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a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a cause it's not because you are not born again no this may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gives you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm fm 105.9 xlfm 106.9 wheel radio aqua bomb 90.5 ryo you know fm 100.7 puyo and heritage heaven 104.9 and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first service and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety-eight rangibo road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel domino be there come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] [Music] is revelations [Applause] come on come on come on come on i am what god [Music] i can says what god says see [Music] [Music] is [Music] is i believe never be the same is [Music] i [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own you are redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom [Music] get the lord i will never never be the same [Music] hey father we praise and bless your name in the name of jesus heavenly father we come before your word humbly and respectfully we come with hearts that are ready to receive the engrafted word thank you lord that your word comes with clarity your word comes with power your people equip built up edified jesus revealed and the believer in him unveiled and we decree and declare that by the end of this service will all be the better for it so we give you praise and glory for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven let's release our faith together as you say this word i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees him in lecture we want to welcome everybody connected to this service but we have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram and everybody connected by way of radio we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service i want you to do me a favor call a friend a family member somebody around your neighborhood ask them to tune to this radio station life is flowing from the word of god through the airwaves and it's a joy to have all of you connected to the service our social media community like you've always done i wanted to know that we are doing this again help me share the video on all the groups on your page tag friends you know put them on monogram telegram create watch parties drop them you know on whatsapp groups let's flood the entire blue mobile planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace what a joy to be here campuses around the world we welcome every one of you to the service get ready we're going to have a great time of studying the word of his grace grab your pen your bible your notebook and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get right into the word of god hallelujah second timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 16 and 17. and as from a child thou has known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus yes all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness 17 that the man of god may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good work that the man of god may be perfect truly furnished onto every good work you must investigate you most research the scriptures you cannot afford to read the scriptures casually because the scriptures were given to us to you know grant us access to the revelation of god all of god's revelation is communicated via words all of god's revelation is communicated via words so therefore you can't afford to study the bible casually in studying you must read the whole content of the bible you must read again and again carefully bible study is diligence you cannot rely on what you studied yesterday every time i teach even today every time i teach the bible the book that my emphasis will be on i read that whole book over and over before the service it doesn't matter how many times i've read the book i keep reading it every time before i come to teach why because scripture tells us study to show yourself approved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth the word study is a greek word spudanzu spodazzo be diligent that is this an attention that is required to be paid to details and when you pay attention to details in bible study you situate the word of god in context you sit with the word of god in context you know you don't just go to church to be healed that shouldn't be your motivation for going to church just to go and get healed no you got to church you know to hear the word of god you go to church to know christ even though in knowing cries healing takes place you don't go to church to solve problems though your problems will be solved by the world you go to church to know jesus the church is to know christ the church is to unveil christ the church is to feed believers with christ so you must pay attention to details because if you're going to work with god you cannot walk with god except you know god in christ you've got to know god in christ so you study to know jesus and that is why you must pay attention to details in paying attention to details there are a number of things you've got to know number one you've got to know the context and the grammar that is used and the application of the scriptures the context the grammar and the application of the scriptures the bible doesn't require you to apply it your own way the scriptures are already applied the bible is already interpreted and already applied all you're required to do is discover what its application is and what its interpretation is so you just need to understand what the scriptures are saying and act on it you need to know what the scriptures say and work in its reality so we began to look at the prophecies the promises of the old testament we looked at their types and shadows and we saw that both the prophecies the promises the times the shadows are fulfilled in christ they are fulfilled in christ look at luke chapter 24 verse 25 to 27 then he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken yes us not christ have suffered these things and to enter into his glory yes and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded onto them in all the scriptures the things concerning him the things concerning himself so jesus took them throughout the entire bible and he showed them things concerning himself that means therefore that true bible study is to know things concerning jesus through bible study is to know things concerning jesus you don't look for yourself in bible study you look for christ in bible study and when you find christ in christ you will find yourself remember that there is no new revelation no new revelation where the word of god is concerned the epistles are the revelation of the scriptures already god revealed the truth to the apostles and they wrote it down for us to understand nobody has what they're usually calling you know in the body of christ you have people talking about rhema remember i just got a rhema i just caught a rhema nobody has rhema you hear people say it all over the time you know rhema is my personal revelation i just got a rhema i just got a rhema well rhema doesn't mean revelation rhema and logos means the same thing it's just the tenses that are used and how they are applied in fact if a greek scholar hears you saying i just got a rhema they will just laugh at you because it means nothing you know it means nothing it means nothing it doesn't mean what you're implying the word revelation has two different words there is a word manifestation which is the greek word phenologies and then there is apocalypses the unveiling so in revelation there is a manifestation and there is the unveiling of the scriptures rhema has to do with words not revelation because there's no personal rhema for anybody now the holy spirit has already revealed the scriptures that is why it is written so all you need to do is find out what is written know it and enjoy it look at ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 to 4. how that by revelation he made known on to me the mystery as i wrote her foreign few words yeah whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge of the mystery whereby when you read you may understand why do we read we read to understand that's why jesus kept emphasizing have you not read any have you not read so we read to understand what are we supposed to do to read and to understand my duty is to read and then understand so that's why now when we began this series we began to examine the grammar of the scriptures obadiah chapter 1 verse number 17 but upon mount zion shall be deliverant and there shall be holiness and the house of jacob shall possess their possession now this is a prophecy and that's why we must handle it just like we handle every prophecy of scripture we look into the epistles and see how this prophecy has been fulfilled remember obadiah was a prophet what did brother peter say about the prophets of the old testament first peter chapter 1 verse 10 to 12. of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you next verse searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that should follow when it testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that will follow the spirit which was in them prophets give me the next verse unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the holy ghost sent out from heaven with the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into which things the angels desire to look into now was obadiah a prophet yes obviously this prophecy emphasized the glory that will follow because it says there shall be deliverance and holiness and the sons of jacob shall possess their possession the prophecies will either carry jesus's suffering or the glory that will follow so this prophecy carries the glory that will follow that means that this prophecy we need to find out how it was