The Camping Trip Tier List Genshin Impact

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hello ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be ranking the gentian characters by how they would be during a camping trip a really big camping trip because there's like 70 characters here and they're all gonna be at the same campsite so I'm sure you've noticed as well unlike my usual format there's like a lot of Tears here so really quickly I'm gonna go through them just to maybe explain some more convoluted ones so the classic tells your campfire stories that gets really personal you know pours their soul out to you around the campfire the loud disturbs the neighbors the invites the neighbors over the Eater of all your food inside the cooler the orders the pizza they're constantly on their phone the hot boxers of the tent I'm really curious who's gonna be there the get sloshed goes to sleep early in a tent and then goes to sleep early in the car so without further Ado let's get into it so first up we have Aether ooh he's definitely gonna be the teller of the campfire stories because he has so much potential for just back in my day because he's a really old man technically he just looks really young and I think his stories would be really cool yeah okay Albedo oh no where would Albedo get really personal around a campfire oh my God I kind of want to see that happen I think it would be really wholesome he just pours his heart out to you tells you his deepest Secrets like his whole cloning thing wait no this is Canon I would love to see Albedo get personal yes Amber is gonna be I think the loud and disturbs your neighbors but not in the vulgar way because a lot of loud people at campsites like you'll just be trying to sleep at like midnight and you'll hear your neighbors just cussing out saying a lot of inappropriate stuff Amber would be loud but not inappropriate so maybe the kids are sleeping at the campsite over and she's just talking about some really wholesome stuff and it puts them to sleep maybe I don't know but yeah Amber's allowed kind of wholesome talker next we got ayaka she's a hundred percent going to sleep early in the 10 in the car wait maybe she goes back to her tent and she just smells the devil's lettuce like someone's hot boxing her tent and little to her knowledge it's ayato and then she like knocks on the tent door ayato opens up and he's like yeah what do you need sis and she's like ayato what are you doing and then ayato just gives her the car keys so she can sleep in the car while he's hot boxing the tent yes Cannon 100 this is happening Barbara is just going to sleep early in a tent I think oh no she's gonna sleep in the car because she might be scared of just a wild raccoons because a lot of times when you're like in a big group and there's food all over the place when everyone goes to bed just the raccoons just have like a feast and after this party's done the raccoons are gonna be picking up all the Doritos left on the ground the open pizza box yes okay NATO's getting sloshed I think that's pretty self-explanatory who's gonna get sloshed with her actually yeah I think this is pretty just obvious these two are gonna be the best of drinking buddies oh my God yes so venti would probably be a mix of just tells campfire stories but he's also just simultaneously really drunk so I'm gonna put him in drunk yeah veggie strikes me as the type to just fall asleep on you know one of those like picnic benches that they have at the campgrounds he's gonna fall asleep wake up covered in ants I'm not relating this to real life anyway next we have Benny oh what would Benny do would he get really personal yeah he's gonna get personal he probably has a lot of inner demons because of his whole bad luck situation and I think like when the campfire mood sets in he just starts staring at the flame and just starts crying and then he just pours his heart out to everybody there and some people are just like patting him on the head for the whole night yes you gotta be there for your friends guys be there for Benny Chung Yun I think is gonna eat all the food yeah because maybe there's like too many people at the campsite for him to just tolerate I guess so he's just gonna like hover around the cooler and just get like I don't know it's probably just gonna be a bunch of cold meats that he like roasts around the fire while listening to Aether tell his stories yeah he's gonna eat the food though D Luke is a hundred percent just on their phone for the whole night I think maybe Gene comes up to him at some point and is just like hey and he's like hey and that's the extent of his conversation for the night yeah d looks just kind of like The Loner on the chair next to the tree away from everybody else meanwhile is with Jean I think she would go to bed early actually yeah maybe when D Luke doesn't want to talk she's just like you know what whatever my sister's sleeping thing I'm gonna go to bed too but she's gonna sleep in the tent because she's not afraid of those wild raccoons yes diona I think would wait what if she's like the orderer of food for the drunk people yeah because they're like venti goes up to her and he's like hey Diana can you like get me some sausages from the cooler and iona's like you already ate all the sausages you booze out so after that she just orders a pizza for everybody she's really nice but she's just like kind of just angry at all the drunk people for the whole night yeah I like this official is a hundred percent just gonna be really loud and for some reason I feel like one of the neighbors like since it's not Amber's wholesome talk that the neighbors can tolerate maybe they come over and are just like can you keep it quiet my kids are trying to sleep and then officials like how dare they interrupt mine story thy commoner yes okay official's gonna