Minecraft: 25 SECRET ROOMS

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On the fourth level, Jordan threw the wood planks (from which he was supposed to make sticks) through the painting in the bathroom, and I guess they despawned before he flew into the hidden room with the elytra. The solution was to make a redstone torch (using a stick from the wood planks and redstone from one of the numerous chests), and place the redstone torch onto the andesite, activating the slime/piston elevator access to the hidden room underneath the bedroom.

My guess is that once Jordan had crafted the redstone torch, it would have said "can be placed on stone," which would explain the hint that andesite is considered stone.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Clbsfn 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
all right what's going on dude and welcome to a Minecraft map called secret rooms it's about finding secret rooms there's a how to play area over here there's a lot of text that happens when you go in but basically there are five levels in each of the five levels there are five secret rooms 225 total in each of the secret rooms you have one of these things that you have to find and that's about that all the rooms you can get into like without doing any weird command based stuff it's basically like cool vanilla glitchy base entrances and things like that it's pretty cool I like in trowing yourself as a map creator by having you spinning on like a pedestal very fancy busiest all right well let's get started I suppose secret rooms by bro Z as Brasi is I don't how to pronounce them so sorry man but let's get going common house level one okey dokey so that either something like behind the painting there's always something behind the painting I guess maybe that would be too obvious what do we have here tip book okay so if I get into any trouble and I can't find some of the rooms then I can use the tip book okay can I go outside or is everything everything is confined to this room and this room alone hey there we go that's okay so that's not a seat that's not really hey there we go there's once that's not really a secret room I didn't even think about the fact that yeah the door like conceals that and then you kind of clever kind of clever furnaces are not secret rooms okay there's got to be something ow ow ow what's hurting me why am I getting hurt by doing that oh wait haha I knew it I knew it I was like oh wait I'm getting hurt I can use that to jump up a level and then very clever very clever indeed okay and then we got another star I just want to make sure that nothing else is in there um okay well that that's basically like exhausted the obvious ones I can see unless something here is concealed by like a button I'm just gonna heal the buttons and see if it opens up any doors ah Charles shovel am I allowed to you maybe I can spin that you know no I thought it was gonna be like a combination lock almost maybe that's a pretty cool-looking chair right there hmm so found two secret rooms maybe jump down the lava I'm dead okay so jumping in the lava it does something that's great but how do I get out in time to not die is the question where is it oh god where did it open something where's it oh wait yeah yeah good door oh maybe it was like next oh wait it's over here so here oh thank goodness alright there's some water but is there anything secret in here hold on just a moment I can't see any chess or anything I know something I can't figure out where though so anything behind here there we go there we go nice of this totally undying so that means there must be something new with this it's gotta be something that you shoot I'm dead where did it open a thing ah okay it opened something somewhere and I just don't know okay so go in that opens a thing alright get out go into the water good where they do open I just did not know you would think that just in exchange for being willing to take the plunge into lava you would make the door that opens as a result I don't know not terribly hard to find you know what here's what I'm thinking I figured that everything could be accessed without my making anything but what if it's like a wooden pressure plate down there that I'm hitting and therefore there's no I'm gonna be able to set it off without having something else so I could make like a fishing rod and fish it and then maybe that way I'll be able to see what's actually opening when I hit it cuz it might need to stay depressed so there's some wood in here and then I'm pretty sure yeah we had some cobwebs so maybe this is a little bit of a roundabout method to do something but I could make a fishing rod all right I could do that let me see okay so if I do a sword to break the cobwebs that's a throw it can break up okay I actually must be on the right track here because these can be placed on wood and then can like do that and then I can get what I would need in order to make a fishing rod and then I can make a fishing rod okay and will this I think is gonna be normal Oh unbreaking this must be what I need or not oh wait it did it it did it it did it it did it where am i where oh shoot okay hold on maybe I should just go straight down hey okay cool where did that open oh right there oh boy okay and then we have a slime block down there I don't know what that does but