fulfilled in christ because christ is the fulfillment of the prophecies of the old testament so this particular prophecy we need to find out for example every prophecy about jesus contains a promise every prophecy about jesus contains a promise so what was the promise there shall be deliverance and holiness the house of jacob shall possess their possessions look at ii corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 to 20. for the son of god jesus christ who was preached among you by us even by me and sylvanas and timotheus was not ye and nay but in him was ye next verse for all the promises of god in him are ye and in him amen unto the glory of god by us for all the promises of god are in him they are in christ yes and amen that is all the promises of god which was given by the old testament prophets is in christ fulfilled yes and a man means fulfilled so god's promises are fulfilled in christ and fulfilled by christ so this promise we must find out how it is fulfilled by christ don't forget again we did a little bit of word study on the word deliverance we said the word deliverance is the word per letter peleta is a hebrew word it is used for people not for activity so we said upon mount zion there shall be deliverance in english it means when you get to zion you must have been delivered it doesn't mean you'll be delivered in zion deliverance does not happen in zion it is those that are delivered that are assembled in zion so zion is the assemblage of the delivered the word peleta it means in zion shall be the escaped lord it means in zion shall be the gathering of those that are already delivered so you don't do deliverance service because deliverance is not a service all right deliverance is not an activity of people falling and screaming and vomiting on the floor no it is those that are delivered that assemble in zion that is how the original says it upon mount zion shall be an escaped lord that means those found in zion are already escaped they don't get to zion and then escape the word peleta now so we put it properly it says in zion there shall be an escape lord it is used for men a rescued lot they are already rescued so if you are in zion it means you are already delivered you have already escaped because zion is not a place you get delivered at zion is a place for those that are delivered and the reason why i'm emphasizing is because a lot of abuse has happened to that word delivered and sometimes when you're trying to get people to unlearn something you have to repeat and repeat and repeat until it deletes the old mindset and establishes the new zion is the place for the fulfillment of this promise so let's look at zion in the promise and let's look at zion in the prophecy psalm 118 22. the stone which the builders refused has become the headstone of the corner isaiah 28 16 therefore thus saith the lord god behold i lay in zion for a foundation a stone a tried stone a precious cornerstone a sharp foundation he that believeth shall not make haste i lay in zion this two scripture deals with the prophecy first peter chapter 2 verse 6 wherefore also it is contained in the scripture behold i lay in zion achieve cornerstone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded zion therefore refers to today and we said it is in the kingdom of god repeated in romans 11 26 and so all israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from jacob zion refers to the kingdom of christ psalms 14 verse 7 oh that the salvation of israel will come out of zion when the lord bringeth back the captivity of his people jacob shall rejoice and israel shall be glad and everything is talking about jesus jerusalem and zion refers to the same thing in figurative expression that is in bible language when you look at its usage in types and shadows it means the same thing look at hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 and 23 but ye are come unto mount zion and enter the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to god the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect the mount zion used here will it be a geographical location no how do you know it is not a geographical location because the next thing it says is zion the city of the living god zion the city of the living god so he uses another word heavenly jerusalem the city of the living god zion the heavenly jerusalem which means he's not talking about a geographical location heavenly jerusalem so we said zion is a place of authority just like the first time it was mentioned in second samuel chapter 5 verse 7 used as the stronghold of david the place of authority zion therefore when he says the heavenly jerusalem jesus speaking to them said the kingdom of god is here what it means is that the kingdom has arrived the kingdom has arrived let's look at that word heavenly jerusalem the word heavenly jerusalem but before we study it look at ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 the polite prayers and notice something that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him yep the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that he may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints yes and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us lord who believe according to the working of his mighty power yep which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places next verse far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come not only in this world but also in that which is to come next verse and has put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church next verse which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all which is his body he has given to the church his body to be in charge ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus has raised us up together and made us sit together so there's a fact we know that when jesus rose from the dead the bible tells us he is seated in heaven far above all look at colossians chapter 3 verse 1. if he then be risen with christ seek those things which are above where christ hit on the right hand of god take note of the right hand of god first peter chapter 3 verse 22 who has gone into heaven and is on the right hand of god angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him who is gone into heaven on the right hand of god remember jesus told us in john chapter 14 verse 2 in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i got to prepare a place for you i go to prepare a place for you you can't have mentions in a house in english language you can't have mansions in a house so what mansions is to us was not what mentions was to what jesus implied here the what may know means a room a space a place to stay in my father's oikia that is in my father's family there are many spaces in my father's household there is room there is place there is a place to stay now often times in scripture you must read in context you read the verses in front and the verses at the back so mansions there refers to the right hand of the father because he said give me verse 3 of john 14 see what he said in verse 3 of john 14. and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there you may be also that where i am there you may be also that is a very important statement that where i am there you may be also so mentions there refers to the right hand of the father because he said where i am there you may be also where was jesus sitting at the right of the father where will you be seated at the right hand of the father where he is is where the believer is supposed to be so we know that when jesus rose from the dead he went to the right hand of god that's why brother paul will say now that we are seated together with christ where he is we are what he has we have he is at the right hand of god we are at the right hand of god now right hand doesn't mean right hand using eating food is a bible mode of communication right and means regency on high jesus is on the regency or at the regency or the authority of heaven jesus is the authority of heaven so we too are the authority of heaven in christ that's why first john chapter 4 verse 17 says as he is so are we in this world as he is we are at the right hand of the father so are we right here in this world in christ so jesus wasn't talking about estates in heaven he was talking about authority that where i am there you may be also he is talking about believers authority in christ that's when much later he explains to them he says as you have seen me you have seen the father that is in verse 9 of john 14. then in verse 6 he says to them i am the way the truth and the lie no man commit to the father but by me now when he gets to verse 12 of john 14 he says he that believes on me the work that i do shall he do and greater than this shall he do why because i go to my father why is he going to the father that where i am there you may be also he goes to the father to get us there so he says i go to prepare a place for you that where i am you will be also question did jesus rise in his resurrection to a place of authority yes he did he says where i am you will be also so the effect of that is that the works i do you shall do my authority will be your authority john 14 2 therefore is not talking about mansions and buildings or construction site he is talking about the believer's authority in christ where i am you may be also he is at the right hand of the father above all principalities and power and might and dominion and that is where we are right now notice something we want to study let me teach you something about bible study we're going to read four places or five where the word heavenly places was used heavenly places please take note ephesians 1 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ take note in heavenly places ephesians chapter 1 verse 20. which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places take note heavenly