Puss in Boots: The Last Wish - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by Honey the easy way to save When shopping on your iPhone or computer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] to the way of water cracking over two billion dollars yes but we couldn't have done it without our chocolate Queen Charlie all have oh Gentlemen please I'm just the one who threw all the money at it you're the ones who turned it into even more money by following the charts that's right by rehashing a 13 year old idea that's already based on a 30 year old idea we've proved that Hollywood is not out of ideas oh and everyone's quoting it left and right right I mean it is one of the top five highest grossing movies everyone must be quoting it like yes absolutely that was the best line in the script what's a script oh it's What actors read to make the movie happen oh I hope none of my money went into that not really just effects and even then that's debatable to manipulating the bare minimum with money and charts [Music] [Music] I'm sorry who are you apology accepted um excuse me but this is a private celebration there's the famous cats who made the other famous cats oh you're a fan of our work oh yeah yeah you made the cat film that came out in December right yep that's us the one that lasted in theaters well past expectations I'm the money a sequel to a film over a decade old that nobody knew they wanted you flutter us Mr uh I'm sorry what was your name again the film everyone's still talking about nah everyone memes all over the Internet lines being referenced left and right countless video is discussing its themes characters and story that doesn't sound like our work somebody else it does oh I mean that's what you get when you think outside the box yes the box office has shown us that we are the masters of those I was telling I never do this but can I get you on it certainly do you have a pen or something person who used to be standing right in front of me hey where do you go right here here oh you accidentally brought the wrong one you meant this look at the time I've got to be terrified somewhere else we too have a five o'clock pan go go go come on pipe pick it up pick it up who are you oh I'm exactly what you think I am not metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or theoretically or any other fancy way foreign just really excited for you to watch this [Music] for some reason when this movie came out everybody was comparing it to the show Velma I don't really know why either they're both animated [Music] um they're both comedies supposedly they're both movies no wait they're not I didn't get this comparison to Me avatar the way of water was the real comparison they're both sequels to films that came out a little over a decade ago both clearly animated both came out around the Christmas season and both lasted longer than expected in theaters but where the adult one wanted to look real and basically had a script for children the children's one wanted to feel real and basically had a script for adults if you told me one of these scripts took 10 years to write going off of the previous film's ideas and expanding them while also evolving the characters with satisfying arcs I would have guessed it's this expensive save the whales bumper sticker that's why nobody's talking about Avatar 2 outside the technology in the box office yet people are still talking about Puss and Boots too for its imagination and storytelling the things you're supposed to talk about when you see a good movie it wasn't even a sequel people demanded to exist I think I speak for most when I say the first puts and Boots was passable clearly he was a breakout character from the Shrek movies but nobody was really clamoring to see the film again with the sequel though people were still seeing it on the big screen even after it came out on streaming and Blu-ray pretty damn impressive so what is it that won over so many people still resulting in fan art gifts millions of hits on videos and the Megan Dance I'm calling the police let's take a closer look to find out unless we want to talk about the hidden layers of that other cat movie no no we got it just fine thank you environment good people bad oh I just want to see my family this is Puss in Boots The Last Wish the film opens with the only song in the movie so thankfully it's pretty catchy [Applause] [Music] oh he puts us played Again by Antonio Banderas who has taken over the corrupt Governor's house and is throwing a fiesta and I knew this movie was at least going to be funny by two opening jokes one being when a father lets his son's face get stepped on by puss's boots hungry will never watch it again and the other being when the governor returns home resulting in this line welcome that is so clever I want to stalk it online so I can obsess over how much better it is than me at first I thought this intro was great but a little pointless like all I wanted to do was show off a cool action sequence a freaking giant shows up out of nowhere and never returns but watching it again it does show how Reckless puss is with his life he's helping others which is great but he's also clearly addicted to the thrill and the attention you can see why death would be so pissed watching him be so careless with what he has which by the way damn it this movie's good I guess I should also address the animation up front as it's very different from the