The INSANE Seasoning Salt Experiment!

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[Music] welcome back to sweden everything guys today incredible salts to go along with incredible steaks check it out and these are actually the star of the show they are incredible salts that look great but most importantly should taste amazing the wonderful thing about them is that they are very easy to make and here's how the first one we're going to start off with is mushrooms and bacon as you know mushroom has a very umami flavor and don't even get me started with bacon because as we all know bacon makes everything taste better the first thing i like to do is to start by sauteing some bacon as you already know you should always begin under low heat that way you will allow the fat to render nice and slow and as you can see as it is cooking you will develop a little bit of fond on the pan that's those little sticks that are stuck and i'll tell you one thing it is extremely flavorful to deglaze it what i like to do is to throw in my mushrooms since mushroom has a lot of water you will start releasing into the pan and removing all of the goodness now one of the important things that we gotta keep in mind is to cook the mushrooms all the way through we're not only trying to remove all of the water out of it but we're also developing incredible flavor so make sure you cook it until it has a nice color just like this by this time i'm pretty sure that you notice that there is no seasoning and that is for good reason we're gonna be transforming this into powder and for that i'll be using my dehydrator you just gotta put it in a cooling rack insert it into the dehydrator and set your time as always remember exact amount ingredients and instructions always in the description down below for you once the time was up this is what i was left with as you can see everything is bone dry and that is exactly what you're looking for now to make this into salt is very easy to do i definitely recommend having a spice grinder or a coffee grinder you don't want to do this in your blender it's just not powerful enough as you can see all you have to do is to add it in together with a little bit of salt and let it go to town the more you grind the finer it will be once i was done this is what i was left with that right there is an umami bomb of flavor moving on to the next one we're going to be using this special ingredient and i mean who does not recognize the sriracha sauce it is one of the most used hot sauces in the world now to make this one you don't even need a spice grinder all you have to do is to throw in a little bit of coarse salt into a tray followed by the sriracha mix everything well until it's nicely combined i don't recommend adding too much if not it will get too wet and the last thing we need is for the salt to dissolve as you can see once i was done this is what i was left with at the same time it is still kind of wet now you have two options you can leave it outside so that it dries out or you can use your dehydrator if you have one and as you already know that's exactly what i'm doing but before adding it to the dehydrated i want to try something else as well and this is black garlic now if you've never had it it's difficult to explain because it's not potent and what it is is kind of sweet check it out what it looks like it's almost like a paste and it has a wonderful mummy flavor that i definitely recommend now you can use this in many different things but today we're gonna try to make black garlic salt so for that i just spread it a little bit on a parchment paper and made sure that it was nice and thin once that was done now i have both of them the sriracha salt and also the black garlic so i threw them both in into my dehydrator once the time was up i took them out and this is what it looks like now the interesting thing is that the black garlic is still a little bit wet so i'm not quite sure if it's gonna work but into my spice grinder i threw in a little bit of salt followed by the black garlic started blending everything well and to my surprise take a look at this it worked that my friends is not coffee but it is black garlic salt and for the sriracha check it out that my friends is siracha salt and i'm hoping that it's gonna taste awesome now for our very last one i want to do something completely different and this is cured egg yolk salt and the first thing we need to do is to cure some egg yolks so i first started by mixing a little bit of salt and sugar mix it well and that's our curry mix then you want to separate some egg yolks one of the important things that you gotta keep in mind is that you need to give them enough space that way you will allow them to cure nice and even and obviously make sure every single one of them is fully covered as you can see that's exactly what i did now there's left to do is to add them into your refrigerator and wait five days once the time is up you want to take them out and wash them so that you can remove all of the salt and once you've done that check it out that my friends is a cured egg yolk you can use it right now or you can take it even further which is to dehydrate them now one of the options you have is that if you don't have a dehydrated you can actually just use your oven in the lowest setting that is exactly what i did i only put it for one hour and once the time was up this is what it looks like that is wonderful in many things including steaks pasta toast and many other things but today we're going to be making a special salt with it so for that i used my micro grinder and went to town then of course added a little bit of salt blend it all together with my spice grinder and my egg yolk salt is ready i mean take a look at this i truly believe that's the world's first egg yolk salt and i cannot wait to find out how it's gonna taste in some awesome steaks talking about that these are the star of the show there are four beautiful prime grade new york strip i mean take a look at the marbling that is exactly what you're looking for now the only thing left to do is to get all of our steaks seasoned and as you already know we have some special salts for them to really find out which steak tastes better i'm not seasoning it with anything else we're only using our special salts and as always make sure you season both sides including the edges once i was done the only thing left to do is to back them up and get them ready for the water bath cooking them so we will ensure that i get a perfect dentist but at the same time you will allow the sticks to dry brine inside of the bag now the only thing left to do is to let them sit in the water bath at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours because that will give me a perfect steak [Music] i got my beautiful steaks ready to go everybody as you know i cook them at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours that is the perfect time if you have a fatty steak if you