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come on one more time give the lord a shine of grace if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time together authority in my life revelations are you excited [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i have what god says [Music] is [Music] i will [Music] [Music] is jesus is my righteousness jesus is the same i would never never never be the same i will never never know [Music] spirit everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr ava come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the lord i will never ever the same [Music] in the name of jesus heavenly father we rejoice that we come humbly before your precious holy written word and we come to be fed by your word and we thank you for the mighty holy spirit that lives in our hearts to guide us into all the truth so we decree that all over the world today as your word comes with clarity revelation knowledge flows the nations like never before veils are destroyed burdens are terminated your people are built up equipped edified and jesus is glorified thank you for your word that will fulfill your counsel in the hearts and minds of your people and nobody leaves this service the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service do be a favor call a friend a loved one a family member ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves what a joy to have all of you social media community our friends and family on social media i want to thank all of you that have continually making a point of duty to ensure that you get this broadcast on your pages and push them as far as you can all our bible study centers and health centers we're so glad to have all of you connected guys get ready we're going to have an adventure together in the world of his grace campuses around the world we're glad to see everybody those joining for the first time today well welcome to an adventure and a feast in the word of his grace praise god can we give the lord a greater shout glory amen grab your pen your notebook your bible and you can be seated with your sweet smart self we have been looking at the subject of identification brother paul's revelation of identification what does it mean what did paul teach concerning identification john chapter 5 verse 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me so we said the scriptures are christ's it is his bible the bible is christ's bible that is the bible centers around him in luke chapter 24 verse 25 to 27 when jesus met those disciples of his on the way to emails he said unto them all fools and slew of her to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself the church needs to educate not just inform the church needs to educate people in the world people must be brought to a place where they think differently and in alignment with the word of god where people are able to think in accordance with god's word then their lifestyle will begin to emerge from the teaching of god's word the teaching of god's word is key is fundamental you know a typical service is a teaching service the reason for gathering around in church is for the teaching of god's word in luke chapter 24 where we read jesus took 40 days to teach the disciples concerning the things that he had communicated to them previously look at the teaching of jesus again jesus focuses his teaching on the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow keep that somewhere john chapter 16 verse 12 i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now next verse how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for you shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear shall he speak and he will show you things to come you know this is jesus's disclaimer on the things he have taught he will show you things to come look at luke chapter 24 verse 26 and not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory that is a spirit will show you things to come what are those things to come the glory that will follow all right now a little recap we have said that christ is a man if christ is a man is he fully a man yeah is he a man spirit soul and body yeah so he is a man spirit soul and body now from these teachings and for this teaching we restrict ourselves to spirit and body we said body the sin spirit and soul the unseen so we call spirit spirit which combines the soul now luke chapter 4 verse number 18 the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised if he was in his incarnation anointed in luke chapter 4 verse 18 he now says the spirit of the lord is upon me and is quoting from isaiah's prophecy in isaiah 61 verse 1 to 3 the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me that means the spirit came upon him and he is anointed for him to be anointed we will look at what it means to be anointed we will examine what it means to be anointed we have seen the sufferings of christ which refers to his death and his burial and we're also examining the glory that will follow which is his resurrection and ascension so the glory that will follow the death and burial is resurrection and ascension or exaltation come back again to luke chapter 4 verse the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised we need to know the meaning of the word anointed because that word is used carelessly today anointed man of god anointed songs anointed footballer anointed goalkeeper anointed driver anointed handkerchief anointed water everything is anointed so let's look at the meaning of the word anointed christ like we said is a man spirit soul and body isaiah 61 verse 1 says the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he has anointed me that word is used 69 times in the hebrew 69 times in the hebrew it is a hebrew word meshach meshach it means to paint a surface or to smear to paint a surface or to smear and it simply means something was added something was added the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he has anointed something was added that was not there before for example when you say this lady painted her face what you're saying is this lady has added something to her face that was not there before so that means something was added to jesus the use of the word because the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the use of that word because he has anointed me it's indicative of something added if he was god in that incarnation then he wouldn't need anything to be added to him because god does not need anything to be added to him but something was added to jesus because he said the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he hath anointed me something added in acts 10 38 brother peter said how god anointed jesus he didn't say jesus came anointed he said how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all those that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him how god anointed means it wasn't done in deathless past it was dawn in time it was done in time because that word is the word creole in the greek the same transliteration where you have the septuagint greek the septuagint greek is where the greek translates the hebrew so the translation of the word to anoint is the word creo same word it means to put oil on the surface to add to beautify just like the jews will use the word anoint for rubbing stuff like cream anoint your face anoint your hands your rope cream it is called anointing when you rub cream on your face you are anointing your face now in the new testament it is used in acts 10 38 where we read and in acts 4 27 for of a truth against thy holy child jesus whom thou has anointed but herod whom thou has anointed thy holy child jesus whom thou has anointed but herod and pontius pilate when the gentiles and the people of israel were gathered together jesus was referred to as anointed that means there was an act that made him anointed he didn't say who is the anointed he says he was anointed so notice every time he uses the term anointed it refers to a particular act it refers to a particular act that is jesus was anointed he was not born anointed there was always a participle that shows that it happened acts 4 27 where we read for of a