The DEGENERATE History of The Administrator | Helen The Administrator | FULL Team Fortress Lore

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right in the center of the chaos of the team Fortress timeline there was the gravel War an iconic yet unnecessary conflict between two brothers that began as a petty squabble this clash between red and blue was felt across the whole of the Badlands the most interesting part was that the brothers had no idea that they would just bed in a much larger plant within a secret location there was one person who watched from a distance plotted and had anyone killed that got in her way a chain smoking seductress that would do almost anything to win who was this master manipulator how did she rise the power and what was her ultimate goal in this video we explore a woman who is considered by many to Team Fortress what the Gman is to halflife the Elusive and cunning administrator Our Story begins way back in the 1800s Zephaniah man was a well-known Adventurer philanthropist and entrepreneur in his younger years he had generated a vast wealth in which by 1822 he had procured man Mana in manaon in in the United Kingdom the bulk of his wealth had come from his Munitions company man and Son's Munitions concern the perfect company for a world with constant Wars with his Aid Barnabas hail man offered to supply the weaponry and ammunition they required for their Wars business was good on top of this zephani was blessed with the birth of three children blue T Redmond and gray however Gray was different and he was stolen by an eagle as a man always in search of Adventure and discoveries zephani traveled with Barnabas to his eight Homeland the terror australias it was here that he discovered something fascinating a rare metal with extraordinary properties a metal he called Miracle gravel having found something incredible man sought out and procured as much of the miracle gravel as he could and stored it in secret cashes bluar and Redmond grew up surrounded by wealth and they truly did not appreciate what they had Zephaniah had worked hard to supply a great life for them but all they did was argue with each other by 1850 in a rare moment the brothers appeared to agree on something a constant sized piece of land in the unclaimed Frontier of the Americas they claimed that this land was full of gravel for as far as the eyes could see gravel that would allow the family business to expand into the uncolonized westernmost regions with trust in his sons Zephaniah Man spent the entirety of his fortune and sold the Family Estate upon his arrival in the Americas zephani discovered not a land full of gravel but a wind swept desert hell of just sand while he was disappointed Zephaniah attempted to set up a new home on his new land by his side his maid servant Elizabeth looked after the home and watched over his adult children as zephani attempted to use what was left of his fortune to keep his other businesses afloat throughout his time in this new world zephani had contracted several ailments on the sailing trip over he had contracted white plague marasmus sweating and tumors of the eyelids to name just a few by the time he had arrived at the new estate and settled in he had contracted at least 17 conditions shingles johnes spine falling sickness stationary sickness and walking sickness alongside his pain zephaniah's secret third son Gray resurfaced he was much smarter than blue T and Redmond and he knew about the miracle gravel that his father and Barnabas had discovered despite the threat of blackmail zephani ignored his son and continued to keep his existence secret Zephaniah man's health deteriorated quickly but he did have the closest to him around Barnabas procured poppy flowers to create medicines to reduce the extreme pain Zephaniah felt Elizabeth became his most trusted Confidant and stayed by his bedside his sons also stayed close but continued to bicker Zephaniah had had a remarkable life but he was not ready to go however he knew his time was close in his final days zephaniah's family surrounded him and a photo was taken to remember this moment Elizabeth at his side his two sons either side and his Aid and friend Barnabas who had helped him build up man and Sons Munitions concern watching over him in his final moments zephani wrote his last will and testament he left his Aid Barnabas hail of the Australia complete control of man and Sons Munitions concern to his sons bluar and Redmond he left the greatest Cur of all the land he had purchased in the new world and it would be split evenly between both of them they had wasted their lives bickering over nothing so he would leave them this land to actually have something to argue over most importantly to his dearest Elizabeth he left everything else the residue of his estate his deeds accounts debt public and private his tobacco Plantation and whatever ever remained of the fortune his sons had not squandered he also asked that she find the gravel that had eluded him on the land and place it inside of a pit for Elizabeth's Eyes Only He also had a secret message he explained that his weakling son gray had resurfaced a year before and threatened him for this miracle gravel he and Barnabas had discovered during their trip to Australia zephani left the entirety of his cash of this substance and asked that she keep it safe and secret upon the death of Zephaniah man his will was read out and then everything changed the acquisition of Miracle gravel was lifechanging for Elizabeth with her inherited assets Elizabeth fulfilled the wish Zephaniah had left in his way she created