The Lion King (2019) - Nostalgia Critic

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[Music] hey there julie hello bob so tell me your ideas for a cinematic lion king remake gladly it begins as before with the sun rising in africa though it is half cg and half real footage so you're looking to combine live action and animation then exactly but it's not like every other movie does it you see it's not about the technology it's about the feel of the world and the characters it'll be like my broadway show same songs and characters but on a more unique and grander scale we'll still have actors and costumes but it'll be less puppets and more clothes similar to what i did in the film titus so like in that film it takes place in no time period and every time period 100 and it's kind of a jesus christ superstar but but won't people miss the elaborate costumes from your stage show well we don't want to give people what they've already seen do we we want to give them new ideas against a familiar story i see what you're saying there will be no big hollywood stars all the actors will be african and will build the environment out of african culture artwork and history it'll be like black panther mixing modern technology with timeless traditions to create something new yet classic black panther was beloved by a lot of people the battles will be compromised of the finest fight choreography with the actors carrying wrist blades that look similar to claws it'll be more violent than the other disney remakes showing that we want to grow up with our disney audience and not treat them like children forever we've currently been experimenting with that at the end when the circle of life is sung once more a real baby is held up and the world is revealed to be a mix of modern day africa and years of history that inspired the stage show so we represent the complicated past with the complicated future not just for africa but the human animal as a whole fighting for the power justice and unity wow well that sounds brilliant you like it it's challenging it's brave it pushes the boundaries of not only what disney can do but what cinema can do and it doesn't have to be that expensive it's not about looking real it's about feeling real absolutely wonderful so shall we start production next year we're not gonna make it what now i set this meaning to see what we shouldn't do for a lion king remake i just took everything you said and wrote down the complete opposite but why you're a thinker julie and people don't want that we want to give them comfort food under the guise of something deep and timeless even though we're just feeding folks the same old [ __ ] don't you want to challenge and evolve and enlighten your fan base not as much as i want to make money [Music] well that was the saddest feature red i've ever seen [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] come on buster it's time to get up do we have to chaplain nope [Music] all right buster now we really should get up but i was seeing if i slept like this if i would dream upside down that's as brilliant as me sleeping on a mirror to see if i dream backwards so what are we gonna do today chaplain it's time you learn the benefits of becoming the next cash cow wow i'm chaplin look buster everything the light touches is our kingdom wow and how about that shadowy stuff that's ours too where cats we own everything got it as a cat on an online show i serve as the series cash cow but one day buster the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new cash cow and this will all be mine if you pee on it yes and i can do whatever i want buster there's more to being a cat than getting your way all the time there's more actually no that's it dear nephew son or brother you must learn the ways of being a profitable cash guy well how do i learn by watching our master the nostalgia critic talk about one of the biggest cash cows of all time the lion king which one the original or the remake there is no difference between them yet they still make money wow that is a cash cow now let's see our master scorn the gods again is his face usually that red only when he talks about recent disney films yeah it's tough i mean what can i say that everyone else hasn't already said about this movie it's spectacular that's something that hasn't been said about it yet but we all know it's [ __ ] and yet our nostalgia made us see it so i guess the real question is what the hell is wrong with us the 2019 lion king remake was laughed at by many but in the end it's disney who had the last laugh all the way to the bank for a while it was the highest grossing animated film not adjusted for inflation i don't think it cracks the top five when you factor that frozen two would eventually beat it out yay but the writing was on the wall this was a massive hit despite critics and online crybabies like myself complaining about how shallow and uninspiring it is the typical movie going public ate it up like warthogs in a blanket ew as much as people like to make fun of it there's clearly a fan base for it so the questions then become what's wrong with the film how can it be fixed who enjoys it what's their addresses and how much [ __ ] can i produce in paper bags on their birthdays let's analyze the how why and no no i'm still stuck on the y this is lion king 2019. ooh we're gonna get some good information here humpbuster buster just a second i feel like if i grab this string i'll change the world stop