Miracles in the Midwest 2021 | Night 1 | Billy Burke

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[Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on give me my mighty shout tonight everything all everything everything is [Music] way [Applause] now give him a mighty praise come on come on come on come on [Music] come on give him almighty where's the whistle where's the shout where's all that can somebody whistle in this place [Music] we we gotta get ready for the greatest show on earth in these next years we got to get ready to learn how to celebrate i i mean if you have to go to pilates so you get in shape so you can hang in there with the appraisers and celebrators some of you are out there you're just you're you're doing this and you think we don't know who you are put your hands up all over the place come on say holy ghost i'm here tonight in a new season in a new building for a new assignment a purge has taken place you removed what i couldn't remove you did what i didn't have the power to do but by the grace of god a new beginning is here come on give him a mighty shout oh my god you better do it somebody better do it come on give somebody a hallelujah hug give him a house you hug him and say hallelujah wow amazing amazing praise you lord absolutely wonderful i'll tell you it wasn't that long ago that pastor paul karen we sat in a restaurant just talking over a meal this was all words this was all just dream and so so to be here a few years later and to be actually in the beginning stages this is as small as this will ever be yeah now many of you and if you never had a chance to be on the ground floor of a world shaking net breaking operation in the secular realm if we would have been on the ground floor of the golden arches imagine that we maybe came a little late or we just didn't understand what it means to what you hook up with you go up with and i i really believe that as they drove into this parking lot of course the pastor said it so eloquently that the history here but this is this is different this is a new work this is the chance for you not just pastor paul and the building and the church for you to have a new beginning you know for for you that couldn't put things behind you this could be the place that launches you into the stratosphere i mean that's what the grace of god does he hooks you up with places that helps you enables you to do what you can do on your own so as you sit here in the building and you celebrate the newness of this first night and all the weekend how many is going to be with us all weekend anybody going to be how many would sleep here if you could let me see come on there was a revival that took place years ago out in san jose it was so strong it lasted i think 21 weeks it was i believe and they were sleeping on the property they found them sleeping in the garbage bins the big bins anywhere they could find the place to put a sleeping sack sleeping blanket they were just they didn't want to leave the property and i really believe god has something in store for the millennial church i really do i don't think it's just a new a new church i think this here the vision that's going to be unfolded and be revealed to the pastor paul and karen i don't even think they know the fullness of it it's too big for to handle that's why god orders our steps two reasons we can't handle the fullness and the second reason to keep us off the devil's radar because if he told us everything we'd blab it all week long in tulsa come on somebody and then he would know where to attack but he's leading the leaders here of the leadership here step by step it's an exciting privilege if you live here to be a part of this wonderful journey whether you're going to call this your home or whether you're going to visit here often for the many conferences that'll be in the future however you see this but my memories of the few times i've been here at the millennial church has just been remarkable the people that have been healed has anybody here been healed at one of those former meetings let me see anybody stand up if you've been healed to one of the former meetings just stand to your feet oh my oh my oh now if we're gonna celebrate tonight when god begins to move and do some great things i want to hear you really i don't want to have to tell you come on let's praise him we're going to break this choir leader and choir rehearsal syndrome we got to just say my god he's moving again and and we got to get spontaneous with this i mean just the sense of his presence those songs we came out of just worshiping and singing i mean just just that robust combustive nature that really you carry you don't fool us here tonight some of you are very demonstrative people at home very demonstrative i mean you're yelling at the tv you're you know you're you're turning the radio up the highest decibel performance you know you you go to bed with a tv on all night you know you sleep with lights on i mean come on you are not normal nobody in here is that normal so whenever god begins to work over anything this is the opportunity for you to be changed and transformed in that day you were waiting for down the road i know god has something for me i believe it runs parallel with this new work new work is going to create a new vision new people i'm just excited about that come on just hold your hands up hold your hands up and say lord this is a new day for me i declare what i did not learn in the past seasons what i refuse to cooperate with every time i said no i am so sorry i'm ready to say yes come on somebody give you one more praise for that can you do that come on one more pray [Music] you know we're here tonight tomorrow morning tomorrow night sunday morning sunday night monday night tuesday night and then you're going to say get that guy out of tulsa but here's what i want to do i want to do my best each meeting to give you some form some form of a truth that you could really use to change everything i'm going to say this statement and please try and remember this statement we know more than we believe if you believed everything that you know you'd be practicing walking on water in your bathtub now we do we have a lot of knowledge we know a lot we've sat under some great teaching and great ministries but that don't mean that you quite believe it yet [Music] when we begin to believe what we already know when we begin to execute that and make our knowledge operational knowledge everything begins to change that's when the body begins to get healed and the mind begins to line up that's when the tithe and the the harvest money lord of the harvest releases he wants to be believed he just doesn't want you to know the truth he wants you to believe it and when you believe it then things begin to change all the way around now you say well i do believe it but we could kind of split hairs over that all night long if we believed it so much we wouldn't have so much fear present this this fear these phobias have got to break come on somebody help me tonight and why not start with you [Music] why not you leaving this place over these next few days and you'd just be the spearhead of all the sound you're hearing coming out of people both christian and family and friends and secular it's just everywhere and it's our job to really reflect and and on purpose come on say out loud and on purpose say it again out loud and on purpose reflect the truth that you know prove that you believe it get armed and dangerous with it and when god sees that you're bold and you're fearless then he's not just going to heal you but he's going to use you to heal other people come on he's going to use you i mean there's no way that tulsa can be taken what do you mean tulsa taken i believe in this hour god's going to give leaders cities suburbs businesses i believe this is the great hour this is the great payback for locking us up for one year come on somebody help me come on it's payback time come on and we're going to see healing and miracles tonight and each service will see them but i just want to give you some things that i think if some of you are here if any of you are here and you're still struggling okay with arthritis diabetes some form of cancer if you're on if you have scoliosis lyme's disease insomnia i can't sleep a lot of these things really you know i'm learning as i've been in this a number of years our goal isn't just to have great meetings is to produce great lives and sometimes that takes a little bit of instruction without without getting too deep into your into your life because there's so many things that can be perfected if you're open to that if all you want to do is sing if all you want to do is just to clap and enjoy the sermons that's another thing but if you want to be a written walking breathing example i used to be blind i used to be deaf you know i used to and if you want to be one of those and god touched me he wants you to be touched and then tell about it did you hear what i just said do you know how many people do you know how many people have been touched delivered and yet they tell nobody [Music] it's the saddest link in the in the church is that we have so many that have been healed at home over television at church in the car we probably have some great stories right here [Music] but