The Character At The Club Tier List Genshin Impact

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I wonder if any characters are gonna get arrested in this video I'm not sure yet hello ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be putting the genshin characters in the club and yes all of the characters so even if they're not old enough to drink they just won't drink because there's so many other things to do who when you're in a club like you can be dancing you can just be talking to any random stranger and having a good time so yeah real quick we'll go into the tears we have the rulers of the Dance Floor the people who gonna be dancing all night long the smooth operators for the flirtatious individuals there's usually quite a few of these at the club the socializers the people who talk to strangers like it's second nature to them the always at the bar counter kind of self-explanatory the only there because their friends invited them that would just straight up leave and gets kicked out or arrested so with that in mind let's get into it so first up we have Aether oh this is a tricky first one actually I'm gonna say he's probably always at the bar counter yeah because there's so many times in the game where people don't let this man drink because they think he's too young but nah this man's well above the age limit times a thousand probably so yeah he's gonna rebuke all the people who ever told him that and just Vibe by the bar counter maybe not for the whole night but a good portion of it I think yeah so next up we have Albedo oh wait what's Albedo doing at the club bro okay I have a bit of an idea here what if he's going to the club as part of like an experiment to maybe monitor human behavior or something along those lines okay so he goes in and starts talking to as many people as he can just to get an insight to why they enjoy this kind of act activity like why do they like clubbing and in the process I think he's gonna get mistaken for a Smooth Operator yeah because he has that nice tone he's relaxed very elegant with his way of speaking that I think a lot of the drunk patrons especially I think they're gonna think he's flirting with them yeah okay not intentional mind you but he's gonna be a Smooth Operator Amber is a hundred percent the socializer she can talk with literally anybody doesn't matter if it's a stranger she's gonna be vibing for the entire night I could also see her potentially dancing a bit but I'm still gonna leave her in like the all-out socializer I think I misspelled it here but it is fine so next we have ayaka oh wait she's a tricky one because she's too wholesome for an environment like this like doesn't it feel like that okay I'm gonna say she's probably only there because of a friend and that friend might be Aether yeah okay so she might think originally he's inviting her on a date yes okay so she gets all dressed up to have a nice time and thinks the club is like a nice kind of elegant establishment if you will because I feel like she doesn't know what a club even is but then she gets inside and just sees some drunk people people dancing like crazy and is like oh is this what you like doing ether so I'm gonna say she sticks around Aether for the evening maybe she's not drinking with him at the bar but she's definitely only there because of her friend yeah or potentially more than a friend you know Barbara no she similar to ayaka bro both of these characters like they're two wholesome okay I kind of have a bit of an idea here so I think someone's gonna invite her actually wait yeah Benny's gonna invite her okay Benny's gonna invite both of her and official to the club yeah and he's probably the guy that hooked all three of them up with fake IDs a hundred percent yeah and he's probably acting like the cool guy but he just had like a connection who got all of them fake IDs and I think Barbara's still only gonna be there because Benny invited her kind of thing but Benny weirdly enough I'm gonna put him yeah okay guys here's the thing when you're dancing at a club by no means do you have to be good you just have to be enthusiastic and look like you're having fun Benny I think would be both of those things okay he'd be the ruler of the Dance Floor having the time of his life maybe all the other dancers are injuring themselves because Benny's around yes okay so he would be the star of the show Barbara's only there because Benny invited her official I think would be a socializer yeah because people at the club are usually a little drunk I think official talks to people like that they'll kind of think officials drunk as well but she isn't okay and I think there'll be a lot more accepting of who she is and official would just have a good time yeah you know what be a wholesome thing for official she'd find people of her own kind if you will Beto is a hundred percent gonna be at the bar counter for the entire night you know what no she's gonna be the queen of the bar counter yeah so she's the type that is challenging strangers to drinking contests and is always winning and at the same time she would also tell cool stories about her her