The Infinity Room

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all right everybody welcome to a minecraft map called the infinity room was that dramatic enough it's made by none other than the wizard himself the blue man and this video is brought to you by our sponsor it's a new one actually it's my facebook page i know you weren't expecting that but this one's been silently going on in the background for a while now i don't know if any of you follow it or have checked it recently but it has a lot of videos going up on there you can kind of think of it like sparkle shorts is for the really short vertical video content the facebook page is kind of like an intermediate version of that where it's cut downs but they're not always like that short but there anyway you can give it a look if you're interested it's linked in the description and yes think of it as medium shorts with more editing and text and anyway you can check it out let's start the infinity room solar tech labs as you know the world is full of evil threats we need you to be ready to fight any of them so we prepared you a special training program where i'm being escorted through a lab this is so cool behold the infinity room whoa this is so cool wow it's so infinite oh this is virtual reality room of the world please put on the headset so we can start the training so he made this for a minecraft map jam it won surprise surprise oh my goodness wait bro i'm a i look like i'm inside of professor xavier's like fancy room in x-men let's put it on how do i put it on to the infinity room please wait bro i'm going vr in minecraft let's start with something simple loading game number four welcome to your first simulation i know what you must think but this is not a video game anyway your goal here is to defeat all the robots you can attack with right click good luck what you think this is a game no this is real life wait i have lives within lives i have hearts above my hearts can you imagine if i was playing on a vr headset right now i'd be in vr inside vr it'd be vr reception okay so oh my god this wait so i can jump oh my goodness this is gnarly wait can i oh wait i'm already on toggle sprint so i can't i definitely can't sprint so yo what get back get back oh he's done robots killed very little out of the total amount that i need to do okay this is dude i have never done 2d parkour so i think it's kind of like a it's like it diversity almost at least from what i could tell in that there are a bunch of different types of games in the infinity room that are well they're all set to prepare me for whatever world domination takeover battle is is slated to happen yeah let me just do this oh they're not gonna aggro if they're all the way back there infinity room error 404 texture not found is is this a real error is the map actually is there a problem does the map spit out its own error codes or is this just part of the game i don't know firewall disabled this is part of the game okay minecraft doesn't usually have a firewall yeah all right okay we can just spam click though we don't have to worry about cooldown it just it has the cooldown wait fatal memory error that doesn't seem good i don't think we want a fatal memory error okay are you gonna uh oh the textures aren't loading over there get back get back get back i'm gonna save the world from whatever impending threat comes in that we don't actually know about yet oh god that's like a texture and a no texture stacked on top of each other texture not found why is the infinity room messing up it's okay you know sometimes you got to work really quickly for the sake of a game jam or a map jam and uh sometimes you just can't finish the textures it makes sense i understand dude bro your security sucks you got hacked initializing quarantine protocol did my head just blow up this is not supposed to happen fix it keep keyboard smashing what happened you'll figure this out i'm sure you will with your keyboard smashing abilities you look like you're doing great there bud bro i can't believe we got hacked this is unbelievable what do i do is there something i can do in the computer it says find a way to exit the infinity room there's no button on my head that's the first oldest trick in the book that always gets me wait there's a button down here i've got it infinity room overriding protocol activated bray you're smashing your keyboard over there meanwhile all you have to do is click this button inside the chest all right i will be found inside game [Music] cartridges that's cool oh that's so cool oh that's really cool that's even cooler is that the final one cartridge inside the computer to start the game okay so i go and fetch the game cartridges from little sections over there then load up the bro we're playing games inside games inside games i bet that's parkour what do you bet what do you bet oh each one is like a little miniature version of what the game actually is what do we want to start with what is this i wo okay i can jump really high this is dropper okay i want to go in the order from games i'm worst at to games i'll probably be best at master builder that sounds like something i'll be really bad at so let's start off with this chest is wait how do i get back up there do i have to you have to jump from over here there we go all right i'm inserting the game in the console what that's so cool it loads it in the room this is amazing master builder the game is simple you must copy the incoming pattern before it reaches you good luck oh god oh god i'm not gonna be good at this at all i'm gonna be really bad at this this is gonna be horrendous wait okay so there there there there oh god i can jump really high okay i have haste boom and then we get rid of that let me get rid of that okay oh god i wonder what the uh time limit is on this thing get rid of that okay at least we're very very hasty here but it's gonna keep getting quicker isn't it and then i'm gonna be i'm gonna oh god i'm gonna fail this i'm i don't have i don't have the wherewithal to make this work quickly i know i'm really doubting myself when maybe i shouldn't maybe it's not going to get super duper fast and get me into trouble fingers crossed wait right there perfect yes level 2 of 12 there's 12 levels how fast is this thing gonna get oh i'm so worried it's going to get so freaking fast there's got to be like there's got to be some system that you can use here for this you know it's just tough when there's like ones that are kind of in the oh god that's all the way across it's tough when there's ones that aren't actually supported by anything because then you know you have to place blocks and then break them after you place them then you like lose track and all that right there and that but i'm so slow at placing i'm so slow i've seen p i've played a game sort of like this before and i don't know how people are able to place things so quickly it's just ridiculous people's ability to just like remember what the blocks are and just fill them in like zoom they're like a it's like a human printer