be really loud gone you I think would she go to bed early yeah okay I think everyone's gonna encourage her to go to sleep early like she'll originally just be around the campfire with the boys but after a while like people notice she's tired because she had a long day of work and they're just like just go to bed girl it's okay you don't have to stay up with us and then gone use like oh okay but it would be a really wholesome thing everyone just cares about gonyu yeah such an interesting person to imagine Under the Influence because she's always so energetic but I feel like after a couple hits of the J hutau just Mellows out like she goes from like Hi how are you to just hey how you do it yes and her and ayatoll are gonna get along so well in their little hot box tent [Laughter] invite all the cute girls over that are like the neighbors yeah and he has that mysterious flirtatious vibe that when he goes up to them he doesn't even need to talk he just needs to like gesture to them to come over to the campsite and all the girls are just gonna run after him yeah he is inviting the people over kushing would she be on her phone no I think she's gonna get really personal yeah because maybe she's stressed out with work and yeah she kind of loves her job because she loves just making the masses happy but she probably has some just little things she can't really talk about when she's not around a campfire because the campfire just brings out either the best or the worst in people but with kashin nah I think it's gonna be a really wholesome talk or an Aether just talking I think would be really nice mentally which is a child um I don't think she's the kid who's going to bed early I think she might either eat all the food or disturb the neighbors yeah she's gonna disturb the neighbors not with her voice but just every now and then an explosion goes off disturbing everybody around them but the thing is everybody at the campsite is just kind of used to clean going on a Rampages and Jean's already asleep so she probably doesn't even know but yeah please gonna be the Ruckus maker Elisa bro she's gonna invite you wait no Kai is inviting all the cute girls while Lisa's inviting all the cute boys and this group of like 60 people is gonna just escalate to over a hundred people and eventually I think just the police is gonna get called ayato in the tents like hide the stuff hide the stuff and then who Tao's like we can't hide the smell but yeah she's inviting all the cute boys lumine I just want her to be with a throw around the campfire telling wholesome stories yeah because it would just be really wholesome and they would be the designated storytellers like everyone's just like guys looming and Aether are gonna tell a story settle down yeah it would be really wholesome Mona is eating all the food ooh would she order a pizza no she's too broke to afford a pizza so I think she would just try to get as much as she can out of the food that's there yeah so she doesn't get hungry when she gets back what if she stuffs all those like mini sausages you know the ones I'm talking about like she stuffs them into her bag and when she gets home she just puts them all in her fridge and just eats them or something yeah she has to make some economically smart decisions for this trip ning Guang would be such a good Storyteller wait would she get personal no I like the idea of her just telling stories from back in her day when she was really broke and started from the bottom now we're here yes and then Guang the Storyteller it would be really nice Noelle is going to sleep early in a tent kind of self-explanatory she's really wholesome but also very strong so she wouldn't be scared of just the deer the raccoons that might scratch on her tent if you leave some peanut butter in there by accident but yeah Chichi okay guys she just technically looks like she's 12. but she's really old because she's a zombie so maybe like ayato's like hey Chichi you're of age right and then brings Chichi in just to have a nice sesh with her and hutau wait no her and hutau in the same tent actually wait maybe they get really personal and wholesome with each other because they're under the influence of the J yes okay they're both gonna be in ayato's Hot Box tent just getting really personal and opening up to each other but when they wake up they're just like mortal enemies again yes Razer is eating all of the food he's the type that forgets to put the cooler in the car and that's why the raccoons are there at night and maybe he just hears the raccoons outside of his tents and he goes just to play with them and then Barbara sees him playing with the raccoons from from the safety of the car and she's like Razer no you might get rabies and he's like hey settle down these are my friends but he would eat all the food though sucrose is would she be on her phone no she's also not going to bed early because I feel like she's a late nighter I think she might get a little personal which she I think yes because a lot of the times the people who get personal are like her and Albedo The Quiet Ones but it's like I said the fire just opens people up people get really personal and honestly none of these characters are gonna get personal in a bad way it's just gonna be really wholesome tartaglia I think he's gonna set no he's gonna invite the neighbors over and similar to Kaya I think maybe both of them would go together and they're just like to Benny like Benny's looking at them and they're like watch us work our magic and they walk over to just a random girls campsite and they don't even have to say anything they just have to like maybe do a little striptease child friendly but yeah they would both invite more people over Zhang Ling is gonna be the cook of the party of the camping trip she's the type that if you order a pizza she's just gonna like smack