The Soul Armor Is IMPOSSIBLE To Find.

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the owner of this Minecraft server added a new God set of armor into the game and it's known as the souls armor and as of right now it can only be found in end City ships and only four nend cities in the entire world contain one piece of armor each and with there being thousands of n cities in this world this armor set is going to be next to impossible to find welcome to play. a LIF steal Minecraft server with custom items armor mobs and more and if you join right now and do/ redeem taken you'll be able to get my custom sword free of charge it's a great deal and I'd highly recommend hopping on and grabbing it today and one last thing remember to subscribe it's one click of a button and it absolutely makes my day enjoy the video all right we just rtpd let's get this show on the road [Music] all right and it says if we mine 64 wood we'll complete a quest so I think we're going to do that all right that is the first Quest done and I don't really know what I get oh $150 okay did we already get that money let's see youve received $150 let's look at my balance $1,150 that was an easy Quest but as you can see here if we look uh right in quest this server has different Quests for you to complete every single day and if you do all of them not only will you get these awesome rewards but you'll also get the daily completion reward which can give you crate Keys money and even Hearts little iron up there I think hello got just one Diamond okay oh no there's two three okay I'll take take it I will take that three is not a bad number for diamonds you know what three is a bad number for Hunger bars there goes the first [Music] Quest [Music] uhoh [Music] oh my God okay that sucked let's redo [Music] it [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that is full diamond armor and tools ladies and gentlemen with um pretty minimal time and effort I think we did that pretty fast and not to mention we actually also found an ancient city all right ladies and gents I have a bit of an announcement to make you see this it's a new cloak and do you see this this bad Blue Moon is also a new cloak these two items along with my hat here and my original night sky cloak are all available only on feather client so if you want any of my merchandise whether it's the BenTen Fedora the BenTen night sky clo clak the Baken Galaxy cloak or the Baken Blue Moon cloak all of that is available on feather Baken or one of you guys can win it if you type # Baken feather in the comments section below right I do think lapis is pretty important as well to be honest and we didn't get a lot of that we got a lot of diamonds but not a lot of lapis and trust me we are going to need some to enchant and for our base I'm thinking a hidden location like this one might work out better just because it's a LIF steal server meaning there are no claims it's almost Anarchy except you know without the Hacked Client part of [Music] it all right we'll just set our home here make sure we have a place to come back [Music] to [Music] all right whoop-de-doo that looks pretty freaking good I think the next thing we need is going to be probably an enchanting room um so I guess we just got to get to that it's going to be kind of a pain in the but we're going to do it [Music] anyway [Applause] [Music] all right don't mind me just mining some quartz all right we're at level 31 but here's the deal you guys have no idea how long this takes it's actually insane too long in fact so I have an idea uh for how we're going to speed things up and it involves killing a hell of a lot of [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ender [Music] all right let's RTP out here right click let nature take its course a motherucker well that's pretty these super high like Cliffs are my favorite places to be in [Music] Minecraft [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're going to do one last little check here and see if there's anything we need maybe we can put some stuff back as well just to keep it safe and and kind of get rid of it um I'm not sure if the Ender Dragon is still here it might be dead it might be alive I really really don't know so I'm bringing a batt along and we're going to prepare for the worst and yeah I'm really hoping it's dead that way we don't have to fight it that would be very ideal either way though I think I think we're ready let's go yeah it's already been killed all right I think it's finally time to spill what I'm working on right now and it is an Enderman Farm it is probably obvious to most of you but it's going to be amazing for XP but unfortunately we're going to need a couple things if we're going to build this all right we got dirt as a temporary block we're starting to get some iron I don't need these but I'll always take them all right 1414 building blocks is how much building blocks we need let's think about that for a minute well we think we should probably make a new pickaxe as well but okay so 1, 1414 building blocks if we uh take this and divide 144 we're going to get 22.09 so rounded 22 and 1/2 stacks of building blocks all right let's do [Music] this I think we're actually done done we might be over done yeah I think we're oh no we're not quite there the goal was to get to what we're we're I think we're just shy of 22 which we just hit 24 but it's not just 24 it's 24 .5 is what we need so that should be oh 24 right there and if we just get 32 more okay I think that's it that gives us a grand total of 24.5 plus oh God that that's a lot more than I thought okay I didn't realize how much was just sitting right there well we might as well make it to 64 oh we