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if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time together [Music] is [Music] are you excited i am what god says says come on i would never jesus is my salvation say jesus is my salvation jesus is my righteousness jesus is is [Music] i never understand [Music] me i it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor available [Applause] from death redeem from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the [Applause] i will the same oh [Music] [Music] i declare that your people's minds are challenged and i declare right now in the name of jesus whatever is not planted by god is rooted out burdens and yolks are destroyed your people are built up equipped and we decree that out of this house great world goes forward to the nations of the earth and we declare that everybody connected around the world that the word of god would challenge their minds and bring them to a place of maturity so that the work of christ is carried out all over the earth and we give you praise that even as we begin this week of training evangelism and discipleship the heartbeat of god will be felt and understood by your people and i decree that in the name of jesus no one shall be dull of understanding no one shall be dull of hearing but everybody shall be quickened in their minds to receive and understand what god is saying at this time so that your people can run with the vision and run with the plan and run with the mandate and run with the vision ages that your people will walk in the light and walk within the plan and walk within the purpose and walk within the pursuit of god for each one in this house so that as a local assembly we will fulfill our mandate to the nations of the earth and we rejoice that we are blessed to be a blessing until all the families of the year be blessed and we thank you for this great responsibility and i thank you lord that your word that goes for this morning will fulfill your counsel in the hearts of your people in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully amen lift your right hands to heaven unless release our feet together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the word naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service this morning by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of our brethren on social media all of you online we love you we're glad you're part of this church family and we're glad that your ears are tuned to hear i'm blessed to hear the things you're about to hear from this morning and for the next few days as we fellowship together in this training evangelism and discipleship i want you to know that this is a huge responsibility god has given to us to determine the salvation of men you know the salvation of men is committed to men because how can they hear without a preacher and how can the preacher preach except he be saint and how can they be saved if they do not hear so the salvation of men is in the hands of men is a huge responsibility and that is why it's important to pay very close attention to the things we're going to be sharing this morning and i want to ask you to help me share the video share it with all the groups on your page tag some people you know get some people look for some people are going to come on because this is what the body of christ requires to fulfill this great assignment given to us to the ends of the earth and we love you guys thank you for always helping to get the gospel out there and also tag some people drop them on you know monogram telegram and whatsapp group and all our campuses around the world we're excited to welcome every one of you to the service today and everyone that is connected in the bible study center we love you all get ready for the word this morning those of us in the building are we excited to be here this morning can we celebrate the word of god with great joy and expectation this morning glory amen grab your pen your bible your notebook you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world now it's important for you to know that as a part of this ministry you must pay attention to the things i'm going to be teaching this morning in the next service and from tomorrow till next sunday first and second serves i'm going to be looking at the foundation and culture of discipleship the foundation and culture of discipleship every local church has a direction of the spirit of god for it every every local church has a culture and direction of the spirit of god for it and the pastor who is the pressing god has placed over the flock you know has that assignment to ensure that that direction of the spirit is followed to the later by the congregants by the church by the people who have been assigned by god to be part of that leadership acts chapter 20 verse 28 acts chapter 20 verse 28 take it therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the holy ghost hath made you oversee us to feed the church of god which he had purchased with his own blood you have that responsibility as a pastor to feed the flock and this is by the holy ghost and it's the duty of the pastor to see to it that the flock is fed that god's people are fed whether i as a past as your pastor or pastors of other local churches that are connected to this service and every one of you that passed us a house church and every one of you that oversees a district and every one of you that passed us on any of our campuses and anyone of you that is raising disciples because once you get involved with raising disciples you are pastoring all right so this is an instruction to everyone that is in the position of oversight or overlooking the spiritual growth of god's people today we have the luxury of being exposed to the media where you are exposed to great men of god in the body of christ used of god for the body and that's good but you see everyone needs to know where they are can be everywhere everyone needs to know it's worldwide you've got to belong to a local house you've got to know where you belong and then you've got to know what the spirit of god is saying to you you must be able to know that because if you observe in revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 the latest we are written to the angel of the church the angel of the church to the angel of the church in philadelphia what was written to simna is not the same that was written to philadelphia what was written to philadelphia was not the same that was written to pagamos they were different you know because the issues incurring are not the issues in galatia so there is always a specific instruction to a local assembly where the pastor has his ears tuned to what god is doing part time and so there will be what will be emphasized in every church at some time sometimes in your local church when you begin to emphasize something someone somewhere is wondering is this not too much and the reason why he's wondering is because he himself does not belong anywhere so because he doesn't belong anywhere everywhere becomes his problem everybody's message becomes his problem because it doesn't belong somewhere it can be too much for you an onlooker because you're not inside the local church so you don't know what god is saying to my congregation you have no right to be questioning what i'm saying to my congregation because you're not the angel of the church and you're not going to be the one to give account to jesus for what i'm doing in this local church are you all hearing them yeah nobody has a responsibility to be the the cross examiner the supervising officer of churches there's no such gift in the fifo there's no such gift in the epistles please it's very important and i know i'm saying what i'm saying before i get into the message because you know amen you need to realize that if paul said to timothy in first timothy chapter 1 verse 18 put it up for me please first timothy chapter 1 verse 18 brother paul says to timothy this charge i commit unto this son timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that down by them midas war a good warfare that's not picking up prophecies everywhere in the body of christ he said specifically prophecies have gone on on you that with them you may wage a good warfare there are specific things that have been prophetically spoken to you not to the body of christ to you as a person you know and he says use those prophecies and what a good warfare in first timothy chapter 4 verse 14 look at what brother paul says to timothy neglect not the gift that is in which was given d by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery or elders this is specific to an individual neglect not that gift which is in you which was given you by prophecy and the land of elders specific then in second timothy chapter one verse six see what brother paul will say to the same timothy and he now says to timothy wherefore i put thee in remembrance that thou still up the gift of god which is indeed by the putting on of hands so he says tear up the gift which was given you by the lane of hands