truth against a holy child jesus whom thou has anointed look at ii corinthians chapter 1 verse number 21 now he which establishes us with you in christ and has anointed us is god anointed concentration hebrews chapter 1 verse 9 thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore god even thy god hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy phallus that is the humanity of jesus god anointed him look at verse 8 of hebrews chapter 1 but unto the son he saith thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom so verse 8 is the deity of christ verse 9 is the humanity of christ the prophecies came out like that mixed it's when you study that you are able to separate them that is when you will know where he's talking about his deity and where he is talking about his humanity why was that word anointed or what was it used for it was used for concentration or anoint or anointed that means jesus was anointed you never said to your dad dad the day i become your son i will buy you a car then it's not your dad if it's your dad you don't become you are you are a son you don't become a son if you have to become a son then he is not your dad but you can say the day i become your manager i will buy you a car because as a son you're not automatically a manager but your father can appoint you a manager over his business but as a son you don't need your father's appointment that is who you are that is your nature now that means there was a day you became a manager so when it says how god anointed it means there was a time when jesus was anointed he was not born anointed when was he anointed remember isaiah 61 the spirit of the lord god is upon me because so the question is when was he anointed when was jesus anointed matthew chapter 3 verse 16 and jesus when he was baptized went up straight away out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the spirit of god descending like a dove and lightening upon him 17 and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased the spirit came on jesus according to john's testimony mark chapter 1 verse 10 and straight away coming up out of the water he saw the heavens opened and the spirit like a dove descending upon him eleven and there came a voice from heaven saying thou art my beloved son in whom i am well pleased pay attention to the tenses and verbs same word used for chosen luke chapter 3 verse 21 now when all the people were baptized it came to pass that jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was opened next verse 22 and the holy ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved son indeed i am well pleased observe the word descending descending is a greek word catibano is spelled as k a t i b a i ino catibano is used 82 times catibano is used for a literal descending that is is an eyewitness world that means somebody saw it happen it's not god that said the spirit is upon him it was john that said the spirit was coming or descending upon him catebino is an eyewitness account that means it is used by someone who saw it happen it's a literal use of words it was a literal descent in luke chapter 9 verse 54 and when his disciples james and john saw this they said lord will doubt that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as a liars did the fire was not there so the fire of elijah actually came the word katibino that means the spirit of god actually came on jesus catibano is used for literal descent it must be seen it must be observed then luke uses another word bodily the word bodily is the word somaticos in the greek is spelled as s-o-m-a-t-i-k-o-s somaticus it means impressing it's not like the spirit sent a symbol it says the spirit came in person in other words just like every prophet of the old testament john is bearing witness to jesus he is jesus's witness jesus's witness that he is the christ is the prophets now john is an eyewitness prophet he was present when jesus was anointed i mean physical presence the word form the word shape that is bodily in a shape is the word hedo in the greek h-e-i-d-o hedo is used for visions so notice john saw it happen which means until this point was jesus anointed no he wasn't anointed because this is the first time it is happening so that angel did not give record to this the angel that announced the blood of jesus didn't give us this record is the prophet who did so until this point he was not anointed so there was a literal descent of the spirit upon him showing you again that jesus was human we are still working on the humanity of christ and you will see why it's important now let's go to john john's account takes it one step further john chapter 1 verse 32 and john boy records saying i saw the spirit descending from heaven like a dove and it abode upon him he said i saw he saw it eyewitness same word to behold to see in the greek is the word to your mind to your my t-h-e-o-m-a-i-tioma is used for sight you actually saw it it's not useful i perceive i perceive he has a spirit upon no that's not what john said he didn't say i know this it's not a knowing he said i saw the spirit come on him so this was when jesus was anointed eyewitness account he saw it how do we know jesus was physically raised from the dead the apostles saw it how do we know that jesus one day was anointed with the holy ghost the apostles or the eyewitness writers saw it all right now that's very very important none of us has seen jesus physically alive none of us here but the fact someone else bears witness to that we believe their witness by faith we believe their witness by faith they didn't believe by faith in their own instance they saw it so same thing john saw jesus john saw the holy ghost come on jesus literal descent he said he saw it he had an eyewitness it was an actual sight he saw it remain on him remaining is the word menaul in the greek menu it means to stay that is the spirit staying on him that's why jesus now said in luke chapter 4 verse 18 the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he has anointed me the spirit of the lord god he didn't say because i came by the virgin birth no he said because he has anointed me so the virgin birth was a different event from the anointing of jesus so anointing again means to add something to paint so the holy spirit was added upon jesus in john's baptism the holy spirit was added upon jesus in john's baptism now let's go further the spirit was given to rest upon him that is what john said are remaining upon him that was not when he became the son of god john said i bear record that this is the son of god notice that word upon me the spirit of the lord god is upon me i see the spirit descending upon him is used five times in the book of acts once in luke 24 49 endured with power from on on high acts chapter 1 verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon holy ghost is come upon acts chapter 2 verse 3 and there appeared unto them clothing tongues like us of fire and it sat upon each of them it sat upon acts chapter 8 verse 14. now when the apostles which were at jerusalem heard that samaria had received the word of god they sent unto them peter and john 15 who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the holy ghost 16. for us yet he was falling upon none of them only they were baptized in the name of the lord jesus in the house of cornelius acts 10 44 while peter yet speak these words the holy ghost fell on all them which hurt the world 45 and they of the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peter because that on the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy ghost next verse for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god then answered peter on the gentile acts 19 verse 6 and when paul has laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on on upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied so upon upon upon upon upon the spirit of the lord god is upon upon me jesus because he has anointed now these scriptures we read is this similar to the anointing of jesus huh yes was there an upon upon jesus was there an upon upon all of these instances so it was similar in john's case don't forget while in the book of acts is descriptive in