got we got two diamonds for mining as well by the way a little earlier uh so that's pretty oh three diamonds make another pickaxe with that all right either way though that is pretty good that's a solid amount of blocks and of course uh we also need 123 carpet which means we are going to need a sheep farm why did I decide to do this it's so much work so much work okay I feel like we need a separate storage system for this in particular so let's just just mine into the uh little area here we can make ourselves a couple of chests and then we can make some stairs it's got to look good you know what I'm saying bang bang perfect fill that right up okay and that is all good behind there all right that looks good that looks really good and then we can just go ahead and throw all of this deep slate into these chests here and then while we're here you know just make a new pickaxe because why not we're definitely going to need it at some point all right now the next and very unfortunate step is um a sheep farm all right a sheep well hold on I just realized can I not emote in this no there's no emote crap we can just like shift all right yeah we're done with that time to get more stuff iron ho little cherry biome up there I don't think I've ever really been in a cherry biome in Minecraft [Music] before all right this is taking forever I'm going to come back when it's done and uh all the Sheep despawned oh man that sucks that really sucks that was a little painful and how much did we need 123 oh okay that's we are definitely noted enough all right I don't really think I have enough money to buy any more wool so instead we are just going to try to hunt some sheep down there a big huge plane planes biome as well as a village right there oh hold on a minute I just got a great idea for making Banks we have a hoe we can uh mine these hay bales pretty efficiently and get a lot of money very quickly all right so currently let's check our balance right now our balance is $569 31 so if we just mine all of this and we just get every last little bit of hay here and we turn that into a bunch of Wheat and we go over to shop um farming sell sell all items 6,750 that is broken you guys that is insane that was honestly a lot more insane than I thought it' be a good Strat if you want to make a lot of money might just to be Village hunting honestly right or just this huge huge huge huge huge wheat farm that can make Bank instantly another thing I didn't even think about is that not only do carrots sell for the same price as wheat but they can also be made automatic all right so let's go to the nether try and get some bone meal and I don't know make a whole Farm out of this aha all right here it is we just set home soul we'll just call it that we can just mine all of this up you know I say we can just do this for as long as we [Music] need all right we definitely have enough bone meal by now it's time to go make some money I feel like maybe the devs of This Server were intending to have an extremely extremely inflated sort of server but it's that would be like it's it's kind of insane how inflated this is going to be like everything's going to be very very very expensive and um everyone's going to have a ton of money which I guess fits you know cuz it's going to be expensive people are going to need [Music] money all right I've used every single ounce of bone meal that I have hello good okay I've used every single ounce of bone meal that I have and this is what we've got it's a lot it is a lot okay that's insane that is such an insane amount of money it's honestly though it's slightly less than I expected I think wheat is honestly like if you find a village like this you're set like I mean the amount of wheat in this particular Village was actually small compared to most other Villages most other Villages have like a ton of different hay bales this one only had the one I think and so it wasn't quite as crazy but it's still insane okay it's still pretty insane now let's go get this guy we should only need a little bit more of uh of of wool which at this point you know blocks it's cheaper over here we can just buy it here but subtract a little bit we can just buy all that um uh now we've got an extra 24 white carpet we go over to here wrong plus 59 123 and that is literally the exact amount of carpet that we need okay wow I really nailed that um so we need uh 64 ladders now okay that's the next little step in the old process here is 64 ladders and that one you know what we can just buy that one too I'm mining wood here I don't know why cuz I can just go into here and oh that's that's a lot uh oh wait hold on does that even make sense well that automatically doesn't make sense no it no it doesn't because this is going to be oh I guess it makes sense because it's $20 more in that yeah it makes sense okay um either way though I could just I can just buy this buy a bunch of that okay I know it's a lazy approach but it's the one I'm going oh it's the one I'm going with throw all of these sticks in here should be a ton we should have eight Stacks there and we only need crap uh we're at seven right now right we think one two yeah yeah okay right there and that makes us three times what we need that's insane okay well we've got a lot of ladders now way more than I ever needed um now we need Hoppers nine Hoppers and again if we this is probably going to be expensive is oh it's not even buyable iron isn't even buyable what about iron blocks or anything what about mob drop drops sometimes yep okay oh 7,770 and it you can sell it for 30 that's kind of a crazy ratio right there I get it being high cuz you know Iron is very useful but wow that's a very high and random