They said PRETZEL makes the best steak CRUST, so we tried!

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I have been on a quest for the perfect crust don't get me wrong Stakes by itself is incredible and when you get a nice hard sew it is something almost unbeatable at the same time sometimes you crave for something different and that's where you can improve on some incredible crusts and I have done quite a few of them and honestly most of them are incredible but you guys have asked me to try one ingredient that it's the best one of them all and that would be pretzels now there's something very special about this snack it is crunchy salty it always has an incredible mailard reaction that's why it's so nice golden brown and the best part is that the ingredients are pretty straightforward and sometimes when you take a closer look you even have a little bit of char at least to me this is the perfect snack however is it gonna make a crust of a steak incredible well we're about to find out right now because everything starts out with steaks as you can see I have three beautiful New York strips their choice they do have a nice marbling and most importantly they are one and a half inches thick always look for thicker steaks now before putting a crust I'm must season them for that I went with salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder once they were fully seasoned the next thing to do is to go ahead back them up vacuum seal them and they are now ready for suvi talking about that I'll be cooking all of them in the same container at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for two hours this will cook them to Perfection meaning medium rare as that was happening it was perfect because it allowed me time to go ahead and make an incredible side dish and this one is super easy to make at the same time absolutely delicious that will please everyone and here's how I made it the first thing to do is to go ahead and cook up some ground beef into a skillet I threw in some oil and immediately some white onions I added a little bit of salt and cooked them up until they started sweating or becoming translucent once that was done I immediately threw in my ground beef now I want to cook this through and by the way I'm using 80 20. at least for me it makes the perfect ground beef once it was fully cooked it was time for the seasoning I started with a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper garlic powder cumin smoked paprika and a little bit of cayenne for my good friend Chef John mixed everything well and combine these ingredients as once he was fully seasoned to my tasting he was now ready now using the same exact pan I threw in some butter once it was fully melted I threw in all-purpose flour mix that up and cooked it until it started smelling like pie dough then I immediately threw in some cold milk mixed everything together and set my heat on high then started to whisk as you're doing so it's gonna start thickening up on you real quick you see we're doing something that it's called a bechamel sauce now the next ingredient might be controversial and by the way you can use any type of cheese you like but I wanted to make this very simple so in with cheese whiz I went adding a good amount to finish it up all there's left to do is to go ahead and incorporate the cheese into the sauce because once I was done this is what I was left with an incredible cheese sauce that is delicious however we're not done yet because the only thing left to do is to go ahead and throw my ground beef back in there mix everything well and now we have the most incredible nachos that you will ever taste no there's no jalapeno there's no greens it is straight up meat and cheese because the only thing left to do is to pair it up with your favorite chip today I chose Doritos however you can use anything you like and I'll tell you one thing these nachos are delicious and it is ridiculously easy to make the same goes for our pretzel steak to do the crust all we have to do is to throw it in a food processor blend it on high and in the end this is what we're left with pretzels crumbs which is ready for some steaks talking about that by this time our steaks are fully cooked so I immediately open up the bag and put it on a cooling rack so that we can dry them up as soon as you take it out of the bag it does not look very appetizing and you must Pat it dry to ensure you're gonna get an incredible crust not since we have three steaks this is how this experiment is gonna go down the first one I'm just going to be deep frying it by itself and nothing else the second one on the other hand we're going to be using regular bread crumbs the third one I'll be using the pretzel crust and for that I'll be using the three-step method which is flour first then egg wash and then the desired crust I'll be doing something that is called flash frying my oil will be at 400 degrees Fahrenheit it will will immediately cook the crust at the same time preserving that medium rare doneness we're looking for because I know exactly what you're thinking I know my sticks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we got our beautiful steak in an incredible side dish for the first time I think I'm more interested in the side dish than the steaks because this especially because it's right in front of me has me feeling very hungry and very ready to try this gotta say I went all out everybody as unhealthy as it gets because today it's all about crust I want to know which steak has the best crust as you can see we got a mild crust a medium and a powerful crust enough talking