The ROADTRIP!!! Tier List Genshin Impact

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I wonder how the wheel is feeling today hey how's it going everybody today we're going to be putting genshin characters in a car in groups of three for 12 hours straight and what are they doing well they're going on a road trip to where I don't really know just use your imagination Guys these videos kind of just run off imagination anyway so yeah now really quickly I'm sure you can tell but all of the tears are very simple for this one but the situations are probably going to get really specific and crazy which I'm really looking forward to so without further Ado let's get right into it the first group I made groups of three this time because I felt like it would be more chaotic I love how we mentioned chaos and yoy me as the first character I love it okay join me as first partner [Laughter] I love this already okay yoy Mia baiju and who's gonna be the last one oh God she can't even make this bro I couldn't even make this up if I wanted to I wasn't expecting to be crying on the first pair all right so baiju and Chichi are in the same car and it's kind of blessed actually or cursed depending on who's driving wait who would be the driver I think baiju is gonna be the driver in a situation like this while you're Mia and Chichi are gonna be like the kids in the back and you got the outgoing kid and the quiet kid that's just on her phone the entire time wait yes no I don't think it's gonna get too rowdy or too much of a Ruckus because baiju is the responsible father yes he kind of looks like a bit of a Stoner but he has a good head on his shoulders especially for a situation like this but I feel like you or me is the type to constantly ask baiju hey can you stop at the gas station I want to get some Doritos or something like that okay I think that would work really well and baiju as the father is constantly going to be asking hey Joy Mia is Chichi okay back there yes wait oh my God I love I freaking adore this okay I don't think it's Peak happy fun times group but this is gonna be a weirdly chill group yeah and baiju is gonna be the father yes I love it so much oh my God okay next group all right we got Rosaria oh there's gonna be some blood depending on who's in the car with her I'm kind of nervous yes okay wait this is so blessed this is actually Peak Sara and Rosaria okay we need another person with similar Vibes for the final like party member no wait bro it's literally blessed I swear it looks like I'm rigging The Reel guys you can see the results here and no I'm not scripting nothing but this is so amazing yaylon Rosaria and Sarah weirdly enough I think the Oddball out is Sarah because Jaylon and Rosaria have such similar Vibes bro they both strike me as the type that are gonna like speed like crazy to get to their destination meanwhile star is in the back like guys respect the speed limits come on this is such like a sister group like I can imagine all three of these characters as sisters they would probably get along pretty well Sarah being the Oddball out says a lot because she's still on relatively similar Vibes not completely though they're definitely not gonna be the awkward Squad but at the same time I don't think there's gonna be much talking like Rosario's doing her nail polish or on her phone elon's like speeding down the highway while on a call with some of her men and Sarah was just in the back praying that they don't get pulled over by the police wobble a bit but I'm but I'm still group because they they are chemistry bro like I need to see these three in a car together now I'm obsessed wait okay now they're perfect that's such a good Dynamic there the next group a is the Coco fish wait she would have been so good in the last group too if this was a group of four wait no that would have been perfect anyway kokomi's partners why do I feel like kokomy is not going to trust Kyle whatsoever and kokomi has a good way of just seeing through BS wait I like that dynamic this is so Random I guess I mean kokomi and Barbara are both like the Healer ladies wait I need to think about this one okay I thought about it for a bit and this really strikes me as one of those scenarios where it's like kokomi and Kaya are like the kind of squabbling couple with their daughter on a road trip higher you even though they like argue constantly because I feel like they will and it's mostly just kokomi questioning Kai about things like when they're in the car so many other topics get brought up like hokumi's like who is that girl you were seeing last Tuesday and Kai is like oh she's just one of my co-workers don't worry about it and Barbara's just in the back like guys stop fighting focus on the roads but not I don't think it would be like a constant argument like I think they would both mutually just relax and mellow out even though they're kind of already mellow but especially when Barbara speaks up they would both just kind of calm down and after that initial argument I think it would be kind of a chill road trip so you know what I'm gonna change the awkward Squad