Minato vs Itachi - The Real Winner?

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we're going to save the stat comparisons for later in the video since whenever you put someone up against Itachi in a 1 V one versus Battle the giant elephant in the room is what their resistance to genjutsu is because Itachi obviously has a lot of them and even the ones that don't immediately un alive you incapacitate you so he can finish the job himself that being said min's resistance to genju is questionable at best well it is true that we've never seen Mino outright resist against Jutsu a ton of people myself included have made the argument in the past that minito might have some sort of genjutsu resistance since he didn't seem all too scared of looking Obito in the eye when he fought against him even after acknowledging the fact that he was in mu and not only that but a sh God genjutsu user this could serve as proof that minito has resisted to genjutsu but it could also serve his evidence that he's not all too Savvy to fighting against an ocular genjutsu user as staring one directly in the eye is normally a death sentence but it sort of got me thinking why this happened not only why minito looked Obito directly in his eye but why Obito didn't cast genju on minito and I think it's possible that Obito couldn't cast aen juice on minito because of his control of the Ninetails it is stated by Chio that when you're going up against a sh gun if you're doing it one-on-one you should probably run away but if you're doing it against two people trying and take the shaan user from his back this to me implies that normally a Shan user isn't going to be able to put two people under a genjutsu and this tracks throughout the series for the most part have we ever seen a shaan user put two people under a genjutsu the answer to that question is simply yes but it's not the same way as Itachi's genjutsu Itachi genjutsu specifically Emeral aims to control you for a period of time while Kakashi the person who has genjutsu two people at once simply knocks both of them out with it rather than keeping them under permanent control Obito also used a similar genjutsu on both of donel's Haag guards keeping them in a days after they'd been taken into the kamwe dimension it's unknown what genjutsu Obito or Kakashi used on these opponents and regardless it's not one that Itachi uses in character or ones that I can reliably say that he has so it's possible minito knew about this shangan weakness and that's why he didn't care to look Obito in the eye during their fight however that is just an assumption on my part but I think it's far more likely than minito just being dumb and basically asking to get genjutsu by a shangan user staring them directly in the eye nonetheless that's obviously not an option for meito in his fight against Itachi and the only other way I could realistically see Mito getting around Itachi's gutu is using Shadow CLS to increase his number to turn the fight from a one-on-one in a sense this works for a few reasons one being it shown in the fight with Kakashi that Itachi's genjutsu does not work on Shadow clones of people and two if the genjutsu itashi uses happens to be suku yomi then he'll drain a good deal of his stamina if it fails and he hits a clone with it however the same rule of running away from a shangan user doesn't directly apply in all ways to Itachi since when Naruto ran into him in the forest he mentions that since Itachi can cast gju from his hands it's almost like fighting two people at once and it shown pretty clearly in the fight that Naruto never even looks at Itachi's eyes yet was still placed under genjutsu so it's likely that Itachi doesn't even have to point his finger directly at you in order to initiate the JSU or maybe it just happened off screen I don't really know this puts it up to a matter of how many clones Mino summons when he fights Itachi and if he does it off rip knowing he's fighting a shaan user Mino does only make one clone in the war Arc while he's using KCM even even though realistically with the help of the Ninetails he should be able to make far more than that this leads me to believe he was just using the amount of clones he would normally use in not relying on kurama's chakra to Aid him in making them Mino does also have access to Giant summoning animals so even if he does make only one clone he could summon one of them as well to help out in the fight and with Itachi's eyesight being as bad as it already is I think seeing he could hit Mino with a gusu when he's all the way at the top of game with buun is a really big stretch I do think it's possible he could hit buun with an Amad rasu but I'll get into Amar rasu a bit later in the video so Mino certainly has ways around Itachi genjutsu but Itachi genjutsu is pretty dangerous if it lands and it could possibly mean the end of the fight as far as how they compare physically it stated in the last chapter of part one that Mino has unrivaled strength and that everyone sets off in hopes of reaching his level one day this is a weekly statement from the original manga so his credibility would normally be questionable at best but I think this sentiment is echoed through the manga and a few characters in the story and other guide books for when jariah says that everyone Pals in comparison next to Mino and that his capacity as a Shinobi was unmatched with him having extremely high talent for Ninjutsu