places ephesians 2 6 and has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus take note heavenly places ephesians 6 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places high places heavenly places did you observe if you read carefully looking at your bible what was common in all of those places we read huh places did you observe that the places is in italics did you observe so places doesn't exist in those scriptures it was not in the original the word places is not in the original because jesus cannot be seated in places how many bomb bombs does he have he can be seated in places he can only sit in a place so that's why the word places was written in italics and you know when we are doing bible study and studying words we have some people say it looks like dr damina wants to write his own bible afresh every time is correct in the bible and people who talk like that first of all are people that religion has brainwashed number two there are people that have what i call victim mentality their mindsets have been victimized they cannot reason because otherwise you're studying an ancient book there's nothing wrong in studying the words querying the words cross-examining the usage of those words as to be able to arrive at an understanding so the word places is not in the original it was added by translators and it doesn't fit in because jesus can only sit in a place now so if we take out the word places what will remain is heavenly paul used it five times the word heavenly is the greek word euphorenius euphorenos heavenly apo for those making notes u r a n i o s e p o u r a n i o s euphorenos and eupherenius is not used for a geographical place rather it is used for the origin of something apple or a perennials apple means it is fitted into it means origin or a kind of it is used to describe non-material things or presence non-material means non-physical a peroneus is used to describe non-physical things so it is not a location like a geographical location where you can map out the place all right then there is a quirinius querenius is not referring to the place called heaven but rather things that are heavenly things that are non-visible or things that are non-material non-material things non-visible things actually in ancient greek it is used for metaphysical objects metaphysical objects things you cannot see but they exist so when it says you've arranged yours heavenly or heaven it means something that fits into what you cannot see something that fits into what you cannot see you perennials so when he uses those words in ephesians 1 3 ephesians 1 20 ephesians 16 to 12 he wants to address what is not physical what is not physical or in the heavenly but not in the natural it is situated in the heavenlies it means this is not physical or natural that is when he says jesus is seated in the place of authority not like you see the president of nigeria or america physically where he comes out to address the citizen from time to time give press conferences and address the masses now that is physical you can see but this king is heavenly heavenly means he is a non-material king in a non-material realm our father which is in heaven non-material our immaterial father you know what i mean because the word heavenly is used to distinguish that which is not earthly on earth we have fathers the only way we will know which father we are talking about has to be when we add heavenly to imply that we're not talking about an early father but a father that is in the non-material so when we say heavenly it is used to distinguish the material from the non-material so his authority is in the non-material or in the spirit that's the word heavily so he's referring to the word origin or the kind look at hebrews 11 16 for more clarity but now they desire a better country that is a heavenly they desire a better country that is and heavenly a non-material or a non-visible readon wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he has prepared for them a city that is the city god has prepared for them is a non-material city talking about abraham who looked for a city whose maker and builder was god and when he came to a physical city called canaan he discovered that was not the city why because the city abraham was looking for was a non-material city that would become a reality upon the resurrection of jesus that where i am there you may be also please pay attention this is very important hebrews 12 22-24 but yeah come on to mount zion and enter the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels next to the general assembly and church of the firstborn which are written in heaven and to god the judge of all and to the spirits of just a man made perfect yep and to jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of evil so the materiality of zion is not physical it's not physical things because the things he enumerated there in hebrews 12 22-24 are non-material so he says zion is a non-material reality to us so there's nothing like we're going to the yawn we're marching no it's a non-material reality we don't match there we don't go there we are there in christ the moment we got born again we are born into zion yeah we are born into zion a non-material reality zion is a non-material reality to us because right now we are calm to zion and it is not a material world that's why there's no building going on there he describes the things in zion he talks about the innumerable company of angels they are not material god is not material jesus the mediator of the new covenant is not material the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than the blood of abel is not material the spirits of just men made perfect is not material so he says zion is called heavenly and we are there now we are in that non-material reality right now in christ euphorenos a place that is not material look at ephesians chapter 3 verse 10 to the intent that now onto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of god if we are making things known to principalities and powers referring to angels if we are the ones teaching angels it implies that they are here the implication is that the angels are here for us to be teaching them but even though they are here they are heavenly you get that we can see them we can touch them we can handle them they are immaterial they are non-material beings the angels they are non-material being the same way he describes spiritual wickedness in the high spiritual wickedness in the high let me explain what it means because i have had people even including some people that i respect and i still do respect them the fact that a man doesn't have adequate knowledge doesn't make me disrespect him all right yeah i don't have issues with the people i only have issues with the issues uh-huh so we correct the issues we still respect the people but we must fix the issues because wrong is wrong right is right the age of a lie doesn't make it a truth now i have some people like i said including those uh i respected things like there's a ram called the third heaven the third heaven is where god is there's another realm called the second heaven the second heaven is where angels are then there is the first heaven all right and i i hear them say things like that the prince of the power of the air you hear people say that this prince of the power of the air are the demons flying in the sky flying in the air they even call some of them demons that fly in the airwaves that is they say there are demons that are floating in the atmosphere in the first heaven all right atmospheric heaven and that satan is sitting in the second heaven i don't know where they get all of that from that satan sits in the second heaven man is below the festival then god is in the third heaven so you must pray hard for your prayer to pass through the second heaven and get to where god is and that is why some of these churches when they pray they clap their hand they shake their head they beat their leg on the ground because they are trying to push their prayer to pass through the second heaven it's a mindset that comes from deception and delusion and lack of adequate interpretation of the scripture so every time christians are praying they imagine that there are demons in the second heaven and god in the third heaven and man at a disadvantage standing from here so that's why they raised their voice by adventure their voice will be loud enough to penetrate second heaven and get to where god is and they forget that where i am there you may be also there's no distance between the believer and god the believer is in christ christ is in the believer there's no demon standing between the believer and god and there is no heaven standing between the believer and god that's when the believer speaks he speaks in christ you speak in him the confidence we have is that because we're in him all our desires are granted in him maya to belia now so when they read the prince of the power of the air they get confused with english and they forget that the bible has its own language if they just obey the rules of sinful hermeneutics they won't be committing those blunders but some of these people have no respect for hermeneutics bible interpretation the prince of the power of the heir there means the prince of the power of the new man pneuma the word heir is the word newman p-n-e-u-m-a pneuma means spirit the prince of the power of spirit he's not talking about airwaves it's not talking about air the blues it's talking about spirit pneuma it's referring to the spirit that is in the heart of unbelievers the prince of the power of the earth then he explains the spirit they are now working in the children of disobedience so the prince of the power of the air is the spirit that is dks rule of bible interpretation that is the spirit that worked in the children of disobedience pneuma and some of these people that claim all those