have a fattier steak i recommend 135. leaner steak like filet mignon and other types you should cook it at 1 31 it's the perfect doneness at least for me but at the same time i'm hungry it is ready and it's time to take them out let's do it here we have our beautiful steaks everybody and they do look incredible each one of them actually smells quite unique believe it or not right even though we're just using different types of salts they do smell different oh and they smell phenomenal and i know each single one of them are cooked to perfection but at the same time i mean take a look at this nobody want to eat a great steak like that who wants to eat a grape steak like that we want to put a nice beautiful crust on them so they are not only going to taste better but they're also gonna look better because remember we eat with our eyes first then with our mouth and we feel that wonderful taste as always we gotta pat them dry so that we can get a wonderful sear but i know they don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks mama are you hungry my mom mouth-watering today i know are you hungry yes i am starving everybody when am i not hungry that's a very very bad question huh especially when it comes to us right yes we're always hungry everybody so here's the deal as you can see right there on the top is all different types of salts oh right that's salt that is some very unique salt okay and i actually want you to guess the type of salt it is yes as you're trying it okay it's homemade salt it's fancy salt but homemade salt and and i want to know these steaks are seasoned with nothing else but salt but as we already know seasoning before sous vide is better than seasoning after sous vide so we're going to go right here and we're going to let them know which salt is the best salt for sous vide yeah all right cheers everybody wow that's a good steak i don't know that is crazy especially when i haven't had steak in a while now i cannot tell what it is i'm gonna try the actual salt a little bit to see if i can get it be be careful just a little bit go for it for it tell me if you can tell so to me at least it brings some types of sweetness to the steak how about for you what is it mama can you tell anything at all i cannot tell you mama cannot diet i love it for me at least it brings some types of sweetness to the steak but you really got to be looking for it i really enjoy this one here i don't know if it's going to be my favorite one but i enjoyed it you all right it's really good i'll continue eating it you're going to i'm sure you have no problem with some prime steaks all right let's go to the next one we're gonna go with this one right here second one cheers everybody cheers oh boy this is different from the first one very different flavor is very different i have to stop a second over there to think about like what is that it's hard to pinpoint guys so what is it different for you that's what i want to know what is it different okay first off it's not as salted as we usually have it uh-huh okay that's the main that's the first difference that we can tell and it's not as smoked as the first one so i want to say that whatever the first one is is either smoked or cooked or something like that so at least for me it feels like a more balanced steak i would say it's something like that what do you think there's a little bit more old mommy kick to it whoa you're getting somewhere oh my mama that's what i was looking for it is more balanced like you say it's not sweet meat or savory right right right right it's very very it's annoying yeah good job on the money okay um yeah we'll go with that yeah we powdered it no no i knew you were gonna say that mushroom mushroom yes ma'am mommy comes from mushroom and bacon mushrooms and bacon good job okay next one as you can see it's the golden locks what can be yellow eggs eggs they give it away already my mom gave it away egg yolk salt let's see if we can tell any difference all right cheers everybody does not taste eggy no not at all not yolking no nothing nothing like that the last time we had something with the egg yolk it was very creamy yeah i don't think that is as creamy as that was not the creaminess is completely gone which one is your favorite though out of the egg yolk and the mushrooms the mushrooms mushrooms guys the mushrooms is insane i think the egg yolk is a much better suitable if you just shave it right on top because it is incredible that creaminess that comes from the egg yolk is amazing but when you put it mixed with the salt no not that much yeah didn't much didn't work that much for me at all everybody okay are you ready for the last one it's not pink himalayan salt even though it looks like one yeah i have no idea what that one is let's give it a try and let's see fourth one cheers this is everybody i like this one this is different it's not a different flavor but it gave me a different feeling on the mouth you did yeah i'm going to dip it over there because you're going to dip it you're going to go for a second you really enjoyed this one oh my god i wanna see what it is cause it's very different it is different and like interesting it gives a nice wonderful mouth feeling in your mouth do you feel any spiciness there is no spiciness at all and i'm quite surprised about that you feel any spiciness hold up no there's no spice enough there's no spiciness at all and i thought it would be spicy that's sriracha mom that's sriracha that's sriracha salt there's no spicy at all it's not spicy whatsoever everybody the salt completely takes over everything how did you dry sriracha i know right yeah it's an awesome you have to watch the video mama they already know it gives a nice flavor to the salt but at the same time it's not spicy at all if you have anybody in your family members that do not like any spiciness that salt is incredible huh what do you think of this is amazing yeah that salt is amazing for me at least my top two favors is the sriracha and also the mushroom for you the rice is really good the mushroom is really good and uh what is that one you didn't tell me what that one is black garlic black garlic is good too which one is your favorite salt out of the best one for them to give it a try oh mom which one you recommend like you have to make it if you can only do one i recommend the mushroom garlic the mushroom effect it's phenomenal the mushroom is the one actually that takes a little bit the longest besides the egg that you have to cure but you have to cook the mushrooms and then dehydrate everything the mushroom is an umami bomb that's what i will say about that anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 417,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, steak, experiment, seasoning salt, best steak, cooking steak, how to cook steak, sous vide steak, steak experiment
Id: RdZgJfqqGGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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