you across the face but she wouldn't smack diona because she knows diona's just ordering because she needs to make these people not throw up but Zhang Ling I think would just you know what maybe she would go to bed early because she has to wake up the next morning at Sunrise to make everybody Pancakes yes okay designated pancake maker over here her but she would sleep in the tent I think yes Zhao way no okay he's getting personal around the campfire with Lou mean yes I'm sorry I have a little bit of a head Cannon between these two but anyway he's just gonna open his soul and just release his demons everybody has Visions here so No One's Gonna Be negatively affected by his existence so yeah she would just talk with lumine for the whole night like lumine would start off by telling stories but after a while like she would just get caught up in conversation with Zhao and these two would just be in like a corner by the end of the night just hitting it off and talking yes really wholesome I think he's gonna be would he be on his phone no I don't think he's the phone type I think he's just gonna eat a lot of food with chongyon yeah they're like the cooler people like one of them sitting on the cooler so they have easy access to just like the random things they have stored in the cooler yeah xinjiang's just gonna keep his boy company I think that's a nice way to look at it is she just gonna be the loud yeah she's gonna be the loud disturbs all the neighbors what if she like does campfire songs yes so you know how it's just like let's gather around the campfire it would be like that except with jinyan's little twist so it would just sound more like let's go the round the campfire yeah but it would be a really nice relaxing song time with jinyan Zhang Lee y'all know where this man is going he is the Storyteller I think maybe lumion and Aether will get tired after a certain point with just telling stories then ning Guang and Zhang Li take over and have a little bit of a competition but I think in this scenario bro Zhang Lee is winning because his voice just will never make things boring like he could just say like I went for a while talk with my dog and everyone would just be mesmerized but yeah he's gonna be a Storyteller Rosaria is ooh I think she might constantly be on her phone because yes she would probably drink a bit with Beto and venti but she never gets drunk isn't that like her whole shtick so now her and D Luke are just gonna like know they exist and just be on their phones in a corner somewhere yeah Eula oh wait Eula would be a nice person to open up oh my God wait yes actually similar to Venti I feel like she would get really sloshed and then after she like stumbles over to the fire with everybody and everyone's just like Eula are you okay and she's like I'm fine so let me tell you a story about my life yeah she's gonna get really personal and then Amber walks over after a while to just give her some hugs it would be a nice thing yes next we got Yen FEI oh wait what would she be she's probably gonna be against the whole hot boxing the tent idea so I think what if she gets really loud and disturbs the neighbors because she's constantly like attacking ayato for just a bringing a j and a bunch of Edibles and stuff so yeah everybody would just be like Yen FEI relax we're on a trip just loosen up a bit girl and I think after she's done being really loud she might get a little personal around the fire but I'm still gonna put her in just a loud and disturbs the neighbors for a little bit Yeah kazuzu is gonna be in the ayato gang yeah like he's the type that before the trip him and ayato discuss how many grams they're gonna be bringing how many little baggies of Edibles and then ayato gives kazuha the little look that you give someone when you're about to like get smoked up and yeah kazuha would be the first one in ayatos tent and then hutau and Chichi joined them after yeah yoy Mia okay she's gonna either be really loud or the type that invites the neighbors over wait yeah okay she's inviting the neighbors over to play like I don't know twister or something yeah because Twister's such a good game to just toss on the grass when you're like really sloshed out of your mind so maybe venti plays twister with like yoy Mia oh my God but yeah she would invite the neighbors over but she wouldn't be like these other characters here in the sense that she's just flirting with other campers it's gonna be like the fun inviter over like she's gonna be like hey guys wanna join us for a little fun over there at our campsite she would be really loud too but she's the invites the neighbors over yes so next up we have sayu and she is a hundred percent going to bed early would she be in a car in a tent in the tent I think yeah I don't think she's gonna be really scared of just some little rodents in the middle of the night so she'd be fine ride it way I feel like she's the type to get super emotional when around a campfire yeah maybe she brings up like her dead sister and just starts losing her stuff and everyone's just like it's okay eh it's okay and she's like it's not okay I miss her yeah and just for the whole night everyone's just trying to console her and venti offers her a couple of drinks and stuff but yeah she would get really personal Sarah ooh she really strikes me as just like the duty Watcher like the make sure nobody gets hurt kind of girl so you know what this is kind of random what if she's in ayato's tent just to monitor him and make sure that nobody does anything really stupid but in the process like she gets that second hand high so she gets a little baked without it being her intention yes oh my God Sarah loosening up a bit in the hot box tens I kind of want to see that now Coco me is gonna be probably a campfire Storyteller yeah because she has a really soothing voice and I