yet we're just is it fear is that we're ashamed don't we learn this last year the power of human transmission [Music] i may think your testimony can travel more than six feet come on somebody [Applause] i i promise you if some people that didn't doesn't know what you've been through [Music] doesn't have to be here it could be healing it could be money it could be your marriage it could be something who knows all of the stories that are in this room if just the stories in this room ever got out i mean just take your breath away i mean people would have to go on a ventilator you'd take the breath right out of them they'd be shocked that it was you i'm telling when we begin to not give a holy hoot what people think [Music] i do you know what i mean [Music] when we really begin to say you know what look what god did for me and so that's what i say you don't want to you don't want to just enter a new season in a new church and be an old you [Music] come on say that would ruin everything say it make the most of this new grace [Music] make a covenant with god that that you're going to let his glorious ways be made known that you used to didn't like church maybe that's your testimony like i said it could be many many many things that people out there that are in your circle in your world need to know when god sees that you are going overboard for him when he sees that you're not just showing up for a meeting but you're really you're not afraid any longer you're not ashamed anymore to tag his name on to that new car to tag his name on to that new child that was adopted or that healing or that or that parent that lived to be 102 or 98 so many things that we need to just begin to say man the grace of god is real in our place isn't god good look what the lord did for me i tell you the holy spirit's been working dealing with me on this i couldn't lose a pound and i started asking the holy ghost and i've lost 15 pounds now you know that's not just language that needs to be kept within the church you say but that's not my personality well then you're a prisoner to your personality some people the worst thing they could say is jesus lives in me you know what jesus would say i know and i can't get out [Music] our heart has become his prison he didn't move in you to be in you he moved in you to move through you come on give god a big shout come on come on and it's not like you have to be preachy it's not like you have to stand on the street corner just acknowledging in passing you know as someone give you're giving you change at the restaurant and you just say well look at that praise the lord a couple weeks ago i had carpool tunnel i couldn't even move that wrist praise god i can thank him it's just it's not even preaching it's acknowledging it's acknowledging you know what i mean and if we begin to do that and you begin to do that that qualifies you for more come on say this there's some there's more and there's all oh come on say theirs one more time there's [Music] if you have nothing and then you have some you you feel like you hit the lottery but whenever you get to more and then whenever you say you know i gotta have it all [Music] come on see i gotta have it all the road to all is just being faithful to what you have whatever part of the story you have today my prayer over this weekend is that god fills you so full you can't but help leak out secret information you can't but help begin to not be ashamed any longer or afraid whatever you whichever word you want to use [Music] you know i mean john the baptist had an ultra you know personality he was an extrovert he was just like way out there and he got his head cut off but timothy was a worrier and he had ulcers so he had to drink a little you know merlot wine every night or peeing the wire wine they settled down his stomach so when you match your life up with bible characters you've got to be careful because you say i'm like the baptist well he wasn't perfect i'm like timothy he was far from perfect so you want to be like god who wants you to be come on he wants to transform you into someone that you never thought you could be he wants to break the family curse your curse and any curse anybody has ever put on you come on say i'm getting healed tonight come on come on every hand up come on just say it say right now right here in this place god's got a miracle for me and i'm gonna tell the world i will tell the world you can put your hands on you can put your hands up the thoughts just come to me and i'm just flowing here tonight i'm just gonna flow your pastor's giving me the permission to flow hannah couldn't get pregnant [Music] god put a baby in her belly wanted to put a baby in her belly the baby's name was prophet samuel she did everything to get pregnant back in that day could not get pregnant and then she shifted and she said these words lord i'll tell you what i'll do if you give me a baby i'll dedicate that baby back to you boom she can see here comes prophet samuel see god wasn't going to release a prophet into that womb until he knew she was going gonna give it back to him and i'm telling you tonight if you people don't think of this or they just don't want to think of this he just doesn't heal you to heal you well you didn't hear me [Music] come on let me go a little deep we let me go a little deep here a little bit he doesn't heal you just to back up his word we have all these things we think why god heals well he wants to back up his word well he's a healing jesus he wants to make you a walking billboard he wants people to know that his fingerprints are all over you [Music] and he wants to hear you tell people i wasn't able to sleep all night until god touched me i wasn't able to digest my food properly i was on a walker for 25 years i used to have dyslexia i had i read everything backwards and i had you know i had venereal disease and god just cleansed me supernaturally or through treatment we're standing on the word of god i'm saying if you will do what hannah did here's my little nugget for tonight if you'll just do what hannah did and make a covenant and say god you fixed me you healed me i'll tell you what i'll i'll shout it wherever you want me to i'll talk about it at the thanksgiving dinner and the turkey will fly right out of the room come on somebody [Music] but we got to get more bold we can't we can't let a virus be more bold than we are come on we can we can't do that we can't let a vaccine be more bold than we are and we surely can't let the barabbas culture that's what that culture is out there is the barabbas culture they don't want jesus they want one of their own because one of their own isn't going to challenge the way they live and the way they make their decisions so they're voting within their barabbas culture and the church for years has helped a lot of people in the church but we haven't penetrated the culture well somebody helped me here but taylor penetrates the culture whenever you begin to testify at mcdonald's and that chick-fil-a and when you walk in starbucks come on somebody and you just begin not that you have to do it but that you're open that if the wind of heaven wants to blow through you uh you don't know what i'm talking about see we want to come in here and control the wind oh lord i'm ready tonight i'm in church and nobody my neighbors don't see me and my family don't see me and blow through me and so he blows through you said then you're out there somewhere where you're not comfortable and the holy ghost is hey can i blow through you tonight can i blow through you right now oh no no not now lord not now i'll meet you on sunday morning i'll meet you on sunday night but don't blow through me here lord this is my workplace for god's sake this is my workplace and we begin to control the thermostat on the wall and usually when you do that you end up shortchanging who you could be what god could entrust you with whether it's anointing whether it's levels of favor whether it's boatloads of money yeah all of that it's all based on trust hold your bible left you got a bible with you hold it up come on say everything in here is based on trust it's based on trust it's we want to trust him that he wants to also be able to trust us this is a reciprocal this is quaino nia this is a two-way street and we want to be able to trust him that he performs what he promises but god says man i healed you of this and you haven't told anybody i've delivered you from this and you haven't peeped the word now you're trying to get another healing and you haven't told anybody and so from generation to generation children don't even know what their own parents have been delivered man if dad and mom would have said hey when i was yours let me tell you what god did for me let me tell you how he raised me and and spoke to me and healed this and delivered me of that and i was a cocaine head too but let me tell you what god did if we would just get out and let that out forget forget forget jack coming out of the box let's break the spring so jack can't ever get back in again come on [Music] [Applause] and i and i the holy spirit said if you'll go there tonight before you minister to the people before that sweet anointing that healing anointing comes into the room and you'll have those people make a deal and make a covenant