number czy that this right here couple ingots of this is worth $777 this part is a little bit of a pain in the ass I'm trying to think about how I can do this I got rid of the video so okay so not like that I'm thinking keep it at ey level with the Enderman eye level would be there which means be like this and then the mine cart okay right and then the mine cart is just so that would mean we put this like this this okay you know it's a little concerning to me that no Endermen are spawning yet what would it be this one okay so oh kind of up your boy is a little stupid all right I'm a little stupid I fully admit to that so get a little bit of rails all right and it is the middle one here this last little thing and then we need ender pearls which is the other thing that I didn't get uh okay all right you know what we are we're good we have we have set homes here so so we're going to set home Ender oh there we go there's some Enderman spawning on the edge where they should and we're going to go home end oh oh oh what if it's just end well that's not we going to do home list that that's not what I said that's a little home home what the f it might be glitching out just a little bit maybe we just restart the game and see if that does it okay well I'm I'm praying that that issue gets resolved eventually because that is not good also I don't know I don't know how to get down without a home I I really just don't um well okay to think outside the uh the box here I'm not sure if this will do it but it could [Music] um okay that worked really well so I guess my other question would be does water destroy carpet cuz an ender pearl might not be enough to get up that I'm not sure we're going to get two or three stacks and then call it there and we're also going to make a tiny little mini Enderman Farm just real quick uh that way we can get everything we need we're going to start taking blocks at some point so we do have to be careful of that I should have made out of endstone although we shouldn't be here for very long so it should be okay I'm worried because it's a server it's pretty it's decently empty at the moment I'm worried that um it's not going to like the spawn rate is going to be edited and like like lower or something like that [Music] [Music] stack all right two St let's do one more let's try and do one more I don't know if there are any Enderman here hopefully they'll spawn whatever if we need any more we can go up and kill actually we're already going to be there so we can just kill end on the platform too right so we don't really need that many of these we do have quite a bit so we should be we should be all good that actually took way more Health than I thought it would nothing too significant anyway ooh that's cutting it close Okay we missed that's fine I don't really care if we miss let's try and not go too far here I I wouldn't want to hit this side uh it's looking all good for the most part so I I'm thinking that a ender pearl will not be enough to cut this but but we're going to try oh that was scary this sucks all right that'll do it we're going to have to remember to put that carpet pack down there but other than that we should be good to go let's kill some Ender just for the fun of it extra ender pearls I guess we can just do a potion of regeneration oh we got it what the f that was way faster than I thought we got so lucky there okay we're calling we're calling him and then we're just going to put this guy in a little mine cart and then set him right there break one break to oh I just realized janitor the plugin janitor that's why people don't build Enderman Farms on servers that plugin might destroy the uh mine cart so what we need to do just in case is I think go ahead and is maybe home oh home is just gone come to think of it this might also be too low I'm not 100% sure about that though we might have to change it although if we just put glass there oh that would hold up Enderman sh there what three blocks tall I'm trying to think about this if we put a block on top and then maybe carpet on top of that so nothing spawns that could help that way they just but the spe blocks tall though so that that's not going to change crap okay either way let's hop down here I'm hoping that homes are going to work in a second cuz it's really making everything un ideal unfortunately we don't have oh Jesus okay hello okay whoa what the f I get money for I get money for killing Enderman what what's my balance already at oh B balance isn't okay it must be the just the entire Essentials plugin is not working so uh guys I just want you to take note it will work like it's going to work um by the time you guys are logging on plugin will work it's just not right now for some reason uh what if we do uh s/ SB oh wow okay yeah so the server is a little broken right now it's fine it it really does doesn't matter that much we got an Enderman head too is this worth anything perhaps no we can just place it down okay so the amount of money we get is pretty random but if you did enough of this also we're at level 32 by the way if you did enough of this you would be rich you'd be Beyond Rich all right we got sidetracked a little bit here but I've done a lot of work and so far we're at level 39 there's a couple things we need to do um before anything else home home all right and then we're going to look at got the little Christmas texture here cuz it's uh just pass Christmas for reference on when I'm recording this by the way so we're going to look at what it would take to get me some silk touch oh there we go so clutch okay easy easy fing peasy okay it's not even um it wasn't even level 30 either that's pretty crazy so we're just going to mine all