The History of General Knoxx - Borderlands

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having made his debut in Borderlands his third DLC the secret armory of general Knoxx general alfonso knox is the first general of vikram's in Lance the Atlas corporations personal military he comes from a long line of honorable yet grumpy soldiers with his father being Guillermo Delfino knocks the third due to his family history Alfonso became a soldier of the Crimson Lance very early into his life because of this it gave him one of the few traits about him that we do know and that's his want to fight for a cause and died nobly while we pretty much don't know anything about his time in the Crimson Lance prior to his arrival on Pandora it was revealed that he did know Roland as Roland was also part of the Crimson Lance back in 2010 gearbox had given Knox his own Twitter account where he would just post random stuff complaining it was revealed that he did two tours of prometheus with Roland and doesn't have a high opinion of him likely due to the fact that he left despite taking what he does seriously the Atlas corporation would fall under poor leadership the Admiral of the third starborn Brigade which Knox was a part of died and due to the chain of command being given through nepotism a five year old boy named Mikey took control of the Lance initially General Knox was the one responsible for sending commandant Steele down to the planet so when she was killed Mikey being assisted by other atlas advisors sent Knox to the planet for what he assumed to ensure the alien technology of the vault didn't fall into enemy hands Knox followed the orders to the planet and we learned that he is happy Steele is dead as he didn't like her and found her annoying I sent Steele to this planet to take care of this little problem and also because it seriously hurt her she talks all the time and hello have you met our friend the son so I guess thanks for turning her into a meat kebab but his grumpy attitude is only made worse by the general feel of the planet he initially sends updates to Admiral Mikey but very quickly learns how incompetent he and those advising him are general Knox update Admiral Mikey log file number one I just arrived on Pandora and have been investigating where commandant steel failed I mean other than getting impaled by a plate of calamari Admiral I expect orders as to my current mission soon I'll reply when I receive him general Alfonso knocks out general Knoxx update to Admiral Mikey log file - do I really have to say that every time seems a bit verbose when updating you on my current actions and ordeals you know anyway perhaps this is some kind of a joke sir I've begun stockpiling the munitions for what I believe to be the mission at hand that is retaking Pandora to ensure our control over alien technology which ensures our intergalactic dominance when I received a package from you marked orders urgent its contents included a mixtape 14 sponges and what I believe to be melted chocolate expect this situation to be rectified shortly general knocks out general Knoxx update to Admiral no for God's sakes I'm not saying that anymore geez I still have not received further mission orders despite reestablishing the Crimson Lance outpost on the highway to ensure the security of the Depot and the control transportation I even retrofitted our soldier force with newer and more energy-efficient weaponry increasing our efficiency by 12% Admiral I expect a full report within the hour or I will be bringing this matter to our authority knocks out surprisingly a lot happens within this time similarly to his own unnecessary deployment also sent down to assist him worthy Lance assassins some of Atlas's best warriors originally Knox didn't think that they were needed on Pandora or more specifically Pandora was not worthy of them as their skill could be better used elsewhere I told you idiots we don't need assassins here there's nobody on this spin instinct nugget of a planet you couldn't just kill with a heavy rock and a can-do attitude Athena and the rest of her lady ninjas would be better served on a planet where the air doesn't taste like armpit sweat it's not until he sees them clear out pretty much all the bandits around t-bone Junction that he decides to revert his previous claim and welcome them ignore my last message the assassins might actually be kind of useful Venus girls cleared out the roads around to you bone Junction didn't leave one bandit standing she asked permission to look for somebody named Ches the village is nearby which I granted seems like a nice enough kid which given what I hear you guys do too the assassins when their children is pretty damn impressive one of the lanes assassins Knox got to know better than the others was Athena being her superior she would frequently talk to him about her life and her intention of finding her sister Knox would grumble and act uninterested but he was in fact listening creepy she got back from my recon around oh three hundred said she had a good lead on this Jess chick she'd been looking for I just kind of grunted at her she wouldn't stop talking all excited so they were sisters or something said she'd been looking for since she was a kid said that they'd escaped and or together once she found her like I said nice enough kid don't screw over I'll be pissed even when she told him that if she found her sister she would desert the lanes he didn't mind likely due to the state it has become but he didn't come to have a type of fondness for her one of the only things he's come to like since arriving but knowing Atlas yet a deep feeling of what they may do Knox his fear was proven correct Atlas had ordered a code 64 on the village Athena's sister was at forcing Athena to accidentally kill her sister you [ __ ] what the hell did she do to you to deserve that you're a code 64 on a village knowing full well her sister live there but he'll say she took out her own sister and all the confusion because you ordered thermals only you had a tie up that one last loose and just to keep her in the core so that's what happens when you know too much to leave but you're too good at your job to die she realize what she done she she's got a little stabby she's in the brig now properly ship her back to Atlas HQ tomorrow god I hate this place their blatant motive infuriated Knox and this only further made him lose respect for Atlas as time passed on he got fed up with the corporation he decided to stop reporting in to Admiral Mikey and take over Pandora's operation for the time being I'm not sure if I've offended you in some previous life and your exacting revenge by watching me unravel it seems I received your sitrep written with magic marker on back of a cupcake mm-hmm it's cats are cool and you misspelled cool I did work my entire life for this position this echo is to inform you that I will be running the operation from here and will be ignoring all further transmissions from you goodbye Knox determines that Atlas has become a lost cause and his value as a general isn't being utilized to its fullest and so he decides to quit he figures once he finishes off his job on Pandora he'll leave the Lance Athena at this time also begun exacting her revenge on Atlas and killing everyone she can so he informs his superiors of this also I know I said I wasn't gonna update you again you brainless Muppet but I thought I would share the news that former agent Athena has been working with the quartet of donkeys that bested our bulimic albino kamidana you remember Athena right kill the doll and a secretary for us a while back oh wait that was before you were born unbelievable what am I doing with my life well why don't I let you know I'll be shooting the whole lot of them oh and I quit now when this mission is done I'm leaving the Lance which I know is punishable by death but on the suits the changing diapers couldn't find the car keys if they dropped him in their own pockets so I'm not too worried you'll drag me down on the other side of graphic four in conclusion tools and this is where the events of Knox's DLC come in when the vault hunters guided by Athena tried to kill him Knox is already completely drained by what he's been put through he's constantly asking the vault hunters to kill himself so he can just leave the planet and be done with everything but this doesn't happen Knox rather tries to kill himself in a blaze of glory but everyone interrupts him and he makes a deal well that's just inappropriate timing I got tired of waiting it was open to be dead before you got here I can't stand this place make you a deal give your best man it's like maybe you could just blow the planet up in time kill all of them that's the first thing to do the characters kill NOx and this would mark the downfall of Atlas and that is the history of general Alphonso NOx genuinely one of the most funny and semi relatable characters with how fed up he is with everything and honestly not that bad of a person as Athena made him out to be he was just a soldier looking for a purpose and a cause if there any other characters you'd like me to do the history of then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 101,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, general knoxx, borderlands knoxx, knoxx, history of borderlands, history of general knoxx borderlands, athena, secret armory of general knoxx, knoxx death, echo log, knoxx echo log, admiral mikey, knoxx commandant steele, eruptionfang history of, bl1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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