because I feel like this like weirdly chill group is going to be packed okay so we changed it to a little bickering so an occasional bit of arguing but they're not constantly at each other's throats or anything and kokomi and Kaya they're pretty smart people I don't think they'd let it get out of hand so yeah just a little bit of bickering next pair oh my God I freaking love this is probably one of my favorites it's so cragged yes nah this could be such a potentially awkward car ride wait I just got rid of the awkward tier I might need to bring it back oh oh okay this is kind of a cursed Duo wait we need to have a mediator because we have the loud one and The Quiet One we need someone who's in between okay okay wait that's pretty good that's a really good in between okay so we got I'll hate them Noel and jinya I kind of like this Dynamic it might be a little crazy okay so I'm not sure if Al Haytham is gonna raise his voice or anything but I think he might get a little upset with jinyan because jinyon strikes me as the girl who's singing country roads in the back seat yes she's 100 that girl and Noel it's probably just like nodding her head along because she's vibing with it but I'll hate them is hundred percent gonna be the driver and he's just like giving them the dirty side eye like you know that look where you're just like God can you please just be the heck quiet that's a hundred percent what this is gonna be and I think Al Hatha might kind of just ruin the vibe that jinyan and Noel are having in the back seat and after he does that him and jinyan might start arguing a little bit and then eventually I think I'll hate them would just be like like you know what this is not worth my time I'm just gonna put my airpods in and you guys can do whatever you want just let me focus on the road yeah so I think Jin Yang and Noel are gonna be like besties in the back so I would put these two and probably just happy fun times but since Al haytham's here to kind of just kill the vibe a bit I'm just gonna put them in a little bickering I think they would bicker at first until I'll hate them just gets tired of it yeah okay all right okay dilute gives me such I'll hate them Vibes except I think he's probably a little nicer oh hey who's he gonna be with [Laughter] no this is cursed guy [Music] I'm crying so much oh my God no D Luke Mikko and fish oh no no this is too much chaos for one car Miko and Fishel in the same group oh my God I need to think about this because this is gonna be just Madness how would this go okay so this is how it's gonna go down so official is gonna be just going on one of her tangents in the back seat like she's gonna be saying some you know official speak I'm just gonna call it that you guys know what I mean okay and Delux probably driving and is really annoyed like he just wants a nice quiet ride but Fishel kind of prevents that and then amiko is like next to d Luke in the front and she's probably like encouraging official she's like yes fishy please continue with what you were saying and officials like why thank you thine Miko it appear this is though like basically what I'm saying is Mikko would egg Fishel on to go more crazy to annoy D Luke more because I think Miko just wants to screw around with d Luke so I think originally D Luke would just be official like hey Fishel sweetie can you please quiet down back there let father focus on the road and then Miko's like nonsense you don't have to be quiet just keep doing you and then D Luke just gives like Mikko the dirtiest look you can imagine and the amount of internal Warfare between D Luke and Mikko would be insane like they won't be out loud arguing but the mental disputes would just go all over the place so they would constantly argue and officials probably in the back seat just unaware of what's really going on up front but yeah now these guys a lot of bickering gonna go on oh my God these groups are insane tagnari is a very simple man I can imagine him getting angry with a couple of the characters wait I need to see why do I think these two would get along really freaking well okay wait this is such an interesting Dynamic okay wait who who's the third person foreign are gonna be very big conversation buddies yeah because even though the trip is supposed to be 12 hours these two it's gonna feel like the quickest trip ever because they're gonna be so in rap in each other's conversations like tigeri just talking about plants from sumeru and zhangli just attentively listening and giving like feedback and his own like little stories wait yeah these two I think would get along really well just for their conversation abilities meanwhile as with saiyu she strikes me as the child who is in the backseat just sleeping for the entire trip but I think she might kind of just get annoyed at these two she's like guys I'm trying to sleep and you've been talking for the entire trip and I think both of them would actually just be like my apologies Madam saw you yes wait okay we enough I'm gonna put this in a weirdly chill group because they would all kind of Just Vibe like yes say you would be