as well also even then Itachi might have gotten stronger since the beginning of part two because we don't know when he actually acquired the susano for all we know he could have had it back in part one he certainly met the parameters for it which is having both of your mangek abilities unlocked and we see both amatarasu and suomi in part one even then though it's unknown whether or not he had the Toco blade and yamir back then since zetsu and rochim Maru kind of make it sound like these are Spirit weapons you can find in AC chire rather than just being a part of Itachi susano with that being the case there is still another state statement in part two that Echoes mito's spot at the top being Kakashi saying that Naruto is the only one who could surpass the Hokage and that he truly believed that this is also repeated back to us in Data Book 3 so it's pretty clearcut that minito is at the top when it comes to the Shinobi around this era dbook 3 does take place after Itachi's passing but the statement I'm talking about comes from before that en captions a moment before that as well being when Naruto is training for his Ross insurance the also comments something similar to what these other statements say claiming that he had exchanged blows with Mino many times that he was a great man and that a finer Shinobi had never lived I know it's a bit weird when it comes to these statements about people being a quote unquote better Shinobi than another person especially with Hashi Roma claiming Itachi was a better Shinobi than him despite never meeting the guy in his entire life but I think it's probable that raag is talking about mito's capabilities here as not only does he mention no one is faster than him since minito passed away but he also after that says that even with all of mino's power he still not around to help out with today's problems because he underestimated the power of the tail beast that last part isn't true the rag doesn't know that someone actually control the Ninetails all that time ago he thinks Mino went out in a fight against the Ninetails but regardless the point still stands I'd also like to comment that even among the people Mino is stronger than Itachi is stronger as well not stronger than Mito or at least that's not what I'm saying but when you compare Itachi to the highest tiers of character at the time the statement is made that being the signing it's pretty clear Itachi is much stronger than them Rim Maru mentions that Itachi is way stronger than him and that should reliably make Itachi stronger than jariah as well since arim Maru and jiah are on par with each other another sentiment echoed throughout the guide books in the mon s Itachi's running with jiah has always been a huge point of contention since Itachi seems to remark that he can't just take Dr out but keep in mind that Itachi had already used suomi that day and it's a Jutsu that stated to take a lot out of him not only that but by the time he would have fought Jah he had already used it twice so it's probable he's not exactly in the right condition to take on a son level opponent he even had to escape using amatarasu something that fatigued him so much it actually made him turn off his Shan something Itachi almost never does throughout the entire series speak can of Itachi stamina that's another issue I want to touch on since while you can argue Itachi stamina is bad he has pretty insane endurance and his stamina is only bad under specific context for example his fight with Sasuke despite all the jutu he threw and used he outlasted Sasuke and stamina for that fight and we know Sasuke's stamina and Recovery speed was boosted by him having a Orochimaru in that fight or at least most of that fight we do know as well minito isn't a person looking for a long drawn out out fight he normally tries to wrap things up pretty quickly he tries to end the fight with Obito very quick when he sees Obito on top of the tin Tails he quickly goes to cut his chest open he sets up all the kunai for the four Crimson Ray barrier long before the other hok show up he tries to wrap up the fight with be quickly and when Mino shows up to help out another platoon in the third war one of the leaf shobi soldiers specifically says we finally get to see the yellow Flash in action but don't blink or you'll miss it so Mino is pretty famous for cleaning up battles quickly and a part of that strategy is throwing kunai around the battlefield another consistently in character tactic for minito he does it against the raag he brings Obito to a field of kunai he had previously thrown before and even when we see a depiction of him using a ringan in chapter 519 he's standing in a field of kunai it's very very in character for Mino to do this but a possible counter it taji could use is simply spreading a mo around the battlefield they're fighting on this happens in his fight against Sasuke but it might not be the best counter for a couple of reasons when Itachi doesn't have kagat sui so him controlling the flames and spreading them isn't likely it's way more likely that they spread on their own and of all things it could spread to it spread on trees and just sat there which you could argue makes no real sense why are the Flames of madasu sitting on top of trees I think it's because the madasu only Burns what it's targeted at that's how zetsu describes the ability and it would easily explain why marasu can burn literal fire but not burn