and it's just ridiculous okay see like this one you have to place down all these blocks and then you have to break them oh and it's getting close okay this is only level three ladies and gentlemen i did say we're gonna start with games that i am gonna be worst at and we're gonna go from there but yeah oh boy okay all right i'm a little concerned here you know the strategy is probably to start from like the top and build down because that way i don't have to jump and jumping i think eats time wait what what wait oh wait i can place there and i can place what the wait what what do you want what i don't know what the hearts mean well the heart i don't have that block oh i do have that blog actually i just didn't see it was blending into the background i'm not good at this but uh that's that's fine okay there we go okay i do have the hearts i have the hearts all right i've got the heart to do this 100 oh god switching between blocks though is gonna be bad how many are we gonna end up getting i bet it's gonna be a lot oh god wait what have i done i've done that in the wrong spot just in the nick of boom time okay good so can't wait can i just okay so i can actually place it on the background all right all right that's gonna save a bunch of time i didn't realize that there are a bunch of barrier blocks there that i can place things on so oh god are you serious right now uh i'm bro i'm i'm ruined i'm ruined i'm so ruined oh my god this is only the first of the level i also have to do it in a way that i'm not like obstructing the blocks so that i can't see as i'm placing them you know okay but thank goodness i noticed that part i'm sure you guys were just yelling like look dude there's blocks you can place on in the background what are you doing well don't mind me there was an easier way to do this this i think the strategy is i should probably place down all of one particular block type at once and then worry about the others and uh we'll go with that okay perfect and then boom boom boom boom all right we're getting the hang of this you know it's adapter and alive here we're only halfway through how many blocks are we gonna get is it gonna keep adding one every single stage okay it's still only three it's just probably gonna start getting a lot faster i think it's probably a balance between like new blocks and also uh super ultra mega speed and figuring out what the exact placement is of things is that yeah we're good okay thank goodness i realize that you can place things on the background because that would have been got it that was a little bit close for comfort perfect perfect perfect level seven oh boy it's gonna start getting faster it's gonna have more blocks when does it end it probably never oh my god we have four blocks now ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be a lot and then check check okay one two one i just gotta like remember where things are in the inventory and kind of just that boom boom okay perfect one two okay we're getting better we're getting better just got to remember the location of things easy peasy i should be starting off with the one that i left off at in the last level and then from there move on to the other blocks that would be the smart thing to do start off with the one that's already in my hand there we go so worried that one of the ones that's kind of in the center of the screen i'm going to put in the wrong space and it's going just throw off my entire thing okay we're crushing we're crushing am i getting a full inventory of blocks and joe god i really am which one is this there uh one uh i gotta just remember what positions blocks are except there's so many new ones this is seven okay perfect and then you go there one three four perfect and then uh you are there three eight seven this is so much focus at least it's not going crazy fast but it's gonna start going crazy fast after this one this is the warm-up this is like okay so here's the new blocks get used to them because they're going to be coming quick in the next round [Music] and got it perfect boom see there's not always there's not always ones that you actually used in the last round that are on the next one okay 75 of the way this is a hectic one dude i'm glad we started off with this okay there there perfect perfect perfect there no oh that's not it oh i haven't had to break a block in a while we were on such a roll uh there and boom and then [Music] what did i do oh what am i doing what am i doing it's wrong i even said seven and i went eight referring to hot bar slots if you're not following my vocabulary here because i know it's kind of a it's kind of a mess and then eight and seven and four perfect four seven eight four five three six eight oh wrong spot seven two five six oh there we go five five four four uh six two seven easy ten to twelve ten or twelve thank goodness for having buttons on my mouse so i can easily switch between slots oh now it's just gonna be like ultra speed okay ultra speed with one color i'm okay i'm okay with this i'm okay with this now that we know that we can place on the background this is fine if it weren't for placing on the background we would be in trouble we might still be in trouble place down crashing crash crashing crushed absolutely demolishing this challenge yes okay 11 out of 12. oh my god now it's going to start coming in as quickly with all the different blocks isn't it and then boom boom all right uh uh oh oh i'm gonna fail one of these i'm gonna fail one of these that's for sure what did i do wrong oh that was right that was right right there got it that was a close one i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it oh god wrong spot got it it sometimes throws you off because of the perspective between you and the where the stuff is and the the blocks that you're trying to and your angle of view and i got it i got it i got it up there boom boom last level it's gonna be that fast with all the different blocks isn't it that's the finale okay it's three blocks all right but it's fast it's so fast and there oh my god i can do this i can still do this it's only one block though it's only one block is it gonna stay with just one block tell me it's just gonna stay with one block i can do this i can do this you're just gonna throw one block at me at a time like i can do this i can i can dance all day i can dance all day it's just a little bit of a simon says game that's all it is boom oh my goodness and then it's going to reset back that's so cool yo this map is awesome this map is so cool i'm so ecstatic with my arms up in the air yes hey we crushed that one all right what should we do next parkour definitely what what is uh what is this over here this is puzzle place inside the computer game to start okay puzzle trivia what is this combat okay i'm not very good at combat let's do combat can we jump up there perfect let's go let's go that's so awesome these cinematics man okay what have we got oh a bunch of not great stuff but hopefully our gear will scale over time i don't know if i'm supposed to be