the gravel pits and kept the existence of Miracle gravel secret she also used her new resources to discover what this metal was actually capable of just being around the substance increased intelligence and virility to name just two benefits of Miracle gravel however Elizabeth discovered one more it also allowed those who used it correctly the ability to hyperextend the natural human lifespan something grey man had also discovered with the value in this metal Elizabeth traveled to Australia to attain as much of the miracle gravel as she could as predicted by Zephaniah bluar and Redmond's acquisition of the land turned into a fullscale conflict bluar formed the company Builders League United a company that's on paper specialized in construction operations but under the desert sand lay secret bases of operations for Mercenaries that bluar had hired to claim Redmond's land on the other side of this Redmond also established a company reliable excavation demolition on paper it was a company that specialized in demolition operations just like Builder League United it had secret military bases underground with the gold goal to claim Blu T's land in the background under the leadership of Barnabas hail man and Son's Munitions concern supplied weaponry and ammunition for this conflict having both hired mercenaries with a similar structure this war between Brothers quickly turned into a stalemate over in Australia the population discovered a new natural sources of the miracle gravel Elizabeth had be gun to stockpile believing themselves to have been the first to discover it the Australians called this metal australium and quickly they discovered just what it was capable of as 1890 arrived Australia outpaced the rest of the world in technology with the exploration of teleportation cloaking and the entire spectrum of the mustache sciences and they would only continue to EXP B the years of war had been for nothing the only thing that had changed with the Badlands in New Mexico was that bluar and Redmond had grown older Elizabeth had worked in the shadows and appeared not to have aged a day bluar knew that both he and his brother would both die without a result on this land so he reached out to Radigan coniger a local engineer he asked the engineer to create a life extender machine if he could outlive his brother he would win this Petty squabble with something new to explore Radigan agreed and returned to his store kager's tool and Munitions however inside he was met by Elizabeth this woman appeared to know everything she knew that bluar had asked the engineer to develop a device that would allow him to outlive his brother Elizabeth asked that if Radigan were to create a life extender machine for Blu then he should also make one for Redmond in return she had an offer he could not refuse she offered him 00 of australium of the cashes she had stockpiled over the years she explained that if it could make a genius out of an Australian what could it do for a man of his capability with this agreement a partnership was solidified between Radigan coniger and Elizabeth as promised rodigan developed his first life extended device on the 17th of July 1894 for bluar and then he created his second on the 3rd of August for Redmond in the same year in secret he also created one more device it has not been confirmed who this was devel veloped for given Elizabeth's lack of aging and relationship with the conoga family line for the generations to come it is very likely that this was created for her as the years passed alizabeth and Radigan continue to work together and she shared the location of some of her cashes of Australia in the background grey man also worked on his own life extender device not a lot changed over the next 50 years by 1920 the gravel War simply continued as bluar and Redmond refused to Die the original mercenaries that have fought became two old to fights and a new wave were brought in Elizabeth's activities during this period are also unknown another 50 years later in 1970 the St mate continued and another group of mercenaries were brought in to replace the old ones over the past 100 years man and Son's Munitions concern was renamed to mano the grandson of Barnabas hail Saxton halil had also taken over from his father in the running of the company in the grand structure of the companies of this war TF Industries controlled all Manco reliable excavation demolitions and Builders League United were all divisions of TF Industries right at the top of this large company one woman run everything she went by the name Helen or the administrator anything besides her first name is unknown yet interestingly enough Elizabeth appeared to have disappeared over these 100 years Helen the administrator appeared to have a striking resemblance to Elizabeth she had a white streak in her hair a chained smoking habits and on her desk she had the very photograph that had been taken of zephania man given everything we know about Elizabeth her acquisition of the life extending australium and the events to come later in this timeline it is very likely that Helen the administrator was Elizabeth having changed her name over this Century to hide her secrets with the power of TF Industries Helen held immense power over many influential figures across the planet she had even developed an interesting relationship with Saxton hail hail himself was a proud Australian and in his earlier years had become a student of Charles darling a well-known Hunter with a life of adventure despite the opportunities darling offered hail the young CEO of Mano instead decided to give up his