Journeys out at Sea yeah she would be the really cool girl at the bar counter yeah I think so Chung Yun gives me heavy only there because of the friend Vibe who would he be with you know what kind of similar to the Benny Squad I'm gonna say zhengcho Chung Yoon and where's young there yeah Zhang Ling these three are gonna be the other Squad that has fake IDs right and Jing Cho is going to be the provider he gives them both fake IDs I think is going to be a bit out of his comfort zone at the club but jincho and Zhang Ling are gonna be the socializers yeah so both of them will just be talking to a bunch of random people for the entire night potentially maybe dancing for a bit but I think they're bulges relative social people because jengling is more of the fun talker while Jing Cho is more of the intelligent talker but I think if they both find their like specific groups yeah they'll just be the socializers and Chung Yoon I think he might just kind of follow one of them around yeah you know that friend that like follows you around at like a party and they're kind of awkward I think that's gonna be chongyun yeah so we're gonna put him there D Luke I think would probably leave I think he's probably the guy who goes to the club before it gets busy but when it gets busy he's the first one to leave yeah maybe he sees someone like Kaya come in and he just like you know what I'm just gonna skedaddle yeah so D Luke is gonna leave before like nine before it gets busy Kaya on the other hand is a hundred percent a Smooth Operator this man is gonna be flirting left and right and it's a hundred percent intentional but I can also see Kyle like just waking up at a stranger's place just in someone's bed randomly like he's the type to just make questionable choices after a night at the club but no he's gonna be flirting with everybody [Music] diona oh this is not a place for her bro you know what I'm gonna say she gets kicked out she's gonna be going up to all these different drunk people and just judging them like why are you drinking so much you could be doing so many better things with your life right now instead you're at a place like this So eventually she's gonna start a fight or just get like security called on her and they like drag her out by their arms and she's like wait I'm not done judging these people yes okay she's not gonna get arrested but I think she's gonna get kicked out yeah gone you I kind of want to see gonyu loosen up in the scenario like this you know what this group of three thing is gonna just keep continuing so ning Guang is gonna invite ganyu and Cushing where's Cushing there she is she's gonna invite like her two right-hand women out for a night at the club okay so ning Guang I think is gonna be a Smooth Operator yeah so she's gonna be like a very sociable person like talking with everybody but a lot of people are gonna get that vibe that she might be flirting with them just because of her demeanor like even though she probably isn't it's similar to Albedo so I'm gonna put her there both ganyu and Cushing are kind of a weird Duo to see at the club okay this is what I think is gonna happen I think Cushing is probably gonna walk out yeah it's just this isn't her kind of vibe at all I don't think like yes I want to see her loosen up but I think she's the type to just get a good look at what's going on and just be like you know what I'm gonna go home and work on some more important things right so no Cushing is gonna leave I think ganyu is gonna stay you know what I'm gonna put gonyo at the bar counter yeah because that seems like a good mood for her because it's a lot more chill there than on the dance floor so maybe she like talks with Beto a bit and maybe she doesn't even drink I don't think she's gonna be like a hardcore drinker but she's gonna chill at the bar counter yeah next we got hutao so straight up hutao is a hundred percent the party animal she has such that Vibe like this girl kind of belongs in this kind of setting where the only thing anyone is thinking about is having a good time and she would be the queen of that I don't think she's gonna be like an amazing Dancer by any means but it's similar to Benny as long as you're having fun and just vibing with everybody you're gonna be good like it's that simple like guys don't be afraid to put yourselves out there don't be afraid to be like hutau okay but yeah it's a simple one she would socialize a lot for sure but I'm gonna put her as a ruler of the dance floor or at least one of them you know what at the end of the video I'm gonna separate the good dancers from the bad dancers but for now just rulers of the Dance Floor G which she needs this okay you know what Lisa is gonna invite Gene to the club to have a good time now debatably I think Lisa might be a bit of a Smooth Operator but since she's there with her her wifey we're gonna take that off the table now what do I think they're gonna do I think Lisa might be like that friend who's like Gene come on dance with me on the dance floor and Gina's like it's too embarrassing this is not for me girl but after that Lisa's gonna go with Gene to the bar kind of thing