conserving anything but okay something loaded next wave wave one of ten oh boy all right so we gotta take them all around oh oh i think i can spam actually it doesn't look like there's any cool down here yep i can spam okay all right easy easy oh and then it highlights when you're down to the final ones oh supplies i'm gonna let the skeletons kind of engage the uh zombies and stuff for a moment while i can't hey don't do that you know the worst thing is is when you like oops i shouldn't have removed his target the worst thing is when you block the shield in time but because the skeleton fired the arrow before you pulled the shield you it doesn't count you know a man just what the heck magic wand right click to use need mana to use okay that's kind of gnarly just just imagine that that's how bows and arrows worked in in real life is that you had to like you had to do your sh you had to draw your shield before the person fired their arrow once the arrow is in the air sorry you're out of luck you got to just let it hit you you're not allowed to block it anymore sure it might have like five seconds of hanging time depending upon how far the shot is but you know it just no do the honorable thing drop that shield let the arrow hit you okay all right here we go spam oh my goodness we are destroying let's take care of the things that aren't going to shoot at us from a distance before we go for the skeletons oh we got one we got one boy on us though dude all right i'll go so how do i get nana i wonder you know you know the counter so like how many dudes are left okay nope i don't think so oh deflected the arrow into him get wrecked i better be okay at this with all of the vault hunters that we've been doing as long as it's not pvp we're more okay potion of regen i don't know if i need to conserve stuff like i'm not entirely sure if that it just overwrites whatever i have in the chest anyway so it's not worth leaving anything inside yeah i'm not sure let me i'll leave the leather in there and i'll see if it's still there by the time the next round starts because that would mean that i should definitely like keep everything all right here we go okay boys starting to get armor out here dude are we gonna end up in like full diamond gear by the end of this thing with some crazy enchanted mobs probably done no don't think so bud done supplies sorry i need to i need to try the magic wand to see what it does i'm just worried oh the mana must be the blue stars that are over my health bar and stuff that's got to be what it is okay so it does overwrite whatever's in it so i might as well take everything out as i get it yeah there's there's not really a point in using the ax since we can wait actually can i spam the axe i can spam the ax so i wonder if it would actually be better huh let's see how it goes does nine attack damage so oh yeah it actually one hits some boys okay maybe axes are the way dude i'm gonna save the strength pot i feel like i don't need it yet later rounds later rounds are gonna be way more treacherous we might as well have it oh yeah we just boom one crit and done boom that wasn't actually grit done we one hit everything with that oh that's what i'm talking about that's what i'm talking about done ow done yeah come at me dude mcc just needs to add a little bit of um you know pve and then i'll be really good at it right just yeah i guess that's kind of what sansa time is is pve and i was you know we actually our teams usually did decently at times of time so it adds up all right on to the next ow okay kill for just like two seconds done okay two skeletons just battling it out that's always good you guys can you guys do your thing i'll worry about some of these other ones oh we got some little enchanty bows in here okay you hit each other now all these arrows flying around there's a lot of friendly skelly on skelly fire i'm gonna totally forget to use my health pots just so you know also let me see magic wand did i miss got him okay so that thing i guess you can just keep using it as long as you have mana let's do uh let's do a little bit of swiftness as long as we don't get too many vindicators we're okay the indicators are going to be the bad guys they will eat through our armor i think there's one vindicator over there as long as we just like crit everybody though hey bud one hit axe crits are the way i again i should be using the magic wand i don't like bone arrows really going to be much of a thing but uh ooh iron axe wait it's the same do i wait why bother it's it's literally it's exactly the same but i it i guess it's nicer because it's iron all right zap okay it really does not do as much as the axe crits like not even close okay all right we got quite the pillager raid party here okay okay you guys start shooting each other um that would be great okay all right i can't actually get very close to them they're hurting i might as well use some i have so many right yeah i don't think so didn't even see it coming and here's johnny supplies okay how many more are left oh we have a trident now i don't think i'm going to use it at all honestly but oh it does have impaling five oh yeah oh yeah and it can hit and it can hit quick now okay all right so you have the blazes first ouch ouch ouch wow okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna worry as much about the crits with them because it's just going to cause me to jump into him and get withered as just happened oh yeah shoot the lazy boy ow okay oh please do not wither me slight issue slightly not cool what are we at we're at wave nine of 10 i guess we're using that strength pot next round though okay hey they took out one of the uh dudes for me it was so nice okay really can you not though all right are we gonna get like a strength two or something like i just you know that was an eight minute strength pot we could have we could almost just run this the entire round i'm not entirely sure why i didn't i don't need the crossbow this is this is fine let's just drink this yeah why haven't i been using this the whole time that's kind of dumb all right wave 10. destroyed wait just destroyed yeah oh we got phantoms up in here and done done see you later buds i don't i don't like phantoms no thank you eat a gapple get this guy wait for the phantoms to come and charge in on me that's the tedious bit it's just gonna be all these stupid phantoms batter up done done supplies have been put inside the chest the chest is gone that's i wanted to see what the supplies were for after we completed the round i mean i'm sure it would have been really good stuff at level 10 plus all right well there we go combat and building all done now we move on to well actually it's puzzling our strong suit trivia is actually probably not our strong suit let me just let's do a little bit of trivia then we'll do puzzle and then we'll do dropper and then we'll do parkour all right that's the order we're gonna do it we're all planned out here hopefully y'all know the answers to these questions oh boy a game show let's do it welcome to