The Hiking Trip Tier List Genshin Impact

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hey how's it going everybody today we're going to be putting the genshin characters on a hiking trail a 30 mile hiking trail to be specific now 30 miles equates to about 12 hours I believe I did a bit of the maths but they're not going to be alone nah they're gonna have a randomly selected partner with the spinny wheel which is basically a part of like every second tier list we do at this point now we've also added a couple of characters and made our own template so now pymon is here also popular to mandeliff and a couple of other characters that you guys suggested so we have Madame ping datore yingar and Timaeus because why not so we're gonna be confiscating the Visions real quick no elemental powers and yeah let's get into our first pair of the day damn all right we kind of have a Powerhouse for the first character damn I hope she gets along with her partner though foreign now although they haven't had that big of an interaction these characters have actually met before okay so right off the bat in terms of survival skills even though it's not a super survival scenario I mean we do have the gets lost and eaten by a bear at the bottom but that's just for the directionally challenged which neither of these two are in terms of how they would get along they're just both kind of quiet and chill although xiao's a bit of an angry boy I don't think he's gonna have much of a problem with someone who's as composed and sophisticated as Jaylon so I'm not gonna say wait they are kind of perfect yeah so they're gonna be well packed they're gonna know how to Pace themselves they're not gonna have to ask for directions or anything yeah you know what I was debating on common composed but they're also just the perfect hiking Duo like they're kind of peak I don't think there's gonna be many teams that surpass these two but let's get into the second pairing okay we're getting a lot of the good hikers out of the way like I feel like shinobu is gonna be really good at this hmm wait do you think shinobu ever met baiju when she was studying in Liu at maybe in terms of how they would get along I think they'd be perfectly fine they're both really chill shinob was a bit angry sometimes but that's only with slightly incompetent individuals [Laughter] issue with this I haven't played baiju's story Quest yet mind you is that I don't think baiju has the most stamina correct me if I'm wrong there but besides for that one issue and the hike potentially being a little longer than usual I think they're gonna be common composed yeah they're not perfect by any means but they both have a good head on their shoulders and yeah the next pair yes the Torres debut and his partner oh God see I don't know how the Torah is gonna be in a situation I'm just wondering okay oh no no no oh no okay so did Tori and Daya are going for a nice hike through the mountains why do I feel like one of them isn't coming back from this trip now we don't know to Tori's whole backstory yet but he's a little bit of a mischievous Rascal to say the least I'm being very nice when I say that with that in mind when you take a girl who has justice as one of her key mottos and a guy who experiments on children yeah they're not gonna mesh really well but if we take that out of the equation are they gonna be awkward yes are they gonna argue yes the thing is I think day is the type who's gonna argue with him but the Torre is gonna just be like yeah whatever like I don't think he's gonna care I'm gonna put them in the arguing Duo though like potentially one of their bodies isn't coming back like Daya might potentially try to murder the Tori on this trip for kale right but I'm just gonna put them in the arguing Duo like there isn't a homicide category and I don't really feel like adding one maybe later but for now we're gonna leave them there [Music] seems like the type of chick who just goes on morning jogs damina and she's also part of the knights um okay Mademoiselle nilu so Eula and nilu this is a pretty well grounded Duo again yeah dude we're getting a lot of the chill characters together but anyway eula's part of like the survey core of the Knights of fivonius if you will meanwhile as nilo's a dancer and bro dancers need to have like a lot of cardio they need to have a lot of stamina so I don't think any of them are gonna suffer like physically in terms of directions eula's gonna be like the mapping lady I think she'd have that down you know what are they perfect kind of yeah like maybe nilu forgets to bring a thing or two but Eula would compensate for that because she'd be super well prepared yeah they're gonna be sociable probably as well but I'm just gonna put them in the perfect hiking Duo I don't think eula's gonna want to exact Vengeance on nilu either because she's really nice but yeah we're gonna put them there hey [Music] [Laughter] I'll hate them has been seen to be really in shape hasn't he like I know he's a bit of a nerd but he kind of has like a good build if you will oh okay these two okay okay so faruzon and I'll hate them this is an interesting Duo the thing is