The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by why go to the store to get stamps when you can have them printed right at home for your convenience [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hello i'm the mystery guy remember i like the damn movie let's go watch something else now just because i like a film though doesn't mean there's not a ton to talk about i'd argue even more to talk about in fact the hunchback of notre dame was i'm just gonna say it a daring film for disney to make this wasn't a fairy tale with the darker elements removed this was a historical novel about the abuse of power in the church even hearing the title disney's the hunchback of notre dame took a lot of people time to get used to it's like hearing disney's the haunting of hill house it's very bizarre despite the film unsurprisingly making changes like focusing more on an ugly duckling angle rather than religious corruption it wasn't quite the massive hit disney was used to i think there's a few reasons for this one it came off the heels of a profitable yet still underwhelming predecessor had it been released after lion king it probably would have done better the other being it's so dark and adult compared to other disney themes that i don't know what era it would have been a big hit in the past the religious angle would have been too controversial and turn people away and in the present the fact that it's hand-drawn would turn people away but maybe that's why i like it so much it's not a film that easily finds a home yet i and many like me have created one for it over the years a following has grown for the movie who praised all the elements mainstream audiences just couldn't get into the darker tone the gothic music the unconventional themes disney rarely touched upon but with that said it is still disney there's a lot of pandering that simply doesn't fit but maybe there's an awkward charm to that too so sit back and enjoy the not perfect but still one of my favorite disney films of all time this is the hunchback of notre dame the film opens with breathtaking music and imagery as we're introduced to the people of notre dame specifically clopan the film's always present narrator for the first and last couple minutes hey at least this one stay till the end listen they're beautiful though they do not ring all by themselves they don't know you silly boy ah when a masked man talking to kids with puppets on the street was no it was creepy back then too he tells the story of gypsies trying to sneak under notre dame but were caught by claude frollo played by tony j who's a judge this time around not an archdeacon [Music] you hear that it's the sound of millions of confused girls swearing they don't have daddy issues yes for whatever reason frello has become a surprising sex symbol over the years at first i was confused but the more i thought about it take out the hunchback and this is essentially a dominating romance novel tell me you couldn't see him in that religious trailer before traffic thunder satan's alley why yes i will count how many women have to leave the room when he says something kind of sexual bringing these gypsy firm into the palace of justice i call it that because it will be just us one of the gypsy's runs who you may be shocked to find out was actually mary kay bergman the actress who originally played carmen's mom when she's killed and her son is taken from her you might have a better idea why furlough's so horrified okay whatever go ahead four minutes in and already this g-rated movie is on baby drowning god i wish those saturday morning ads included that footage it's everything you expect in a disney classic disney's the hunchback of notre dame [Music] the archdeacon stops him though this is an unholy demon i'm sending it back to hell where it belongs jesus i love this [ __ ] can you give some evil lessons to current disney villains they kind of suck now the archdeacon says the eyes of notre dame will damn frollo if he commits such a heinous crime but all the other stuff he does is cool care for the child and raise it as your own what let him live with you in your church live here i kind of love how they both guilt-trip the other into taking care of this kid you must raise him as your what oh very well but he must live here what i don't want him don't you have a home yes but it's allergic to ugly oh well it must really sneeze a lot when you come home he's staying here years go by and the baby grows into a kind young man named quasimodo voiced by tom hulse will today be the day are you ready to fly hey remember when burger king tried to turn that into a big line will today be the day you're ready to fly and it looks like everybody's getting into the act henry what's in there popcorn [Music] and we're introduced to the characters people either hate or really hate the gargoyles this is the one element everyone can agree was botched while their names are funny victor hugo and laverne which was victor hugo's sister ashamed he didn't have a feminine middle name so that joke can work better what the [ __ ] and the voice actors are great with jason alexander jane weathers and charles kimbrough they feel incredibly shoehorned in and the writing for them never gets a laugh all right all right pour the wine and cut the cheese especially coming off of comedic roles that please both kids and adults this really needed a comedy facelift give me some slack then reel her in then give her some slack then reel her in then give her some slack knock it off hugo she's a girl not a mackerel if only alexander's lines were replaced with duckman lines then we'd have gold sue me i'm colorful doesn't mean i belong in here making potholders with the wackos every day is an agonizing ordeal like balancing a pot of scalding water on your head while people whip your legs and butt honestly furlough's teaching of the alphabet