sleeping in the back but the fact that they kind of like respect saiyu like I feel like they wouldn't just ignore her and continue talking they would just be like okay we should turn it down for a bit and just relax so yeah no this would be a chill group in my opinion next Squad yes my son all right Zhao my boy who is you getting paired with okay yo wait these two would get along yeah okay wait who's the last one I think these two would be good and now we have a bit of the Oddball of the group okay I gotta think about this so Cushing Zhao and Mika okay so I'm gonna put Mika as the driver like the designated driver of the group because I feel like both Xiao and kushing are gonna be speeding down the highway like crazy and they're probably constantly like Mika speed up why are you going so slow my contract needs to be fulfilled Sue yes and stop procrastinating and Mika would just be like um sorry guys but we need to respect the speed limits no I think both of these guys would probably respect the speed limits but we're still gonna make Mika the driver so in terms of a dynamic I think this is kind of a situation where it would probably be really quiet like the most talkative person in this group is Cushing and that says a lot because she's not the most talkative person now I don't see it being that awkward though like because none of them are super like heavy talkers to begin with hmm I think this is a type of Drive where they just have the radio on like a lot of music playing in the background and that kind of just like takes away the awkwardness of the quiet I'm gonna put them in a weirdly chill group as well yeah I think this would be a pretty relaxing like if you were in the car with these three and Miko was the driver let's let's put Mika in the driver's seat I think it would be a pretty relaxing ride yeah [Music] depending on who she's with no there might be an accident I don't want anyone dying wait no I kind of do it Mike add some chaos wait this would be such a good older brother okay we are lucky to have kazuha in the same car as Clee because I think that's one of the few characters that can contain clear I freaking love this oh my God wait do we have it guys I think we have it now even though they're all kind of like different like kazuha and shinobu I think have a little bit of a similar Vibe and they would get along so freaking well wait I love these two together they're so cool okay now if it was only these two I would put them in the weirdly chill group but since Cleve's here to add a little bit of chaos I'm putting this in a happy fun times group I don't care yes you can debate clean might get them into an accident but I feel like kazuha would probably be the driver and shinobu and Klee would just be playing games in the back yeah and it's one of those situations that they're still all talking like even though Kazu has driving he just kind of comments on what the other two are doing in the back seat yeah and shinobu and him would take turns driving so they could take turns playing with Clee yes I love this I actually adore this Dynamic I feel like klee's the type who like needs to go to the restroom at like every gas station they pass so that might be a little bit annoying but at the same time they just get more snacks and fun things for the car yes okay nah I love this group this is my favorite group so far I wouldn't be surprised if it stays as number one this is an awesome group foreign is pretty energetic but she's not too cray-cray oh okay okay now faruzan strikes me as the most talkative driver you can imagine wait who's the last partner who gonna be the third wheel I need I need to think about this oh wait this is a this is a tricky group all right so this is the first group we've had where they're all really talkative yeah there isn't really a quiet one amongst them which I kind of like okay so Beto's gonna be the driver farazan's gonna be next to her and Zhang Ling and let's just throw gualba in there too they're gonna be in the back seat now how is this car ride gonna go literally just talking for the entire ride yeah because I feel like Beto and faruzon are gonna get along really well because they both strike me as the type that just like to exchange stories together yeah and Zhang Ling would just be in the back playing with Golba just occasionally throwing herself in conversation like every now and then she'd be like really that's so cool Madame faruzan yeah I think these guys would just have a genuinely fun time similar to tagnari and Zhang Li except without the quiet person kind of restricting their voices in the back so with that in mind pretty simple maybe they'd have the music blasting as well which would be pretty cool no Zhang Ling would be like the Spotify DJ in the back yeah so she would change the station and the music every now and then to just kind of suit the vibe like Beto's telling one of her ocean stories and Zhang Ling just turns on the Titanic theme but these three are gonna be a happy fun time gang 100 this is a very simple one okay we got a potentially another Storyteller yunjin gives me that vibe Okay