BEACH DAY!!! Tier List Genshin Impact

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it's Beach day hey how's it going everybody today we're going to be putting the genshin characters on a beach but with Summer just around the corner even though I think it's like a month away still it's fine so real quick we'll get into the tears we have the beach volleyball players we have the Surfers for the I guess hippies I don't know why I kind of associate Surfers with hippies for some reason but okay we have jet ski riding I'll put a picture of a jet ski on screen in case you don't know building a sand castle just casually playing in the water sunbathing we have the seashell collectors this was me as a kid the getting day drunk this is me now and then reading a book so without further Ado let's get into it I'm really excited for this one all right so we have Mr Aether a very standard individual now what would he be doing wait where's Lou mean I want to do him and lumine because they're gonna have a sibling bonding day because they've been separated for so long yes okay so what's it gonna be I don't know why but ether especially he gives me such heavy like Surfer Vibes like he seems like the type of guy to just scream Cowabunga dude like like doesn't he he has that face but I think that's the only thing I'm judging I'm not really judging him but just because of his face he's gonna be a surfer and I don't know lumine doesn't strike me as much of a surfer you know what I'm gonna say Lou mean is playing in the water as she's watching Aether just constantly fall off his surfboard but they're both gonna be laughing and having a pleasant time yes okay wait who's Lou mean gonna be playing with in the water I kind of want to find someone for that you know what yeah I know some of y'all don't like when I bring ships into this but it's not a ship okay it's just Zhao is probably that guy when they get to the beach he's just like I don't want to go but Lou means gonna be that bestie who's like come on you're gonna have a good time just have fun with me in the water it'll just be a pleasant day just to de-stress you feel me like my man's been killing things for too long no maybe they're playing frisbee in the water yeah you guys ever play Frisbee in the water that that is one of the funnest things for absolutely no reason but yeah they're gonna be playing in the water next we have Albedo oh hey I kind of want to say I mean this is the one that makes the most sense but I kind of want to go outside of the box okay he's gonna be the seashell collector and you know why wait oh my God a wholesome idea very wholesome idea so Albedo and tag nari are gonna be collecting seashells and you know why they're collecting seashells because both kale and sucrose also want to collect seashells Wait no that's wholesome oh my God Kali and sucrose collecting seashells together kind of being away from the main group because they're not the most social people I love it you know how much of a bonding experience seashell collecting can be so they're gonna be the collectors and they're just older brother or father figures if you will are gonna be going along with them and I think they'd have a pretty chill time as well yeah like I want to get these characters out of their traditional like mindset for this because both technari and Albedo are the type to just read a book but in this situation like this like no I'll hate them okay I'm sorry even if I do my best you know he's just gonna be reading a book also he might be drinking a bit of beer because there was a dialogue line recently in the whole cave event where this man has a bunch of beer in the fridge which kind of just makes him feel more human if you feel me which I do respect but I don't think he's gonna be getting drunk he might just be reading an e-book on his iPad with a nice Sapporo in his hand and just chilling for the day which is definitely a Vibe on its own imma be honest with you next we have Eloy ooh so she's very fit she could do a lot of things I kind of want to say should it be beach volleyball or sand castle oh no it's gonna be jet ski ride yes wait she 100 strikes me as the rider of the jet ski but who would be on the back because there's usually two people on the ride [Music] you know what no it's dude it's someone from the back as we go I'll pick someone but we're just gonna say Eloy is the lone jet ski Rider yes Amber a hundred percent is a beach volleyball girl she's the girl who jumps insanely High to just spike the ball like had you see that I feel like there's a fan art of her doing that somewhere but I think it would just be a really fun time playing beach volleyball with Amber like oh wait that's such a Vibe okay dude there's so many categories that are Vibes here Ito I think is also a beach volleyball player yeah because this man is kind of like the fitness junkie and he's also insanely competitive with that