you know all those flabboyan things if you ask them to give you one scripture one scripture you won't find it they'll just tell you no you know i have been a christian before you i have been a christian i've been reading bible before you were born just take what i have said no we don't take what you have said because you're not the author of the bible you are not the author if you are the author we will take what you say but you are not the author you and me all of us are strangers to the author so when you read me to i read we look because i may see what you didn't see since you didn't author the book so don't let somebody tell you no let's not discuss bible after all before you were born i've been reading it just take what i say no we don't take what you say like that we are billion christians when you tell us something we take our bible and sit down and we check to see if what you said is so that's the diligence required in bible study so the devil is not ruling in one location outside the earth called second heaven there is no such location the bible tells us he moves to and through the earth so the devil is in the earth moving to and fro he's not in any heaven anywhere he's on the earth moving to and fro on the earth so ephesians now 6 12 gives us an explanation pay attention for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places now that scripture is actually referring to people who resist the gospel we wrestle not against flesh and blood so when we are preaching the gospel we are preaching beyond flesh and blood and because the gospel is targeting a place beyond flesh and blood the forces that resist the gospel is not physical that's what brother paul was talking about here in the book of ephesians he is referring to those who are in earthly authority those in earthly authority and they use the authority to their advantage so when he says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers it actually means spiritual wickedness in high the word high means spiritual wickedness in the authorities authorities like government like people in position of power who don't have regard and respect for god who make laws and make legislations that oppose the word of god there are nations even where we have some of our campuses where you know people are undergoing persecution they are not allowed to carry the bible there's a legislation in that country that carrying the bible is a crime you go to prison you go to prison and you spend time years in prison for being found with the bible those are spiritual wickedness in high not places in high because the places is in italics in high so the heavenly really means an immaterial non-material substance look at hebrews chapter 3 verse number 1 wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the apostle and high priest of our profession christ jesus partakers of the heavenly the non-material non-physical calling is referring to spiritual reality or or spiritual fact so when the bible says abraham sought for a city whose builder and maker is god and then the bible says we are there now it means that the city is in christ if any man beware in christ the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem it's not talking about a heaven of course there's a heaven for sure but that heaven is part of the kingdom of god heaven is what is today because jesus is there jesus makes heaven heaven any heaven where jesus will not be i don't want to go and i don't want to be there i don't even want to be found around there jesus makes heaven heaven now so you know the bible says jesus even when he rose from the dead went to clean the heavenly utensils of worship because it was affected by the sin of adam don't forget i have taught you before that heaven and earth were created for man heaven and earth were created for man we will look at that a little more as we keep teaching that means our authority is not physical like carrying a gun or fighting with a knife or using stones and bullets that's not how we get people born again our authority is non-physical look at hebrews 12 22-24 but he are come unto mount zion and enter the city of the living god the heavenly jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels to the general assembly and church of the firstborn which are written in heaven unto god the judge of all unto the spirits of just men made perfect unto jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of abel glory so the church is zion question is the church material or non-material non-material now listen there is a physical gathering called the church physical gathering but the people call the church are not physical the gathering is physical but the people call the church are not physical that's why people not born again can be in the gathering but they are not in the church people not born again can attend a gathering but they are not part of the church why because the church is not material the church is the body of christ and in the body of christ what we have is non-material question is the body of christ heavenly or physical heavenly immaterial so are you the body of christ yes are you of heaven yes okay are you heavenly yes are you seated in heavenly yes so the church is on earth but notice everything he described in hebrews 12 22 to 24 is on earth the church is on earth the spirit of just being made perfect is on earth the blood of sprinkling is on earth jesus jesus is on earth somebody said you say jesus on earth is he not in you he's on it the blood of sprinkling is on earth in our hearts it is in our hearts because it's that blood that pudges our conscience from dead works is in our heart and that blood is also in the immaterial okay in our hearts in the immaterial they function on earth but all of them are of the heavenly origin the father jesus the blood the spirits of judgment they are all of heavenly origin so the word heavenly is a kind a substance that means in zion where we are is the heavenly in christ and you can only have delivered people there see that you can only have delivered people in zion zion is not a place for people that want deliverance it's a place where people who are delivered assemble themselves hallelujah you don't require deliverance in christ because you're in zion the prophecy says upon mount zion shall be a rescued people so anyone born again is a delivered man he doesn't claim deliverance he is in christ and it takes deliverance to be in christ it takes deliverance to be in christ now that close colossians 1 13 take note of the tenses who hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son delivered us from the power of darkness and had translated us into the kingdom of his your son deliverance movement from one kingdom to another remember the word used as the greek word rumor in the greek it means to deliver to yourself we said you can set free like a bird in a cage and the bed goes away that's not the word here but if you take a bed out of a cage to yourself that is the world delivered here deliverance means to free a man from a particular location to yourself you are in christ means you are delivered see that you are in christ means you are delivered that is whatever is delivered belongs to the deliverer it is not independence rather it is a relationship with the deliverer it's not an independence oh i'm delivered i'm free no it is deliverance to the deliverer that is the word he uses here is we are delivered from to christ from the power of darkness into christ so the work of redemption is our deliverance glory to god the work of redemption he says he has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption even the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace we have that and that reality is what we call deliverance glory to god somebody stand on your feet and shout with me very loud i am free i'm delivered completely delivered and totally delivered delivered from delivered from and to christ i am in christ i am in zion i am in authority i am in charge i am fully in charge i am where christ is seated at the right hand all authority is mine and the devil is under my feet i told somebody we shout hallelujah father we pray for everybody under the sound of my voice that these words the holy ghost opens them to the understanding of your people that the revelation of jesus grows big on your inside until nothing else matters barriers dominated obstacles removed mindsets corrected in the name of jesus and i decree that as your people keep on learning to relearn spiritual growth keeps taking place and we decree right now where there are sick bodies be healed infirmity go pain go oppression go depression out in the name of jesus we lose your people to enjoy the liberty they have in christ jesus bodies that are sick are healed completely in jesus precious name thank you for your what in jesus name we pray and every believer says that amen on a note of finality glory listen to me friends our greatest target is to help you establish an active vibrant effective relationship with god in christ and to help you rise up in your authority and put the devil where he belongs and join the victory that is yours in christ jesus every day that's the whole intent of teaching you and enriching you and equipping you so that in turn you too can go out there and teach equip train and bring the blessedness of righteousness to somebody out there glory to god and it's a joy to do this every day so grab your offerings when we teach we give you the opportunity to give to this ministry because everything we do to be able to reach out to you with the gospel on all the various platforms cost us quite a lot of money and i want to thank partners who keep giving to support what we do globally effectively i want you to know that your needs are made according to his riches in glory that god is not unrighteous to forget your label of love for the saints i like us to give