being cute as if that has anything to do with being a cash cow hi buster the film immediately mocks us with the logo in the traditional hand-drawn style lion king was praised for it'd be like the author of artemis fowl opening that film with i think we're in good hands we open on the only live action shot in the entire movie which i guess i should clear up some confusion this is a fully animated feature despite the media calling it a live action remake disney never officially referred to it as such though they didn't go out of their way to correct anybody either my guess is they liked that people thought some of it had to be real and i'll be honest i was 100 convinced at least the backgrounds were shot in africa it fooled me and that's not an easy thing to do when it comes to cg so on a tentacle level i do have to give him a lot of credit but then this raises a question if the entire film is animated why does it look so ugly africa is gorgeous such a wide variety of colors shapes and environments the original took advantage of being animated and magnified even more how grand and epic their landscapes are it's one of the few movies where whenever it's released on the big screen i always buy a ticket to go see it here every shot looks like it was soaked in cap hiss and dried off with monkey [ __ ] it's [ __ ] hideous but part of the reason for that may be that the director jon favreau said he wanted the film to look like a bbc documentary so he didn't go for a lot of pretty shots because he felt like it wouldn't have looked as realistic okay i guess i can understand trying to create a style and trying to go for realism over fantasy and stuff there's just one problem animals don't [ __ ] talk realism ruined yeah a lot of it looks like it's really there and that's a credit to the animators but the idea as a whole doesn't work if you told the story without any talking or songs granted it would have been very difficult and incredibly risky i would see how that could work and would tip my hat to such a daring idea even if it failed 101 dalmatians did something similar and that turned out okay but this makes no sense if you want us to have a connection you either have to embrace the human emotion of the characters or the realism of the animals you can't do both because the warm welcoming embrace of two friends who have known each other for years now looks like a janitor just doing his thursday thing there's no heart in it whatsoever even the other animals have a look like ah [ __ ] was that today all right buck up we have to pretend we like the people who are gonna eat us in the future [Music] [ __ ] doesn't even stand the ruler of this great circle isn't even worth a little energy in your legs [ __ ] hell with that though a mouse yeah this was only a few seconds in the original but now it's given over a minute of screen time because it's so vitally important no no they're not just showing off their technology like maybe what this whole entire movie is uh-uh this is crucial story going on here will the mouse [ __ ] will the mouse [ __ ] you don't even get that giant paw coming down that literally shook the theater when you saw it on the big screen scar just emerges out of the shadows like every villain and everything but they look real it's a waste of time but at least it's a realistic looking waste of time the way i see it we both want to find a way out scar played by chitta taoigafor and yes i did have to watch a video to figure out how to pronounce that is approached by zazu played by john oliver who was kind enough to leave rowan atkins in the charm of his interpretation by bringing a buttload of annoyance to his i had a cousin who thought he was a woodpecker he slammed his head into trees and our beaks aren't built for it he was concussed tonight's story me why aren't i funny here mufasa arrives voiced again by james earl jones who clearly should play simba's grandfather as opposed to father as at almost 90 years old every line delivery sounds like it's going to be followed by didn't i already say this don't turn your back on me scar perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me is that a challenge no seriously i did say this over 20 years ago right these scenes and lines are so recycled i'm amazed someone was actually credited for writing them in fact anything added is usually bottom of the barrel cliches including as you know i have respect yep another appearance of the most cliche line of all as you know for as i and many critics before me have pointed out if you already know why is it being said as you know as you all know as you may know as you may know as you know as you know i conducted a raid on the great library i expected more from the writer of oh no maybe i didn't [Music] leader rafiki voiced by john connie makes an artistic interpretation of his true ruler no not simba oh damn right i rule your ass now tell me the lady in the [ __ ] remake was amazing my god you made that why does nobody know we made that as time goes by simba played by j.d mcrae learns from his father how to be a good leader while others search for what they can take a true king searches for what he can give like a damn what the filmmakers are not giving in this movie ten flamingos are taking a stand again the scenes play exactly like the original simba pounces on zazu scar tells him about the elephant graveyard he tells his friend nala played this time by shahadi write joseph and all of it is done with the