they're both insanely smart they both have pretty good endurance and stamina I believe maybe farazon lacks a bit in that department because of her age and she did get a little tired in that desert during the new event now I think farazon might annoy I'll hate them a bit because she's super talkative and I'll hate them strikes me as the guy who plans like a shortcut to take just to get this over with as quickly as possible so I'm not necessarily gonna put them in the arguing duo or should I um oh this is tricky because these you can go in so many spots I'll put them in the awkward Duo yeah because I think after a while Al Haytham is just gonna blatantly ignore farazan because she talks so much It's Tricky but I'm gonna leave him there lumine pretty much gets along with everybody except for maybe the Torre but he's he's out of the picture now okay interesting okay so jinyan and Lumin hmm now they're gonna get along just fine I don't think they're gonna have any issues in that department The Traveler or lumine is basically a world-class hiker anyway so she's gonna have all the supplies ready they're not gonna need to ask for help the thing is with jinyan would she be used to hiking at all she definitely doesn't strike me as someone who's out of shape though and I don't think they're gonna be starved for conversation topics in any way because jinyan is like the most outgoing person or at least one of them so paired with the Quiet lumine who's not shy mind you like she just doesn't talk that much even though I think this might be carried by Lumina bit I'm still gonna put them in the perfect hiking Duo because lumine is basically just a one-woman army like and I don't think zhenyon's gonna be that bad either yeah just the perfect hiking Duo I swear someone better pack some shoes for nahida to wear on this hike she's gonna stub her toe [Laughter] okay wait this is weird oh my God this is weird so we got nahida and yay and Miko these two interacting would be interesting weirdly enough I feel like nahida is one of those few characters that Mikko can't really get to like she might try to poke fun at her but nahida's just like don't underestimate the god of wisdom fox lady yes okay so with that in mind um this is tricky because I don't think either of them are like super duper like stamina-driven people especially Mikko I don't think she's used to hiking and funny enough nahida 100 strikes me as that girl who packs so much stuff like she seems like she might be a bit over prepared while mikko's underprepared so with that in mind ooh we have one category for each I'm gonna say overly prepared because of nahida mikko's just gonna bring like two bottles of water and some books to read when they take breaks while nahida has this massive backpack on her small little shoulders I'm just picturing that right now that's adorable wait I want to go hiking with nahida now but anyway I don't think they're gonna argue or anything like once Miko realizes that nahita's too big brained I think they would be on similar wavelengths so I'll put them here yes hey [Music] Jin okay she's probably pretty good actually she might like a bit though who's the partner these are two character names I never thought I'd see next to each other in terms of how they would get along it'd be pretty good because they're both relatively social people yes Mona can be a little sassy but she's usually only sassy with a certain kind of people in terms of stamina though I don't think Mona's gonna have the most actually would she I don't think she'd be that bad I might need to give her some credit there because that broke life man I feel like she has to have some cardio in her maybe she's crying last the trip yeah so she knows which is the safest and quickest path to take to the top so that would be pretty cool and yunjin and her would just talk a whole bunch because yunjin's similar to nilu in the sense that they're both like dancers even though yunjin's related to the Performing Arts as a whole I think she would have a lot of stamina so you know what this is gonna be maybe not the most perfect because Mona's not gonna have the most stuff brought like she doesn't seem like the type who's gonna bring food she's gonna expect yunjin to bring all the food and yunjin I feel like would probably bring a little bit extra but mostly just for herself so Mona would probably be starving for this entire trip but I'll put them in just the sociable Duo because they seem like the type who would just talk a lot and exchange pleasantries yeah foreign bro this is not the environment for Lisa wait wait what if she could what if she gets paired with Gene or something that'd be cool guys this is such a carry wait okay now guys Lisa is not the most how you say well in shape character like she's not gonna have the most stamina she even like comments on it herself like she's a librarian she doesn't like to just run around in the wild like crazy but kazuha does [Laughter] okay even with Lisa's shortcomings in terms of like stamina and everything I think with occasional breaks she would be fine and she would be the map lady yes because she 100 strikes me as the girl who's like all