The Psychology of Yoshikage Kira

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[Music] the human mind is terrifying sometimes it is at once a complex system of magically coalescing aspects and yet a delicate balance waiting to be disabled eyes those these stabilizations often lead to mental illnesses which are defined as states of abnormal behavior that go on for an extended amount of time impact the affected individuals behavior and cause a burden / anguish in the affected as something many people suffer from and that has grown increasingly in terms of awareness and research mental illness has often been thematized in fictional writing while some takes on it are more accurate and valuable than others it is nonetheless interesting to look into how it is portrayed and developed in fictional works as is often the case on my channel I would like to look towards haruka rockies hit manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for this in a previous video we already mentioned how the series is full of characters suffering from various mental ailments ranging from parental complexes to dissociative identity disorder this time however I would like to look at the evil lurking in the shadows of morio part fours violent serial killer and main villain yoshikawa Keira now let's do a quick rundown of Kara's personality and actions before we get into the meat of things yoshikawa Keira aged 33 is an average upper-middle class office worker who lives in an uneventful peaceful life in the quiet town of morio Japan he is relatively skilled at sports but not as much as to excel and he maintains friendly albeit distant relationships to his coworkers his lifestyle could overall be defined as mundane normal peaceful but that is only what he wants you to know and think underneath his average facade lies a cunning manipulative and rather intelligent man whose desires are anything but ordinary ever since his youth he harbored an attraction towards female hands a trait that took a dark twist as it turn into a sexual fetish and then into a violent love of murdering women and becoming romantically involved with their severed hands however what Yoshika Kira wants the most is to be able to live his quiet life quietly and remain undisturbed as he goes about his normal routine and satisfies his urges to live and kill without interruption to disappear into the society terrorizes to live a quiet life that is yoshikawa Kira's deepest desire already we have a lot to gain too but before we do any of that a necessary disclaimer this video will utilize real psychological facts to analyze and approximate the fictional mental state of a fictional character this is done for the sake of interest in entertainment and will inevitably include generalization simplification and speculation mental illness however is a very real issue and you cannot and should not use anything I say in this video as a conclusive diagnosis or process for real people additionally not everyone who suffers from disorders we theorize here is a violent serial killer mental disorders come at varying strengths and sizes and expressions and more often than not people that suffer from them are harmless to those around them please keep this in mind and please don't play home psychologist after watching this video with that our way let's dive in heroes case is actually kind of complicated to completely understand he is generally referred to as a psychopath however contrary to popular belief this term essentially means nothing and is not sanctioned by any psychological Authority but lucky for us we are not completely clueless the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ak2 DSM a Cade the most important manual of psychology states that the colloquial term psychopathy is most often associated with antisocial personality disorder or APD in 2016 the staff at Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota defined APD as a long-term pattern of disregard for or violation of the rights of others and a low moral sense furthermore individuals that suffer from APD will often exploit and manipulate others while putting up a facade of superficial charm and social competence more importantly they may display arrogance negative thoughts towards others and a general lack of remorse for their actions also they can often be incredibly aggressive and impulsive lashing out violently at provocations so far so kyra as this seems to fit him very nicely murdering someone is pretty much the definition of violating the rights of others and low moral sense and as his public persona shows he definitely can put up a manipulative superficial facade while showing a heaping helping of arrogance and a severe lack of remorse and regret plus he does indulge in violent outbursts when cornered and admonished as seen with Co Ichi however while these aspects do fit him many of the other core signs of APD do not for example one core element of APD is irresponsibility and difficulty to maintain routines like employment and relationships while Kira is indeed single he seems to have no trouble keeping up with his work and more importantly he loves his routines and rigid schedules and fulfills them diligently and responsibly so is APD off the table well not really psychology isn't math and an individual suffering from a disorder does not have to necessarily display every single recorded symptom of it just enough to make a diagnosis possible so considering how much actually alliance between Kira and dis disorder Kira having some form of antisocial personality disorder seems likely okay so is this it then not quite the real horror of mental illness isn't necessarily that any one of them is particularly bad even though some are genuinely horrifying but rather that they often bring a friend in many cases a patient is diagnosed with multiple disorders that affect and often worse than each other and APD only really explains the discrepancy between Kira's public self and his real self but not actually the contents of that real personality for that we need to turn to another disorder what immediately comes to mind for me is obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD you might be surprised to see this here as commonly OCD is often depicted as just nitpicky perfectionism