in mind he could also build a sand castle because that's also really competitive God there's so many tricky choices I'm just gonna put him in beach volleyball though yeah I think him and Amber would probably be on the same team yeah okay wait should we make some teams yeah okay we're gonna make teams so we'll pick four for each team for now and then afterwards if we add anybody like it is what it is Daya a hundred percent is also playing beach volleyball yo yeah she has that Vibe and she would just have such a good time with this and you know what she's gonna bring her girl for the ride too Candace 100 strikes me as the Dark Horse of beach volleyball like Ito probably sees herendea and is like we better watch out for that day a girl Amber but little to his knowledge Candice is the one who's spiking the balls at 20 miles per hour so these would be different teams who else I saw the man and you know he's doing this too tartaglia is also gonna be insanely good at beach volleyball wait him and Ito they're gonna be like the boys I can see these two getting along because they're both kind of really simple obviously tartaglia has a bit of a bigger brain but yeah no it would be a good group who else Beto um nah Beto's gonna be getting Daedra maybe after a bit of drinks because her inventy where's venti so venti and Beto are a hundred percent gonna be drinking buddies for the day and when you just walk over to their General vicinity you can just smell the beer emanating from their bodies and they're probably just laughing and having the time of their lives a hundred percent it's definitely debatable that Beto after a couple of drinks might run over to the beach volleyball court yes and then venti would just walk around maybe it's a people playing in the water and everybody's like venti get out of the water you just drank and he's like nah I'm fine don't worry yes okay anyway I got distracted the beach volleyball people yeah Eula as well I think this is gonna complete team Amber yes because the besties and the boys oh my God wait I love this team so much I need to see a fan art of these four on a volleyball team it would be so cool but Eula also strikes me as the type who's kind of just there for Amber because they're besties but once she gets really into it she's like the most competitive person ever yeah not gonna 100 see that meanwhile as for the Daya and Candace who else is going to be on that team oh you know what wait should Fishel be building a sand castle or playing beach volleyball nah no I see her as more of the sand castle person yeah because she's a very simple lady that I feel like she's gonna wanna build the biggest castle you've ever seen and then she's gonna be like behold thine commoners my castle is amazing yes okay 100 I could see hutau definitely playing beach volleyball yeah okay hutao's gonna be on the Candace and Daya team because I feel like her and DEA would probably get along pretty damn well like they could be besties even though hutao's a little cray-cray day is an understanding woman so sutao would get insanely into this though yeah meanwhile as for the final partner of the team yeah yeah okay why do I feel like faruzon is the type of girl who sees them having fun and is like let me show these young folk how the real pros at volleyball do it yes okay so she would try to fit in with everybody here and I think she would but I think she's also going to be the worst player yes or maybe she would invent something like to help her odds of winning in volleyball and Ito on the other team is like girl that's cheating what are you doing and there would be some volleyball squabbling but at the end of the day they're all just having fun which is the most important thing guys but yeah we have our beach volleyball players let's continue with the characters now so we have klav wait what's he gonna be doing the architectural genius is gonna be building a sand castle and since he's also such a nice guy I think he's also going to be helping Fishel oh wait should we have sand castle building teams okay I guess we're just making everything a team thing now so Cafe and Fishel are gonna be on the same Squad and Kafe is going to be like the group leader on the down low but Fishel is the self-proclaimed group leader yes also both Barbara and Benny a hundred percent seem like the type to also get really into sand castle building yeah what if Benny's bad luck breaks the sand castle when it gets super big no wait I don't want that anymore to say Benny is playing in the water Benny Barbara and where is Razer yes like Lumin and Zhao are gonna be their own group while this is another one so I feel like all of these guys are just the type to do that traditional splashing water on each other like you know how you see in the movies in the animes just a bunch of kids splashing water laughing like they're having the time of their lives that's gonna be these three