or by brother paul laying hands on you specific so there are prophecies that are general for the body of us and we thank god for them we hold dear unto them that's fine but in your local assembly there are things that are emphasized in 2021 the spirit of god spoke to us as a church it's going to be a year of giving ourselves to the word prayer and supernatural living by the spirit of god and we've been running with this is it is it true we've been running with this on every front so in a local church like this there will be that emphasis we have by the spirit of god matthew 28 verse 18 matthew chapter 28 verse number 18 and jesus came and speak unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth next verse go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world let's look at some things that you know corroborates this in luke chapter 24 verse 25 to there was a conversation between cleopas and the other disciple of course which theologians believed to be his wife they were on their way to emmaus and they were discussing the events of the three days the entire conversation is from the text of the old testament as we call it now you know and it turned to them and he said to them all full slew of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself beginning at moses and all the prophets look at verse 44 of luke chapter 24 luke 24 44 and he said unto them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me next verse then opened here their understanding that they might understand the scriptures the greek word then the girl sunni me that is he open that is a boost thought in their understanding he flashed a new beginning to their understanding the word knows n-o-u-s the way they used to think tsunami it means to synchronize the scriptures together to synchronize the scriptures together look at verse 46 to 49 of luke 24 we're looking at the collaboration of matthew 28 and said unto them this does it is written and thus it behooves christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the top the next verse and that repentance and remission of sins shall be preached in his name among all nations beginning at jerusalem and you are witnesses of these things next verse and behold i send the promise of my father upon you but harry in the city of jerusalem actually be endued with power from on high alright so we have legitimate evidence that jesus is teaching from the old testament he said these are the words beginning at moses the prophet and the psalms moses the prophet and the psalms concerning himself so legitimately jesus thought from genesis to malachi like i have taught you over and over again the first way to understand what someone is teaching is by using the teacher's textbook if you're going to understand what your teacher is teaching you must read from the textbook where he is teaching from if you don't use his textbook you will not hear what his immediate audience heart so to be able to understand what jesus was teaching we must use the same textbook he used in teaching and the first thing here is that this instruction is from the old testament the instruction to teach there to observe teaching them to observe whatsoever i have told you and lo i am with you always to the end of the world that statement is in the old testament because jesus was teaching from moses the prophet the psalms so which means everything he was saying was from the old testament and for us to understand what jesus was saying we must move back to where the audience that had those words set to hear what he was saying are we in the building here all right so we've got to go back there now if it's not there in the old testament then jesus is not the christ and if jesus is not the christ i have no reason to listen to him it has to be from there but it is right there because luke gives us evidence beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures genesis to monaca and he said to them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses in the prophet in the psalms concerning me which means all of his teachings were from the old testament genesis to malachi so the first thing is that it is right there in the old testament so jesus is teaching on making disciples from the old testament jesus is teaching on making disciples from the old testament he is teaching teaching he is teaching them to teach from the old testament the word making disciples is the word martial martha chio in the greek and for those of you making notes is m a t h m a t h t e u o mathew the word there has to do with training people to train others making disciples of every nation and that statement is a continuous term that statement is a continuous term keep making disciples of every nation it doesn't end keep making disciples of every nation it doesn't end look at matthew 13 52 matthew chapter 13 verse number 52 then he said unto them therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder which brings forth out of his treasure of things new and old we have that word again used matato instructed into instructed into the word mattitude please pay attention here instructed dear is the word mattitude that is he is trained into trained into the first thing is that we are born into the kingdom of god by faith in jesus christ we are born into the kingdom of god by faith in jesus christ john chapter 3 verse 3 jesus said to nick at night except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god verse five except a man verse five except a man be born of water that is the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god thus being born again now how is that going to happen jesus said to nicodemus in the same context verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life so you are born into is the greek word genuine anatomy genua anatim you are born into the kingdom of god but this is not referring to that alone he is saying apart from being born into the kingdom of god you are instructed into the kingdom you are instructed into the kingdom in other words the kingdom of god is no longer referring to an event or a place is now activities the kingdom of god is no longer just referring to a place or and you know a location it is referring to an activity the activities will include instructions dealings culture ethos and on and on in matthew 27 57 matthew chapter 27 verse 57 when the event was calm there came a rich man of aramatia named joseph who also himself was jesus disciple who also himself was jesus disciple pay attention to these phrases the word matatio there refers to he was being trained he was being trained it shows you that he was found in that process of being trained notice what he calls him in the first text we read he said there were scribes scribes when we say scribes they are authoritative people scribes do you know why those words are important number one a scribe is an authority when it comes to teaching the scriptures a scribe is an authority when it comes to teaching the scriptures number two a rich man is an authority when it comes to money so both the scribes and the rich man submitted themselves to be jesus's disciples the scribe is an authority when it comes to teaching of the scriptures and a rich man is an authority when it comes to money now to describe these two classes of people as jesus's disciples is like the exact opposite it's like the exact opposite which means that they are now being rescheduled all over again they are being reschooled all over again because in the culture of discipleship which i will show you within the week the essence of our conference this week is to look at that culture of discipleship disciples refers to young people young people the young people people who are as it were untrained young like teenagers young like teenagers so by saying a scribe instructed a rich man instructed there is something happening here which we will examine in details right now so we have seen a scribe an authority as touching the torah a scribe is an authority where the old testament is concerned yet the scribes submitted himself to jesus to be instructed a rich man is an authority in the money world yet a billionaire submitted himself to be retrained by jesus please listen very carefully historically speaking you know in jesus day there were less than five percent of people that were wealthy actually historically this is about two to three percent of the entire society that were wealthy so one out of them joseph of aramata a bologna out of the two to three percent broke the mold and submitted himself to be discipled that is to say when you are calling names of rich people in jesus time in the society it was just two percent of the population and one out of them called joseph of aramatia broke the mold and brought himself as a disciple now that's instructive a scribe a rich man acts 14 21 please pay attention acts chapter 14 verse 21 and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many they returned again to lystra and to iconium and antioch they have taught many that's a what to underline they had taught many is what mattered