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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina hello family and friends on facebook youtube instagram twitter i want to welcome you to the ever increasing word feast and i'm excited today to have all of you connected to this broadcast abel damina is my name we are very committed to the vision of reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you do me the favor today invite somebody share this video tag somebody you know create watch parties let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus grace and i wanted to know we're going to have an exciting time of studying the word of his grace on this particular broadcast today let me quickly mention that my two books are out and if you don't have a copy of these books i don't know what you're waiting for courses myth and the truth very powerful material you know in this book i talked about the language in which the bible was written use of words the role of the bible reader and the bible teacher the blessing and the curse does god curse the curse of the law what of generational cases jesus and the victory and a lot more it's a book you don't want to you know go without especially for people that have been threatened with causes before now you know what you don't know is bigger than you ignorance is the greatest undoing of any man my people are destroyed not because satan is powerful but because they don't know they have no knowledge so get this material today it will build you up and edify you and bring clarity then there's this other book on the communion table many people ask me so many questions on the communion you know and all of that this book is very powerful i wrote this book and there's a lot in it exceed justices all over the book the promise of god the old testament feast the difference between the passover breaking of bread and the lord's supper the lord's table and walking in love very powerful material i'd like you to order for them you know and all other books that we have written all of these efforts is to see that you are enriched in your walk with christ that you maximize everything that christ has provided for your spiritual edification i'd like you to share with other people you know the things we are sharing with you here get more people to be connected get more people to order for the material right now on the screen the phone number to call for the material is on the screen and the email address where you can send your orders to is also on the screen there are also many other titles i have written over 30 titles you can order and our office can send you all of the catalogs for it now let me also mention those of you that have been following my teachings who don't have a local church where you attend where christ is revealed god wants you to live among brethren god doesn't want you to be isolated the bible says god has placed the solitary in families the word of god tells you i will bring you to your fold and i will give you pastors according to my heart who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding and he says it shall come to pass that when you are fed you shall not lack you shall not fear you shall not be dismayed if you are in a location where there is no bible teaching church where christ is revealed all the time you've been following my teachings and you want to identify with one or you want to start a campus we call our churches campuses you want to start a campus all you need to do is send me a mail dr ebeldamina we will equip you and train you and work together with you to create a campus in your locality so you become a lighthouse where other people seeking to know christ can come around and be part of the fellowship and you can be pioneering a church there that will bring light to that community you become a lighthouse in that society i'm really excited about the opportunity god has given us as a ministry to enrich and equip believers all over the nations of the earth just before we go into the service remember again that you need a pen a notebook and a bible because it's going to be an exciting adventure as we adventure together into the word of his grace my prayer for you today is that grace are bound towards you that you always have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work in the name of jesus amen let me mention the story we're going to be having the next one two weeks here on facebook youtube every evening at 6 00 p.m gmt plus one the study we're going to be having is going to be a bible school we want to equip you and train you in the pursuit of the kingdom assignment that god has for your life i want to encourage you every day at this same time 12 noon gmt plus one to get more people to be part of this broadcast so together we can lighten the dark places of the earth let me take you on a gospel adventure right now into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing now the gospel is preached mark chapter 16 verse 15 and he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature when you read things like this it looks like a journalist account sometimes they summarize and sometimes they pick out the essential the essential idea in that verse of scripture is preach the gospel if your bible was mine that's a word that's a sentence to underline preach the gospel but then the question is what is the gospel preach the gospel what is the gospel it wasn't said in that summary you know and it can leave you with the idea that the gospel is good news so whatever is good to the hearing is the gospel but that's a bit wide you know that's a bit wide so in the way brother mark has put it it's not likely you will know it so let's look at luke's account of the same monday because at no time the jesus said people out you know sent people out and said to them you know what say how you feel preach whatever you like preach whatever you think the people want to hear tell them what will make them happy anything that sounds like good news just tell them tell them anything you like there was no such time jesus ever made such statements you know and if you look around you will see what what they need you know and just satisfy their need if they are sick preach healing if they are poor preach financial prosperity if they are struggling preach breakthrough at no time did jesus ever give such an ambiguous statement to his disciples look at matthew chapter 10 verse number four let's see specifics here simeon the canaanite and judas iscariot who also betrayed him verse 5 these 12 jesus sent fought and commanded them saying go not into the way of the gentiles and