incredible advantage of having no expression whatsoever why so they can look real zazu goes or you don't oh my god okay here's the problem if you want to go fantasy and make them talk fine if you want to go real and not make them talk also fine but you have to choose one because we interpret them differently buster where are you it's important that you hear this i'm busting you certainly take for example our kitty friends when you hear them talk you know what they're thinking but watch what happens when you view them on mute see they still have expressions but you're reading them differently aren't you you have to look at the subtlety of their eyes their walk their tails it's a different way of communicating than verbal speech so when you're not just doing this for a laugh and need to convey legit dramatic emotion combining two totally different ways to read that emotion isn't going to feel authentic isn't that right guys [Music] oh uh you can talk now my god he went completely silent for a whole minute i'm scared i'm chaplin i should've gotten dogs the film truly does want to get every little detail down even keeping the zazu can't sing out of service out of africa i wouldn't hang around yet somehow he's still better than emma watson the cubs head towards the elephant graveyard while also roughhousing i think that's what this is supposed to be ninja the stunts and dolomite looked more aggressive come on i don't know simba this looks pretty underwhelming why are we even supposed to be afraid it looks like every other shitty landscape in the movie by the way when did nala become such a wet blanket simba we're way beyond the pride land come on it means we can go home you've proved how brave you are yeah remember the original when she was just as hungry for trouble as simba we could get in big trouble i know i wonder if its brains are still in there now if simba get down it could be dangerous then but get down it could be dangerous hey remember when they get older and you have that great contrast of her growing up accepting responsibility and him staying a child dodging his responsibilities no i thought that was lame too now she's always been responsible that's a great way to show growth and make us like her more everybody loves a stick in the mud the sun is going down i'm not just gonna sit here oh shut up another change is that the hyenas actually have a leader well yeah but another leader i guess it's shinzee played by florence kozumba i wonder how all that bravery will taste she's intimidating and all but still completely pointless they don't really do much with her except have her look at simba's mother once and that suddenly builds this great rivalry for them to fight at the end at least i got some laughs out of goldberg's interpretation here the only attempts at laughter are from a neutered eric andre and keegan michael key stay for dinner yeah stay for dinner we have talked about this i come in alone i'm the lead distraction so everyone can circle oh they're doing the intimidated speech interrupted by somebody thing yeah yeah it was already dated in ghostbusters 2016. let's go let's go oh did you want to sorry i'll let you i'll let you next time you're not bringing it back mufasa saves them though honestly i feel like the hyenas could take them there's only three in the original and simba gets in big trouble i thought you were very brave was he you literally cut out the only part where he was brave where he scratches one of them so all he did was run if this was actually realistic she'd say [ __ ] ass [ __ ] mufasa talks with simba in a powerfully emotional moment so let's shoot it as far away as possible on their backs you deliberately disobeyed me you could have been killed and what's worse you put nala in danger i mean i said this line for lying can i at least have my coffee so i don't have to say it half awake no you just want it done quick and people's nostalgia will fill in the emotion okay god this is weird back at the graveyard scar approaches the hyenas and tells them his plan to kill mufasa is yesterday's message a clapped out distracted regime um is he singing i don't know we in the song the need for a different dream okay that part rhymed i think we're in a song it was pretty clear last time we were in a song meticulous planning telecity spanning cage why isn't he singing that i don't know the last guy couldn't sing maybe he can't even [Music] nope that guy can sing they just amputate the best song in the movie though isn't that what we've been doing since the disney logo [Applause] [Music] like our videos subscribe to be notified about them want to actually be notified about them click on that bell as well also don't forget to check us out on twitch playing some games telling some jokes and overall having a good time hope to see you there [Applause] so after taking one of the most awesome villain songs ever and turning it into a poem with youtube's music library under it god you deserve all that money scar takes simba to the gorge where a trap is waiting for it my dad was pretty upset with me yeah he looked really pissed off this gorge is where all lions come to find their roar their dead eyes blank stares and a different movement sadly are stuck with us forever as you'd expect in the roars and he thinks he starts a stampede and honestly this is a pretty damn pathetic looking stampede i know i'm being kind in not comparing every scene to the original as again the style is supposed to be