to you they had taught many look at verse 22 of acts chapter 14 22 confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god so they taught many just like matthew 28 20 go and teach teaching they taught meaning so where do we have that in the old testament where do we have discipleship in the old testament because jesus was teaching discipleship from genesis to malachi and we need to go back to that audience and sit where they sat are you still with me now the first thing is that the word disciple which is marty's disciple martitis which is where we have the word to make disciples doesn't occur at all in the old testament that word disciple does not occur at all in the old testament martinez and interestingly also it does not exist at all in the epistles so it is not in genesis to malachi and it is not in romans to revelation the word disciple please stay with me so what then is the issue the point is what makes more sense to us in matthew 28 is verse 19. look at matthew 28 verse 19 of all nations of all nations go e therefore and teach all nations please take that down go eat therefore and teach all nations so when we say of all nations the old testament takes a replete with that instruction to go to all nations or to have all nations worship god for example psalm 22 27 psalm 22 27 all the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the lord and all the kindred of the nations shall worship before thee next verse for the kingdom is the lord and he is the governor among the nations he is the governor among the nations so if you go up to matthew 28 you see that one of the things that happened before verse 18 is that the disciples went to the mountain to meet jesus look at it matthew 28 verse 17 matthew 28 verse 17 and when they saw jesus because they went to the mountain to see jesus and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted they worshipped him all right psalm 22 27 all the nations shall worship the lord matthew 28 18 they worshipped him matthew 28 20 go and teach all nations psalm 22 27 and 28 he is the governor among all nations so now let's push a bit more isaiah 42 1 2 3 and 4 isaiah 42 verse 1 to 4 behold my servant whom i uphold my elect in whom my soul delighted i have put my spirit upon him he shall bring for judgment to the gentiles please listen carefully he shall not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets a bruised ridge shall not break and the smoking flux shall not quench he shall bring forth judgment unto truth he shall not fail nor be discouraged till he has set judgment in the earth and the isles shall wait for his law look at verse 6 of that same scripture verse 6 i the lord have called thee in righteousness and will uphold thy hand and will keep thee and give thee for a covenant of the people for a light of the gentiles for a light of the gentiles or a lie to the gentiles look at isaiah 52 7 8 9 and 10 isaiah 52 we are lame foundation so please stay with me it's important how beautiful upon the mountains at the feet of him that bring it good tidings that published peace that bring it good tidings of good that published salvation that saith unto zion thy god reign it thy watchmen shall lift up their voice with the voice together shall they sing for they shall see eye to eye when the lord shall bring against zion break forth into joy sing together u.s places of jerusalem for the lord had comforted his people he had redeemed jerusalem the lord had made bear his holy arm in the eyes of all nations and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our god so there's a promise of salvation and worship because the end of salvation the reason for salvation is worship the end of salvation the reason for salvation is worship you are saved to worship him let my son go why that he may serve me you are saved to worship him remember i will bless you and make you a blessing until all the families of the earth be blessed so the essence of salvation is so that we can worship him we are saved to serve look at psalm 2 verse 8 the book of psalms chapter 2 verse number 8 psalms 2 verse 8 acts of me and i shall give you the hidden for their inheritance and the other most part of the earth for thy possession the uttermost part of the earth that's acts chapter 1 verse 8 you shall receive power and you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria to the ultimate part of the earth acts 1 8 that's psalm 2 verse 8 is what is repeated in acts chapter 1 verse eight this three echoes this acts 1 8 psalm 2 8 re echoes genesis chapter 1 verse 26 genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the age 27 so god created man in his own image in the image of god created in him male and female created he them 28 and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that move it upon the earth so that is a echoing of acts 1 8 and psalm 2 8 and critically is verse 28 have dominion over the fouls of the air over the fish in the sea and over every creeping thing that moved upon the earth that is a genesis command so why then did jesus use the word disciple listen carefully after the prophet we had this period in the bible where you find people like ezra and nehemiah who we are committed to building what you call the second temple and you know there was captivity and there was babylon and they now had people because at that point israel had been mixed among nations their culture has been mixed you know among nations and even their language at some point even though they retained the originality of their language so men arose who were believers in god's promise and began to reinstruct the nation they began to reteach they began to teach them the law the law of god the promise of god and they were described at that time as scribes scribes those who were teachers so that evolved like a set of people who began to teach the old testament and they began to teach it they began to instruct it they began to explain the old testament in details you had men like like that a man like that was ezra you know ezra and then you have people like first and second samuel which was rewritten as a story explained in first and second chronicles because first and second samuel was rewritten in first and second chronicles so first and second chronicles is a rewriting of first and second samuel for those of you who who you know who who are very you know who want to really understand the make of scripture that's what i'm emphasizing a lot had happened between that period so nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1. let's look at it nehemiah chapter 8 verse number 1 nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1. remember nehemiah chapter 8 verse 1. i need somebody on that computer is conversant with the bible and all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the street that was before the watergate and they speak unto ezra describe to bring the book of the law of moses which the lord had commanded to israel ezra is a priest he is also a scribe what did ezra do look at that nehemiah chapter 8 verse 7 b and 8 nehemiah chapter 8 verse 7 the b part and he caused the people to understand the law and the people stood in their place verse eight so they read in the book in the law of god distinctly and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading now when he says they read the book in the law of god and cause the people to understand that word is being in the hebrew b i n being it means to discern it to discern use 169 times in the hebrew bible to discern it properly look at that verse 8 verse 8 of nehemiah chapter 8 so they read in the book in the law of god distinctly and gave the sense and caused them to understand the reading they caused them to understand the reading now to discern properly that's the clear light when he said they read the word they read is the word quran in the hebrew q-a-r-a quara it means to proclaim to proclaim all right that word you will find in genesis chapter 1 verse 5 genesis chapter 1 verse number 5 and god called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning we are the first day the evening and the morning that is to call to proclaim so that means what he is doing here is proclaiming the book of the law he is proclaiming the book of the law he is preaching the book of the lord distinctly he is preaching the book of the law distinctly the word parash parash that word distinctly is the word parash in the hebrew parash the word parash they are which means to distinguish that word parish to distinguish for further studies you will find it in leviticus 24 12. leviticus 24 12 numbers 1534 and ezekiel 34 12 it means to scatter something that's exactly what jesus did in luke 24 27 the menuha to interpret that is he made it clear to them in a distinct way di menorah to interpret so the word parish dear is similar to interpretation is similar to their menua all right and he says distinctly and gave the sense distinctly and gave the sense the word sense is the word sequel in the hebrew l s-e-k-e-l-s l it means to judge things properly it means to judge things