training for her while the identity of her has not been confirmed the common interactions between Saxton and Helen would almost solidify he had fallen for The elusive administrator within her control room Helen watched over the war between red and blue with a vested interest to keep this war active for as long as possible the administrator's voice echoed across the makeshift Arenas of Builder League United and reliable excavation demolitions as she alerted the teams of how they were getting on and of interesting developments during these conflicts this gravel war made TF Industries a lot of money as both red and BLX companies purchased the expensive cheaply made and unsafe weapons and ammunition from Manco this had also made Saxton the sixth richest man in America as for blue man he became frustrated with the life extended device Rodan coniger had designed and created for him it simply Zapped him with electricity every time he died and brought him back however he noticed that every time he did die it took longer and longer to return having hired the grandson of Radigan coniger in his latest group of mercenaries Dell bluar asked the young engineer to fix the lemon his grandfather had created to complete this task Del kogo was given his grandfather's designs and notes these also contained a map of the Australian cash es Elizabeth had given Radigan along with the knowledge of the existence of a third Secret Life extender it was during this period that Helen would have reached out to Dell and a working relationship formed between them a relationship that would have also had him upgrade Redmond's life extender to keep her control over this entire situation Helen had pitted the brothers against one another kept them alive alive established thousands of shell companies and filled entire coal mines with the bodies of her enemies all from her Secret Base in bellus Gorge mostly with the help of her assistant Miss Pauling on one occasion the administrator was informed that red demoan and blue Soldier had developed a friendship this would not do and she plotted a way to break it up as far far as the mercenaries knew they had to fight if they talked to each other they would know that the administrator worked for both sides and then they would realize that this gravel war was for nothing with her ability to manipulate any situation Helen called Saxton and asked him to commission some special weapons for her with a need to impress the administrator he got straight to work to convince the two friends to fight the Demo Man was offered the eylander the charging tge and the Scottish resistance for the soldier he was offered the Direct Hit buff Banner The Equalizer and gunboats having successfully manipulated The Mercenaries back into conflict they fought for seven whole days as Helen watched now the reason to keep this war active was pretty apparent as long as it lasted more money was spent through Manco and Helen became wealthier this allowed her to track down Australia purchase and in most cases simply kill for it her stockpile of the substance over the past 150 years was large Helen put in a lot of work however she did allow herself 1 hour free once a year from her duties as the CEO o of TF Industries on one of these years she had visited a local park and managed to split the pigeons into Waring factions having planted seeds of doubt about the capabilities of their pigeon leaders she then took away all of their bread and let the chaos unfold Helen thrived on chaos manipulation and most importantly the collection of every ounce of australium she could get her hands on these were also traits she taught to miss Pauling the administrator would do anything to keep her control and to acquire every ounce of australium that she could this often meant that her actions went way over the line of legalities under her control Miss Pauling was given what appeared to be at first a phone book when in reality it was a weekly list of targets that Helen wanted to be taken out Pauling was threatened with a grave of her own if she failed in this task the communities of the Badlands hated the ongoing conflict between red and blue the population of TW advocated for the war to end regardless Helen did not care on one occasion in an attempt to discover what her mercenary sport about about her what was important to them and in general what they knew about the actual War the administrator hired a director to conduct interviews with the Warriors just over a week after the interviews had been conducted The Mercenaries were threatened sniper was sent a photograph of his parents and heavy was sent a photograph of his head collection these came with a warning that bad things would happen if they ever discussed their very private contracts with anyone as for the fate of the director Helen had Miss Pauling lure him into a mine with corpse great quickline so that anything he had learned during this job died with him in one of her most deplorable acts to acquire Australia Helen was heavily involved with a poopy Joe cover up poopy Joe Joe was the only American monkey not trained to travel into space when Helen heard word the rocket that the United States government planned to use to launch the monkey into space was powered by Australia she set events in motion to acquire the substance with her reach the administrator offered to host the launch event on her land in the Badlands for the small fee of $1 an offer that the Govern could not turn down during the event the administrator had Manco replace the Australian fuel supply with gravel water from defective suitcase explosives as a result