into any city of the samaritans entity not verse 6 but go rather to the lost ship of the house of israel verse 7 and as you go preach saying circle the word saying as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand so he gives us much more details here in fact if you read on from that verse 5 6 7 to verse 42 of that same matthew chapter 10 you will find words like take up your cross and follow me applicable only in service take up your cross and follow me is not a demand or a requirement for salvation it is a it is a discipleship statement which is only applicable in the place of service meaning when you go to preach they will persecute you because of the gospel persecution here is not sickness and disease sickness and disease is not persecution sickness and disease is a health challenge and you demand for healing immediately it's not persecution all right so when he says they will persecute you he means they will reject you because of the gospel they will mock you because of the gospel they will stun you because of the gospel so that is what he means by take up your cross and he said to them deny yourself because that's the only way you can take up your cross you must deny yourself he is talking about suffering here for the sake of the gospel suffering for the sake of the gospel because the preaching of the gospel exposes you to all kinds of persecutions and triumph and when you begin to really get into evangelism there are things we call the hazards of evangelism and we're going to talk about them a little more in detail there are things that we call the prize of discipleship all of this is part of what it entails to get people born again so he says a whole lot of things there in the book of matthew and every time jesus sent people out he gives specific please write down he gives specific message this is what to preach don't just preach anything go preach say in in fact sometimes he said to them don't do this do this watch watch also he doesn't allow an individualistic expression he gives a general message to many people he gives a general message to many people he doesn't allow for you to innovate he gives a general message and he says you all must go and say the same things you all must go and say the same things that's why when they came back in matthew chapter 16 verse 13 he now said to them who do men say that i the son of man am and they began to bring different opinions some say you are john the baptist some say or jeremiah some say you are isaiah some say you're one of them the prophet and he says to them but whom say he that i am so the point is there's no room for how do you see it in the preaching of the gospel there's no room for personal opinions this is how i see it this is my own perspective this is the way i see there's no room for innovation he gives a general message and he says when you go this is what to say listen carefully whatever is not universally true is not god's truth whatever is not universally true is not god's truth there could be a truth applicable to your tribe there could be a truth applicable to your nation there could be a truth applicable to your career there could be a truth applicable to your profession there could be a truth applicable to your disposition but god's truth is universal truth if it is not universal truth it is not god's truth luke 24 47 let's look at brother luke's account and that repentance and remission of sins shall be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem look at the difference here he says he is now more specific look at that word should be preached should be preached if your bible is mine i will underline it in verse 47 shall be preached among all nations should be preached please underline that should be preached more specific he uses the same term keruso in the greek k e r u s s o q russo means to announce like a town crier or like a newscaster a newscaster announces news based on the script a newscaster does not go to the studio to just say his or her opinion there is always a scripted you know paper given to the newscaster the newscaster reads the news without personal contribution when you read news you just say it the way it is so the word keruso announced or say what you have been told to say say what you have been told to say just like the newscaster will stick to the script no personal additions so by just saying go into the world and preach the gospel we need to know the content it's not enough to say go and preach the gospel we need to know the content we need to know what is the ken russo we are going to be declaring there must be content and there must be focus in evangelism there must be content and there must be focus in evangelism so let's look at the background of this conclusion like i always say you must read the scriptures in its entirety so you can understand the context in which things are said i've always said don't just cherry pick verses and just cherry pick verses you must read the whole context in fact most times read the entire book it is the book of luke read from chapter one to the end to get the entire context in which things were said because there is a story before these conclusions so look at luke chapter 24 verse 17 let's see what jesus was communicating and he said unto them what manner of communications are these that you have one to another as you walk an assad all right now please take note of this this was the two disciples on their way to imaus discussing about the event of the last three days then verse 25 of that same luke 24 25 jesus now turned to those gentlemen who were speaking and he said unto them all fools and slow of her to believe all that the prophets have spoken next verse ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory next verse and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself that's a place to underline the things concerning himself so jesus is saying something has been written something specific things have been written this is a discovery of god which has already been written this is a discovery of god which has been prophesied two thousand years ago verse 27 he expounded i've already told you that that word expounded is the word diamond diamond it means to interpret or to clarify by explaining or to give the meaning of something jesus did not share anything emotional he was not emotional he didn't you know talk about how he felt and all of that note he shared what was the prophetic voice something that was said before that he came to fulfill he shared what was the prophetic voice in verse 31 of that luke 24 and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their side