these bookshelves um and before I forget actually let me just finish finish mining these really quickly real fast there we go uh the other thing was glass which we should be able to buy in the shop there we go we're just going to try and buy like how many be four maybe I think four is a good amount home Ender um and oh I just realized I need to get up there that oh my god oh oh Ender two okay so yeah it does make sense that they could kill it from here okay we got it um all right let's just get another one in here but this time we're going to make sure that the iron bar is three blocks up all right not two it's got to be three now it's unfortunate but it's it's really whatever and then we're going to do this and I'm going to get this guy in here yet the F again hey guys you know we don't have a name tag okay that took a little bit they're going left we've got three now now I can't even pick that up all right uh back at the Ender thing I honestly here wait e chests maybe there we go all right put a bunch of these in there oh well we're going to need these actually all right let's get to this oh we have to name it luckily we have our thing right here bch 2.0 bang okay honestly I don't even know if we need the glass it seemed like it see it seemed like it didn't matter like like like in the end what got to it was the Ender mine uh despawn not even the not even the mine cart despawn all right two stacks less of Ender Pearls no more golden apples uh and a little bit less food and we are we are done uh looks like this guy is going to be fully functional and I can just leave this alone and it should in theory function properly now let's Pearl down here and see if that's actually true matter God wonder what else we should we should actually just go ahead and go buy some w W and we can just place this down right that cost like $60 there for just a little bit of wool that's crazy okay God I'm going to need to let's go home home and we're going to build another like little area to this if that makes [Music] sense all right the enchantment area is fully done seems like Enderman are spawning a little slow that would be because there is still no endermite isn't that fing crazy all right so the server apparently I feel like has rules about spawning and what can despawn and what doesn't despawn you know whatever and so the solution that I've come up with all right and it's it's it's a hindrance on this I will say that it's a major hindrance every single time like wait a second every time I come down here wait a second and do slender 2 and then just look every single one of these guys in the eye and I oh oh wow he falls down there and then you know what we do we do slh home Ender all right one swoop we kill this guy or these guys were at level 18 and then we just do slash home actually we wait a couple seconds to let them spawn there we just give it a second SL home Ender two oh wow look at this there are a couple more then we just flip flop flip flop flip flop oh hold I I don't think I made it long enough my bad all right let's just continually do [Music] this okay I ended up just just dealing with it and going with this I figure if I stay here they won't or the end Mite will not despawn okay I think we'll see that maybe here wait let's do okay yeah yeah so we're we're good so far but I think periodically I oh oh God that's what I was scared of holy that was close let's try and push that maybe a little bit back in there trying like like oh all right that's probably good maybe we just um do SL set home Ender two down here right cabit of killage there did I just say killage wow okay all right now we just got to wait for a little bit all right wait till all these guys just drop down here and we're just going to get levels from it and it's going to be easy easiest thing I've ever done there we go that's more that's a little more like it right there I think we've gotten like everything we need well no we need a we need to enchant our pickaxe actually another thing okay so elytras are $60,000 that is um in my opinion a pretty achievable amount of money in this server's like economy that's an achievable amount of money right there if we just simply Farm potatoes again all right uh if we do like shop and we look at how much it costs for a potato I don't know where uh we can find another one if we or a carrot even a carrot potato carrot there's no difference if we buy one of these confirm that purchase we just lost $1,000 for one carot but I can now farm this as much as I want and I'm going to making millions on it so we're going to do that after a little grind session here and we're going to get elytra we're going to enchant that too probably um but I do want to enchant this armor first just to really ensure that I don't die anywhere I should probably check on this guy again oh he's good he's just chilling I don't even think we need to um yeah I just I just want to ensure that I don't die so we're going to do this first and then we'll go do everything else so blast PR is fine fire PR not and we have everything actually now that I think about it I mean we have pretty much everything Enchanted at this point I'm going to keep the Looting three sharpness 3 sword we aren't going to get a new sword but it's fine I mean looting three is always nice to have and I can can always reenchant it if I want to do that as well so I think now to be honest we've gotten a ton of money from just killing Enderman over and over and over again we could either do that pretty much infinitely you know what I didn't even think about actually is if we go to SL shop and we go over to mob loot uh not mob loot farming combat ah oh we cannot sell ender pearls well that makes sense