Yahoo is obviously getting along with literally everybody and yunjin kind of to okay wait this is a good Duo but who gonna be the last all right this is really interesting wait how would this work this is a really weird group to do because they're also different yet they're all really chill like they could get along with anybody especially bro she's gonna be lighting up this car I feel like Yao Yao's the type where maybe yunjin at some point because I feel like ayato is driving yunjin is like hey can we stop at the gas station I heard they have some local Specialties that I would like to try and ayato's like yeah okay but then yeah yeah I was like surprise I have a lot of healthy food on me and then yunjin's like no I kind of want the gas station food but then she tries the food yao yao made and it's just the Most Blessed stuff you can imagine like she's the provider of snacks she brings a whole bag of snacks with her and she's probably just chilling in the back playing with her little yellow guy I don't know what it is but she would be playing with him as ayato and Yoon Jin are just occasionally talking in the front like there would be just moments of Silence but not awkward silence I think it would be a really chill Vibe so I'm gonna put these guys into weirdly chill group it's a tricky one but I think it would be pretty good yeah next pair foreign [Laughter] Ty is not drinking and driving throw that idea out the window we do not condone the drinking and driving oh my God wait no this might be our first accident shinho and venti I think they're gonna need someone who has a really good head on their shoulders someone very normal oh God [Applause] oh my God this is the weirdest yet kind of chaotic group we've done so far okay so venti and Dory I think are gonna hit it off really well like maybe Dory is trying to sell him some wine and I think venti would originally be driving but then when he gets really like invested in what Dory is selling to him they ask Shen her to take the wheel and up to this point she's been really quiet just eating some grass in the back seat but then they both go to the back see Lets shenha Drive and I think they're going to get into an accident something like oh I've never driven a car before and they're probably too distracted like they weren't listening to her when she said that and then when shinho puts her foot on the gas it's just like into a tree and then it would just be breaking news car does a flip over the side of the highway 40. three people dead car crashed into a tree what are the chances folks like dory's greed venti's obsession with the booze that Dory is selling and Shen has just oblivious nature yeah I think they would be dead all right so we got a very simple man in Aether oh he'd be a good driver yeah he just strikes me as the calm collected driver okay who's he gonna be with oh yes okay he's with one of his top five wife candidates wait I like this wait what if we had okay wait I need to see who this lands on because this might be a bit of a squabble depending no okay that's really simple okay wait this is the most of vanilla relaxing group we've had so far all right so Aether nilu and Goro oh this is a chill group bro like out of all the groups here I think this is the most realistically grounded like none of them are super duper outgoing but at the same time they wouldn't be afraid to just strike up conversation while driving yeah so Aether will drive I think nulu is the type who's gonna be in the back seat while the other two are up front and she's just gonna be asking them about what was it like in the military how were your travels going either like that kind of thing and it wouldn't be annoying I think it would just be really nice because how can you get annoyed with nilu guys it's messed up don't do that but yeah I think it's not gonna be like a super happy fun times group but I think it would be a weirdly chill group yeah and I think Goro he'd probably be the DJ or something yeah he'd put on some watatsumi Island Tunes while Neil was just asking some questions aether's focusing on the road mostly yeah okay it's just a chill relaxed group nothing like crazy though yeah mm-hmm [Music] [Laughter] yes Mona oh yes oh no not scar oh wait wait these two have history together wait I just realized okay would they kill each other I'm not sure yet I need to think about that okay okay that's like the most whatever third party so this is how it's gonna go down I think Eloy is gonna be the quiet driver no Mona's gonna be the driver and she's gonna be the one who asked the other two for gas money yeah because she's like oh um you guys need to give me a hundred bucks each for the trip and then eloy's actually calculating and she's like we only need to give you 70 and she's like well I'm taking time out of my day yeah she tried to get some money in there but aside from that I think I'm just gonna leave Eloy as the music person in the back like with the Spotify control while Scara and Mona um [Music] I think since scar is a bit of a new man right now he's not gonna just you know decapitate Mona upon sights but