right so we have to take a turn here this would be a good spot to rest meanwhile as kazua since he's so used to just wandering the Wilds I think he would just go wherever but Lisa's the girl who keeps him on track yes okay with that in mind where would they go would they be perfect I'm not gonna say a hundred percent perfect because they both might have a little shortcomings I'm gonna put them in the calm and composed Duo yeah because is the both of these characters seem really chill and relaxed and Lisa flirting with kazuha yes a hundred percent she's doing that but anyway it's gonna be a common composed pretty good hike overall I think yeah oh this man is gonna be good I just kind of worry for his partner I hope it's not someone who's super like stronger built okay would tartaglia challenge ether to a fight hmm now this is a Powerhouse Duo right off the bat the only issue I might have is tartaglia potentially wanting a rematch with Aether just fighting to the death in the middle of the Woods we'll say he leaves that for after the trip so Aether is just the male version of lumine he's gonna be an expert hiker and tartaglia is from schneznaya so he's gonna be a bit of a Powerhouse too so I think they would both know to pack enough water and food they both also have top tier stamina yeah this is a very simple one but it is a perfect hiking Duo foreign is a making her debut on a hiking trail which requires walking I just realized but anyway she can fly she gets tired okay her wings get tired [Laughter] I can't oh no no I was literally saying before all the good hikers are getting paired together now we have these two so let's start with a so she's a bit of a shut-in in terms of directions she's just gonna have no idea where the heck they are but at the same time she's never gonna run out of stamina so it's not like her life is in danger but she would a hundred percent get lost on her own now with pymon as her tour guide this is where it gets a little weird because pymon does she have a good sense of direction see I don't know if it's her or Aether or lumine who has the good sense of direction either way I think it's more than likely if pymon is with someone like a that she might be a little stressed out and might not have like the most composure in a situation like this like yes she's familiar with a but if the Traveler's not there I don't think it would work out so well you feel me either way they're gonna be perfectly fine like pymon can fly over the trees and find out where to go but originally I think they're gonna get lost Yeah a hundred percent the next pair so we have trainee forest ranger kalei she's gonna be pretty good I think foreign okay that's pretty good I like that so now we have Tomah and kale I kind of like this Duo a lot so in terms of interactions we have the most outgoing sociable guy in the world paired with the Quiet doesn't really like to talk to people partner but besides for that in terms of like Fitness and everything kale might have been at a disadvantage in the past because of her Eleazar now that that's gone I think she'd probably be pretty good like she's gonna be middle of the pack mix that in with her forest ranger skills yeah she's pretty awesome and Toma my man came from an entire different Nation even though it was on boat I feel like he still probably has a lot of that physical endurance and everything and he also seems like the type of guy to pack a bunch of nice little lunch boxes and water yeah they would both be really prepared for this trip would they be overly prepared yeah okay you know what I'm gonna move this up let's move some things around here because I feel like overly prepared needs to be near the top and we're gonna put them there because Kali seems like she's gonna pack a whole bunch of stuff and the same with Tomah but it's gonna be a nice trip they'll both have some big backpacks exchange some pleasantries and I feel like kalai would probably open up to Toma because he's just such a good reader of the vibe yeah this would be a nice Duo I kind of like this a lot next pair speaking of overly prepared well y'all y'all is so top tier it's ridiculous who it gonna be wait this is the exact same as the last pair except different Vibes but it's the same idea so we have Rosaria and yao yao now aren't they like kind of the same because Rosario's the quiet girl who's not very sociable but at the same time she's not shy like kale so it's a little different and Yao Yao's very similar to Tomah because she's so outgoing and caring and everything like Rosaria I feel like would give her the cold shoulder for most of the trip and it would be really awkward but even Rosaria I think eventually would warm up to yao yao because how can you not she's so wholesome bro and she's gonna pack a bunch of like really cutely designed lunch boxes she's gonna have all the first aid equipment in case they need it and yeah they're gonna be overly prepared I think because I think Rosaria is also gonna have a lot of stuff because she's used to surviving in some pretty rough conditions again it's not a life and death scenario but I think they might over pack [Music] all right so we have