that's called a covenant and lord like rahm said my life for theirs you know to save my family i'll give you this and greyhound made a covenant you know she was a harlot she ran a bramble and yet god listened to that covenant that she made and if you'll make a covenant tonight lord i i will and you say but i can't promise god that by faith you can by faith it's a beginning to promise him that you'll become even if you have to say i'll try more i'll try a little harder because if we are silent then we're letting we're letting that barabbas culture take our voice and our votes we're letting the world letting them grab the steering wheel what did carrie underwood sing jesus what jesus take the wheel that needs to be all of our cries tonight and i promise you if some of you would just do that tonight what hannah did and you would guarantee as much as you could tonight by grace lord i'll tell you what i'll tell you what we had a man done fort myers years ago him and him and his wife they were on two different levels i would just say levels of spirituality and he wanted to go to the movies she wanted to go to church okay the charisma magazine came out and covered this event he wanted to go to the movies and she wanted to go to church he didn't want to come to the church service that night well that night in the service he had a cardiac arrest sitting in the church i was on the stage and the pastor yelled at me he said billy we got a man back there he just fainted well there was a paramedic right behind him and the paramedic said he's dead he's been dead for eight minutes i said oh wow and i was just standing there and the holy ghost said well here's here's you tell people it's time to raise the debt take a crack at it come on let's go [Music] you know and i thought i thought to myself well you know i never raised a dead person i believe in healing i don't have to i'm working on the resurrection part and so i didn't know what to do he was dead in his wife's lap so i got done and i picked him up and i just started speaking to him and he'd fall down again and i'd pick him up and talk and it fell down again well she's screaming and she's screaming at me i said lady would you shut up and then i said then i thought why would i say that to a lady in a meeting that's terrible i said would you just shut up i'm trying to help your husband you know and the paramedics right here but he's dead brother brother burke he's dead i said would you leave me alone and all of a sudden you're in a situation where nobody really knows how to handle this so i picked them up one more time and i said lord this is it i'm going i said in the name of jesus and his eyes came right open then i died i died right after that you know and i said to him what if you wouldn't have made that deal with your wife and the deal was i'll go to the movies with you if you go to church with me tonight i said who would have raped you from the dead at the movie house come on come on come on come on so tonight as we worship as we sing as we pray for you and as you come and you want to receive what you want remember he's wanting something to from you you all have circles that are nobody else touches some of the people in your life don't listen to christian radio they don't do christian internet they're into social media but not spiritual media come on say amen they don't pray and and yet you're here and they see you and they know you walk with the cane they know you medicate they know you're having trouble losing weight they know that you have unforgiveness and you're bitter about a divorce or something that took place in your life and they're just your friend they know you go to church they don't question anything but they're used to you a certain way what if one day because they're in your circle that means you see them at the store you see them at the church you see them somewhere work what if one day you come in without a cane what if one day you come in and you're 30 pounds lighter say that will be a great day come on said [Music] what if what if you came in that day and all of a sudden the glasses are gone and they say are you wearing contacts and no no contact what happened what if it's not about you it's not about me it's about the master it's about him in this late hour come on say this is a very late hour of the church [Music] and you can't be ashamed of what god has done for you we just had a lady pastor paul two or three days ago she called in one of our healing services we do virtual services every weekend and she called in from switzerland i can't even pronounce her name i'm not going to try but she said i've been suffering with genital herpes for years she's i have scabs all over me and she said i was watching the broadcast now this is for a lady calling in from switzerland so it's kind of safe i guess right that far away she said that word came out over the television that god was healing herpes and she said i just reached out and claimed that she said something strange began to move all over my body she said i got up and she said oh my god the scabs were leaving until they were all gone every scab come on somebody help me [Music] and she said i just began to dance around my living room you know you know like the wicked witch is dead the wicked witch is dead the scabs are gone the scabs are gone hallelujah the scabs are gone but she took it a step further see that's the kind of a story that you could have and have a an understanding why you wouldn't tell anybody but to call our prayer line make sure pastor billy hears this i was healed of genital herpes that i couldn't get rid of for years shots and creams and salves and all of that and she said one night and i heard that and they left she said i just can't tell you what i feel and i said well are we going to be able to tell this story she said tell the world [Music] there's a verse that we always use for salvation and we say if we confess him before men he will confess us before the father that's not just for salvation that's for acknowledging him for anything if you acknowledge him for what he's doing he's bringing you through something he's giving you the strength to sustain you for a season before he heals you he's providing for you in this last year how many did god provide for you some way somehow you all have stories in here tonight but these stories are to be shared and again not not in a preachy kind of a way we've got to get so overflowing with the goodness of god that they just kind of come out if somebody can accidentally curse we can accidentally bless come on i mean you know i i've had people so much right into my services they get healed then they say holy hell they get i said no there's no holy hell there's a holy heaven you know i've had every word imaginable in meetings because that's what they're filled with and it just flows out and they didn't mean nothing by it and then when you realized he said holy hell i said there's no holy hell he says i am so sorry then they say reverend i'm not a reverend but i understand what you're saying and and it's just it's just what flows out so easily and we need to get so feel come on so excited in this hour that's what's going to pierce the barabbas culture come on that is what's going to affect people out there in the highways and by ways because whenever they hear you tell the story and you're not ashamed of it i said you're not ashamed of it i was walking by some people one day and i think it was a restaurant i'm not sure it was after a church service and i heard them saying bad things about catherine coleman i just happened to be standing right where they were talking there were four of them and they were saying this and they were saying that and they were just saying some very mean things bad things things that which i knew wasn't true and i thought well do i jump in this fight i don't need to get in every fight so i walked over to the table and i said did any of you guys ever know her did any of you guys ever meet her and they said i said kk katherine coleman did you ever meet her did you ever go to a meeting why and they swore no and all that i said well i knew her i was carried into that meeting i had three days to live with brain cancer lung cancer she touched me and i was healed about 30 seconds and here i am now look at me they went [Music] another time just recently someone came and said hey aren't you friends with kenneth copeland i said yeah i would say i'm friends with kenneth copeland yeah i mean do you really believe in him yeah big time big time his faith works he's a powerful man yeah but i saw him on tv and he was blowing the virus away i saw that i said i saw that too yes what would you think of that i said would you see the virus anywhere [Music] do you see the virus anywhere i said faith is always now doesn't say healing now but faith is now manifestations whenever he chooses he said yeah but it didn't happen right at that moment i said nathan did the fig tree you spoke to the fig tree but nothing happened until the next morning i'm telling you tonight if god says something to you if he touches you and he starts something in you he will finish what he starts in you [Music] and that's why you got to be careful as you as we all get exposed to people who who don't practice faith don't practice