john's case is literal on the day of pentecost it was us like us like us fire clothing tongues of fire in john's case he said i saw the spirit descending and remaining on him in john's case literal because john said i saw is a literal description and he calls that the anointing of jesus listen carefully something we need to think about how come the word anointed of the spirit is not used for the believer how come that word anointed of the spirit is not used for the believer all through the new testament we will examine that in the identification because the term anointed of the spirit is not used for the believer you have the word anointing used four times in the epistles the first instance which i will help you understand is second corinthians 1 21. now he will establish us with you in christ and hath anointed us is god and in that verse of scripture he was referring to jesus that corinthians is a reference to jesus first john 2 20. but you have an unction from the holy one and you know all things he calls it unction first john 2 but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and it's truth and it's no lie and even as it has taught you you shall abide in him james chapter 5 verse 14 is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord these are the only instances you'll find the word anoint or anointing use in the new testament you will not find anywhere it says in the epistles you are anointed of the holy ghost you won't find that anywhere in the epistles it's not found in reference to the believer at all the believer is not anointed of the holy ghost it's not a reference there's no reference at all in the epistles now keep that somewhere because we will get there but to get to that point we will have to leave foundation in teaching then when we get there you will find out why so jesus was anointed the poland revelation doesn't teach you are anointed after the new birth the polite theology does not teach believers that they are anointed after the new birth after they are born again john's reference we will see why he uses the word unction we will see why jesus is anointed of the holy spirit notice how peter says it for god was with him jesus anointed of the holy spirit the incarnation jesus the man he grew in wisdom and statue that means he improved that means when he was born in mary's womb he was imperfect because he grew he added more knowledge and he was also anointed now if that is that it's not happening to him if that anointing didn't happen to him it will fall to his humanity so you have to be anointed to confirm there is a man moreover that was the only way the holy spirit was going to operate on him the spirit of the lord god is upon me because he has anointed me now and it's just because he is human so because he's human he just has to be human you know so he is now on the cross see what he say is on the cross matthew 27 46 and about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice saying a lie a lie la mas about tony that is to say my god my god why has thou forsaken me he picks those words as spoken by david in psalm 22 verse 1. it's a prophetic word my god my god why has thou forsaken me it's a prophecy a prophetic word from david it is picked up by jesus so we say that the words of jesus were predicted the words he spoke were predicted now what happened my god my god why have you forsaken me that word forsaken is the word abundant why have you abandoned me question was jesus abandoned was jesus abandoned huh yes was he lying when he said why have you forsaken me he was in line so he was actually abandoned so was jesus abandoned on the cross yes so when peter says god was with him was god with him on the cross no here jesus matthew 27 46 and about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice was he on the cross yes saying a lie a lie la masa bastani that is to say my god my god why has thou forsaken me was he abandoned on the cross yes was god with him on the cross no second corinthians 5 21 for he had made him to be seen for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him that means that when there was a separation kabbalah god was separated from jesus god separated himself from jesus on the cross he was anointed by the spirit but on the cross god abandoned him and was separated from jesus now so that means that there was a separation for jesus on the cross yes that separation that separation on the cross is spiritual death jesus died spiritually and physically jesus died spiritually so when the father separated from jesus that suppression is spiritual death that's separation and that is the same thing that happened with adam in eden the day you eat of it you shall surely die and adam ate of it he surely died but when he died he was still walking so it was not physical extinction it was spiritual separation that same separation that happened to adam happened to jesus on the cross why because he came on my behalf separation all right now so the father was separated from jesus that means on the cross there was a separation all right now he is not a man that became god he is god that became a man go back to luke 24 but before we read so in jesus is dead he was abandoned of god in his anointing god was with him is that true in his death god abandoned him in the anointing god was with him now look at luke chapter 24 verse 26 but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory the word suffer refers to his death that word enter and to enter is another literal word used by paul in romans 5 12 wherefore as by one man seen entered into the world is the word a second in the greek e-i-s-e c-h-o-m-a-i is sacrament it means sin was not in the world until that man so when you use the word eso comai it means whatever you are referring to was not in until now so when he says not christ to have suffered distance and to enter into his glory that means he was not in that glory until he was raised from the dead he has never been in that glory before he was not in that glory until he was raised from the dead luke used it in luke chapter six verse six a second my and he came to pass also on another sabbath he that he entered into the synagogue and thought he entered a superman he entered entered into the synagogue he came into the synagogue that is here the glory must have been somewhere and jesus went or goes into it all right now don't forget jesus died the sufferings of christ jesus died the sufferings of christ and the glory that will follow so he died to enter into the glory he died to enter into the glory a lot of people believe that you know jesus was on his throne having a great time when he said let me go to the world for 33 and half years then he goes there then after he finished there he went back to the throne where he was before he came no that's not what happened the word asakumai means he was not there until now he wasn't in that glory until now what's the word glory the word glory is from the hebrew word cabard cabord k-a-b-o-d and is the greek word doxa okay now it's the word doksa in the greek taken from the word kabod in the hebrew it is used for something that is weighty and heavy it's used for warf something used for value use for kings with wealth and unknown so when he says uh not christ to have suffered these things referring to his death and to enter into his glory he must have been referring to something weighty something of value something of worth that he entered into so jesus rose from the dead and entered into his glory hallelujah now there was something of splendor of war that he rose up to or he rose up for and he entered into and of course you know we're referring to his resurrection okay now we all agree that this glory happened upon his resurrection it couldn't have been in his death it had to be upon his resurrection you can call it the glory of his work the glory of his work this is the glory of what he has done because glory must be relative glory of what glory of his work oh that is this is the crown of his redemptive work or the crown of his sacrificial work that is everything jesus did this is the crown of heat this is the icing on the cake that is this is the climax of all of his work and this