Mona might be a little wary of him and I think Mona probably performed a divination before the trip where she finds out that they're not gonna die like scar is not gonna kill anybody here but at the same time they're gonna constantly argue yes because of bro I feel like the kind of stuck up type like Mona don't get me wrong I adore her love her but scar is not the type to get along with someone like that and I think Eloy might try to be the mediator like the one who calms them down but I feel like both Mona and Scara are just the type to be like shut up Eloy so the they'll agree upon their hatred for aloy while also simultaneously hating each other either way just constant bickering throughout this entire trip they would even compare hat sizes yes foreign this strikes me as a nice person to drive with wait I like calling okay who else I feel like hazel is a little too talkative for college taste but we'll see we'll see Hmm this is such a weird group okay there's so many weird ones now oh okay so ning Guang Hazel and Kali for some reason ning Guang strikes me as the type who's like the mother of this trip like yes she's not the mom or anything but she's the type who's alone in the front seat while Hazel and kalei are talking in the back and I think ning Wong's like Hey Zoe can't you see Kali just wants to relax and read her plant books don't interrupt her so much and Hazel's like my apologies Madame ninguang because this man talks a lot right so I think Hazel like would get along with a lot of people here but Kale like they won't hate each other or anything I just feel like he talks too much for someone who's an introvert like kalei because she's really quiet and I feel like if you're a quiet talker she would like you but Hazel is a bit more loud and just kind of all over the place with his conversation so I think this is probably a good space for them yeah ning Guang is going to be the Quiet Drive driver who just like she's on the phone at the same time like business calls and stuff but every now and then she just looks in the back to make sure they're not fighting or anything but yeah I'll just put them in a little bit of bickering just for these two I'm not sure if they'd get along so well breaking news car pile up several days razer's not gonna be driving there's no way oh hell no okay we need the most well-grounded person imaginable to redeem this group like we need Toma we literally need Tomah police somebody it's not enough I think she'll try but I don't think it's enough okay let's get into it so ayaka Ryden and razor okay ayaka is by far the only normal person in this group okay so Aika has to be the driver because one ryden's gonna be the Speedster who crashes into someone or gets road rage you don't want someone like that driving while Razer kind of the same thing especially the road rage aspect like he'd be growling at the cars next to him so I think ayaka's like all right guys I'll just be The Driver you guys can relax in the back seat let me know if you need anything ayaka would be such a peaceful and relaxing driver wait what if since ayaka is so distracted by the other two in the back that she gets lost yeah wait I can see that happening especially since ayaka is a bit of like a a shut-in like she doesn't know so much about the outside world maybe she doesn't know so much about the roads so yeah she would be the driver that gets lost meanwhile as a Razer and a in the back seat it's just gonna be complete silence like the only talking that would go down in this car is the occasional random razor question that he asked one of the other two like where you come from lady or something like that and then ayaka would occasionally just ask them if they need anything but a herself just strikes me as someone who's really quiet in the car like it might get a little awkward yeah no it would get a hundred percent awkward so I'm just gonna put them in the would get lost group though I think they would probably get lost a drive with Albedo sounds so nice oh Jets win bro cannon cannon it's like getting really late so I can't be super loud which is kind of out the window at this point but yes master and student in the same car I'm loving it wait please someone who can match their Vibe please oh my God wait who is it gonna be no no no no no no no no no okay good that's good perfect perfect so Albedo sucrose and Chung Yun are gonna be such a chill group of people to drive with and let me tell you it's gonna be practically quiet for this entire trip like I think the most talkative person is probably gonna be Albedo and that says a lot okay but it's never gonna be super awkward silence because they all have like the matching Vibe bro and I think he would be The Driver up front while sucrose and chongyun in the back would maybe every now and then like talk for five minutes but after the five minutes are up it's like two more hours of just quiet the only occasional statement is like chongyun asking hey can we stop at the 7-Eleven I want a popsicle wait that would be really nice yes okay so I'm gonna put this in the weirdly chill group just because it's