properly it means prudent it means inside it means skill prudent inside skill without much ado what is going on here is discipleship discipleship because he is teaching them to understand it then he is teaching them to be skillful with it did you get that number one he is teaching them to understand it number two he is teaching them to be skillful with it all right now please stay with me same thing in second timothy 3 15. same thing he was doing is what brother paul was telling timothy that from a child you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make the wise the word sufficient to make the wise the words of israel take him from sofia which means skillful to make you skillful you are able to know the holy scriptures which are able to make you skillful sofia take him from i mean sophisto take him from sofia then the 14 the 14 in nehemiah is he caused them to understand the reading he caused them to understand the reading the second word reading there is the word mikra mikra in the hebrew m a k r a m a k r a it means a corporate study a corporate study means he caused them to understand the reading the corporate study of god's word he caused them to come to a place of understanding as they corporately read the word of god so we have seen the background of discipleship number one he is teaching in discipleship there is teaching in discipleship there is teaching you cannot have a disciple that is not being taught and you cannot be a disciple if you are not being taught it's easy to know disciples from that first one in this church a disciple comes to church with the study notes notebooks by ross and his bible those are the tools of a disciple so anybody who comes to church without that is not a disciple i don't care how long you've been in this church he is not a disciple he's just a regular church attender a real disciple comes to church with the tools of learning his notebook he spend his bible because that is what you are coming for you are not coming to watch entertainment we have zero entertainment in this church not existing at all so it's not a place to come and watch choreography or is it choreography or choreography it's not a place to come and watch drama it's not a place to come and watch an array of musicians is it musicians or musicians who are there to just entertain you no this is a teaching house so every member of this house is a student is a disciple so number one there is teaching number two there is interpretation there is interpretation number three there is skill acquired in discipleship there is teaching there is interpretation there is skill acquired and number four there's a corporate worship to eat there's a corporate worship to eat let me go over the list again for those making notes number one there is teaching number two there is interpretation number three there is skill acquired number four there is a corporate worship to eat where did the word matates come from maltese and if you're making notes the word martyrtis is spelled as m-a-t-e-t-i-s martitis the word martitis is using the greek language for an apprentice an apprentice but the jews equally you know from this practice they started to retrain people whether you were young or old they started to retrain people from this practice we have just read in nehemiah they started to retrain people whether you are young or old they will retrain you in the law of god bring you up in the law of god so it's like going back to school and starting again how many of you are familiar with these words every time i teach or most times i teach learn or learn we learn are you familiar with that that's what's going on here they were all learning they were relearning they were unlearning they were relearning and they were learning new things so they were learning new things they were unlearning the old things they learned and they were relearning in the in the right perspective because that's the way it works with discipleship there's a lot of unlearning there's a lot of re-learning and there's a lot of learning okay now within the life of israel we had this education that was for the citizens of israel where even though you are a banker a medical doctor a farmer when it comes to the law of god you start like a child whatever you wear even if you're a professor because if you're a professor in physics you are an idiot in the bible except you are taught you understand you are an idiot i didn't say you're an idiot there's a difference between idiot and a deiotis means you are unlearned it's just a greek word and if you follow the teaching within the week a duty shouldn't be strange to you because i used it a lot in the last week okay now so so as time went on now because a practice for someone in the family of many kids it became a practice for them to be given to a scribe you understand in their culture they now give their children to a scribe that scribe will now mentor from a child and begin to teach by their culture it was something done i'm not an authority in this particular information but i think is something done between the ages of 9 and 14. not so sure of that but about nine years old they will hand you over to a scribe among jewish people if you have a child you take your child and give to a scribe for mentoring where the young man actually sits at the feet of teachers and they begin to bring him up they begin to teach him the law i am told that you are taught to memorize the law by heart to memorize the law by heart in their culture so something critical here is that there is a strong teaching emphasis strong teaching emphasis and the person who is this disciple is an apprentice an apprentice how many of you have been involved in internship before you've gone to internship for one thing or the other before care all right medical doctors do it a lot okay internship that's what we mean by apprentice apprentice internship for example you cannot acquire the experience of prayer by grace you can't acquire the experience of prayer by grace the experience of prayer is acquired by praying like we did on friday night that's the only way to you cannot sit and say by grace i pray how you pray by praying you don't know to pray i don't care how many degrees you have in prayer if you like a phd prayer if until you pray you don't know prayer it has been designed that you can never know prayer but by praying that's the only way okay jesus is god you became a man what was he looking for that he prayed all night what was he looking for a person that could take loaves of bread and fish and feed 5 000 people what is he looking for a person that just walks on the water what is he in need of yet he prayed all night he prayed all day he withdrew to pray he spent time in prayer what was he looking for what was he looking for he was building capacity and ability as a believer you remain very flimsy until you give yourself to prayer prayer develops your capacity and ability in fact honey you know prayer gives you endurance prayer especially long prayers they teach you endurance because you can pray long prayers if you're impatient if you're impatient you will pray all the prayer in two minutes and open your eyes and think you have prayed for ten hours then when you look at the watch it's just two minutes and then you get angry because it didn't move as you expected so there is you can't say i know prayer by grace you know prayer by praying and as you are praying your body gets tired and you feel tempted to retire but you push you are developing endurance you get you feel like quitting because you are all in pains but instead of giving up you move a little and as you move a little you move a little suddenly your body wakes up again you fire you fire you fire you fire you fire then you feel the letter g coming again and then you push you you push at that time you may not even know what you're saying because you're not concentrating but you're still pushing you're pushing then after a while your body starts waking up again your body starts waking up again you push what you are building there is endurance is building in you a character is building in you strength is building in you perseverance is building in your doggedness where you say i will do something and nothing stops you because in prayer you have overcome many things what you overcome in prayer cannot overcome you in real life let me leave that first so escaping prayer meeting you're just doing yourself i do yourself you think you're doing me we were busy building our own stamina if you don't come you've done yourself and there is a place in prayer you cannot reach without a corporate atmosphere because corporate atmosphere helps you when you see others pushing you to you are fired to push friday we prayed seven hours nobody felt it seven hours non-stop we were just going we were just going we were just going and it's a little sweet i saw people that sleep slaughtered they sat on the chair like this and they sleep has slaughtered them but prayer is still going on their whole body has retired but their mouth is working i said that's right