living on the promises we've got to really be careful because we don't have to have any of their outcomes be our outcome we don't know how they live we don't know what they believe we just know that he was a deacon in the church but we don't know what kind of we don't know all of that you have to know what you're standing on that's more than a feeling more than uncle joe come on more than i'm a baptist come on more than i'm a pentecostal but you've got a chapter you've got a verse come on you've got a lifestyle you got people around you he's touched you before and he's going to do it again come on give him a mighty shout so in this new season wouldn't it be great to just pledge yourself in a new way [Music] there's a verse in acts chapter 4 verse 20. that's my word for you tonight acts chapter 4 verse 20. here's what it says peter and john healed the the lame man at the gate they didn't just talk to him they grabbed them by their wrist and pulled them we got to be careful we're not allowed to do that today actually the man went walking and leaping well they came and beat up peter and john and threatened them and told them they shouldn't be doing that anymore especially in the name of jesus and in that chapter chapter 4 verse number 20. here's how both peter and john answered the sanhedrin they said whether you judge us right or wrong i don't know but we can't help ourselves but speak about everything we've seen and everything we've heard ladies and gentlemen i believe we're about to see some amazing things on planet earth and i believe out of the millennial church is going to flow a millennial river come on how many believe that and you read about that river in ezekiel 47 the first 10 verses talks about that millennial river coming in the millennium outside underneath the great millennial temple tonight in this place god wants to touch you but he sure wants you to be able to believe in him so much that you're going to tell somebody that you're gonna that you're not gonna be ashamed of telling people whenever they see you hey what happened to the walker [Music] i went to a meeting i was sitting at my home in my chair because there's greater things for god to show you [Music] wouldn't you love to see something appear in your room wouldn't you love to hear an audible voice [Music] wouldn't you like for god to be able to just release maybe some relatives from the other side just to come in and say hey everything's all right all those things are in reach i said all of those things are in reach and more i mean there's some supernatural things i was praying for a certain celebrity i mean nobody knew this i was just praying for this lady for some time because i felt she needed a supernatural touch don't know her don't have any connection to her don't know her agent don't know nothing about her other than what i see you know on the television or sometimes you see on television on a commercial whatever just praying so one morning i get in my car just to go to the office my cell phone was laying on my passenger seat and my cell phone lit up whose name was it it's hers just lit up on my cell phone i didn't punch in that number i didn't call i didn't do anything it just came and it was the holy ghost saying i hear you i hear what you're saying i'm working on it stay tuned keep praying get ready you're helping position her for a big time miracle come on somebody give god a shout come on give him a mighty praise come on stand your feet all over the place let's put your hands high in the air and we're going i'm going to pray and then i'm going to ask bruce and lisa just to just do some worship we're going to sing and then we're going to leave god to move across this audience tonight [Music] and to bring the healing in your lives that you need in this place to bring deliverance if you came here tonight and you're not able to break free from something that has a hold of you let the night be that night let this weekend be that weekend [Music] join in with peter and john in acts chapter 4 verse 20. i can't help speak about the things that god's doing in me i can't even help speak about that holy spirit we ask you to touch us tonight let's just sing that song come holy spirit come holy spirit come come holy spirit [Music] come in nice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come holy spirit come holy spirit holy [Music] in my spirit [Music] is [Music] he's here tonight hallelujah [Music] oh praise him tonight [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] here we go hallelujah hallelujah [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] praise you praise you [Applause] [Music] a little higher [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] any kind of disc herniations being healed right now disc herniation where are you quickly come to me come out of your seat disc herniation disc herniation quickly quickly is that you sir quickly come come come come come come ma'am come farm guns all over this you're walking out of here with no pain tonight quickly quickly can you bring her up here who else this lady here yes i believe this man is coming down over here somebody help this gentleman here quickly how long you had this man how long you had this years so you came in here tonight and it's painting yes it's hurting right now are you sure yeah you might have to have surgery you might have to get healed you might have to check it for me it's not hurting right now [Music] pound holy ghost somebody you've got to shout come on give him a mighty praise ma'am this is just the beginning for you isaiah 43 19 says behold i do a new thing and the former things shall not be remembered there'll be water out of your desert and away in your wilderness get ready for a supernatural shift in your life you're not even going to understand how it all happens but the same way the master touched you tonight he's about to touch your life's direction come on somebody give god a shout [Music] and that holy ghost the holy ghost cataracts are leaving right now somebody with cataracts they're just leaving rub your eyes you're just leaving you've got clear vision where it was cloudy it's clear where it was cloudy it's clear come on wave at me who are you wait come here get up when are you going back there get up here a mighty touch on that cataract i didn't say cadillac i said cataract come on [Music] what is this the cat is it gone it's clear [Music] it's better that means it's getting clear who's this lady right here it's clear is it clear not real clear but it's better you hadn't meant you had a stroke yes sir bring her up here can you help her up here that's why we're here we're here to help everyone here's a precious lady who had a stroke [Music] are you ready for this man yes sir do you believe in healing yes sir i sure do in jesus jesus healing right correct that's the right kind of healing my my dad prayed for the sick people we've seen i've seen eyes open who was your dad who was your dad at clifford long he's missionary argentina wonderful give her dad a big god bless you come on that power the holy ghost that might be power oh dear jesus [Music] honey keep your eyes close to you come up okay he's healing those eyes they won't be blurry no more this is what is this is the back right this is in my neck the neck what's the matter here what'd you do i have discs that are bulging you have a bulging disc yes are you sure are you sure yeah are you sure i mean you people when you come in here and then in this singing it's the expectation that brings the healing [Music] we wouldn't even have to have elders or people like me if we just all came in and just said you know what i'm gonna get lost in worship and oh just touch me and this is going to be known as the healing worship church i'm telling you healed in the singing healed them to worship amazing amazing lord i ask you to fix this forever for the duration of her life not just for one night or a weekend pass but the duration of her life and let the label of reproach be removed from her that her wit can quit connecting this to something in her past we ah we break it somebody give god come on [Music] can you praise him in this place that that connecting of the dots ladies and gentlemen is a curse either you're forgiven of it or not either you repented of it or not i mean once you do it and everything you do wrong that's because of that how long does it take how many bad things has to happen before you feel forgiven of a divorce or an incarceration you can't earn that you can't earn that it's grace the moment you ask him for it he washes you've got to begin to quit answering the door for the wrong people get a peephole come on get a holy ghost people quit answering the door for the accusers that blood that that that flows from emmanuel's veins leviticus says leviticus all four sides of the cross were puddles that fluid drained from the master's body he was drained his blood his blood wasn't type a type o it was precious blood he had now when we get born again we get that dna i mean you got you gotta you gotta use your faith to to work that and believe that ma'am is that that lady right there that was up here that was a lady oh she's still there that lady there looks like that lady i thought how'd that lady get away from me right there let's bring