we've also got yes over here diamond sick oh that must be what I need in order to like get sent back up or Oh God uh send me back what whoa nice okay so now we need one more things so it can involve interacting with stuff I wonder if I need okay can't take the shovel down sometimes that like work so you can actually remove a shovel from an item frame or any item from an item frame it seems like so Charles shovel is not gonna come into play what if I eat the cake oh well that'll work then won't it that was easy oh right um let's see and that's Golden Apple level complete boom we got it level one so now we're 20% through with everything back to the hub not too shabby okay level number two castle I like that it's a pretty confined little area right pretty oh okay well least I can't go back there how big is this spot gonna be not that bad either okay so what I was about to say still stands I like that it's a pretty confined little area so water buckets and cobwebs we can't put the cobwebs down can't put the water on anything either so maybe it'll come with like throwing it into something I feel like it's probably gonna start getting harder and harder I put on the I can't put on the armor okay let's think I'm sure there's gotta be something behind the paintings paintings are always low-hanging fruit but what about anything else over here I should just like walk up against the walls and see if there are any likes and entities that I can just walk through that's weird I can't walk oh this is where the end of the wall is okay very smart um okay nothing behind there things are gonna get a little bit trickier shark Charles shovel oh hey hello again can i hey would you look at that I was just wanting to see if there was a chest hidden behind the lava but hey let's do you one better all right all right there's gotta be like is this one thing just one thing is the Emerald the only thing in this massive room well I guess that rules out at least a lot of other things so only one item is behind this entire back wall oh wait oh this is the way to get back I knew there would be something behind the painting though okay so so anything else those are hoppers on fire trying to think is there anything well not really I was going to say is there anything that I can get through from up there hold up and go back again oh we're trying okay I just want to see if this is a step to get somewhere else I don't think so I don't think I can get up on those fences so that's gonna be a no all right so that's just one out of five but it means I bet there's like something on every wall in here so how would I get to the other side of this wall dude specifically said there's no such thing as like crouched in front of the wall five times and then it'll open for you because that would require commandblocks it's all just basic trickery hmm wonder if the ender chest has any significant oh really you're not gonna do anything I just oh come on how is that not gonna do anything filling a cauldron that's like such an obvious one can't fill that cauldron and break the leaves to fill it is there anything else over here that I could put the water into no there's not oh my god why did things just get so difficult all of a sudden I swear I knew it had something to do with this freaking cauldron why didn't I hit that button this when I hit every button it didn't even have to do with filling it with water though wait so if I stand on you and hit it maybe that'll be like the thing to have to Center myself actually what if I just go in the calder allow me to gali inside the cold right there we go and that is a secret thing fantastic well that's that's - we got a diamond did unless those more in here don't think there is but it's worth checking just in case one of these maps he's like I'll just throw two into one place so that you forget to check okay there we go see I swear that must have been like the only button that I didn't hit the only one let me hit all the other buttons just in case but there's no way he's gonna put two things on day buttons I'd be too obvious what else I'm so mad that the water doesn't have anything to do with it cuz you could put the button on another one and then they've the water do something over there I thought it was clever is the water Dudley put down on the ground this is the only place you can put the water ahh anything under is a table if I can see there is nothing under the table you know what let's try to think more outside the blocks okay because of the things that were in the last level with the cobwebs and the wooden stuff that we ended up having to use I'm assuming we have to use the cobwebs we have to use the water somewhere question is where is that a donut I have no idea because the water doesn't seem to have anything to do with that cauldron I have no idea what to do with water however he however what the if I bet I could throw like a cobweb behind a painting would that do anything nope can't do that Oh dokey that's great uh item frame is not the same thing so any other place there's that painting right there I could try that does that do it oh look at that oh boy would you look at that we got the totem and we got a lot more cobwebs in case we need any of those I think that's just about enough okay so wait Oh item pick up 59 good example both are you done you know is that something