that does make sense it's kind of lame but it makes it makes perfect sense so let's go home here let's just kill these guys we're going to go home home and then we're going to go to the nether so we'll just light this portal really quickly I also want to just demonstrate how easy it is to get rich here all right so we are going to mine as many bone blocks as we physically can and then Farm the out of [Music] carrots okay that is four Stacks nearly of bone uh bone blocks which is an insane amount of bone meal like a crazy amount of bone meal probably not enough for what I'm trying to do though so we're going to keep going with this all right 4.5 stacks of bone meal let's keep going mining this amount of bone meal is kind of draining to be honest like it's a crazy amount of bone meal and it's a lot of a lot of Bones to mine okay so it looks like there's one up there do how do we not have pearls that's oh yeah we do hopefully this reaches cuz if not we're dead it looks like it did where the F am I though am I in something oh oh my God that was horrifying I think it went over the entire thing and I landed in some blocks somehow this is a big ass bone structure here by the way how do I still take this amount of damage from that's insane Half a Heart full diamond armor you kidding me we got bones okay well we're a little low on food and these guys are trying to kill me so yep that's nope we're we're done that's where I draw the line is a near-death experience can we RTP in the no okay so spawn and then SL RTP and then what we're going to do is um we need a hoe first of all we only need to farm like one little plot of land and then we should be good after that [Music] here [Music] okay so the first thing we're going to do is get into SL shop and then look for food no not food sorry Farm fing carrot sell for 50 right click that 60 oh my God guys we already hit it and we aren't even halfway done ready sell all 67,000 sell all $32,000 look at our Palance $174,300 two that is insane but um let's just go straight in for the elytra our balance is now 114,000 which is fine we expected that so let's go back into combat set this to 64 and then purchase more 36,000 for nine Stacks let's just straight up do that and then if we go over to M Loot and then maybe we buy some leather we just literally buy one and we can just make a book and now we're going to get a mending guy we got one mending book ladies and Gentlemen let's get Unbreaking three [Music] all right my friends that is a maxed elytra right there and you know what that means we can officially start our [Music] journey I usually go on a g pattern end to end on the world border and this case is no different that is exactly what we're going to do again honestly I think it's just going to be a to fly to theing things to go hello so what I believe it is is um the only place we really need to look is going to be in the end ship like right here we got another elytra by the way grab that we're just going to sell this on the auction house um we got a decent shovel here which is really good damn ladies and gents that is another one hopefully with oh my God it's big God damn that's a huge inity right there and no luck let's sell this [Music] there oh hello oh God I got to be careful I always think I'm stronger than I actually am I have reallying me gear H all right there's nothing there not even a God damn little guy all right we can leave this behind got a better one uh do we we have prop four right oh no we don't wow you know the nice thing about these is that they're just so Spott like I it's just they're just so easy to see from a far distance it looks like this one does have a ship as well my elytra is doing decent on durability and here's another elytra right here hello oh coming a little hot coming a little hot oh God it's always so oh my God those are the souls leggings the one and the only Souls leggings oh my God God we have sharpness 5 now that is also crazy in fact we don't even have a stack left of course we didn't get anything um I don't really expect to get anything it's just right here no ship I don't think there's a ship on this one wow are you kidding me I thought there would be us they just like skip over the ones with no ship but we'll look in here mending armor okay I'll take that nothing yet again and we're going to grab like another nine stacks of fireworks we're going to need it you guys that's the helmet that is the souls helmet no that is the souls chest plate which looks Dope by the way and we are almost done we need one more which we are going to go find right fing now ow nothing that is the last of my fireworks let's just go buy some more nothing it's always the same you know what this I'm going in through the top if there was one thing I expected it was not that godamn that's the Las fing item holy my eyes are bloodshot and that took hours but it was 100% worth it because ladies and gents we have the full Soul armor which by the way paired with my Cape looks bad ass
Channel: BeenTaken
Views: 436,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: armor, minecraft glitched armor, minecraft armor, forging armor, steel armor, best armor, minecraft but i cant touch grass, minecraft but challenge, camman18 minecraft, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, minecraft mod, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft but, minecraft manhunt, camman18, beating minecraft, beentaken, been taken server ip, been taken minecraft, beentaken smp, been taken lifesteal, beentaken, minecraft 100 days, minecraft civilization, cool, yo, ye
Id: sQEQQWlq9D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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