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foreign I'll just walk on this one little thing right here I feel a little bit safer maybe not okay there's just these random electric scooters all over the place I gotta go into the museum and ask them about that but I'm here in oh let me turn the camera around what's up everybody I'm prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below I'm here in Reading I was making a sale of one of my solar generators and since I'm here I might as well explore my backyard so we are at the beautiful Sacramento River in the Sundial Bridge which is very very cool I have a man staring at me which is weird but it's really pretty out here oh exploring my backyard in Northern California oh we got a fisherman over there and over there and giant ducks beneath us you know when I was a kid not a kid teens and early 20s my my birthday is in August and my brothers is in October and my mom and my mom used to buy my brother and I a white water rafting on the Sacramento River in September which is off season so it's a little bit cheaper and my brother and I would come white water rafting doing class three fours and fives starting in I can't remember the name of the town uh Truckee starting in Truckee it's cold up there in October September see this is what a Frugal person likes to do I didn't spend any money I was I actually came here and I made money selling one of my generators and since I'm here I'm doing something for free although I'm gonna go just check on the museum prices because you get to feed the birds when you buy an admission and I want to feed the birds because a two dollar experience or a 25 experience you know sometimes you got to spend some money but most of the time I spend nothing but it sure beats going to a movie today's Monday awesome all right everybody I'm having a hard time um seeing what's on my screen so so Sundial Bridge was brought to Redding California in 2004 it was a designed artistic bridge and when you walk on it it's see-through very creepy so since the museum is closed on Mondays and that's of course the day that I'm here I'm just gonna chill out and walk the trail and have myself a snack oh whoa never mind there's a nice big ugly spider guarding my snack which is a bunch of blackberries he can have it he he can have it I'm not going to show you because some people get freaked out by spiders but uh yeah he's about as big as my half my thumb which is big enough to give me the creeps but yeah this is what Frugal folks do people people pay to come here and people pay to take an Airbnb or a hotel or uh to do whatever to come and visit the Sundial Bridge and the museum which I can't visit really wanted to feed the birds two dollars uh for feeding the little cute birds but uh wow it's really beautiful and it's it's actually really shallow like way far out I could just stand right on I could stand there like 100 feet out look at that I don't know if you can see it let me nope that thing it's just right on right on the thing and um one thing I'm noticing whenever I leave my Tiny Town my little little teeny tiny town and I come to a bigger town like this I see homeless right away I we don't have anywhere I live but they're everywhere here there's actually signs all over this place that says no camping no fires no cigarettes no e-cigarettes on the trail so you know at some point people were camping here um give you that background yep there you go but um yeah Redding is also known as the trails capital of the world so I need to spend a lot more time here and if I'm going to move in the future it's either going to be closer to my brother or closer to here because uh Trail's capital of the world for an outdoorsy girl it's the place to be [Music] all right everybody let's talk about money saving and frugality here for a second you know I've been I think I've been on YouTube for seven years now and I don't give attention to haters anymore I I don't and it's so funny how people misconstrue a lot of the things that I say about talking about haters just an example I put up a post about Rocky being confused about his bed and I got him a new bed because he wasn't really confused he just kept sleeping on Nala's bed which is way too small for him so I got him a rocky sized bed and there's been a couple people who they're not trolls they're not trying to be mean they're just concerned about the assists on Rocky's Paws so I put in that post that I took him to the vet and it's non-cancerous and net can't be operated on and all that stuff and then people assumed that I was talking to haters or talking to trolls and they always say don't give them attention I'm like that's not what this is this is just me telling everybody in case you were wondering that uh I've got stickers hold on let me get these off it's just me telling people ahead of time in case they're wondering what's wrong with Rocky there's nothing wrong with Rocky he's got a perfect bill of health he's my boy and pretty soon we're taking him and Nala to the Redwood Forest because it's on my bucket list dogs aren't allowed on this Trail even though I've seen a couple but I don't care um just out here trying to get my 10 000 steps a lot of people also asked how did the 20 pounds in 30 days go like did you keep losing no as soon as I made that video I stopped everything and