I need to be paying attention to because I have no idea okay does that button do that close it I'm selling caning shoot uh I'm regenerating my health quicker than I'm dying I'm going to be here a while I can finally breathe again let's pretend that didn't happen okay whoa can you fill a cauldron through leaves because of transparency because the water has to do something the water has to do something just I didn't realize you can fill an unfilled from the side oh boy well the more you know huh well hey I'm learning some new things this time around that's pretty cool all right there's got to be something in here obviously what is it the where he's it's we have an enchantment table are you there you are okay nether starsin just one more that we're looking for I forget which one it oh the Golden Apple so the Golden Apple how are we going to get you what have we missed so far that can be interacted with man I totally didn't realize you're just freaking gonna do it from the top alright so chess we've opened chests the only thing I haven't done is like I haven't used an anvil but I don't even know how I can use an anvil when I don't have any levels so does it work if usually put something into the anvil let's just put something in and then and then like rename it it still costs one level though so that doesn't work I need a level how do I get a level of unless maybe just putting something into the anvil that's give me one level I need a level give it to me I swear to God I swear to God last level we got Charles shovel I'm spinning it around I'm like it can be used as a combination lock disregarded here because it was useless last level lo and behold I start spinning it and this opens here mmm thanks Charles I appreciate you establishing that you're useless in the first level and then you go ahead and make yourself useful in the second okay so they're gonna be some decoys then it looks like we got to be mindful of the red herrings how do we have here level three workshop let's do it so oh we got a bigger room to deal with here all right I was some iron boots some enchantments and some arrows oh boy what are we gonna use all this stuff for huh I don't know about all this okay so let's try to figure out their thing and or okay so we're gonna have an ender pearl glitch in here without a doubt I just have to figure out exactly where I'm gonna use it because I don't know waste the thing because we only keep one okay we have some netherrack we got some stuff over there we got some things we got some I could make a potion what kind of potion what I made a book and quill don't be mad man okay so we're definitely gonna be making some kind of potion maybe like a high jump I just don't know which high a fire-resistance potion and then jumping into the lava or the fire so that's one of the things obviously but what else are we going to do we know there's gonna be fire as this potion so why don't we start with that because we're gonna have to get to the bench link okay so we'll do this here and then it's going to be what is it another word magma cream um I'm pretty sure it's all it is we don't need to do splash potion with the farm with the gunpowder or anything like that I don't think alright this is gonna be good I know what I'm doing I'm for once feel like I have a good idea from the get-go on at least one of the five items we can get 20% done with the other 20% we're 40 percent done with the map isn't gonna bring us to 44 percent done as soon as I get this item okay and push the fire resistance just what I like to see all right so hopefully something in here right come on are you really just gonna be now you're not a dead end they are good really there's something something there's gotta be something in there are you for real though because there's something going on there there's something going on right there are you telling me I need to come but like combo both fire resist and enderpearl into the same thing that can't be right maybe I have to go into the fireplace there's got to be something to do with the fire was this potion though I mean come on don't tell me that I made that for nothing and I also don't want to use the ender pearl when I don't know that I need it for sure that's such a tease though that's such come on man make it easy once I've made the required potion where's the aah hey are you doing at least I have two more potions okay well that's wrong then great so let's figure out what else we got on the agenda - do you know what I just realized is this isn't wood planks it's the back of a painting and I wonder if it has of course it doesn't of course it does we got some regeneration poisoned golden carrots all right well we got a bunch of potion ingredients here totem of the undying very cool shoe do I want to do I want to bring some of these back with me just in case I need them for other useless potions that I think I need and then don't actually need because that's always pretty good some sticks but none of the rooms are dependent on the other rooms so far oh all right well that's one thing pretty cool I doubt anything else is gonna have to do with painting is we got our ender pearl so responds wait oh it only lasts for oh it only lasts for like half a second oh you get outside of a certain area and it goes away all righty then so let's fight figure out where the area