yeah wait okay nah that's so wholesome so these three are gonna be the water splashers yes baiju is a hundred percent yeah he looks like the stoner sunbather yeah wait I totally don't know people like this anyway so I think maybe he'll let the snack wander the beach for a bit and it's not gonna scare anybody because everybody knows the snake at this point babaiju is gonna be a little under the influence sunbathing chilling all day long yeah because I don't want him to have a heart attack from running around all day so we're gonna put him there okay are gonna be the other sand castle Duo no they're gonna be a trio with Jang Ling yes oh my God these three a hundred percent seem like the type who have such good coordination like they're gonna be a really good team although debatably Zhang Cho my tease Chang yunabit and mess around with him it would all just be in good fun and zhengling would be the girl who's like guys don't fight we're having a good time let's continue building the outer wall yeah okay wait we need to add someone to the cave and official group now sign up oh my God Sino is a hundred percent the most competitive sand castle Builder you've ever seen and this is gonna be his way of repaying cover for that TCG card he gave him yes okay this is Canon so official's gonna be the enthusiastic Builder Sino is gonna be the super quick Builder like he's gonna be moving at the speed of light and kava is gonna be like the design planner he's gonna be like all right Sino do this here official you stay enthusiastic yeah so in actuality I definitely think the cave Squad is gonna win unless bad luck comes into play but still it would be a fun sand castle building a competition pymon I think ooh where would pymon go I think pymon's probably gonna be playing in the water with the traveler yeah because she also doesn't like to be that far apart from lumine and Aether so she would be watching Aether surf with lumine while also just having a little bit of fun with Zhao and lumine in the water yeah and it would be pretty wholesome it's kind of a simple one with time on over here next we got the Luke okay guys hear me out on this one why do I feel like G Luke's the type of guy on the jet ski who is like the most stone-faced because usually when people are riding on a jet ski they're like hyped as heck they're like whoa but D Luke's just riding and he's like Yep this is nice like this is probably really relaxing to him and he's probably insanely good like maybe him and Eloy would have like a race to the other side of the beach on the jet ski yeah wait he would have fun okay he would just look very common composed but deep down even D Luke is having fun on this beach day okay I don't care diona ooh where would she go nah she's gonna be the sunbathing cat who's also just constantly monitoring the drunk people yeah so she's gonna be lying on her back while staring venti down on the other side of the beach as he's drinking and venti's like why do I feel like I'm being watched yes and Beto's live it's it's probably just your imagination so this would be how diona spends her day judging the drunk people I kind of want her to have fun though so maybe after a while when venti goes in the water and Beto goes to play beach volleyball she'll just probably play in the water as well but for the time being she's gonna be sunbathing like a hawk monitoring these guys yeah next we have Dory I am so confused with how she's gonna go oh okay what if she's building a sand castle or not building wait no never mind she's gonna be the seashell collector who's gonna try to collect so many so she can sell them afterwards yeah and she'll probably advertise them like this seashell was found in a lost and ancient civilization meanwhile as tagnari over here is just like a girl you found that when we went to the beach last week so she would collect and probably like paint and make cool designs on the seashells and then try to sell them yeah so she would have fun doing this too absolutely next we got gonyu wait I want her to get out of her comfort zone so you know what her Cushing and ninguang are gonna be the trio that pulls up to the beach with that in mind what are they gonna do oh you know what ning Guang is a simple lady I think she's just gonna enjoy sunbathing all day but the whole reason why she came here was to give her two most hard-working workers a day on the beach so with that in mind funny enough this might be a little subjective but I think they're gonna be on a jet ski together [Laughter] now obviously ganyu's not gonna be the driver I think Cushing is gonna be the driver because she seems like the girl who wants to go insanely fast and you know what they're gonna join D Luke and Eloy on their little race yes okay and ganu's just gonna be on the back holding on for dear life like she's gonna be holding on to Cushing but after a while her look of fear is gonna transform into