trivia trivia not wheels live i played his maps he's done a lot of unfair maps and stuff like that dude the host is going to ask you a question you can answer the question by pressing the correct button once you answered 50 questions correctly you get the ready go oh my goodness 50 50. wow which one of these is not a game rule oh goodness wait a minute oh god please be kind to me with these answers wait hold on you have it disabled there's an easy way to get that answer and you've gotten rid of it i can't believe you've done this i mean i could do openland server but i won't oh god is drowning did fire damage i know pvp is one um yeah you can do gamer pvp false unless it's the syntax that's the i have to get through 50 of these questions oh my god i feel like maybe fall damage incorrect that's incorrect great in water the fov is loaded but i don't know this is so specific this is unbelievable 10. correct yes glowstone middle light level of 13 14 15 16 oh my god is it 14 14 that's incorrect which glazed terracotta contains an arrow pink that's incorrect what wait i was so confident it was pink because of the paths and fallen kingdom but it's not pink was it magenta but it looks pink this is awful it was magenta wasn't it i just answered so quickly because it looks pink what can instant demonetize a player i believe a netherride axe crits can but also instant damage four is it's between these two and i don't know for sure this is rough that's incorrect it was instant damage for okay this is great which plants grow faster are you kidding me right now i don't know oh bro i've no idea doesn't bamboo grow pretty quickly correct yes thank goodness thank you for clapping which block was added the latest wait oh god is calcite in 1.17 i can't is that one of the new i don't think it is is is that one of the blocks with geodes no that's tough and oh man because if it's one of these three it's just like okay which specific snapshot was it added in that is correct okay we're good we're good what was the last biome added to the nether oh i should know this i think it was basalt delta is correct yeah it's your boy out here which structure does not contain a crafting table pillager outpost witch hut mansion village haven't been in a witch hut in such a long time there's definitely rooms in the mansion that have crafting tables villages have crafting tables pillager outposts does have one of the tops that's incorrect good god i'm an idiot which command does not exist schedule structure team message isn't team message a plug-in thing oh god it's between schedule and team message i just don't know if team message is a plug-in this is the worst why didn't i do this section first uh it's schrodinger's answer if i answer this it's team message if i answer team messages it's team message okay which block cannot be infested by a silverfish cobblestone mossy colliston mossy stone bricks mossy cobble correct yes who remade all the textures uh chappa i believe i think i got correct yes i got this one the world border is located at 30 million i think because i think it's a 60 million diameter if you can call a square you know side of a square with you starting in the center so 30 million on each side yes which item will burn in lava lodestone ancient debris now they're in another right sort of lodestone yes who created minecraft uh i think it's herobrine but you know schrodinger's answer if i answer herobrine it's not if i just answer a notch it's terra brian i'm gonna say notch it was correct unbelievable which of these is not an effect torns is not an effect so this is guaranteed not actually in effect uh strength instant health saturation instant health is because that's that's instant hell it is an instant of a thing i don't think it's constant regeneration is a status effect but also torn correct cool uh the wither has is it 300 it's 300 or is it 200 300 that's incorrect it's 200. god dang it there's 150 hearts with 300 i don't know which mob can break obsidian the wither i got that correct the beacon beams cannot pass through oh boy uh bedrock is kind of a technicality because there's no reason you should have bedrock over a beacon thing but oh wait it definitely cannot pass through another act okay gold pickaxe has the durability of it's low is it 64 or 128 i think it's 64. right it's incorrect it's not okay which mob does not have a spawn egg a an iron golem i'm pretty sure wait i think you can get a zombie villager by just spawning a bunch of zombies from a zombie uh egg right correct yeah which block cannot be made from lava look at how slow the progress bar is happening on top oh my god it's this is ridiculous uh blackstone is correct okay which number was used for game mode adventure uh it's zero right i think it's zero it's yeah adventure survival creative spectator i think it goes in order of like things that you can pass through that's incorrect no it's one oh my god no is it three i think i got it the reverse i think you got the reverse i got the reverse i am an idiot what nap are you playing the infinity room thank goodness finally a question i can answer no blocks start with a pitch of oh geez maybe i'd be able to answer this like 10 years ago when i was making tnt but well so these are both the same so i'm gonna guess it's not one of those thanks for narrowing that down unless it is one of those in which case how could you do this to me uh f sharp yes it's your boy what can instant demonetize a player okay there is only a limited amount of of questions is correct blank has been changed to emeralds what were they something else way back i missed this was it was it a ruby way back when i don't think it'd be called a green diamond would it have been wait i must have missed this part of the changelog in a snapshot really correct wow okay bedrock has the blast resistance um i mean you'd think oh what if it's negative one that would actually be that would make sense right it's negative which probably means that it it just nothing can blow it up never mind that was stupid reasoning which item is not used to craft a potion i was about to say piston and i was like well that's easy glowstone's not part of a piston uh which item is not used to craft a potion gunpowder redstone glowstone blackstone i'm so good sometimes which block can be insta-mined with a golden pickaxe i believe is it netherrack or glazed terracotta yes it's your boy pumpkin can be found inside shipwreck chest mobbed spawner chest mine shaft chest and city chest oh dear can it be oh god i didn't get pumpkin seeds inside of a mineshaft chest i don't know if you can get actual pumpkin it might be a shipwreck chest correct yes which item cannot be used as fuel compost reflection table lectern beehive wait can a beehive be used as fuel i don't think a beehive could be there we go what is the name of the 1.16 update oh thank you for uh actually nice good question that is correct gold pickaxe has a durability of god is it 32 well we'll know next time that's incorrect it's 32. is this a good question maybe correct yeah