing videos with him and Justin Bieber and like they're making sure that Justin Bieber's drinking it and there's another cut of him in the party and Justin Bieber just looks like a little bit what age was he at the time does it really matter at that point Justin Bieber's now just I mean he was young with blonde hair like he was like what 17 did you see this video mhm this is watch him Pat him down he just this is for potential heing he's touching his chest he's touching his chest make sure you don't have a wire on you look at that I got I got a message I'm trying to see I'm not obviously I'm not going to reveal the source but I got a message from a guy saying that some of this has to do with that drink company the uh diio diio that is if you look at can you type in what Diago's market cap is massive type in diio market cap uh uh yeah right there if you just Tye in diio market cap market cap $81 billion and what this Insider said to me just purely on what could happen it's given I'm not again I'm not giving a source it could spe speculation he said they owe him $2 billion and he said it could be the fact that they are doing this to not have to pay him $2 billion now can you just type in maybe type in diio owes Diddy $2 billion see if anything like that comes up diio owes Diddy $2 billion go to news can you go just to news at the top uh let's see what stories pop up can you go a little lower okay Diddy diio and de climb Shan's business Empire Shan didy comes dumped by diio maker of Johnny Walker didy Su Diddy Su Shan to diio settle withdraw lawsuit in case of diu of racism uh okay so there's something that's going on there that is you know kind of ugly and obviously the people that are saying that they're supporters of him so they're kind of like saying there's something going on that you guys are not seeing right it's another thing that you got to consider what do you what do you what do you know about that I've seen litigation between those two and there's a racial charge there as well and if they've settled and I also heard Diddy double cross them so I don't really know what's going on at that level but I do know that you said you don't think Diddy's going down I I have I I I I disagree and why do you and I and I think if you have the feds go in there and seize everything in the house phones electronic video cameras and he has multiple civil suits in play do you think Universal records is going to take the fall I don't think Universal records is going to take you think lesser players are because Jesse think about the day that they raided he he wasn't there and his jet flew with God knows what he wasn't on it to a a place that doesn't have any us extradition maybe all the tapes and all everything that was just like a delivery method because why else is he dancing and having a great time in the streets he can't he's not delusional because it's great PR yep well let me ask you this here's a question for you guys here's a question for and but Rob can you run a poll on this who was more powerful and feared uh Harvey Weinstein or didd he put the poll I'm curious know what the audience will say again hear me out it's a very important question okay think about this one before before we answer process it Harvey Weinstein yep one of the top four Godfathers Hollywood controled all of that stuff the amount of power he had and he was not a visible guy he's a behind the closed guy Clinton's president all that stuff or didy music hip hop Links of Biggie's death Tupac's death you know what he's done with all these girls JLo all these names that are tied to him who is a bigger man to fall I to fall you said to fear mean no no fear and fall meaning like which one can that industry not afford to fall that they have to protect I think did he because of all the the cuz Weinstein Diddy over Weinstein because I think Weinstein was movies and that but Diddy now we're seeing was potic ICS presidents musicians uh Elites I I think didd he I don't think it's close I think it's Weinstein man this guy yeah Hollywood bro what do you think the fear is there's a big difference Hollywood he did he have anybody murdered did he have anybody killed did did he allegedly had not only two guys murdered he shooting people you know what the purpose of this question is who is more Untouchable well obvious yeah I thought Weinstein was Untouchable until he wasn't that's the point point he's making when he's asking you the question to say do you really think he's not going to go down and he's protected and he said yes he is protected okay I have Bernard Carrick at the house we're having lunch yesterday or two days ago right Bernie and and so I said so in New York for the longest time when you watch these movies right mobster great movie the old mobster movie where the story of Lucky and Myer Lansky and Frank and Ben seagull and all this stuff Phenom if you want to know the history of mop that's the movie to watch beautiful movie uh filled with a lot of facts on what happened nobody ever thought that the mob was going to fall nobody ever thought they thought it were The Untouchables there's a movie I think called The Untouchables right called the movie untouchabl Kevin right so and then the day the 240 whatever guys are walking out like this and just going on saying wait a minute man how many judges did they have how many cops did they pay off how many guys in politics did they have and nobody thought anything was going to happen to them do you think something like that it's about to happen where you see a bunch of these music industry Hollywood Mogul coming out like that like you think it's going to be that ugly you think it's going to be more like cuz look Harvey Weinstein have you seen his latest pictures what he looks like he went from the powerful guy sitting there like this and having hard wheelchair that demon what do you think I I think you're never going to see a guy like Universal record CEO or a mtown record CEO go down those guys are Executives they're well connected they're going to make Diddy take the fall and you think so because there can always be another Diddy someone else will pop up and do the same