a look of happiness because she's gonna be having fun after a while which is the most important thing and I think even though Cushing is super competitive she's gonna be looking out for her girl like her safety and everything but yeah they're gonna be having fun on the jet ski yes Goro oh wait Goro also strikes me as a sand castle Builder yeah he a hundred percent seems like the guy wait now we're gonna have another Trio for the sand castle Builders yeah so where's kokomi where's is the military tactician there she is so she's gonna be the leader of group number three in the sand castle building World Cup and I feel like she's the type to take this insanely seriously yeah because these other groups I mean actually this group would probably take it seriously too so kokomi's like we're gonna make this the best sand castle anybody has ever seen and Goro's like yes my lady and you know what to get them to loosen up I'm gonna say the final member of that group is gonna be Kali yes I know she doesn't have a big affiliation with this group but who cares Clea is probably that girl running around the entire Beach having a blast literally and I think her journey would lead her to kokomi and Goro building a sand castle and she would be like Miss fish the other teams have three people why don't I help you out and she's like very well but you must work hard so that's gonna be her initial view but once Clay's wholesomeness and having funness gets into the group they're gonna stop taking it seriously and just have a good time yeah so clee's gonna be the fun maker of this specific group you know what even though we don't know that much about her I feel like she's gonna be the surfer chick yeah because she seems like the hyperactive cat who just wants to have an insanely fun time while also possibly having ADHD again we we don't know that much about her but I think that's what she's gonna do yes next we have Jean and right off the bat I'm gonna say this right now she is not going to be chasing after Clee today nah she is gonna be having fun with her wife for the day now what are they gonna be doing okay so this is what it's gonna be Lisa is gonna be the sunbathing girl because she just seems like she'd have so much fun doing it and originally Gina's gonna be with her like there's sunbathing buddies but I feel like this isn't super up jeans alley like this might not be the most fun thing for her so Lisa's gonna notice that her wife might not be having that much fun so she's gonna be like hey Gene why don't you go help CLE build that sand castle over there and Jean's gonna be like what please building a sand castle yeah this is gonna become a group of four and it's not gonna be any bickering like they're just gonna be having a nice time building a sand castle and clean Jean are gonna have like a mother and daughter bonding experience yes I need to add Alice in the future when we get her but for now anyway yeah next we have kazuzu now he a hundred percent strikes me as the surfer dude absolutely I'm sure he does with everybody like Canadian Aether as the community likes the column which actually nada I look at his hair the little orange kind of looks like a maple leaf like there's a certain kind of leaf I'll put it on screen but it's like some Canadian representation y'all which just respect to my Canadian folks anyway I feel like he's the actual good Surfer though yeah because Kirara is probably like the most hyperactive constantly falling off of her board but she's having so much fun but kazuha is like never off of his board and aether's like how is he doing that he's so good yes but no kazua would just be vibing having a good time on the surfboard Kaya see he could do a couple of things I'm debating between jet ski and and sunbathing I think he's gonna sunbathe yeah because he seems like the type that when he's not working he just likes to take it easy and relax wait would he be getting day drunk yes I changed my mind he might not necessarily get drunk per se but he's gonna be drinking with venti and Beto just having the most social day imaginable like they're gonna have one of those big carpets laid out on the sand under an umbrella just empty beer cans all over the place having a nice talk that's what that's gonna be actually we should have a fourth member like the final person for this group nah it's gonna be Mona yes because she's gonna be getting some free booze on this beach day yes so I think Mona's the type to get to this beach and is probably a little stressed out but then the most Carefree characters here see her and invite her over for drinks and Mona being the broke girl is like are these drinks free do I have to pay for this and they're like it's fine Beto brought like 26 packs we're okay for the day but yeah Mona's gonna be having a good time getting drunk with the squad next we have the kamisato siblings ooh interesting okay so ayaka gives me such