which glazed terracotta contains an arrow magenta it's not pink it's magenta which block breaks cactus when next to it sapling flower fence water that would be it cats cannot sit on i did not know there was a limitation to what the cat can sit on this is very interesting huh what if it's bad i don't think it's bad right i don't think um uh chest that's incorrect yeah whatever okay this is bigger than 32 yes i finally did it caves and cliffs but now it's two separate updates so is it the caves and cliffs update anymore if it's two updates and the first portion of it doesn't have any new caves or cliffs i'm not sure if it counts anymore which of these is not a music disc 15 i think that is correct what is the name of the 1.14 update the village and pillage it's your boy what is included in the most number of crafting recipes oh my god i actually don't know this because this requests require a lot is my is my thing fully unlocked i don't know i don't think it's fully unlocked oh god i feel like it's either planks or iron but iron it's probably iron because of all the weapons and stuff and planks are used to make sticks that go into a lot of recipes but the planks themselves aren't used in as many recipes iron yes i didn't know that that's a fun fact though which block is not present in all three dimensions obsidian bedrock gravel and chest uh let's see bedrock is definitely present in all three dimensions gravel is gravel present in the end i don't think it is correct which structure does not contain a crafting table wait didn't i answer which height before a witch hut was wrong though pillager outpost that's incorrect it's is it a mansion really is it a mansion what's the name of the 1.13 aquatic update which of these is not a command that is that is slash me is a server thing i'm pretty sure server text chat plugin never mind god dang it which argument cannot be used with the time command oh dear i've never used midnight or midday oh boy isn't it noon not midday yeah pretty sure cat cannot sit on bed that's incorrect it's probably hendershot what is the host's name the happy wheels one i have good reading comprehension one minecraft day equals 20 minutes correct hey thank goodness i didn't get that one wrong which block has the most block states uh redstone dust has 16 doesn't it fire no block i don't know how many does no block have is it more than i think it might be redstone dust that is correct yes yeah boy two plus two times four equals ten order of operations which command does not exist team message what jesus are you kidding me right now which of these is not a command slash attribute that's incorrect no what cat cannot sit on we're getting down to the ones that i still haven't answered correctly and her chest yeah i didn't actually know that seven times six okay let's think long and hard about this one just to ensure that i don't end up looking like an idiot here i'm fairly certain that the answer is 42 but are we sure about this are we sure about this thank goodness which of these is not a command i could have sworn that block data is a command that is correct but it's not okay which of these does not exist but structure i guess maybe structure doesn't it's just there's a structure block and i was thinking there's slash structure command that goes along with it what will you rate this maps i mean uh maybe blue man is referring to all the maps he's made which are all very good i think blue man is becoming the preeminent java map maker of 2020 slash 2021 so 10 out of 10. how many would type exist in the game ah oh god oh god let me count let me count let me count where we've been here for a while oh boy uh how are we gonna montage this quickly so oak spruce dark oak jungle um crimson warped birch seven is it seven that's incorrect oh my god so must be eight what did i forget i forgot a wood type i'm sorry i failed you all the wither has that's incorrect it's 150 is it 150 is it really only 150 let's try this one again yeah which block was added the latest oh boy i don't know if it's air from a technical standpoint and that there wasn't actually a block referred to as air like way back when but oh god these were these were like these were early af this was like cave game test i'm gonna guess air because it might not have like been considered something that's incorrect yeah okay how many items can a lava bucket smelt is it a stack or is it more than a stack that's incorrect it's more in the stack what item cannot be composted bamboo i don't think oh yes which color is not a wool color blue magenta aqua which block can not be crafted into stairs stone mossy stone brick stairs crack stone brick stairs mossy cobblestone stairs you can't just hold on can you just have stone stairs oh god oh god here's my brain just second guessing everything pretty sure it is either stone or crack stone bricks but can you just downstairs can you do stone stairs i'm looking like an idiot now hold on uh stare oh that's unfortunate that's not uh unlocked like can you just downstairs oh boy uh that's downstairs okay i just how many ticks are there one second one is correct which block cannot be crafted in the stairs a crackstone brick yeah okay i was just second guessing myself there for a moment it must be eight then cause we counted seven and that was wrong so it's gotta be eight which one did i miss thank goodness i finally got them that was rough that was real rough okay so uh oh acacia i forgot acacia yep yep yep that's the one that i it's a lot of wood types to try to keep track of when you're just running it through your head as opposed to looking it up in the game could i have just looked up plank and okay i only have three available here so no i still wouldn't have been good all right next up is um the puzzle shirley will be good at this puzzle and if not well hopefully we'll be good at dropper and parkour right oh okay this is looking a lot like the clone map thing i wonder if we'll have to use the clone mechanic here level one of 20. okay you can push loadstone and then you reset over there all right oh okay we're going to the goal okie dokie this is just it's a much simpler version of the uh of the puzzle map where we had all the clones running around and stuff easy game easy life okay is that gonna oh so that must push it to the side and then i won't be able to like get it out yes that has to block the thing up and then we just go all the way through okay perfect oh and then it just slides across introducing the mechanics to us i see okay now we'll start getting a little more complicated wait a minute okay so obviously i have to use i have to use some of the blocks in order to help the other blocks so i don't want to like send one to the end yet i don't think okay so i could definitely use a block to help this one out right and then we can do another we can get one over there and then i just don't how am i gonna use i don't know how i'm gonna use a block to help out with the other one though you know okay so the question is what do i what do i do over here you enjoying