for example getting annoyed at a picture frame not hanging correctly this is however a wrong understanding of the ailment or at least a wrong exaggeration while perfectionism does play into it OCD is much more extreme than just being nitpicky and pedantic like the name says it's obsessive and compulsive meaning that you develop a routine of actions you feel forced to do for no real reason called compulsion and or have thoughts that repeat and repeat themselves in your head and take up all of your thinking capacity called obsessions there are weaker forms of it absolutely but at full power it's as if every fiber of your being needs you to do something in a certain way or need you to achieve get something for you to feel at peace one common and relatively harmless occurrence at least at first is when people develop a compulsion to clean their hands over and over even when clean OCD fits Kirra incredibly well in almost every scene he's in he follows some sort of compulsion or obsession for starters his rigidly planned daily routine can be seen as a compulsion as he seems visibly disturbed a thought of not being able to go through his rituals he cuts and documents his nails in the growth meticulously he buys lunch from the same store every day etc etc etc he even exhibits some of that cartoony behavior view mentioned earlier for example when he gets upset a koishi wearing his socks wrong and goes as far as to correct it after he supposedly killed him while not an entirely accurate depiction of compulsion it does contain element of it and can be seen as an indication of it by the author but more crucially obsessions can also be of violent and sexual nature leaving the affected to feel a need for certain violent and sexual acts this fall's someone in line with how Kira develops an obsession with women's hands which then combines with a violent tendency into compulsion to kill feeling uneasy and restless when he doesn't get to do it and the sexual nature of these compulsions and obsessions is shown very nicely during the bedroom scene with Shinobu when his wife begins undressing before him Kira gets understandably aroused however his first instinctual expression of his arousal is according to him to strangle Shinobu thus it is evident that Kira has a deep-rooted compulsion to use violence as a sexual outlet one last thing to consider regarding compulsion is his meticulous cataloguing of his nail growth it might be an expression of his compulsive routine but it is also clear that he seems to associate his nails with his urge to kill which might be a different disorder altogether but there simply isn't enough to conclusively say or follow up on that so let's just put it on the compulsions right now all right so we can make a pretty solid argument that Kira suffers from both antisocial personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder so now what's left to discuss is how exactly he became this way mental health issues are difficult to trace back to anyone origin but generally it is often a safe bet to assume that the underlying catalyst appeared during childhood or puberty it is after all a very crucial period in development of the psyche so any number of incidents or situations can have profound effects on a person's inner workings for the future however it's here when it gets pretty difficult arak he isn't exactly someone who spends a lot of time on backstories and Kira's is well almost non-existent but we do get a couple of breadcrumbs that we can extrapolate into few educated guesses from the trip into Kira's house we get to see that his facade has been going on for a long time the multiple second and third place trophies implying that he had been hiding for a long time before the series even started more importantly though thanks to his visit we know that he had been cataloging his nail growth at least since 1983 at which point Kira would have been 17 years old but thanks his father Yoshihiro Kira we get an indication that his nail growth has been going on for much longer as even as a child Hiro bite his nails and fingers bloody when frustrated as for his murderous tendencies we know that Kira killed Remy Sugimoto when she was 16 she was babysitting a four year old Rohan at the time since Rohan is 20 years old during the events of part 4 Kira's suppose at first murder happened when he was 17 the same age at which he began cataloging his nails additionally from Kira's final monologue we are told that he first discovered his attraction to hands when he was barely a boy only marginally able to get an erection thus I believe it is possible to say that the catalysts for Kira's mental decline are located as early as between the ages of 5 and 10 with him finally snapping at 17 so now we know the when but not the why and frankly it is basically impossible to know his father Yoshihiro was someone who supported his son's murders and even gave him a stand to be able to do it better so perhaps that indicates a cruel lack of empathy and care for human life which were values that Kira was already confronted with from a young age or perhaps Yoshihiro was a criminal himself but as things stand we simply cannot know and we have just two little things to go off of to form any sort of convincing argument there so I think it ends here and this is pretty much it in conclusion we have argued that Eureka Kira suffers from a mixed case of antisocial personalities order and obsessive-compulsive disorder both of which seem to have emerged during his young childhood and both completely expressing themselves in his behavior after the age of 17 this might or might not have been the consequence of his upbringing at the hands of a father who seems unconcerned with the lives of others but that's it for me thank you all for watching and take care have a wonderful holiday season bye-bye see you next time you
Channel: Oceaniz
Views: 356,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jojo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Diamond is Unbreakable, Yoshikage Kira, Duwang, Killer Queen, Josuke, Okuyasu, Jotaro, Koichi, Psychology, Araki, Oceaniz, Oceaniz96, Anime, Manga, Analysis
Id: 0IPPzUfZSno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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