gained uh let's see I ended at 151 so I gained half of it back 161 and now I'm doing it again um just getting in 10 000 steps instead of 12. I'm not doing it as quickly getting 10 000 steps instead of 12 moving around a lot more and you know eating my one meal a day with my coffees that's pretty standard for what I do anyway no carbs no sugar which I think is just a healthy way to live and you know once in a while I can have carbs I haven't had any but I can and I don't have to worry about it I'm just working on changing my lifestyle um I am sweating it is a 98 degrees out and this video is not coming out until December and you're probably like I'm not watching anymore she schedules ahead well there's a reason for that a lot of people gets a seasonal affective disorder they get sad in the winter time and they always want to watch videos with beautiful Greenery and sunshine because it lifts their mood so I'm doing this in the summertime and I'm Future dating them to winter time so that if people are watching they get a little bit happier I just want you guys to be a little bit happier um at least for the month of December because that's December January is when it's like the worst so I'm trying to help you guys out um so the weight loss was still most people gained it all back and then some I didn't get to that point I started at 171. I actually noticed when I was at 174 and then I just started doing stuff and I didn't start tracking it till I got down to 171 but um yeah so now I'm at 161. 5 and it's only been I don't know I've only been doing this for like four days five days trying to get my 10 000 steps and trying to explore my backyard here in Northern California see some beautiful places and reading the Sundial Bridge it's beautiful for starters the Sacramento river right here is extremely clear and clean lots of people out on the water and uh if I were to move because the house I'm in I'm not going to stay there forever it's just that's not what it's intended to be it's a stopping point I no longer have a home I just have a house to live in while I fix it up and once it fixed up I'll save up and move on like I did last time that's sort of the plan at the moment it'll take me several years before I'm able to do it again but still um and uh but if I move Redding is the Trail's capital of the world but I don't know how I feel about all the people there's so many people here it's like population 89 or 90 000. it's like going back to Livermore it's just too many people but it is the trails capital of the world so at least they can be out in nature a lot with the puppies I bet you that's for a mud run I got it oh there's a squirrel I gotta do a mud run I'm gonna look up mud runs I don't think they'd start till October November but I think I'll do one I don't know if I'd be able to film it because it's muddy [Applause] all right folks so people are having really hard times right now look at that people are having really hard times right now more of their funds are going to non-discretionary spending wait discretion sorry their funds are going to bills that are bills they have to pay them and then the that leaves less money for discretionary spending so stuff that you don't have to buy but you buy anyway and when that happens people are spending less money so the economy is not moving as quickly as it was businesses contract they do hiring freezes first and they start the layoffs stocks go down and people often worry are we headed for the Next Great Depression wall whenever the stock market whenever the stock market is up the YouTube algorithm pretty much goes to investing Bitcoin Tesla you know stuff like that it's like put your money in here now AMC what is that video game place that went all crazy that's worthless um that sort of thing when the economy is down like it is right now people start talking about their being the Next Great Depression and freaking out take all your money out of the stock market now sell everything hoard cash well I don't I don't I don't prescribe to either of those um so let's say there is a next Great Depression there's nothing you can do there's nothing you can do to stop something like that you as an individual cannot stop it all you can do is minimize the pain that happens to you personally how does one minimize Financial pain for me personally I live a little above the poverty line now because I spend 500 a month in medical insurance something around twelve hundred dollars a month total so let's say your next Great Depression happens what's going to change in my life what's going to change for me so for me what's going to change is very little what's going to change for me is no more insurance no more medical no more home insurance no more car insurance that's it and I pay my car insurance yearly so there's more than likely that I'll have plenty of time uh between to use up to use my car and people say and I tell people like this is this is the Great Depression if you're talking about the Great Depression you're talking about survival survival you're not talking about not being able to shop on Amazon you're talking about not having an income you're talking about um no goods are available kind of like during the you know what where there were toilet paper and stuff like that same thing happened during the Great Depression because of the Dust