that sound it's a great sound okay so how do i uh what's the what's the play here how do we make this work because okay so if i push that there it's just gonna get sent back if we put a block here though i'm not going to be able to actually push it forward don't i don't actually know how to get this one to work right so i do this then that can i push from here yeah i can't oh okay unless you do that got it so you kind of you can kind of cheese it a little bit by blocking it and standing in front of it i see and there we go okay seven out of 20. so we got a little slippery here okay so that's gonna so we just basically need to get it we just need to get the blocks onto the arrows and then we'll be able to that's actually like that's simple i'm pretty sure right we just go there boom and we do the other one and then i i really i think the popping zones are like very satisfying hey by the way uh that's magenta not pink just so you know it's hard to tell because it looks pretty pink to me but just so you know it's magenta all right it's very important distinction and you'll fail the trivias if you don't know this emerald blocks can be pushed by pistons can can i push them too okay i can push them too that's good so that's gonna go there but i can just push this by right wait oh do i need to what i'm confused i'm super can wait what so i need to get th wait what what do i have to get to the so i have to get the emerald block and that over to there but then if i oh i see i have to get this to here to complete the circuit or do i no cause what oh no will this piston say extended once the it might stay extended actually let me see you complete the circuit and then it might stay extended because of the redstone block yeah oh oh it's not a sticky piston okay then we are we're fine are we fine wait oh okay now do this complete that circuit and then all right perfect okay that one took a moment to think about there we go level nine that's not even halfway through who boys we have to use one here i think in order to keep the other one locked in so uh basically we go there and then i think we have to wait how do we get oh okay yeah that's actually that's super simple isn't it that goes to there now we loop it around and then boom okay 10 oop careful 10 or 20. all right so oh boy huh huh okay uh so first we need to complete the circuit because we just can't we can't even push this one off right but if it gets pushed on there with a piston i guess it'll stay there and it won't keep it won't be pushed back i don't know okay all right so how do i oh you know what i'm gonna do here's what i'm gonna do and then we're gonna do you get that go there then we complete the circuit and then hopefully wait if i do this will it okay it doesn't okay got it if a piston is the one that pushes it there then we're good and i think the reason why i need this is in order to use it as a buffer in order to get the other one to uh get to its finish line and then there we go sick dude okay we're getting the hang of it we're in the hang of it okay so now we have a just different blocks that we're able to press i guess so i need to get the redstone over to there first let's do a little switcheroo here cool i think the only complex part that they were trying to get on this one is just uh you gotta switch the order of them at the very start there you go and there you go easy okay 12 of 20. oh oh wait oh god wait how do i get the redstone off of off of the ice because it's just gonna it's just gonna be like ping-ponging around i have to somehow use i've used like both the lodestones in order to get it in place but then i don't know how to get the other lodestone out after and this has to stay like oh god what i don't know how to get the redstone block out without bringing both of these in and bringing both of these in will also not be okay because this the redstone needs to stay here we're getting a bit of lag a bit of lag okay we're good now the redstone needs to stay here in order to keep this unlocked while we throw this through oh boy anyway there's no way to like cut this thing off there's no way once it starts moving i can't get in front of it no i think that thing zooms so i can't move that right i can't i can't move that thing otherwise it's a problem i can only do that and putting the other one in oh boy wait a minute oh hold on maybe there's a way that i can do this is there a way that i can do it there might actually be a way that i can do this okay yeah yeah there's gonna be there's a way that i can do this i know that i know a sorry i had to think about this one for a while but i think i think i can do this so we do yep we do throw the other one in we just have to make sure we keep one in place though there we go perfect and then we can throw this out and then we do nope wrong way oh if i if i accidentally hit the load stone it's bad okay good good good and we're out okay and that one's stuck in there perfect 13 out of 20. oh boy okay we got three load stones so we're gonna have to do that same thing that we did there there's a good lead up there's a good warm up into the thing right so this one this one will use in order to get them in place right and then this is going to be interesting this might end up requiring a reset because if i do this all right we're good right we're good oh i can use yeah that's what i can do that's what i can do now we're lined up there we go and all the way okay hold on uh oh did i put them in the wrong oh no actually i have to move out the redstone first so i guess we'll do that and then we'll do this what does that do okay so that that moves the so i can get the emerald oh maybe so i can get the emerald to either side oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah easy easy easy right just go over here um bring that back cool we just yeah okay then we push to the other side this one was simpler than the other ones i feel like unless i'm missing something that seemed like uh i don't know not too bad boom 15 out of 20. i'm sure it's gonna start getting kind of gnarly okay so i have to figure out which block i can actually put in there because i doubt i doubt that we want to put the emerald in there because the emerald is like you know that's what can be pushed by the pistons and stuff like that so all we need to do is we need to just get oh we need two blocks over there okay so you activate this piston to prevent the block from getting pushed over there so that means just any block needs to be to get any block to here to complete that circuit wait but also oh no i actually need it to be i need it to be the redstone don't i i need it to be the redstone but the only way to activate wait what i need the redstone in order to activate this piston to allow me to get the redstone out of here but the only way to activate this is to get the redstone out of here wait what how do i hold on maybe i swap it uh because if i push there it's gonna go to there i have an idea maybe this is the sacrificial block that goes in there let's see if this works let's see if this