look at verse 37 of the same chapter but they were terrified and frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit he met them in the room and when he met them in the room all of them were terrified and that was where he said to them handle me touch me for a spirit has no flesh and bones as you see me have all right now then in verse 44 of luke 24 and he said unto them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me next verse then open he they are understanding that they might understand the scriptures look at the precedence he is always referring to the written scriptures he is always in jesus teaching and preaching he is always referring to the written scriptures in mark chapter 16 you won't see these details mark just gave us a summary luke gives us the context luke gives us the background of verse 15 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature look now goes into the details they saw it in the scriptures that is they have been reading the scriptures the word gospel is not a spiritual word it means good news there is something that led to mark 16 15 which was brother max summary of the details that brother luke gives to us look at that luke chapter 24 verse number 45 then open hear their understanding that they might understand the scriptures that they might understand the scriptures take note of the word opened is the greek order nego thy no god it is used in verse 32 of the sim luke 24 and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures while he opened to us their negwa it means to split something wide open to split something wide open meaning their minds were blocked while they were reading their minds were blocked so they were written but they were not understanding their minds were blocked their understanding was blocked so what jesus did was he opened their understanding now that word understand is a greek word no whose no hoos means a perception or residual knowledge a perception or residual knowledge know who's understanding a mode of thinking something you have been schooled at for a long time something you have been schooled at for a long time he took away the way they used to reason he took away the way they used to reason and he gave to them a new way of reasoning that brought them to understanding so now he opened their understanding for the first time in this light secondly that word understanding implies to synthesize something to put things together to collect facts together to synthesize something that's the second meaning of understanding to synthesize something or to put things together so question what did he put together what did jesus put together obviously he put together genesis to malachi he put together genesis to malachi and in doing that he drew a line he drew a line he put together genesis to malachi beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself he put those facts together and drew a line so there is a line of the gospel there is a line of the gospel from genesis to malachi it's not everything in there so he now lets them see that line he lets them see what is the line that runs from genesis to malachi so by seeing the line they arrived at an understanding now that is the background look at look again chapter 24 verse 46 and say unto them thus it is written and does it behoove christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the tardy this is a summary of everything he took them through from genesis to malachi that christ will suffer and that he will rise again the toddy summary so he must have quoted plethora of scriptures but this is the summary of everything he said when he drew the line from genesis to malachi the summary is that the christ will suffer and rise again from the dead the toddy what he said is that he will suffer and he will rise from the dead now because of that resurrection verse 47 of luke 24 and that repentance because of resurrection repentance and remission of sin shall be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem so from that resurrection repentance should be preached what is repentance the word repentance is the word meta noah metanova in the greek two words meta means to go around or turn around or take from to another then there is the word noah the word noah is taken from the word no which is perceived understanding perceived understanding so if i say meta noah it means to change a mindset to change a mindset or to change somebody's thinking or thought pattern to change a mindset in other words he changed their mindset about the scriptures he changed their mindset about the scriptures and the moment their mindset was changed to the right they understood he changed their mindset about the scriptures he referred to this repentance as remission of sins will be preached among all nations repentance is remission of sins will be preached among all nations so we are going back to specific not just go out and tell people that there's too much teenage pregnancies young ladies should be very careful i'll go out and tell people you know that there's a lot of commotion in the streets this is how to tame street life now that's not what he was talking about the specifics he asked you to go in preaching with specifics go and change people's mindsets from the scriptures specifically not go and preach morality not go and preach works not go and preach how people can be morally upright there's nothing wrong with morality but that is not the gospel that you have been asked to go and preach you don't need to be a believer in jesus to be moral you can be moral without going to church some of the moralists in the world the best are not church people so it's not the gospel of morality look at mark 16 14. afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat admit and operated them with their unbelief and hardness of heart because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen unbelief so that's the summary unbelief or we have seen what he did in details when he met them and they were speaking off point he did not display emotional disappointment he did not start shouting you mean all this time i have carried you people all this time you have been ready you didn't know anything he didn't display emotional outburst and emotional anger no no no he didn't bring emotional appeal he corrected them via the world he took them and traveled with them through the scriptures he took them and traveled with them through the scriptures when you say that a believer can lose salvation you have demoted jesus to be a classmate with aaron when you say a believer can lose salvation you have demoted jesus to be a classmate of aaron