wholesome Vibes that I'm gonna say she's probably a seashell collector yeah she seems like the type of girl who just enjoys looking at them like she'll find a weirdly shaped one and we'll be like big bro look at this cool seashell I found that's so precious and I could see it so vividly wait no she needs to have a seashell buddy someone who goes with her yes I know yao yao would probably be taking care of everybody all day especially the drunk people down here but aside from that the fun thing that she would be doing is seashell collecting with ayaka yes these two interacting just picking up and collecting seashell is the exact opposite Vibe of Dory because she only sees the money in this while they're just having fun so who's the real winner here guys oh wait no we forgot to do ayato for some reason I feel like ayato is probably gonna be sunbathing I was kind of debating between him being a surfer dude but I think sunbathing for a sophisticated gentleman such as himself would be a good time and he would occasionally glance over at his sister in the distance collecting seashells and having a good time simple enough he would be chill Sarah ooh wait where's a yeah we have to do these two together actually wait you know what I'm gonna say we don't do them together yeah because I think Sarah needs to have fun on her own and do her own thing for the day yeah so for some reason Sarah kind of strikes me as a jet ski Rider yeah it's similar to D Luke actually these two kind of have similar Vibes except d looks just kind of a little more serious I think like he's more of a businessman while Sarah is a businesswoman yeah never mind they're the exact same but I want to say she would join the race yeah she would see them going really fast and maybe she's like kind of side eyeing them a little bit and a is like you can go Sarah you can go have fun over there and she's like thank you my queen and she goes to join them on the jet skis yeah meanwhile as with a I think this would be really cute she's gonna build sand castles with the Lee us Squad so she's gonna be part of jincho Zhang Ling and Chong yoon's little group and they're gonna build like a massive Fort yeah and she would be interacting with the kids having a good time getting outside of her bubble I kind of love this a lot yes this needs to happen I need to see this but she would be building a sand castle Yeah shinobu would she join the beach volleyball gang I kind of think so but I can also see her riding a jet ski because she's the cool girl yeah okay she's gonna be riding the jet ski someone like Ito even though he's the self-proclaimed cool guy is probably a little scared to get on the jet ski meanwhile a shinobu is probably just chilling and having fun riding at 20 miles per hour yes next we got Layla oh wait she's a tricky one oh I want it to be awake Layla right because I want her to know the fun she's actually having today so you know what I think since her and Cave get along really well she's gonna join the sand casting building competition yes and now we have groups of four for each team yeah it's perfect I think since she's really smart although Sand Castle Building might not be her area of expertise I think she would be really good and follow kave's instructions even though kava is like girl just have fun her and facial in the same group is kind of funny to picture they're opposites but I think they would get along really well yeah it's nahida nahida on the beach beach oh winner Scara I need to do Scara and her together the mother and her son I'm not looking at you riding wait wait okay this is so awesome I why do I feel like in a very adventurous girl who wants to go on the jet ski and bring Scaramouche along for the ride yeah so she's like scarra I'm a little too short can you be the driver and Scar was just like Ugh fine whatever but deep down he's having a fun time yes so he would be escorting his Queen on the jet ski for the day and they're both going to be having fun I think nahida just wants to see her son smile while also trying something new like jet ski riding yes next we got nilu wait I could see her doing so many things you know what we haven't had a beach volleyball person in a while and I think she would be really good at beach volleyball yeah maybe she uses some footwork that she has from dancing to always receive the ball so what team is she gonna be on she's gonna be on team Daya yeah so this is going to be a group of five and now we need another person wait yes Noel a hundred percent she's the PowerHouse bro she is what Ito wishes he could be he's probably seeing Noel about to spike the ball and he's like oh it's not going to be that bad and then she just like explodes the beach like it's like a meteor and even Daya is like I can barely receive it and afterwards Noelle is like is everybody okay and like half of the other team is passed out yeah but not Noel would have a fun