her up this is a dad was a missionary right i believe bring her up here quickly she had i believe she came up with the cataracts how's those eyes now they're clear yeah they're huh thank you jesus she said what do you think of that i think it's wonderful when i was a child i was cross side left eye my dad prayed for me and my eyes straightened up so i know that god heals you are you used to miracles yes sir i am i am [Applause] and where do you live in tulsa here i live my daughter's i met my mother my nephew's you're with her yeah he got she mine this is your mother the holy ghost on the daughter by the way i don't want you going home with all the stories she's got to have some too thank you holy holy ghost that's precious precious there's all kind of people big guy come on help me big guy what's going on here a submarine sailor retired navy retired from the navy uh 66 days ago 10 weeks ago i had this uh spinal fusion at the four-week mark they said actually two-week mark they said you look like somebody healed six weeks and i choose even though i have other levels that i know need to be touched and i come for a touch of god because i know he's already touched this he needs to touch the others what is the symptom of this what it is i haven't had normal feeling waist down my back goes into a spasm at night and a disconnect happens what if i told you it's over yeah what if i told you this is a graveyard for your problem praise and dance all the way through it yes i'm on fire thank you lord you're on my mercy i receive it yes people it's how you go to a meeting it's all how you approach it well i'm gonna get down and see if that stuff's real right i hear that a lot i hear people say i saw your commercial i saw your ad hey i'm here you do it on me and and sometimes god just surprises people i guess and he doesn't but those of us that are a part of this were children of the light we're covenant people you know and we don't want to be we don't want to stay medicated i understand medicated for a season but all your life begin to believe this weekend is your weekend off of being medicated or the beginning of the gradual transition some movement come on say faith is movement you'll like yourself a lot better you'll feel better you might even last longer come on say amen you know this guy's gonna get healed tonight he's gonna get here tonight so what what part of the service were you in i was uh submarine radium and communicator for what in the navy his u.s navy give him a god bless you for being in the navy [Music] what are you in pain right now surprisingly i medicated myself even up to last night you medicated yourself i did the va wouldn't treat pain is that bad it's that bad so when is this done i want to be free of all medications when does this dose wear off that you're on now when will you need another is it a shot you take i don't take anything i just i i was treating myself with uh illegal means okay to relieve pain and get sleep lady insomnia lady how are you man is that amazing give god praise for that ladies touch right there that wonderful man [Music] wow watch man watch your your stuff all around you right here what happened to you you're connecting those dots yeah we're gonna stop that right come on let me get me your glasses who wants to hold your glasses here put those hands up come on come on say tonight tonight i bury this i throw it into the sea i throw it into this scene the book of micah talks about rolling this stuff into the sea [Music] as far as the east is from the west i mean what's the use of coming to church all your life if you don't forget anything if we if we don't experience the wonderful release from our past who wants to carry skeletons around how are you ever going to go forward or preach to people a message that god will forgive you i believe there's a lot of that here tonight and through the weekend let's get rid of these skeletons come on let's get rid of this are you with me tonight who wants to get rid of this [Applause] when that hit you i saw deliverance come over your life this is this is all about forgiving yourself it's about inner healing and he's doing that in you i'm going to touch you the power is going to go through you again this anointing will be on you all weekend all weekend come on somebody give god somebody better praise him come on i'll tell you [Music] then sings my soul my savior [Music] [Music] come on [Music] my [Music] he's moving in pick him up i left it behind i'm not going back to it it's an amarillo i didn't bring anything tonight how do you feel right now uh tingly dangly tingling tingly no just i don't know moving all through you electric electric would you recommend this for anybody out there absolutely i mean there's nothing great nothing greater than the love i mean so this over in here now how are you going to know about that after tonight how are you going to know about that that was healed it's the it's the two or three other labels levels at all or nothing it didn't pop when i went flat it didn't do anything it just stayed i felt some i felt some releases or but i didn't feel anything painful you felt releases i felt releases like a realignment yes i don't know what it's gonna take to get this place completely out here i mean let's blow the doors off this [Music] place [Music] i know it's coming where are you from where are you from i am from amarillo amarillo yes sir so how long did it take to get here about five and a half hours six hours maybe with breaks you staying the whole weekend or just yes we'll be here sunday morning and leave after service bend down for me do something a little ex exerting can you do that oh my yeah i feel it i feel a tightness in my chest but that's that might just be i don't know too much mashed potatoes baby [Laughter] well you know when you mention weight loss i've been this size since the day i left the night see now why why would he leave here when even the spirit i wasn't planning on saying that i don't prepare sermons i prepare me i prepare me to stand in front of people so when that comes out you could track my services i don't talk about this weight loss a lot but tonight it came out that means there's some of you here we've had people's pants fall down right in the service [Applause] i'm telling you the truth we had one in canada and this is the truth the lady was on the front row her husband was next to her i knew it was her husband later and the whole place was standing up hundreds of people and they were worshiping but i'm just up here enjoying the whole meeting and i watch her pants fall she don't even know they feel she's still praising them and the husband don't know and i'm thinking my god what happened here so i'm trying to get his attention and i couldn't get his attention so i ran off the stage meantime i said everybody keep praising the lord keep your eyes on jesus and i ran down to the front where they were to tap the husband i said look at your wife he went oh my god and he pulled her pants up and they ran out of the building well well it must have been 10 15 minutes later they come running in with a tape measure waving a tape measure and she's screaming i just lost four inches that's one of many you can't sing you know that everything's possible and then not believe something's possible see right now we have faith for some things but not for everything and some of those things that you don't have faith for grow it this weekend begin to include that in your bucket list you know instead of visiting the bahamas i mean get a miracle my bucket list is to see niagara falls well you see it and you leave it get something that'll stay inside of you forever come on come on begin to believe the impossible and god will meet you there with a young boy in lakeland church years ago he came up with crooked teeth and he said we don't have any money we can't afford you know to go to a uh orthodontist and i said just give me your finger put your finger in there and just put your finger up inside of there and i said just begin to press i'll pray you press i said you're going to feel your teeth move and his mother was right next to me she said how's that going to work well ma'am i don't know maybe you're in the miracle service ma'am i don't know you have to remind people where they're at how's that gonna work i just wanted to just you know oh how's that gonna work i said just here and she said well do what he says and that young guy put his finger in there and when those teeth began to move it scared him i didn't touch him he goes under the power he comes up teeth all straight i'm telling you i want you to here's what i want you to do i want you to go on a scavenger hunt this weekend and i want you to find some places in your life maybe where you quit believing you have a hard time believing because you're living long as you're living there's hope [Music] when you're not here you don't need it but while you're here don't roll anything out this new season could be one for you for the ages one for the record books as they say how many would like something like that to take place this is so exciting isn't this exciting [Music] this is so exciting i'm so excited big guy i'm excited i'm very excited i um i want to make a covenant in front of all these people oh you do i do that i