I had a tenant eviction GO BAD-not pay rent-bedbugs-sheriff- Pt2

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like we're here and everybody's gone up to the the houses the real dudes where the rubber hit the roads guys hopefully we can get everything on video somebody might come out screamin and cryin and holler and I hope that doesn't happen well what I'm seeing looks like we're gonna be putting stuff on the street here today sheriff just pulled up there he is he looks scary too I wouldn't let him yeah I wouldn't mess with like a big scary guy you to me when the inside became goes down you know he's got a gun and he's got back up real quick get everybody here on it let me check with my older smooth get it so we're standing in front of the house that the sheriff here we're trying to get in the property the stair don't want to let us end I don't know if he is having sympathy for the tenant or the owner doesn't want to change their lives I have no idea what's going on this has got to be the most unusual evasion I have ever seen I don't think there's a question just a lady's house right she needs to get up in the house so we can get the hell out of here and go about our business and help her get this stuff Alice and the sheriff I don't understand why he's not just letting us go in I have never seen the sheriff not let you go on your own house after you pay for the eviction he did say look at the rain that might be an issue with that so he's into whether the sheriff behan is you know kushina's paid you have waited all your time they told me don't you told me don't this is my dog she follow you yeah I told you no you can't you two of me don't get involved give me the mortgage company cares whether you know it outside she should have guessed being up on wrapping up you know she knows pushing coming go outside finally got everybody here ready to die I'm trying to bounce it out yeah you got a neutrally my building your writing but sometimes your sympathy you want to learn what doesn't happen I won't be writing my effect on Bobby house I gotta get this for you to see do you think they got a place under them they just gonna eat usually the plates over you know it's a blanket unbelievable we're here house-to-house full full of stuff they just finished having lunch we're gonna see what's gonna happen with this charity what are you talking about cups plates right on the table there at the do you not to do business already okay so yes tell me why would you take over this is it because a minute sensible yeah sound what a beat very great all right so guys the sheriff is not gonna let us do the foot I don't know why it's not right in my personal opinion but they are going to let her do a lockout they would let her change the locks I'll bring up the speed on what's happening with that I'm just gonna document with the one oh no this is right they say they're not gonna let us do it this isn't right I don't assume I don't believe all of this I told you there would be nothing that she felt moving at all she said you know what forget - oh yeah okay god that was unbelievable the sheriff said it was up to their discretion whether they would let us put the tenant on the street and I just could not imagine owning a piece of real estate that I can't get possession of it's just it's not right right and I'm not saying that I would wouldn't do it but I if it's the lady has paid her money for the eviction she's waited ten months to get inside she let the tenant stay and it's probably a good thing because as you saw the lady got there the exterminator did say was bad bugs inside so I'm glad for that so it's almost like a blessing in disguise that we didn't go in and start moving this stuff out because we would all probably have to take our clothes off before we went back inside of our houses so I'm not even mad spitting I don't know it looks I am good with that bad enough you can't ride the train in New York without getting them a work so you saw how this looks sometimes it goes smooth like glass when you sing and sometimes things don't go as smooth so so anyway that wasn't what they're gonna do is something called a lockout so they'll change the locks and if the ocean comes back they can make arrangements with the homeowner but they can't come on the premises unless they add permission and as it is a criminal offense its trespassing if the tenant comes back so all right that's another day in the life Schmitt how long does the lockout last what's the process of the tenant getting their position the sheriff didn't necessarily say but he said that we're gonna let you change the locks you have to wait 24 hours to start bring the stuff out that was it - then this brush move this stuff out and the Landlord just send somebody in 24 hours or as long as their permission as long as they have permission to go inside now from the older okay so in order the tenant can go in after 24 hours if they have permission I think so can the landlord to just move this stuff out put it on the curb after 24 hours I would say so I mean I've never seen a sheriff not let him put stuff out today but he said that we cannot let you do this today you have to wait 24 hours before you do anything that's what there may I see it cuz you know one thing thing it comes back the sheriff's ain't coming back he said when you can't do anything an arrangement so what I'm hoping is that the owner and the tenant work out something where the tenant can get their own stuff out and just move on that's a good question those because you don't want to have anybody to fight right so my show it up and we're going inside all right so this is not this is the real deal this without it that HGTV crap you see on TV this is in the street ridin y'all all right [Music]
Channel: kris haskins
Views: 1,123,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate investing, hampton roads, evictions caught on tape, eviction notice, eviction process, eviction fight, tenant not paying rent, tenant eviction, tenant eviction videos, tenant eviction gone wrong, real estate roundup kris haskins, tenants from hell eviction, bad tenants evicted
Id: ry63ctvgJm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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