time she'd be doing a lot of high fives with Amber and Eula yes it would be a nice thing Chichi wait yes oh my God diabetes so much diabetes right here this group of three collecting seashells is too much for my heart to handle just imagine yao yao like pulling Chichi along to go and get seashells with her and ayaka oh my God and she would write in her little notebook I collected seashells with yao yao today yeah and I feel like Chichi's the type to be super mesmerized by like an interesting looking seashell yeah she would have such a fun time daddy baiju who's sunbathing in the distance probably occasionally looks to see how Chichi's doing or maybe not because yao yao is there to supervise yeah no but she would be having a fun time for sure Rosaria is 100 percent gonna be not getting drunk because she doesn't really get drunk but I think she would probably be drinking with these people it's just she wouldn't be drunk so with that in mind after a couple of drinks I think she would just go to sunbathe yeah because she seems like the type like maybe her and Lisa are having a couple of conversations while lying down in the sun yeah I think these would be good sunbathing buddies okay you know what guys I'm getting rid of the reading a book nah it's just it's not a fun thing and I'll hate them all alone down there so where's all hate them gonna go now I think maybe he'll be reading a book as he's sunbathing and him and ayato in a corner at least yes next up we have sayu who is not sleeping at the beach guys is there an option I mean sunbathing no I can't really see her sunbathing you know what she's gonna be playing in the water with the Benny Squad and she's gonna be like the Frisbee catching Queen yes because she's so quick and agile like maybe Benny does a super bad throw but say you like teleports to the other side of the water to catch the Frisbee oh my God now she would be so good at catching a frisbee I know that's super specific but she's going to be playing in the water yes next we have the NPCs so we have Dan's live you know what I kind of see it yeah so him and Aether will be like the surfing boys okay so I think maybe Dane Swift is like the professional Surfer along with kazuha and aether's like trying to learn from the master like we don't know a lot about Dane Swift but he seems like the guy who takes surfing super seriously and is always worried about people's safety but we're just gonna put him in the surfer guy I think he would be a good surfing man Ying R we're gonna have to do her and Timaeus together because they're you know the couple on the beach Wait what are they going to be doing together oh wait they're gonna be the jet ski riding couple yeah because even though yingar looks like she might just sunbathe she also seems like an adventurous woman and she's like tameus I wanna go jet skiing and Timaeus would be the nervous Rider and would probably get even more nervous because yingar's boobas are like pressed against his back as he's riding the jet ski yeah but they would be the cute jet ski riding couple Madame ping is gonna be the queen of the volleyball court for sure um simple enough I don't think wait no in actuality she would be like the sand castle building a supervisor yeah wait she would be the judge she would be watching all the other characters build their sand castles and would walk around just judging them and giving little bits of advice yeah because maybe she's like a sand castle building vet [Laughter] judge to decide the sand castle building winners yeah so she's gonna be there the Torre um okay that seems fine next we have shenha oh wait what's shempo gonna do okay okay wait she also seems like the type who's gonna play beach volleyball and it's gonna be an insane Powerhouse yeah she's the only one who's giving Noel a run for her money in terms of physical strength and she's probably a little stronger than Noel but she's gonna be on the day A Team yeah and she's gonna be like what am I supposed to do and maybe Candace she's like oh you just hit the ball and she's like okay and hits it like that's the exact sound it's gonna make but yeah she's gonna be a beach volleyball player next we got our boy Hazel ooh he seems like he would enjoy Beach day wait okay the rizziest of Rizzy men is gonna be sunbathing just to get in conversation with ning Guang Lisa and Rosaria absolutely [Laughter] yes so he's gonna be like don't mind me ladies I'm just gonna be lying down collecting some of the Rays and Lisa probably thinks he's just a wholesome kid but nah that's not how Hazel does that's not how the RIS Master is but we're gonna leave him in sunbathing just occasionally talking with the women I think him and Lisa would get along so well it's ridiculous next we have Tomah wait he's such a tricky one because this man can do so many things he can do anything on this list oh okay I think he's gonna be the beach volleyball supervisor