joyfully intentionally deliberately and sacrificially knowing that your money becomes a vehicle of getting the gospel out to the people for whom jesus died lift up your offerings father we pray for everybody connected to this service right now giving their finances thank you for staring up our hearts we give it hearts that are filled with joy we give it hearts that are filled with gratitude our offerings are a sweet smell before you today and we thank you for the privilege to make a difference in the gospel in jesus christ's name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality hallelujah i'll be joining mr mike bush right now as we go on live again you know from the studio and responding to the things you raised by your emails and phone calls and until i see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory amen we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus 234 six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a cause it's not because you are not born again no this may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gives you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and his fraud to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 p.m daily on inspiration fm 105.90 comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aquaborn 90.5 rio union fm 100.7 yo and heritage heaven one zero 104.9 and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight huangavu road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer be there we're super excited my name is michael bush the man who makes things happen on the program the man that who's instant that who's behest we all are here is also here with me on set join me welcome global baba doctor abell damina the intercontinental miss abu fantastic what a blessing to see you again today so nice to see you whoa today what about you it looks like you were busy today well yes um you know around here on there yeah can you watch a couple of things here and there well me too never miss this no no no i always look forward to it in french you call it wrong okay i never missed it okay okay i've thought you wanted it i will practice it okay so um i think we can set cell why do we use where you have the global headquarters of power city international the the church on which platform we do what we do here so our broadcasting from the global headquarters of the church in the heart of who you nigeria so we start off here from hello global baba my name is uem charles i'm a footballer but things are not going on well with me global baba i've encountered so much failure so much disappointment and so much unexplainable setbacks in life two years ago global baba i was supposed to travel to sydney to sweden but had a knee injury and was unable to travel so many clubs in aquarium rejected me global baba because of that injury but i'm sound and very okay now i've been invited for trials in nigerian lake sites that have no football boots and other requirements more so i can't afford them right now please pray for me for provision and everything i require to succeed not only my career but also in my life generally thank you sad oh my goodness so sad but you know it's not over yet because god never gets things over with you he perfects things that concern you so just cheer up you know raise up your head and look up again you will have clarity and direction in the name of jesus father we pray for your son for favor for direction for clarity for wisdom for counsel and for opportunities in the name of jesus amen thank you for the blessing receive it now in jesus name amen amen okay global baba's second counseling entry comes still from aqua boom it's in the next it says hello global baban mr bush my name is during manuel sunday no baba i need your help over my sister her name is the nemesis in 2015 global baba my sister woke up as usual prepared and was about leaving for work when an invisible personality hit us severely on our back since then global babashi has been unable to walk or stand on our own we have tried and spent all we could but global situation remains the same please pray for my sister right now she's completely paralyzed please help us in prayer i know god can still heal i thank you i write for my tina father in the name of jesus you speak to that unclean spirit that is sitting on that spinal cord your spirit of paralysis oppression satan get your hands off in the name of jesus amen we command a miracle a creative miracle a miracle of restoration for that body now in jesus name amen amen no baba from a tinan we're going to for now the third and final counseling entry we have on the program comes from abuja says hello sir i bless god for giving us a man like you please what is your advice concerning divorce especially in a situation where a man cheats continuously without remorse he abandons my daughter and me and only sends money whenever he likes i have decided i don't want to remain unhappy he's trying to make me lose myself i want to have peace and face my life and my god but my parents are insisting that marriage is a do or die affair they are getting me really really angry global baba please sir what do you advise i do enjoy in abuja yes i mean it's a nice name absolutely angel the first thing is you must remember that you have a purpose to live in your life you're not just on earth to get married you're on earth to fulfill a purpose however marriage is one of those things that could help you achieve that purpose so marriage is not a do or die affair two people in the scripture that talked about marriage mostly in the new testament were not married jesus an apostle paul they were not married they taught and taught and taught doctrinal matters on marriage so marriage is not a do or die brother paul says i wish that all will be like me what he's simply saying is i wish all would will be without being married that's what he said he wishes however he says he that is married carried for the things of her husband that she may please her husband and he that is married carry for the things of his wife that he may please his wife and he that is not married carried for the things of the lord how that he may please the lord so whether married or not married you've not done wrong however since you are already married but this man keeps cheating and cheating and cheating you don't want your life endangered because you never can tell when he will get into a a sexually transmitted disease that is capable of taking away your life so if the man keeps cheating and refuses to stay away from that habit you may have to seek counselling and look for a way to be separated until he makes up his mind either he wants to be married or not and then if he doesn't want to be married you can move on i mean get out of the marriage shut it down and think about how to move your life forward then sit down in a place where your life is continually being messed up being endangered by his promiscuous lifestyle that's very very important counseling will help you a lot you know so i will encourage you also to order for my book on understanding marriage relationships family life it deals with divorce separation domestic abuses emotional and psychological abuses all of that is treated doctrinally and then i took enough time which i don't have on this platform to share with you what to do from the word of god that's the counsel from scripture okay so from abuja we're heading straight to next door keduna and hello mr bush by the way this is just for prayers i'm global baba thank god for your labor in the world and doctrine you've been a blessing to me i just want to thank you for your prayers for my son's visa you prayed for him during 60 days of glory and global baba his visa was granted him so he is heading to the united kingdom and blessed son praise god sister and ketchi we rejoice you turn your son the lord will keep him and perfect that which concerns him in the uk in jesus name amen so quickly we move over to lagos nigeria hello sir i get back a few weeks ago and after that i became depressed then i started having a feeling of the fear of death this began after some words were spoken by someone who came to visit and help us for a few days please pray for me sir god bless you mrs ayo in lagos he says i am going to pray for you but remember god has not given to you the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind fear is a connector just like faith is a connector fear connects you to the object of your fear faith connects you to the promise of god in christ you cannot tolerate fear fear tolerated is faith contaminated what fear is to satan is what faith is to god see fear creates an environment for satan to carry out all of his atrocities and neither give place to the devil and that is so important because you you must learn to protect your eye gate your ear gate and your mouth gate because what people keep saying around you has the tendency of poisoning you it starts poisoning your thoughts and creating loopholes for you in your thoughts but remember again god has not given you fear the devil can do nothing about you you are in christ you are sealed and you are in authority you are one with christ what cannot happen to christ cannot happen to you we take authority over your mind we cast down imaginations we silence you fear out in the name of jesus amen we speak peace over you peace peace over you right now and we put an end to every threat of the enemy and we decree that you have the authority that you require to trample over serpent scorpions and over all the power of the devil and nothing shall by any means hurt you thank you father in jesus name amen amen from lagos quickly quickly we're flying to delta state ceiling nigeria we're heading to worry hello global my name is john deepy right from worry i'm a pastor please grab a baba how do i get grace for success in ministry sir we really appreciate you