is must be we have to okay hold on so go ahead you get out of here yep yep yep so it's in this corner so maybe I just go like this just something it wants me to do something somewhere over here maybe it's into the corner of this nope that's not it shoot where do you want me to use this thing somewhere over here okay okay maybe right at the enchantment - yeah yeah there we go we got that emerald nice job I'll take it and thank you very much gold bar just in case we need that I don't think we need it but we got a music disc okay I don't know if I need any of these things I just I don't like all the red herring items that just make me think that I need to take stuff that I don't actually know okay very cool so it takes care of the ender pearl and that also rules out the need for the ender pearl over there but there has to be something to do with the lava ah what good at the B though I just know what you want from me I made mother oh wait oh yo there's gonna be something electro related up here there's going to be something electro related give it thank you okay okay so the Electra can be used to get to do that weird glitch thing that you can do in order to like get over fences and stuff okay we got to use it for something I'm just trying to figure maybe like to get in there that'd be weird wouldn't it if I could think use it to get I feel like it has to be confined to the area in which I find it though where do we Electra to from here I don't know I don't know I feel like I I have no idea what we're doing all right you know what what if it's being like real diabolical and it wants me to combine the Electra like with the fire resistance potion in order to do both at the same time I swear if that's what you want for me here can I it is oh my god it actually is what you want me to do that's so mean Preston's throne I assume a reference to Preston plays here we go got you got you there we go our outwait and then there's this gonna lead me back I don't have to crawl back through the lava that's fantastic I really appreciate it okay escape button oh and then you let me up through the water how kind of you alright well that's three out of five not terrible that takes care of the Electra though which means that the remaining two are completely unrelated level three tips what do we not have we have the okay we have another star we have the totem and the emerald so we need diamond and golden apple I'm just gonna be the diamond - just don't worry about it just it's a tip you can wash off banners and cauldrons okay oh oh so I see so we gotta grab some of these it gives us six tries and one of these will trigger something that I don't think it's gonna be this one because that is too close to the other so it's gonna be one of these Doudna I bet it's that do not touch think it's it oh shoot wait see it's not you either dude which which is oh maybe it's all I maybe I have to empty all of them - there we go okay thanks so much for that appreciate the they're very nice any of the other so we've got four out of five now let's try the furnaces see if putting items into them does I don't know anything to do hey can I know that doesn't it's not even alright hi there that's great wait why were you even burn anything what no what is wrong with you what is wrong with you oh wait that did a thing that lit up the thing if I undo it dad under Oh hold on do I just need to put something into the furnace and that's it oh wow I don't even need to burn anything okay well let's just put an the base of every okay lights are lighting up so you just have to put items into the correct furnaces and then I assume once all the lights are up oh my god just one more thank you all right well this is obviously going to be something and I assume the final item that we're looking for which is the Golden Apple okay come on it's gonna be the last one I put something in obviously come on hey you everything has something don't pretty sure every furnace has a piece of coal in it and one of the lights is not lit up oh my god what are you waiting for what do you need you a stupid thing oh we got a writable journal entry number 13 today I discovered I can fit through one block gaps of course I still have to be flying oh and nice it gives you a hint without you having to access the hint book for the elektra thing well that's super obnoxious alright oh we got four out of five lights lit up and I don't know how to get the last one going do I have to actually add an item in and started smelting in one of these in that light God dang it I'm going for the hint for this one I swear to God I don't understand I removed the coal from every single one except the ones that are lighting up the lights thinking okay maybe that's the key to success nothing has happened so will the hints do it for me furnaces can be used as a combination lock while looking aesthetically pleasing ya know I figured that part out that doesn't help me at all that's exactly what I've been doing okay so what's the fifth one maybe I need to put it in the hopper as well okay so it's no cuz I can't even feed anything into that one from the hopper so the hopper has nothing to do with it is it a certain amount of coal in each furnace as well is that what you need from me because that's a heck of a thing to do it's like add extra coal column use all the coal that I have