just to get a couple of drinks in her system and when they get to that point these are gonna be like the couple if you will okay but they're gonna be on the Dance Floor together yes okay I need to see Jean loosen up like that yeah because Lisa I could kind of see her dancing like a little bit she's more of the flirtatious type but she just wants to have fun with her girl tonight okay so they're gonna be be the queens of the Dance Floor okay I have no idea how she got in here but she's gonna be socializing with everybody bro yes she's gonna go around to strangers and just be like hi how's it going like that kind of thing and everyone's just gonna be like girl how did you get in here yes okay but it's just gonna be a fun time at first people would be kind of weirded out but once they start talking with Clee and realizing how much fun she is it would just be a good time which is the whole purpose of the club so yeah she's gonna be a socializing child at the club okay Lou mean wait what if she's also at the bar counter and both her and Aether are kind of sad because they can't find each other but little to their knowledge they're both at the same Club higher evening they don't see each other and it's kind of sad and yes okay so Aether invited ayaka who would Lou mean in fight um yeah okay Zhao and her are gonna be best buddies for the evening they're gonna hit it off kind of thing but what would Zhao be like at the club he's definitely none of these top ones I don't think he's gonna leave because Lou mean invited him so I'm just gonna put him in only is there because of like his friend in this scenario yeah so the means the type who's going to be talking with a lot of people at the like the club bar counter while zhao's just kind of in the background next to lumine just kind of like yeah like really awkward but he doesn't leave because Lumin invited him yes Mona yo why can't I see Mona kind of being a queen of the Dance Floor no Simona's gonna be that girl who does literally everything maybe not the Smooth Operator but she would be dancing she would be socializing a bit but after that she's gonna go to the bar counter and the bar keep is gonna tell her this is how much it costs for a drink and after she already had her drinks she's gonna be like Ah that's too expensive I'm not paying for that and then she's gonna get kicked out and you know what probably arrested too because bro the price for drinks at a club is so insanely pricey yeah Mona's not paying for that so she might get arrested yes no l wait she strikes me as that person who's cleaning up after everybody and she doesn't even work at the club so everybody's gonna be thanking her but where would she be with that in mind I'm not sure you know what I'm gonna put her as the socializer yeah because she's probably talking to a lot of different people as she's going around like cleaning up their glasses that they left like here and there making sure that guy who's passed out on the floor isn't dead yeah noelle's gonna be taking care of everybody and simultaneously just interacting with a lot of people yeah Chichi no no she doesn't belong here where okay I just thought of this now so buys you okay we're adding a tear to the bottom right now okay so baiju's gonna go in the club right and he's gonna be the Smooth Operator for sure but before he goes in he leaves Chichi in the car maybe he sees hutau in there kind of thing or maybe he just doesn't want her in there because I don't think he does so she's gonna be waiting in the car while baiju is getting his game off yes I'm so on a fan art of chichi waiting in a car while baiju's flirting with strangers in the club oh my God yes okay and he has a good amount of conversation topics too like people are gonna be like whoa is that snake real and he's like don't worry she doesn't but and with that voice bro yeah nah he's a smooth operator for sure razor the Razor Edge Where would he be wait would he get into a fight no you know what this might be kind of random but but I'm gonna say he's a ruler of the Dance Floor I don't care what anybody says bones flexible it's something with their bone structure I feel like he's probably like kind of one of those guys like he can do a lot of weird things with his body like contorts that he would have some really interesting dance moves yes okay so he would be like vibing with Benny on the dance floor and none of them would be like that amazing but they would be having fun right and if Razer gets into it I think he'd be vibing you know what we're gonna leave Razer here he's probably not gonna be the best dancer but he's having a good time sucrose we added this weights in the cards here I'm putting sucrose there Albedo to the club and since Albedo's kind of in the process of gathering information he might tell sucrose you can wait in the car or you could leave because sucrose is not the most sociable person that I think Albedo is much more suited for gathering information at the club than she is so you know what we'll put her in would leave yeah I think she might originally go in but after a while she would kind of just skididily dattle yeah next