so real but this doesn't look like it would kill anybody if anyone was stuck in this stampede you know they're bambi's mom but here if somebody fell they could just get right back up help one of them does oh that's annoying i'm back to the triathlon i'll just leave that part out of the facebook post everything about this moment is half the intensity of the original just listen to this delivery come to me son jump jesus it's like he said every important line while doing something else i could see him eating lunch while saying that simba come to me son jump it's over mufasa i have the high ground scar help me no really help me i'm totally in distress you know so the next two scenes back to back are so funny i actually bursted out laughing in the theater the first is rather than that epic toss sending mufasa to his death scar oddly [ __ ] slaps him before letting go [Music] how middle school is that a chilling line like long live the king shouldn't be said before that it should be your door susie likes me not you hold on you got something on your face see you next fall oh god i'm funny that was not funny it was so funny and the other is simba's pathetic cry as he watches his father perish remember how big and heart-pounding it was in the original look what they replace it with [Music] how are the scenes are supposed to get the biggest laughs getting dead silence yet the scenes are supposed to be dead silent are getting the biggest laughs that's not a blood curling cry that's the meow mix kit finding out he got traded to fancy feast approaches his dad who doesn't feel too good mr stark come on he's so emotionless and lacking life but that's how he always is how can i tell if anything's wrong yup the most emotional scene from the original is given to us completely empty if you actually feel anything here i assure you it's a holdover from how well it was done before i can only stare at you with the nine indifference for so long yeah remember how you looked at scar in the original like that bastard he tore a loving father from his dear son now it's like he was kind of on his way out already every line sounded like joe biden just woke up from a nap stampede in the porch simbus down there you interrupted my toaster strudel for that the rest is again scene by scene from the first guard tells him to run when he could have just killed him there the hyenas chase him he gets away and vultures pick at him the same way disney is peeking at the corpse of this franchise but there's something on the horizon enter the only entertaining part of the movie timon and pumbaa played by seth rogen and billy eichner maybe because they improvised and weren't bound to the paint by number script everyone else was but these two have legit funny lines a good amount of energy and active personalities you can call them the toasty of the movie that's so rarely seen so how are you in as few words as possible he'll be on our side i've got it what if he's on our side hear me out with that said they do still have to sing that damn song means no worries for the rest of your days and while eichner does a pretty good job singing rogan ain't no passing crazy just became the 11th commandment when i was a young word don't you love this you take the guy who can sing in heaven talk through his song and have the guy who can't belt every note he can't reach you know maybe they can bring back the kid who dub jonathan taylor thomas it'd be obvious but disney didn't care then they wouldn't care now [Music] so with timon and pumbaa being the one thing the film got right simba grows up into please god no okay you got two things right just getting in the groove now let's leave them wanting more yeah you've grown 400 pounds since we started well back at pride rock scar destroys the land though it's honestly hard to tell didn't it always look that ugly we have to do something sarabi we have to fight nala play now by beyonce decide she needs to leave and get help this was explained fine in the original but for some reason we need an additional six minutes to show this much like the beauty and the beats remake most of the things taken out are vital and most of the things added are pointless but it's cool we have an essential scene where simba's dander gets to rafiki you remember that scene in the original that just took a couple of seconds well now we're shown the entire journey an additional three minutes is added just looking at this hunk of fur why [ __ ] why is it going to get in a knife fight with the feather from forrest gump does it symbolize how the movie is a small fraction of simba rolled up in a giant ball of [ __ ] what is the point of any of this he clearly doesn't understand that any part of a cat is important and worth watching like when we lick our private buster wait youtube would you watch that especially when we lick our privates i think [Music] and he smells like a bowl of [ __ ] he smells like a bowl of [ __ ] timon and pumbaa sing the lion sleeps tonight because so realistic but nala attacks simba stops her though you see timon how come we're not like that anymore no they quickly recognize each other though and are blown away having not seen each other for years simba we need to leave okay i guess not that blown away man you really don't appreciate a character until you see them botched do you i liked nala fine though i never saw her as anything that great but not only is this one dead serious all the time but she doesn't even appropriately