because there's only : four of the furnaces now if I remove the coal from any of these lights go down hell if I have any idea how to get the fifth light to go I just don't get it I don't I don't know it I don't know what I did I don't know what I did I put coal in this one wait I put why this one what's with this this doesn't illuminate any lights why is this the magic furnace that's so silly oh my god so all these illuminate lights on you freakin put one in here and then it opens that up Oh Keith hey whatever you say I made it we did it that was the last one thank goodness that was stressful whoa okay that was level three we've still got two more to go I cannot imagine what we're gonna be looking at here in four and five who enter collect that sounds cool Rosie's bedroom I wonder if this is actually modeled after the map creators bedroom we had a nice Murphy bed do you sleep under a bookshelf ever that actually infuses you with knowledge while you're sleeping so it's probably a wise decision no if I enter the it's like a TARDIS or something like that it doesn't take me any oh okay I can turn off the lights that must do something so we've got a light row once again where is that gonna come into play I wonder all right we got some a jukebox has to be a thing or is that too obvious this is too obvious isn't it hmm oh you've got a wow this is a very very deluxe bathroom are we beat are we past the point of just being able to walk behind paintings is that too basic as well okay are we past the point of throwing it we're not past that point I'm not even close to past oh maybe I put this on and then I can do this can I do that I do this maybe I can do it give me in here give me it give me it has got to be something I can do with this unless it's all decoys all over the place God dang it is literally everything just a decoy to make me think it's what was taking place in the last map light switches just the thing that's a thing we turn off the music real quickly it's getting a little bit distracting as pleasant as it might be okay so that does do something which kind of lights back on who are you supposed to be Jets God darn it maybe that's not anything either oh wait that raises the floor you can turn your bathtub into a into a dance floor what a house you have man it is comboing that do anything it doesn't what do I do with this information there's so much stuff to consider here so many moving parts and yet nothing seems to be yielding any items all rights a lake trip behind the bed I like trip behind the bed come on that doesn't even let me go there are you serious okay what do you want from me what do you want from me for the sake of being thorough because we haven't done a jukebox opening yet I wonder if it's just like it requires the right dick yep that's a thing it required the correct one Golden Apple hey the most difficult one from last time is now the first year Hey oh god darn it thank you all right and we out that's pretty cool now another thing that I actually just noticed right before I did that was that there is a minecart over here and I assume I assume incorrectly I guess this just allows you to use your computer chair I was like oh man we're noticing multiple things so good nope just totally anticlimactic we've already used a minecart yeah like how many possible secret room ideas can this dude have actually you know what with it being nighttime out what if sleeping on the bed I like spawn inside of one of the blocks that could be a thing what in the world is going on right now I'm moving as oh this is definitely a thing I was definitely hey that's what I've got what was that that was so weird I don't know what was going on with that okay hey we got the diamond whew that's a mere 2 out of 5 and I am so far completely lost as to what else it might want from me okay cool well hey that was easy enough at least okay so that's the thing is there anything else that I can interact with furnace I mean I could put something in the furnace but I don't think that's gonna work same as last time we put water in the cauldron but we don't know any water I swear dude there has to be something with the lights going out there has to be something with the shower there has to be something with the button and there has to be something with this painting and there has to be something with the Electra you know it's like what could it be shower is still running I'm really good at wasting water amidst a drought I'm a horrible horrible human for doing this but I feel like it might have something to do with winning there's something back there there's some I mean I knew there was something going on with that the fact that I could throw something through it obviously but I'm pretty this is an Electra thing I was going like this and I saw something through the painting shoot come on we got to get this whoo God dang it this is so difficult there yes no go do you suck oh you saw that no whoo go go go come on go through ah Fievel you'll not go through the yes my man there better be an easier way out of here you better give me like an ender pearl or something so I can just get back without an issue okay emerald boom SiC got are you gonna make me actually like you're gonna make me actually go through this again you're gonna make me do the reverse God darn it really you couldn't just give me an easy