we have tartaglia wait he could be a couple of these bro because he's a social guy he can be a Smooth Operator or he could also get arrested you know what no I don't think the club is the environment for just challenging people to duels to the death so I'm gonna put him in Smooth Operator yeah because he has that flirtatious nature bro like he looks like he goes around just giving Winks to literally everybody that looks at him and he gets a lot of people moist like he's kind of similar to Kaya like that's the vibe I get from him so yeah I'm gonna put the man in the Smooth Operator debatably if you want to go the crazy route you could just say he gets into a fight and kill somebody but not it's not that kind of vibe here no no no venti is a hundred percent drinking like crazy but at the same time I definitely don't see him staying at the bar counter no he is a hundred percent gonna be the drunk dancer yes and he's probably gonna throw up on the Dance Floor by the end of the evening yeah and poor Noel over here is probably gonna clean it up because she's a good person he's gonna be literally everything he probably starts off at the bar goes around socializing after he socializes for a bit starts to get a little flirtatious then ends up on the Dance Floor passed out drunk wakes up in a hospital bed that's gonna be Venti oh she definitely seems like the fun party animal would she be a good dancer kinda oh wait you know what I think she's gonna go with Yoon Jin because these two are like kind of besties and they have such a similar Vibe I think they would both be dancing and have completely different dancing Styles so Xin Yan's gonna be the Rock and Roll Party Animal while yunjin is like the sophisticated everybody's looking at her like damn that girl can actually dance yes because Jin Jin is like a professional when it comes to this while jinyan is probably garnering a little bit more attention just because of her crazy energy so yeah but they're both gonna be like queens of the Dance Floor having a good time these two just look like really good going out buddies to have yeah Zhang dong oh my God so he would start off having some osmanthus wine then I think he would go on a socializing spree yeah would he get mistaken for a Smooth Operator yes because of the voice he would probably just go around looking to have some conversations and you can meet all kinds of people at a club so he wouldn't have any shortcoming of topics to have with people but I think people aren't even really listening to him they're just getting kind of moist at his voice like he's talking going really deep into conversation but the other person listening is just thinking oh my God he's so hot like that's gonna be it but yeah he's gonna be the Smooth Operator Rosaria oh she's kind of similar to D Luke and I think she might leave you know what no I think she's gonna be at the bar counter but nobody knows she's even there yeah she's gonna be in like that corner seat next to the wall That's the area with the least amount of attention and she's just drinking wine on her phone for the whole night and just leaves really late but nobody even knows she's there like she's really stealthy that's gonna be Rosaria Eula the actual Queen of the dance floor but at the same time I think she might be a little drunk she's a she's a hundred percent the type to go on the Dance Floor while Under the Influence like she's had a couple too many she kind of staggers over to the dance floor but at the same time she's gonna be the queen like everybody's going up to her like girl just just don't move too much you look like you're gonna Yak but then she's like aha watch and observe and she starts dancing and everyone's like oh my actual bejesus this girl's amazing yeah so at the end we're gonna separate the good from the bad dancers like I mentioned but she's gonna be a queen of the Dance Floor maybe after her performance is done she might need a garbage can but we're gonna leave her there Yen FEI ooh see there's a couple of routes I could see this going like maybe she's looking for people with fake IDs like Benny and Fishel kind of thing but at the same time I kind of just want her to have a good time without her work getting involved you know what I'm just gonna put her in the socializer for the evening because maybe she sees a couple of the young folk kind of thinks they're underage and maybe she gives them a little bit of a warning she's like okay guys listen I'm a lawyer I'm just gonna tell you this I'm not gonna get you in trouble but just don't come to the club next time you guys are too young okay but I don't think she's gonna get super anal about it like she'd still talk and Vibe with them but she would just be like you guys better not be drinking I swear but yeah she would just have a bit of fun socialize with a bunch of people and occasionally tell people to just obey the law don't be underage and go to the club kazuha is a hundred percent the Smooth Operator and it is not his intention whatsoever he's the type of guy that women see and they're like oh my God go talk to that guy yes this man is subconsciously Rizzy but yeah