other Puss and Boots and Shrek movies the designs are pretty similar but the textures have more of a painted look and it constantly skips frames meaning there's fewer motion blurs are smearing as is sometimes called an animation and often joked about in memes I've seen people split on this and honestly I didn't know if I'd be into it but I grew to love it real fast for two reasons one it looks more like a fairy tale illustration shark want to do more of a trollish satire of fairy tale so the more real but also kind of ugly textures made sense for the style this wants to be an adventurous action film like a mix between anime and a spaghetti western that just happens to take place in a fairy tale so I feel like it Blends these Styles perfectly two I've discovered I remember the motion more with fewer it's been proven you can get across more visual information and animation than live action which makes sense it is reality reduced down to fewer but more vibrant colors and lines this movie knows this and therefore throws a lot at you very quickly it's like an adrenaline rush the skipped frames help you remember the imagery more than if they added more realistic blurs try it let's compare Puss in Boots fighting and Shrek 2 in slow motion compared to Puss and Boots here in slow motion if you pause it randomly during an action sequence everything looks like a beautiful painting or 3D comic book panel I know the style is becoming more popular and Wally what was see it everywhere I do like variety if it's done with the right project it can create imagery that'll last with you forever the legend will never die [Music] if you'd speak again forever Puss in Boots is killed after defeating the giant resulting in him showing up at the doctor trying to figure out how many of his nine lives he has left this is another example of the film doing way more than it needs to all these jokes are pretty funny showing the various ways he died but not only are there hidden jokes I put not only wins against the dogs playing poker painting but also wins with five Aces and another one hidden in his hat but look at these title cards all they need to do is show a number but they include a creative drawing tied to his death death is even seen in the corners of each one as he gets closer and closer is this amazing no but the film has a million little touches like this that add up more and more case in point what he's told he's on his last life puts laughs off the danger and goes to a bar to drink shots of cream another glass of cream making your heaviest oh I keep the heavy stuff in the back that's funny enough if you notice he has eight glasses empty and he's drinking his ninth just as death walks in this whole movie feels like Eddie valiant's desk scene I just love how much they're sneaking in without you even being aware of it there's a famous hat the feather and of course the boots it's Bogner Mora is death doing one hell of a job giving this creepy ass thing a creepy ass voice can I get your autograph sign right there complaint is it takes place way too long to figure out who he is push it puts laps in the face of death so I've heard a just assume he put together this was the Grim Reaper but I guess that's a big twist in the middle that is about as shocking as judge Doom being the bad guy yeah I don't know what's up with all these Roger Rabbit references either pick it up for the first time twist may have met his match shown beautifully in this reflection shot of puss being disoriented which will flip in the climax with death being disoriented hey decides to flee now all they have to do is show him going to an old cat lady's house the doctor recommended when he retires one shot easy instead it's shown to us in this cool way [Music] damn it you're Puss in Boots too nobody's expecting you to try it's close and sword and I love the way he does so like a real cat not just because it looks hilarious but you could argue it's him getting ready for his life as a domesticated animal as we get some really funny scenes with Divine Joy Randolph as the weird cat lady this is my home and now it's your home soon you're forever and we're shown the equivalent of a retirement home for cats he ultimately surrenders to you're talking cat I'm a talking cat let's talk okay so if you're like me you got your Olaf from Frozen two cross and gergy from Black Cauldron holy water but burrito played by Harvey Gillian admittedly does walk that line but never crosses it the story is pretty decent he wants to be a therapy dog but is pretending to be a cat because nobody wants him as a pet what could they possibly want to offer boots what's up Puss and Boots seriously well his jokes are hit and miss his chipper personality balances out when we find out later what a depressing life he has without even knowing it we'll get to that a little later but I don't think I say this often I'm pretty sure this comic relief wouldn't have worked if they didn't have the dramatic moments speaking of drama Three Bears led by Goldilocks played by Florence Pugh I was searching for Puss in Boots and she tells the Bears who've only snarled and growled up to this point to rough up the cat lady resulting in this we're looking for the legendary pushing boots that's a decent joke about all it is these ain't likable personalities they apparently like having Goldie as a member of the family but want to help her out in finding a fallen star that said to Grant