thing this was a widespread operation it was a racketeering conspiracy where these record companies would then sponsor these parties hand didy loads of cash that he used for the drugs the trafficking and this was all videotaped and then they would profit from these young people that came up in the business that were at these parties they took them to the studios they signed them to labels and then they they used them to make money and this this was a grand scheme if the feds want to go all the way up the food chain on it they can go as high as they want but something tells me they're going to suppress it and have one guy take the fall do you guys think do you guys sorry Tom do do you guys think that he which one's more like like more probable him going to jail and getting trouble for it or something God forbid happening where he kills himself because he can't take it like I've which one Adam what do you think you think Diddy's going to go behind bars he's too much of a narcissist to kill himself what I'm saying I'm being fous Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself let's not let's not let's just use the word allegedly around around around our friend Jessie you know what you know what I no this is Vincent o belief I'm not stupid what I'm saying is jail or so I I I line up I line up with with with Jesse I went to school pepper9 with a guy who became an auditor and he was an auditor at that time with a company called touch Ross and the record industry is the largest long-term racketeering uh uh organization in human history you go back to he never lost an audit case he would find out that they were pressing records in the Philippines when they were only supposed to be pressing records in Mexico and the US he represented a hair band called Poison they found an extra half a million albums over 5 years that were pressed other ways and sold how did you audit it the the record industry from the the cocaine controversies where they were paying off dis jockey to get airplan the record industry has been the largest racketeering organization and it does not surprise me and I agree with you Jesse none of those executives are going to go down none of them if you talk about Weinstein and um Diddy is Diddy more feared because of the the groups and the things were going around I think he was feared but I really thought nobody was as Untouchable as is Harvey Weinstein I I did not think that guy was going to get touched I thought he was going to get retired I didn't think he was going to that these suits were going to do especially when they split when they split it in the LA in New York and they tried him twice and they put him away forever I was really shocked that everybody turned and he fell what does a poll look like Rob what does a right now 65% say Harvey Weinstein 35% for Diddy what's the amp what's the size of the vote uh 291 votes 2091 they're saying 65% Weinstein was more Untouchable correct than did he wow interesting on what the market is saying about that so the only reason I bring that case study is to see if he can fall in the last what eight years I don't know what the timeline is is it fair to say about eight or 10 years correct if he can fall you don't think Diddy can the only difference between the two is ah because you have to also know that Weinstein's probably got a lot of dirt on a lot of other people yep so the fear of him falling is he going to like the crab theory that where one crab is trying to get out of the the others try to pull him down yeah well did did he be the type that if God forbid he is going to he gets arrested well he gets arrested Jesse let's say okay you guys are right he gets arrested he goes in they're like listen you're going to staying here for the rest of your life no money's going to get you out who had you recording who' you give those record who was on them who told you to do it so Diddy's guys Stevie J Who's all wired into this thing came out in Miami the other day and put out this video and this post and said did he partied with everybody and put out a video with Kevin heartt was in it uh Kanye was in the video basically the biggest A-list celebrities you can see and he's basically saying hey you know you were at my house I know you were at my house if if I'm going down everybody's going down going and even his bodyguard said he'd testify he goes I'm not going to take the fall for Diddy if I'm called I'll testify I'd like to find out um how deep this goes in the hip-hop music industry so you talk about Stevie J I don't know how familiar with him there's a part in Miami every Sunday it's been the biggest hip-hop party in the world at live number one club in the country it's called live on Sundays and the DJ host is who the is Stevie J Diddy's there DJ ked's there Rick Ross is there con every Sunday and they have pre-parties and they have postp parties and I want to know how many of these people are going to speak because all these parties all these stories it's not just exclusive to Diddy I want to know where they're all going to start yeah but what but here's my question to you though would you speak if you were like like you said everybody we know all y'all were there and like he said if there's allegedly cameras everywhere what are you going to say they have you on camera well oh by the way that young girl that everybody was talking to that 17-year-old yeah yeah you were with her oh [ __ ] what are they going to talk about that's the up that's you open your mouth and guess what that footage is going to come out so who knows where that plane went and what was on what I'm asking is is if if one goes is it going to be the mop style where 60 two people are being raided all of a sudden is it going to be hey a bunch of guys are getting calls a bunch of guys are being investigated like remember when in New York when they said you have a whatever this was the timeline in the next you know 90 days if anything then Jamie Fox was there then even the mayor what's then mayor Adams was a part of it and a bunch of other guys name and then boom it shut down do you remember that when the whole everybody was trying to get somebody oh yeah