and that's only by looking at him then when they actually go up and like have a conversation with the man and he starts like speaking very poetically bro so many women are gonna get so moist at this man like it's gonna be insane but yeah I think kazua would just kind of be vibing just kind of chilling but he would also be the Smooth Operator yeah Joy Mia is gonna be the fun house Queen of the Dance Floor socializer a smooth like anything just being in a club with this girl you would have the time of your life she's the type of person that when shy people see her dancing on the dance floor they try to dance as well because I feel like Joy Mia isn't even that good at dancing but she has so much enthusiasm and is just having the time of her life that people would just be attracted to that and join in and have a blast that's what I think is gonna happen but yeah she would be a ruler of the Dance Floor okay I want her to wait and the car but who is she gonna go with oh wait where's ayato okay ayato Toma and say you have heard that ayaka has been taken to the club by Aether so ayato assembles the squad okay so as this is happening I'm gonna say say you would leave like she would just not be into this job whatsoever but she's not gonna wait in the car no because ayato brought her there for a reason it's just I don't think she would follow through on a job involving monitoring ayaka at a club it's just it's not that environment it's too loud for saiyu she wants to go to sleep in the car okay so what would happen with the other two I think ayato might get distracted in conversation actually you know what yeah he's gonna be a smooth operator meanwhile as Toma he could be a Smooth Operator but he's gonna be looking out for ayaka so I'm gonna put him at hmm where where's ayaka where did I put ayaka I said she was with Aether at the bar counter so I'm gonna put Toma you know what I'm gonna put him as the socializer who's talking with Aether and a bunch of people at the bar counter but he's still looking out for ayaka so we're gonna put him here I think that's the most appropriate spot in this situation yeah next we got a Ryden I don't know why but this is one of the characters I thought before the list she's gonna be at the bar counter getting sloshed you know what she's gonna have her men or sorry women with her Sarah and Miko where's Miko there's Miko they're gonna go to the club with a because maybe a wants to get more custom with like human traditions and the club is part of that it's so she's gonna have a couple of drinks get really emotional by the bar counter and there's gonna be a bunch of random people consoling her like they have no idea who a is but they just see this cute looking girl crying and just want to comfort her so Mikko on the other hand is gonna be the Smooth Operator so she's gonna like be messing with people though she has no intention of actually hooking up but she's just kind of messing around flirting with people getting their hopes up and then crushing them to the ground yes okay that is 100 what mikko's doing meanwhile is with Sarah she's gonna be watching over Ryden so I'm gonna put her in only there because of like her friend that being a in this situation but she's gonna be at the bar she's not gonna drink because she'd be worried about potentially like losing focus but she would be at the bar counter with a yeah I think that's the best scenario next we got the Coco fish you know what I'm gonna put Gora with her because I feel like these two would go together they just seem like the duo this is kind of random but I feel like kokomi would like maybe I don't know why I just vividly picture kokomi doing a lot of fish dances on the dance floor yeah like she'd be doing the worms stuff like that some weird stuff okay personality wise does it suit it maybe after kokomi's had a couple drinks she would loosen up and do some dancing that's the excuse amusing because I think she'd be a fun like person to have on the dance floor because no one expects it like Goro sees her doing this and is just like my lady what the actual schlich yes okay so Goro on the other hand what would he do he's not a super social guy I just feel like a lot of people would see his tail and ears and just start like touching his floof like he'd be a bit of the center of attention without him wanting to be the center of attention I'll just put him in only there for the friend though I think that's the best spot for him next we got Eloy ooh she strikes me as the cool girl who's just quietly drinking at the bar yeah so like no one really goes up to her because she's so mysterious and people are nervous kinda similar to Rosaria yeah these two have oh bit of a similar Vibe actually not really but the same idea applies to both yeah Ito oh my goodness you know what hey shinobu are gonna go together Ito is gonna have a couple too many drinks potentially he'll go to the dance floor and get into a competition and eventually a fight so I think after a while like when the beef initiates shinobu is just gonna be that girl who's like yup I don't know who that is he looks like a weirdo so she's gonna abandon