that's right that's right this kind of person no matter what the devil does he can't give up am i talking to somebody you don't know prayer by reading books you know prayer by actually praying it builds endurance it builds stamina it builds capacity it builds concentration and focus on that pressure when you give yourself to prayer like that even if the whole world is fighting you because in prayer you have dealt with such distractions to gain focus in the midst of pressure your focus is undeterred today is not prayer even though it's part of it even though it's part of it so it is not given to you by grace the experience of prayer is not given by laying of hands receiving partition you are now a prayerful person no it is not given by laying of hands you cannot say by grace you are spiritually matured i'm spiritually matured by grace there's no such thing as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the world that you may want so if you're going to grow you must eat there's no we don't lay around on you and say receive receive spiritual maturity no you can't say i am strong in the lord by grace no you don't get strong in the lord by grace you get strong in the lord by spiritual exercise so is a proper apprenticeship we all need to learn to have the attitude of an apprentice the attitude of an apprentice it comes from strong teaching strong teaching it comes from strong teaching not just not just strong teaching but also a strong learner's attitude you must have a strong learner's attitude so whenever your disciple is not a spiritual world is only used for spiritual purpose it means an apprentice it means an apprentice so think about yourself as an intern you know an intern accountant an intern medical doctor that's exactly what it is in internship you're going there to learn by practice you're going there to learn by what by practice when we say you're an intern medical doctor it means you're a medical doctor learning under an experienced medical doctor and he can sit down and run you around the place go there do that take that bring it clean that wash that you are a doctor but you're busy washing plates wash that plate quickly wash it it's part of medical science most of the things that train you for your life are unrelated to your life when your mother makes you sleep every morning and any day you are late to sleep you are beating for it sweeping that sweeping builds something into you that makes you overcome in life other issues of life so it may be unrelated to your vocation but it is relevant for your vocation why is it somebody frowning because you are being trained you have no that will say no training of the present seems joyous but afterward when the training is going on it has no sweetness but afterwards it produces fruits it produces you are a lady your mother as well as making you cut onions cut pepper cut tomato you in the process of cutting you have cut your finger many times to be part of the pepper and the tomatoes keep cutting the finger after a while you won't cut finger you will cut on you it's training and when you know how to cut those things you will also know how to cut things in life when you are face to face with life situations you become calculative you become precise because you learnt precision and you learn how to calculate when you were cutting onions you knew where the knife should not reach you knew where the knife should stop i remember when gile you know was was saying she would not do mathematics years ago and i said to her baby you need mathematics she says what i don't need it i say no you need mathematics so i started thinking of how to convince her to really give attention to mathematics because i didn't know mass and i want my children to overcome that area okay so i said to a baby you need mathematics for driving because in driving you calculate you know where to stop you know where not to stop that's mathematics you need mathematics and then i started showing areas of life where mathematics must be applied you know even in ironing clothes you need mathematics you know even in cleaning your room you need mathematics you know what i'm talking about everything you calculate you know what distance you know how much pressure to put and you know how much pressure not to put all that is mathematics you know all of that is madness in driving you calculate the distance between your car and the next car so you know how much speed to apply in case there's a sudden break you won't go and jump the car all that is mathematics so when i shut down with her she said ah okay that's true that means i need mathematics i said yes you do life is like that so many of the things you learn are all related to what you want to do but they become very useful to what you want to do if you must succeed if i'm communicating can i hear a good amen how do you remember what movie is he the karate kid the karate kid the young boy that wanted to learn karat how many of you have watched it they wanted long karate and they made the point to be cleaning car and the boy would clean the car anyhow the man told him no no you're not ready for karate go and learn how to clean car so the guy has to clink in a particular way clean car in a particular way clinker and he wondered what his cleaning car got to do with karate he was busy cleaning car and cleaning car and didn't know that he was cleaning car he was developing muscles in his hands he was developing that was the exercise for the development of muscles in his biceps and triceps to help him when he begins to cut in karate the team will go with with the punch but he thought they were wasting his time by making him watch god polish the car he would polish that he said i came for karate you are making me watch god no karate begins with carwashing are we teaching this morning in discipleship you're an apprentice even in the spiritual and of course you know it's the spiritual i'm talking about now you're an apprentice now so think of yourself as an intern if you're not there you will not see anything you cannot find online online internship online internship is there anything like that there is online university but there is no online internship internship you must go there you must physically be there so that they are doing and showing you and making you do and supervising that's internship you don't do it online you have to physically be on site physically beware on site are we teaching here you have to physically be on site to be able to learn and grow now you have to be there they will show you real life experiences you know imagine you have a graduate of medical school and they gave him a license the day graduated and he opened the clinic that same day and you arrived there for training and he said doctor how long have you been in practice i just came from nyc yesterday i opened this clinic there's no problem i cannot take care of you tell him i'm coming back i'm coming back because we don't trust doctors we just finished nys we only begin to trust you after you have accumulated years in doing this thing in different areas and somebody who is experienced confirms that's why sometimes when you hear a doctor they say doctor so you will hear them say under who did he learn then if they call the name of somebody who is very successful you now transfer the trust of that person to this doctor is it not true most successful doctors succeed by referrals most of them is by referral somebody say i just met that doctor that doctor is very good very i've never seen a doctor like that that is already success for that doctor and many doctors lose patience by reference doctor everybody that goes there dies ah okay fire on the mountain and even this one that didn't come there to die because they told him he will tell another person who will tell another person your practice is finished am i communicating i want to close we're dealing with apprenticeship here now you have to learn it don't just assume it you have to learn it so here jesus with his parents we know the story in the book of luke chapter 2 jesus is going somewhere with his parents jesus leaves his parents and then moves in and sits down in the temple they came and found him luke 246 put it up for me luke chapter 2 verse number 46 and it came to pass that after three days they found him they've been looking for three days that kind of child after three days they found him sitting in the midst of the doctors but hearing them and asking them questions there's a level to which you hunger for spiritual growth where you behave like this is hunger this is jesus when you behave like this where you sit down with teaching materials from morning till night from night till morning morning till night night till morning morning till night sleep disappears because you are passionate you are hungry you are hungry for this growth not the one you are listening to one cd before you reach 15 minutes you have slept you can't finish one city in a month you're a joker i say you're a joker and if you're one of those tell yourself i'm a joker because that's who you