for being a blessing to this generation how can a pastor be full of grace to succeed in ministry well grace for ministry is a function of knowledge grace and peace be multiplied through the knowledge of the lord jesus christ so as a pastor you want to succeed in ministry you must be able to define what success is success in ministry is to defend the message what message the message of the gospel many ministers in ministry don't even know what the gospel is and even what the message is they are preaching messages but they don't know what the message is so my advice if you really want to succeed in defending the message raising disciples making christ known all over the world you have to attend to the to the message to sound bible interpretation sound bible interpretation sound bible study learning and growing and maturing that's what you do and as you keep learning and growing grace in your life multiplies for ministry you can order for my book on the office of the pastor you can order for the crystal-centric meal you can order for my audio teaching on the old and the new covenant in christ and many others all of them will help equip you to have robust knowledge that makes you effective in ministry bless you amen just in time global baba first caller on this edition of the program hello hello thank you mom for joining us your name where you calling from yeah so please i'm blessing calling from calaba okay so i want to find yes okay i think is we have a church in calabar and then are also starting a campus the church in calabar is power city international 117 old udupani road 117 old odupani road power city internationally caliber what's the difference between a church and campus you know we we had like two churches that were branches of power city over the years that was far back now a church was what we had when the lord began to speak to me about the message all right and a lot of people started following me from all over the world and many of them didn't go to churches i went to god in prayer and the lord said to me start for them a bible study center where they come to learn and grow and mature so the emphasis for our ministry moved from church church to campus it gives you an idea that you're going to school to go and study and learn and grow so that's our emphasis for branches now fantastic bible teaching center fantastic yeah fantastic we're moving from worry delta state to potako river state first though another caller hello thank you for joining us your name where are you calling from yes hello my name is he'll be all right okay lisa i want you to speak this uh [Music] i want you to pray for me so that i will get a nice job okay get a nice job yes yes dad okay we we pray that as you connect with people connect with opportunities connect with companies and connect with all the job providing firms around your state and around the nation that supernaturally an opportunity be created for you receive a miracle receive that job in jesus name amen amen okay quickly quickly let's head to river state monday akaso rise global barbara thank you for your great bible existences please explain matthew 11 11 and 21 19 that's matthew 11 and 21 19 to me thank you baba matthew 11 11 verily verily i say unto you among them that are born of women there is no reason they're greater than john the baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he all right this was jesus speaking about the ministry of john the baptist you know john the baptist is the prophet the last prophet of the old testament and he's the greatest of all of them but take note john the baptist never healed the sick never raised the dead never performed any miracle no miracle recorded in his name yet jesus said john the baptist was greater than moses elijah elijah with all their miracles and all their power displayed why yet john the baptist that has never done anything was it was greater than all of them why now the reason is because all the old testament prophets kept saying thus says the lord thus says the lord thus is the lord john the baptist said behold the lamb of god so what they were prophesying john saw it and pointed to it so the revelation of jesus is how men of god are weighed in the scale of god's relevance john the baptist without any miracle just by the revelation of jesus is greater than all the old testament prophets with all their miracles without seeing christ so the more of christ you see the more you weigh in the kingdom of god wow so that's what jesus was saying and if that jesus said yet the least in the kingdom is greater than john why because john saw the prophet prophesied you he lives in you praise god hallelujah yeah wow yeah global bible yeah okay quickly matthew 21 19. and when he saw a victory in the way he came to it and found nothing there on but leaves holy and said on it let no fruit grow on thee henceforth forever and presently the victory withered away yeah if you observe if you read down you will find out that jesus was teaching the disciples their authority it was a lecture on how to use authority that same text you read in matthew if you look at mark 11 from verse 20 21 22 23 24 the bible says when jesus spoke to the tree by the next day when they were coming back with the disciples the disciples said master the tree you spoke to has dried up jesus response to them was have faith in god or have the faith that god gives or have god's faith then he began to teach them whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that whatever he says shall come to pass he shall have what he says what things ever you desire when you pray so what jesus used that tree to teach them is how to exercise authority over things and see those things come to pass it was a teaching session between jesus and his disciples on the believer's authority so i'm going to stay on in protagon in a moment first though this next caller hello hello my name is valentine calling from valley go ahead please am i speaking with pastor i mean you're not speaking with michael bush just because please the word i just want you to put more light in it okay i will know more better actually another one again is that i'm having some financial issue amanda uh prayer from you okay well we pray for you first of all father we ask that supernaturally you'll grant your son favor supernatural opportunities and connections to meet his financial needs amen in jesus name amen amen now the scripture you are quoting is actually the apostles that made reference brother paul he said we know the words of our lord jesus christ how that he said it is more blessed to give than to receive there is no scripture like that jesus never said anything like that so what brother paul did was to summarize the teachings of jesus on giving and make it you know give us a summarized version of that teaching that it is always a blessing to give to people than to be collecting because the emphasis of jesus is teaching is love rather than selfishness selfishness is about me me me love is about helping you reaching out to you making you better and the blessing is when i give to you like i always say a millennia is not one that has a million a millennia is one whose life has affected a million people so if your life is touching people that's where the blessing is i don't call her thank you hello you for joining us will you call him from go ahead yeah my name is okay i want to thank my father in the lord i want to thank you for the word giving us and the lord is here today in my system in my life since i finally sent to you to you my life have changed i'm the one that called that time and said that i have imprints on my stomach so today i went for tests and said that i have that my typhoid is very high in malaria so i want you to pray for me so as far as i'm about to take the medication that it has to do and also pray for my mother in the village she's very sick i need his prayers all right in the name of jesus we rebuke typhoid malaria and all of those symptoms and diseases and we declare those medications you're about to take blessed in jesus name amen amen the fundamentality of prayers the way our people love prayers yes the people who would poke fun at them who would laugh at them is it good for instance if you've gone for tests it says malaria take the drug story but you say i need prayers is that a good thing well you know the bible says everything everything about the things we eat and drink are blessed with thanksgiving and prayer so it's a good thing to pray about everything but prayer shouldn't take the place of expertise we still need the expertise that when we have that then we can now pray in thanksgiving okay and so that's why if you observe the prayer i prayed it was actually a prayer of thanksgiving for those things working in this body yes yeah okay so i don't pray i miss yes i i get it yeah okay this next scholar hello hello thank you for joining us where you calling from hello praise god i'm calling i'm calling from uh from southern sudan i know yes go ahead yes um my name is william i called yesterday to talk to man of god and uh and he prayed for me and i'll be i've seen the grace of god and i'm also requesting him today to pray for me for the word of god okay pastor william thank you from south sudan okay okay we pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened amen that your eyes be opened to the truth of scripture and we decree that the word of the lord grows big on your inside amen in jesus name amen quickly quickly let's go to okay let's still stay on in portugal river state greetings says i'm dr prince will of pubert from potako river state i'm a student of dr abel daminas please help me sir to see clarity in the explanation of ezekiel 1824 in context i was post this question as i tried to communicate the the concept of eternal salvation to someone best regards ezekiel 18 24 ezekiel 18 24 eternal salvation