ship and ito's gonna get kicked out of the establishment yes I don't think he's gonna get straight up arrested don't think it's gonna be that bad but they're gonna like boot him out like you know when they kick people out of the place literally that's what's gonna happen to Ito and the arataki Gang besides for shinobu is gonna need to pick him up and drive him home meanwhile is which shinobu you know what I'm gonna put her as a socializer because even though she's not the most super duper talkative person she's so chill that I think just natural conversations with her her at a club A lot of people would gravitate towards someone like this yeah because yes she might be a little Snappy but she also has that relaxed vibe that I think people would like so I'm gonna put her there debatably she might leave after Ito gets kicked out actually yeah yeah we're gonna put her here because I feel like she probably hasn't had anything to drink so she might drive him home instead of the arataki gang shinobu's gonna drive her drunk friend home yes next up we got Shen huh oh my God this is such a weird one okay you know what I think shinho's gonna do I think she's gonna dance yeah because she's probably gonna go there and just ask like hey what do people usually do here and they're gonna be like oh well it's a club we dance and she's like what is dance and then they show her like all the dancing people and she just joins in but she's gonna be so bad at it but everybody respects her because she's like oh I've never done this before and they're like you know what you do you girl like that's the kind of vibe yeah it would be really wholesome but she's gonna be on the Dance Floor doesn't matter how good she is people respect the hustle muscle yalon is going to be the smoothest operator like she's that regrettable one-night stand hundred percent like whoever ends up hooking up with her for the night is gonna have to know just by elon's Vibe and demeanor that it's a one night thing like not much is happening here you're gonna wake up in a place you have no idea where you are yaylon's gonna be on the other side of the bed that's it you're about to just walk out you never see each other again that's what this is gonna be Hazel exact same thing actually you know what jaylon's the type of chick that Hazel is gonna flirt with yes because he is a hundred percent the older women Seeker okay I forgot who mentioned it but someone on the video where Hazel got paired with ning Guang mentioned that he would flirt with her and I 100 agree yes he would be the Smooth Operator he is the rizziest of individuals tag nari wait okay I feel like him in Sino and you know what Kali as well book Holly is 100 waiting in the car no tagnari being the doting older brother or even father however you want to look at this is not letting call I go into this place nah maybe originally they walked through the doors and kali's with him but once he sees like people yakking people going crazy he's like okay kale we're going to the cart so he would escort her back and tag nari I think you know what I think pagnari's gonna leave as well yeah Sino is probably the one who got this whole group together but once tagnari gets a feel for the plays he's like this is not a healthy way to live so he's like yeah Sino I'm going out with Kali in the car you better hurry up you lummox so yeah Sino I think is gonna be the most sociable person in the world funny enough but he's the type that has such a specific crowd because there's gonna be people who are absolutely weirded out by him but once he finds those people who are okay with his jokes the man's in heaven like and maybe they play a little TCG in one of the bathrooms or something yes okay he would be the weird socializer Dory is a hundred percent trying to sell some stuff in this club bro she looks like a pimp weirdly enough if people saw someone dressed like Dory in the club it wouldn't even be that weird because there's some weird outfits in clubs and Dory would just fit right in so they'd go up to her and be like hey how you doing she's like I'm doing good wanna buy product number 712. she would try upsell while also just kind of chill in the club yes gonna be an amazing dancer and at the same time she isn't drinking so she might even surpass Eula yeah because these two are definitely gonna be like the queens of the dance floor debatably yunjin is kind of up there as well but yeah I think she would be the wholesome dancer that at first she's shy but once she gets into it and gets that crowd support everyone's gonna be head over heels for nilu and she's gonna have a good time yeah next we got Candace and she oh you know what her and Daya are going on a girls night out yes okay it's kind of tricky where would they be though would they socialize day is kind of sociable Candice is but not she's not really loud you know what I'm gonna say the girls are gonna have a good time on the dance floor yeah because they is the type who just wants to have fun and brings Candace along for the ride so Candace might not be the best dancer but I think Dale's probably used to like this kind of vibe a little