is where he was going from the incarnation to the crucifixion to the dead to the burial to the resurrection to the ascension this glory was his climax this was the consummation or the crowning of all that he was heading to this was his destination point this was his point of arrival all right so to enter into his glory means this is the ultimate to enter into his glory now the death of jesus was the beginning he died he suffered then he entered into his glory something waiting something of value that is this is the crown of his work this is the height of what he did this is the worth the value of all that he intended to accomplish the glory that will follow let's view a few facts very quickly there are some things you read in the four gospels that jesus was speaking of that glory not of the present ministry not of the present glory but in the four gospels look at matthew chapter 1 verse 21 and she shall bring forth a son and that shall call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins did he save his people from their sins in the four gospels no for he shall save his people from their sins but was anybody saved by jesus in the four gospels no when did he save his people from their sins when he rose from the dead in other words this statement had nothing to do with his at work the statement had nothing to do with his earth work i show you more john chapter 10 verse 10 the teeth cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy i am calm that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly the original is that you may have life and you are abundant there is nothing like life abundantly you have life and because of that life you are abundant now did anybody have life in jesus at work no all right now even though that is why he came but he couldn't give anybody life he couldn't save anybody so the glory of his work is that he will save his people the glory of his work is that he will give life but in his early work he was not qualified to give life that means there was a greatness after he rose from the dead in his early work he couldn't give life look at john chapter 3 verse 3 pay attention jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god could you have been born again in jesus earthly work no john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life john 3 14 and as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so much the son of man be lifted up next verse that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life the word lifted up does not mean leave jesus higher lift him up higher no lifted up means to kill him to kill him so if you use that verse to sing what you're saying is kill jesus higher kill jesus to live in bible language means to kill so what jesus means by have everlasting life will be upon his death and resurrection even though that statement was made as though you can receive it now but no because that is the glory of his work he couldn't give anybody life because that glory was reserved for his resurrection glory to god look at matthew 3 11. i indeed baptize you with water onto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire with the holy ghost and with fire keep that somewhere let me ask you another question when jesus rose from the dead did he rise from the dead alone no okay very good matthew 27 51 and behold the veil of the temple was ranked in twin from the top to the bottom and the earth did quick and the rocks ranked 52 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose but then we have peter's explanation acts chapter 2 verse 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us on to this day next verse therefore being a prophet and knowing that god has sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he will raise up christ to sit on his throne next verse he is saying this before speak of the resurrection of christ that his soul was not left in hell neither did his flesh seek corruption next verse this jesus had god raised up whereof we are all witnesses david dead and buried does it mean that it is davis sepulcher does it mean that david sepulcher is still there and david is stealing it huh no what he seems to be doing is a distinction between jesus and david he is not saying in actuality that david is dead and buried look at the prophecy of the resurrection of christ isaiah 26 19 thy dead man shall live together with my dead body shall they arise awake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy deal is at the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead that's the prophecy so he said their dead bodies will be made alive with mine that's the prophecy that their dead body does a prophecy concerning jesus resurrection now first corinthians 15 20 but now is christ rising from the dead and become the first fruit [Music] of them that sleep first fruit is often in the plural often romans 11 16 for if the first fruit be holy the lamp is also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches this was not definitive okay now it is always used in the plural look at romans 16 verse 5 likewise greet the church that is in their house salute my well-beloved epenitus who is the first fruits of archive unto christ the first fruit the jews know that the first fruit is a part of the harvest actually first fruit means more than one it means a bunch a bunch let's see where this same thing was now clearly repeated and clarified first corinthians 16 15. i beseech you brethren you know the house of stephens that it is the first fruits of akaya first fruits of akaya and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the sins very good addiction to the ministry of the saints that plural refers to the church first fruit is always used as plural people together harvest together so first fruit in plural anyway so actually first fruit is in order of harvest first then the whole harvest which makes the first fruit a prototype a prototype first corinthians 15 20-23 just pay attention but now is christ resumed from the dead and become the first fruits of them that sleep next verse for sins by man came dead by man came also the resurrection of the dead next verse for us in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive next verse but every man in his own order cries the first fruits afterward day that are christ and is coming so the resurrection of jesus christ covered more than him first fruits he wasn't alone that's why we had that matthew 27 where he says the graves were opened and the bodies of those that were dead rose with him that was the first fruit of the resurrection that is this becomes the example this becomes the prototype so the falls in hedis the old testament folks we are saved spirit soul and body they were saved because this becomes an example cry is the first fruit and the prophecy says their dead body will be raised together with mine okay will be made alive with mine so in the resurrection of jesus all the saints that slept rose with him in that resurrection and they have become the first fruits just like jesus appeared to mary look at matthew 27 verse 52 and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose next verse and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many they didn't appear to everybody they appeared unto many just like jesus did not appear to everybody he appeared to a selected few for how long the bible says for 40 days he was around and he appeared onto a selected number so the first fruit refers to the initial harvest of the whole harvest so the resurrection will follow that order physical resurrection just like jesus they appeared unto me they were just physically alive like jesus in acts chapter one verse one the former treatise have i made wrote your philosophy of all that jesus began but to do and to teach next verse until the day in which he was taken up after that he threw the holy ghost at giving commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen three to whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god so the guys in matthew 27 did they show themselves alive yes where are there alive yes he says their bodies rose because jesus's physical body rose so if you go to jerusalem today will you find david's