in ezekiel but when the righteous turned away from his righteousness and committed iniquity and doubt according to all the abominations that the wicked man do it shall he leave all his righteousness that he had done shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he had trespassed and it is seen that he has seen in them shall he die remember when ezekiel wrote this scripture that jesus had not died jesus had not shed his blood in the old testament their righteousness were measured by their works it is called the righteousness of the law put it up let me give you the scripture romans chapter 10 verse 5 for moses describe it the righteousness which is of the law how does it work that the man which do it those things shall live by them old testament righteousness what about doing something then give me the next verse but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on these wise say not in thy heart you shall ascend into heaven that is to bring christ down from above now what ezekiel was talking about was the righteousness of the law but christ has fulfilled the law and taken it out so your faith in christ today guarantees you eternal righteousness forever that's the difference fantastic another caller hello hello thank you for joining us you know where you calling from hi the intercontinental michaels my name is yeah i'm just glad it's not done today i followed up the 60 days of zone and uh it was such a blessing i want to just say a very big uh dr damina and for the life that is impacting around me i really do not have a question because uh all my doubts and all my questions are getting answered learning everything okay thank you very much just say me well to your family we're staying on in um river state this time we go to anthony please global baba my wife has been suffering from pile for over 30 years please pray for her to be healed thank you sir okay monday again this time from undone oh father we ask that that sickness is rebuked in the name of jesus amen oppression taken away today your body be healed in jesus name amen to abia state next blah blah blah blah blah my name is jokes arrived from abia state please global baba pray for my family and me we are going through serial hardship we need words of prayer for these hardships to seas you know global baba there's some hardships that really need prayers yep yeah i know yeah the ones that are generational yeah yeah you know hardships that you just keep like circled and never end absolutely you know sometimes it could just be wrong choices sometimes could be wrong positioning and sometimes it could be demonic so father we ask that intervention supernatural intervention divine intervention for this family that supernaturally things will shift counsel will come direction will come opportunities open up in the name of jesus amen thank you father for a miracle in jesus name amen next caller hello hello thank you for joining us your name were you calling from global mr bush thank you so much i just want to say a very big thank you for the great work you're doing i'm calling from south africa and first of all okay yes uh you guys are doing an amazing job and i want to say continue what you doing know we performed against you for prosper that is for sure yes prayed for us concerning my child best satisfaction which was in a home affair for some time but we got it after the prayer so we thank you for that fantastic fantastic praise so today is the day teaching of testimony thank you god's continued god's going to do even more for your family amen okay i'm also tapping the anointing you're doing well okay so we're heading next to cross river states where we take one anonymous entry from the road from abia blah blah blah by your sound teachings i've healed my soul i call you doctor of divinity please pray for me that i may be healed and blessed financially it is holy his soul is healed father we have the circumstances are arranged to create opportunities for your son to walk his way out of financial challenges into the reality of prosperity in jesus name amen amen in the next four minutes i'll be leaving nigeria so i'll try and see what i do because um uh have interests from africa i have entries from the americas i have entries from europe have entries even from a far field as australia i try and do that once a quarter to the end of this show but right now sam in cross river state that's next choice says global baba i'm grateful for the revelation of truth and the impact we've been making through god's word i'm really blessed since i started following your teachings please sir through more light on first corinthians 14 34 to 35 we'll come back to that producer is asking me to take this caller hello hello thank you for coming you name where you're calling from i'm not calling from donna i want to find out from the great man of brother whether it is normal that i love him soon but sometimes when i am praying i have his picture in my room that i normally lay my hand on late and i pray that may god has planned me the grace that he has given to him that he's doing this except his work in our world isn't normal that i say that kind of prayer he must understand why he's not normal he should have carried my own picture and placed it he plays he's asking is it normal he's a pastor too clearly that he's always praying with he has your picture every night every day when he's praying explain that god should make him as great as you are in the world okay is that normal no it's not it's not right that i don't want it yes that's some kind of idol worship because i cannot stand between you and god you and god are more united than i am with you okay so you are closer to god than coming to god with my picture you are in him he's in you you don't need my picture so what you do is if you want to do greater than i am get all my books consume them get all my teachings consume them when you consume all of them you'll be able to add it to what you know that i don't know and you do better than me you don't need my picture it's not necessary at all it's the books and the message you need okay so blah blah baba i'm going to this caller producer wants me to take this next caller but quickly follow up yes so this one that some some some church members say oh the god of this man the god of jesus is idolatry god does not have step children all of us have equal access to god you don't need to call anybody's name in prayer we have only one name for prayer whatever you shall ask the father in the name of jesus he will do it for you all of that is let's call her hello hello it's me again valentine okay okay well go ahead please uh i still have these questions i have this friend that we do have some little arguments about when someone from the of native when we have traditional companies or any celebration like that usually as usually eat from that place and i want to know if it is from when you people do traditional something or not oh it's not or it's not even because our thing again is safe that's hearing there's a food there's a meat that we are not supposed to eat okay traditional food and all of that is that what you're talking about yes yes yes if it is a seed okay everything to eat like meat sacrifice to idol or food that came out of libation or all those kind of things if it is a scene well first of all you need knowledge brother paul says i can eat meat sacrifice to idol and it will mean nothing to me but if i am doing it before somebody that is weak i will not eat it because if you are weak and you eat it it will defile you so you need knowledge but if you have the knowledge of who you are in christ and your authority you can even sit on top of shrine and eat it means nothing but if you don't have that knowledge take time and grow in knowledge before you begin to double into eating these kind of things so that your conscience does not condemn you okay it is not a scenario yes sure global but i think that's something we treated in the very wee days of um 30 days of glory yes i remember it i remember it okay let's go back to crosstalk states by the way i made a promise that about now i'll be going abroad and i'll be doing that in no time but some impossible state wants um to you to throw more light on first corinthians 14 34 to 35. first corinthians 14 let your women keep silent in the church for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience take note of under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church the emphasis here was submitting to the authority of husbands and this scripture is the only place you will see it so it was a localized situation in the church at current localized it's not generalized it was for that particular church if you study the history of the corinthian church the women were lousy and very stubborn so brother paul was putting them back under submission to the authority of their husbands it's not talking about women generally not speaking in touch the same holy spirit in a man is in a woman your sons and daughters shall prophesy i'm going to just say quickly two entries from you then we fly outside the country more grace global baba an apostle michael bush i'm immanuelly tao kun from yo please global baba is the right for a christian to choose football as a career thank you oh why not football wrestling boxing or even football anything you can choose anything any game any sports good for you okay fantastic we're trying to learn how to play chess oh okay global baba you know so you have the time to learn how to yes i'm trying to so when you have all the time to now read today you said during the when you were teaching yes during the service that you have to read and read and read a whole book if you're going to minister from there yes i read the whole book if it's galatians i read the whole chapters over and over before i commented how do you do that is it is it is it it has become