are can't finish one cd in a month one cd in a month because every time you reach 15 minutes you sleep then you start again 15 minutes you sleep say kai it's like this is not sweet let me look for another one the ones i used to be sweet i used to lay out every day teaching doesn't have to be sweet we are not teaching you sweet things we are not teaching you sweet things we are teaching you what you need you see i like preaching i don't like teaching all these teaching that papers purpose you say you are blessed you will make it you will succeed shot fire three times fire fire fight you know when you are that kind of acquisition is just sweet we are not here to give you sweet things we're here to build you up we're here to build you all have you ever seen anybody smiling in a gym you enter a gym and you're smiling you are still supervising when you start exercising you don't smile nobody does weight lifting with smile in fact there's a way you're lifting the weight you will keep your face you become very ugly that's not the time to smile if anybody is smiling around you that time you tell him to get out get out you think i'm playing here you think i'm joking but there's a place where people smile but not in the gym the gym is a place for growth when you give yourself to growth it's not a time for smiling it's not a time for laughing it's a time for serious engagement it's a time for pain pain serious pain all the time to feel nice you don't come to church to feel nice you're coming out to grow you're coming to grow you're not coming to feel nice you're not coming to relax church every time stand up sit down can somebody relax if you relax stay at home if you come here you're not here to relax you're here to grow and if part of the spiritual exercise we need in a service is to make you stand sit stand sit 10 times you better stand and sit because that's what you need say i hear you we're not here to give you what you want we're here to give you what you need that's church it's a place of instruction because every member is an intern you're here to learn you're here to grow you're here to develop spiritual muscles and capacity so now they met jesus i love the greek word the word sitting down is the greek word cathedral my cathedral my cat is my ka for those making notes k-a-t-h-e z-o-m-a-i carthisomai it's a continuous tense you know there's a way you sit and keep moving around you know some people come to church under one hour 30 minutes of teaching a service they go to toilet 10 times as if they are having sugar diabetes they can't sit down you see small time he has moved some more time he has come back his notes if you look at his notes no sentence is complete every sentence starts but never complete when they write their own greek you would think it's a biblio because when i started writing the words of greek he has gone to urinate when he comes like he writes it the way he's thinking it they're not serious the word sitting down here which is cat is my the greek word there is he sat for long he's to sit down for long hours on end you just sit there sit there that's god jesus is god that's god sitting down for long imagine god sitting and learning for long jesus sat down continually cut his own eye you can find the use of that word that word cat is oh my in matthew 26 55 john chapter 4 verse 6 john 11 20 john 2012 acts 6 15 acts 29 i go quite quickly matthew 26 55 john 4 6 john 11 20 john 20 12 acts 6 15 acts 29 he sat down continually he is not restless he is not restless remember in that luke chapter 2 verse 42 it says he was 12 years old 12 years old a child of 12 years has the discipline of learning 12 years old luke is writing that jesus is fulfilling the scriptures 12 years is a typical you know typically age for disciples among jewish people what is luke saying here luke is saying that jesus himself at the age of 12 was a disciple he is hearing and replying the greek word apocalypse apocalypses he is giving replies he adopts the status of a student so they found him interacting in the scriptures when the mother was complaining look at his answer to his mother luke chapter 2 verse 48. luke chapter 2 verse number 48 and when they saw him they were amazed and his mother said unto him son why has thou dost dealt with us behold thy father and eyes and i sought thee sorrowing 49 and he said unto them how is it that you sought me am i a small boy you know you can imagine jesus a young boy like that at the age of 12. you can imagine you're saying to your mother are you looking i'm looking for will i be lost don't tell me the way to the house i didn't go far now i'm around shouldn't be looking for me don't you know i must be about my father's business i'm just imagining jesus in my mind teenage jesus intelligent guy he was a replying doctor he was engaging strong minds he was engaged the kind of people you talk with tells me where you are it just shows me your class the kind of people you engage the kind of people you reason with and of course the kind of material you read reveals the kind of content you carry cabbage and garbage out drunken junk out and if you're reading nothing it also tells me empty house empty stuff out of the abundance of their heart their mouth speaks there must be something inside to come out if there's nothing inside there's nonsense that will come out i've just described the number of people here the truth is what is said to mary is very cryptic in understanding what jesus said to mary about my father's business remember he is in the temple number two he is among teachers of the law many others did not understand what he was saying look at verse 50 of luke chapter two please stay with me because we're beginning with jesus our master and they understood not the saying which is spoken to them that is he spoke to them in a way they never understood look at verse 151 look at verse 51 and he went down with them and came to nazareth and was subject onto them but his mother kept all these saiyans in her heart she took note of the kind of heavy words that jesus was saying that required interpretation of tongues she she kept the same so jesus called the study of the scriptures the father's business the study of the scriptures the father's business the study of the scriptures he called it the father's business or the father's walk or i must be about my father's doing look at verse 52 of luke chapter 2 verse 52 and jesus increasing wisdom and statue and in favor with god and man and in favor with god and man it shows you that luke is pointing to us what will now take you straight back to fest samuel chapter two and i'll close with that first samuel chapter two remember this must be a teaching from the old testament so jesus his life the life of jesus is teaching us the old testament first samuel chapter 2 verse 26 first samuel chapter 2 verse 26 and the child somewhere grew on and was in favor both with the lord and also with men and the child somewhere so that means the same thing that happened to samwell happened to jesus number one samwell was born miraculously jesus was born miraculously samwell miracle jesus incarnation just like jesus you find somewhere's mother playing the role in his birth in jesus case mary played the role also the mother of someone was involved in the upbringing of samwell just like the mother of jesus was involved in the upbringing of jesus are we here mary did more of this speaking than joseph in luke's gospel beyond that in first samuel chapter 1 verse 11 let's track a little bit and then i close and she vowed a vow and said oh lord of hosts if thou will indeed look on the affliction of that handmaid and remember me and not forget that handmaid but will give unto them handmade a man child then i will give him unto the lord all the days of his life and there shall no raiser come upon his head ana in the temple praying trusting god to have a child getting into alignment look at verse 15 verse 15 verse 15 and anna answered and said no my lord so now the priest comes in and says you are a drunk woman don't be coming to church when you drink alcohol you hear don't be coming to church when you drink alcohol you're a drunk woman and that was a statement of of that love discretion the prophet did a wrong judgment he judged her wrongly and it is it is natural for every leader to judge you wrongly sometimes not all the times no leader ever gets it correct all the time there are such times when your leader will give you a wrong judgment and let me tell you something when a leader judges you wrong it is a test of your character we will never know how loyal or disloyal or rebellious you are until there is a wrong judgment coming to you from your leader that is what will provoke what is insane i mean look at he is a man of god her own pastor is accusing her of drinking you are drunk and you came to the pulpit he shouldn't do that you shouldn't do that that's not right at all but also in that is a test of character can you imagine the depressing jesus called that dog have you read about jesus jesus himself called a woman