the nice quiet maybe they'd have some nice like Mozart music playing I feel like they listen to Mozart like really classical stuff and it would just be a really quiet drive to their destination yeah I think Eula would be a good driving buddy yeah is Amber ooh Amber still on the list maybe they can be Besties no [Music] would these two get along I think they might what they oh wait that's tricky I need to think about that oh my god oh no okay wait this is chaos so Eula Sino and tartaglia bro originally I was just gonna be like okay yeah so Eula and Sino would just have like justice talk because they're both very justiful I don't think that's a word and dutiful people but then tartaglia gets thrown into the mix and I feel like they both kind of like hate him like Eula and Sino just really don't like tartaglia tartaglia strikes me as the type who would kind of be down with sinus jokes yeah so originally like these two were hey tartaglia but then Sino likes him and they join sides against Eula wait this is such a chaotic mess in terms of Just Energy though I think they would get along pretty well it's just the core belief aspect of things you know what why do I feel like Sino would eventually just get them both to loosen up like even Eula after a while just starts falling for his charms or just stupid jokes okay I'm gonna where should I put them because this is such a weird dynamic you know what I'm gonna leave them right here I don't think they would constantly argue because I think eula's gonna be the only one who's like occasionally arguing with tartaglia but after a while I think she'd just be like you know what I'm just gonna be the driver you guys can go in the back tell your stupid jokes and let me do my thing and she puts her music in and that's the rest of the drive okay hundred percent in the back seat no way in heck am I letting Lila near the steering wheel okay this is most definitely gonna be the driver now who's gonna be the last person ah okay hutau Amber and Lila ha this is such a weird mix because you have the insanely energetic one you have the pretty energetic one and then you have the not energetic whatsoever one would Amber and who Tau get along yeah wait okay Amber and hutau struck me as the duo that would just be talking for the entire Drive similar to tagnari and Zhang Lee except it wouldn't be like serious conversations they would just be the go lucky talking about some random stupid stuff right and originally I think hutao is gonna weird the heck out of Amber but she'd get used to it Amber's a very adaptable person meanwhile Lila's in the back like oh that sounds pretty cool you can talk to dead people because I think Lila even though she's quiet not much is gonna FaZe her like she'd be okay with this Dynamic so with that in mind I think since Amber's gonna be talking with hutau so much Lila's gonna be in the back with the GPS and occasionally she just has to mention to Amber yeah don't miss the exit over there and she's like whoops thanks Lila like that kind of thing it would be really nice and this would be a weirdly chill group actually yeah debatably if hutau was driving they would get into an accident but nah Amber will be the chill driver hutau would probably be blasting music as well and Lila would be the GPS girl in the back yeah this would be a nice Dynamic I like this it's a Mama Jean ooh I think these two would get along really well yeah wait I like this Duo okay I kind of want another Mommy to be Lisa Lisa [Laughter] yes okay this is just the group of mothers like Gene and Lisa are practically already married like let's be real and then you got Candace in the mix bro so I think Gene and Candace are gonna hit it off really well like I'm gonna put Lisa in the back seat while Gene and Candace just talk about like politics and Leadership skills maybe they exchanged some notes and stuff and maybe every now and then they get too serious and Lisa's in the back like ladies ladies please calm down let's talk about some more relaxing topics yeah so Lisa's gonna be the chill one who just throws herself in conversation because Candace is getting too close to G and it's not even her intention but Lisa thinks some alternative motives are happening but either way I'm just gonna put this in a weirdly no they're not gonna be happy fun times I'm just gonna put them in a weirdly chill group yeah thank you ah this man would be such a talker in the car wait was he gonna be with oh I mean ahita would get along with everybody and Zhang Cho's a smart guy oh okay wait good Dynamic good dynamic this is a swell group of people okay and nahida bro this weirdly chill group is gonna be packed like there's so many so I think ganyu is gonna be the driver for the first half oh wait no maybe she'd fall asleep at the wheel [Music] [Laughter] no okay so this is how I see this going down so jincho and nahida are gonna be in the back seat talking for the entire Drive yes because nahida's insanely smart while Jing Cho I feel like he's gonna Rye her brain a little bit like he'd ask her all kinds of questions and just they'd have a really good conversation