works okay so what wait what i can't i can't push over okay so can't push that all right then i have to switch these up i guess that narrows it down that makes it easier okay so then in that case we gotta do this first right and push over okay i don't know if that was mentioned in the rules to this thing that like you can only push blocks over a lodestone now we're good there and now i think we just go all the way boom and there we go perfect okay just one to the end yo this is like the this is like the undertale ice puzzle this is straight up the undertale ice puzzle i well i i realize that other games have done similar things to it but yeah okay there and there and there and there you think that after playing undertale i'm not gonna just ace this first try i almost hit it at the wrong angle on the last one which would have been really really embarrassing but yeah you think i'm not gonna do that flawlessly get out of here okay so boy oh boy all right but we need so anything that goes in there just gets pushed over there so basically we just need to systematically block it off right so that then we need to just change the order of things right wait oh god did i just jam the whole thing up yes that is exactly what i have done isn't it i uh wait no no no hold on i can fix this i can fix this right i can we just the difficult part is we have to change the order how do we change the order um maybe i hold on maybe i actually do have to push this all the way over and just like get it in first and then we can worry about the others right maybe maybe so this has to be the second to last one in so that means do that oh wait hold on oh that's just gonna be good oh that's not good okay god i got it got it but wait now i think the next one that we do though will be good right yeah there's a lot of extraneous blocks that we didn't need just for the sake of making us confused okay so this one i assume like this has to go into into this one there's no way there's no way that this doesn't go that's this just sacrificial block right that's got to go in there this probably does that for now right or oh or i can do that okay and then i can get this across but that is a sacrificial block there do that all right and then so oh boy hold on so if we go here and then activate you yeah then you're good uh except then you do this one to block that off and then we need to go over to here and then i think oh oh now i need to get the other one there we go easy all right a lot of lodestones now oh boy okay so let's see we gotta we gotta block everything off oh there's another one there too okay i have a feeling that i'm feeling that one's not supposed to go over there or we need to utilize more we need to utilize all of them and then bring one back so we're going to have to do is this and then that in order to like get this one out of here probably now you just do this because we probably probably like need both of them i'm assuming oh god then there's another there oh boy okay hold on hold on so then we probably use this one stop overshooting use this one to block you then we can get this out all right cool so they're all out uh and then we okay so what do we gotta do here okay oh i see what it is so two of the blocks two of the blocks that are gonna be here also are the ones that get reused and that's why we need that so we need to leave it there complete the other two and then push it in to finish yeah all right so here we go one because these two will be the ones that uh that was an accident that was an overshoot wait i might wait actually we might still be able to do this i think there might still be enough blocks wait no there's not because it needs to be four that's great that's great that's great that that was the first time i i did that i was just i was waiting until i did that one of these times though it was guaranteed that i was gonna do an overshoot at least we know what we're doing for now okay we're basically back where we were please don't go there thank you and one please don't go please don't go where okay great i gotta be real careful there's a bad place there we go there and one more so i was thinking because that other one like had extra blocks that we didn't know i was like oh you know what maybe you've got to be kidding me right now how did he push that one oh my god i swear to god okay okay every time i finish pushing a block in here i'm turning that way i'm not looking at them okay please please please please please please don't just don't don't look at the wrong block oh my god don't look at the wrong block okay there we go now don't don't do the wrong one hold on all right we can do whichever one we want there we go please don't look at the wrong one perfect and then uh yeah i think this we can just do this easy and we're good and then this one there we go and we're good okay thank god that was only the second the last level where's this gonna go afterwards oh boy all right oh let's gather our bearings okay it's just one of course the grand finale is just a single tile but we somehow have to like get every single thing ever activated in existence so this i mean i feel like our only play here is that we just like eat this into a corner and like that's that that's all we can do all right now that's stuck there it's permanent um the next step is probably sacrificial block we're just doing if we have to reset we have to reset we've had to reset several times now it is what it is right it is what it is now this one is that gonna be wait wait wait wait wait wait how do i get a redstone block over there oh god do i have to actually figure out a way to retrieve that one i might have to actually figure out a way to retrieve that one don't i because otherwise there's no way to get this is it has to be this that makes it to the end no no wait yeah maybe no hold on so if i push this and it falls in then it's like that's game over i need to have i need to get a redstone block there i think i gotta reset i knew it wouldn't be that simple dang it okay so but how do i get the redstone block there is the question so redstone block needs to get there but that means i gotta oh you know what i do this push that out of the way but it can still come back then we do that okay perfect and then we can get this over to here cool and then i think we can swap them again yeah okay there we go then we activate this okay i think we got it now perfect puzzle done you got the key all right i got the key i've got the power let's go only two remaining hopefully my strong suit at least the ones i find most fun which we do i think dropper dropper and then parkour yeah yeah that's the order we're gonna do it man this is crazy just made for like a game jam i don't know how much time he had but it's gnarly this thing is awesome right let's grab that dropper cartridge how many maps are there gonna be for the dropper i wonder like how yeah it's like is it gonna be almost it could be its own map just for the dropper section let's see or is it gonna be it'll be a little bit shorter and i'm gonna absolutely crush