you are a dog we don't give the children's bread to dogs it was a test of a character some people get angry and go on social media and he calls himself a man of god preaching on radio 11 hours and he calls somebody dog i don't know if you people understand what i am saying comments please doesn't say all of you should join me let's abuse this man the people our of our generation that's why a lot of people in our generation don't have the grace of god in their lives that's why a lot of people in this generation are graceless graceless you see educated young people useless useless some of them they even have money but the money is not achieving anything graceless because if there's something this generation must learn is to honor the grace of god on men that god has set over them because this generation social media has caused too much disrespect too much disrespect anybody just thinks because he has facebook page with 5 000 followers he can go there and engage these granted elements like himself and they form a party of of abusing grace man you think because you abuse me it takes anything from me it took from you how many buckets of water can you fetch to empty an ocean how many buckets how many buckets of water can you face out of an ocean to empty an ocean a man that is graced you can't disgrace him no matter your effort you end up hurting yourself jesus said it is a hard thing to kick your legs against the pricks we live in very very perilous times very perilous times people just talk anyhow just behave anyhow self-appointed facebook pastors self-appointed they have never pastored anybody physically in a physical location and and experienced the pain of raising spiritual children but just because they have a facebook page where people like themselves they gather and form a confederacy a confidence a confederacy of nonsense the man of god judged that wrongly jesus insulted the woman you are a dog but she saw it as a test of character just like anna saw that what this man of god is saying is a test of character at the end of the day i will be the loser he has nothing to lose i have something at stake i want to be pregnant so instead of getting angry and talking to him back i better maintain because i need something the woman said yes lord i'm a dog sir you're correct but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table ah jesus said oh i've never seen faith like this no not in israel jesus turned her response to faith and with faith you please god you are drunk don't be coming to church when you drink alcohol see how drunk you are she said no my lord know my lord no she put herself in a place of submission see i'm a woman of a sorrowful countenance i'm not drunk it's just that too much is on me i'm going through going through so much is at stake man of god i'm a woman of a sorrowful put it up for me that's that's first samuel chapter 2 verse 15 15 quickly and the honor answered first somewhere chapter 1 verse 15 sorry and anna answered and said no my lord i a woman of a sorrowful spirit i have drunk neither wine nor strong drink but i've poured out my soul before the lord look at the right answer she told him no sir please don't be angry i'm not drunk look at verse 16. count not down handbag for a daughter of belia for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have i spoken here too so she she corrected the impression without being rude she corrected the impression that the man of god had without being rude without dishonoring the man of god anger is a bad emotion and it is pride that inspires anger pride write this down every one of you in capital leaders there is no excuse for bad behavior write it in capital leaders there is no excuse for bad behavior if you are rude your pastor may look away but it is you that it will hurt your pastor may not count it he may not note it he may not record it he may let it go he may not take it as anything but if you're rude you're the one that rudeness will hurt your rudeness will not hurt you your man of god no way no way you're the one that your rudeness will hurt can you imagine medium and erom they stood up and said moses are you the only one that god talks to all of us have anointing you leave that thing are you the only one that god talks to they spoke wrongly to moses and that was the end of it honey you know that was the end of miriam and eron the next time we see it will be joshua aaron vanished aaron closed his ministry by his behavior look at barnabas paul barnabas paul silas john mark by numbers paul sellers john mark separate unto me paul and barnabas when they started the journey we see barnabas prominent after a few minutes paul took over the prominence because it is god that appoints people over people i'm talking about spiritual leadership banner was the one that introduced paul to the apostles because barnabas was older than paul in christianity so paul is supposed to follow barnabas but he said he they said separate barnabas and paul he says say paul and so that means from the beginning of the journey the leader has been pointed out as paul even though barnabas is older yet we see that within a short while paul was following i mean barnabas was following paul everywhere it was paul paul paul paul so they went for a missionary journey and after they finished their missionary journey they came back and paul said no john mark will not follow us on the second one because the first one we went with john mark john mark abandoned us we can't take john mark barnabas said paul paul i'm older than you in this thing i am even the one that made people to accept you who are you to drive john mark away if john mark is not coming i'm not coming so paul left john mark and barnabas and took silence that was the end of barnabas read the entire book of acts from that separation bannerbase expired when you play with supernatural relationships you may still be alive on earth but your impact will not be felt relationships are supernatural when god establishes a supernatural relationship between you and your pastor between your pastor and you you don't play with such relationships that was the end of barnabas bad attitude there's no excuse for bad attitude bad behavior it has no excuse miriam and aaron ended the next thing you will see now is joshua and moses is aaron that should have taken over from moses not joshua not joshua joshua was just a boy aaron was a priest remember god said you shall take a run with you moses and aaron aaron was the priest but bad behavior fired him and moses that was i mean joshua that was just a boy around them now became the one that took over he took over from the ministry of moses and led the children of israel into the promised land there's a difference between judging a matter and judging a matter with the wrong behavior a very sharp difference what did this woman do look at verse 20 of that first summer chapter one you know this week is training evangelism and discipleship so i'll be i'll be a bit i'll be beyond my time of teaching so you better get ready for it verse 20. wherefore it came to pass when the time was come about after ana had conceived that she bought a son and called his name somewhere saying because i have asked him of the lord so eventually because of the way she responded in faith she took in and had a child now what else did she do look at verse 22 verse 22 but anna went not up for she said unto her husband i will not go up until the child bewind and then i will bring him that he may appear before the lord and dare abide forever that is i promised god before i had the child now that the child has come as soon as he grows to a point of responsibility i am going with him to hand him over to hand him over now we are having ideas here about discipleship look at verse 27 and 28 and in the second service i will deal with the contrast of somewhere in allies children and i will show the difference you don't want to miss the second service for anything all right give me verse 27 and 20. for this child i prayed and the lord had given me my petition which i asked of him next verse therefore also i have lent him to the lord as long as he leave it he shall be lent to the lord and he worshipped the lord there he worshipped the lord there he worshipped the lord there he worshipped the lord there glory to god are you blessed this morning discipleship i'm going to share some very critical information and discipleship in the next service if i have my way i will keep all of you here until i finish sharing it but of course i have my way yes i have my way except i'm not your pastor am i your pastor so i have my way but i have chosen to test you by letting you go but you are not free to go it's a test if i keep you in charge against your plan once a year it's not a sin because i know some of you if i say go home and listen already you will not i'm your pastor we are busy grinding pepe will you even remember that radioactive this week is discipleship hallelujah are you blessed it's so important you stay for the next house and if for any reason you are not going to stay