out you have to do this it's not supposed to be a pain in the ass to get out of the place just to get in jeez dude oh come on why do you suck I know after much trials and tribulation I've managed to escape oh my god okay so what else is there what have we not covered I just feel like there's something to do with this frickin minecart and I know there's no way this woody because it's kind of disguised it's like you're not supposed to see it so it has to be that you know there's a button there there's a button there how did I miss that I mean it kind of blends in wait a minute that's what I'm talking about whoa that's pretty cool that's a really cool tool display huh well do you know okay what do we got nothing there and we got the totem okay so the last thing on the agenda I don't get out all that brings back oh okay are you back down boom and me back up alright nice so wait you know if I wasn't sitting on it I would have ok the minecart would have disappeared hey push again and then it would ever come back up I see okay I'm man yes so dumb if only I had just seen that button I didn't even need to notice that I would you just hit the button it would have been like oh there's stuff going on although that's a very clever well-hidden mechanism yeah I would have seen the chair duck back behind the wall okay so the final thing I feel like it's gotta be with either the shower or this like dancefloor bathtub it's just a great way to like imagine fill that thing up with water and then you just push the water out no doesn't work if you got source blocks on there though it'd be great you just overflow your entire place actually can't push water with piston so that wouldn't work but I'm just thinking about real life and you're really great way to just flood your bathroom I'm be honest kind of at a loss when it comes to which one are we missing here we are missing the nether star yeah just got you don't hate me don't hate me and the site is classified as a kind of stone that's helpful thanks for telling me that andesite is a stone that mean I should look around for andesite maybe cuz that'll be the key to our next step these are all clay right and that's no okay I'm looking around I'm gonna try to find me some andesite that's orange sandstone that's just stone bricks oh is it oh I'm pretty sure that's andesite this is a type of stone yes thank you I appreciate the insight I wonder if it means wear it like like if I make a pickaxe can I break it I wonder is that a thing there any pickaxe is lying around somewhere that I can use in order to break the thing or do I have to make it I know there was actually goddamnit are you really gonna force me to man I'm a pro there was some stuff in here there was some gold right could use the gold and then is there any wood anywhere that I could use block of coal take a block all in case I have to smelt anything but would I need some wood wow I did that first try I'm impressed with myself oh the back Birds is not fun though I don't know why they made it so the backwards is like even harder I'm totally a loss there was gold in here as well so I didn't need to do the whole electra thing I still have know where wood is there's got to be wood like somewhere in here maybe it's the maybe it's the jukebox one as there would in there that's one haven't checked yet dang it the rooms are not supposed to be dependent on each other at least that was the impression that I was under okay it was mall all right that's the one that opens you up okay so we're down here again please remind me Wood Wood a lot of gold not gold so you're trying to tell me oh my god there's no one what do I do about getting well how do I get a frickin pickaxe without wood oh my god it's like every room is dependent upon another I mean I that's assuming that this is actually what I need to do is make a pickaxe in order to break that where do I find wood all right so I was just I was at a total loss I'm like there's no wood anywhere on this map at all what could have gone wrong so I go and check out someone's video on YouTube turns out that there must have been some bug when they flew into this lake for room here there were items on the ground sticks were one of them and I must have taken too long in those items de-spawn I don't know why they were there if they were supposed to be in a chest and the map bugged out with like mcedit or something like that in any case those are on the ground I didn't see him so I was like okay that at least affords me the ability to get the pickaxe but then upon further inspection of their video who's also they it was just broken they just couldn't get it to work I think making the pickaxe was supposed to get a pickaxe it was able to mine the andesite or something like that because there's no other feasible way to get through here other than just mining the thing out but the pickaxe doesn't work there's no other material I can use it's just I'm confused very confused and they couldn't get it to work either and the hint is not of much help other than this is the place to go so it basically it's down here right so if I just do that and some was supposed to happen like it was supposed to do something and then I get down here and then and then yeah so but I I again I don't know um I really don't know look at the cool with or really things and stuff but hey never