timaeus's flirtatious girlfriend if you guys don't know who this is it's um I'll I'll explain after this hold up oh wait that would have been hilarious all right so a flirtatious woman and Amber very interesting so Amber and Ying are oh the thing is we don't super know that much about her but she's super flirtatious and really sociable like this girl talks a lot and she always sounds like she's trying to seduce you isn't it time for you to drop the miss with that in mind Amber's also a super talkative person I'm gonna put them into sociable Duo yeah because maybe yingar makes food for them because she has that like motherly energy so she would make sure Amber has all of her food groups yeah I think it would be a pleasant trip overall I think it'd be pretty good the [Music] next we got sucky Rose she I don't think it's gonna be amazing very interesting wait sucrose and Candace that's another like brain needs to process group so Candice I think is going to be pretty amazing on a hike because she seems like the type who has a whole bunch of stamina and doesn't really need to eat or drink like constantly because she's so used to the harsh environments of the desert that I feel like it's toughened her up even though this is just a hike I think she'd be really good at it in terms of sucrose I'm not questioning her stamina that much except I kind of am because because strikes me as the person who's kind of just always chilling in a lab and is not running around a lot so kind of the opposite of Candice in terms of a dynamic though wait doesn't this kind of remind you of Lila and Candace like if you guys remember that new event Candace and Lila like met up and they have a bit of History together so I think she treats sucrose kind of like how she treats Lila so pretty wholesome is what I mean I'm gonna leave them in the common composed even though sucrose gets a little nervous from time to time I think Candace would be able to Mellow her out they would take breaks if sucrose gets tired yeah be a pretty chill Squad foreign we had the student now we have the master we have another Canon group yes okay wait these two are literally perfect for this okay so Albedo even though he's similar to his student in the sense that he's always in a lab he's also pretty much constantly in Dragon spine which has one of the harshest environments besides for the desert probably but he probably has a pretty good stamina base especially since he's you know not really human and he also seems like the types of pack a bunch of stuff yeah antagnari also seems like the type to pack a whole bunch of stuff so Albedo would probably pack a bunch of food and water while tagnari's like the medical supply guy like if their hike takes them through the forest he's gonna be like we have to watch out for these 30 different insects that could potentially bite us and Albedo's here like yeah I don't think they really affect me so with all that said they're kind of perfect and also overly prepared yeah like they're gonna be ready for this hiking trip so potentially under prepared but that physicality like she's gonna be good okay okay interesting indeed so we have shinho and Hazel hmm wait guys can you kind of Imagine Hazel getting a little Rizzy with shenho like it's so easy to picture bro every single tier list we have the wheel Hazel is always getting paired with an older woman and he's probably having the time of his life in terms of how they would get along I think they would be fine I don't think it's gonna be awkward because shinho is so blunt and Hazel is a smooth talker so I think they might actually get along pretty well that might be a bit debatable though I feel like shinha is the type of girl to go into this hike completely blind yet she's gonna be perfectly fine like she only needs one like two liter bottle for this 12-hour trip and Hazel probably has like a big backpack of stuff he's like yeah don't worry girl I got the food I got all this and shinho's like oh I was just gonna eat the grass yes okay wait I really want to see this as a dynamic with that in mind I think they're just gonna be common composed yeah actually that suits them pretty perfectly because shenha is never gonna get stressed and Hazel doesn't seem like the type to let pressure get to him either so yeah we got Madame ning Guang finally finally oh my God D Luke finally gets paired with a partner who he isn't Gonna Wanna murder so D Luke and ning Guang are such a Powerhouse yeah wait these two are awesome because D Luke probably has the stamina of a bull because he's had a lot of just excursions like remember when he went to schneznaya and had to survive in a really rough situation like obviously we're not talking about survival skills but in terms of endurance and being well prepared I think he's gonna have it together meanwhile as ning Guang kind of the same situation because she had a bit of an upbringing where she was broke and had to get through in really rough conditions like the only issue is maybe her stamina isn't what it used to be because now she's more in the political world so it's a bit of a different ballpark but I don't think it's going to affect her that