think someone like Goro would want to get really personal with kokomi around a fire so he would get personal but kokomi I think just has a good control over her emotions so she would just tell campfire stories and listen to Goro talk after a certain amount of time and they would just have a nice like wholesome conversation for the evening yeah a lot of these characters would just separate into their little groups and it would be really nice Eloy a hundred percent strikes me as someone who wakes up really early yeah because maybe she goes to gather like plants or something in the morning which is kind of something a lot of people do at campsites it's kind of weird but I think she would just sleep early in a tent Toma ma man is gonna be just the person who's taking care error of literally everybody and he's the guy who brings those industrial sized garbage bags to just make sure nobody leaves a mess and that the raccoons don't like choke on a plastic fork or something with that in mind where would he be oh nah I think he would also order a pizza yeah because there's always a point especially when the group's this big that you're gonna run out of food and toma's gonna be the guy who orders food for everybody because he just he takes care of people man Ito is disturbing the neighbors pretty obvious I can just imagine him actually getting into a fight like maybe over the hill there's another group of campers and they're just like hey shut up over there and eat those like what did you say to me and everyone's just like guys hold Ito back he's losing control yeah but he would be really loud for sure next we got shinho oh where would she wait maybe ayato and kazuha see her and the fact that she kinda gives off heavy Stoner Vibes they're like hey girl wanna have a bit of a j with us and she's like what is Jay and then she smokes up with them but I feel like it has like no effect on her because she has such a high tolerance yeah okay so she would be there just looking at everybody losing their minds and she's like oh this is nice yes Yun Jin is gonna be a Storyteller yeah she's the type to get really like up and personal though like when she's talking around the campfire she stands up and like acts out whatever story she's telling yeah okay this is my kind of Storyteller I would love to hear yunjin just talk about like the Performing Arts around the campfire it would be really cool yay and Miko is either oh she's a really tricky one oh wait where would Miko be hold up I'm having a bit of a brain fart would she be in the hot box tent no she's definitely not getting personal I I just can't see her doing that so I'm gonna say she invites the neighbors over yeah maybe to spice things up a little bit she's like hello my cuties and just a lot of people follow her over it doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl like this girl is attractive to literally anybody so yeah she's gonna invite people over yeylon I feel like is the type to have a couple of drinks with these two like Beto and venti but she doesn't get sloshed instead after she's done just chilling she goes on her phone with Rosaria yeah so this little group of three is gonna be in their designated corner and everybody knows that they just don't want to talk to people anymore so they just leave them alone I think that's the way they'd go about it shinobu is ooh I kind of just want shinobu to get really personal but I don't think she would which kind of makes me sad what if she tells stories about her Journeys overseas around the campfire yeah so like everyone would just be like so how was your time in ligue and then she takes off her mask and gets comfortable and she just unintentionally goes into like a storytelling mode yeah and it would be a really fun thing to just listen to her talk oh my God yes Hazel my man's about to get Rizzy with the neighbors What if after ito's like done just pissing off the neighbors Hazel goes over to apologize he's like hey guys I'm sorry about my friend over there the neighbor's mood just changes from really pissed off to just like oh yeah no problem and then Hazel invites them over you know the saying yesterday's enemies are today's friends yeah Hazel would make that a reality tag nari oh my God what would he do I don't know why but I feel like he might go to sleep early because it's similar to Eloy these two are very early risers they wake up at sunrise like at 6 a.m kind of thing and tigeri I think would just wake up and go for a bike ride around the campsite I know that's really specific but he gives me a lot of those vibes and I'm kind of all about that I think it would be really chill so yeah we're gonna put him there kale I think what if she goes to bed early and Barb was like can you keep me company in the car I don't want to be alone so yeah Kali and Barbara become besties and they'd probably stay up actually really late even though they're trying to go to sleep and they're just talking to each other yeah and telling really wholesome stories yes and ayoko would join them too and it would just be a really nice dynamic in the car wait there's four seats in the car who's joining them I need one more person to fill this car I'm making it nahida yes okay I think Nikita could probably stay up late but because she looks like a child everybody's like nahida go to bed you need to wake up and do your um Godly duties tomorrow they would kind of push her to go to bed these three characters over here are just like nahida nahida come chill in the car with us and play UNO or something yes okay this would be such a Vibe I love this group Dory yes bro she's getting so big I feel like she's the type that doesn't show her stress so this is her way of distressing like I feel like she walks up to ayato and kazuha and it's just like hey guys you got room for one more and they're like come on in you