Bowl so there was not a lot of food there was not a lot of food and people had to grow a lot of their own stuff I feel like I'm already set for something like that to happen because I already spend so little and let's say my um my stock my dividend portfolio went during the Great Depression it was a 90 drop so let's say mine's a 90 drop okay I'm still making three grand a year off of my investments and let's say my rental property now remember during the Great Depression there was up to like 30 percent unemployment which means seventy percent of people were still employed and people say I would not be able to rent out my rental even though 70 of people were still employed that doesn't make logical mathematical sense so I would still have my rental property which is after all the expenses about 1250 to 1300 a month I would be fine I'd be fine um and let's say I'm only able to get half off of my rental still fine let's say I'm only able to get you know whatever I'm still fine um I would fish definitely fish for food I if because if it's unavailable it's unavailable I'm not talking about pricing I'm not talking about buying meat I'm talking about if it's unavailable I'm going fishing and foraging which I already do my my whole freezer is full of homegrown Tomatoes zucchini and foraged blackberries blueberries figs um plums so hold on but unfortunately what happens when the economy is down is people start freaking out they really do and how many times has the economy been down where people freak out and they lose their shirts or they make bad decisions because when you're desperate you make desperate decisions now I've been teaching you all for seven years hopefully you've been listening for seven years and you've been investing for seven years you've been saving money and you have a huge six months to a year emergency fund by using my methods to save money getting mint mobile getting rid of any streaming services or memberships you know buy if you have to if you're spending 50 bucks a month on a gym membership you know whatever equipment you use buy it within six months of not having a gym membership you'll make your money back and then it's free from there on out using like less electricity less water and one of the things that is very detrimental to the United States is the fact that we are such a consumer culture we don't understand the difference anymore between necessity and not necessity I've been to third world countries running water running water is a luxury a luxury I've been to places where there are entire towns made out of that metal sheathing that people use for roofs on their sheds and their houses are 10 feet by 10 feet made out of garbage I've been there so when people say I don't want to live in a house in that's that cheap I laugh at them I'm just like okay you've never been to a third world country never um electricity is a luxury it's not a necessity it's a luxury so many people so many people don't have electricity food every day most Americans eat three meals a day food once a day is a luxury it's not a necessity people in other countries live off of one meal every five days for their entire lives no medical insurance people say medical insurance is a necessity it's a luxury how many people in third world countries do you know of that have medical insurance or good medical care at all period you go in there with an appendicitis and you're dead within a certain amount of time because they don't have the equipment they don't have the tools they don't even have plastic gloves they don't even have that and people try and tell me that they would never live in a house that's only with such a low price because of the the schools or um I don't want to live in a place with that climate or whatever it's a luxury most of the world does not have the luxuries that we have and running water is a luxury electricity is a luxury a fireplace is a luxury it's a luxury no idea so if the Great Depression happens I'm going to use my knowledge that I learned in third world countries I'm going to use the knowledge that I know of and stay humble and know what is a necessity and what is a luxury I'm going to turn everything off I'm gonna haul my own water I'm gonna use the solar on top of my house to sell back to the power company so I have money and then I'm just gonna not use electricity or I'm going to use my solar generators as electricity um I'm gonna do everything I can to make money I'm gonna fix fences and walk dogs and build dog houses build things out of out of scrap material I'm not gonna buy new clothes or shoes you know shoes are getting fixed with shoe glue and duct tape this nothing new for and remember the Great Depression lasted 10 years do you have what it takes to last for 10 years 10 years I know I do I have everything I need to last 10 years as long as the coffee is still flowing I Will Survive all right folks I hope you've enjoyed this beautiful outdoor activity at Sundial Bridge and the wonderful Turtle Bay Trail do which cam is what you've got prepper prints us out foreign
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 50,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poverty living, the next great depression, finance, budget
Id: QLitO19ehbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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