gets a bigger laugh a abomination b blasphemy see contrition d damnation eternal damnation well now we know where mel gibson learned his abcs quasi wants to join the festival of fools but frollo claims he can't because he ugly you are deformed i am deformed and you are ugly and i am ugly these are crimes this is the feel-good song right do as i say obey quasi sings about how wonderful it would be to become accepted and though tom hulse's voice is shakier than sarah brightman being he electrocuted sings it with so much heart and passion i don't think it would have worked as well if he was dubbed he sings about all the tough questions how much value do we place in looks who killed aladdin's carpet why does notre dame not have satellite tv and is this the weirdest prequel to beauty and the beast come on i said there were tough questions not good questions captain phoebus enters town played by kevin kline who sees a gypsy named esmerelda played by demi moore accosted by a guard played by patrick the starfish will cool you down yes it was ironic he wasn't a gargoyle in this phoebus goes with his horse achilles named only so they could do this joke achilles heal to the palace of justice reporting for duty under judge frillo i'm sure you'll whip my men into shape he explains how the gypsies are warping the minds of paris and taking her germs so they must be dealt with like a nest of insects what are we going to do about it sir it always drove me nuts he never put that piece back right oh well i'm sure it's the worst damage that'll be fall the place the festival of fools begins as quasimodo sneaks his way in as fun as this number is the real entertainment is in the crowd whether it's men pounding on women's heads standing absolutely still or having a mid-90s computer-generated seizure they're easily the funniest things here apart from this line look at that disgusting display yes sir ironically people will remember demi moore as this erotic dancer than when she was actually an erotic dancer i'll make a face that's horrible and frightening make a face as gruesome as a cargo swing hey that doesn't even make sense who's scared of a gargoyle's wait he said that cause rhymes with ning it's the bell ringer from notre dame quasi is crowned the king of fools as he technically makes the ugliest face there and the crowd loves him yeah i think some of them may have dropped quaaludes before showing up i shall cheer with extreme indifference but the crowd turns on him rather sporadically i get the idea they're supposed to be drunk but they're trying to combine the king of fool celebration with where he's being whipped both from the book and it's two very opposite scenes shoved together did every crowd member bring rope in case this weird ass moment would break out it's like if in return of the king everybody bows and then they're suddenly like hey they're short i'm sorry this wasn't supposed to happen esmeralda is the only one to show kindness to quasi though it is funny that she still calls him a creature just as soon as i free this poor creature i am not a creature i am a thingamabob angering furlough who wanted to teach quasi a lesson for leaving you speak of justice yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help silence justice again you mean just us furlough orders her to be arrested and did i say comedy was not this movie's strong point [Music] yeah i know the crotch shots the pinball thing don't forget the bowling sound effect can we move on to the depressing [ __ ] [Music] oh yeah this is the good stuff yeah make me feel awful go blue and gray as i watch someone suffer oh the sadness the overbearing sadness kids i know you don't understand but when you grow up to be a mean-spirited [ __ ] like me this is where the real entertainment is and those of you who grew up happy and full of life we'll get you esmerella enters notre dame and comes across phoebus you sneaky son over watch it you're in a church and the disney film we can let all this lie by saying the b word is a mickey no no so they have a monkey island style battle of insults one of them funny you fight almost as well as a man funny i was going to say the same thing about you and one so bad it might be my favorite joke in the entire movie i didn't know you had a kid oh my god i can't even look at you joke i can't even look at you furlough sees them and realizes she claims sanctuary but that doesn't stop him from seeking vengeance gypsies don't do well inside stone walls i know what you're imagining cloud the mind with unholy thoughts okay how has that face not become a meme yet that's an expression that says dude i'm supposed to be two years older than snow white and she's 14. the [ __ ] disney set one foot outside and your guards around every door while esmeralda talks with the archdeacon letting the crowd torture that poor boy i thought if just one person could stand up to him what do they have against people who are different anyway i mean when i met him i said he had a great mask and then jumped back in fear when i saw it was his face i'd expect people to treat me the same way she sings a powerful song about god helping the outcast once again utilizing the cathedral's beauty and encounters quasi once more it's got a friend with yeah maybe today wasn't a total loss after all a vision of loveliness the one in the dress ain't bad either okay so the filmmakers said they wanted to leave it open whether the gargoyles were actually alive or in quasi's imagination i guess i could buy that the guards aren't really being stopped by them in the climax and that's just part of his wishful thinking but here's my question what's with the goat love every second one of them is hitting on this animal and if that's supposed to be in quasimodo's mind i [ __ ] got someone i think you should talk to did you make all these things yourself quasi and esmerelda hit it