'What Does Babygirl Mean?!' Nicholas Galitzine Answers The Internet

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no baby girl has ever baby girl the same way  Nicholas Galitzine baby girls what does baby girl   mean hi I'm Nicholas Galitzine and I'm going to be  answering the [Music] internet let's get started   so this is a tweet from nudy interesting name  that's right that's Amelia Minette Thermopolis   renaldi princess of Jovian and Henry George Edward  James Fox Mount Christen Windsor prince of England   and it's a lovely photo of me and Annie at the  South by Premiere which was um a lot of fun and   we had some amazing fans your pronunciation there  was phenomenal was it okay because those are both   some some pretty sizable uh names there so I  almost uh I almost Panic are you the princess   D's fan I mean who is it admittedly I haven't  watched the the latter ones which I probably   should do now sorry Annie shut up but the first  one is I mean iconic we as a as a cast and crew   would quote a lot of devil we's Pride at her  because there's a lot of great lines in that   too but no I I respect dannie enough to not just  throw throw her own lines at her uh throughout the   day this one is from Icarus wonders and they have  a picture of me which is that a lot of flowers all   over my face so Icarus wond you gossiping about  me stop talking [ __ ] terrible answer why' you   say that okay Icarus wonders says blonde Nicholas  Galitzine and dark-haired Nicholas Galitzine are   two very different people I can't explain I  I really second this because I feel very very   different when I change hair for for projects  and I actually always try and use that as much   as possible when I need to make a big shift in  Mary and George you know I got to wear some hair   extensions and the beginning to kind of round my  head which made me seem unrefined in some ways   and then finishing the show I had to amazing long  wig and it felt like three different chapters of   his life which was really fun to play this is  from keeping up with Manu Rios imagine sitting   in a waiting room to audition for the role of  a royal and Nicholas can walks in so so Julian   Moore kind of shaded me in an interview because  um a question was brought up about uh about the   fact that I do I've played a bunch of royals she  goes have you only played Royals or something oh   is that with you so funny how many Royals have  you played Julie's clearly not aware of my um   my extensive uh uh resume as Royals but I think  I've play I think I've only played two Royals   and then George Vilas is kind of he gets to sort  of quiet on set please George vas I guess kind of   becomes Royal by the end of of of Mary and George  she ascends to power so yes lots of Royals I'm   probably should try and move away from that now  people seem to enjoy me playing Royals so maybe   I'll do more of the same I think we don't realise  how not ready we are for the idea of you Nicholas   Galitzine and and Anne Hathway in capitals which  is the right way to to write her name Nick's going   to be dancing and singing again in capitals and  the source says an album is going to be following   the movie knowing both Nick and an's talent for  acting and portraying big emotions oh we're so   over whatever that means I'd say my most memorable  scene was probably the uh room service dance it   was very much improvised um you know they they  put on danceall Days by Wang Chun and it's kind   of post this very steamy scene it's fun and it's  sweet but it's also really sexy I think and and   I used them some some chicken nuggets and some  fries as a as a prop that again was was a scene   we shot at like 3:00 in the morning you know we'  done a few sex scenes that day and then we kind of   finished off with this really wholesome fun moment  together I know Annie and I both really love that   scene just found out that Nick made a playlist  for Henry Fox so naturally I need him to share   it immediately and this is the wonderful picture  they used and also this is kind of funny cuz you   can kind of manipulate his face to look a little  weird we like that I don't think I'd ever share   the playlist because those feel sort of quite  personal to me and how I prepare characters for   red white and royal blue there was one thing that  I think I I tweeted which was a Taylor Swift song   that felt very Henry in but otherwise I generally  keep those things to myself if there's one thing   Nicholas galine can do it's have chemistry with  his co-stars and they have me in the sweeten brace   of of many co-stars here this is really funny  cuz this is actually um this is from a a blooper   basically I learned how to do this incredible lift  for Cinderella where I I sort of take my partner   and I can spin them a full 360° and catch them and  that got cut out of Cinderella so I thought okay   I'm going to try and get this in Bottoms CU it's  so ridiculous but I actually kind of butchered   that that one and so uh yeah we couldn't keep  straight face doing it did GL Glide gled I love   that is that a word Glide glided glided glided  gliding I need a boyfriend like Nick seriously   where the hell do I find my own Nicholas Kine four  question marks that's very sweet I'm sure you're   going to find your your that sounds very conceited  if I say your your Nick somewhere it's just about   connection just be weird be yourself and you'll  find someone akin to me I think did you just call   yourself weird yeah yeah I think so I