one wish too hard that was not just right again if I had to nitpick I would say they probably do the just right joke a few too many times these ones are just right it will make everything just right the day when our world became just fine oh that is just but it does tie into the message and the film is meant to also entertain kids so I give it a pass that star has one wish to Grant One Wish Puss in Boots here is about the star and a treasure map needed to find it and also make the wish and it looks like it's in the hands of Big Jack Horner played hilariously by John Mulaney excuse me could you know in the fairy tale wasn't a fairy tale there's only a nursery rhyme look at the design of this guy he looks like a Monty Python cartoon mixed with a drag version of brain's robot body everything about this guy is pretty damn funny even his quick backstory gets a good laugh my life what have I been a boy the whole time the first time Pinocchio beat you doesn't mean there's technically four of these that came out last year then are those unicorn horns baby unicorn horns oh yeah this film also has the crazy mean spiritedness of the best Shrek movies like when one of these sisters is told she'll carry her weight in gold the Midas touch turns her into exactly that and she never wakes up yeah the Bobby count adds up to 23 which doesn't include these poor people that couldn't have survived this oh goodness again love a PG movie that actually has a reason to be PG he's intercepted by Kitty Soft Paws played Again by Salma Hayek who it turns out is looking to find the Wishing Star too you have a lot of nerve coming back here I was the best Thief you ever hired you robbed me God damn it some of these jokes are good listen Kitty escape with the map with Goldie and Jack following closely behind with his Baker's Dozen by the way wonder where he got those unicorns horns from this movie has so much extra credit it's making all the other movies want to kick his ass in class so tell us how you became an internet sensation and by that I mean a ridiculous meme well one doesn't try to be a meme I mean it's not like for years of trying to force memes down people's throats that would be incredibly obvious and cringy exactly but honestly it was all because of Honey people forget that was a honey sponsorship that I was doing that for you know how when you find a good deal you feel smart lucky and excited it's such a great surprise to find your suddenly saving so much money I was trying to reflect that subtly in that meeting yes it was so subtle I didn't even realize I was looking at a person because thanks to Honey manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past honey is the free shopping tool that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your cart and I think all that comes across in the performance I gave look at all the layers to this meme the fear of excitement the excitement of fear that weird thing in my neck that kind of looks like a hickey but was probably just me showering with the water too hot you are dangerously pain dangerous whatever but imagine you're shopping at one of your favorite sites when you check out the honey button appears that all you have to do is Click apply coupons wait a few seconds as honey searches for coupons and can find for that site if honey finds a working coupon you'll watch the prices drop as how I brought myself to tears I actually broke down on camera those are real tears you're seeing there just because of how excited I was to get a good deal with honey I also hit myself a lot in the crotch but mostly it was the honey stuff yes I actually saved a lot on a tablet I got recently look at the percentage of how much I saved I've even used in the past for getting movies how can you not be moved to tears over that was honey easy to use it was so easy it was simple wow wow and honey doesn't just work on desktops it works on your iPhone too just activated on Safari on your phone and Save On The Go is it safe to say if you don't already have honey you could straight up be missing out and by doing so you'll be doing as a salad by supporting the show yes which show exactly what ever weird show this is person ever not talking to is clearly just my voice on the other end very old indeed perhaps we should tell people they can get PayPal honey for free at joinhoney.com Nostalgia that's joinhoney.com Nostalgia I for one would like to thank honey for inspiring this meme that no doubt changed an entire generation yes it's such an achievement to have people all over the world say who is this bold freaking why is there always a gif of him on my computer you have nothing to say that I do you're just going to keep nodding you're trying to make another meme aren't you sad it's not going to work but honey works go do this thing so the map seems to change depending on whoever holds it and again all they have to do is show everyone heading to the Dark Forest where the star is said to be but they show it like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] this film is trying to take those end credit collages they're trying to make the film you just watch look better and actually make the film better with it the answer through a portal to get to the Dark Forest but just like the map the forest seems to change depending on whoever's holding it reflecting their emotional stability or instability why does he get the good one wonder the feels of quick and