off and he explains his connection with frillo how can such a cruel man have raised someone like you cruel oh no he saved my life he said my mother was gonna kill me with kindness whatever that means quasi helps her escape and he's filled with joy singing the one before hellfire i always skip it and so do you yep it's time for everybody's favorite part of the movie arguably the best disney villain song in fact it's so good disney won't even do another villain song until 13 years later how crazy is that 13 years without another animated villain song though i did hear they were going to do more songs for modern disney villains and funny enough they all have the same title surprise i was the villain and the worst part of the movie [Music] this song has everything it's big it's haunting it's gothic it's intense it's visually stunning it almost got the film a pg rating for being too sexually provocative they got around it by outlining esmerelda's clothes more as she was practically naked in the original let's see that with a gawking frollo make one of the little candies in the hunchback movie cups [Music] i can't even count how many covers of the song there are on youtube it's almost like this movie that already gained a following grew yet another following just with this song alone it kicks ass just as much now as when it first came out it still stands as one of the best musical moments in disney history all i gotta say is my count for how many women left the room exploded when i merely mentioned this song why haven't you burned down a city and risked going to hell for me hello this is the universe i know it may be odd that the universe has a voice like this chances are i won't have a voice by the time i'm done with the sponsorship but i committed to a bit and i'm gonna follow it all the way through being the universe it's good to know what's important and as we slowly adjust to a new normal we still need to be smart about how we do business luckily there's to make things easier the universe really thinks about a lot thousands of small business owners have discovered the benefits of wow they've been able to keep their businesses running and avoid the crowds 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notified about them want to actually be notified about them click on that bell as well also don't forget to check us out on twitch playing some games telling some jokes and overall having a good time hope to see you there [Applause] so after another pretty hilarious line are you feeling all right i had a little trouble with the fireplace i burned my soul among other things furlough does a city-wide search to find esmerelda even burning down a home with a family inside who gave refuge to gypsies phoebus saves them and esmerelda saves phoebus despite being injured while escaping you know that windmill with that family inside is the first place we've seen him burn down and phoebus isn't the captain of the guards anymore are we to assume there were people in all those buildings he burned afterwards hmm didn't think of that one did you mpaa no that he's not going to fry that g that's there to stay don't worry disney plus will just put up another disclaimer too scary kids look there's the gargoyles two awesome parents look there's the gargoyles but now don't you say anything to upset quasimodo what drives me nuts about this scene where they don't want to let quasi know things have gotten worse is it almost could have worked if they handled the timing better like okay here's how the scene should play not a word easy that's just stone faced any sign of her oh it's a lost cause not bad might get a chuckle now here's how it actually plays out any sign of her oh it's a lost cause it just took too long it also doesn't help that the moral of the story is appearances don't matter yet they constantly mock each other for how they log i thought i was the cute one no you're the fat stupid one with the big mouth you're also porking up too quasi eat a salad and stop being so ugly i'm terrible at this did someone say thank god they don't have a song [Music] yep the gargoyles get a musical number in this and you're held hostage until it's over aside from this cuten joke this song could be cut and you wouldn't miss nothing this was one of jane weather's last films to work on and man how do you think she must have found this experience saying terrible jokes but getting a great paycheck for it it was hell on earth i loved it thankfully it's a short song though and esmerelda arrives with phoebus allowing quasi to find out she's in love with him [Music] should we wait for quasi to leave no sewing stitches sex is the best kind of sex am i sure he's okay though yeah he's fine but frillo arrives and quasi has to hide a past our phoebus something troubling you quasimodo i know there is he reveals that he knows quasi helped esmerelda escape and freaks out on him now all paris is burning because of you in hindsight i could have asked before i killed hundreds of people but i don't think when i'm horny angry furlough says he knows where her hideout is so phoebus goes to save her while quasi stays behind what am i supposed to do go out there and rescue the girl from the from the jaws of death and the whole town will cheer like i'm some kind of a hero i mean it's exactly what the script says quasi decides to go with phoebus and they stumble upon the court of miracles where they're almost hanged it's a double header spy we're just fighting against the stereotype that we're murderous thieves now hold still while we kill you in our den of stolen goods esmerelda saves them though just in time to be captured again by frollo dear quasimodo i always knew you would someday be of use to me i always assume i'd stuff you and put you outside to scare off solicitors but this is far better they get ready to burn esmerelda as frollo makes her one last