body in the grave what about abraham jacob isaac why because on the resurrection of jesus all of them rose with their bodies so their bodies are no more in the grave david's body and all the saints rose together with christ you won't find abraham's body jesus is tomb is empty they rose physically 2000 years ago they rose just like jesus so when he says he led captivity captive hallelujah it was an event jesus went to hedis and they left hades together when they rose they rose together you and i don't go to haiti's anymore hades has been shot down because those in heavies rose with the champion the bible says he let captivity come to you so the cloud of witnesses the cloud of witnesses were together with jesus the spirits of just men perfected at last so they are born again spirit soul and body their bodies change and they are in heaven with their physical bodies just like jesus first fruits fast fruits whatever is in the first fruit will be in the other so diyabadab when we see what happened to them we know what is about to happen to us oh somebody shout i hear you brutality shall put on immortality corruption shall put on incorruption we shall be changed just like they were changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye yeah and we will rise and be together with jesus forever i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now so we can solve what happened to the 12th we are back to the 120 and the 12th we can solve it so now where the twelve saved before acts chapter two yes did they have the holy ghost before acts chapter two yes because to be born again means to be indwelled by the spirit so they are the holy ghost so what did they not have let's examine the feast a little there are two feasts jesus came to fulfill one is the passover passover in the passover you have the judgment of sin where you have redemption where you have redemption then we have the first fruit which is the feast of weeks when israel was born and god gave them a law where they became a royal priesthood a holy nation unto god in the law the day israel was born jesus by his death fulfilled passover and he rose from the dead so when jesus rose from the dead was forgiveness of sins immediately yes so what did he do after 40 days he goes to heaven he comes back to talk for 40 days and says wait for 10 days by the jewish calendar which will be pentecost which will be pentacles because there were two events passover and the first fruits the feast of weeks so now he goes the second time to do what mark 16 19 so then after the lord has spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of god and we know what right hand this is not right hand right hand is regency he sat on the right hand of god acts 2 32 this jesus had got raised up whereof were all witnesses 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he had shed for this which you now see and hear so he sat huh and when he sat what did he do he shed fault so the first time he went to heaven he did not sit he appeared in the presence of god for us then he came down and entered the room without window and door where he ate okay now so his resurrection brought us forgiveness of sins romans 4 25 who was raised again for our justification and first corinthians 15 14 if christ be not risen you are yet in your sins so from the moment he rose from the dead forgiveness of sins was available now next question did the twelve receive forgiveness of sins when jesus rules yes were they born again uh and some emphatically were they born again were they born of the spirit yes was the spirit available at the resurrection yes so what happened in acts chapter 2 you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses that instruction is for who tarry in jerusalem was that instruction for us or for the 12 so today we do not hurry because any church that teaches that you have to tarry for the holy ghost he's misleading you you don't tarry because if you're going to tarry you have to go to jerusalem the instructions say terry where he said it has to be in jerusalem specific it wasn't ambiguous so that instruction is not for us that instruction is for the 12th why in jerusalem the feast of pentacles where everybody will return and that calendar will be fulfilled and it was going to be for 10 days okay carry until okay and then he asks you shall receive after that he went 10 days after 40 was pentecost because pentecost is 50. 40 days jesus thought 10 days after 40 50. pentecost is 50 and that was the calendar for the outpouring of the spirit so now what we can add to acts 1 8 is to tarry why were they to tarry in jerusalem because that is where they celebrate pentecost so acts 1 8 is not applicable to you you do not are in jerusalem that's where the answer is so why didn't they receive why didn't they speak in tongues after the 40 days of teaching because the timing of the outpouring of the spirit was specific at pentecost so that's why after 40 days they waited for 10 days and the prophecy was fulfilled just like jesus was born at the appointed time moses kept shouting show me your glory i want to see your glory god said not now because the glory is the feasible appearance of jesus that's why i said we beheld his glory when we saw him we saw the glory moses wanted to see jesus incarnation and god said not now there's an appointed time so when the fullness of the time was come so every event was according to the scriptures today we are no more waiting for any timing all of the prophecies have been fulfilled in christ so you come into christ you receive everything the moment you get born again you speak in tongues you prophesy you heal the sick you cast out demons you raise the dead the moment you receive jesus you are ready to start ministering you receive it and you minister him to order so is it clear now what happened to the 120 when they were born again when they spoke in talks when they received the spirit all of that we have been able to clarify them clearly can somebody shout hallelujah the sufferings of christ and the glory that will follow what are the sufferings of christ that barrier what is the glory that will follow resurrection exaltation ascension and that glory he has never been in it before so we are going to begin to look into that glory as we continue teaching if you are blessed get on your feet and shout bless amen oh father we rejoice we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost thank you for revelation knowledge growing in this place like a flood the eyes of your people's understanding flooded with light you are strengthened with might by the spirit in the inner man christ dwells in your hearts by faith and decree that the revelation of jesus grows big on your inside until nothing else matters we take authority over every sickness disease the oppression of the enemy lose your holes in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed oh gabano coronosuka la barraneca angre de joco bodies be healed in the name of jesus thank you father for answers to prayer oh father we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice that men and women of god have been equipped all over the blue mobile planet men and women of god are rising empowered to preach the gospel all over the nations disciples are raised and jesus is glorified in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality glory amen now listen i want to take up your offerings because in another two minutes i'll be joining mr michael bush will answer your call respond to your questions and emails and ensure that we continue to make sure that the things you have raised as concerns are clearly taken care of we give in faith we're giving to the world we give in honor of christ always a joy to serve you the grace of god i want to thank all our partners all over the world who continue to partner with us to enable us to do the things we do all over the world thank you for your givings thank you for your sacrifices through you many lives have been beautified with the grace of god and you never lack any good thing in jesus name lift up your office father we give in faith we give with joy thank you for the privilege to give and we thank you for your