bit so she would be okay and kind of just guide Candace along to have a good time yeah they would be queens of the Dance Floor nahida she strikes me as the type who just wants to socialize with everybody she just wants to interact and get to know a lot of different kinds of people and a club is where all kinds of folks gather so yeah she would be talking with everybody else on the sociable tier yeah we're gonna keep it wholesome she's staying away from just the smooth operators the bar no she's just gonna be walking around talking to people I like this route you know what I'm gonna say scarra goes along with nahida yeah so as scar as a mother she wants to get him acquainted with just like fun things right and this is a fun thing but with that in mind scar is a hundred percent just there because nahida dragged him along and as Cara likes to say he is her prisoner which we know is a load of BS but we're just gonna say he's along for the ride anyone who tries to talk to him he would just brush them off get a little sassier and rude with them but at least he's in a sociable environment okay it's better than nothing next we got a Lilo what is Lila doing here see unless it was like her sleep version I think she might be a bit of a socializer but if we're talking like actual like this awake Lila kind of thing I mean witchy just leave no okay wait maybe a friend invited her okay we're gonna say faruzan invited her because these two got along pretty well in that new event I kind of thought it was adorable so she's just there because farzan invited her and faruzan is gonna be the ruler of the dance floor yeah because faruzan just seems like the type who wants to have fun yes she's super like into her research she's a very knowledge driven person but she also seems like she knows how to have a really good time which is such a good mix of the two I feel like she waltzes up to the dance floor like let me show you youngsters how it it's done yes okay would she be bad maybe like way back when her dancing would have been pretty good but compared to like modern day like hutao doing like some hip-hop dancing it's probably not the best but either way she she's gonna be uh on the dance floor yeah yeah oh God is she waiting in the car no you know what her and Noel are gonna be like the duo yeah so they're both gonna be just cleaning up after everybody in this like Club and her and Noel would get along so well like they'd have little progress reports yeah yeah I was like I'm done cleaning up the bathroom and no I was like I'm done cleaning up the counters and they're just having a nice time cleaning they're cleaning buddies most people don't like cleaning but they do and they'd have a good time in their own really weird way okay I'll hate them you know we have to do copy at the same time I have a very big new smack for cave after the new recent event like he is now one of my favorite characters I feel so bad for trash talking him all the time so Cafe is gonna be a socializer because I think he can talk with a lot of different people and just he's good at throwing himself into conversation I'm sure he would start off like having a couple drinks to de-stress from just life because the man needs it but after a couple drinks he just go around talking to a couple different people having a good time meanwhile as I'll hate them he's just leaving pretty simple I don't think he's staying for long I think maybe originally coffee was like come on just come with me for like an hour I'm sure you'll like it and stay but then when the hour's up he's like I'm leaving immediately goodbye yeah no he would just leave straight up Mika wait oh he's such a weird one where do we put Mika guys um I'm just gonna put him he's he's only there for a friend yeah who would be the friend that invited him maybe wait who invited me wait this is so weird Mika who do you have friends bro I feel like he has to have friends you know what maybe he went along with Benny's Squad but he's only there for the friends yeah I can't see this guy vibing in this kind of environment no we know nothing about wow but she just looks like the most sociable cat in the world that I feel like she just goes around just promoting her delivery service while also having a good time maybe she does some cat dances on the dance floor but we'll just put her in the socializer alright guys so we have separated the dancers from the good to the maybe not so good just there to have fun to be more specific and for some reason in my mind I feel like hutal is kind of a good dancer I don't know why like remember her whole cutscene in the lantern right when she was vibing I think she might be pretty good but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this was a very short tier list I don't think it's going to be that long but I just wanted to throw it out there anyway but with that in mind guys yeah take care and have a good one thanks for watching please sub bye
Channel: BonkMeGud
Views: 9,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 35sec (2435 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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