offer choose me for the fire what's wrong with her she's crazy he's gorgeous quasi is chained up and the gargoyles try to convince him to break free you can't let frollo win he already has these chains aren't what's holding you back quasimodo leave me alone i mean we could always sing again quasi finds the will to break free and with some of the best animation and music in the movie he sweeps in and carries esmerelda back to the cathedral well if i know the book we have a few days before people barge in or we're doing the super cut that's cool the guards trying to burst in and we have a comedic climax because that's just what disney did for a while and quasimodo fights them off [Music] this might be the only time i didn't put that sound effect in give credit we do finally get a funny scene from the gargoyles fly [Music] i gotta laugh that's a good joke quasi pours molten lava onto the crowd forcing the soldiers to fall back looked worse quasi tries to wake up esmerelda but it looks like she didn't survive the burning fire yeah okay it's pretty obvious even a disney film as dark as this one isn't going to kill her off after all that but i don't think it matters because it leads to some really great scenes quasi crying over losing his only friend furlough sneaking in having an almost twisted conversation even the gargoyles get kind of an emotional moment oh no oh maybe we should sing for him furlough tries to literally stab him in the back but quasi stops him and sees esmerelda is awake by the way let's set the record straight everyone thinks this is pumbaa and it's actually not the reason i know this is because pumbaa is actually dead and being carried off in an earlier scene anything else i can do to make this movie darker i'm sure they hung woody in there somewhere furlough and quasi are found hanging from the cathedral quasi faints out of nowhere because it's dramatically convenient and frollo lights up like a jack-o'-lantern no seriously his eyes and mouth light up i have no idea why and i don't care it's [ __ ] awesome jokes on you scientology was the true religion look out xenu here we come quasi is saved by phoebus and as payment he demotes himself to the friend zone quasi is brought out into the world and is immediately accepted by the people until they get drunk and throw [ __ ] at him again but i think there's a grace period [Music] should we really have mocked how he looks i mean we're giving off a bit of a sea monkey's look over here we look like people who end our summers with a wicker man [Applause] the crowd cheers everybody lives happily ever after and certainly not how the book ends but who gives a [ __ ] this movie's [ __ ] awesome there are clearly problems with it when compared to the original and even if you don't compare it the tone can be jarring with some of the more awkward moments but i'm sorry it in no way comes close to overshadowing the good stuff it's dark it's epic it has memorable characters a phenomenal villain it's a visual marvel even all these years later the music is beautiful and even though it never became a mainstream smash it has a fan base that loves the hell out of it i will say if you want a version that's even darker and more adult you should probably check out disney's stage musical it's a perfect combo of both the book and the film and it does go to even darker places that honestly i didn't think disney had the balls to go to but even with that out there this remains one of disney's riskiest films and it's nice to know that not only did it pay off but its fan base is growing day by day check it out if you haven't and even if you have watch it again there's always something to appreciate with every view [Music] and it'll be interesting to see what they do with a live action remake i mean christ has got to be better than this isn't a segue forward i had a little trouble with the fireplace doug walker here doing the charity shout out once again we are doing one uh tied into people helping with uh covet 19 and this week we are doing uh matthew 25 ministries and what they do is uh they are an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization helping the poorest of the poor locally nationally and internationally uh to date they've distributed over uh 1 million 500 000 pounds of supplies including masks gloves hand sanitizer disinfectant wipes paper products so batteries diapers plus other kinds of personal protective equipment personal care products and cleaning items to more than 750 of its partners man that's that's grand i mean that's that's so much and uh you know if you look them up you see they not only have i mean just great reviews from like charity navigator uh but they just do so much good work and they just work endlessly to try and get protective gear and i mean everything you just heard to people that really need it so uh you can once again check them out either see if you can volunteer of course donate uh or if not just spread the word just look into the good stuff they do and uh share a link tell a friend do whatever you can because again there's so many good people doing so many good things at you know really tough times like this so show them all the support you can thanks so much and i'll see you guys later take care you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,152,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, the hunchback of notre dame, notre dame movie, hunchback of notre dame review, movie, film, disney, disney movies, best disney movies, notre dame, nostalgic, nostalgic movies, Disney Renaissance, best animated disney movies, best animated movies, animation, movie review, film review, movie discussion, film analysis, Demi Moore, jason alexander, best disney villains, disney villains, 90s movies
Id: dyNlyzIQOWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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