will sing and i will praise and i will dance and i will witness to speak of the goodness and the glory even if even if he attacks what even if the evil one attacks my back again i will still dance that's what he does that's his nature he can't help but attack but i need i need to be free of this i really want god do you believe you are today i believe that he he can't touch me yes and i know he will what just happened here what just happened here he touched me okay come on put your hands up and say i receive that that's a big part of your of your confession whatever your whatever you come for is i i receive my portion tonight if you don't even come up here for a prayer but you walk out of this church service i receive the portion you had for me tonight i got it in the sermon i got it in the worship i got it when i hugged you know brother joe i i received why i came tonight start tracking why you're here what you're receiving i mean the glory could fill your car you might not make it home on time i'm telling you a truth oh this is so wonderful thank you sir give the sailor a big god bless you i'll tell you what is this what's the matter here sir i've got all kinds of issues diabetes neck treble hands numb knee bad eyes cataracts i got it i've been a rebel from god you know because i was a minister for a while you've been a what i've been a rebel a rebel rebelling against god's will for my life a long time well that's a big thing to say in front of everybody well it's the truth i'm sorry it's the truth but you know i was a minister i was i worked in ministry and i turned from god give me a big god bless you come on come on [Applause] [Music] things are possible come up with your hands i'm single lord i believe oh lord [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm sorry degenerate just in my back degenerative discs in your body six how long have you i've got parkinson's disease parkinson's disease okay i i've i it's really affected me it's really effective i have no balance so you can't walk very far no i'm going to say stand up about two or three minutes two or three minutes and then you have to sit down so how far can you walk without see i'll lose my mouth right now uh i got very far what if you could walk the whole way up that eye would you be happy i would yes half the people here would be happy if they could walk the whole way up that up yeah well let's believe that okay let's refuse to stay the same [Applause] i'm gonna get some i'm going to get more i'm going to get it off [Music] [Applause] you may have to climb a tree or rip off a roof you may have to you may have to intensify your desire i mean god don't want to help people that really don't have a you know a passionate desire he really wants you to whatsoever things you desire sometimes we lose that desire we accept it live with it and we quit really pressing in and well i'm telling you this is the hour this is the hour of the open heaven [Music] this is the hour of the open heaven i'm telling you this is going to be some of the great i don't you're standing longer than you think you're standing i'll tell you that right now i feel better you feel better well i didn't even pray for you yet i know man i'm looking forward to that you touch me i'll be healed you what are you touch me i will be healed oh did you hear that is anybody paying attention here tonight is anybody paying attention in this place hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gotta let god do an old thing a new way or else i heard that i heard that and we all become well i've been there and done that god can do an old thing a new way and he's about to do a lot of that today with our music with everything that we do what's your name sir are you by yourself no my wife's here where's she at come up here ma'am quickly bring the wife she's taking photographs oh my god she's your photographer she's watching you get healed what's your what's your wife's name uh charlene sharp huh charlene charlene you're talking better too i know i'm not talking good as i can be but i want to it's affected by the power of the holy ghost coming on both the power the holy ghost come on somebody give god a shout well my god your name is higher [Music] [Music] is [Music] ever since i was a little boy i'm sorry it's okay i'm sorry that's okay i know god loves me ever since i was a little boy he called me into ministry when i was 12. i just couldn't do it anymore and it's got to forgive me you know what i think listen to me i think once you're called you're always called it just changes it changes in the way it happens that's all you're still cold i know she talks to me all the time that's because you're called and i made a covenant with god before i came here today if you'd heal me oh listen to this that i would serve him listen to this man but it's not easy oh and then you hear a message like you heard this was for you i know all the scriptures i know the word of god you know what i know the scriptures i know the word of god okay i studied hard you know i i knew everything about healing schambach's laid hand on me for god's sake well there you go i mean i was involved in kenneth copeland's ministry there you go kendall you're all over the place you're like johnny cash you've been everywhere i'll tell you that exactly nice people don't even like you said people never know your circumstances that's right or where you've been or what you've done listen you've made it before you came and that's what god spoke on tonight i did my life sitting out there naughty and where did he tell you all these lives she needs to come up here too she needs to send her husband's up here come up go get help go get help where is he at where's the wife at where she's coming ringer bring the wife bring the wife how long have you been married to this woman well we've been together 23 years and she finally buried me in 2008 because i told her i wouldn't live with her anymore unless we got married so that's a good thing that's a good thing she's my rock she's your rock what do you think of all this yay [Music] see see no man can do this this is a work of the holy spirit thank you god what if you if you read one verse like hosea chapter six verse one i've torn you now i will heal you i have torn now i will heal amen sometimes god has to reopen a wound to heal it because you live your life with an old wound that never healed why because there was no truth in it he'll reopen a wound to heal you that's what he happened to this man and you testify to that it's amazing on the way up here i said i made a covenant with god and if he'd heal me then i'd serve him but it's hard well you didn't tell me that part that you mean so now you're going back serving them yes you're from where texas weatherford now we lived in fort worth and then we moved to weatherford texas we've been there 20 21 years i'm telling you there's going to be a radiating presence on both of you i'm the reveal isaiah chapter 12 verse 3 says with joy you will draw water out of the wells of salvation what was drudgery is now gonna become joy come on somebody give god [Music] [Music] oh come on let's stand and sing this holy holy come on [Applause] oh we worship you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] somebody who had a frozen shoulder or frozen arm wasn't moving correctly you got actual movement there now where are you got actual movement this was frozen where are you you weren't able to move this with who is this wave at me i want to see who this is wait that was you it's unfrozen it's unfrozen get up here you better run up here i'm going to send the god squad after you come on get up here oh we got a couple of them frozen shoulders look at this i mean they were locked they couldn't rotate how long was this with you i fractured i fractured my left arm in late march and it was frozen well so the hardest i mean i can get it up i'm doing better a lot better i would say but the hard part has been putting my hand behind my back so this is the best i've ever done it i mean a lot a lot better than i've ever done but it still still hurts it's not it still hurts yeah i mean i mean it's not bullying hurting no as i do this there's pain but i'm doing it without having to use this hand to get it is it hurting right now there's still me holy holy [Music] holy holy [Music] come on reach out to him tonight precious [Music] [Applause] [Music] us [Music] jesus [Music] come on come over and see me come on over and save me hurry up don't mess around get over here [Applause] you what yeah you moved right out of that chair yeah you got right over here you're better you feel better let's help him down the steps i want to see him walk right up that our way come on let's go someone's going with you though come on [Music] as we lift our hearts [Music] oh [Applause] somebody better get excited in this [Music] house [Music] i'm telling you what a weekend this is gonna be he's walking down around the other side [Music] [Applause] [Music] help help them help them out help them out [Music] hey you don't you give me this you have this and you have that look what you just did i know the miracle has begun i feel like it's working it's not there yet you just walked up there yes i did and you walked around down here where's your wife at now's a