a habit so i don't feel it it's like you do a lot of radio broadcast in one day you don't even feel it let's let's take this one so thank you for the good work you're doing in the body of christ um global barbara uncle mr michael bush thank you for making this work easier for my father god bless you blah blah blah i have one question with the minister of angels last till eternity since they don't have eternal life like sons what will happen to them after the second coming of christ thank you i love you so much david benjamin you know you oh yeah they will still be in heaven they are spirits they don't die they will be with us in heaven okay they'll be there this next scholar hello you're not thank you for joining us your name are you calling from go ahead hello my name is christian from ghana thank you pastor thank you for the revelation you've been giving us so please i'm recently experiencing some paint that has to do with strategies and access so please say i would want to draw my faith with yours so that i will recover evenly amen he's experiencing pain talking all right let's pray for you right now in the name of jesus we rebuke those pains will rebuke every symptom their root cause will rebuke in the name of jesus your body be healed be healed from your head to the souls of your feet receive now in jesus name amen amen we're going outside the country now outside nigeria so ghana is our first stop i'm abraham right from ghana please global baba is christianity based on a particular way they of worship christianity is it based on a particular day of um day of worship no it is based on jesus it's not based on a day or days it has nothing to do with days and day it has something to do with a person his name is jesus and jesus is our day jesus is our day and that day is eternal eternal day okay global baba from ghana to southern cameroon please sir pray for me i need the manifestation of the knowledge of god's word in my life my name is gilbert gilles i live from southern cameroon well gilbert as you keep following what we teach and keep studying go to youtube look for all the videos that are there sit down with them and follow them in series and series and series the word of god will open up to you as you do that fantastic anonymous still from outside to the country global barbara please i need your prayer for god to intervene for me in an issue in court coming soon i need victory well we pray that there will be an intervention for you in that issue receive that intervention receive wisdom receive direction and know exactly what to do in jesus name amen amen okay so i am shifting now to kenya greetings dr abel damina thank you for you know giving us such powerful revelation all the time i started following your teachings a month ago there is so much to learn and unlearn and re-learn at the moment i cannot access your books which semens do you recommend i start with i'm currently following your teachings on curse cursing curses and the concept of deliverance which one is that curse yeah because curse cases cussing no which one the ghanian what what do they want to do yes okay and it continues and it continues it says my left leg has neck issues the doctor says i have um arthritis i was also diagnosed with them sugar diabetes please pray for my healing and complete restoration all right let's pray for you first father we ask for a miracle your body be healed your body be healed from every infirmity in the name of jesus receive healing now thank you father in jesus name amen the books to start with i recommend for you live before the cross life after the cross and the crystal-centric meal then you can also order for the audio teaching of the old and the new covenant in christ if you reach our office and ask for these books and the audio teaching they will organize with you and get them across to where you are i'm moving to south africa quickly quickly it says hello sir um who could we sinky mccorella in limpopo south africa i have a question concerning something that happens in church in most churches during service when people are praying or when the leader of the church is praying for the congregation when they fall down not because of demons but because of something else the leaders often refer to it as the power of god manifesting my question global baby is it the holy spirit that makes people to fall or is it if it is not please make me understand what happens when they fall if it is the power of the demon of demons our next caller last caller hello hello good evening thank you for joining us you know where you're calling from yeah i'm actually calling from you go ahead man yeah good evening evening bless you thank you very much okay she's very sick okay okay are you with her oh we've lost a call father we pray for virginia right now we take authority over every sickness and disease we speak to that infirmity in your body satan get your hands off in the name of jesus amen body be healed be healed in jesus name amen amen okay from south africa we're just straight into the bible there was a question on why do people fall under oh yes that yes yeah all right now that came from south africa yeah from south africa you must realize that falling under the power does not mean all the time it is the power of god there are times people fall under the power of demons there are times people just fall for entertainment purposes however in the ministry of jesus if you observe all through his life on earth nobody fell down the only one time people felt was when they're about to arrest jesus so is there anything like people falling under their power yes sometimes the power of god in you because the power of god is inside you and sometimes the power of god in you can be so released within you in the course of prayer or administration or word that this your physical body becomes frail to withstand the surge of power and when that happens sometimes your body gives in and that's when you fall but never must falling be used as a yacht stick to measure the power of god that's the answer to your question there's somebody who wrote from canada okay so canada no because somebody has already called from there perhaps you go to the united states and probably if need be spend the night there god bless you sir my name is pastor winner sam rosami from the united states of america please i would like you to explain to me some 11 3. psalm 11 3 the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do give me the pretext from verse one in the lord put i my trust i'll say you to my soul flee as a birth to your bounty verse 2 follow that we can't bend their bow they make ready their arrow upon the string that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart if the foundations be destroyed he's just talking about natural circumstances of life you know how you start life how you establish relationships how you begin with your life if you do not lay the right foundation lay the right foundation for relationships there's nothing that can be done sometimes to fix it if there is a situation it wasn't talking about foundation where your life with christ is concerned he was talking about just general life physical life here on earth and how you go about things that's what the psalmist was talking about so we've come to the end of this edition of the program the business to thank you for watching and for listening and asking you to tune again in tomorrow blah blah blah we must go dr abel damina benediction the intercontinental mr bush what an evening man we've covered quite some grounds today and it's just a joy to have all of you both on tv online on radio every one of you you know you're all part of making this a success and we treasure and appreciate the time you give us to serve you the grace of god to bring your clarity to teach you the word of god and establish you in the truth that is in christ jesus help us mobilize more people help us reach out to more people let's let's lighten the entire blue marble planet with the light of the gospel of christ we love you guys thank you again looking forward to having all of you tomorrow as we experience the word of god together until then enjoy the grace of christ a believer does not need to break any foundation because the only foundation a believer has is christ you don't break christ once you're born again you're on a short foundation if things are not working it's not because you are under a cause it's not because you are not born again no this may not be working because of certain miscalculations on your part or lack of skill or lack of sensitivity to when the holy ghost gets you direction but it cannot be because there's a foundation a christian has no foundation to break a christian cannot be possessed by devils to be possessed means satan entered your spirit and sat there that's possession how can a christian who is born of god the dna of god is in you how can satan and god live together so that is a deception and is flawed to the body of christ join doctors abel and rachel daminer in new christian camp meeting 2021 and ask the councilor with michael bush theme in christ realities ministering dr abel damina date 31st january to 14th february 2021 time mondays to saturdays 6 pm daily on inspiration fm 105.9 puyo comfort fm 95.1 uyo xlfm 106.9 ryo radio aquabo 90.5 rio union fm 100.7 uh and 104.9 and also live on sunday 7 30 a.m first series and 10 30 a.m second service venue power city international number ninety eight road oyo akwa bomb state nigeria host doctors abel and rachel daminer be there [Music] this is kingdom life network you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,279
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Id: Xa2oB2GZNzk
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Length: 115min 10sec (6910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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