crazy Black Market dealer lady but yeah she would be in the hot box tent nilu I think would subconsciously get really personal around the campfire and it would be really nice like everybody I think would be listening to Zhang Lee talk and then nilu just starts talking about herself for a bit and everyone just gets super interested because nilu's not the type to bring attention to herself usually so in this situation everyone's like oh my God guys guys nilu's talking about herself be quiet yeah but she would get personal it'd be really wholesome Sino why does he strike me as the type to just order a pizza like maybe his favorite food in the cooler like the mini sausages that I keep bringing up you guys know the ones I'm talking about but there's no more mini sausages so he's like I don't want these like burgers or these Doritos sweet chili heat nah I want a pizza so he orders a pizza and he probably just doesn't tell anybody about it and he just walks over to the gate of the campsite and comes back with like 20 boxes of pizza and everybody just loves Sino for that whole night because no one wants to order pizza because it's a camping trip but deep down you know everybody wants it right it's Candice ooh what would she do I don't think she's gonna get personal but she might tell some stories around the campfire yeah because maybe there's a lot of characters that are like what's it like in the desert Candace and she's like let me tell you some stories and she gets a lot of people hooked just for her different way of a life I think people would be really interested yeah Lila wait I want her to get sloshed because she needs to de-stress from school a bit man and this camping trip and her just getting really drunk with her best friend Beto I'm sorry I have a Canon thing in my head where they're like BFFs now because of a tear list I did where they're like Partners on an island together so she would start drinking with these guys and dude I just want to see her get comfortable and not just go to sleep and not have a good time no she needs to get sloshed okay scarra nah my man is being so loud him and Ito are gonna get into a fight and it's just gonna disturb everybody else in the entire campsite yeah very simple explanation but best boy over here is going to be very loud hey guys editing Bonk here so I changed my opinion after I made the list so basically scarra's gonna be the person no type who opens up around the fire and him and a are gonna get into a huge fight that's kind of my cannon in my head but yeah I didn't change it in the video because I'm doing this in the editing process but just imagine that scar is in uh would get personal around the fire yeah farzan is 100 the back in my day we didn't have these light novels yeah she's gonna be telling stories around the campfire and I feel like she's the type that has a very specific crowd like maybe Albedo and sucrose are the ones listening to faru's on talk well everybody else is just listening to the others but these three characters would get along so well I love it I don't think is going to bed early I think she's gonna stay up similar to Sarah except Sarah got corrupted by ayato but since y'all y'all was a child she's going to be taking care of everybody like making sure venti doesn't throw up and gives him like tums like the medicine but I'm just gonna put her in gets really personal just because she's the caretaker actually you know what no we're gonna add it here so yeah yeah is gonna go in caretaker I'm also gonna put Tomah up here because he's very similar in the sense that they just want to make sure nobody gets injured or really sick so yeah these are the caretakers Al Haytham is 100 on his phone for the entire evening he doesn't want anything to do with anybody maybe venti like gives him a drink or something to loosen up but it's just not enough he's unfazed by alcohol yes Daya why do I feel like she would eat a lot of food I don't know why she gives me heavy like really chill but also just like eats everything like she's munching on the Doritos for the whole night I don't know why I'm getting this vibe from her she would be super chill but she would just eat a lot of food I think yeah Mika I think this is oddly enough I kind of want to put him in caretaker because he gives me heavy like really timid but just wants to make sure everybody's safe for the evening so yeah I'll put him in caretaker really simple one coffee wait why does kavis strike me as the type who just wants to be like one of the cool kids so he goes into the ayato tent to sesh up with these guys but it's his first time doing it and he just has like hallucinations that he's on fire but nobody's taking care of him because everyone else is just so zoned out no Shen has gonna take care of him because she's the only one who's kind of sober so yeah baiju a hundred percent another one of the stoner kids I think ayato and kazuha don't even know he's gonna be there but when they see him they're like dude look it's the legend buys you in the snake I've only heard myths of that man and his top quality 98 Purity Kush but yeah he's joining the hot box gang I'm not sure yet because she's not out but since she's kind of like a delivery person I'll just put her in orders of pizza I think it's pretty simple for her alright guys that was the camping tier list I just wanted to get this one out the way really quickly because camping season's coming around and you guys should drink responsibly don't do anything too messed up just have a good time be one of the personal people socialize and with that in mind take care guys and have a good one thanks for watching please sub bye
Channel: BonkMeGud
Views: 9,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 87R23tAe5YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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