you've got to listen already or follow online but you need what i want to teach in this you need it more than you think you need it because this week everything i'm going to be teaching tomorrow till next sunday they are critical foundational blocks that would determine how far you go spiritually they are foundational blocks they are key elements that will help you to maximize the grace of god and enjoy the grace of god all your life so it's important praise god i say praise god are you blessed stand on your feet let's pray thank you father hallelujah the borrow let's pray in tongues for a few seconds together [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] thank you father praise your father praise your family thank you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus praise you jesus [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] praise your father praise your father praise your father your father instructions instruction instruction is your life safeguard instruction instruction will preserve you instruction will keep you instruction will give you life life that becomes envious instruction you take hold of instruction do not let her go do not let her go instruction will help you to take steps steps that will culminate in celebration and joy instruction will deliver your soul from death and deliver you from unnecessary pain and deliver you from battles that are not designed to be yours and deliver you from struggles that are not yours instruction will make life easy for you and instruction will give you the life that i designed for you to have do not play with instruction do not let her go i've given you my word and i've given you the understanding of my word so that my word will instruct you it will instruct you when you walk in the light it will instruct you when you walk in darkness it will instruct you my word is designed to lead and direct you and order your steps all your lifetime and give you the kind of life that are designed for you to have so take hold of instructions and don't let her go give premium and place premium on instructions instructions from my world guarantee my quality of life instructions from my world guarantee my quality of life therefore pay heed take heed yield yourself to obey and walk within the confines of my world and the instructions that come along with it and then you will find pleasantness you will find joy you will find fulfillment and you will find true satisfaction in life sayeth god thank you father hallelujah thank you jesus praise your father glory to god thank you lord jesus just wave those hands to him and just worship him and just give him thanks for [Music] thank you father praise your father hallelujah father i pray for everybody in this service this morning every man every woman every boy every girl every child pray for everybody connected online all of our campuses and health centers and everybody listening to the sound of my voice on radio and television i ask that these realities will resonate that lord your people will take take heed this week and pay attention that your people will deliberately and intentionally create time and create create the opportunity to attend to these things to attend to these teachings to attend to these instructions to attend to this world and in the name of jesus i ask that everyone hearing the sound of my voice this will be a destiny deciding moment and a life a life guaranteeing moment and a purposeful life on earth a life of purpose a life that will be ordered according to the plan purpose and design that you have carved out for your people living an intentional life that fits and feels the purpose of god so i ask that your people will pay attention to these things and take them serious and lay them to heart that everybody in this house and everybody watching around the world every member of power city and all the campuses globally that each one will live a fulfilling and a satisfying life and a life that honors jesus thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen are you blessed this morning can we celebrate the word of god in this building praise god glory to god glory to god i say glory to god i said glory to god amen grab a good offering let's give in honor of god's word this morning we give him faith we give it understanding we give it clarity of intentions and we give knowing exactly what we're doing where the kingdom of god is concerned we give us responsible people who have an understanding that we are here to facilitate and enforce the mandate of our father on the end every time you receive the word of god in this house you honor the word of god with your givings including those online and listen to me every one of you online let me address you for a minute you know some of you come online and you feed from what i teach but when it is time to give you sign off you just sign off and walk away you walk away like an irresponsible person why don't you try that in the restaurants in your city just go to a restaurant order for food when you finish eating walk away so that they will give you an idea of you know what you're doing to yourself in the spirit you can feed from this house i'm going to give you an offering elsewhere you're robbing us you're robbing this ministry and that's not right this week is a very serious week i'm not going to let any idiotic behavior just go away i'm going to deal with everything today later you can't be feeding from this house and then you just sign off and walk away when it's time to give you forget that everything that you are getting blessed with people are paying for it and you have a responsibility to give your money so that more people can be reached and i'm not talking to everybody because there's some of you online that are very responsible you give all the time you're giving everything in fact some of your life i'm more responsible physically but there are some of you there are some of you you feed from this place you learn from this place and you just walk away irresponsibly and that's not right that's not right you need to repent of that you need to stop it it's not a good behavior and if you're behaving like that and you see nothing wrong with that it it is a fruit of bad pastoring it means you are not being pastored well because if you are being pastored well you will not take advantage of an opportunity and turn it down every opportunity to give is an opportunity to show yourself responsible and it's not just for the online even the television audience and even the radio audience when you are fed the word of god the bible says if we have fed you in spiritual things it is not a sin for us to ask you of your cannot believe what you are giving is canal it is canal compared to what you're receiving and it's important that you understand that responsibility is critical when you're fed that means you know you didn't understand anything all this time you've been hearing me and we don't want to keep people who are just feeling space we need people who are understanding what we're teaching and are willing to produce the fruit of what we're teaching here praise god i say praise god lift up your offerings to heavenly father thank you this morning for the privilege to learn the privilege to be equipped and to be to to be fed your world and we respond to your word in honor we respect you respond to your word with respect and we thank you for the privilege to practice the world it's a letting that is touch the world communicate with his teacher in all good things therefore as we give today in honor of your word i declare that everybody under the sound of my voice you are also honored in the name of jesus grace are bound towards you you have sufficiency in all things you are bound onto every good work you lack nothing everything you require is provided in the name of jesus and i decree that this week opportunities open up for you favor speaks on your behalf in the name of jesus the work of your hands are blessed great grace is upon you and thank you father for answered prayer in jesus christ's name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality don't forget ladies and gentlemen online and radio and television i'll be live again at 11 a.m as we continue this series and like i said i'm not letting you go i'm not letting you go you have to stay for the second service even though i am going to close but i'm not letting you go even if i say okay you can chill for a few minutes i'm not letting you you need to be here for the second service but we love you guys always a pleasure to serve you the grace of god let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this service this morning somebody shot glory amen whoa for these all the messages and books by dr abel damina please call plus 234 806 800-9939 or email powercityoffice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,430
Rating: 4.9016395 out of 5
Id: p-acyQwAxIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 50sec (6830 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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