badly in terms of like how they're gonna socialize they might talk a bit from time to time but it's not going to be a conversation where dilu gets annoyed which makes me really happy okay so with all of that in mind perfect yeah I can't see that many issues with these two besides for the slight issue with ning Guang stamina potentially but we're gonna keep them there God I want to go hiking with joy Mia oh that'd be so awesome but then again I I just want to do everything with joy Mia I think yes yes oh my God finally I love this I freaking love this team so much okay so yoy Mia and Sino now I have to get the elephant out of the room Joy Mia is gonna be that girl who appreciates sino's jokes so much and she's gonna be straight up with him too like if one of the jokes doesn't hit she's gonna be like hey what the heck is you on boy like I could see that so vividly okay so in terms of socializing these two are gonna get along perfectly and yoy Mia seems like the type who would also enjoy some genius invocation TCG wait I love these two these two would be such genuine friends it's ridiculous that aside in terms of a hiking trip I think they're both gonna be pretty good both of their staminas I don't think are gonna have many issues the only thing is yoy Mia might be a bit careless an under pack but I think Sino would probably make up for the little bit of just supplies that Joy Mia forgets to bring so where should we put them they're definitely not common composed nah it's kind of weird but I'm gonna put them in the sociable Duo yeah I never thought we'd be putting Sino in the sociable Duo but I think yoy Mia would bring out his social side and they would just be telling jokes for this entire trip all right so we have Layla interesting [Laughter] uh you got paired with a really good partner Layla okay so we have Noel and Layla this is an interesting Dynamic no I think this group is going to be a little carried by Noel because she just seems like the type of girl who has like the biggest backpack imaginable and has like hundreds of pounds of things in there but at the same time she's like not even breaking the sweat like she's perfectly fine and Layla's probably carrying nothing but is super exhausted I can kind of picture that in terms of socializing I think this would be a pretty quiet trip besides for Noelle constantly asking Layla if she's okay like I can imagine they take a lot of breaks and maybe halfway through the trip because hiking is pretty exhausting Layla would switch over to her other self if you will and then she'd probably be like better at it but still noelle's gonna carry this and I'm just gonna put them in overly prepared because Noel probably brought enough stuff to feed like a small family for like a week I can picture it so well just her in the ginormous backpack yes okay Noel we have the angry cat wait is venti still on the lip imagine she gets paired with venti again wait wait no I just looked at the wheel this is not oh no no no no no no no no this is not gonna work at all so we have skirt so scarra and Iona now let's get this out the way they're gonna hate each other like really hate each other because diona's kind of just angry like a good portion of the time yes scarra doesn't really drink so that's kind of off the table but I feel like she still might like pester him a little bit wait what if since she probably brought like a bunch of food because she seems like the type to be well prepared she keeps telling scarra to like eat her homemade sandwiches but scarra doesn't really need to eat because he's like a puppet so he's constantly like no keep that disgusting food to yourself yes and that's why they would be bickering so with that in mind I think Diana might not be the most physically like capable person but I don't think it will affect her that much but I'm still gonna put them in the arguing Duo I don't think these two would get along like at all we don't really know much about her foreign I feel like her and say you are like complete opposites bro yes okay because kirana is like the delivery person and they don't have cars in tevot so you know damn well she's running all over the place all the time meanwhile as with saiyu she's not going anywhere she's the type of girl who stays in one place and takes naps all day long so they're literally just opposites but at the same time I don't think sayu's like unfit or anything because she's a ninja right so I think her physicality is probably better than we actually think with what I just said in mind my one issue is that I feel like they might be kind of under prepared like their physicality is probably gonna be fine but I'm not sure if they're gonna bring enough supplies for the trip that's my only issue it's the boy it's it's the boy I love to miss so much guys he's such a giga chat I can't oh yes yes no no no no no okay Timaeus and Beto this is literally the epitome of chadness like you got the queen of the ladies and the king of the men I don't care what any of you say now in terms of physicality Beto no issues there but Tomatoes you know what I'm gonna say he's gonna be perfectly not the most fine I don't know I don't think he's