award that is building us up making us fit to preach this gospel and rightly divide the word of truth as we give in faith our offerings is in honor of christ's finished work and we thank you that both we and our givings are accepted before you thank you for the blessing we give you praise for answer prayer in jesus name amen we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel domino please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email powercityoffice [Music] [Music] [Music] so online audience the people on facebook live and all the other uh online platforms i just like to start this program by thanking all of you in a very special way my name is michael bush i'm super excited to be here please put your hands together live audience for yourselves as well thank you for staying with us okay baba is here help me welcome this uh 12 star general he tells us like a general today he said that's right this one is global general well i don't know i don't put down clues so some books are already the two books we promoted are already out yeah i saw them online i saw them on facebook yes yeah so this this is the one absolutely this communion issue has been laid to rest here permanently so good to see you absolutely god a fantastic day fantastic day thank you well let's pray together father we thank you for grace mercy and jesus and we thank you for the opportunity we have to continue to bring the truth of the gospel to the nations of the earth and father we pray that all over the nations of the earth also that this gospel continues to thrive disciples are equipped men and women of god are rising with strength to preach this gospel with boldness and we thank you for the blessing upon acquiring and the blessing upon this nation and the nations of the earth in jesus precious name amen amen amen okay so global ball we spent the night in zambia so we're going to be starting there from on this edition of the programs zambia be nice it says greetings i'm brother mo i write from zambia i'm in ministry now blah blah blah for four years but i've not yet opened the ministry i'm only running it as a fellowship i'm 21 years and married with one kid i'm requesting blah blah blah for your help to be my mentor i've been following you so much and your teachings have been short my spiritual growth so i've decided to follow up and learn more i don't want to teach i miss what do i do well uh from your email all you need to do again is send another email and on that email the title should be mentoring or mentorship when we get the mail we will send you all the information so you can join the mentoring academy where i'm able to effectively mentor you and you know you meet other mentees that i mentor around the world and we can mentor you for a full one year but of course all those that are mentored even when they graduate from the mentoring academy they remain members of the mentoring academy and i'm able to meet with you from time to time for the rest of this life as long as i'm here on this earth you know i'm able to mentor you talk to you from time to time so it's a wonderful one and we're glad to welcome you okay still from zambia this one mubanga writes hello brother bush and greetings global baba i know my father answers prayer i work in the hospital baba and last sunday i prayed for a young man in our hospital whose life was going down then on monday around 9 00 am blue babies received a text that the young man had passed on now lovable did my father not answer my prayer he answered your prayer but your prayer has no power over the will of that man you can't force him to stay if the man made up his mind to go no matter how powerful your prayer the man will go even lazarus that jesus raised from the dead didn't he die again he still died so you know um the man must have made up his mind that's the way that works sometimes you find yourself praying and talking with the person but inside the person he has already made a decision to go you can't keep him beyond his decision remember and he gave up the goods they didn't collect it he gave it up if a man doesn't give it up he won't go that's why some people even in coma they stay in coma for one year and then they wake up because they never give up their ghost so it's not that god didn't answer he answered your prayer but your prayer did not have power over the will of the man you were praying for that should help should he rather have prayed for the man to have the will to stay alive no again you know when it has to do with praying for people you just pray for people except you have a word of knowledge or a word of wisdom where you want to engage the person in a discourse and it is in the course of the discourse you really know what is in the mind of the man for example somebody i met somebody was begging because he was crippled and as soon as i walked to him i said to him i don't have money but i can get you to walk do you want to work or you want money he said i don't want to work i have i want money he told me he doesn't want to walk i was ministering to some people on wheelchair they brought them from a hospital in south africa from a special hospital where they have people who are you know crippled and all of that they brought about 20 something of them in wheelchairs to a meeting i was doing in cape town and i began to pray for them a number of them stood up and walked that night i remember one particular white guy as soon as i lay down on him to pray he did me like that he becomes on me when i drew clothes he said to me i don't want to walk i said why he said the package from government will not come there's a special package the government give to them because of their condition so he would rather be collecting that package than walk if i prayed on him nothing will happen because in his mind he's decided he doesn't want to walk so again that is why when we pray for people we listen to the spirit the spirit will tell us for example let me give you one lazarus was sick jesus stole his disciples let's go and pray for our friend lazarus he's sleeping then the bible says jesus sat in one place for two days two days in one place then after two days he said let's go and pray for lazarus our friend lazarus is dead what was he doing for two days he was seeking to know what the father wanted and when he had confirmed that the father is in the raising of lazarus he said let's go and raise him up so don't be in a hurry to pray for people it's good to take time and you know and and speak to the lord about especially conditions of death you know conditions of you know situations where you are not the one deciding for them they have to decide so if if if um the father had wanted lazarus to uh you know the father wanted to withdraw himself from lazarus's situation and lazarus had the will to also die and then go like that jesus would not have gone on yes jesus wouldn't have gone because it's not really those that died when jesus was on it there are a lot of people who died that jesus never went to global bible yes okay so we headed to south africa next but um just as we leave we fly out of zambia let's take one anonymous entry for the skies hello my daddy i bring you great news of god's goodness and mercy upon my life today blah blah blah they caught hearing the mata between pure work of greece international limited my corporation and my investors struck her and jettisoned the mata in my favor on account of lack of merit and diligence by both the prosecution and the complainants i'm overjoyed to global baba and very grateful to god for today's overwhelming victory i'm grateful for the spiritual support from power city international and global baba throughout the trying times my lawyer said he wants to proceed with the suit he filed against my investors on the abuse of my human rights but i told him i'll think about it and give him signals whether to proceed so blah blah blah i want to ask you now if i should just overlook everything or i should pursue the human rights case to um so that they can pay me damages thank you for your response i'm so so grateful wow well we rejoice with you that guy is a partner of our ministry we rejoice for that wonderful