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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you were interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below so as you can see um my kitchen is not done you know one of the funny things that I hear all the time is why don't you just use your emergency fund to pay for your kitchen or why don't you just um use a credit card to pay for your kitchen or why don't you just take out a loan and get your kitchen remodeled so there's a few different things about that that you know the longer I do this the longer I'm on YouTube the more statistics I read and with pretty much every statistic uh you hear or read that 80 of people that paycheck the paycheck 80 of people are in debt eighty percent of people have pretty much no savings uh only 14 of people have enough money in Investments to retire and I always find it fascinating that people give me Financial advice that is the worst advice you can even imagine like yeah why don't I just go ahead and take out a 17 loan to make my kitchen 17 more expensive than it needs to be you know why don't I put it on a 25 credit card thus making my kitchen 25 more expensive than it needs to be now as you can see my kitchen is not done it's echoey in here I'm actually enjoying the echo I love I'm a minimalist and I'm loving the echo so this side is done this side has nothing I have a fridge and outside is one cabinet um which I need to refinish so that it matches these cabinets and um but I can't do that until I get the stove which is on that border so that I can make the proper measurements and purchase whatever uh whatever other I'm gonna need another cabinet for the lower portion and then I don't even know what I'm gonna do with the upper portion because the funny thing is is that like right now the cabinets I have now they're full but I don't have anything else like to put in cabinets so I'm gonna have a whole bunch of cabinets over here that I'm not using um and people's first instinct is to fill empty space so find something buy it and fill the cabinets so that they're full which I don't get it but um yeah I guess this video is I don't know if I'm rambling or what what I'm exactly trying to accomplish here but I guess it's just don't follow you know don't follow advice from broke people don't follow diet advice from fat people you know 65 of the population or seventy percent I think is now overweight or obese and people try and tell me how to diet and exercise and to me it's it's almost comical and it's funny how people on here tell me I I would never live without a kitchen never oh my God the horror of it all you know that to me is just affluenza at its best it's like really you can't you can't you can't make it without a kitchen for a month or two and uh well how do you cook it makes no sense how on Earth how is it possible so there's lots of ways to cook that don't require a stove or cabinets um for starters you've got the microwave that's one right there but I've got a two burner electrical stove electric stove uh or not stove two burner electric electric burners they're just electric burners two burners and then you know I can go and I can cook outside using my solar oven which of course I still have my All-American Sun Oven which comes in really handy I've got barbecue so I can just go ahead and barbecue you know food and you know you can cook you can cook vegetables on a barbecue too I don't know if you know that like but cooking is not difficult a stove is certainly convenient but it's not a hundred percent necessary and yes of course it's nice um one of the things that I do have to do is make it so that it is what's the word uh passes inspection so if I were ever to sell or rent out this property it has to be within California law of whatever the inspections are required in order to pass profit you know without my home when I when I first started this channel I lived in Livermore which was my mother's home and uh that was my home that was my home and you know I moved to Arizona I moved here and now nothing feels like home nothing feels like home so when I'm at home I feel like I'm just living in a house so there's no sentimental there's no Sentimental Feeling towards any houses so what I figure I'm just going to end up doing and just fix them up and then save up and move on and rent out the previous one that's what I did with my Arizona house and that's what I did with this one now people also say why didn't you buy your brother out um he wouldn't let me there was something about that house that he needed out of his life and I offered him um more than what we made off of the house and it is what it is I mean if I won the lottery and I had a hundred million dollars maybe I would buy that house back but um the town that it was in has changed so much it's not the same town that it was when we grew up and I do want to be closer to my family you know right now I'm about two and a half hours from my family and I would like to be even closer I mean if again if I won the lottery or I had an extra two or three million dollars sitting around then I might even go for buying a house in his town where he lives because I want to be closer to my my nieces and nephews but um it's not about the house wasn't about the money it was about something else and he just didn't want me living in it so I had I had enough money to buy him out but he just simply wouldn't let me and that's the way it is it is what it is um but yeah but I I don't know what the point of this video is uh I am you know living in a semi-finished house it actually looks really nice and I love the echo I really do I'm I'm big on minimalism and I love the echo but there's gonna be a stove here in her uh per law there has to be a 12 inch space between the fridge and the stove so it's gonna be like at least 12 or 15 inches in the stove and then I have a cabinet that already goes there and then I have to do something up top because I have a gas line so it's a gas stove so I have to have a thing for air an air thing uh which I I already have one but it doesn't match so I'm gonna have to probably either spray paint that one or buy a new one but whatever um so I just wanted to give you guys an update and just remind you you know be patient I'm I'm being patient with my home renovations I made the mistake in Arizona of rushing things you know getting the new kitchen and the new Air Conditioning the Mini Splits and everything like that and I don't regret it but it did cost me significantly more by doing it so quickly than if I would have taken my time the way that I am here and um this is probably saving me 50 60 just by taking my time and taking the time to evaluate each individual purchase and doing most of the work myself I didn't do all of it myself but most of the work myself as opposed to hiring a kitchen remodel company coming in and having it done I'm doing most of the work myself with the exception of the drywall and the flooring but I did the paint the light fixtures the electrical updating uh and stuff like that I did myself but there's just certain things that I can't do and for those I have to hire out and if I take my time you know I'm I'm probably paying 50 less and then add on to the fact that I'm not using a credit card which is an additional 25 so I'm actually saving 75 by doing it slow and I know that you guys want update videos and all that really cool stuff and and I'm I'm saving I'm saving and I'm filming all of this stuff as I'm going along but um the truth is is that I have to remind myself that even my viewers you know my Frugal viewers um there are people who are passing through on the channel that are not necessarily uh frugal people and you know they they keep telling me you need to hurry it up and do things faster so that I can get a video from you about the house renovation well I'm sorry this is my channel and it doesn't work that way and I'm not going to be spending 75 percent more uh just to make one video that's going to make me maybe one or two hundred dollars so um keep that in mind and you know humble don't don't ever oh my God the horror of not having a kitchen is just oh I could never mm-hmm yeah uh check yourself do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out so um do you want some peanut butter peanut butter peanut butter is that what you want give me a kiss oh oh okay okay so so tell me um are you a good boy can you speak can you no not you can you speak what what that's my boy how about you how about you can you speak what what okay that's close enough shake okay you shake Shake oh my gosh so much shaking going on no that's okay there you go there you go little man
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 51,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Budget, Finance, Low Income
Id: VLImNxA77Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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