fine time to suzanne to leave him come on come up here help this lady honey what do you think of this could you hardly believe it could you hardly believe what you just saw i know what the lord will do i know but could you hardly believe it tell the truth i believe it yes we both believe that the lord will heal him i think you're going to put her out of a jaw yeah i've been able to do anything i want you to use this ride the wave of momentum one of the hardest things to get started in your life is momentum it's the secret edge of life in a meeting like this if if i don't want to say smart because a lot of people are smart but they're not wise they have degrees but they're not wise a meeting like this this what we're watching here this could set you and bring momentum that could just take you somewhere that you can't take yourself that's what a wave does it picks you up and takes you somewhere i mean truthfully let me be truthful here for i mean i've been truthful all night but let me be truthful here it's a crazy thing we preachers say i'll tell you there's some of you that would have a hard time doing this you're out here clapping for him or some of you and then going down around the other side mean he's a little winded but he wasn't able to do that i'm bear you wet i'm there you're better i'm perfect silly well that that's going to change that's going to change i've been able to do much that's changing i i've been let my wife do all my work and i know she's getting tired so i'm ready to take over you're going to take over yeah yes i can't even drive she has driving i think he wants charge of the house back after that i'll give it to him he'll give it she's going to give it to him he hasn't driven for like two years because that's going to change see healing healing a lot of what what sickness does that steals your dignity it really steals your femininity it can steal your male hood your manhood it just steals your dignity i mean there's a lot of reasons why god wants you well and healed and strong but take what you're watching here tonight and say you know what this weekend can be my weekend too he's no respecter of people there's nothing here that is ultra dramatic it's real you're watching it you don't want to miss a moment that could that could have been a new chapter in your life what chapter is that billy burke the heel chapter the heel chapter the new me chapter he told his wife in front of all of you i want my i want the priesthood back i want to sit in the captain's chair again i'm tired of you driving happen to drive me around give that man a big god bless you come on i love it i love it are you coming back tomorrow oh yes we're coming to all your meetings we're even coming to fort worth when you come to fort worth oh my where do you live where do you live collinsville is that here in tulsa no it's about 20 miles i can understand you i couldn't understand you when you came up here first i can hear understand you yeah i'm getting better [Applause] i i need to use a while back i worked on my smile it's saying smile faith is movement if you can't move on the outside then you're moving on the inside i will i will arise i will i'll dream i'll imagine it but faith is always some form of movement faith is instilled faith is a moving force of righteousness moving so that's why if you can fantasize you can faith it i'm gonna say that again okay if you can think wrong you can think right [Music] i don't know this side over here likes me more than new side i don't know what's going on here [Music] [Applause] see yourself independent of the medication see yourself walking see yourself sleeping all night see yourself without the hearing aids envision practice this and you'll see that you'll see the the holy ghost of heaven just rise on the inside of you and give you a grace and a strength you knew not i'm really impressed with this i i don't know about you but i'm yeah cause i aren't you have to be impressed with what he just did i am yeah very happy i think she's gonna sign you up for another year at least i think i think so i'm i'm ready are you what i'm ready your partners are you wonder thank you thank you so much for trusting us with that are you coming here tomorrow morning too yeah tomorrow morning you're coming i'll say so to get home on time get some rest i just want you to hear i want you to see the authenticity and the realness of some of these people it's not just the flash in the pan it's just not so quick you don't know i want you to be able to process so you're accountable god's trying to bring you to a place of you know what this can happen this is going to happen to me amazing what's your name larry larry how old are you larry and you won 81 give him a big big come on [Applause] amazing how we doing sweetheart well i'm telling you that's better than i've ever ever done since uh since the fall a lot better and the pain is a lot better actually i couldn't have even done this before i came to this meeting at all [Applause] come and cleanse this thirsty come on [Music] he wants the electric did you hear what he said yeah i say we give it to him that mighty time holy ghost come on give [Applause] god what's this look at this the weakest he looked like the weakest man in the whole house screaming for more i'm so excited about this come on what do we have what's going on here what's going on who's next over here what's going on big guy what's going on no i've had shoulder problems last year around this time i had cancer okay then i had an ostomy and it wasn't for my wife and stuff like that you wouldn't be here i wouldn't be here and plus i lost my brother and my father my brother to suicide my father had a triple quadruple bypass i feel like i'm alone i take care of my mom try to pay the bills okay chill off okay your wife's with you right you're not alone then she's with you god has her there yeah i bet you she's a special lady she's very special is she here yes sir these wives they send their husbands up here i'll tell you what this this what is it what's going on here get up there honey come back different where's his wife at where's his wife where's his wife i want his wife where's come sweetheart come i appreciate what you shared with us thank you okay but but god's going to heal that hole in your heart those people you mentioned they're in your future yes sir they're not just in your past yes sir they're in your future thank you sir so this is how long have you been married to this man almost 10 years the power's about to come on both of you do you hear me yes you may not be able you might have to sleep on this stage i'm telling it's coming so strongly humble come on jim goddess [Music] that holy ghost my god [Music] come happened come on [Applause] [Music] and since i met my blessing since he cleansed me i will never [Music] cease come on let's all sing it he touched me everybody he touched me i just had mri again um been praying for many times but just the last time i was prayed for for healing i think it's like within a week i fell on my hip and on my tailbone where do you hurt the most it's on the lower back with sciatic nerve and also i have scoliosis it's just tell me where it's hurting the most show me right there have you been x-rayed and checked and all that yes and you all say the same thing very much yeah they're saying it's going to get worse and the s is they're saying it's going to get worse and it's they said the si is narrowing but it's not to the point of needing surgery but at the same time as you get older it's going to you're going i'm telling you that power is fusing those [Music] you know listen to me we have to work more at believing it we know it as i said earlier we know more than we [Music] we think because we know it makes it automatic no you got to believe it i can't wait to see this young man right here sir sir my god how are you doing now i feel good good what feel good i feel good i i see bright light i see a bright light [Laughter] can i touch you i feel you oh i feel good i feel great i pray for this this lord thank you for your illness lord thank you jesus bless us may the lord thank you in the name of jesus thank you lord thank you he ends up praying for me somebody give god his child here hey how do you feel sweetheart how do you what happened i'm thankful i'm very thankful there's been a lot of people praying for us yeah we've got family they want this so bad and we've been redeemed we've been redeemed and we know it we can they can't help us because he says that we are kids come on somebody you're different you're different two people than when you walked up here you're different where do you live you live in tulsa yes you have a church this will be your future this will be your new church this will be our new church [Applause] there's your new pastor right there and your new pastor's wife you're done and give them a big hug go ahead get down and give there's your new parishioners right here [Applause] come on everybody [Applause] what time do you think amazing hi ma'am how are you doing tonight carter tell me what you need tonight what is it uh three herniated discs oh how'd you do that how did you draw no i was in an automobile accident many years ago i had two back surgeries but because of that there's spondylose big long