of this egregious action the rocket exploded upon launch and so too did poopy Joe this incident was then covered up despite their best attempts to hide the actions that had occurred on that awful day Saxton hail and Helen were questioned by the United States Senate about The Disappearance of poopy Joe when asked hail stated that poopy Joe was a happy monkey and after he had landed back on Earth after the launch safe and sound Manco had rewarded the little American hero with an all expenses paid holiday to a region that started with barah the Bahamas or Bahrain the monkey could have also gone back to space who really knew what hell did not know was that the government had discovered the crash site of the rocket and in their examination they had uncovered that their australium was missing hail had shown himself to be unable to answer a question properly so when they moved on to Helen they were surprised and shocked at just how honest she was in a heavily reducted statement the administrator explained that she had been stockpiling Australian for years to prevent something and that she had used 18 perfect idiots to help her even now to us what she required at the Australian for is unknown however when the Senate heard her reasoning it shocked them so much that they put an end to this inquiry let her go and ordered for the incineration of all documentation of her part in the hearing it must have been something bad the tumultuous return of gray man changed everything as the smartest of the man Brothers gray tricked his siblings into a secret meeting and then murdered them and thus the gravel war was finally put to an end but gray had only one task in mind to reclaim the family business his father had given to the hailes so that he could claim the Australian procured by Elizabeth that was locked away in mano's vaults Helen had kept an eye on Gray and his activities she needed the Australian Force something she had spent the last 150 years of her life tracking down every ounce in a first attempt to forcibly take over Manco gray utilized robot versions of the mercenaries yet he fell into a similar situation that his brothers had when Saxton hail hired The Mercenaries to defend the land gray did not want to fall into a constant stalemate so he used his vast intelligence to instead trick Saxton hail out of the position of CEO of moo the loss of control of moo and thus the VA sent the administrator into a full panic she fled her secret base and left a message for Miss Pauling hide although greyman had acquired control of Manco over the next 6 months the administrator with the help of delc cona traveled to every cash of australium and moved it into a new secret location the issue the administrator had was that she required Australia to power her immortality device to remain young and active the conoga family line had upgraded her device several times over the years in these stressful months she used the Mark 4 still it used up a lot of the Australian she had spent her life to attain as much of the 89,000 tons of the material available on the planet she had lied cheated and killed for it to track down the final known cash of australium the administrator reached out to miss Pauling and ordered her to get the old team back together in the following weeks Pauling successfully brought together Soldier pyro and demo in a meeting in an alley middle of 7th and Main at noon Pauling and Helen met for the first time in 6 months 6 months since grey man had claimed control of Manco the administrator's appearance had felt the effects of the lack of Australia and she really relied on Pauling to track down this last cash it was located in New Zealand on her way there Helen asked that Pauling destroy a specific set of genealogy records within the two Public Library records that revealed Helen's last name and dates of birth when paulink had completed this task and recovered the australium she was asked to meet her boss at a new location unfortunately the task would not go as planned as Miss Pauling returned to the mercenaries and traveled to TW Fort to destroy the records and recruit Scout and spy Helen returned to her secret base with El coniger grayman was desperate to discover the location of the administrator his immortality device also required australium to function and he had begun to run low in a desperate bid he hired the classic Teen Fortress mercenaries to track down Helen on a trip to TW Fort he was also frustrated to find that Helen's genealogy records had been destroyed shortly before very few people knew Helen's true history Miss Pauling had become a close Confidant to her secrets and there was also Charles darling it is unknown how he learned anything about the elusive administrator but he did know that she had stockpiled the largest supply of australium in the world over the course of 150 years he just like so many others did not know what she required this material for within Helen's secret location Dell upgraded the administrator's immortal device he explained that the mark 5 would run much leaner and would require only a quarter of what the Mark 4 had used to keep her alive the Dilemma she faced was that when the Australian Supply ran out she would die what only Helen and Dell knew was that she had used almost every ounce of australium in her possession to live as long as she had she just had to be careful with what she had left Helen was fine with this she told Dell that the conoga family had given her so much more time than anyone deserved aged and withered Helen just needed enough time to settle an old debt meanwhile within the sunken country