the the case of the the what was it Tom it was like a certain amount statut statutory they changed it to like 20 years all the women ran to the so what if what if all of a sudden now cuz this is the next phase we don't know about so think about it if all of a sudden 30 girls come out to 30 other celebrities that were at the party oh my God and now they they get linked back to those parties that's the next thing that you're sitting around saying Oh shoot what just happened now oh God because every day this is not how many people you think are sitting on say dude I hope this thing goes away I hope this thing goes this thing goes away everybody that was there the same thing they did with EP that's what I'm say the same thing and then find out Bill Gates is at the Epstein place all these other people and that's why his wife left them cuz she couldn't deal with that Rel if we learned anything from Epstein the story is not going away yeah there's there's one more angle here Jesse what is a news media hearing on the Diddy FBI long-term informant side there's a lot of stuff below the surface we've only heard that one comment from Kanye who said he was a fed and then we heard it from the former bodyguard who said he was informing to the FBI other than that we don't have a lot of information and we can't nail that down but according to that Lil Rod lawsuit too he witnessed Diddy going in his closet in his bedroom and pulling out guns and giving it to a bunch of guys that were wearing all black jez it was also an allegation that he had the local sheriff's paid off it was an allegation that he had contacts with uh local gang members in Los Angeles I I don't know what that means it looks like Diddy's playing both sides is this Kanye Rob if you can play that clip yeah if you can play sure this is the right one I'm looking but you're saying that Kanye was the one that said he was Kanye said he was a Fed he said Kanye yeah and the former bodyguard said it heard when when was this video was it is Dr this a while ago go ahead just I have the address to my child none of these [ __ ] that want to say something the address Travis gave me the address but as far as Meek Mills Puff Daddy whoever none of these [ __ ] all you fake hard [ __ ] [ __ ] you no no hold on hold on all you fake hard [ __ ] [ __ ] you you know what I'm saying I get [ __ ] who cuz you can't shoot nobody anyway and the reason why you got to talk is cuz you did a deal you [ __ ] fed you know what I'm saying that's why you got to come at me cuz part of the deal for you to be a do all that and get out of jail is that you promis that you gonna go pull my co C- car so y'all [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up about me now let me say it calm you [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up about you shut the [ __ ] up about how much credibility does this guy have hold on but you you Zer you know what he's saying though if you make a deal with the feds you could go out there and B and shoot and get arrested but then you get a you get to get out way more leniency because you're working for them that whole rapper image I think there's an angle here and I think it hasn't been seen yet because there's a lot that goes in is like why has Maxwell been sitting in prison why isn't the list come out what happened to Epstein was Epstein really Massad there's a lot back there that seems a lot of smoke and maybe a lot of fire you just have to look at the history of of um informance and do a little research and there's patterns here Manuel Nora CIA informat from 1950 to 1980 for the CIA president of Panama he goes sideways kills his uh what spatap for kills spora gets barleta the President to resign George Bush Senior previously CIA says hey our informance out of control what should we do we need to liberate the people of Panama was the largest American military action since the Vietnam War 27,000 military went down extracted him put him on trial in Miami and put him in a US prison that's a good way to make your informant set up I think there's Shadows here of this I think there's Shadows coming go ahead yeah could so that is one pattern if you look at the case in New York with the nightclub shooting where his Protege shine took the case instead of Diddy Diddy allegedly had JLo smuggle that pistol into the club and and that was cleaned up he was never charged for It Shine took it and then you have the other allegation where there was a shooting in a bathroom at a diddy recording studio blood everywhere that was in the lawsuit we saw the photographs and police came in cleaned it up Diddy said it was a driveby guy bled out in the bathroom no charges again so that's a pattern of very favorable treatment by law enforcement it just makes you makes you a little suspicious that's all and that's a fair thing to be suspicious about right when you see something like that for the people that are watching the podcast today who want a signed copy of this book there's three here's what we're doing anybody who goes on VT merch.com and places an order for $50 or more a minimum of $50 you go to VT merch.com place your order you can buy future looks bright hat whatever you may order we're going to give you a pbd podcast future looks bright mug we're going to put in a pen and a keychain and three of you on Tuesday will'll do a raffle to give away those three signed copies 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Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 2,365,897
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Keywords: Patrick Bet-David, PBD, Valuetainment podcast, PBD podcast, Patrick Bet-David Podcast, Valuetainment, Podcast Patrick, Patrick Bet David, The PBD Podcast, Valuetainment Media, Jesse Watters, FOX News, Fox, FOX, Fox News, Jesse Watters Primetime, Diddy, Lil Rod Lawsuit, Diddy Sexual Assault Allegations, Diddy Raid, Gene Deal, Diddy Bodyguard, Diddy Sex Assault, Lil Rod, Diddy Lawsuit, diddy informant, diddy fbi informant, diddy raided by feds, diddy raided by fbi, DIDDY
Id: isJGtP-FmDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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