trees of all things because if you remember the madasu shots and there were four in total there were targeted at Sasuke but Itachi missed the first three and hit Sasuke with the last one so if Mito and Itachi are fighting in a flammable area I guess you could say that the fire would spread around if it didn't hit minito but if Itachi purpose targeted the trees the amatarasu would burn out since it only extinguishes after it's burned its Target the other big problem that comes with doing this is Itachi fatiguing himself to a heavy degree since using the Meeko is extremely taxing for him in part one he can only use two suomi and one amatarasu before having to rest for a few days and in part two he uses five amatarasu shots and his right eye is blinded and obviously being fatigued is not a good thing when it comes to being in a fight with some went as fast as Mino this is a fight where if Mino happens to tag you once you're going to have an ftg seal placed on you and that he can teleport to you wherever he wants and hit you with a Mark that essentially means the end of the fight for anyone and that includes Itachi here in this fight Mito does this to Obito he does it to be he does it to the stone ninja he fights in Kakashi giden is something very in character for him that he commonly uses sneak attacks or or in order to attack you from behind something that should catch itashi off guard since he doesn't have the Byakugan or anything Itachi has been shown to attack people behind him before he did it to Naruto's clones when he ran into him in the forest but that's hardly the same as someone teleporting directly behind you and when Mino does this he can attack you as he teleports we saw this happened when he stabbed Obito after teleporting to him when he hit him with the renon it is worth pointing out that when Mino fought B Be was able to see through his attempt to teleport behind him and set up his sword for a mutual strike but I think it's equally worth pointing out that Mino didn't try his best here and only held be at knife Point rather than teleporting to him with an attack like he's been shown to do it's possible that maybe he hadn't put that tactic into play yet in his joning years as he also doesn't do that with the stone Shinobi and Kakashi giden but I'm talking about hokai Mito anyway so that doesn't really matter to me at this point wions are really the only thing left to discuss on Itachi side you have a madasu which should be able to burn Mito if it lands in his genju that Mito only has counters for and no real resistance to Mito has ceiling Jutsu in his side to help get rid of Itachi but I think it's more likely he tried to get Itachi the same way he did Obito the raag and the stone ninja which is by finding some time to hit them from a blind spot this becomes increasingly more easy if Mino happens to lay a hand on Itachi since he can just teleport to him whenever he wants which sort of takes one of Itachi's main wincs out of the discussion that being the susano Itachi really only used the susano as a late game option while he's alive more than likely due to stamina restraints but if he does summon it early in the fight for some Omni Direction protection against Mito Mino is going to have to try and wait it out dodging attacks since he has no reliable way to bypass the susano and on top of that the yir the susano's relevance in this fight is entirely dependent on if Mito is already touched Itachi or if Itachi pulls it out earlier in the fight than he usually does I think the amatarasu win con could become more likely if Itachi could accurately guess which kunai minito would teleport to and light that one on fire if he's unsuccessful in his guessing attempt then obviously he just drained his stamina and his own eyesight making Mino all the more likely to win that's really the thing with this versus Battle for the most part there are a lot of factors that could change the course of this fight in Itachi's favor but a lot of them require you to be pretty generous to Itachi like I'm accurately guessing which Kun andai meaned to will teleport to him using his susano early and the most reliable wi kind is definitely genjutsu which which like I said Mito only has counters for but no resistance to it if he does get hit if it's suomi Mito is cooked but if it's another genjutsu and Mito has already summoned a clone or frog to help him they could potentially snap him out of the genjutsu but again there are a lot of things undetermined in this fight if you want to know who I think will win more consistently I'd say Mino since his wi con is far more likely quite literally just being touch Itachi and Itachi's one cons rely on Extreme generosity extremely generous situations some of which rely on gambling so Isa minito takes it
Channel: Six
Views: 45,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minato vs itachi debate, itachi vs minato debate, naruto debates, minato vs itachi who would win, itachi uchiha, itachi, minato vs itachi manga, itachi vs minato, minato vs itachi, minato vs sick itachi, hokage minato, the fourth hokage, yata mirror, minato vs itachi power level, minato power levels, itachi amaterasu, minato kunai, itachi susanoo, minato vs raikage, itachi vs obito, itachi vs minato power level, 4th hokage vs itachi uchiha, minato one shot, minato vs bijuu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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