easy solutions and arrive at the star how every kid thinks being a YouTuber works like I mentioned sometimes the messages can be a little hammered in don't rush through it take your time and really appreciate what's right in front of you hey you could tie this into him wanting to be a therapy dog and calm people down but B it gets to the harsh stuff fast says he doesn't want to make a wish because he's so happy with his friends and family where are they you might ask well they're playing a very holy version of hide and go seek they put me in a suck with a rock in it and then throw me in a river whoa Daddy yeah I think Kitty's reaction there sums it up my jaw is on the floor when I saw this I couldn't believe this film was going that dark I feel like a lesser flick would have him eventually figure out what was going on but I like that he never does I can either say that for a sequel or honestly never address it because he always manages to look on the bright side and whether it's through cleverness or idiocy it helps things to work for him even when things don't work for it it out pretty well yeah I couldn't get this rock off of it but it's still pretty cool right meanwhile Jack searches for weapons to take on the threats of the forest leading to the discovery of his conscience which as you'd imagine is very tidy I don't cast spells well what do you do I I judge you his Jimmy Stewart voice is similar to Animaniacs having Kirk Douglas as Michelangelo I have no idea why but by God it's funny he just gets funnier and funnier when he watches Jack accidentally kill half his staff trying to get the map from Puss you're not gonna shoot a puppy are you jack yeah in the face why so that's what they do oh how non-grotesquely grotesque death keeps appearing to poison a lot of cool Skull imagery resulting in Goldie getting the map and puss having a panic attack I doubt I'm alone on this I think this is perrito's best scene see what I mean just when you're one step away from saying I'm gonna lose my shift he says Hakuna anything suddenly you're like I'm not crying my emotions are just leaking plus reveals that the reason Kitty is so angry at him is because he abandoned her on their wedding day [Music] you're so badly I regret that day in action like this would be pretty tough to forgive for a main character but they really do need to make us identify with his thrill addiction and his fear of giving it all up it also helped the kitty didn't show up either I knew I could never compete with your one true love oh yourself you don't seem like that guy anymore so I'm not gonna Pretend This is like a great romance or anything but the two do have a believable connection and I don't think they're trying to sell them as the best couple as opposed to the only people who really understand what the other's going through on that note Goldie and the Bears discover nostalgic Pines yeah people don't know I was bred there where they see a perfect Recreation of their old home the day A Little Orphan girl broke into our cabin and stole our hearts though she says she's looking for her family her book of fairy tale suggests she already has it no literally the first letter of the left side of the book spells out you already have it followed by and they lived happily ever after that is some Edward Norton Dave Batista drinks it right there pan says his wish is to have all the magic in the world to take it over please to this meme that also kind of took over the world horrible you're horrible what took you so long idiot funniest I'll just pick the weirdest [Music] all right pretty goddamn odd the cats get the map back but it's snatched away halfway through transforming giving way to yet another creative action sequence yeah whenever people say animation is just for kids remember you're watching something where this can happen you can't see something like this in live action or if you can you have to use CG animation but whatever it's all just to babysit your kids yeah screw it if those are the only options I'm not gonna choose to be a boring miserable adult I'm going to choose to be a happy interesting kid the cats get the map but the Bears get burrito just as puss gets caught in a cave having an existential crisis with his past lives the property now that all nine of us are here yeah you know what I love you guys I kind of feel like he's talking with his younger years like these are his Carefree College days like I can totally see them recreating jackass while on Pineapple Express catnip you will always live a life of fear death from days are behind them though as the end man because he never valued what he had he's gonna take his last life early don't make me jealous there's not a haunted house based around you seriously someone get on that he escapes and gets to the star just as Kitty saves burrito and shows up behind him Goldie and the Bears aren't far behind either as she reveals she wants to use her wish to get away from them and find her real family players are heartbroken but in a nice twist they still see her as family and want to help and whether you think we're your family or not if this is something that will make you happy we'll get you that wish Kitty sees puss making the wish and things he's being selfish again but he says that death is after him just in time to see Well everybody's after them [Music] Nelson's clearly send up to The Good the Bad and the Ugly which the film takes a lot of