testimony now to the point of whether you should demand for your human rights um uh you know compensation it's business why not why not but look at what you can do you can reach out to them and say look i have an option to take you guys to cut and demand for my rights but i don't want to go that route how are you guys going to compensate me for the things i went through through this process that's a better approach okay so is that lulu baba our father talking or is global by the politician that would have been no the businessman i'm giving you counsel from the world council okay so global we have to you know the bible says make peace with your adversity before you go to court on the way make peace so instead of taking him to court meet him physically that's bible and tell him look i have an option to go but i don't want to go i would rather settle how are you guys going to compensate me that's the bible and that's even a sweeter settlement that settlement is sweeter than going to court and getting victory and all of that because everyone will be at peace and still in love okay still from south africa hello dr damina mr bush i'd like to thank both of you for the opportunity to talk to you i'm really honored some years ago i dreamed of an elderly man handsome with white hair and white beards he was sitting by the side of the road he called me and said i should read first corinthians 1 one when i read it i didn't understand the meaning last year i dreamt of a voice saying to me for necessities laid upon me and the man said i should talk about the redemptive work of christ does that mean i'm called blah blah blah please help me thank you sir judith from south africa judith you were called from the day you got born again the call is salvation there's no call higher than salvation the moment you receive christ you were called the message that got you saved makes a messenger out of you however the fact that you're called doesn't mean you start ministry day two that is why you learn that's why you're equipped that's what we teach you that's why you grow and then as you grow in the things of god it is natural that you do ministry remember those he for knew he predestinated those he predestinated he called those he called he justified those he justified he glorified so you've been called by jesus from the day you got born again but as you grow ministry is a fruit of spiritual growth ministry is a fruit of spiritual growth so as you grow spiritually ministry will naturally come out of you to be a blessing to other people okay so global bob are still from gerber south africa hello global bubble dr damina thank you for the amazing work and display of god's wisdom and sharing to us the true gospel of jesus christ to you to the enable intercontinental mr michael bush thank you all for the good work my question did he know can elijah global baba die or did they suddenly vanish out of this planet earth is that their wish or was that their wish my second question is joel 2 32 for in mount zion and in jerusalem they shall be deliverance can you explain further what the verse is saying please sir can i have the exact address in joe buck where i can get your books thank you my name is kenneth quiro all right kenneth our office will reply on how to get books in juborg your first question is um enoch and elijah go to heaven no they didn't they just died it was a type of death because hebrews chapter 11 verse 13 these all died in faith who are they this all the elders who through faith obtained good report so all of those old testament saints died enoch died elijah died it's just that the way it was explained then second question what does the bible means by opposing shall be deliverance the word of permanent deliverance means upon zion shall be per letter per letter is the hebrew word for the delivered ones which means deliverance does not happen in zion but those that are delivered are assembled in zion what is deliverance deliverance is salvation so the born-again people are assembled in zion that's what it means you can order for the full teaching the concept of deliverance all right okay so global we make way now we told our first caller wow time is gone our first caller hello hello good evening many thanks for joining us where you calling from thank you good evening bless you all all right appreciate the fullness of power upon your life in use of my generation for what god has used you to do in my life i've been following your teaching for a very long time right now i am sick in christchurch praise god so really i want to tell you why so there is no need for people to say i'm going to bible to power to faith is more than a bible school in our generation so everybody should stay in our city and hear the gospel because what he was thought for is a bible school so papa i am really appreciative for the fullness of god upon your life and my mama and your family so please move grace and hope upon you in jesus name amen thank you thank you thank you very much just collecting collecting everywhere locally nationally internationally everyone's praying for you right you know globalization absolutely because the utterance prayer is working on exactly all that i'm i'm just happy okay so i never noticed it okay from south africa we've been straight to zimbabwe global baba in the work of the crystal-centric meal i want to thank you very much for accepting to be used by our lord to bring light to people who have been watched by religious propaganda and robbery of their rights to salvation i'm thankful and ever since i've started following the teachings late 2019 my understanding has changed i'm a bible teacher global barbarian my level of delivery has risen i am now at peace when i share the word is sweet to share the truth of the gospel may dr rashford damina continue to take good care of you so we continue to feed from the right source global father i salute you and remember i'm one of your many disciples finally can you pray for me for new opportunities dr samuel masweni in harare zimbabwe father we thank you for dr samwell we asked for more opportunities new opportunities opportunities for him to make impact for him to advance your course and to be a blessing to other people receive right now in jesus name amen amen from zimbabwe hello global barbarian the intercontinental mr michael bush the baba please can you explain matthew 24 20 to 22 mark 4 11 to 12 and explain why did jesus say lest they should turn and their sins be forgiven them and lastly please explain this parable in luke 19 11 to 27 thank you well let's say on jesus was just explaining you know the nature of the hearts of those people who were in his time in the four gospels that they didn't have access to revelation knowledge which became the hindrance to the turnaround in their hearts he was explaining the limitation that they had because of the state of their hearts towards what he was teaching that's what jesus was talking about the other party we don't have the time to read all of that usually when you email us make sure you put everything so we don't have to keep you know taking the time to be looking blah forward too from the center to cameroon hello blah blah blah i'm apostle kemba roland i'm doing ministry in kumbha town i know kumbhatan they call it k town in cameroon so i wish to appreciate the great work you've been doing in rightly dividing the word i just stopped there for a moment as i said caller number two hello hello many thanks for joining us where are you calling from yeah my name is david i'm calling from delta state baby fire on yeah i want to say thank you very much for enlightening us to the things of god thank you david my question is from the book of revelation chapter 11 about these two witnesses because when i was 15 somebody told me that the two witnesses are the elijah i mean no please i won't develop to explain it to me thank you very much this book is the explanation you need the last days if you can order for this book immediately the last days it has all that exiges is in there in details the last days is an eschatology material and deals with the issue of the two witnesses we don't have the time to start doing