like that  though but it's all I think it's about I think   it's about embracing your Oddities as a person you  know when you when you find someone you can just   be your true weird self with I think when you're  younger you try and be a bit too cool for school   that you find it that's less cool than just being  strange strange human being Danny dabbl says but   how many earrings does Nicholas Galitzine have I  need to know I want to see the entire collection   I mean I'm kind of boring I really kind of wear  my my staple but I did steal a lot of earrings   from the mar and George set which I don't  wear as much a a lot of these pearl earrings   cuz they're a bit obnoxious and they kind of  flap around throughout the day but you have to   steal things from set be kind of rude not to you  know what other stuff you the nation's Hearts uh   joking joking I stole Jeff's jock strap actually  I don't know what happened to that cuz I was like   what I can't just like display this in my house  that would be kind of weird but definitely his   his his sort of American football shirt that  he wears through the whole thing I have that   framed I'll take my chair back from from all the  projects I've done and I frame them and I've got   them sort of hung on my wall so that's my nice bit  of memorabilia I like to keep Nicholas Galitzine   and Timothee Chalamet and Austin Butler working  with the same vocal coach is my Roman Empire   which I actually didn't know this which is funny  but Eric vitro is um an incredible vocal coach   who helped me uh for uh the idea of you because  there was just like a lot of singing that I had   to do I mean we had I want to say it was two days  in Sweden to basically record seven songs good uh   good actors to be uh to be compared amongst which  is lovely are you allowed to say what your face on   in idea oh maybe would say guard down because it  was just so much to perform so much fun to perform   we had a really amazing group of extras who knew  the lyrics and uh gave so much energy literally   filming this at at 3:00 a.m. in winter in Atlanta  posing as Coachella so um I think just that whole   experience that whole night was so was such a joy  um so I just have really fun memories of that one   wow so again we've got a uh this is this is my  my best uh screenshot ever and the Tweet says   no baby girl has ever baby girl the same way  Nicholas Galaxy baby girls so okay I I I have   seen this before what does baby girl mean it's  an endearing term oh okay for a man um is it oh   people know I'm a grown I am a grown man you can  be a grown man and and be baby girl there are a   lot of baby girls and you are one of so wait so  wait so what are the what are the qualities of a   baby girl kind of like a soft boy a soft boy wait  but aren't soft boys people who who I'll take that   then I'm neither a baby nor a girl so I got quite  confused originally does one become a baby girl or   is one just always I feel like it's parents it's  in her yeah yeah what an education this has been   wow um the internet is truly a wonderful place  I now always want to refer to Nicholas Galitzine   as a we English that's obviously a line by Tony  Curran he calls me this privately as well uh his   as as an affection at time George Villiers was a  was a little was a wee English slut we have to we   have to call a spade a spade here um I don't know  if if uh I myself am a we English um I'd like to   think not but George certainly makes he makes a  few rounds during his the seven episodes wow okay   Nicholas Galaxy mentioning BTS as inspiration for  Coro I may combust I got into to K-pop recently   and I have to say I'm not like an expert on it I  have kind of only really dipped in with BTS and   black pink but I think they're all so immensely  talented it's something that I was trying to   emulate um whether or not I succeeded in that  is a different a different thing but I'm really   pleased that there's there's crossover between  BTS and myself I I never would have guessed that   so um we'll we'll take it for sure oh God no I  forgot this was uh I'm not overly proud of my   digital footprint before I will say and and this  was one time I was feeling really confident in my   cooking abilities best of Nicholas Gallatin says  Nicholas Galitzine cooking and being an absolute   boyfriend shaped and being Absolute Boyfriend  shaped is my Roman Empire what does that mean   what possessed me to do this listen safety in  the kitchen is important okay you cannot that   like especially when you're cooking meat and it's  spitting a lot you know you don't want it spitting   oil on your on your unless you're into that what  is your signature dish I'm very glad you ask me   this so my signature dish is a honey glazed uh  and garlic salmon uh with broccolini I've been   ordering a lot of food on Uber Eats recently which  I'm not proud of I'm a we English King thank you   for watching answering the internet and make sure  to watch the idea of you on Amazon Prime video
Channel: Hits Radio
Views: 123,549
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Keywords: nick galitzine, Nicholas galitzine, Nicholas galitzine interview, nick galitzine interview, the idea of you, the idea of you interview, nick galitzine funny, Nicholas galitzine funny, red white and royal blue, the idea of you Nicholas Galitzine, the idea of you nick galitzine interview
Id: 4qV3t0o0uQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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