inspiration from and on top of another great action sequence Goldie gives up her wish to save her true family you're the smash I'm the crap yes her appearance reflects that her clean colored look becomes more muddy and brown the more she realizes she should probably stay with the Bears thus looking more like them this movie might be too good it needs a modak or something put Modoc in there perrito says he doesn't need a wish as one life is more than enough for him which death comes to put to the test for puts this time he doesn't run away though as he finally has something of value worth fighting for lives flashing before your eyes no just one the one where I got the done with kitty cat swear oh I'm not topping that what the fight is about as beautifully laid out as you can imagine but death gets fed up when he sees he no longer runs away but also doesn't think he's Invincible either I come here for a narrogant little Legend who thought he was Immortal but I don't see him anymore but that could be because I'm colorblind everything looks red to me what color are you I'm looking for an orange cat are you Orange Jack Horner comes back though after turning himself bigger and at first I didn't like that everybody else had an arc aside from him like everyone can find the way except for this one a-hole I guess but firstly You could argue there just aren't enough remaining years for him to convert like maybe someone could change they would just need several lifetimes to do it but second I kind of miss anime villains they're just straight up evil yeah I like sympathy for my baddies but since we already have antagonists who are relatable in this end it's been so long since we've had an anime villain who's not a surprise or misunderstood he's just plain mean that's opened up to him more you go to hell yeah corner you go to hell and you die consider this my resignation mister map is destroyed so the star is destroyed and everyone goes home to their Newfound families the buggies don't get shitta hold still his face and it won't feel so bad the ending teases another Shrek sequel in the near future and honestly I don't need it give me Puss in Boots three talk about making lemonade from lemons where the hell did this movie come from in an age where IP is being beaten to death and old tricks are just becoming older tricks this movie has so much passion so much style so many little touches while still working off of Timeless themes and ideas are the lessons in this really that new not really some people even say for what they got the movie was overhyped and honestly I can see how someone would think that I think it's similar to when I first saw Back to the Future like the build up was so much I was kind of shocked to find it was simply a well-made movie but if a well-made movie is made really well it can kind of be like the cheeseburger from the menu it brings new life into something you thought had no more life in it make you remember the charm and excitement of watching something people clearly put their Blood Sweat and Tears into then sure lots of films people put their Blood Sweat and Tears into but the great films make you feel that devotion in every frame every shot every hidden Easter egg every unique angle every line delivery it tries to do more than what's expected of it without forgetting what it is a smart funny emotional action-packed Adventure everyone can get into even though they repeated it again and again I think goalie put it best when she said it's it's right [Music] will Hollywood learn to turn out more films like this I haven't and then they can meet up with name one of the characters from those movies nobody can my money anyways I guess it's a start not Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to oh you're still here this month for cameos for charity we're doing the Children's Health foundation in Ireland and we sat next to some of these people at the convention I was at when I was in Dublin and the cause seemed really wonderful so I decided to dedicate this whole month to him children's health Foundation raises vital funds to support sick children and their families in Children's Health Ireland hospitals and Urgent Care centers in Kremlin Temple Street talent and Connolly if you check out their website you can see all the various ways they try to help children and also the creative ways they try to raise money and awareness so if you want a cameo from me saying happy birthday or congrats good luck or whatever just click on the link below and you'll be giving to a good cause or if you're like I don't like you no well check out their website anyway and see all the good that they do it's wonderful people helping wonderful kids and you can play a big part in helping them out foreign
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 648,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, puss in boots the last wish, puss in boots 2, nostalgia critic puss in boots, nostalgia critic puss in boots the last wish, puss in boots 2 reaction, puss in boots the last wish reaction, doug walker, movies, film, review, reaction, puss in boots 2 review, puss in boots the last wish review, puss in boots the last wish death, puss in boots 2 death, shrek, puss in boots shrek, movie reviews, movie reaction, dreamworks, animation, puss in boots 2022
Id: W-sDxtlP6yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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