react to seeing her childhood friend back from the dead i want you to meet my best friend nala nala you're gonna love it here this place is amazing simba we need to leave the original worked organically they were excited they caught up she expressed how much she missed him they had a song together she made that face that gave birth to a million furries then she brings up his responsibility to fight for the throne here it's hey been a long time good to see you get your ass back home before i whoop ya kuda matata it makes the intro to the song way more out of nowhere and as many have pointed out can you feel the love tonight isn't even sung at night not even early evening the real lyric should have been can you feel the love mid to late afternoon maybe two-ish you can't even give us the time of day without [ __ ] up the time of day and you know who's to blame for all of this you huh and you huh and you huh you're all to blame for this and who are we you're the common moviegoers i just made up well thanks for wishing us into existence why'd you wish me on a toilet though you may not have specific names but you're the reason this movie was a hit what so we like a movie big deal the big deal is you're encouraging a creative juggernaut to keep turning out more [ __ ] hey come on we work our asses off every week sometimes we just need something mindless to watch yeah i like seeing a more realistic child thing i grew up with it makes me feel more adult oh you think you're a big boy huh i am a big boy well just because something looks real doesn't mean it feels real okay okay okay that's all you have to say look man it's great that you analyze movies for a deeper meaning but sometimes we want to not think and disney remakes are great for that what you don't want to be challenged sometimes i guess but mostly we just want a distraction something to take away from everyday stress yeah don't you have any distractions you don't think too hard about like giving your cats voices or something i can speak for myself thank you very much yeah imagine a grown man doing these voices absurd poppycock puppy sir abscock fine you go about watching your dumb little remakes and i'll continue to go about judging you you were going to judge us even if we didn't watch them that's true still don't know why you put me on the toilet somebody now fight like in the last film and he comes across rafiki shortly after saying he can show him his father your father is waiting [Music] jesus you dug your mob what kind of sick monkey are you we of course get his father in the clouds but it's not even that clear it's him again you'd have to give him emotional expression or he'd just look like the mgm logo but we can't do that because it's not real so we just look at this blueberry fart the whole time how magical remember who you are remember and to make things worse maybe the biggest insult of all the scene with the stick is missing the past can hurt but the way i see it you can either run from it or learn from it yes the whole moral of the story in a fantastic analogy is cut i was dumbfounded when i saw that in fact another important line is cut remember when he says you've forgotten who you are so you've forgotten me you have forgotten who you are and so forgotten me but don't worry it was replaced with tons of minutes of grumpy nala a mouse and dung beetle [ __ ] yeah i know why they cut that one out because it perfectly sums up this movie lion king forgot what made it so special by ignoring what was most important which is why i can assure you even though this one made a ton of money it will fade into obscurity while this one will live on forever you better hope there's an amazing scene to follow this up we proudly present your dinner fight it fight it be damn it those two are like fried breading they're always the best part scene for scenes simba confronts scar and he forces simba to reveal the truth who's responsible for mufasa's death it was me it's not true cancel symbol as before scar whispers the truth in his ear causing a flashback it looks even worse than slo-mo the simba fights back and gets the lionesses on his side he defeats gaar the hyenas kill him for betraying them and simba takes his place as king hooray lions can eat us again instead of the hyenas yeah we're still pretty screwed in this two-party system now look at me i voted for libertarian pumbaa and that was lion king 2019. it's so empty it's like an empty jar marked fun but there's only air inside no not even that because they sucked all the air out of it i know it made a ton of money and most people just see it as a harmless kids film but look at it this way selling drugs to kids makes you money too but it's still wrong this is like creative drugs instead of killing brain cells they kill originality and judging by the success of their other crafty remakes they're just as addictive though the technology is impressive i don't get why people celebrate remaking what's already perfectly fine when nothing new or interesting is added while the casting is decent and timon and pumbaa get a few laughs i don't see this one being as valued as the original as the saying goes there can only be one king and i think it's obvious which one i and other fans of good storytelling see as the true ruler and you know what i'm going to give the director a piece of my mind yeah my desk skype buttons no you know what kathleen hold on give me one second i got somebody bothering me you know i hope