Final Case QuadTrac Review

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morning anna or afternoon whatever time it is now this video is going to be way way out of order it's middle of november right now sunday afternoon i've got a couple hours to kill here so i'm going to load a couple trucks and i'm going to talk to you guys about the 620 quad track and do a rundown on that so don't don't read anything into nothing's in order here i'm just making this video because i know in a month i'm going to wish that i had it and the quad track leaves tomorrow so i got to get it done now because i i like to procrastinate until up to the very last minute [Music] are you coming that's warmer in here anyway jim and i got a few loads of corn to haul i'm hoping to get them hauled tomorrow morning so i'm going to load the trucks up and see to it that jim's out here by 4 a.m yeah i'm just kidding we're not doing 4 a.m that's for dairy farmers lousy freaky door drives me nuts so i'm gonna fix it ah never mind something something's broke inside here it's coming from this not the not the actual hinges can't get anything nice nowadays somebody's gotta wash these windows again that really is gonna drive me nuts whoops gotta do this first it's one truck down now we just repeat the process we've only got four loads to go in so i think i'll just load two trucks one for me one for jim we'll refill them when we get back here in the morning and we'll have our four loads done pretty easy this is on shares that we own at the ethanol plant so we have to deliver on our on our pool shares basically a percentage of what you own to the plant needs to be delivered every quarter so that's what these four little loads are yeah probably and truck two is loaded all right let's get that big red horse in here and talk about that for a few minutes now i'm not a super technical guy and i'm certainly not a machinery wizard but i'm going to give you the rundown of what i know the little bit that i know about this tractor and my experience with it also in the last oh 10 to 15 years i have very little experience with case machinery so i was pretty pumped to try this thing out obviously the first thing this is the new case ih quadtrax tiger afs connect 620 this has got a six liter six liter six cylinder 12.9 liter case ih engine in it with a rated horsepower of 620 that boosts all the way up to i believe over 680 horsepower when it needs it oh one arm frozen there we go the hood lifts up you can access everything pretty easily once the hood is down everything's in there pretty tight so you don't get trash building up in areas because it's all kind of sealed up here so you don't have issues with that uh they've got a massive cooling system here you got a few pins you can pull out to access stuff and clean the system a little better obviously i never had to do that we only had it for a few hours everything stayed really nice and clean but they've got a monstrous cooling system on this thing to handle those conditions where it needs that the track system here next year i'm told mark's 25 years since the steiger quad track came out these have got a cast system on here uh they're supposed to be able to handle up to 64 000 pounds and they are self-tensioning so you don't have to worry about hooking up to them and re-tensioning the tracks constantly maintenance-wise obviously this thing wasn't around for too long and we've never owned a quad track ourselves there's a lot of moving pieces and parts in there but after 25 years i'm guessing they got some stuff figured out here you know i i can't say but uh they ran well for us i also really like being able to have an articulate with a large footprint on the ground that isn't so wide so it's nice that way you've got the tracks set in here when you're going down the road see if you can see the back of it there i can't tell you exactly how wide it is but it's a lot narrower than having an articulate with dual 800s on it or some triple whatever you might put on there triple 650s or whatever it's a lot narrower than that so it is nice for going down the road that way and for taking up space in the shed inside here one-handed again you can access the def tank you can access your main disconnect here we've got battery posts filters that are easy to get to down there for your hydraulic system there is uh this is the main field for the def tank this is the tank here it's got a 66 gallon def tank there is also a fill over on the other side if you want to fill this tank from the other side back here 455 gallon fuel tank it is a monster which comes in handy obviously anytime on a big high horsepower tractor speaking of the fuel tank the efficiency on this again we didn't run it for a ton of hours but it seems as efficient as anything else again i don't want to get too technical but it seems as efficient as anything else it seemed to do a good job i didn't notice it burning through a ton of diesel it was burning a fair amount of def but i think that's the higher horsepower doing heavy tillage work i think that's why i thought it was burning a lot of def we don't have many def machines out here that that we run so i'm not used to that so again i can't really compare for filling here you've got your step system to get up into the tank here it's also got this handy little spot to throw the diesel handle so that you can climb up here and access the tank also in the same area we've got the washer fluid fill this is the other def fill on the left hand side and we've got our high tran fills here as well all of it's easy to access i like how the ladder actually moves with the tractor when you turn to keep it from crowding over here it's always accessible outside here it doesn't get pinched inside there got an independent 1000 rpm pto back here we didn't use it at all but i looked up the stats on it and it shows a rated 473 uh pto horsepower so that is nice if you need that to run grain cart or anything up here on the uh scvs we've got six of them mounted on this tractor i'm gonna look it up but i believe you can get eight of them let's see yep four is the standard up to eight obviously there's six on this machine one thing that might sound a little odd for me to even mention but it's got this spacing in between which by the way you can get to these really easy you can clean them off really easily but this opening in between allows for the line of sight down that back of the fuel tank where it's kind of notched down there the tank kind of swoops down you can see right between the scv hookups here and right to the drawbar if you're a farmer that's important because you got to see that drawbar when you're hooking and unhooking things oftentimes it seems like that gets overlooked in some some other manufacturers but this has got a clear line of sight to the drawbar if you watch my other videos we had issues with mud getting inside here now i don't know i'm sure there's some tricks to cleaning that out but what we probably should have done is carry a spade with us and push that out throughout the day as it was kind of building up we have had that issue on our rt tractors where it gets inside there and that's what we do we strap a spade to the hitch of the ripper and get out every hour or so and push the stuff out so it doesn't build up like that probably our fault for not catching that and allowing that to happen that's kind of the basic rundown on the exterior here oh tool boxes it's got two really large toolboxes right up front here also serve as a step in case you need them so it's got one on each side that's handy that's awesome also as i put the hood down here i wanna show you guys what the visibility is like i'm literally standing right against the hood visibility