the most in shape in shape but I think he's gonna put in a lot of effort and Beto's gonna see that he's putting in a lot of effort yeah in terms of conversations and everything I think it's mostly just gonna be Beto getting drunk on the hiking trail and just telling tameus a bunch of stories and Timaeus is probably like whoa that's so cool you fought a dragon yes he would be the attentive listener so I'm gonna say these two even with Thomas's slight lack of physical like strength pretty much I'm gonna put them in the perfect Duo I don't care what y'all say tameus is a Chad we're just gonna leave them there I love tomatoes we got Sara Sara's gonna be perfectly fine Sarah seems like a good hiking buddy yeah cursed this is so cursed no so we have Dory and Sarah okay wait what if since stories like the black market dealer she's probably used to having a lot of supplies on hand and having to run around a lot yeah okay so maybe Dory is not as bad as I initially thought it's just in terms of them getting along Dory is the type of person that Sarah wants to put in a jail cell absolutely but in terms of physical strengths and preparedness I think these two are gonna be really good like Sarah's also gonna bring a lot of Provisions for the trip and she just seems like the type of character that would go on hikes on her days off like doesn't she seem like that I feel like she does but even though they're gonna be overly prepared and the perfect hiking Duo I'm still gonna put them in the duo that argues yeah it's mostly just gonna be Sara judging dory's way of life and even with everything Sarah's saying Dory is still probably trying to sell her something like yes but nah they would bicker a bunch yes purple cat is gonna be pretty good I think but who's she gonna be paired with she might get annoyed okay so CLE and the purple cat how the heck is this gonna work okay so I've been saying this for a little bit now but purple cat is kind of similar to Gene except a little more harsh and to the point so with that in mind I'm gonna say she's gonna be the insanely strict mother with her daughter on a hiking trip I can see this so vividly it's not even funny now with that in mind I think Cushing is gonna be super well prepared she's gonna have a bunch of stuff ready for the trip a lot of water probably a lot of bandages because Cleve's probably gonna hurt herself from trying to burn the forest down but with that in mind I think Clee might also have probably quite a bit of stuff in her backpack but I'm not sure if it's going to be the most useful like stuff and Cushing's like girl why did you bring all these explosives we're going on a hike and she's like sorry I just don't like being far from my dodoco bombs or something like that so I don't think they're gonna be perfect because Clee is a little dangerous I'm just gonna put them in the sociable Duo because maybe Cushing would argue a bit with Clee telling her to get her stuff to get yeah you know what I think Clee is gonna give cushion a little bit of sass meanwhile as Cushing is constantly trying to keep this child in control so we're gonna put them in the arguing Duo yeah doesn't kokomi seem like such a cool travel buddy yes I like this okay me would be good on a hype weren't these two pair I swear these two were paired once before but anyway so we have Barbara and kokomi now in terms of them getting along I think they would get along swimmingly yeah I just feel like their conversations would be really wholesome in terms of physical strengths this definitely strikes me as a Duo that's gonna take a lot of breaks during the trip but they're still gonna get to their destination like kokomi seems like the girl who's mapped this hike out to the T meanwhile as Barbara's bringing a lot of food and snacks yeah and even though they might not have the most stamina because kokomi's a tactician and she's not constantly like running around fighting and Barbara's a nun in the church but aside from that one weakness I still think these two are gonna be a good Duo not the perfect Squad but very sociable they're gonna eat a bunch of sandwiches have nice talks and picnics along the hiking trail and it would just be a nice thing yeah why can I see venti getting lost if he's under the influence it depends who he's with though yes yes yes perfect oh my God so we have Fishel and venti I feel like these two are gonna get along so well bro I think even when venti's sober he would probably go along with fishel's Antics quite a bit and it would be really wholesome yes finally official gets paired with someone who can really appreciate her with that in mind the social aspect of things is gonna be amazing but aside from that actually I think they'd be pretty good because venti is probably going to be like following the wind or something and if they're going like up like increasing in altitude it would be a good chance for his following the wind powers to shine and officials part of the adventurers Guild so she probably has a good sense of directions so you know what this is gonna be a good Duo and a very sociable Duo as well yeah thank you the land surveyor Mika he's gonna be pretty good I think