start and then see if I push this and it would it retract but yeah I just I don't know what was going on there oh well these things do happen level complete we did it don't don't hate me don't hate me I think there was a bug there or maybe roseus is gonna be like you suck and the other people they missed it too I don't know whatever okay level number five intergalactic no what do you mean no what do you mean no why are you what is going on here why are you opening open up that was weird I just ran back and forth a few times and finally I was like oh you're you you level five it's unlocked alright there you go but we're good also I just out of curiosity for the sake of checking I checked another person's video and they also had the same problem with the thing in the last map so yeah I'd like to think it wasn't just me okay a and the way we got some intergalactic I hope that we get some Beastie Boys up in here space drink I do like me some space drink oh maybe we actually do have to do some anvil stuff this time around I was like what is going on I just wanted to throw down me experience alright I feel like I need to actually just even though I still don't know for sure if I needed to make a pickaxe in the last level I assume that was part of it that's like the only way to get through the andesite now I'm feeling like feeling like this is gonna be just a hell of a finale because these are like oh my god frost Walker we're gonna have to walk across things frozen water to get places okay how big is this place is it really big with a bunch of different areas oh my god with like combinate no the arrows are not combination locks at least oh boy well then we might be using some hints here ladies and gentlemen yeah this is looking complex just okay so we have a minecart up top oh I wonder if I hit the wait okay wait for the minecart to come quick that's not a minecart that's a block that's attached to an armor stand attached to a minecart I wish I could click because then I could probably take it somewhere but I guess not all right anything over here over to the bridge very cool it's a heck of a spaceship it's so spaceship II that we're actually underground inside of a whole pit of coal we're gonna get turned into diamonds eventually it's pretty great alright so well I don't even know where to start with this one oh you know there are those things you can do with shelter boxes to jump up higher than usual I don't know if that wouldn't do anything for me alright you know I'm gonna read one hint you just just to get myself on the right track okay let's check the Emerald Kip fireworks placed on the underside of a block clip through it I had a feeling we were doing something with fireworks but we need the Gunpowder and as they get the matter in paper there's some gunpowder in there I never remember how to make fireworks there we go okay so on the underside of a block the clip how does clipping through a block allow us to actually even access what the block though and there are a lot of blocks that I could fire this fabric under like a lot of them a lot a lot of blocks let's just that didn't do anything right and if you don't have open space you're not even gonna go off should you I'll do one more hit I'm so sorry I'm gonna do one more hit I'm gonna do one more hit diamond key frost Walker turns water into ice ax 3 block radius even through walls right but I need boots in order to do that I figured there'd be something to do with frost Walker but man oh man where do I find me some there we go I guess that does it and that's why we have those levels of enchantment ha okay but now I need to find an anvil you love me some space drink I suppose I just need to collect every single thing that I find in these chefs just in case it seems to be okay book and quill just okay so right a diary about my last days buried underneath the ground inside of an old Space Station more firewood that's interesting because what if I like use up all my fireworks and then I run out of them and then I lose is that how it goes or maybe I can just die and then everything will reset okay we got an arrow I just need to find me an anvil somewhere and make those fast Walker boots huh any anvils anywhere to be found you gonna hide the in Ville you gonna make me craft the anvil it's just turned into a s rival that ladies and gentlemen I got it I gotta go find some wood make a pickaxe coal mine myself some iron have I already seen the I've already seen the anvils and I'm an idiot that's totally cool okay frost Walker alright that's good so I still don't know what that's gonna do for me though as far as finding a secret room is there water anywhere to be found that this is gonna help with looking for some water this is probably if I was on a space station in space probably not a good thing to just be freezing water that is supposed to be liquid man these hints are not helping they're not helping at all I don't want to do more weird 5 hints that's quite a lot that was the thing that was there we go whew I did a thing okay hold on where does this this takes me back over here okay cool I figure why not wow this is a bit is this a whole new area or is this just for one item and please don't tell me this is just for one item cuz I'm gonna feel so woeful II inept for okay that's another is this another star only or does this room