let's give it a go please begin now this steak right here which is our very first one will definitely feel different I don't know if you ever had it or not Leo but I want to know if you can distinguish what it is that doesn't look like a normal sous-vide steak right there I'm trying to like figure out what's going on here but that steak looks overcooked and I know it's sous-vide there's no way that that steak is overcooked you're talking about because of the crust yeah because it's such a darker like crispier looking crust I'm excited to find out what's going on Cheers everybody cheers [Music] yummy yummy yummy yummy on my tummy baby that crust is next level I will tell you that right now yeah very crispy a little crunchy not overcooked at all the steak is still as tender as a normal sous-vide steak but just with a perfect crust I see you going with a sauce and that made it better oh that's a good sauce a little bit of mayo a little bit of sriracha and honey everybody that's it very easy to make but it's not about the sauce it's about the steak let's go on the crust steak are you guys ready yes now here's what I will recommend whenever you're making steaks like this everybody do not slice the steak like I did on The Cutting Board do it on your plate because that crumbly crust will go everywhere I'm trying to recover some of my crumbly crust over here enough talking let's give it a try Cheers Cheers oh very different now very crispy well I like that yeah I like that one too I noticed immediately that this steak right here the very first one was juicier because there wasn't that crumbly crust you know I agreed that the first one is juicier but I also say I think that the second steak is more flavorful because of that crust so out of the two that we've tried so far I like the second steak more I agree I think it's more of a like what do you really want right now you want a real juicy steak or you want a crispy crust on your steak that's fair to say but I will say this it's a little bit of work to make a crust like this because both of these steaks were deep fried so if you're gonna deep fry it on a regular one might as well just go and create this one a deep fried sous-vide steak that is surprising I haven't tried that before I guess that's what you are alluding to earlier but it's crazy because it's still so soft even though it's freaking deep fried yeah I've never said this before but I say that is enough talking because I'm smelling all these Doritos right in front of me and I cannot wait we need to try this side just right now please go there you go yes wait wait make sure you do a nice you get okay that's what I was waiting don't break the Doritos please is that enough yeah you guys got to see their faces on that I saw Google's eyes widen and light up when I'm like oh boy this boy is uh thank God you're not lactose intolerant go digging don't even wait Leo tell us we want to know yes please play again cheers guys oh my god oh come on oh my God you're heavy this is heavy let me get another one it's such a blast of flavor and textures it's cheesy it's gooey it's a little bit crumbly because of the ground beef yeah and crunchy because of the Dorito plus the dust of the Dorito it's powdery too like all your bases are covered so many different flavors so many different textures I freaking love that you know why I wanted to make design dish every time I make a video there's always a comment saying well you always say your side dishes are so easy to make and then I do a bunch of different steps there's not a lot of steps here everybody Super Bowl should be coming up soon I think you guys should honestly try this let's dig in on the last one because I'm curious all right let's go I really want to know which one is better if it's going to be that one or the previous one as you can see this crust is more powerful yeah it looks powerful looks like there's like almonds or some type of like yeah it does look like that yeah it looks weird trust me it is not almond it is one of your favorite things to eat Leo yeah but I'm not going to tell you cheers everybody cheers oh that is not almonds no this is amazing super crusty it's like a crunch yeah this one was a crisp this is a crunch me like it you know what it is can't really taste what it is no it's pretzel pretzel oh my God I love pretzels I know you do I love pretzels so much and you're a pizza pretzel freak hell yes Little Caesars sponsor us I need that which one is better the one with the crumbly crust or the crunchy crust I like both but this one better crunchy crust crunchy crust win everybody but I will say this if you're gonna deep fry steak do both anyway Guys these are the results I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything I use everything is always in the description down below after years perfecting it it's finally available for purchase cook is Rob myrab has been the go-to for many of you and now these new revamped formula is better than ever it's amazing on beef pork lamb chicken and my favorite burgers this rub is what I use in 90 of everything I cook get yours now at the link will be in the description baby get yours now at link will be on the description thanks for watching we'll see you on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 451,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, crust, experiment, cooking, sous vide, steaks, sous vide steaks, grilling, deep fried, steak experiment, perfect steak, how to cook steak, food, food channel
Id: 5rXlP3-yFiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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