exceed justice and explain and giving you scriptures so get this book the last days order for it from our office bless you okay so i head back to combat town in the republic of cameroon where apostle kemba roland writes from i says i started following your teachings in 2010 blah blah blah but i became serious in 2013 i must testify that you of course the reawakening a revolution in my life and ministry gradually the gospel you preach is affecting our country seriously as a republic of cameroon many have insulted castigator and mocked me because i'm your follower but nothing moves me because i'm fully persuaded in the same vein blah blah blah i've gained more people who also follow your teachings i'm the privilege of a seer of life in christ ministry international aka eternal life city with a mandate bringing life and immortality to light through the preaching and the teaching of the gospel of christ jesus to the entire human race you got a vision recently that your you and your wives tell me so it should be i had i had a vision recently that your wife and you visited me and you said you would pay us a surprise visit my little daughter delight says she loves sanjay hill okay lobo baba would like you to be praying for cameron and to visit as soon as you can well visit cameroon for sure and we stand in faith with all of you in cabernet for a divine intervention that the gospel thrives in your country and god's purpose is fulfilled in jesus name amen i'm dashing to the united states in his because of time the lack of video on this edition of the program new york here we come hello everyone my name is daniel i write from new york i just wanted to write to thank you dr abel damina for opening my eyes at 34 years old i finally now read and understand the bible the word of god thank you i love you so much thank you thank you thank you okay so i this uh i think this should be the last caller for this edition of the program hello good evening many thanks for joining us yes good evening i called today uh today i am not asking a question what's your name i want to thank you today okay uh your impact in my life is more suitable i'm grateful for your life i'm grateful for your dedication to the body of christ and my prayers i will continue to to give you insight so that you can bless us thank you so dearly uh michael bush intercontinental ballistic michael bush thank you thank you so much i love you more i'm following you every day thank you thank you thank you appreciate it appreciate it okay so global baba will stay on in the united states of america and we have the longest one i love the entrance i'm going to take it hi my wonderful and ever gracious father the man who has radically turned my life around the man who has made abba known to me this is your precious daughter susie mountains in whom you are well pleased my father i appreciate you for the sound doctrine that you have imparted in me and you will continue to impart in me i'm forever very grateful blue baba rhubarb are listening to you has become 80 of my entertainment i can't feel normal if i don't listen to you teach christ as we finish one i'm listening to another and i don't want it to end i've lost interest in many things and i didn't even have to try i just noticed i don't do them anymore and i laugh at myself it is not just about me anymore i have to look out for others so i have to feed so i can teach oh i love the body of christ and i moved with compassion just to be fed so i can feed others blah blah blah i've been reading the four gospels as an instructor and boy oh boy i love jesus i see his heart of compassion i see how loving he is and i'm like who would not love such a person i'm getting all emotional just typing this because i'm so joyful blah blah blah my body can't even contain it anymore i feel like i want to jump out of my body teaching others about crisis all i want to do is has become my life kai blah blah blah i speak in tongues and i'm wondering who is this person you have put doctrine in to me so it has become a routine rubber band balls to teach and i'm also bold to tell people to ask me questions i'm not afraid because you have taught me well i imitate you and i can't go wrong you teach i get it then i spill it out even when you say it in a certain way my spirit which is your spirit is falling so i so i get it you have taught me well a friend asked me a few questions yesterday i answered them all and she was like see this is great to hear all this wisdom you have from the bible global as they are thanking me i'm thanking you i thank god my father for you i'm like a kid in the candy shop hearing the word and teaching the world gives me the greatest joy people can't see my reaction when they ask me questions about my father i'm just super happy because i know about in christ so when they get an answer to a question that has been bugging them i'm overjoyed because god has counted me faithful to do this work nothing can be better than this life is sweet life is very sweet from your favorite daughter in whom you are well placed susan bello wow susie mountain that's powerful thank you my wow so grover where am i going to have a daughter like that who would also write like that and say that to me but people are already saying that of you remember your birthday they were singing the praises oh no no no baba we have i don't know what to do i'm going to make a shock move i think we should go to the uk global baba reducer says we don't have time no no no let me try and come back to the live studios blah blah blah i have some questions that just came in um hello global baba today you helped us to know the body of man can't be destroyed some of the use of hell in the scriptures shows hell is going to destroy completely sinners in it what's your reaction to this past emanuel alpas emmanuel if you get my teaching on soteria five so there are five deals with all of that what happens to the body what will happen in hell and all of that so if it gets to tyria five so tier five will clarify with all the scriptures and explanation okay so them uh from it you so good i can't see a thing it says in your teaching global baba you said immediately we are born again we receive the power to heal the sick raise the death uh cast out demons and clean leapers and so on how many believers and how often do believers raise their people and demonstrate other commandments well when you hear raise the dead don't be thinking of physical raising the dead when you get somebody born again you have raised the dead person and that is the most important the most important is getting people born again that's resurrection from the dead that's raising the debt that's more important than the physical because you can raise somebody from physical debt and he will die and go to hell but when you raise a man from spiritual debt to spiritual life that's eternal okay global war i'm afraid i'm not able to take this one you know i'll take this one tomorrow i promise you just um i apologize um we have to go nobody will have to go tomorrow is another production team many things it's michael bush bringing on blue barber dr ebel damina to take us home in the continental mr bush so good to have you again tonight what a wonderful time thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god those of you online television radio we love you thank you for giving us the opportunity every day to serve you the grace of god remember we're going to be preaching again tonight on inspiration fm 9-10 and then 10 to 12 heritage tomorrow morning 5 45 xl fm 11 to 1 o'clock radio aqua bomb one two three xlfm three to five you know ufm and we're back in the evening tomorrow six to eight p.m gmt plus one tomorrow with the gospel and comfort heaven don't forget to get a copy of these books for yourself we love every one of you looking forward to serving the grace of god tomorrow and until then enjoy the grace of christ goodbye from ryo nigeria amen praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,717
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 20sec (6200 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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