I feel but ganyu is gonna be the driver and I think eventually she would get really tired and then maybe nahida notices and she starts talking agonyu like trying to get her into the conversation kind of thing which I think would be really wholesome and that's what would keep her awake but since gonyu's distracted now by the conversation I think I'm not gonna say they would get into an accident but I'm gonna say they would get lost yeah and afterwards gone you would just be like I'm so sorry I got too into the conversation and both nahira and jengcha would just be like it's fine girl we'll just find our way back Jing Cho will drive this time you just get some sleep okay and why can't I just picture like gonyu and nahida sleeping in the back seat and it being just a really wholesome oh God and then Jing Chao would be The Driver yeah this is the the scenario we've created okay who is going to be partners why do I feel like these two would argue okay wait last last person last purse oh no no chaos chaos bro this went from a slight argument to full out War inside this car okay so this Dynamic is a hundred percent ending up dead bro like Dale's gonna be the most sane one out of the group like she'll be the driver right and originally I was gonna say she wouldn't be able to put up with cave and his occasional BS that he might Sprout and I would have put them in a little bickering but then Ito comes into the picture and just this whole thing gets blown out of proportion 100 like I feel like ito's the type to constantly be like hey can we stop at that gas station I want to get some chocolate some Doritos some energy drinks for me and cover like why do I feel like him and Cave would become boys wait would that work hmm maybe either way deo's gonna be so fed up with these two and ito's probably like bursting like super loud volume music in the car too and after a while daya's like you know what I've had enough of this and she gets distracted and is about to just punch Ito in the face and then they get into a car crash yeah nadea and Ito I don't think are gonna get along and covet being there just adds to the chaos like this group bro it's too much so we only have five left so I'm gonna include the cat girl for the final pair yeah I think that's a good idea so Lou mean diona and the final one everyone's pretty chill now there's no one too quick Benny's there Benny oh my God wait I didn't think about Benny okay so oh snap oh no so this is gonna be a situation where Lou means definitely gonna be the driver because Dion is too small and Benny is not someone I'm trusting behind the wheel depends on how much Benny's bad luck is going to affect the drive so I think diona which he argue with Benny because she tends to argue with mostly everybody I don't think she would attack lumine which attacked Benny no I'm gonna say her and Benny would probably be pretty chill or maybe Benny's in control of the music and she questions like the stuff he puts on Spotify kind of thing yes and Lou means just like humming Country Roads while driving yeah wait I like that okay but with Benny's bad luck I'm just gonna put them and get lost yeah I don't think they would straight up die because again Benny's whole avoiding death thing and they're all in the same car so yeah we'll just put them in would get lost kind of group yes and finally we have Yen FEI Toma and kirada now I don't know much about I don't even know if I'm saying her name right I'm probably not but the cat girl who's like a delivery person I think so with that in mind kirata is gonna be the driver 100 and I think this would be just a weirdly chill group yeah Thomas the type who can get behind any conversation and Yen phase just gonna be like talking about the law a lot I feel but at the same time she's pretty chill so she's open to anything yeah this is just going to be a really relaxing Drive they're all pretty normal people again I'm not sure who she is really but she'll be the driver and Toma and yenfei would just occasionally change the music station kind of thing it's a very simple one not much would go on with this group I don't think yeah hey guys editing Bonk here so I didn't mention in the video but maybe Yen Faye might get a little upset with kirata if she starts speeding I'm not sure if she will but she kind of looks like the type of cat that would go really fast but I'm not 100 sure but I'm just gonna throw that in there yeah all right guys that was the road trip tier list it's like almost midnight now and I started recording at like 9 45 but I also had a little snack halfway through this but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed it was a pretty chill experience this video was actually a suggestion from a swell individual on the deserted island list so I'll put their name in the pinned comment below but with that in mind guys take care and have a good one thanks for watching please sub bye
Channel: BonkMeGud
Views: 25,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rz_pKCsb8lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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