lead to other rooms holy crap oh wait I can't actually go down there ha okay I can only look no touching so does that mean though there could be more to do in that area or is this purely for show I don't see any chests down there who might just be purely as that important - all right well back up we go wow that's just one thing one out of five whoo any other moving parts I feel like there's something to do with that moving thing that's too big of a set piece for there to be no more to it they're just like aren't any more moving parts there must be something to do with the bridge though you would think wouldn't you other than just using the anvil up here feel like people must be yelling at me right now like that this must mean something that if I go down like this is telling me to do something down up down and then oh I just heard a note block go off okay that opens something somewhere that opens something somewhere oh there we go okay Golden Apple Gotti everyone must have been like dude it's telling you to do things it's not just coincidental that the banners have arrows on them you idiot with indicators for levers that you can't place on anything be smart be smart okay so that's good that helps us get another we are 40 percent of the way there and then we know that another one is is frost Walker and another one has to do with fireworks at least the two that we've gotten so far are ones that are not from hints so that's good but fireworks and frost Walker where do I put them to use I don't have any idea nice now there okay so the hint that should have been the hint is actually that book that I pulled out of one of the boxes I just thought oh let me open it up note to self fireworks are dangerous should probably be placed on bone like you why was it that the hint why did you say place it on the underside of a block I'm like there are a lot of blocks I can place on the underside okay bone place it on bone bone that is on a roof we're looking for bone on the roof why do you give the actual hint oh is that bone up there oh that's I knew this hole that piece had to be something so what if I put it on the underside oh hi there what do you know that's pretty cool all right more firework stars Joe well we probably don't need any more fireworks now I think we're good we got our emerald killing me with these hints oh my god that do anything is that up is this a double layer oh it opens it back up okay I see our opens it encloses it I was like oh my god is there another secret room within the secret room I'm down I'm down for getting it to fir okay and then the next one is the frost Walker so is there another book that's gonna tell me more useful hints than the actual hint itself huh-huh any of that no okay I don't know I'm gonna wander around a little bit more I guess I feel like I must have seen this before and just and just didn't do anything about it um let me see if I walk on the ice if it good you guys must have been screaming it you're Meyer like dude there's ice at the bridge you idiot okay there we go you've got four out of five and now the final one what is the final one the totem I'm gonna dude I just got a hint it up okay totem totem tip arrow tips can clip through block edges and corners activating pressure plates on the other side okay so it's got to be the place with the arrows but I don't even have a blow okay it's gotta be this then I mean I must have to shoot it says corners so I must have to shoot arrows at each of the corners yup I get the arrows yeah although I get the bull alright hold on I mean I do have I have the string have oak wood so maybe I can make the bow the question is how do I get the arrow hmm alright that is the real I almost made it the wrong way I always make the bow the wrong way okay Oh infinity great that's obviously what we're doing now I don't know if I have any flint though so is there a way for me like break one of the arrows get a hold of it somehow good oh oh I just have I just have arrows I magically have arrows I just drew the bow back and I have arrows okay I didn't do anything that's not doing anything oh that did a thing okay let's see if this is a thing oh that's doing things oh that's thank you this is a good hand I like good hands and that's doing things oh and that's doing things Hey we have beaten the intergalactic ma'am yeah boom level completes all right it only took like just three hints on the last couple to do it I'm sorry I congratulations you did it that was actually really cool though that was a very cool map we had that one little hiccup which apparently no one was able to solve again I checked other video so I was like someone do this am I just dumb no no no no level four the final one I just didn't I don't know anyway all right thanks so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed make sure to like if you liked check out the playlist in the description if you want to check out more maps things of that nature subscribe if you're not already and I will see you next time you
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 2,776,430
Rating: 4.7332168 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft map, custom map, puzzle map, minecraft puzzle, secrets, glitches, secret rooms
Id: Xoo3zCwp3LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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