really out every corner of this tractor particularly out the front and the back is better than it should be let's go up in the cab a little bit i'll show you guys that and we will talk about the afs connect part of this rig now you guys will have to excuse the mess i was not expecting company cab wise it's comfortable it's big and roomy it's uh quiet look at this i am six foot three and i can stretch my legs out no issues i mean i'm against the glass there but it's got all the room i could possibly need it swivels way over i got the carpet stuck behind the seat so it won't let me but this thing's got plenty of swivel room got the buddy seat here got your cup holder and storage there if you're not using the buddy seat obviously somebody was eating cookies or something front and back again like i complained with every tractor that has sun shades why don't they just go all the way to the end i don't know these ones these ones are wider than um than what i'm used to but i guess the front does a lot better job of going all the way to the end maybe they just make the same one that's probably the deal i do wish there was more storage there's a couple really small cubbies up here that i don't know if you had a tiny cell phone you could put it in there there's a lot bigger area here that you can put some stuff in um you've got this room behind the buddy seat but if somebody's sitting in there you got that seat up there's not a lot there's a cup holder here and there's really not a lot of room in there either which i'm used to you got plenty of floor room down there if you want to carry a gigantic lunch box like i frequently do but as far as like nooks and crannies it's a little short on that for sure let's get the afs pro 1200 screen fired up here the screens are honestly they're beautiful this has got a 12 inch screen so it's a large screen it's easy to work with this screen here once it loads up you'll see but this holds all of the main tractor functions you can control just about everything from here including the new lights it's got new led lighting package which you can individualize in case say you're pulling a grain cart and you don't want to shine your lights in the combine operator's eyes you can turn the lights on and off individually there she's chirping there we go now she's awake we've got our different run pages down at the bottom here which you can set up individually and customize i've got this one set up for my gps page one of the things that i notice about this screen that i'm not used to i wasn't particularly fond of is it's a little slow it needs to connect i don't know what it's doing there probably because we're not outside but it takes a little time to load in between pushing buttons okay it's not a big deal overall the layout is really easy to get the hang of if you've run any computer or smartphone it's easy to understand and easy to work around but it isn't as quick as i'm used to where you can just button button button button button you've got to wait for the thing to load on at certain points which i wasn't used to it was a mild inconvenience but basically the rundown is that there's so much to this and everything is customizable i'm not going to spend the next two hours going through everything but you can set your main screens to for whatever you want you can watch your fuel economy you can watch your slip those are a couple things that i watch you can customize your scvs maybe that's in here see i'm still not that smart maybe someday but anyway it's got a good screen afs connect that is a big part of this machine so basically what that does if i can put this into layman's terms is it allows remote access to the service records and all the data on the machine if you want to manage a fleet if you've got multiple machines and you want to see like service records or when the service is coming up or how many hours are on a machine where they're at you can see all that through remote access on any device you can also share that with say your dealer or a service tech or anybody that that farms with you that wants access to that you have to allow that so they can't just drop in and see what's going on with your machine you have to allow that access but that is the afs connect part of this machine it is all connected anybody that you give access to can jump in here and say uh maybe this is why your whatever is throwing a code at you or maybe you need some service somewhere basically it allows people to understand information about your machine if you want them to without having to get them out here and plugging into anything you can also transfer data with that so i forgot to mention that if you have any kind of harvest or planting data or whatever it may be that would be in this monitor that the the machine has done you can transfer that data to whoever may need it if you choose down here we've got the multi-function handle this is also your throttle so throttle up and down you've got your gear shifts here forward and reverse your auto steer button and all the the function buttons here that you can customize to run however you want i didn't play with the full customization of that at all you got your suvs levers here um full access to stuff underneath the armrest one things that's kind of weird that i like this armrest moves forward and back depending on where is most comfortable for you you've also got levers down here that move this whole armrest the whole entire thing can go forward backwards and up and down so let's just say you're six foot three and you're a big dude and you want that in a different place than the little shavers might want it that's handy also got foot pegs lucky power mirrors got power mirrors bluetooth radio backup cameras well front and rear cameras actually factory installed that come through this monitor as somebody with little kids running around the farm i appreciate that i think that's going to do it for your case ih 620 afs connect steiger quad track tour i should probably clean this out now because they're going to come and get this tomorrow morning so i'll see you make sure i don't have any items left over in it and make sure the welders don't have anything left in it so again thank you to the welker family nick leg arms the whole family over there for uh allowing me to jump in this thing and try it out it's been awesome just grab some of the garbage out of here maybe the paper towels got some of these from using the stops in the ripper some empty water bottles phone charger look there's something what is is that a makeup brush leg arms don't open all right i gotta at least see woody i'm gonna just put those back i'm almost afraid to keep digging wood nick's favorite doll it looks really familiar yeah that's uh this place is clean enough i've had enough they can come get it that's enough that's enough okay in all seriousness guys my niece is not gonna be happy when she sees that i use her makeup and brush as a prop in a video but check out welker farms i know i've said this ad nauseam but check out welker farms on youtube um thank you to them for for helping me get into this thing and bringing it over here all in good fun thank you to ksih for giving me this opportunity and thank you to you guys for watching that's the reason these opportunities come up is because you guys watch these videos and so thank you to you guys i can't say it enough i sincerely appreciate it and thanks for watching this video bye [Music] time to take the boy deer hunting final night of the shotgun season
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 530,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Lv4R3Ebeqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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