names yeah cracks in three vertebraes and they've collapsed on each other which has spread the other side apart did you hurt yes where did you heard that i heard all across here oh cross rest show me where you heard show me where you heard turn around tell me where you heard all across here returning now and down my man ma'am is it hurting this moment yes this exact moment yes it's hurting but i don't want it to hurt anymore that's my heart's desire it's about the hit it's about to touch you here it comes that's him that's him that's him that's him i said that's him i said that's him you are the god that healeth me sing it come on [Music] my [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] you said [Music] my someone at the church just uh texted and their shoulder was healed online just now come on i don't know where the camera is for online where would that be straight back those of you watching online right now this you know the services we're coming in for a landing here pretty soon we're here all weekend but message us call the number you know this we're reaching out to you as well as everybody here there's more people being touched out there wow i'm talking i'm looking at a man right here through this lens you have a dallas cowboy sweatshirt on and god's healing you come on i want you to call in and let us know that the dallas the you that have that sweatshirt is being wonderfully touched you have exhaustion you can't breathe correctly poor circulation and god's healing you call in call in call in what's going on here man what's going on here you called out cataracts and yeah they want to do cataract surgery on both minds they want to do on both eyes both eyes how are they right now they're better what when i look at the lights there's still some blurriness but i've seen clearer than i've seen in months just somebody better do something here by that holy ghost i'll tell you i'm telling you wow [Applause] amazing absolutely amazing amazing it is amazing it really is is that lady over here helping or what's she doing okay bring her over anyhow come on sweetheart power of god's all over you part of the holy ghost oh that's it right there let it go let it go it's a holy ghost let it go the holy ghost wow wow it's strong up here i'll tell you that it's very very strong you're all you're all helping right you're helping [Music] i'm gonna walk down here [Music] the help you need is coming from an unexpected source one you wouldn't even be you wouldn't even be thinking of but this help is so close just begin to praise him for it it's gonna make it come quick from an unexpected source we give you praise might be jesus come on hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] loosen everything [Music] it's all over you sir loosening up those muscles loosening you up [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank [Music] thank you jesus thank [Music] holy ghost [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] those young girls [Music] right here [Music] yes [Music] somebody help me right here [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] he's opening up [Music] this is my story this is my soul praise praising [Music] [Music] come on oh this is my story come [Music] [Music] raising on savior this is my soul my savior [Music] that's okay you're doing better it's good we've got a couple days here there's enough for you to work with no netflix all weekend right no netflix all weekend we're going to be meditating shouting preaching praising believing come on we're going to get healed stay free delivered we're going to get repositioned this little girl back there wrote me a they gave me this little [Applause] come on somebody somebody better get happy real quick it reaches the highest mountain come on [Music] [Music] that gave me strength [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] that gives me strength come on from it will never losers [Applause] [Music] [Music] i expect let me tell you something i expect over the weekend with what we're seeing here tonight to increase and i'm expecting some of you to get more freer than what you are i mean i love you the way you are and god loves you the way you are but remember the price jesus paid so you and i wouldn't want to just be like ourselves samuel said the song i'm going to change you into another man remember the object of this mission in all of our lives whether we need a physical healing or not is to be changed to be unlike who we were i mean we can be healed and still not too nice of people you know we can get our back healed and still be mean how about that we can get our eyes healed no cataracts and still cheat people so i mean god will use healing your body to get to the depth of you the soul he's after the soul you can go to hell healed i'm going to say that again you can go to hell healed one of the good testimonies are going to be in the land of the doomed and the damned this has been a great great first night i believe come on god is up to something good [Applause] but make no mistake about it there's chains are breaking this weekend and and be open for that to break in you that would make all of this so so pleasing to the father it would bring favor your way that you can't even describe hindrances that you've had that'll just go away this is an amazing first night i'm just thrilled with it and a lot of these healings that have begun you're going to see them continue to get better and stronger but you have to surrender i don't know much i don't know much but i do know you have to surrender more to get to where you want to go you just can't run your own life this weekend monumental for you would be to get a healing get some encouragement maybe get born again maybe get recommitted but the main thing is that you would just become lymph in the hands of the master but you're tired of fighting you're tired of fighting his will or his way god's not upset he's not nervous he's not up there wondering what he's going to do what's going to happen now all this chaos going on down there he prophesied it he said these things would come to pass before he returned remember we don't live in heaven forever heaven's temporary we live on the new earth heaven comes down the city comes down sits on the fertile crescent over there in the middle east where david teaches worship services where believers from the new earth will go in and out of the great city this this stuff is this stuff is happening with great acceleration the day of the lord is at hand i said the day of the lord is at hand [Applause] there's no government here that has the answers vote one end they disappoint you vote one out vote the new one and they disappoint you until the prince of peace comes and the government rests on his shoulders we vote we pray we do the best that we can but there's a revival coming that cannot be stopped oh you didn't hear what i said [Applause] it cannot be shut down do you hear me it's really i believe these are the simmering coals of what pastor paul and karen the journey that they're on here they're going to need workers they're going to need support this is a massive massive facility 60 70 70 80 000 square feet and they just broke into it this weekend so we could all be here i'm not asking you to leave your church and neither would they but what i'm asking you is if you have a home church and you're thrilled there you can still throw a prayer over here you can still visit here with special services and the next million you make you can drop that off too come on say amen come on put your hands up all over the place i'm going to turn this over to pastor paul in a second but i just want you tonight to know that the holy spirit brought you here to hear something to see something to indicate to you the change is in the air all around you don't quit don't quit it's easier to quit than to move on than to continue god's about to intervene that's why we pray that's why we do what we do because we serve a god of intervention and tonight he intervened in a lot of these people's lives they're going home tonight with a new hope a new life but you were here you were part of this no matter how bad you think things are how unworthy you may seem or feel god has you on the radar he has you right in his crosshairs and i'm believing tonight that there's going to be stories of great visitations i heard something in my bedroom i i saw something i felt something let's believe that let's believe tonight's going to be the beginning of a supernatural weekend see something hear something feel something something transpire information on the phone an email a visit a knock on the door something's about to happen in the lives of people here tonight come on say i'm part of something i know not what it is it's a sound from heaven it's a wind from the upper room it's all good i'm going to hop on the right i'm going to ride this as long as i can and i'm never going to look back that revival begin with me starting right now come on give god a major shout can you do
Channel: Millennial Tulsa
Views: 9,035
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Id: T--oMn4DtdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 45sec (7785 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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