with one heart all right where are we landing i can't see the bottom oh dear uh hopefully not too hard to find oh oh okay hey it's it's those blocks that they were in the the building thing or if i had a if i had played the building thing first then i'd be like hey those are the blocks that were in the dropper there we go level two of five oh okay so we're kind of just it's like we're doing droppers through the other levels oh so it's cool that we we kind of did this at the end right oh my god we crushed these droppers level three of five oh god where is it yeah that's exactly what it is we do a dropper like through the other five levels oh god it's gonna give me a sneak preview of parkour isn't it ow okay here we go oh oh okay so we just need to we just need to thread thread it through that second one oh boy it's a little trickier i think we can do it though i just gotta get a little bit wider here and then bring it back around all right all right all right and perfect four or five yeah i had a feeling we would breeze through these ones a little bit more so than say the trivia uh okay that's pretty big wide water pool down there i think we can land in that without too much issue you can kind of just drop straight down into it perfect is that the parkour level no these are different now at this point all right yeah you gotta have the solar system map oh just one oh no larger pool he's very very kind and generous with the size of the pools here thanks for that i appreciate it now let me land in it i figured you know we'd be landing in like earth's water or something like that but this is also fun oh and then it like oh it seals up the dropper that's so cool the whole the whole switching back and forth on the map thing is like so awesome have i mentioned how awesome i think it is because i think i think it's pretty awesome all right the final one parkour here we go and all right hopefully we can crush this just like we crushed the dropper yeah yeah i wasn't flawless on the dropper but it was it was okay oh he's gonna do the mirror stuff oh he's gonna do the mirror parkour oh no it's gonna be mirror parkour and i'm gonna be ruined oh god i'm gonna be so ruined guys wait is it not gonna be mirror parkour it just kind of looked like it because of the walls here you know with the glass which on his other maps he is all about the mirror parkour okay it's no maybe it's kind of just like uh it's like hypixel parkour i guess i'm okay with that that's embarrassing at least it doesn't set me all the way back to the beginning there we go oh okay that was i just you know got a little bit nervous on that first jump there oh okay and perfect no strafes but this is only stage one it i don't need those extra blocks oh is it actually it's gonna be the same parkour but it just starts like removing blocks no never mind it's not hold on wait i don't even think i needed to go all the way up there it's so cool how everything basically like it all takes place in the same area but he just keeps replacing the blocks oh if we were speed running we just jump across that way and then boom there we go player heads player heads whose head is this oh skeletons you're kind of an obvious one don't mind me at least we don't have to worry about you know parkour where we've got oh god i have to this block oh this is a stair block ah okay so it gives us a little bit more leeway that's so nice of you the smiley face too he's like i know you jardon you're not a big fan of the uh head hitter jumps whatever i've gotten a lot of practice with them in recent months and years so i'm very used to it we're good easy oh we're steamrolling this we've been we've been fit that was let's say we've been faced with much more significant challenges in in the past so this is uh i didn't realize that we were able to go up on that final bit so yeah that would probably that'd probably be good yeah just go up there and then jump across rather than trying to go off the ladder [Music] okay and easy easy okay a lot of blue ice i like going fast i like zooming i like zooming here we go wait can we just okay i was gonna be like can we just run across it no it's fine and got it i don't know the blue ice jumps seem to just be easier than everything else so far wait was this level four yeah number five oh god now you're throwing the soul sand in there uh-huh you're gonna force me to jump off the edges of blocks and then i'm gonna screw up because i'm gonna yeah just hold on god dang it i just need to stay to the edge and not do that i really need to not do that okay there we go this is embarrassing this is embarrassing just jump off the side oh no it's fine it's not gonna be soul sand all the way am i doing what am i doing it's a good thing this isn't the uh competition minecraft championship this video should be out before minecraft championship happens right that's it um it's on saturday well uh just in case if it's already happened because it'll be saturday may 29th at 12 p.m pacific 3 pm eastern 8 p.m uk 9 p.m central european time uh so if it's already happened that you can watch the vod over on the captain sparkles 2 channel if you haven't seen it and um yeah there you go so you've got options even if it did already take place congratulations we just absolutely crushed the parkour other than the really dumb stupid falls there on occasional stages like the soul sand all right have we saved the day from the evil virus that took over dr xavier's fancy room thing professor xavier factory reset initiated i saved the world now i can continue learning how to save the world in the future factory reset completed meanwhile you've just been smashing on your keyboard the entire time no no someone stole the antimatter recipe as long with the time machine blueprints i need to tell that to the boss is there a part two or is that just the cliffhanger oh to be continued question mark dun dun dun yeah i mean it makes sense that there'd be consequences for the whole hacking and virus thing and that's that and then i'm sure you can replay the whole thing because it all is resetting and i don't know how he does it blue man you're insane in a good way so thank you everybody for watching make sure to check out the like button give it a click our our great sponsor that i did i neglected at the beginning of the video in favor of facebook being our sponsor i might have but check that out too link in the description and make sure you're subbed here on the channel hit the bell turn on notifications you can try this map out yourself if you're interested link in the description and playlist in the description for more maps i'll see you in the next video
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 424,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft puzzle, minecraft puzzle map, puzzle map, commands, parkour, minecraft parkour, minecraft trivia, trivia
Id: 3_Z1ATFDeko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 11sec (4271 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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