yeah because he's the helper like he enjoys helping people so he's gonna be that guy who's standing on the big chair in the middle of the net kind of just keeping track of the score I could so see him doing that and he would have a good time xinyan is a hundred percent on a jet ski this girl seems like the jet ski Queen she's a hundred percent gonna be in the race yeah yunjin and her are gonna be on the same jet ski because they're certified besties okay and since junjin is so adventurous and jinyan is super like energetic it's kind of the perfect mix to go on a jet ski together yeah so they're gonna join the race I think yunjin is gonna loosen up and just be like baby that was a really weird sound but anyway they're gonna have fun doing that yeah Miko is a hundred percent sunbathing bro just add another older lady for hazel to get Rizzy with but yeah she's probably lying down in the sand occasionally looking at a building a sand castle and just maybe having a little bit of a smirk on her face because she finally managed to get a out of the house but yeah we're gonna put her there next we got Yen FEI ooh interesting one see also wait she's gonna be the other judge of the sand castle competition yeah because her and Madame ping are kind of on really good terms like she's basically her mom like come on because of their whole Adept disconnection so I think she's gonna be the insanely harsh judge like the walls looking a little unsturdy on this side kokomi meanwhile as Madame ping is like look at the young folk enjoying the sand castle building but nah you know what I think after a bit of judging Madame ping notices Yen face getting too seriously into this and is gonna tell her to go play in the water yeah because everyone needs to have fun guys and I think she would join the Conqueror of demons and lumine and pymon and just have fun in the water yeah yeylon I could see hopping from so many of these categories because she's probably sunbathing a bit she probably had a couple of drinks but finally I'm gonna put her in the jet ski Rider yeah so she in my opinion here is probably gonna win the jet ski riding competition because she's probably insanely fast and has a good control over the jet ski and she definitely strikes me as the thrill seeker so this is right up her alley her and D Luke be going at it for first place but I think she's gonna win but everybody's having a fun time anyway so we're gonna put her there yoy Mia ah bro I want to go to a beach with joy Mia so bad she's such a fun person with that in mind are the beach volleyball spots taken like are the teams evened out oh oh I know we added shenha so the Amber team is needing an extra person yes her and Amber are gonna be certified best friends for life even though she's probably not the best in terms of being super physical she's gonna be like that moral support that the team needs because she already gets along super well with tartaglia and Ito she's gonna be the girl that keeps the team together but nobody knows she's even doing that she just radiates such positivity but anyway I'm gonna stop simping we're gonna put her there Zhang dong ooh hey what's he gonna do I'm gonna say no no no no we're gonna put him in the sand casting building judge because maybe when yenfei went to have fun he takes her place and he's gonna be the chill judge along with Madame ping because he seems like the type who's gonna be talking with a lot of the contestants and just having Pleasant conversations yeah so he would be having fun along with Madame ping judging the sand castles absolutely finally we have our boy Mika now what's he gonna do wait you know what I could maybe kind of see this yeah so maybe since he gives off a little bit of the timid Vibes danesliff doesn't recommend that Mika goes surfing but he's actually kind of pretty good probably like even though he acts timid on the inside he's probably pretty relaxed and composed and Dane's lift is like impressive young man you have some good Cowabunga skill maybe we should move Dane's like no he is the surfing instructor I don't care him and kazuha but yeah Mika's gonna be the weird surfer that nobody expects alright guys that was the characters on the beach tier list this was a lot of fun there was no drama it was just a relaxing experience anyway in the comments feel free to let me know who you would want to go to the beach with for me personally I think I would pick coma yoy Mia even though we don't know much about her seems like a fun beach buddy and then a drunk person like venti because that would be my spirit animal but let me know who you guys would go with in the comments and yeah take care guys and have a good one thanks for watching please sub bye
Channel: BonkMeGud
Views: 9,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IRdEb4shYa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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