yeah hmm okay so we have Zhang dong and Mika wait this is such a weird Duo because zhongdong is such a heavy talker and is also very sociable and Mika is kind of the opposite he's not the most talkative individual but aside from that in terms of like the hike itself Mika might carry this team a little bit because he's probably gonna have a whole bunch of Provisions as well as the entire area like memorized like it's the back of his hand meanwhile zhangdong is just gonna go on this trip like it's a nice walk which it pretty much is to be honest so I think they're gonna be good however I'm actually gonna put them in the awkward Duo because these two don't seem like they're gonna have good chemistry like I think zhongdong is gonna talk a bunch and Mika's just gonna be like so um what am I supposed to do here like it's kind of a weird dynamic here I just can't see them having that good interactions if you feel me we got cave my boy my new favorite character he's my best boy I love this man yes they're at it again wait the boys are at it again I just realized so just like the road trip tier list cave and Ito are paired together again and I'm still going by this cannon that these two are the boys like they're best buds okay so Ito on his own definitely seems like the type to get lost but since he's paired with cave oh wait wait wait a sec would caveat also get lost I kind of think he might yeah even though I love the man I mean I love Ito too I'm probably gonna have to put them and get lost because kave besides for Benny where's oh Benny we haven't done Benny yet but aside from Benny he's probably the most unlucky character in the game like maybe he sees some injured animal in the forest and he goes to help it and ito's like hey where are you going bro and then they just both like stumble around and get lost very quickly but if they weren't lost I would probably put them in the sociable Duo yeah because they're both very like built like they have a good physical strength stat and yes even kave I feel like since he's been through so much his physicality is probably pretty good but I still think they're gonna get lost yeah we got Chichi who she gonna be with [Laughter] ayato kind of gives me similar Vibes to Daddy buys you like doesn't he okay anyway ayato and Chichi as a Duo this is gonna be very actually not awkward no because Chichi even though she's kind of weird she's not nervous about talking and ayatos a very accepting man so I think he'd accept Chichi really quickly in terms of hiking I think ayato would be pretty well prepared yeah he seems like the type who's packing the lunches for him and his new daughter to go on this nice little hiking trip and in terms of stamina I don't think either of them is going to have any issue I mean Chichi's a freaking zombie meanwhile as ayato maybe suffers a bit because he's always in like his office negotiating and doing stuff like that but I don't think it's gonna be that much of a hindrance you know what I think this is gonna be a really wholesome Duo I think they're gonna be common composed yeah but this is kind of a wholesome Dynamic I think they'd have a nice little trip yeah plain Gene who's she gonna be with oh okay I think we have a bit of a Powerhouse Duo here yeah so Jean and Eloy now aloy I think is going to be at least a top five hiker up there with Daya and a lot of the greats and Jean is in the Knights of evonius and is kind of like a mom to clean so she definitely strikes me as the girl who's gonna be super well prepared in terms of conversations I think they would both be pretty quiet like they might have a five minute talk every hour but besides for that it's just gonna be a relaxing like walk to the summit with all of that said I'm just gonna put them in the perfect hiking Duo yeah I just realized I misspelled Madam ping whoopsie daisies but someone's gonna need to take care of her on her way to the top because she's old oh wait that's so holds up oh my God that's adorable okay so Razer and Madame ping that is so precious guys I love it so Razer just gives me that vibe that he's the guy who takes care of senior citizens and this is like it's perfect I think razer's gonna be the directions King while also being really patient with Madame ping oh my god this is my favorite I actually adore this so much with all that said I think even though Madame pings I'm gonna need a break very often she's still probably gonna be really well prepared she's probably gonna have so many supplies and she gives her little grandson a bunch of cookies and snacks wait I love this this is my favorite with that said where should we put them you know what I don't care I'm putting a row at the literal top of this entire tier list it's perfect I just want to put them at the top because I love the Dynamics so much it's so precious guys are both still here maybe he gets paired with one of his friends [Laughter] unfortunately we're in a scenario where whoever's paired with Benny is probably gonna get lost let's skip that for now in terms of how these two would interact these two strike me as people who would be really good friends yeah because they're both very sociable they're both