this is important i'm working on mandalorian season two jon favreau how can you make something as terrible as the lion king ugh this again look i'd love to chat and figure out how you got this contact but i'm pouring my blood sweat and tears into this thing okay no we've been talking about this for hours we need to keep him an anti-hero that's what makes him complex and interesting and another thing excuse me sir you're supposed to direct this shot for lion king two i forgot i was doing it lion king too you're not ruining the incredible okayness of simba's pride what's simba there or there you know what uh right between the giraffes legs underneath the ball sack yes sir what are we going to reintroduce bill burr wait you barely give me a direction oh yeah well i do these animal movies so disney will let me do what i really want well as a critic i question your creativity as a director i got to pick my battles know what i mean but i don't look do you like my remakes no do you like the mandalorian hell yeah well i can't make one without the other the money the lion king made would pay for six seasons of the mandalorian but the original lion king is still around and look all those animators had to work on a bunch of [ __ ] they didn't want to before they could get to that you think everybody wanted to animate the wuzzles but your remake was so bad bad enough not to see any more mandalorian no you do your thing focusing on my bad stuff and i'll do my thing focusing on my good stuff i guess that makes sense i don't care i have to get back to work through the scene looks great now let's talk about how our villain has to run a fast food chicken restaurant so do you understand now buster i think so in order to be a cash cow you have to give the people what they want even if what they want is [ __ ] yeah so we're gonna see a lot more fan remakes huh looks like it but in the long run they help us produce the good stuff and we'll appreciate them all the more i i think i'm ready to give the people the fluff they deserve not the fluff they deserve buster but the fluff they need that makes no sense i don't care i am the cash cow and i'm batman i don't care i have to get back to work sir this scene look i'm sorry sir the scene how dare i'm john fedv oh okay well thanks for wishing us into existence oh okay hey i want a blooper too oh microphone tastes inedible more ain't no passing crazy hey doug walker here doing the charity shout out uh this week we're doing something a little different in that it's actually what we usually do uh this is a charity that's not tied into uh covet 19 and the reason is uh back in c2e2 it's a big con in chicago um somebody came up and gave me this shirt uh for my dad and if you can't see that that says operation combat bike saver and uh they came up or the dude came up he was really really nice he knew my dad served uh in the navy and he was like you know hey you know one of your charity shout outs could you give a shout out for this i'm like oh sure sure uh but soon after you know cove it happened and uh you know i've been doing charities to get attention on that uh but but we've done a fair amount i feel like so this time i just want to try a different charity from someone that came up to me and specifically requested it and i checked it out it's a really really uh cool charity it seems like and i will read you the exact details about what they do here operation combat bike saver provides a workshop for veterans suffering from ptsd and or tbi and or depression once the project is completed by the candidate it is theirs to keep or donate to another candidate of their choosing at no cost to the precipitant they will be introduced to building fabricating wielding and painting to resurrect something that was once damaged and forgotten into something new and truly unique while rebuilding themselves at the same time and this is a direct quote from the site here we have lost way too many to ptsd tbi and depression all of us here at operation combat bike safer have lost someone to the after effects of defending their country and community we would love nothing more than to help than to help our heroes return to feeling normal again so as you can see this is a really really good organization such a unique idea i mean you do not hear that uh that kind of thing thrown around a lot i mean repairing bikes but also repairing people as well and uh the dude i talked to was really sweet really nice so definitely check out the site like i said such a neat idea and such a cool way of trying to tackle this so check them out donate if you can volunteer and even if you can't do that spread the word just take the link and spread it on your social media or whatever because as i always say there's so many people trying to do so much good and they deserve so much attention thank you so much you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,162,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, the lion king, the lion king 2019, the lion king review, disney, disney live action, disney movies, the lion king 2019 review, lion king, movie, film, bad disney remakes, worst disney live action, movie review, film review, movie discussion, funny review, funny movie review, worst disney movies, bad disney movies, review, critic, Jon Favreau, donald glover, seth rogen, john oliver, beyonce, james earl jones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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