of New Zealand Miss Pauling learned that the Australian here had been used to paint prototype rockets that had exploded all that remained was one more rocket coed in the substance but even this rocket was later launched into space Pauling had failed the administrator in a turn of events Pauling and the mercenaries were captured by gray and his men they just needed Pauling to disclose the location of the administrator then in another turn gray was attacked by the very men he had hired and his immortality device was ripped from his body in a very weakened State at around 150 years old gray told Pauling that the world would have been so different if he had gotten his hands on the Australian first he also claimed that whatever Helen planned to do was so much worse than anything he wanted to do despite his attempts to almost recruit Pauling and her mercenaries the administrator's prote said that she knew Helen she had killed lied and manipulated for her whatever the administrator planned to do she would be at her sight then gray succumbed to his injuries and he just like his brothers died the death of greyman put an end to yet another longlasting feud in an attempt to reduce the amount of australium she consumed Helen had allowed herself to die but her death was only temporary in order to get enough update on the acquisition of the last known cash of australium on the planet Dell reached out to paing and he was met with the unfortunate news that it had been sent into space 4 hours after her death Dell brought Helen back with an infusion of Australia he updated her on the failure of paing and told her that they had only one last dose of australium left if they used it conservatively she could live for five or even six more months yet Helen claimed to have an old debt to settle in an action that shocked Dell the administrator used every little bit of the australium that was left instantly Helen was once again restored to a much younger form but this was only in appearance D stated that her use of the substance in this way had dramatically reduced her life expect expectancy without an additional infusion of the substance she had gone from 6 months of life to just an hour to Helen that would be more than enough time to end this once and for all the state of the story of the Team Fortress 2 universe is in limbo as of now Helen has 1 hour to live most of the classic Mercenaries dead and Miss Pauling and her mercenaries next step is unknown the last team Fortress comic came out on January 10th 2017 7 years ago we were never given an ending to halflife and we have never been given an ending to The Team Fortress story at this point we probably never will have that ending so everybody should just come up with their own head Cannon there are still so many questions what was this old debt that Helen spoke of what was her real reason behind the continuation of the gravel War how did greyman know about her plan how did Charles darling know how old she was was she Elizabeth what plan of Helen was so bad that it scared the US Senate so much and most importantly did poopy Joe suffer the conclusion of the halflife series is up there as one of the the most frustrating Cliffhangers in video game history I would say however that this story is just as excruciating we need answers I believe that most of my thoughts were covered pretty well in the Legacy section having read through these Comics so many times I tend to just end up frustrated the comics have such a great story and we only needed that final seventh release for a conclusion I have two theories about Elizabeth and who she is the first is that she is Helen the administrator everything points to that she did not age between 1850 and 1890 and she is labeled as the same person in the catchup Comics it would just make sense my second theory is that Helen may be the daughter of Elizabeth there is a little part at the end of the sixth comic about her craving something since she was a little girl if she was born in around 1822 around the same time zeph and I had discovered Australia maybe Helen's Mother Elizabeth would have supplied her with the material and continued some sort of family Legacy it is more likely the first Theory though that was everything I wanted to cover this week so please like the video if you liked it share it with other team Fortress fans dislike it if you disliked it and most importantly subscribe if you want to see more content like this finally I would like to thank my Golder patrons and channel members Jonas Lewis Queen Arby fluffy the dragon Chicken Guy 791 ruer Mendoza Duke toad nut or an X ASU Katana AJ Verona comfy BG games aivis arest Blaze of Glory Co Sherman Yi Rodriguez nabar and 51st clone boy what was Helen's ultimate goal was she as bad as greyman and what would you like me to cover next please let me know in the comments below this is where our story ends check back next week for a new one he
Channel: Skyrionn
Views: 21,030
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Keywords: team fortress 2, team fortress 2 gameplay, team fortress, let's play team fortress 2, extra tags: team fortress 2, tf2 lore, team fortress 2 theme, team fortress 2 meet them all, team fortress 2 (video game), fortress, administrator, team fortress 2 slander, team fortress class, team fortress classic, team, lore, tf2 administrator, steam, team fortress story, team fortress storyline, the administrator, tf2 real administrator, tf2 administrator real name, Elizabeth, Mann
Id: b5ybX1OPlv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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