kind of high moral value like people I get that vibe from both of them in terms of their physical strengths Benny's an adventurer and Jinx show I think would probably have a pretty good physical stat yeah now let's get to the elephant in the room the directions now Benny will probably have everything laid out and when he opens the map as they're halfway through the hike he just realizes this isn't the map I thought it was like you know that Meme from SpongeBob where Patrick and SpongeBob find the fake map I'm getting that Vibe right now so much but either way very specific reference but these two are unfortunately gonna get lost yes finally I've been waiting for this man wait did I misspell his name I feel like I misspelled his name anyway Dan's leaf hmm very interesting so we have Danes live and chanyeon now this is a little weird but I think in terms of how they would get along danesliff seems like the type of guy who likes people who are very decisive and to the point I don't think Chung Yun is super like to the point but either way I don't think it's going to be like an arguing situation I just think it might be a little bit awkward at certain points but that aside in terms of how their hike would go pretty good I think I think they both probably have some good stamina built up Chung yun's always running around after those little Spirits those demons and Danes live has been through so much like you know he has a good physical stat it's not a bad Duo but I still think it's going to be an awkward Duo I just can't see these guys really interacting in a good way like it'd be kind of awkward just simple so we have Kaya he's gonna be pretty good because he's parts of the knights but who's he gonna be with okay this I have such a vivid Fantasy on how this is gonna go down now here's the thing Aya looks like a bit of a sketchy man so I feel like Yen FEI isn't really gonna trust him and she probably feels like he's committed a lot of crimes hasn't like I'm kind of starting to respect Kaia a little bit more probably from all the comments you guys keep leaving me aside from them maybe occasional Yen face sussing him out I think they would probably be a pretty good Duo yeah because yenfei has some of that Adept this blood so I feel like she has a lot of stamina Kaia is part of the knights so he probably have a good like layout of the trail he'd probably have a map and everything yeah Duo I'm just gonna put gonna put in sociable though because I think they would be talking like crazy and after a while yinfei would warm up to him and they'd become friends yeah I think it's a good Duo so the last group is gonna be a group of three because there's five characters left yes who Tau let's go [Laughter] oh my God this is so weird okay so who Tau and gone you now yes they're both from the US but they have such the opposite Vibe you have the calm sleepy one and the most chaotic energetic one but I don't think it's gonna be awkward no because it's not like ganyu's shy she's a sociable person it's just she doesn't talk that much aside from that in terms of hiking I think ganyu is definitely the type to be like the mapper like she'll have the map and the layout like memorized because she's a crazy workaholic and who towels just like skipping along the trail having a good time [Laughter] weirdly enough these two kind of give me sister Vibes even though they're the complete opposite and one of them's like an Adept is kind of but whatever are they perfect I don't think they're quite perfect I'm gonna put them in sociable because even though ganu is not the most talkative person the fact that hutau is probably talking like crazy would just make ganyu kind of have to throw herself in conversation so we're gonna put them in the sociable Duo yeah and we have our final pair Goro ayaka and Zhang Ling so this is kind of a all-arounder kind of group because I can picture all of them doing a different thing like Goro 100 strikes me as the guy who's the map guy like he has the map he knows where to go he's in charge of directions then we have Zhang Ling who's gonna bring all of the food all of the picnic baskets ready for the trip and finally we have ayaka who's I mean she's just a wholesome cinnamon bun and jengling are perfect on their own but ayak is just that like really nice chill friend that you invite on the trip just to get her out of the house this is a very simple last one to have none of them are really suffering in the physical Department either I'm just gonna put them in the perfect hiking Trio because there's three of them but yeah we're gonna leave it like that all right guys that was the hiking tier list I literally recorded this at work so if I seem kind of distracted at certain points it's because I am but I still had a lot of fun making it it was a cool time and yeah I have to go now so take care guys and have a good one thanks for watching please sub bye
Channel: BonkMeGud
Views: 9,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HdUcyoM1Axs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 31sec (3211 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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