congratulations well done because what aaron did for them did not have eternal eternal quality so if what jesus did is the same with what aaron did there will be no need for jesus to have come aaron sacrificed an aaron's priesthood could only cover people for one year after that they have to offer another one so once you say that a believer can lose salvation you have demoted the sacrificial work of christ and reduce it to the aaronic priesthood salvation is not an item on the shelf salvation is not an item on the self salvation is a person his name is jesus when we say you are saved what we mean is that jesus has taken over your being and when jesus entered you he entered you forever jesus in you is an eternal reality i give unto you eternal life and you shall never perish he that has a son has life life is christ himself salvation is christ himself he is a sorta that produces salvation so these people you see them are arguing based on emotions now so jesus said look at the world he took them through the scriptures he spoke to everybody the same thing let's look at matthew's account of the great commission matthew 28 verse and jesus came and spoke unto them saying all power all power is given unto me in heaven and earth next verse go ye therefore and teach if your bible is mine i will on the line teach go e therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father of the son of the holy ghost 20 teaching them to observe if your bible is man i will underline the word teaching them teach teaching them to observe now take note teach all nations matatura does the word teach all nations mater e m-a-t-h-e-t-e-u o matator is used in the roman empire for a school of a specific subject for a school of a specific subject for example when you hear about college of medicine college of medicine you don't go to college of medicine to reach sociology college of medicine is a specific institution specific institution so in making disciples you are very specific in making disciples you are very specific that is the same way students will go to school of nursing you don't go to school of nursing to learn how to drive a car you don't go to school of nursing to learn how to produce furniture you don't go to school of nothing to go and learn how to manufacture you know telephones and and to manufacture your cell phones no because it is specific it is specific you don't go to law school expecting to learn mathematics you don't go to law school expecting to learn mathematics because law school is a specific speciality so the word metatoa means to raise people specifically to raise people specifically is used by jesus in matthew 13 52 matthew 27 57 particularly acts 14 21 and when they had preached the gospel to that city and have taught many they returned again to lystra and to iconium and antioch they taught many at the birth of the church they taught much people it means it is done by training they thought much people mean they trained many people the way you go to school is the way he sent us to go and teach all nations the way you go to school is the way he sent us to go and teach all nations the way you are sitting down and writing notes as i'm teaching now because you are learning you are in a school when you go out to evangelize that is how you sit your people down and get them to get their pen and paper because you are taking them through a training evangelism is not just shoot or wrong evangelism begins a process that ends in discipleship evangelism begins a process that ends in discipleship very important it's not hit or wrong meaning the preacher of the gospel is a mobile school the preacher of the gospel is a mobile school he goes from place to place to train people specifically he goes from place to place to train people specifically he is not into general teaching how to cook how to cook how to play basketball how to box how to engage in boxing how to prepare soap how to produce cream preach out the gospel preacher of the gospel how to do business in stock exchange how to get involved in buying stocks and shares preacher of the gospel general practitioner jesus never sent us with such an ambiguous assignment just like jesus the preacher is not supposed to ask people to discard all forms of learning all forms of knowledge he did not ask people to discard all forms of knowledge he only said this one is superior to all other knowledge this one is superior to all other knowledge so the preacher of the gospel is supposed to bring superior knowledge it's supposed to bring superior knowledge if i need to make soap i know which school to go if i need to read law i know which school to go if i want to be a nurse i know which school to go but if i want eternal life i come to jesus and all ambassadors of jesus are preachers of eternal life so that which is eternal is what the gospel provides that which is eternal is what the gospel provides the gospel does not provide temporary so in matthew 28 19 he said go and teach go and teach all nations 20 teaching teaching teaching that word teaching is the word that does school the disco is used for a specific kind of teaching or instruction acts chapter 2 verse 42 you'll find a word deduction and they continue steadfastly in the apostles didachi opposed to doctrine deduction didache is a kind of teaching a kind of information you don't expect someone to teach you for example further maths by drawing apples and oranges and pineapples they don't teach you for that much drawing apples and oranges and pineapples there is a way to communicate mathematics there is a way to communicate mathematics you can communicate mathematics through oranges and pineapples no there is a way to communicate mathematics so there is a way to communicate the gospel so when he said teaching that were teaching in matthew 28 20 teaching is a specific way of teaching a specific way of teaching teaching them to observe a specific way of teaching that will make them observe the word observe is the greek word therion thereon is to look at something intently like you're watching over it to look at something intently teaching them to observe specific way of teaching that will make them look intently over something to look over it in a way that you're making sure it doesn't get lost to observe the thing i have commanded you to observe the thing i have commanded you the word commanded is the greek word in telumai entoloma is
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Id: sBk0nc8MlAI
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Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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